What should you do every day. What to do every day. Things to do every day

Do this every day to change your life for the better forever! 10 scientifically proven things to improve your life!

1. Get outdoors

Most likely, you seriously underestimate the importance of such a pastime. Scientists say that by getting out into nature, you reduce stress, become more creative, improve your memory, and generally become a better person!

2. Exercise

We all know how important this is, but it's surprising how few people do it regularly. It would be worth it! After all, in addition to the benefits that regular physical exercise gives to your health, it makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases libido, and generally makes you proud of yourself. Scientists have proven that regular physical exercise are one of the secrets of a good life.

3. Spend time with friends and family

Spending time with friends and family is one of the most significant sources of happiness. Personal relationships are much more valuable to us than we think.

Feeling rejected and alone can make you unhappy, stupid, and ultimately lead to an early death. Loneliness leads to heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.

Almost all centenarians, without exception, understand that healthy social lives and relationships are even more important for increasing life expectancy than regular exercise.

Friends are a sure way to improve your life. Share good news with them and rejoice when they share it with you - and your relationship will blossom. Do you want to instantly become happier? Do something nice for a friend.

4. Express gratitude

It will make you happier!

This will improve your relationship!

It can make you the best!

It can improve the lives of everyone you care about!

5. Meditate

Meditation can make you happier help find meaning in life, increase mindfulness, while helping to get rid of anger, anxiety, depression and fatigue. Yes and good prayer also helps us feel better – even those who are not particularly religious.

6. Get enough sleep

If you think that you can deprive your body of the sleep it deserves and it will not affect you in any way, you are mistaken. It is difficult for a tired person to be happy. And lack of sleep attracts illnesses like a magnet. In addition, it is not without reason that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening” - a decision made after a good sleep often turns out to be much more correct. Lack of sleep makes you more irritable, and you're much more likely to do something you regret later. And preserving beauty good dream It also helps a lot.

If you have the opportunity to lie down during the day and relax, do it! Even a short nap will help you be more alert and productive at work, improve your learning ability and clear your mind. negative emotions, while simultaneously reinforcing the positive ones. So don't be shy!

7. Challenge yourself

Studying foreign language will help you sharpen your mind to razor sharpness. Learning to play musical instrument will make you smarter. Questioning what you believe will ultimately strengthen your faith. Well, you can work on strengthening your willpower every day, and sometimes it is much more important for achieving success than pure IQ. Remember - often, when people look back at their life path, their biggest regret is the lack of education and missed opportunities.

8. Laugh

Those who cope with stress through laughter tend to have better immune systems. They have a lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke, they don’t experience as much pain when visiting the dentist, and they generally live longer. We must take laughter the same way we take our vitamins—every day. Just remembering something fun can help you improve your relationships. Laughter is not only fun, but also extremely useful.

9. Touch someone

Sometimes a simple touch can help reduce stress, improve teamwork and help you be more persuasive. Hugging makes you happier. Well, healthy sex will help you avoid heart attacks and cancer, improve immune system and make life longer and richer.

10. Be more optimistic

By looking at life with optimism, you become healthier, happier, and live longer. Most army psychologists advise this to their wards - after all, optimism also increases morale. And it's always better to be overconfident than underconfident.

When we are little, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away the toys!” We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their broken record, they simply change their repertoire slightly: “Get up, you’ll be late for class!”, “Throw the cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!” And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and are confused to realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here this list of mandatory daily activities comes to the rescue:

1. Show your love and appreciation to the people you care about. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Devote 10–15 minutes to cleaning. You don’t need to try right away, you don’t need to run around with a rag after every speck of dust. But a little cleaning every day will help you keep your home clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Have you already had a drink? Repeat!

4. Every day take one step towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows you to move quite far even with small daily efforts.

5. Learn something new. Brain degradation begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Do push-ups. Best exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises tone better than anyone else.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day(deservedly, of course). Thus, completely unnoticed, you will make 365 people happy within a year. Excellent result!

8. Organize five minutes of silence for yourself. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone via chat, social networks And Email that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every evening before going to bed, do a few deep slow ones, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This, combined with exercise in the morning, will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.

11. Engage in any type of physical activity. There is no need to strive for records or blindly follow all the whims of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walking, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will radically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary products from gardens and vegetable gardens. It is a rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously say that this is useful.

14. Spend time outside. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, take a break from the monitor and ventilate your poor lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Every a new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it is up to us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Similar answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question about those actions that every person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. What list would Lifehacker readers make?

Sometimes simple changes can improve your life dramatically. Here are ideas for every day that can bring you closer to your own health.

How to start the morning?

  • Drink a liter of water immediately after waking up. Add the juice of half a lemon to it.

  • Work out in gym, outside, go to the sauna or try yoga. This is necessary so that water leaves the body along with sweat.

  • Dedicate 10-20 minutes of your time to high-intensity training.

  • Drink green vegetable juice, prepared, for example, from cucumber, cabbage, celery, carrots, lime and ginger.

  • Have a green smoothie for breakfast. It can be prepared, for example, from ripe banana, spinach, apple, ginger and ice.

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of spirulina, chlorella or moringa powder to increase the amount of minerals in your body. They are a great addition to a green smoothie.

  • Skip the coffee and drink green or herbal tea instead. The caffeine in coffee saps your energy and increases your stress response, which affects your overall body health.

  • Your diet should be plant-based. Avoid processed foods, preservatives and other chemicals.
  • To pump up lymphatic system, jump rope or trampoline.

What to do during the day?

  • Meditate for at least 5 minutes throughout the day.

  • Hug someone. This will help release endorphins - good mood hormones.

  • Turn off all gadgets for at least one hour.

  • Spend time in nature. For example, you can go for a walk in the park or to the river bank.

  • Drink 2-3 liters of purified water per day to avoid dehydration. All functions in the body depend on water.

  • Avoid products with high content sugar and fats such as cookies, ice cream, milk chocolate, donuts, cheesecakes and much more. They cause blood sugar imbalances, leading to diabetes and damage general condition health.

  • Spend time in nature practicing “grounding,” which means walking barefoot on grass, sand, or dirt.

  • Dine on fresh air, and not near the computer or TV.

  • For a snack, choose fruits or berries rich in fiber and antioxidants.

How to take care of your body?

  • Coconut oil will make your teeth whiter and your mouth healthier overall. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil and rinse your mouth with it for 10-15 minutes.

  • Practice yoga or stretching for at least 10 minutes a day.

  • Watch your posture, especially when sitting.

  • Book a massage.

  • To avoid toxins that enter the body through the skin, use only natural products body care.

How to take care of mental health?

  • Every day, think about what you can be grateful for in your life.

  • Smile at strangers. This will give a positive boost to your mood.
  • Make someone laugh and have fun with them.

  • Read a book that inspires you.
  • Devote at least 30 minutes a day to learning skills that will help you in your life or career.
  • Clear your workspace. This will help you stay more focused.
  • Create a list of things you've been putting off in the past and start working on those that seem less appealing to you. This will help you move forward and feel more experienced.
  • Arrive at work an hour early and get most of the important tasks done before your colleagues arrive at the office and the phone starts ringing off the hook. This will help you get more done and be less stressful during the day.

  • Listen to classical music. Research shows that it improves cognitive function.
  • Dance to your favorite songs.
  • Do some self-reflection to see if you hold grudges or anger toward anyone. If so, allow yourself to forgive this person.
  • Develop a 14-hour meal plan. This means that if you have breakfast at 8 am, then dinner should be no later than 6 pm. Research shows that such a plan helps control blood sugar levels, prevent degenerative diseases and burn fat.
  • Take nap breaks throughout the day, but no longer than 30 minutes.

  • Wake up early, for example at 5 or 6 am. This will give you more energy and increase productivity throughout the day.
  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night.

Reading time 7 minutes

What should you do every day for self-development? This question arises in the life of each of us. The answer is quite simple - act. Those who are not afraid to use 27 for themselves practical advice on self-realization, in a couple of weeks they will notice how their life will change in better side. Don't be afraid to move forward and become stronger and better! Any step on the path of self-improvement is already the key to success and effective development.

What to do every day for self-development?

1. Spend less time sleeping and more time being awake.

Many people love to lie in bed so much that they sleep not 8 hours, as the body requires to recuperate, but much more. Healthy sleep- this is, of course, good, but you shouldn’t overdo it either.

For example, try getting up an hour earlier, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice how much more time you have to live. After all, if you calculate this daily extra hour throughout the entire month, then you will have as many as 30 hours of wakefulness, and this is a free whole day to accomplish new things!

2. Take time for your own reflection.

IN modern world people are subject to the frantic pace of life, and sometimes they don’t have enough time for their own thoughts. Self-development is impossible without self-knowledge, part of which is reflection on a person’s surrounding environment.

Perhaps this will be the very morning hour that you take away from lazy sleep. Or vice versa - the time before you go to bed. The main thing is to devote it only to your thoughts. For example, in the morning, plan the upcoming day, for example, imagine something good, give yourself a positive attitude for new beginnings. And in the evening you can reflect on the passing day, what changes it has brought for you, and so on.

3. Start your morning with a smile.

Every morning – smile at your reflection in the mirror. They say that laughter prolongs life. The same statement can easily be applied to a smile. Starting the day with such a procedure, you will definitely improve your mood and set a positive mood for new discoveries.

4. Exercise in the morning.

Charging has never harmed anyone, but, on the contrary, it only helps! Simple physical exercises will charge you with energy for the whole day. It is important to know that exercise in the morning also helps maintain an attractive figure, stimulates blood circulation and tightens some muscles.

5. Write down all the good things that happened to you during the day.

For self-development, record memories of your small achievements and victories every day. If you keep such notes about positive events, then over time, you will always be able to return to them and understand how wonderful life is and that you have already achieved so much in it.

6. Program your future with mental attitudes.

All thoughts and ideas in the head are material and quite feasible in the future. life path. Therefore, it is quite possible to program the future. To do this, you just need to get a clear idea of ​​what you would like to achieve and, preferably, in what period of time. For example, imagine yourself in 5 years in a more successful position, or the father (mother) of three children. Think about what results you plan to achieve and believe in the possibility of achieving them!

7. Set achievable goals for each day.

Don't be afraid to plan for the coming day, set realistic goals that you can achieve and boldly go towards them. This way, your every day will be filled with small personal victories.

8. Try to think about all problems in a positive way.

Our thoughts have a strong relationship with our body. Therefore, any negativity in the head immediately affects a person’s physical well-being. To avoid this, get your thoughts in order. Try to think about positive things more often! Even problems, no matter how complex they may seem, have the right solution.

Try to drive away bad and sad thoughts from yourself throughout the week, and you will notice how your life will change for the better! This way you will learn to never give up and take everything with ease and a smile.

9. Read at least 10 pages of text per day.

Books will be a good aid in development! If you read at least a couple of pages a day for a year, imagine how your speech will be enriched during this time. Reading books is also useful for general intellectual development, and it will also make you a more interesting conversationalist for the people around you.

In the modern world, even if you do not have the opportunity to constantly carry with you printed edition books, you can always download it from in electronic format to a smartphone.

10. Be interested only in the latest news.

Something is constantly happening in the world, and you shouldn’t ignore it. Interest in news will make you more mobile in society, expand your horizons and knowledge base. Also, if you keep abreast of all the events, you will probably become a rather interesting interlocutor, and people will want to communicate with you everywhere. more people than before.

11. Carry a notebook and pen with you.

Multitasking and a large number of things sometimes become confusing, things begin to be forgotten, and we miss a lot important details or meetings. Don't be afraid to write down your plans and tasks! Using a notebook every day will make it easier to get things done. And most importantly, stop forgetting what was already planned.

This step will allow you to complete your work in a timely manner and with better quality, and will also teach you how to manage your own time. Besides, who knows when a great idea will come to your mind that you urgently need to write down. And if you have a written book at hand, then not a single brilliant thought will escape you. You can also use the application on your phone as a notebook.

12. Set your priorities correctly.

What do you need for self-development? Learn to arrange life priorities in the right order. Think about which task is more important to you now, and give it your attention first, rather than everything else. Self-development is possible every day thanks to hard work and chosen priorities.

13. Compliment yourself.

Don’t be afraid to praise yourself for little things, it will lift your spirit and give you great incentive to strive for new achievements. Complimenting yourself every day will increase your self-esteem and self-esteem. Over time, such narcissism, you will also gain additional faith in yourself.

14. Stop comparing yourself to others.

You are a unique individual! Always remember this. There is no need to be equal to others, be yourself and enjoy life. In this way, you will learn to value your thoughts, ideas and actions.

15. Analyze your actions.

As a rule, many of us like to daydream before going to bed. Try to direct your thought flow in a slightly different direction. For example, analyze the past day, consider the actions and actions performed today. Find out what led to mistakes and what led to victories. This self-analysis will help you avoid failures in the future.

It’s no secret that the Internet pulls you into its networks and doesn’t want to let go for hours. Divide Internet and social network traffic into necessity and idleness. For example, separate the hours for working there, reducing aimless hanging on the World Wide Web to a minimum. This way you will have much more freedom from the virtual world, which you can spend on self-development in reality.

17. Getting rid of laziness.

What to do for self-development? First of all, defeat laziness! Surely, every day you experience at least the slightest feeling of laziness. Try to overcome it and complete the assigned work on time, even when you don’t want to do it at all. In the future, it will become much easier for you to manage large volumes of tasks in the shortest possible time if you now save yourself from the feeling of laziness that devours you from within.

18. Unload yourself from unnecessary things.

Some people like to take on many more problems than they can handle. In fact, it's very bad habit, and we must fight it. Think carefully about whether you can handle the volume of tasks you are taking on. If you can't cope, don't be afraid to talk about it, and there will be those who will definitely help you.

19. Eat right.

Healthy eating is something you need to do for self-development. It will make your body work much better and faster, which means you will have the strength to conquer new heights. As they say, in healthy body, healthy mind.

20. Play sports.

Sport is an important component of self-improvement. It helps get rid of many diseases and also strengthens the immune system. Scientists have long proven that the gym becomes good place for recoil negative energy accumulated during the day. Having unloaded yourself from unnecessary emotions, it is much easier to act in achieving your goals.

21. Explore creative activities.

Creativity can be diverse, and everyone can easily find something of their own in this matter. Or you can not stop at one, but try your hand at various creative activities, thereby revealing your personal potential.

22. Do brave things.

Do one brave, even crazy, thing every day. And soon you will notice how the fear of the unknown begins to recede.

23. Help your loved ones.

In the process of self-realization, the main thing is not to forget about your loved ones who believe in you so much. Call your loved ones every day and ask about their well-being, this will not only help your spiritual growth, but also stronger relationships with family.

24. Feed a homeless animal.

There are many creatures around that need the help of a neighbor. Take 5 minutes to feed a homeless animal living in your yard. Even your soul will feel better, because you will do a real good deed!

25. Accept defeat with pride.

Learn to accept defeat with dignity, then your opponent will see your superiority. In this way, you will achieve respect from society.

26. Visit exhibitions and museums.

Aesthetic and spiritual development are extremely important on the path of self-realization. Don't skimp on purchasing a ticket to a museum or art gallery. It is precisely such trips to temples of art that cultivate a person’s sense of taste.

27. Try different hobbies.

Find yourself, try different hobbies, get completely carried away different things- live! This is the only way you will find your true purpose, discover your talents and achieve great success in self-improvement.

What should you do every day for self-development? Of course - act! Stop putting off until tomorrow what you can do today. Daily actions for self-improvement will be an excellent guarantee of successful self-realization in life.

Probably, many of us would like to change our lives in a not too complicated way. In this case, the following may help simple tips, the implementation of even part of which will help change.

Things to do every day

First of all, set aside a few minutes every day for yourself - for silence and solitude. During this time, you can remember the pleasant moments of the past day, smile and feel gratitude for all the good things in your life.

Try to lift other people's spirits with pleasant words, because even a simple compliment will make their day happier. And as they say to you: “a smile will brighten the day.”

Get moving: Even a few daily exercises will noticeably improve your well-being. For the body, soul and just for discipline, you can do light morning exercises or warm-up at the end of the day.

Strive for knowledge and new information, because learning something new every day keeps your brain in good shape and helps to support any conversation. Another option to benefit from this habit is to learn a foreign language. Learn one word every day and your year lexicon will be replenished with 365 words.

Trite, but scientifically proven. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, because the benefits to your health from this habit are immeasurable.

Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up, and after that, drink your usual tea or coffee. This way your body will prepare for the new day, and you will feel more alert and active.

Clean a little every day, and then there will be more order both in your home and in your head. This will also save time on general cleaning.

Get out of the house more often, even if you are an introvert or just a homebody. Taking a short walk before bed can give you the time you need to think or take a break from thinking.

Keep your back straight and your nose higher. Anytime, anywhere, wherever you are. And then your body will be immensely grateful to you, because a straight spine is the key to the health of your internal organs.

Remember that life is unpredictable and full of surprises. Therefore, do not forget to tell your loved ones about your love for them. One short message or call, and the person on the other end of the line will feel your warmth.

Edited by White Owl