Astrological forecast for January Capricorn

The horoscope for January 2018 promises Capricorn a sea of ​​joy, optimism and bright events in life. Do not deny yourself pleasures, implement your plans and perform noble deeds. Capricorn is serious and balanced by nature, which will allow him to achieve the desired results. In January 2018, look around more often so as not to miss out on Luck.

So, what should Capricorn tackle first in January 2018? Of course, focus on those problems that migrated from the year of the Red Rooster. They are present not only in love, but also in work. The horoscope for January 2018 advises Capricorn to be more active, and not to indifferently contemplate what is happening. If you look confidently into the future, then the present will inspire you to achieve achievements. Capricorn does not particularly welcome drastic changes, but in January 2018 he will have to come to terms with them. Be brave, resourceful and persistent. After all, only real workaholics can cope with all the tasks.

And another piece of advice from the Yellow Dog for Capricorn - don’t be modest, especially during an interview new job. Keep in mind that how you prove yourself is how you will be treated. In January 2018, Capricorn needs to gather his thoughts, become more decisive and moderately ambitious. Then profitable offers will come one after another. The horoscope for January 2018 does not advise Capricorn to take on the appearance of an adventurer and careerist. It doesn't suit you at all. Behave calmly and restrainedly, then personal life meet a wonderful person. Planet Saturn will help you make the necessary contacts and find common language with loved ones.

In January 2018, Capricorn may have problems with finances. But even they should not be resolved instantly if you urgently need to take care of your home and family. What is most important to you? You decide. In order for money to “not flow out”, but to flow in, it needs to be saved. Capricorn should schedule in January 2018 family budget to the penny.

Horoscope for the month of January for other zodiac signs:

During the reign of Yellow Earth Dogs Representatives of the Capricorn sign will face contradictory events. Many will focus exclusively on work and earnings will be the most important thing, and career growth will fade into the background.
Due to constant employment, in family life Capricorns may experience tension and misunderstandings. In the most severe cases There is a risk of developing a serious illness. The stars advise Capricorns throughout 2018 to remember that their own future directly depends on the decisions made.

Capricorns are very stubborn and persistent, but at the same time careful, so they always find the fastest path to their goal. The horoscope advises making non-standard decisions, because it is improvisation that will bring the greatest success.

At the beginning of the year, representatives of this zodiac sign waiting quite large number, both negative and positive aspects. How exactly certain events will develop will depend only on the decisions made by Capricorns. Already in the first days of March, balance will come. This time will be the most favorable for making large purchases or investments.

Capricorns in the spring will be focused exclusively on earning money, while they will continue to move towards this goal throughout the remaining months. These individuals are naturally very stubborn and highly resilient, so they can decide to go to extremes - for example, start saving on basic necessities or take extra work and as a result, they will have absolutely no free time left.

Close people and friends will suffer from the tight-fisted nature of Capricorns, so it’s worth thinking about how to combine communication and work. Already closer to September, quite serious danger may await representatives of this zodiac sign. Those individuals who are most at risk are those who will be far from home, for example, on a work trip or vacation.

In the fall, Capricorns may feel doubts and uncertainty in their own life goals and existing priorities. But over time, the feeling of anxiety will gradually go away and, closer to winter, the desire to go to advanced training courses or learn a new specialty will appear. These actions will allow you to apply for a high leadership position in the future. That is why the stars advise Capricorns to invest energy in their own development, which will help in career growth.

The happiest and most successful period for Capricorns will be the period from October to the end of the year. Pleasant changes will also affect close relatives of representatives of this zodiac sign.

Work will begin to bring pleasure, the opportunity to make useful connections and acquaintances will appear, Capricorns will find reliable business partners, thanks to whom they will be able to take their business to a new level. However, increased demands and pedantry can cause dissatisfaction on the part of colleagues. To show yourself on the other side and show all your best qualities, you should not refuse corporate events, where you can establish friendly relations with colleagues.

Already in December, Capricorns will feel an almost irresistible craving for home and family comfort. The stars advise taking a short trip with your wife and children at the end of the year. This will help not only to have a good rest and escape from everyday work, but also to strengthen family relationships.

Many Capricorns will want to go to exotic countries– for example, China, Thailand or Indonesia. It is the acquaintance with the mysterious and unusual East that will give you a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions. Capricorns by nature are true workaholics, so even on vacation they will not be separated from their laptop. The horoscope predicts exciting journeys throughout the year, but at the same time most of They will devote time specifically to work issues.

Capricorn business horoscope for 2018

Capricorns will be able to show all their best traits and talents in their career - assertiveness, perseverance and caution, thanks to which they always achieve the desired success. However, the stars advise to be on alert, because determination can blind representatives of this sign.

Capricorns steadily climb the career ladder

Despite the fact that colleagues and superiors will consider Capricorns to be professionals, many will not show friendliness. Already in the fall there will be an offer to take new position, but colleagues can present Capricorns to management not in the best light, so you need to always be on guard.

The stars advise you to establish contact and try to build trusting, friendly relationships with your subordinates in October-November. Great success awaits Capricorns in independent work, so you can safely open your own business or start freelancing.

Capricorn financial horoscope for 2018

The main goal for the next 12 months for Capricorns will be to earn money and improve their own financial situation. Already at the beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will do everything possible to achieve what they want. But as a result, Capricorns, trying to earn as much as possible more money, they risk being drawn into a dangerous adventure, which will ultimately lead to nothing good.

Excessive efforts to earn money can drag Capricorns into a dangerous adventure

The stars do not advise committing rash acts. Capricorns have well-developed intuition, so they are able to honestly make money literally out of thin air.

In the summer, some difficulties may arise in the financial sphere, as Capricorns will be fined or robbed. At the end of the year, one of your close friends or relatives will ask for a loan, but even despite this, closer to December, the wallet of representatives of this sign will be replenished with a large amount.

Capricorn health horoscope for 2018

Constant lack of sleep and a busy work schedule can negatively affect the health of Capricorns. The first signs of illness will be loss of strength, lack of appetite and insomnia.

If these problems are not solved in time, they may soon develop into a severe neurosis, which you will not be able to cope with on your own and will need to undergo long course treatment under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Capricorn needs to establish a daily routine so as not to suffer from lack of sleep

By taking simple measures in time, you can prevent illness - you need to correctly create a daily routine, which will include not only time for work, but also proper rest, which is necessary to recuperate.

It is better to give up constant snacking on the go with unhealthy and high-calorie foods; besides, Capricorns have a predisposition to various diseases digestive system and a tendency to excess weight. That is why the stars advise to constantly monitor your diet with special attention.

Capricorn love horoscope for 2018

At the beginning of the year, Capricorns may feel quite strong loneliness, even if their loved one is constantly nearby. Some representatives of the sign will decide that their spouse values ​​them only for financial stability and does not pay any attention to personal qualities. As a result, the relationship will become very strained and bring a lot of worries.

Lonely Capricorns who have not yet met their soulmate will feel much worse, but with the onset of spring, certain changes will occur in the lives of these individuals.

The stars advise starting with yourself, because by nature Capricorns do not have the simplest character. And this is what leads to loneliness and an unhappy family life. It is better to refrain from caustic remarks towards members of the opposite sex. You need to try to be attentive and friendly, and show patience with your loved one. Positive changes on the romantic front are expected in April-May.

When starting a new relationship, you need to be patient and not immediately show your character, because not everyone can quickly get along with Capricorns, so you should give your chosen one a little time.

Capricorns should maintain their character at the beginning of a relationship

A crisis can occur in the middle of the year in couples who have been living together for a long time. Capricorns will not be able to change their spouse, so they will decide to completely break off the relationship. But this will not stop them from continuing to take care of their children, paying them due attention.

With autumn comes a romantic mood. Many Capricorns will look differently at old acquaintances, but they can also show sympathy for new friends. When caring for their chosen one, representatives of this zodiac sign will show not only patience, but also diligence.

Capricorns can easily win the attention and love of the person they like, however, if the beloved is in a relationship, the chances of success are sharply reduced. But towards the end of the year, the feeling of loneliness will completely disappear.

Next to Capricorns there will be a loved one or a loved one and reliable friend, to whom they can trust in difficult times and pour out their souls. Between March and April 2018, single representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to meet soul mate, the main thing is not to miss the chance sent by fate.

Capricorn man's horoscope for 2018

From the very beginning of 2018, Capricorn men will be passionate about an idea that concerns the sphere of personal entrepreneurial activity. Thanks to a correct and responsible approach to work, it will be possible to very quickly receive a decent reward.
The stars predict that in 2018, active and productive Capricorn men will be able to significantly improve their financial situation. Also, strong representatives of the sign will become not only popular, but also in demand among women.

Capricorn men are not only popular, but also in demand among women

However, many Capricorns, in order to achieve their goal, will not be able to stop and will stubbornly move towards what they want. This behavior can lead to a deterioration in family relationships, and if the situation is not corrected in time, a divorce will soon await. Despite the fact that in a few months it will be possible to forget about the previous family comfort, towards the end of the year, single Capricorn men will have a chance to meet their soul mate.

Capricorn woman horoscope for 2018

Representatives of the fair sex who were born under the sign of Capricorn will amaze those around them with their determination and drive in 2018. Ahead of the lovely ladies lies a rapid career growth that even their competitors will envy. With the same self-confidence and pressure, they will begin to deal with representatives of the opposite sex who show their sympathy. They will take from men what they really need at the moment.

Capricorn women are very goal-oriented

Spring will be the time to acquire something new. Capricorn women will decide to use every opportunity to fill their lives with positive and bright emotions. This will apply specifically to travel to warm countries, where they can spend money with pleasure and have no regrets.

Starting from the second half of the year, conflicts may arise in relationships with your loved one due to misunderstandings. In the most severe cases, this will lead to assault. However, both partners are very wise and far-sighted, so they will decide to quietly play a double game.

Capricorn horoscope 2018 by year of birth

Capricorn – Rat

(born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Capricorn-Rats will be able to achieve incredible success. Regardless of what path or activity they choose for themselves, they will definitely achieve the desired result, which will exceed all expectations. Capricorn-Rats will be real lucky in the sphere of love.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Rat

However, the stars warn that they can only find true happiness with one partner, so you shouldn’t waste precious time on an army of fans, so as not to end up with splendid isolation. In 2018, storks will also be incredibly active, so you can start saving money for a wedding and soon expect a new addition to the family.

Capricorn – Ox

(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Capricorn-Oxen are very patient and persistent by nature, but in the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog they will not have to butt heads, because all competitors will get out of the way on their own. Many rivals will begin to hope that, thanks to their loyal behavior, they will be taken into account, but Capricorn-Oxen will prefer to work independently.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Ox

The situation on the love front will not be very easy, because rivals will appear on the horizon. Therefore, in order to win the attention of the person you like, you will have to work hard. But don’t worry, because soon there will be an opportunity to make all your desires come true and build a happy relationship.

Capricorn – Tiger

(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Capricorn-Tigers have one unique feature: they can easily and quickly turn any negative into a positive. Therefore, in 2018 they will not be afraid of any problems, and all obstacles on the way to their goal will turn out to be insignificant.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Tiger

The stars advise you to boldly set out to conquer the world and not be afraid to open new doors. Rapid career growth and increased profits lie ahead. The situation is going well in love sphere, because single individuals will have every chance to meet their love and build strong relationships, and possibly get married.

Capricorn – Cat

(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

In the Year of the Dog, Capricorn-Cats will become very sociable and cheerful. It is thanks to their easy-going nature that they will receive many offers. The stars advise trying to go to church as often as possible. business meetings, where you can make useful contacts with influential people.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Cat

Most importantly, we must not forget about our uniqueness and genius, because this is a fact that no one dares to argue with. Many romantic adventures are expected in 2018, and there is every chance of having not only serious relationship, but also to enter into legal marriage.

Capricorn – Dragon

(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

You should not restrain your desires, because in the year of the Yellow Dog, Capricorn-Dragons will have many chances and opportunities that need to be used with maximum benefit for yourself.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Dragon

These individuals will be able to spread their wings and fly in any direction, because a warm and welcoming welcome will await them everywhere. However, you should not abandon your loved one, because in difficult moments it is he who will become reliable support and support, and will also actively help strengthen your financial situation.

Capricorn – Snake

(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The Mistress of the Year simply adores Capricorn-Snakes, because they are very wise and always try to be fair. There is no need to hide from enemies, since no problems are expected during this period.

Horoscope of Capricorn and Snake

You don't have to do anything to improve financial condition, we can say that a bag of money will literally fall from heaven onto Capricorn-Snakes, which will be very useful. Single individuals have every chance of meeting a wealthy admirer who will make all their dreams come true.

2 years ago

Everyone strives to look into the future. To do this, it is not necessary to turn to psychics or fortune tellers. It is enough to join in with the help of the stars. The information they provide touches all aspects of life. What is the Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn?

Representatives of this sign need to know what awaits them in order to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Forewarned is forearmed. During the cycle, both good events will happen that can lift a person to heaven, as well as troubles that will spoil the mood.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

The start of the year will not be easy. But there is no need to be upset, because difficulties will bring experience and the ability to cope with any trouble. It can be guaranteed that Capricorns they will sort out all the problems in no time. Their innate qualities - patience and caution - will help them with this. There will be no obstacles for stubborn representatives of the signs.

The first three winter months will require every effort. There will be both positive and negative situations. A tool in the fight against difficulties will be the ability to mobilize and find original solutions. Improvisation will help, which will be an expression of fortitude and intelligence. Under no circumstances should you lose control of yourself. A creative approach to business is the most quick way solve it.

The end of February and the beginning of March will be successful. This is a great opportunity to bring long-held plans to life. Any thing he can handle Capricorn, will bring success and pleasure. More suitable period to start your own business or creative project there won't be. Money will also flourish. You can stick to a large-scale plan and not go wrong.

In March, the quarry will require attention. This is especially true for those Capricorn that they are forced to frequently go on business trips. A professional approach and competence will help you cope with any complexity.

Hesitation and delay will be undesirable. You need to get yourself together - uncertainty can pay dearly. You can relax even in October. By the end of the year Capricorn will accompany good mood and success. This is a good opportunity to help the community. How more representative sign, the more generous the reward will be.

New acquaintances - the difference in the Year of the Dog. Anyone who makes friends with Capricorn, will be useful in the future. It is necessary to treat everyone with attention - perhaps this is a potential partner with whom you can start a profitable business. The probability is very high. Here is the Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn man

The year will be calm and joyful for those who will not try to grab a star from the sky. The best way get rid of possible shocks - wait out the storm in quiet place. Caution and prudence will come in handy more than ever. Long journeys must be avoided - they can bring danger.

As for professional growth, it is possible in the fall. That's when Capricorn must show everything he is capable of. To do this, you need to apply a creative approach to every task. Originality and creativity will help you stand out and get a fair reward.

At the beginning of the year, troubles associated with losing money are possible. However, there is no need to worry - the balance will be restored as soon as March arrives. Capricorns should listen to advice regarding investments and deposits. If you approach this issue lightly, you cannot avoid unpleasant surprises.

To ride the wave of success, representatives of the sign must expand their sphere of influence. We need to think about entering new platforms for work. Cooperation with foreigners would be an ideal option. Changes are possible in the second half of the year. In general, 2018 horoscope for men Capricorn will be favorable for many endeavors.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn woman

Women born under the sign Capricorn, the stars recommend listening to your inner voice. This is what will help you avoid disappointments and find your happiness. We need to take life by storm while we have the opportunity - this is the motto that the representatives have to arm themselves with Capricorn.

In a relationship, the main thing will be the ability to find a compromise and sacrifice one’s principles. Courageous Capricorns have to pretend to be white sheep in order to get what they want. This is a guarantee of change for the better.
Health, like last year, will not fail. But attention to him still won’t hurt. There is no need to abuse alcoholic beverages. The Year of the Dog is favorable for giving up bad habits.

If there are any problems with your well-being, unfortunately, they will continue. This trend will continue until the summer. But then it’s possible full recovery. Just like lifting your spirits. Horoscope for 2018 for a woman Capricorn will not bring surprises for those who know how to quickly adapt to circumstances. Here is the horoscope horoscope for 2018 Capricorn woman

Health horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

2018 will be difficult in terms of preserving the body’s potential. If traumatic situations occur, you need to endure them with dignity, without unnecessary worries. Capricorns are not immune from depression in winter and autumn. An interesting hobby will allow you to get rid of them. There will be sports activities in a good way fight against blues.

In the second half of the year, representatives of the sign should turn special attention to the work of the heart. Difficulties are possible, so consulting a doctor will not hurt. You should not postpone your visit to him - this could result in mortal danger.

Nutrition is an aspect that cannot be ignored. The diet should be complete to prevent stomach problems. Walking will help you cope with any ailment. In general, the health horoscope for Capricorn 2018 will bring only prosperity

Love horoscope for 2018 Capricorn

Couples will have a good opportunity to take their relationship to the next level. You can make an offer - your partner is unlikely to refuse.

Moving and the howling of your own nest - good idea for the year of the Dog. However, there is no need to rush into buying a home. Possible difficulties that arise through everyday life. Loyalty and trust up to half will help overcome them.

The ability to forgive will be needed closer to summer. It is possible that your partner will seriously upset you. In case Capricorns there will be wisdom and maturity. The stars advise giving compliments more often and expressing support for your loved one. This guarantees harmony in relationships.
There is no need to dwell on other people's mistakes. Representatives of the sign must work on themselves. Only under this condition is growth and progress possible. It can be concluded that love horoscope Capricorn it will be possible for 2018

Wedding planning

Regarding the wedding horoscope for K lake, it is better to postpone the celebration to summer or autumn. This is a favorable time for Capricorn. It is during this period that it is possible to conceive a child.

On the way to legitimizing relationships, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise. The main thing is to show romanticism and attention to your partner. A career will require effort and time, but you can’t get hung up on it.

The honeymoon will help establish contact. A joint vacation will help restore and connect feelings.

Financial horoscope Capricorn for 2018

In winter, your pocket will most likely be empty. Saving and rational distribution of resources will help. There is no need to despair - the situation will improve in the fall. Then pleasant monetary surprises are possible.

In 2018, Capricorns should not:

Invest in dubious transactions.
Trust money to strangers.
Spending money on thoughtless purchases.
If these conditions are not met, there is a high probability of being left with nothing. In everything that concerns money, you need to be extremely careful.

The horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns has prepared many interesting and educational events that have a chance to happen in the lives of people born under this strong sign.

Almost all people want to take at least one peek into the future and find out what life has in store for them. Knowing the future, you can easily navigate any upcoming situation, you can prepare well in advance for a joyful event, or you can do everything to avoid the predicted troubles.

Character of the sign

A wonderful combination of a brilliant mind, vibrant creativity, and endurance fills the vulnerable and stubborn representatives of the Capricorn symbol. This horoscope sign can be compared to a small and seemingly stupid spider that has settled somewhere in the corner. He slowly and measuredly weaves his web, not paying attention to anything. From the outside it seems that this arthropod will not be able to catch a single insect, because, in fact, it does not take any active actions for this. But in fact, the flies get caught in his own woven nets. A true Capricorn can be characterized in a similar, perhaps slightly unrealistic way.

Those born under the above-mentioned sign stand out from the crowd with their determination. They are able to walk hard and for a long time towards success, overcoming various difficulties and obstacles, but still achieving end result set goals.

The bearers of this symbol can be described as prudent and intelligent people. They do not try to express all their dissatisfaction and criticism to a person’s face in a harsh and harsh form, because making enemies and ill-wishers is not their goal.

These individuals rarely stumble in life. And this is not strange, because in all their affairs, relationships, communication and surroundings they show a certain vigilance and caution.

Negative qualities that harm and spoil life include laziness, carelessness, jealousy, and impulsiveness.

What the future promises, or, more precisely, the coming period for representatives of a stubborn and cautious animal, you can find out by reading the horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn.

Horoscope for Capricorns

Experiencing a financial disadvantage, representatives of this symbol will begin to move towards the planned goal, namely financial well-being, by any means. At the same time, they will focus only on a certain chosen area, while forgetting about their relatives and friends who need attention.

Carefully! Daily intensive activity will not leave its mark on your well-being and, of course, will affect your health. Changes in well-being and the manifestation of certain symptoms will begin literally after 3-4 months of an exhausting and complex schedule.

In the summer, there is a possibility that trouble may occur, which will be accompanied by legal disputes for a long time. Help and support, including financial ones, will be provided by close friends.

Already at the beginning of September you will get tired of hard physical work, and you will dare to change your profession and field of employment. Thanks to perseverance and determination, you will be able to get what you want.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn women

Year of the coming earthen yellow dog prepares many surprises for the representatives of this wonderful sign. Capricorns will never cease to amaze others with their strength and determination, which nothing can resist.

Summer is a favorable period for women when you can sign important documents, carry out profitable transactions, as well as make large and worthwhile purchases.

In 2017, you should take care of your health and solve all problems regarding your well-being, otherwise in 2018 they will make themselves known to you again, only with renewed vigor.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn men

Thanks to a measured lifestyle, caution, prudence, and also static nature, Capricorn men will be able to overcome all the obstacles and troubles that will arise throughout 2018 - the period of the reign of the yellow Dog.

The middle of the year is also predicted to be difficult and nervous, especially for representatives of those professions who often change their place of residence or go on business trips for a long time. At this time, it is better to be careful and calm.

The final period of the Dog’s management cannot but rejoice, because Capricorns, who managed to overcome many obstacles, will be thanked and encouraged in abundance.

Love horoscope 2018 for Capricorns

In matters of the heart, the horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns does not promise any special or significant changes. Having a wide range of choices for a soul mate (or at least a companion for one or a couple of evenings) will not be the main thing for representatives of the sign. They will prefer solitude, in which they can fantasize and dream about the future, as well as arrange their life and comfort.

If you devote all your time only to your profession and business, then you may end up with misunderstandings and conflicts in your family, which you have almost completely forgotten about.

In summer you can expect passionate and loving relationships. Unfortunately, most likely, the feelings will be one-sided, because your partner just perceives your relationship as another affair.

A marriage for Capricorns, which will take place in the coming year, threatens to become a marriage of convenience. Relationships and marriages with a person who is old enough to be your father (or mother) are also possible.

Money horoscope for Capricorns

The financial side will become the most main theme in your home, which provokes scandals, reproaches and quarrels. Lack of high wages may prompt you to think about changing your employment.

Important! During this period, you should abandon rash decisions and think about your every step, because by the end of summer, according to experienced astrologers, your income should double.

It is unlikely that you will be able to save and save money in 2018, since you will have to spend all your time either on equipment that is out of order or on urgent help and treatment of a loved one.

Don't be discouraged. There will be enough finances, but only for the essentials. That is, there will be no need to live in poverty, but at the same time it will not be possible to save and save.

At the end of the year there is a great chance to get an unexpected return cash. It is recommended to spend them on surprises and presents for relatives.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns

Throughout the winter and spring, you will work without sparing your nerves and time. Routine work will bog you down. By throwing into the background all your loved ones and family, as well as household chores, depriving yourself of holidays and weekends, you hope to receive long-awaited gratitude. It’s not that your bosses won’t appreciate your zeal and hard work; rather, they will load you with twice as much work.

The second half of the year promises you significant changes, which will also affect professional activities. At this time, many carriers of the Capricorn symbol will finally be able to change their occupation and enter a new stage.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Capricorns

If you previously had some abnormalities in the functioning of your body, and you were prescribed surgical intervention, then you should not postpone such an important and serious event until later.

The horoscope for 2018 advises Capricorns to solve all problems related to their health before the beginning of summer. This will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and condition of the body.

The cold season promises to be rich in quantity and intensity colds. You should carefully consider this information, because if you don’t take care of yourself, you can get running form ARVI or severe complications.

State cardiovascular system can get worse quickly. This is facilitated constant stress at work, lack of sleep, as well as worries.

Capricorn Celebrities

Among the successful and famous people who were destined to be born under the symbol of Capricorn, the following personalities can be distinguished:

  • Nikolai Tsiskaridze;
  • John Tolkien;
  • Dima Bilan;
  • Marilyn Manson;
  • Stephenie Meyer;
  • Mikhail Boyarsky and many famous stars.

2018 starts on a positive note for Capricorn. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are transiting through your sign, so you are full of energy for love, passion and romantic interests. It's time to start a new relationship, strengthen existing ones, conquer someone or return your old love.

In January 2018, the stars are on your side, you have an excellent chance of getting what you want. Under the influence of Mercury, you are spontaneous and easy-going. You can allow yourself independence, flirting and small love affairs.

The planet of love, Venus, remains in your sign until January 18, making you very attractive to the opposite sex. If you are single, you will have several opportunities to go on dates or meet new people. If you are already in a relationship, you will enjoy harmony with your loved one.

After the 18th, when Venus moves into Capricorn's house of money, you will be more concerned with financial circumstances than with romance. You may be thinking about making major purchases or developing financial plans for the coming year.

The lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 occurs in the eighth house of Capricorn, highlighting the relationship between love and money. On days close to the eclipse, there may be a lot of financial troubles. If necessary, take important decision Regarding finances, do not rush and act thoughtfully. The influence of lunar energies can also be expressed in the fact that profit will come through a lover or spouse.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for January 2018

This month you will actively express yourself in social activities And teamwork. Mars and Jupiter are placed in the eleventh house of Capricorn, so meetings, conferences and social events will become a part of your life. Cooperation is more successful and profitable for you than individual work. If you work as part of a group, you can even play the role of leader.

With Venus and the Sun in Capricorn, you can improve your relationships in a professional environment. You are polite and diplomatic with colleagues and business partners, which will have a positive impact on your work efficiency. With the support of Mercury, it will be easy for you to find supporters who will help you and, if necessary, protect your interests.

The last ten days of the month are favorable in financially, because the Sun and Venus are in Capricorn’s house of money. Additional earnings, receiving a gift, prize, bonus and other material benefits are possible. A successful period for those representatives of your sign who are engaged in creative types activities.


In January 2018, you are full of energy and in a good mood. But this does not mean that you can take your health lightly. It is recommended to be more attentive to your well-being in the first ten days of the month, when Mercury, the ruler of your house of health, is located in the twilight twelfth house. Diseases caused by bad habits or an unhealthy lifestyle. Be careful when traveling and using transport.

Pay attention to your appearance! If you've been thinking about changing your hairstyle or trying new makeup, then this is a good time to do so.