When to dig garlic according to the lunar calendar. When to dig up garlic. External signs of ripening of spring varieties of garlic

Garlic, which is famous not only for its healing properties, and with a piquant taste, they are grown everywhere in our latitudes. It’s hard to even imagine many dishes without it, so it’s not surprising that every summer cottage there are several beds for planting it. Plus, growing garlic is not a difficult task.

But if the time of January 25, which is the first after the Endeggers, is unknown, the calendar is not taken into account. Techno-mnemonic devices that can be considered calendars or lunar ones are not enough in people. To find out how many days a given month begins to count on the fist of the hand, starting with the index knuckles and fossatelle, and on the little finger restarts.

The Neapolitan proverb: as the coconut sings, we took Pashka, makes us think that the fairy tale to which the saying refers is nothing more than a memory of distant times. Do not forget the proverbs that have the value of calendars for people, now sacred, and now economic and legal; and also poems of literary origin, typified by the spiritual Ottawa during the twelve months of the year, with their festivals, composed by Joseph of Jerusalem: they find lessons and variations in several regions of Italy.

There are two types of garlic: winter and spring. Winter varieties of garlic, predominantly shoots, usually grow five to seven weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather. Spring garlic (non-shooting) is ready for planting with the onset of the first warm spring days. Despite the fact that the cloves and, accordingly, the bulb itself of spring garlic are smaller than those of winter garlic, it is stored better and has a more delicate taste.

Almanac. Hygienic calendar sec. Remember to follow the moon phases and check the calendar to find full lunar days. You will find that shortly after Christmas is a great time to devote yourself to collecting aromatic herbs to dry. In December you can sow what can be harvested in the following months by turning Special attention for frosts. In case their arrival is anticipated, it is recommended to choose to sow into seedlings, repair flower beds, boxes or tunnels. Protected sowing in colder areas is recommended especially for radishes, eggplants and chicory, lettuce and rare cutlets, while vegetables can be grown directly in the ground such as peas, spinach and beans.

Harvesting winter garlic

The time to harvest winter garlic has come when the lower leaves of the plant have turned yellow and begun to actively wither. At the ends of the stems, aerial bulbs are formed, the shells of which have burst, exposing the seeds, which summer residents call bulbs. At this stage of the growing season, the bulb is tightly wrapped in outer scales, which have not yet dried out, but are already quite dense, and the cloves underneath are clearly visible. Typically, winter garlic ripens on the hundredth day after the first shoots appear. Estimated time: end of July. Take away winter garlic It is better during the period when the weather is dry outside. It is preferable to do this early in the morning or in the afternoon and in a short time (no more than a week).

In December you can sow. Garlic Asparagus Carrots Chicory Onions Cutting lettuce Eggplant Peas Parsley Cutting radish Terry ravioli Spinach. Sowing in soil is especially recommended in milder climates, as frost can destroy young shoots. Seedlings can be planted in boxes or in protection tunnels to allow the seeds to grow while being protected from frost. For seedlings, containers are ideal for regeneration, even in plastic, for drilling the bottom. If you plan to sow or transplant it into pots, it is advisable to choose plastic terracotta so that the seedlings are damaged as little as possible.

The garlic bulb should be dug up and then carefully pulled out. Immediately lay them in rows so that the leaves of the next row cover the bulbs of the previous one. This is necessary so that the moisture from the scales evaporates gradually, since under the influence sun rays the bulbs may burst. If the weather permits, store the crop in this form outside for three to five days, and then transfer it to a dry room to dry. If stored in a well-ventilated attic, within a month the garlic will dry out and the roots and false stems can be cut off. For this purpose, use pruning shears, leaving a stump two to three centimeters long on the head of garlic. This completes the harvesting of winter garlic. All that remains is to lay it in wooden boxes in a thin layer or hang it in nets.

Harvest of the month of December

Depending on what was sown in previous months and the arrival of frozen food, the harvest may be more or less bountiful. A particularly resistant cold one is Tuscan black cabbage, for which it is usually recommended to wait until the transition from the first ice cream to get the best vegetables, depending on the climate zones you will be able to choose persimmons, citrus fruits and olives, and December Orchard will offer you.

Varieties to be replanted in December

In December, trees and shrubs can be replanted, and as for the vegetable garden, you can take on garlic and onion bulbs and asparagus shrimp. It is also possible to transplant artichokes by choosing protected shelves or flower beds in areas where winters are not at all mild.

Harvesting spring garlic

The harvest time for summer (spring) garlic falls in mid-August to mid-September. Signs of its maturation are softening of the neck of the bulb, cessation of leaf growth, lodging of the stem and massive drying of the lower leaves with yellowing of their tips. The root system also dries out and dies. The garlic heads are already formed and the scales are dry. But there is no need to wait until spring garlic is completely ripe, since it often rains during this period. This can provoke secondary rapid growth of new roots. In addition, cleaning will be much more difficult.

In December, having a vegetable garden on the balcony can include a variety of vegetables such as cutting lactose, rocket and herbs that include rosemary, oregano, sage and parsley. Ornamental cabbages should be harvested before frost. It is advisable to protect seedlings in pots from seedlings with a suitable non-woven fabric. night, with towels that can be removed at sunny days.

Gardening according to the lunar calendar

Increasing moon: With the rising moon, it is recommended to plant radishes, which can be done directly in the ground if the climate is not too harsh, otherwise you will have to equip a protection tunnel. Radishes can also be sown in pots so that they can be stored in the most sheltered garden, on a balcony or terrace.

The cleaning technology remains the same: we manually dig up, pull out, and leave to dry. If the humidity outside is high, then we carry out drying under a canopy. We do not cut off the tops and roots so that the bulb has time to absorb useful organic compounds. Be careful not to damage the bulbs when harvesting. Spring garlic is more delicate than winter garlic, so any dent can cause the bulb to become diseased.

The moon will wax from December 1st to December 13th. Waning moon: when the moon weakens, it is suggested to sow spinach, valerian, cut milk, cutlet, and also do the work necessary to prepare the soil for what will be sown in the spring, starting to think about fertilizer, if not you are already frozen. Artichoke transplantation should be carried out on a weakened moon. WITH lunar moon trees can germinate by avoiding days of frost to avoid destroying the plants.

It is also recommended to protect the pond, and mushrooms grown in baskets are removed from the pool and placed in water in a frost-free room. In ponds or ponds, we place floats and artificial ledges to keep the water from freezing. In November you can pick fruit from bushes such as wild boar, tarnina or scallop.

When the garlic is completely dry, use pruning shears to separate the tops and roots. should be in a well-ventilated, dry room (attic, cellar, basement).

Proper and timely harvesting will provide you with garlic for the whole year.

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Sticking to biological rhythms nature, experienced gardeners receive abundant and better harvests of all crops. The influence of the celestial body, the Moon, on the growth and vegetation of green spaces has been scientifically proven. As with any work with plants, there is a lunar calendar for caring for garlic plantings.

On dry and sunny days we collect seeds of annual plants. You can also plant winter garlic. If winter is free, we cover the straw, leaves or needles with autumn sowing. You can do the last of your worries. At the end of November, cut out the beautiful and popular clematis - clematis.

Potted Plants: Now is the time to think about plants that need shade; and install in a warm place. When flower buds appear, we water regularly. If we were in a previous season and wanted to bloom again, we need to try again. Six months before Christmas we prepare a cardboard hat because the star of Bethlehem must be exposed to the sun 8 hours a day and spend the rest of the day and night suspended under cardboard box. Thanks to this, he should create new flower buds and bright candles.

In the middle zone, winter garlic, planted the previous fall, fully ripens by mid-summer. In colder regions - a little later. Early spring and the abundance of precipitation in 2016 allow us to predict that the crop will finish the growing season by mid-July - early August.

When to break out the arrows in July 2016?

Plants that decorate the garden in November: Chrysanthemums are still blooming this month. Another garden decoration will be in the fall, which can look good even in frost. Can be planted in containers to decorate autumn balconies and terraces. They look like scarlet bushes with red or orange spherical fruits, glossy leaves and red fruits, low bushes dotted with spherical red fruits and sea buckthorns filled with tiny orange fruits. They also have wrinkles and birches.

Decorative flower inflorescences are very interesting, especially when they are covered with frost. Grooming: Best Practices November 15th to 28th. We will do winter gardening such as covering plants or digging. Fruit and vegetable harvest: In November you can pick fruit from bushes such as wild rose, sloe, barberry or mountain - we harvest the fruit. The deadline is from November 8 to November 13. Root crops are best harvested between November 15th and 28th - this is when they are most valuable. At the same time, we can put onion, piercing, celery, chicory, onion or basil on the windowsill.

3 weeks before the expected harvest of the crop, watering is completely stopped. An abundance of moisture in the soil leads to rotting of the bulbs, the development of fungal diseases and reduces the keeping quality of the crop. Also during this period, it is advisable to completely break out the arrows if you did not have time to carry out this event in the previous month, leaving several signal samples on each bed. The best days for cutting arrows are July 1, 2 and 10.

Thanks to this, we will have fresh vegetables in December. Planting and replanting plants - we can do it, the soil does not freeze. We stock plants purchased in containers such as heather plants, berry plants.

Decorative flower inflorescences are very interesting, especially when they are covered with frost. Grooming: Best Practices November 15th to 28th. We will do winter gardening such as covering plants or digging. Fruit and vegetable harvest: In November you can pick fruit from bushes such as wild rose, sloe, barberry or mountain - we harvest the fruit. The deadline is from November 8 to November 13. Root crops are best harvested between November 15th and 28th - this is when they are most valuable. At the same time, we can put onion, piercing, celery, chicory, onion or basil on the windowsill.

When to tie garlic feathers in July 2016?

To increase yield and redirect nutrient to the bulbs, in addition to removing the arrows from the arrowing varieties, experienced vegetable growers tie the yellowed feathers of the plants in a knot. This agricultural technique helps to stop the growth of tops and prevents the formation of new shoots. Favorable days for this procedure are 1-10, 15-18 and 24-31 July.

When to loosen and hill up winter garlic?

20-25 days before the planned harvest, experienced summer residents raking the earth away from the garlic heads, exposing them by a third. This procedure also leads to an increase in the volume of the bulbs and an increase in their shelf life. Planned loosening and raking of soil is best done from July 8 to 18, 22, 23 and 31.

When to harvest winter garlic in July-August 2016?

As a rule, winter garlic is actively used in pickling vegetables. Experienced housewives not only add sharp cloves to pickles and marinades, but also preserve whole heads. If you plan to use winter garlic for culinary purposes, then the day you harvest it does not matter. They begin to dig up garlic for eating young, juicy cloves as early as June, regardless of the recommendations of astrologers.

But for planting for long-term conservation or subsequent use of bulbs as planting material, it is advisable to dig up garlic, according to lunar calendar vegetable growers. After all, the crop yield for the next summer season will directly depend on the quality of the teeth.

Despite the fact that winter garlic is not stored for a long time, unlike spring varieties, and is stored only until the beginning of winter, its shelf life can be increased by 3-5 weeks due to the biorhythms of nature. A harvest dug up on certain days and properly dried, subject to conservation rules, can last until the new year. According to professional astrologers, better days for harvesting winter garlic in the summer of 2016 are July 15-16, 27 and 31, August 9-13 and 16-19.

Signs of ripening winter garlic

It is not recommended to be late in harvesting garlic. Bulbs left in the ground even for several days begin to crack and fall apart into individual cloves. This garlic is completely suitable for use in food and preservation, but for long-term storage and as a planting material - no longer available.

So pay attention to days that are favorable for harvesting the crop, but do not forget to monitor the degree of ripening of the bulbs based on the external signs of the plant. A cracked cover on shoots left on the beds, yellowing of the lower leaves, massive lodging of tops and feathers are signals from nature that the garlic is ready for digging and subsequent drying. You can also use the method visual inspection dug onions, on which the husk should become thinner, but not crack.

Have a good harvest in the summer of 2016!