What to do if a gypsy curses you. Gypsy damage: is it really that scary?

Gypsy corruption one of the most dangerous and difficult to remove. You will learn from this article how the negative programs made by the gypsies differ and how to get rid of them.

In the article:

Gypsy damage and the evil eye - fundamental differences

Even in ancient times, representatives of this people were treated with prejudice and recognized as sorcerers. It is believed that magic is in the blood of gypsies, and they have mastered it since childhood, so even a child is capable of negative actions.

They can cast the evil eye intentionally, and it is much stronger than the accidental evil eye of colleagues and relatives. Based on its symptoms, the gypsy evil eye can easily be confused with damage, although they are removed using the same methods. The effects imposed may be inherited.

Gypsies resort to revenge if they are offended. Eliminate those who interfere. With an honest and fair attitude, they will not harm, but will even reward. These people are generous both in revenge for their enemies and in good deeds for those who treated them kindly.

The negativity of gypsies is especially dangerous for children. It’s not for nothing that kids are scared by them. This is natural, because a child has weaker protection than an adult.

If you give alms to a gypsy, it will serve as a ransom for damage. She will not harm the one who gave the money. On the contrary, it is believed that the induced negativity can be removed by giving alms to a gypsy in order to obtain words of gratitude from her.

But not all gypsies are neutral and treat people the way they treat them. Representatives of this people engage in fraud. They are often accused of hypnosis when the victim at will gives away his last money, takes off his gold jewelry and even leads him into the house.

It happens that when a representative of the Roma people refuses to tell fortunes for money or give alms, he begins to shout and curse. There are frequent cases of attempts to rob on the street, and if they are not crowned with success, the reaction is the same as for refusing alms. It is not customary for these people to cause damage secretly; you will immediately find out about it - they express hatred noisily.

How to remove the gypsy evil eye during a conversation

When trying to stop, beg for alms, or tell fortunes to a passer-by, gypsies may touch their hand to the person with whom they are communicating. This cannot be allowed - this can lead to negativity, or... What to do if a gypsy touches you while communicating?

While she is near you, shake something invisible in her direction with your hand. Only one finger should touch the body - the right little finger.

With a slight grin, say:

Take it for yourself, beauty!

Did a gypsy accost you on the street and scare you with terrible damage? You don't know whether to believe the gypsy woman's words? Have you become a victim of gypsy hypnosis? Are you afraid of revenge and gypsy damage? Did the gypsy predict a quick death for you and your loved ones? Then this article is for you!

Many people have had negative experiences with gypsies pretending to be fortune tellers, witches and healers. As a rule, their activities are based on the principle of maximizing enrichment at the expense of clients, whom they brazenly and cynically “cheat.” Primitive methods are used: intimidation of indoctrinated clients (“you have a death spell, no one but me can remove it”), appointment of an exorbitant number of sessions (or rather, they demand to come again and again, as long as the visitor can stand it), blackmail (they can take your hair, clothes in order to “inflict fatal gypsy damage if something happens”).

I quote one of the many letters on this topic: "...The gypsy fortune teller assured me that she could help me, since she was connected with a monastery in which there was a so-called “white witch.” I believed her and began to go to her sessions. However, she told me that my husband mine is not worthy of me, and there is no need to return it, and in general it is not my destiny. I went to the gypsy for a very long time. She forced me to go to church, pour out water at crossroads and in the cemetery... She rolled me out with an egg, which she then broke. in front of me, and I saw something terrible there, like some kind of twisted larva with big eyes. The gypsy said that it was done to my death... For a big religious holiday, it seems, for Trinity. I brought her food so that she could make a “table for the spirits.” I don’t even know if I can trust this person and whether she will help me? I’m very worried about this: did I do the right thing by turning to the gypsy? But she did everything on behalf of me? God, read prayers, gave me protection from damage..."

Objectively speaking, some gypsy witches are capable of exerting magical help(witchcraft is “in the blood” of the gypsies), and, judging by the description of what happened to the author of the letter, the gypsy did everything right, but something is still alarming.

Firstly, there are no such “white witches” in monasteries, and there has never been a trace of them. Secondly, the prescribed period for treatment is too long and, apparently, there is no end in sight. And, thirdly, the client is clearly loaded with unnecessary witchcraft manipulations. And pour out water for her, and carry food for the “spirits,” burn clothes, roll out eggs, go to the cemetery, etc. etc. One gets the impression of supposedly intense and hard work to remove damage.

These facts do not only apply to gypsy healers, but I still recommend that all my readers avoid contact with gypsies. Those of them who engage in fortune telling and witchcraft are from the same category as those who offer to exchange currency “at a good rate.” You will lose one hundred percent large sums money, clothes, jewelry and you are unlikely to get anything good in return.

Performing simple but impressive tricks has become so firmly established in the behavior of the gypsy “seers” that it has become a favorite ingredient in their traditional dish, called “an attack on the brain of the average person.” An example from another letter:“It was two years ago. None of my relatives were at home then, and I was left alone. At that time, gypsies were walking around the courtyards, asking whoever could give them what they could. They came into our yard. I gave them something , and one of the gypsies asked me to bring out a glass of clean water and a new towel, and then she will tell me if there is damage on me. I brought out everything that was needed, and the gypsy wrapped a glass of water in a towel, after which she began to shake it, saying some words. When the gypsy woman freed the glass from the towel, the water turned black from the earth. I was told that the soil for causing damage was taken from six graves, and the damage was done to death. The gypsy woman told me to cover the glass with my photo and burn the towel. After they left, I was very frightened and poured the water out of the glass and washed the towel. Vladimir Petrovich, what should I do, and can I believe in the words of that gypsy woman?”

The gypsy might as well have extracted the earth from chicken egg, from a seemingly empty palm, and, in general, from anything. David Copperfield himself, with his feignedly soulful gaze, would impress you less than all these simple gypsy things. If you were asked for money or some things supposedly for the procedure of your immediate rescue, then everything is in its place and it is better for you to clear your memory of this episode, and subsequently avoid communicating with “saviors” of gypsy origin. However, it happens that the mentioned persons suddenly have the desire to thank someone for their generosity, and they can tell you about what is really taking place in your life. So, if you have any reasonable suspicions that the gypsy’s diagnosis is true, seek help.

Unfortunately, despite my many warnings, many people, including my readers, still do big eyes and fall into a stupor when a gypsy woman approaches them on the street and scares them with deadly curses. In most cases, communication with these street “healers” results in the loss of money or gold jewelry for their victims. But, by the way, more sophisticated options also happen, as exemplified by the following story:“Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! A month ago, the following incident happened to me: I was walking down the street, and someone came up to me unknown woman and began to say that I had been damaged. She offered her help. On her advice, I bought a chicken egg. The woman whispered something, rolled this egg over my body, and then broke it. Another girl approached us, whom this woman was supposedly waiting for, and she whispered something over the girl. After this incident, I began to notice that I was being haunted by continuous failures and troubles. No matter what I do, it doesn't turn out the way I would like. I read your articles, and from them I know that you should not stop and talk to strangers on the street. But I couldn’t help myself; I fell under her influence. I would like to know if this woman has harmed me?”

It happens that gypsies actually undertake to provide some kind of witchcraft service for particularly wealthy clients. But this “treatment” often occurs according to a very specific scheme: illnesses or misfortunes are simply... transmitted to someone else! Using an ordinary chicken egg and special spells, you can transfer problems from the client to the victim, or take away luck and luck from the victim and transfer this happiness to the customer. The second option, apparently, took place in the case described above.Well, what can I advise the author of the letter? Look for a specialist! And I once again urgently ask my readers: do not communicate with street “healers” and “seers,” do not stop in front of them, do not even look in their direction! Representatives of this nationality can easily cast the evil eye or curse, so I recommend not to enter into any contact with gypsies. Women in colorful skirts and scarves pester you on the street - silently pass by; If you saw a black-eyed beggar with grimy children through the door peephole - do not open the door. Did you know that a couple of children can hide... under their mother's fluffy skirts in order to improve the moment, sneak out and “clean up” your apartment? These beasts are cunning, impudent and vengeful, and the curses from their tongues are even easier to tear off than the promises that our deputies make. But parliamentary promises melt in the air faster than the smoke from their limousines, but gypsy curses are by no means harmless and can greatly harm the one to whom they were addressed.

Another example:“An unpleasant incident happened to my daughter. The girl is 17 years old, studying in the 11th grade. When she was getting ready to go to school, a gypsy woman came and asked to give her something. The daughter replied that she was in a hurry, and there was nothing extra at home. In response, the gypsy said that since they didn’t give her anything, then in 9 days her daughter would be paralyzed and she would bleed. She stated that the girl had no luck in life and there were no suitors around her, and it would be even worse. I came home from work, but. My daughter met me all in tears. Is all this true or wild nonsense? What should I do?

The effect of these curses is the stronger the more people They believe in curses, so do not take wishes for paralysis and bleeding to heart and mind. In response to a gypsy curse, fold your fingers into a “fig” and firmly answer: "Take it to your head!". Immediately leave silently, without turning around and without unclenching your fingers, if you are accosted on the street, or close the door if a gypsy is outside the threshold of your apartment. The conspiracy from the gypsy curse is as follows:“Your black eyes will pop out, your black tongue will fall off, your black deeds will be on your head, amen.” The plot is read after meeting the gypsy woman, but do not say these words to her face, otherwise the gypsy witch will collect all her poison and will probably outdo you in terms of curses.

The situation described above occurs every day in every city and town where there are settled or touring gypsies. Their victims most often are 15-18 year old girls, sometimes older women. Surely every reader of this publication could tell two or three stories of this kind that happened to his friends, or even members of his family, right? Intellectual level sacrifices don't matter main criterion Gypsy women's selection of their victims - suggestibility and susceptibility to hypnotic influence. They use gypsy hypnosis, primitive tricks with threads and knots and, of course, tons of verbal “noodles” on the ears of the people being robbed. A well-rehearsed mini-performance is performed according to one unchanged gypsy scenario, but the swindlers prefer reward in cash, or even better - in the form of gold trinkets, to applause, for which gypsies have a congenital painful weakness.

Another example: “Once I was standing at a bus stop, two gypsies came up to me, and they confused me so much that I gave them my wedding ring, comb, pin and gloves. The gypsy pulled out my hair and hung a ring on it, said that I was “done,” and that I needed to come to her at three o’clock with three eggs. I didn’t go, and two days later I felt bad. They told me to go to the gypsy woman and pick up my things, but she wouldn’t give it back. Please advise what to do in this case?"

There is no need to do anything, health will return on its own when the consequences disappear psychological stress. Say goodbye to your belongings and learn a lesson for the future. I brought this letter here only to once again remind my readers: do not listen to the gypsies, do not stop in front of them for a second, drive them away! The only way to avoid losing money and jewelry is not to stop at the calls of gypsies, although ladies who do not look like them can pester you with street talk about damage and curses. But a gypsy dyed blonde still remains a gypsy, just as a black “Cossack” will remain a “Cossack”.

“Vladimir Petrovich, my daughter became a victim of scammers. They, calling her by name, told the girl a lot of nonsense about the damage done to gold and money, asked to bring them gold jewelry and money from the house, supposedly to remove damage from her and all our family. Moreover, one of the scammers pretended to be a client of a street “healer.” But both of them appeared to be of gypsy origin! My daughter is a smart, careful girl, but she did everything as if under hypnosis. , the daughter quietly took the gold and money and took it to the gypsy. We were left without gold and cash. Help us find the scammers and return the stolen goods..."

Did you know that the gypsies consider almost all Slavs, excuse me, “suckers”? Between themselves, they call everyone else that way. The key to the prosperity of the gypsy “scam” is the confusion of citizens before the unique impudence and unceremoniousness of gypsies. But try to be even bolder, push the scammer away, rudely say that she should immediately bring you “a ton of bucks”, take a swing - and there will be no trace of the gypsy. But don’t try to listen ironically to what the scammer is telling you, testing yourself for resistance and resistance to gypsy charms, since ladies in colorful skirts have in their arsenal hundreds of ways to take money and jewelry from people. You yourself won’t understand at what point you will be left without a wallet. If someone hands you something on the street, for example, a mirror, and moves aside, do not rush to catch up with the scammer and give the thing back, otherwise you have already “bought it” and are a “client” for the gypsy. Throw away the mirror or anything else the scammer handed you and leave immediately.

Another common question on the “gypsy theme”:“I turned to a gypsy woman about solving my personal problem, but she asked for an exorbitant amount of money for her services. I decided not to go to her again, but I’m afraid: will the gypsy take revenge on me with some kind of damage?”

Most likely, the gypsy will only remember you when you come to her with money, which, of course, you shouldn’t do. The gypsy witches would not have had enough strength to take revenge on everyone who refused their services. And their service is basically this: to lighten the client’s wallet and gold reserves. It would seem that everyone knows about this, but for some reason the gypsies don’t get more clients. For those who still want to gain their own experience of communicating with gypsy “healers and seers,” I recommend taking the address of any (“Polish”, “Serbian”, etc.) tour performer, which you will find in every second newspaper. And the flag is in your hands.Let me explain to the author of the question: if you did not leave your photograph with the gypsy and did not allow her to pull out a lock of your hair “for work,” you have nothing to worry about. And if they did, the chances of “revenge” are not so great: most likely, your photos and hair will simply be thrown away. The vast majority of gypsy “witches” are ordinary scammers who do not understand magic at all.

By the way, the “seers” who intensively advertise themselves on local television and through newspapers are also completely “Serbia”! Example:"...We saw an advertisement on TV for the clairvoyant E., and decided to go to her and find out what was causing our problems. We came and saw in front of us an ordinary illiterate gypsy who said that my daughter only had a year left to live, that they had “sealed” her yet at the age of three..."

Who were you actually expecting to see? All those “clairvoyants”, “seers” and “healers-saviors” whom you can see on your TV screens, accompanied by a soulful melody and telephone number, or on the pages of newspapers in the same pose and in the same scarf, this - ordinary gypsies, no different from street fortune tellers. Please note that in newspaper advertising there will certainly be 3-4 letters from “grateful patients”, according to this template: “...I was terribly ill with something, my husband left, the cow died, my daughter was infertile, etc. Then I I went to the clairvoyant so-and-so. She said that there was a terrible curse on me, and she began to treat me. The disease receded, my husband returned, the cow was resurrected, my daughter gives birth to twins every month, etc. "

I would like to see at least one visitor to these "seers" in whom they would not find " terrible damage"! In general, you know, if a person “bought” such an obvious cheap bait, then it is his own fault! People who visit such “seers” usually justify themselves by saying that “hopelessness has overcome”, “they do not know where to look for salvation” and further in the same spirit. However, they do not come to the gypsies out of “hopelessness,” but out of lack. critical thinking. Below is a description of such a case.

“I recently visited a gypsy woman in Dnepropetrovsk about predicting the future. So, she said that I have a spell of loneliness, and she can help me, but not herself, but with the help of nuns from the temple. For this purpose, supposedly , you need 120 wedding candles, and the nun in the church will read prayers. For wedding candles, according to her, you need about 2000 UAH, but for me this is a lot of money. I work at a factory, where the salary is not very big. This ritual requires a pack of salt, a towel, panties, something else. I always read your articles where you answer readers’ questions, and I see that you know a lot about witchcraft, so I ask for advice. Is the gypsy really deceiving me? Do you need 120 candles, etc.? Or is it better to turn to another person?

Yes, it’s better to contact another specialist. By the way, it is possible that you don’t have any damage, but the gypsies are so eager to “heal” everyone that they will find damage on anyone. And fairy tales about nuns, 120 candles, salt, panties, etc. designed to create a not too critical thinking man there is a certain confusion in my head. Some of the “healers” of this breed are even more inventive in terms of the list of necessary things and people who will certainly take part in your treatment. Just imagine a nun working in tandem with a gypsy! Why then not the Pope? Look, for a few hundred dollars the gypsy will come to an agreement with him!Do you know why you were quoted an amount close to 2000 UAH? It’s not that this was an average price, it’s just that with a trained gypsy eye they assessed the limit of your financial capabilities. After all, they could scrape together, albeit with difficulty, right? But the amount of “5000 wedding candles” would immediately scare you away, but another patient would be able to do it.

To understand the true intentions of the gypsy witches, you don’t need to be a genius. However, the flow of letters like the ones above continues:“Recently, such an incident happened to me. I was at home with my three-year-old daughter, my husband was at work, and someone knocked on the door. There was an unfamiliar woman on the threshold who offered to buy candles from her. I said that I have no money, and she began to tell me that, supposedly, I had an evil eye on me, and all my troubles were because of this, but she asked for two pins, read something on them and gave one to me. She said that my grandmother was hers. She was a Serbian and gave her some kind of power to heal people. She also took a photo of her husband, said that he was damaged, and spoke water with a towel, a knife and a candle, and pulled out a hair from my head. She said that she would come in 6. days and will tell us what kind of damage we have and who caused it. But this woman did not appear again. I don’t know if I did the right thing by letting her in?”

The author of the letter did not indicate whether she paid the “healer” money for the “treatment” and whether she checked the presence of her jewelry after her savior left. Gypsies have been honing their tricks for centuries, and they trained on their victims, the number of which does not decrease over time.. Here's some "practical" advice for you: let all nomadic healers into your home, first of all the gypsies, who always claim that they are Serbians; do not refuse anything to your neighbors; give gifts to every beggar; In general, open the door to everyone. And soon you yourself will go around the world with a bag!

In conclusion, I would like to respond to this statement:“You regularly write about the inadmissibility of communicating with gypsies, tell instructive stories and publish letters from people who have suffered from gypsy fraud. But, as far as I know, gypsies are very powerful sorceresses, and can often solve problems that are beyond the capabilities of ordinary grandmother healers.”

I won’t argue that gypsies are naturally endowed with special abilities, and among them there are very strong witches who can almost perform miracles. But what can be done about the innate greed and love of gold of gypsies?By turning to them for help, you take a great risk, and only one out of ten patients will be satisfied with the work, and even then, after paying hefty fees. The remaining nine will take out a lot of money, gold and valuables from their homes. But at the same time they will remain with their troubles if they do not acquire new ones. After all Gypsy witches are extremely impudent and vindictive, and they easily release “unchildish” curses at someone they didn’t like or didn’t like in some way.If you have already fallen into their network, try not to bring them what the gypsies demand! After all, they probably already have your hair, photographs or some things with the help of which the gypsy can twist ropes from her victim.

However, the choice of healers is a personal matter for everyone who needs them. If it’s a burden for a person to go to a decent master, let him wait until a gypsy “savior” knocks on his door, who will help the owners part with “extra” money and gold in payment for children’s tricks with a chicken egg.

Additional information on the topic discussed is contained in my article:

If you need to contact me personally for any clarification, consultation, or in connection with the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Gypsy damage is considered one of the most dangerous and difficult to remove. You will learn from this article how the negative programs made by the gypsies differ and how to get rid of them.

Representatives of this people were treated with prejudice even in ancient times. They were considered sorcerers, all without exception. It is believed that magic is in the blood of gypsies, and they have mastered it since childhood. Therefore, the negative impact received from one of the representatives of this people can be quite strong. Even small child capable of such actions.

The gypsy evil eye can be induced deliberately, because they have excellent control of their abilities, for the most part. It is stronger than the one that your colleagues, neighbors and even relatives induce randomly. Based on the symptoms, the gypsy evil eye can easily be confused with damage, so both the damage and the evil eye received from a gypsy are removed using the same methods. This evil eye, like damage, can be inherited.

Gypsies always resort to revenge if they are offended or harmed in some way. They can also eliminate those who interfere with them. If you treat the gypsy honestly and fairly, of course, she will not harm you, and may even reward you with something. Gypsies are generous both in revenge for their enemies and in good deeds for those who treated them kindly.

Gypsy negativity is especially dangerous for children. It’s not for nothing that gypsies have been scaring young children for several hundred years. This is natural, because children have weaker protection than adults.

If you give alms to a gypsy, this will serve as a payoff from her evil eye and damage. They will not harm the one who gave her money. On the contrary, it’s even good if she thanks you. Some even believe that the already created negativity can be removed by giving alms to the gypsy in order to get words of gratitude from her.

But not all gypsies are neutral towards you and treat people the way they treat them. Probably everyone knows about representatives of this nation who engage in fraud. They are often accused of hypnosis, when the victim, of his own free will, gives the gypsies his last money, takes off his gold jewelry, and even takes him into the house to give something.

It happens that when a representative of the Roma people refuses to tell fortunes for money or simply give money, he begins to shout and curse. There are frequent cases of attempts to rob on the street, and if they are not crowned with success, their reaction is the same as to a refusal to give alms. It is not customary for these people to cause damage in secret; you will immediately know if the gypsies begin to have a negative attitude towards you - they express their hatred quite noisily.

How to remove the gypsy evil eye during a conversation

When trying to start a conversation, beg for alms, or tell fortunes to a passerby, gypsies often try to touch the person with whom they are communicating with their hand. This should not be allowed, because this can cause negativity, take away good luck or vital energy. What to do if a gypsy woman touches you during a conversation, and she clearly did not do it with good intentions?

While the gypsy is still near you, shake something invisible in her direction with your hand. In this case, only one finger should touch your body - the right little finger. In general, great attention is paid to these fingers when working with gypsy negativity.

At the same time, you must say with a slight grin:

Take it for yourself, beauty!

How to remove gypsy curse

If you are sure that a gypsy has cast a spell on you, you need to remove it as follows. The ritual is performed twelve times, every Wednesday. You cannot skip sessions, interrupt them or do them for less than twelve days, otherwise it will not work.

Wash yourself with river water and read the plot:

In the name of the Holy Trinity.
How my mother raised me
So the Virgin Mary blessed.
Son of God, help me
Lord Jesus, protect!
From the eye of the evil gypsy,
From dashing, demonic witchcraft,
From enemies and enemies,
From the gypsy shackles.
Sweep away the unkind look,
Throw demons and demons into hell,
From the body, from the soul, from the eyes,
From the legs, from the stomach, from the arms and shoulders.
With red, flowing blood,
Drive away from your heart like a gray cloud.
I support myself with the holy word,
I wipe myself with the wind.
Now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

You cannot wipe your face after this; wait until the water drains and dries naturally. On the way home from the river, you cannot talk to anyone or turn around. This conspiracy not only removes damage and the evil eye, but also protects against them for some time.

If you were cursed by someone from the gypsy people, you can remove this negative at the gypsy grave. Wait until there are no gypsies or other people near her. After this, you can come up and stand at your feet. Interlock your little fingers together. They can only be unhooked after you say last word conspiracy and you will go home.

But first the “Our Father” is read. After the prayer, you can read the conspiracy:

Lord, Father, give me protection,
Don't let the gypsy tribe miss me
Don't let them listen to me
Don't let them get into my soul.
And give me, Jesus, deliverance,
Healing from evil curses.
The curse is leaving me,
Goes to my blood enemies.
My word goes far
The matter helps him easily.
Demons descend on the grave,
They settle on the gravestone,
They live there now
They don't bite me.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

You need to leave without looking back and without talking to anyone until you get home.

Remember that if you have heard something negative from the gypsies, you should not ignore such words under any circumstances - hurry up and carry out the ritual of getting rid of the evil eye and damage!

Gypsy damage - how to protect yourself from evil magic? - all the secrets on the site

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How dangerous is the corruption of gypsy magic?
Removing gypsy damage

Gypsy magic and damage are allowed for use only against people who have caused great harm to the family, because to the common man It’s quite difficult to incur such anger from an ancient people.

In addition, contrary to the opinion of most people, the gypsies are well aware of the consequences of damage to the performer, which is why they rarely take on the task of inducing negativity on order.

Their most powerful weapon is fraud; gypsies will easily deceive for profit, but will never endanger their family for the sake of money. That is why modern professional magicians have great respect for gypsy customs, which prohibit the use of negative programs at a whim.
Removing gypsy damage

There are many types of damage among gypsies, one of the most common is called a “loop”. Under the influence of this negative program, a person becomes completely energetically attached to a specific place, person or object. This ritual can be used as a dry spell to harass its victim.

Most negative gypsy programs act on the target as strong object damage. Such rituals are used against people who have in some way greatly harmed the entire gypsy family or one of its representatives.

As with any negative program, the effects of corruption from the gypsies can be combated, but it is better not to take actions that could cause the wrath of this ancient people. In addition, remember that the gypsies can only harm you if they have any of your personal belongings.

If a gypsy accosts you on the street, just ignore her. No matter what words a woman curses you with, remember that she cannot harm you in any way. Don't give her money, even a coin can be used to harm you.
Water is always the first and most effective way get rid of negative impact absolutely any magic.

Remember also that if you voluntarily gave the gypsy money, then you don’t need to regret it and, moreover, under no circumstances demand it back, don’t shout, don’t threaten. You could make a mistake and lose your finances, you shouldn’t aggravate the situation, because you can very easily run into a practicing witch, whose strength and experience will be quite enough to ruin your life.

Your own health and well-being of your descendants are worth more than any money. Don’t regret what you lost, or better yet, don’t give anything to the gypsies and don’t take anything.

If you have somehow caused negativity and heard unpleasant words from the gypsy, for example, “let you perish,” “go to hell,” or something else, then you should accept simple, but effective measures to quickly counteract negativity.

As soon as you get home, immediately go to the shower, stand longer under the stream warm water and focus on the thought that the water is washing away all the negative energy from you. In addition, in the evening, light a church candle and read any prayer you know several times.

For many centuries, this ancient people has been using rituals that are passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day practically unchanged. Russian folk rumor has endowed all gypsies magical abilities, but in reality this is not the case. There are not so many truly strong practitioners among the gypsies.

For hundreds of years, Gypsies have jealously guarded their occult knowledge from other peoples. With the help of such knowledge, they can seriously influence the person himself and the entire world around him. Gypsy practices make it possible to put a person into a psychological stupor, create strong attachments, instill certain thoughts in other people, and much more. Secret rituals should never extend beyond the boundaries of one clan, and this condition is observed by all representatives of a given ancient people.
How dangerous is the corruption of gypsy magic?

You should not be afraid of gypsy damage; fraud for the sake of profit is more common.

Gypsies have knowledge about magical rituals with colossal destructive power, however, not everyone can take advantage of such rituals. Even the most powerful gypsy magicians do not dare to use some of the rituals of their people, fearing the consequences.

Popular rumor endows this ethnic group with remarkable witchcraft abilities. In our minds, gypsies are associated with magic, and not always directed in a good direction: most people are wary of this nomadic tribe, considering them deceivers and cunning. Perhaps this opinion is a stereotype, but still do not underestimate the power of the gypsy eye, because the call of blood is very strong in them. Real gypsy damage represents actions of an occult nature aimed at causing harm to another person. However, not every gypsy is able to send it; in addition, the curse will not go unpunished for the “sender” and will greatly affect his karma. This is why the true gypsy evil eye is rare.

Not every representative of the gypsy community is endowed with real witchcraft abilities, such as fortune telling by hand and the gift of hypnosis. Individual gypsy tribal families honor their traditions and have their own secrets of witchcraft. Many representatives, without actually possessing magical abilities, engage in fraud for the purpose of monetary gain. How not to confuse it with other types of damage and is it possible to get rid of this scourge? What will be the signs of such damage?

Signs of induced gypsy damage

There are general symptoms that damage has occurred. How can we determine that she was sent by a gypsy? Try to remember if you have caused the anger of one of the representatives of the nationality in lately. Sound the alarm if:

  • you without visible reasons you begin to feel worse, you are haunted by apathy and irritability;
  • worsened appearance, bruises appeared under the eyes, weight dropped sharply or, conversely, rose;
  • at night you are haunted by nightmares mixed with insomnia;
  • you have an uncomfortable feeling when wearing your pectoral cross, but you can’t even get close to the church;
  • animals, especially cats, began to react warily to you;
  • The situation in the house has become tense, scandals have become more frequent, provoked in most cases by you.

Before making final conclusions that someone decided to curse you, analyze everything that is happening carefully. Perhaps the cause of your troubles lies in seasonal depression, in a psychological crisis. If you are convinced that you have become a victim of gypsy damage and have been jinxed, you should immediately take measures to eliminate it. There are methods that allow you to protect yourself from evil magic at home.

River plot

During the entire waning phase of the moon, come to the river bank and read the words of the cleansing spell. You must learn it by heart.

“I appeal to the ancient good forces that guard my well-being. I know they can come to my aid. Help free the soul from the evil spell, throw off the shackles of ancestral corruption. The wind will blow away all the filth, the river will wash it, the rain will wash it away. And the servant of God (name) will be free again, he will be able to enjoy life and look at the world fully. With my words, I lifted the burden from my soul, every evil eye. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."

Stand by the pond for a while, then cross yourself three times and leave. At home, periodically read the Lord’s Prayer.

Cemetery Plot

To remove the gypsy evil eye, come to the cemetery during the day and find the grave of a representative of this people. Stand facing her, clasping your little fingers on both hands, and read a special prayer out loud.

“Save me, Lord, protect me from the evil eye. The blasphemy came from the gypsy, let it go to the gypsy - I didn’t say that and wished it that way, but the law of nature says so, they say so in the world. My God will turn away evil spells from me and protect me in the future. Amen, amen, amen."

Go to church and light a candle for good health. Keep the Christian commandments and live modestly and quietly, speak the truth in order to earn forgiveness. By itself, no ritual or conspiracies can help someone who does not live in harmony with God.

Bath plot for salvation

A popular place for cleansing gypsy curses, the evil eye and everything bad is the bathhouse: there they have long removed dirt from the body and spirit. You need to come to a melted steam room, in which no one was there before you that day. Put a pinch of salt in your pocket. Sit down and read the plot over the water (you need to look into it before doing this).

“Water will cleanse and wash away all the filth from my body and soul, and I will be as good as new in the light of a sunny day. And no dashing sent to me will prevent me from being happy, I won’t be able to do anything bad, because protection will protect me with a shield. Be it my way, she said it as she filmed it! Amen, amen, amen."

Wash your face with enchanted water and cross yourself three times. Burn the linen you came in and change into new clothes you brought with you. You will leave the bathhouse refreshed.

Removing the hinge

A gypsy loop is a type of damage in which its object is tied to a specific place or person. To free yourself, make any durable material symbolic loop and tie three knots in it, then set them on fire. While the knots are burning, read the plot to remove gypsy damage.

“The trap is burning with an invisible blue flame, and it is not God’s servant (name) who will be in it, but the damned sender himself. Let his slander not reach me. I’ve just taken the noose off my neck, and it won’t go back there again! So be it!”

After the ritual, bury the rope away from the house. Read “Our Father” for three nights before going to bed.

Conspiracy with ransom

You can try to get rid of such a scourge as gypsy damage by paying off with money given to a representative of the gypsy family.

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Looking at your reflection, say:

“Everything turned upside down and got all mixed up. I’ll return life to normal by saying a magic poem. From now on, life will flow correctly, and I will try to maintain this direction. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen."

Place the mirror face down on the floor, switch shoes on your feet and step over the mirror. Go to the nearest intersection, throw a coin across left shoulder with your right hand and say: “the bills from the damage to the gypsies have been paid.” Return home a different way. Hold the mirror, which was an attribute of the ritual, under the ice stream for about a quarter of an hour. Don't look at it for three days.

Here are the simplest and effective methods ritual on how to remove gypsy damage. However, any disaster is easier to prevent than to eliminate. Therefore, be careful, do not accept gifts from strangers, wear an amulet and, most importantly, be strong in spirit and pure - then curses and the evil eye will be harder to send and harm you: this is the most reliable protection.