Everything about the French Bulldog Characteristics of Nutritional Diseases. French bulldog breed standard. Possible difficulties and illnesses

The French Bulldog is a high society dog. The breed has always been highly valued by the aristocracy, was the focus of bohemian parties. Description of the breed french bulldog has little to do with the characteristics of a "ladies" dog. Broad chest, upturned flat nose, muscular paws. However, the sight of a bulldog from France in many ladies and gentlemen is tender. In combination with an accommodating character, the cute puppy rightfully took its place in the living rooms and bedrooms.

The Frenchman is the smallest representative of the bulldogs. Unlike English and American relatives, he is playful, a little aggressive, lazy. Despite the miniature size, the Frenchman retains the qualities of a fighting breed - fearlessness, attentiveness, alertness. This baby is ready to protect his beloved owners from an enemy of any size and strength.

French Bulldog: description of the breed

The French Bulldog is difficult to confuse with the English and American relatives. The appearance of the Frenchman is recognizable at first sight. This cute dog big ears, offended muzzle and sad eyes immediately sinks into the soul.

The Frenchman grows to a small, "room" size, refers to ornamental species. The head is large, with a sharp transition from the forehead to the nose. The paws are short, the body is strong, rounded. The blood of fighting dogs is given out by a wide chest. The colors of the French Bulldog vary from milk to coffee. Spots, inclusions, masks on the muzzle, stripes are allowed. Large light or dark spots usually appear on the head, chest, abdomen, back, sides. Short description The breed standard is shown below.

  • The weight . Males - 9-14 kg, females - 8-13 kg.
  • Growth at the withers. Males - 27-35 cm, females - 24-32 cm.
  • Color. Brindle - uniform red blotches on a black background or vice versa, spotted - marks on a white background (tricolor is not allowed). Fawn - all shades from red to milky coffee without spots on the head (a white stripe is allowed).
  • Lifespan. Ten to 12 years old.
  • Character . Calm, playful, smart. The animal is distinguished by love, sociability, courage and vigilance.
  • Intelligence. Easily trained, can be stubborn, has a good memory.
  • Security and guard potential. Poor fit for the role watchdog and a bodyguard. But it shows aggression, protecting the owner, if it feels danger. May get into a fight with a dog or other animal larger than himself.

Bulldogs have a short, dense coat. The hairs are thick and coarse, without undercoat. Visually, the dog looks smooth, almost naked. Blue, chocolate, beige with a mask and marble colors are recognized as marriage.

Pet character

The character of the "eared" combines the most contradictory features. A calm, balanced dog who loves to sleep sweetly on a pillow can frolic and play with the owner with pleasure. A tender love for children and an affectionate attitude towards family members and their friends is combined with a fearless defense and alertness to "suspicious" personalities. A serious look is deceptive: the little bulldog loves to play pranks and have fun. The owners note that the character of this breed is “golden”.

Any temperament has advantages and disadvantages, and the "ideal" Frenchman is no exception. In addition, future owners should take into account the difficulties of maintaining the breed. The table shows the positive and negative sides dogs.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of the French Bulldog

- Positively, affectionately refers to the owner;
- likes to communicate;
- obeys the owner;
- gets along well with other animals;
- loves children;
- shows aggression only in case of emergency;
- rarely barks
- ideal for keeping in an apartment;
- is suitable breed for the elderly and busy people;
- does not require long walks and excessive activity
- The puppy loves to gnaw and tear to shreds everything he sees;
- expresses stubbornness;
- constantly requires communication, therefore, does not tolerate long loneliness;
- not suitable for athletes and active people;
- cannot stand drafts, catches cold easily;
- has a predisposition to various diseases;
- does not swim well, therefore it should be protected from open water bodies;
- snores

The cute dog has a brave heart and a stable psyche. He is perfect for the role of a devoted companion. With children, different relationships can develop, depending on the nature and activity. Not all representatives of the breed are patient with younger family members.

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the origin of the French Bulldog breed is quite confusing. Bulldogs are originally fighting dogs. In England, spectacular fights were held with the participation of dogs and bulls. Bulldogs were driven cattle to death, entertaining the audience. In the 30s of the XVIII century, bloody fights were banned, and bulldogs began to turn from ferocious gladiators into helpers and companions.

The ancestors of the French are considered to be English and extinct Spanish bulldogs (Alans). Disputes between the British and French do not subside. English breeders claim to have bred small bulldogs on their native island. French breeders prefer to think that the breed was already formed on French soil.

Where exactly the roots of the breed grow from is a matter for discussion. It is known for certain that the bulldogs were resettled in France by English workers during the industrial revolution. From that moment on, pets are known as companions of shopkeepers and industrialists. Dogs coped well with the position of rat-catchers. Gradually, the charming bulldog penetrated the higher strata of society, becoming an elite breed.

The French Bulldog appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. A dog with expressive ears was presented at an exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1913. The Frenchman came into fashion, and many members of the intelligentsia acquired the breed. In particular, Vladimir Mayakovsky liked to walk around with his pet under his arm. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin also kept a small bulldog.

The most expensive French Bulldog in the history of the breed was sold in the US for $5,000. For that amount, you could then buy a new Ford or a small apartment in New York.


Although the size of an adult French Bulldog is small or even small, there is a smaller version of the breed. The variety received the prefix "mini". A mini-Frenchman grows up to 28 cm with a weight of 8 kg. Otherwise, they are all the same cute and playful kids.

The species is due to a dwarf gene that can be found in standard French Bulldog litters. Despite this “defect”, babies are popular as indoor decorative dogs.

Unfortunately, many unscrupulous breeders, given the hype around dwarfs, give outside puppies for a mini-Frenchman (in best case- mestizos). At a young age, mini bulldogs are very similar to pugs. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an older puppy. The six-month-old dog already has the traditional appearance of a French Bulldog.

The Mini Frenchie has no standard. The FCI (International Cynological Federation) does not distinguish the mini as a separate breed. Many fans of the French Bulldog openly consider the dwarf to be a marriage. Therefore, a pet starts only for home and love. Participation in exhibitions is not possible.

Maintenance and nutrition requirements

In matters of maintenance, French Bulldogs practically do not differ from other pets. Proper nutrition, care, regular walks should become part of the life of the future dog breeder. The attentive attitude of the owner will prolong the life of the pet and maintain health.

What to feed

Bulldog needs balanced diet. When choosing the right menu, remember that the Frenchman is allergic, so not all foods can be given to a dog. When deciding how and what to feed the French Bulldog, you must follow five rules.

  1. Type of food. When taking a puppy into the house, you should make a choice in favor of dry food or natural nutrition. You cannot mix two types of food. "Drying" is selected taking into account the breed, it must be of the "premium" class. Natural menu consists of low-fat fresh or boiled meat (half of the diet), buckwheat, rice, sea fish, boiled yolk, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, fruits (except citrus fruits and grapes). It is allowed to give offal, but only in boiled form. Be sure to put a bowl of clean water.
  2. Allergen exclusion. Many products contain aggressive substances that are bad for health. If the pet's hair falls out, a rash appears, the skin flakes off, this is a signal to revise the diet. It is necessary to exclude salty, sweet, spicy foods.
  3. Dieting. The bulldog is prone to overeating, so the owners are required to monitor the pet's optimal weight and portion size. The dog should not eat up “from the belly” at every meal, but should not lick an empty plate either.
  4. Diet . Eating should take place at the same time. Depending on the age, the dog is fed several times a day. Puppies up to two months old eat four to six times a day. Teenagers are fed three times a day. Starting from the age of ten months, the dog eats twice - in the morning and in the evening.
  5. Discipline. Bulldogs are known for their begging. They are big lovers of food, so they will not miss the opportunity to get a tidbit from the master's table. To succumb to compassionate looks is not worth it primarily for the health and discipline of the dog. In the house, it is necessary to establish a strict ban on feeding a pet from the table.

How much to walk

The Franz Bulldog does not need long walks with intense physical activity. The breed evenly relates to street entertainment, if necessary, calmly stays at home at the feet of the owner. However, even a lazy pet should be taken for a short walk two to three times a day.

Due to the nature of the structure and behavior, you should follow the recommendations when taking the dog for a walk.

  • Duration. Bulldogs despite common features breeds have an individual character. Some pets like to run and communicate with other people, others prefer to sleep at home. The duration of the walk depends on the temperament of the dog. Do not force your pet to run and play if he does not want to.
  • "Glade" for walking. The Frenchman resembles a sausage on legs. Therefore, for walking, it is better to choose a relatively soft and uneven surface that helps maintain muscle tone. Walking on gravel, grass, or dirt will be more beneficial than running on pavement. You should also avoid steps and crossbars that create a load on the spine. This is especially important for puppies whose skeleton is just forming.
  • Clothing . The bulldog has practically no hair, so the pet is vulnerable to sunbeams and frost. In the heat, it is not recommended to take the dog for long walks. In winter, you should dress your pet in warm overalls.
  • Communications. To walk smoothly and non-conflict, it is necessary to introduce the dog to the urban environment, neighborhood pets and children. French Bulldogs rarely show aggression for no reason, but any attempt to get into a fight must be stopped.
  • Moderate loads. The "bulka" has a short, vulnerable nose and labored breathing. Due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the dog is prone to colds, shortness of breath and snoring. Therefore, you should not overwork your pet once again, play outdoor games for hours, especially in the sun.

It is not necessary to lead the Frenchie exclusively on a leash. An adequately trained dog without a leash will not attempt to run away, it will obey the owner in everything, keeping close by.

How to care

Grooming should be taught from a young age. The sooner the puppy gets used to regular brushing, the calmer he will be about the procedures in the future. The dog itself will begin to wait for grooming and even call the owner if hygiene procedures are carried out at the same time. The table shows general rules pet care.

Table - Dog Hygiene

Ears- Clean the ears with a cotton swab once every two weeks or when they are heavily soiled;
- lubricate when dry natural oil or cream;
- daily monitor the condition of the skin on the outer and inner side;
- contact your veterinarian if you notice a smell or discharge
Eyes- Wipe daily with a damp cloth;
- visit a specialist with abundant tears and purulent discharge
Body- Massage with a brush once or twice a week, removing hairs, stimulating blood circulation;
- to wash at strong pollution;
- bathe with shampoo two to three times a year;
- wash or wipe paws after each walk
wrinkles- Wipe soft cloth nasal fold every day, removing excess moisture and dirt;
- when dry, lubricate with a moisturizer
Teeth- Daily cleaning with dog toothpaste and brush;
- give toys for mechanical cleaning of teeth;
- monitor the condition and consult a doctor in time
WhenShave once every two weeks

The ears of a French bulldog puppy rise at two months, when breeders give the pet into the master's hands. At three months, it is recommended to add calcium to the diet of a lop-eared puppy. If by four months the ears have not risen, they should be glued with a band-aid for ten days. The veterinarian will help build a suitable frame.

Questions of training

Owner reviews of the French Bulldog speak in favor of relatively easy training. Due to the stubbornness and laziness of the pet, problems may arise, but there are no particular difficulties. The animal is very smart and attentive. It is better to train during the game and communication, and the games should be varied so that the pet does not get bored. On average, a Frenchman can remember about 40 commands.

A dog should be trained from puppyhood. The puppy is very mobile, curious, does not sit still, and without proper control and discipline can make ruins out of an apartment. The playful temperament evens out with age, the adult bulldog is no longer prone to pranks, but retains energy for playing with the owner.

This does not mean that childhood just needs to be lived through. Upbringing, socialization and discipline have not prevented any dog ​​yet. At the same time, it is impossible to punish and show irritability to the pet. "Eared" is a vulnerable creature, easily offended, remembers insults and grows inadequate, aggressive, vengeful. An even tone, encouragement with good behavior, verbal expression of praise will help the dog understand what the owner expects from him and what not to do.

Because of the complaisant and affectionate nature, the upbringing of a bulldog can be entrusted to a child of six to eight years. With the help of parents' tips, even such a young dog breeder will be able to discipline the pet. French will be a great gift for a child's birthday.

Diseases and treatment

How long does a french bulldog live depends on general care and content. However, it should be noted that the breed is not distinguished by excellent health and strong immunity. Due to the special structure of the nose, eyes, torso, various diseases and injury. Among the most frequent illnesses meet:

  • food allergy;
  • cataract;
  • eye damage;
  • dermatitis and inflammation of the fingertips;
  • inversion of the century;
  • hypotrichosis (hair loss);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • colds;
  • bracheocephalic syndrome;
  • obesity;
  • developmental problems of the spine.

The cause of diarrhea in puppies can be a sudden change in diet. Diarrhea is also associated with infection, worms, colds, teething, poisoning. Mild discomfort can be cured activated carbon and a dry diet (give dog crackers). If the situation does not improve within a day, it is better to contact the veterinarian.


It is difficult for bulldogs to conceive, get pregnant and give birth. Due to the structure of the body, it is problematic for males to fertilize a bitch, so artificial insemination is often carried out, which gives more guarantees than natural intercourse.

French Bulldog bitches rarely give birth on their own. Bulldogs need a caesarean section to be relieved of their burden. This is due to the disproportionately large head of the puppies and the narrow hips of the mother.

Pregnancy lasts 63 days, sometimes puppies appear earlier or later. The sudden start of contractions can take the owner by surprise, and in the absence of help, the bitch can die. Therefore, it is better to agree in advance with the veterinarian about a caesarean section. This will save time and effort, since the date will be known in advance, all that remains is to prepare. It is also necessary to do an ultrasound to find out the number of puppies. It happens that labor attempts stop, and dead puppies remain in the uterus, so you should know about their location in advance.

Given all the difficulties, few owners decide to mate a bitch without proper experience. The first estrus in a six-month-old puppy does not mean that the Frenchwoman will definitely need to be mated in the next two years in order to keep her reproductive health. On the contrary, the dog is more likely to get a lot of problems along with childbirth. Breeding Frenchies is a lot of work that requires patience, endurance, responsibility, and investment.

Owners of male dogs can undergo a castration procedure to save themselves and the pet from the hassle. During puberty, "boys" become more aggressive and irritable. The operation will restore cheerfulness and calmness. It is better to castrate an unleashed male.

TOP nickname

French Bulldogs are suitable for soft European nicknames. To accustom a pet to a name, it is enough to start calling a puppy at a young age. Refer to the dog during training and praise, do not use the nickname when punishing. The name of the dog should be pronounced clearly, so it is better to choose a capacious sonorous nickname. Examples of nicknames for the French are shown in the table.

Table - Options for dog names

Photo review

Bulldogs - their way beautiful dogs. Attentive eyes, ears bat, proud posture and muscles cause tenderness and admiration at the same time. Despite the size, the pet has self-esteem. Photos of puppies and dogs of the French Bulldog breed clearly demonstrate the features of the pet's exterior.

Cost and where to buy

From what class you need a dog, it will depend on how much a French bulldog puppy costs. Puppies of any breed are divided into three classes depending on the value for the owner. Simple puppies with slight deviations in the standard belong to the pet class. They are taken for home content and often sterilized. These dogs are not intended for breeding. If you want to make a bulldog a dad or mom, you should take a breed class. Future champions who exactly meet the standard and have an ideal pedigree belong to the show class.

The cost of a puppy (data for January 2018):

  • pet - 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • breed - 35-45 thousand rubles;
  • show - 50-90 thousand rubles.

The cheapest puppies can be bought from the hands. The starting price is 3000 rubles. However, there is no guarantee that the dog will be healthy and fit for the breed.


Bulldogs are quite popular around the world, so finding a conscientious breeder with a good reputation is not difficult. The main thing is not to be lazy, to visit the selected nursery in advance, even if you have to travel several hundred kilometers. Personal acquaintance with the breeder can tell a lot about his work and pets.

Examples of French Bulldog kennels:

  • "Amber Light" in St. Petersburg- http://www.jantars.ru/news;
  • "Dashin Dom" in St. Petersburg- http://dashindom.ru/category/blog/;
  • "Nals Vista Wizard" in the Moscow region- http://www.nalsvw.com/;
  • Aelita in Moscow- http://frenchbulldom.ru/1.html;
  • Bushehr Plus in Moscow- http://www.frenchforyou.ru/;
  • "From Samara-town" in Samara- https://izsam.jimdo.com/news-news-2017/;
  • "LaSharman" in Perm- https://lasharman.jimdo.com/;
  • "Ural Talisman" in Yekaterinburg- http://uralskiytalisma.ucoz.ru/;
  • "DarNiBu" in Krasnodar- http://darnibu.narod.ru/news/;
  • "Carrera Burgos" in Rostov-on-Don- http://www.carrera-burgos.com/index.php?id=4;
  • "Royal Borealis" in Yaroslavl- http://www.royalborealis.ru/news.html;
  • "Noah's Ark" in Kharkov- http://www.frenchbuldog.com.ua/;
  • "Pearl of Versailles" in Kyiv- https://frenchpups.jimdo.com/;
  • "Dea Ventura" in Minsk- https://dea-ventura.jimdo.com/;
  • "Bulldog Clan" in Beersheba (Israel)- http://bulldogs-klan.clan.su/.

Choose active healthy puppies with all documents. If the breeder refuses to provide a puppy card with vaccinations or does not consider it necessary to draw up a sales contract, it is worth looking for an alternative nursery.

Given the nature of the French Bulldog and the peculiarities of the content, the pet will suit even inexperienced owners who lead a measured lifestyle. Cute "eared" will fit well into any family, they will feel great in a city apartment. A dog needs communication, attention, love and care in order to feel happy.

Reviews: "This is a very loyal dog"

The Frenchman snores, but not enough to fight it) but in general the dog is good. friendly and cheerful. but there are also disadvantages:
1) stubborn character
2) the last word should always be behind him.
if you scold a Frenchman, don't be surprised if he snaps at you
3) does not like to walk in rainy weather. just terrified of puddles
4) can beg. ours, for example, as soon as he hears that I'm knocking with a spoon (while I'm stirring sugar in tea), run to me. And she won't leave until she gets a treat.
5) very often bulldogs can get sick. well, that's the breed
6) and in my opinion, you'd better take the boy. There is an opinion that bitches after childbirth become aggressive ... and childbirth is difficult for them.

Christina, http://animal.ru/dog/breed/french_bulldog/

I have a French boy 2 years old, I can't get enough of it. This is a very loyal dog and friendly towards family members and family friends. The main thing from childhood is to take seriously his health (vaccinations, cleaning his ears, and most importantly, so as not to catch a cold, to exclude a draft in the apartment). The French have a problem with their ears almost immediately, if they forgot to clean them, then they can comb them until they bleed, and even ear mites. The French love children to the point of madness, my trust even starts at the sight of children, looks into their eyes to let them play. In the yard with children of any age plays games and parents are not afraid for the children. As for snoring, I wake mine up when he starts snoring and he immediately stops (she thought that this would not help, but she got used to it)

Lena, http://animal.ru/dog/breed/french_bulldog/

I had French. Very kind, affectionate girl. She threw herself only three times in her whole life and always at children for some reason ... but she adored adults. Could also snap at big dogs when they approached me or her - only on such an occasion. In general, they lived, did not grieve magnificently. But they say that boys are not like that: they can be both aggressive and wayward. Another drawback of the breed is a tendency to cancer: ((Otherwise, the breed is excellent. These bulldogs are very charming))

Karina, http://dogsecrets.ru/frantsyzskij-buldog.html#i-9


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French Bulldog ( Bouledogue Francais, French Bulldog) refers to the jealous admirers of human society. It is with a unique character and high intelligence.

Outwardly, French Bulldogs may seem slow, but they are not. They love to frolic and support any crazy idea of ​​their master.

it strong dog, different good health and the absence of breathing problems commonly associated with other varieties of bulldogs.

French Bulldog: Breed Standard

French Bulldogs are smaller than their English counterparts. Weight varies between 10-15 kg. Height at the withers from 25 to 30 cm.

Males are more massive than females, although both of them have relief muscles, “stretched” on a powerful skeleton.

The muzzle is short with a prominent forked nose and a similarly forked upper lip.

Jaws strong, square, with strong and healthy teeth. Snack - snack. Lower jaw somewhat protrudes forward.

Photo 1. French Bulldog loves home communication

Upper and lower lip should close completely, completely hiding the teeth. The muscles on the cheeks are well developed.

The eyes of French Bulldogs are set low, they are removed from the ears and nose, have a lively expression.

The ears are large, rounded at the tips. auricles directed forward.

The back and loin are short and muscular. The croup is sloping. The chest resembles a barrel. The ribs are wide, rounded.

The tail is short, thick at the base.

The forelimbs are distinguished by relief muscles. Shoulders, forearms, wrists of the forelimbs are harmoniously linked to each other and create the impression of a downed and “puffed up” animal with a fighting character.

The same can be said about the hind limbs.

The coat of the French Bulldog is short, dense, thick and smooth. The undercoat is missing.

The color can be quite diverse: various shades of fawn, brindle, white, white-brindle and black-brindle.

Forbidden colors include "mouse" (gray-blue), chocolate, fawn with a blue mask, merle, tricolor. Their presence is the basis for the disqualification of the dog.

Features of the character of the French bulldog

French Bulldogs are considered agile and balanced dogs. They are brave, smart, friendly to people.

Excellent companions, able to entertain others with their playfulness and sociability. Can't stand long periods of loneliness.

Photo 2. The French Bulldog is inquisitive, courageous and active.

These dogs are always happy to have guests, but at the first sign of danger they are ready to rush to the defense of their master.

In relations with other animals, they retain some detachment. They can show aggression towards cats and dogs, but this quality is manifested strictly individually and can be corrected correctly.

French Bulldogs have an excellent reaction, are easy to climb, wonderful and easy to train.

At night, he snores a little, and, alas, nothing can be done about it ...

Features of keeping a French bulldog

The dog is literally born to be kept in a city apartment. Minimal comfort and a few short daily walks are enough.

For French Bulldogs, constant contact with people is vital.

Photo 3. The French Bulldog is unpretentious in food, but demanding in communication

These dogs eat little. Balanced excludes any allergic reactions. The diet of the French Bulldog is standard, typical for small breeds dogs.

It is advisable to use dry premium and super-premium class, as well as provide the pet with round-the-clock access to drinking water.

Due to the lack of an undercoat and short coat, French Bulldogs do not tolerate cold weather (especially with rare walks and low mobility).

Because of this, drafts and walks in severe frosts are contraindicated for them. Keeping such animals in enclosures is also unacceptable.

Systematic selection work on breeding the breed was carried out from the first half of XIX in.

Photo 4. French Bulldog is resting

The first saw the light in 1898. For the first time, the French Bulldog was revealed to the world in 1896 at the Westminster Kennel Club, and 7 years later (in 1903) the breed was demonstrated at an international exhibition.

Due to their compact size, French bulldogs were originally used among the common population as rat catchers.

However, over time, this breed gained popularity among the French nobility, which is why prices were significantly inflated.

The breed was no longer available to most of the population, the French bulldogs were gradually transferred to the category of elite dog breeds.

In the United States, French Bulldog puppies cost more than a car and ranged from $200 to $800. The facts of the sale of these puppies in the 1920s are known. at a price of $5,000 each.

French Bulldogs in Russia

French bulldogs were brought to Russia at the dawn of the 20th century. Due to the rarity and high cost of the French Bulldog, she could only afford to know, referring herself to "high society".

Photo 5. Wonderful pet

Among famous people who kept this breed of dog, Fedor Chaliapin and Vladimir Mayakovsky can be distinguished.

Change political power in 1917, and then the Great Patriotic War led to the almost complete disappearance of the French Bulldogs in the territory of the Soviet Union.

By 1945, only one French bulldog remained in Moscow - a male named Flik. Thanks to mating with the female Jerry, brought to Moscow from Hungary in 1948, several puppies were obtained, from which the revival of the breed began.

Since the early 1970s French bulldogs were excluded from the category of sports, service and hunting dog breeds and classified as decorative.

Video about the French Bulldog breed:

French Bulldog - charming breed, which will bring an unlimited amount of joy, and although this expression looks pompous, in fact it is completely true.

Dogs with a cheerful disposition, but without excessive annoying playfulness, loyal, but without servility, obedient, but at the same time do not resemble a programmed robot, possessing outstanding intelligence, but at the same time do not look stupid or smarter than the owner.

The friendly and cheerful nature of the French Bulldog, which has quick wit and obedience, makes it a great companion for every animal-loving person.

Attitude to the owner and family members

Friendly by nature, French Bulldogs are sociable and do not avoid the company of family members. Representatives of the breed love it when all family members are at home, and can play with the child, lie down next to the owner at the TV without disturbing him. But when family members go about their business, the pet will lie quietly in its place, only occasionally walking to the kitchen to check its bowl. But as soon as the sound of a key turning in the lock is heard in the door, all melancholy from the dog flies in an instant, and the dog happily runs to meet its owners, Julia at the feet of a person, periodically rising on its hind legs to reach out to the gentle hands of the owner. The attachment of these dogs to the owner is very strong, and all the blessings of the canine world recede before his love for the main person in their dog's life. For any dog, parting with his owner is a heavy blow, but the French Bulldog, having lost his home and owner, also experiences severe psychological stress.

The calm nature of the French Bulldog is a plus for the owner. The animal loves to play with children, it will never bite a child, even if a small fidget will greatly annoy the pet. The breed has a stable psyche and unshakable goodwill towards everyone.

Sensitive and understanding by nature, French Bulldogs are able to catch the moment when the owners do not have the opportunity to take care of their pet, and in this case, representatives of this cute breed will calmly wait in their place when they are remembered.

Attitude towards strangers

French Bulldogs are excellent psychologists, which gives them the opportunity not only to perfectly navigate the environment, but also to accurately understand people.

Unfamiliar people who came to visit, whom the owner greeted good-naturedly, the dog will also meet kindly, joyfully welcoming. But to strangers who are not welcome and the owners, the animal will not show interest, will not get acquainted, but will not behave aggressively. In case of danger, fearlessly, despite his small stature, he will rush at the enemy and try to protect people close to him and his home, because there is no place for fear in the heart of a small pet, especially when someone tries to harm loved ones. French bulldogs, loyal by nature, although small and weigh only fourteen kilograms, and their jaws do not inspire fear, but bulldogs are able to inflict tangible injury on the enemy.

Relationship with other animals

A distinctive feature of the character of the French Bulldog is peacefulness, so representatives of the breed are happy to get acquainted with other dogs, never refusing to strangers in the game. Like any breed, the “French” have their own preferences with whom to start acquaintance and play on a walk, but even if they met a dog “giant” during the promenade, they are still a representative large breed will be called to play. It is worth noting that if there is a situation of meeting with an aggressive dog, then the fearless French bulldog will immediately rush to the defense of his owner, and it will be extremely difficult to stop the fight, so you can not provoke fights between the bulldog and other dogs.

Among the French bulldogs there are also fighters who, having experienced the taste of victory over the enemy, will then specifically look for an object for a fight. Little bulldogs, according to their genetics, do not know how to retreat, and no matter how hard it is for them, they will fight to the end. This is a very dangerous quality for charming bulldogs, because, having got into a fight "on the tooth" of a stronger, larger and more vicious rival, the "Frenchman" may die.

Able to get along with other animals, but at the sight of unfamiliar small animals, such as cats, it can show a hunting instinct.

Training and other features

Experienced cynologists, of course, recommend training French Bulldogs under the guidance of professionals, but they believe that children of six to eight years old can handle the simplest commands based on the dog getting used to obedience. The "French" are a little stubborn, but if the training process is turned into a game, then they will master the elementary commands without difficulty. Early socialization is also important, which will allow you to raise an obedient dog.

Features of the French Bulldog include essential quality, little inherent in other decorative breeds, which allows these dogs to adapt to the conditions of life offered to them, that is, no matter what climate zone their house is in, and no matter what living conditions surround the dog, this will in no way affect its health and character.

The first representatives appeared on the territory of our country at the dawn of the 20th century. Since then, interest in these medium-sized, but strong dogs has not weakened. Many animal lovers dream of a French Bulldog puppy, hoping to grow a devoted friend out of him. But before you go to the kennel for a French dog, it is advisable to learn as much as possible about the breed, all its pluses and minuses.

French Bulldog Features

The external characteristic of the French Bulldog is as follows: the physique of the dog is strong, compact. The mass of females reaches 8 - 13.5 kg, males - 9 - 14.5 kg. When looking at the animal, erect rounded ears, attentive wide-set eyes with black eyelids, a short upturned muzzle with a black nose are immediately noticed. The neck of the French bulldog is short and rather muscular, the body is short and wide. The limbs of bulldogs are small in length, with well-developed muscles. The tail is thin and hanging (usually docked). The coat of these dogs is short, hard and thick. Permissible coat colors include: fawn, red, brindle, white, spotted. In addition to the approved colors, bulldogs with blue, black, cream, brown, and tan coats are also in demand.

Features of the character of the French bulldog

The French bulldog, beloved by many breeders, once descended from warlike mastiffs, therefore there is excitement and fearlessness in their character. But at the same time, blood flows in their veins, so French bulldogs are gentle dogs, able to get along in a family with children. They treat guests calmly, rarely come into conflict with other pets that live in the house.

French Bulldogs are smart, fast. If necessary, they can intercede for the owner, and the dimensions of the enemy will not be of particular importance to the bulldog. Like all other breeds, French Bulldogs have their pros and cons, which will be discussed later.

Pros of French Bulldogs

First, let's look at the pros of the French Bulldog. In this case, we will take into account only well-bred dogs in which the owner has invested a lot of effort:
  1. Friendliness- the bulldog is adequate and affectionate with the owner's family members. This dog can be safely left in a room with a child, without fear that the animal will offend the baby;
  2. high intelligence – French bulldogs are highly trainable, able to make their own decisions if the owner is not around. In addition, they bark only on business, which is important for residents of apartment buildings;
  3. Excellent physical activity - despite the squatness and short body, these dogs love to run, play with the owner, participate in competitions. They can easily be called gambling. But it is important that the dog was interested. If the owner of the animal does not want to spend energy on walks and games, then it is unlikely that the animal will have fun on its own for a long time;
  4. Courage- French Bulldogs rarely provoke conflicts themselves. But if they feel that the owner is in danger ( angry dog, a robber, an angry cat, etc.), they will selflessly fight;
  5. Ability to get along with animals - Bulldogs are unlikely to become truly friendly with other four-legged animals in the house. But they won’t be the first to go on the rampage, but they will be able to fight back aggressive dogs or ;
  6. healthy curiosity - French bulldogs are not couch lazy, making their way from the rookery to the bowl and back. They always strive to find out who knocked on the door, why the owner shouted, what was making noise in the corridor;
  7. Cleanliness - Bulldogs can get dirty while walking, but they are unlikely to fall into the mud or dust for fun. And from these dogs almost never comes the characteristic smell of a dog;
  8. Interest in life at a respectable age - if dogs of some other breeds often behave like old men already at 6-7 years old, then this does not apply to French bulldogs. They are playful, can have fun and run after the ball even in old age;
  9. Easy Care - French Bulldogs need to be combed out once a week, and bathed only 3-4 times a year. The owner will only have to keep the ears, teeth, eyes, nose clean. You will also need to wipe the wrinkles on the bulldog's face, and also cut the claws;
  10. Possibility of keeping in a small apartment - French bulldogs are dogs with rather modest dimensions, so a small corner will be enough for them, where a couch and bowls of water and food will be placed.

Cons of French Bulldogs

General positive traits we have listed the bulldogs. However, these cute dogs have such traits and features that may alert potential owners. So, I came to talk about the cons of the French Bulldog:

  1. rancor - in relation to the French bulldogs, in no case should you use beatings, screaming, too severe punishments. If from the first days the animal understands that the owner is capable of offending, friendship between a person and a dog will not work;
  2. Disobedience and aggression with improper upbringing - French bulldogs must be trained in elementary commands. From the first days in the house, the dog must be taught good behavior: do not bite even while the household is playing, do not spoil interior items, do not growl at animals, do not chase dogs while walking;
  3. The inability to be alone for a long time - actually, this is not such a minus, because a devoted animal just wants to be close to the owner. But if a person has things to do (work, the need to take children to a kindergarten or school, caring for elderly relatives, cooking, cleaning, etc.), then there simply will not be time for a dog. Alone, the bulldog, firstly, will experience stress, and secondly, it can entertain itself with such “toys” as the TV remote control, indoor flowers, children's toys;
  4. Inability to swim - many of the bulldogs are simply afraid to get into the water, others can swim, but they do it very clumsily. This fact should be known to owners who like to make trips to the river (sea, pond) with their pet;
  5. Fear of heat and cold - bulldogs are very intolerant low temperatures, drafts, heat. In the cold, they should certainly be dressed up in warm blouses and overalls, besides, the walk time will need to be reduced to a minimum so that the dog just relieves himself. In the very cold, the dog should not be taken out at all, offering to go "on business" to the tray. In summer, it is better to walk the dog in the morning and evening hours, in no case should you leave the animal without water in the heat;
  6. Inability to keep a dog in a street enclosure - French Bulldogs can only live comfortably in a house or apartment. On the street, even in the presence of a warm kennel, they can easily catch a cold and get sick;
  7. Sores traditional for the breed - it is difficult to classify the French bulldog as a healthy man. Many diseases haunt dogs of this breed due to the characteristics of the exterior. For example, convex big eyes often injured on branches, thorns, stones, may suffer during a fight. In addition, among eye diseases in bulldogs there are glaucoma, conjunctivitis, cataracts, prolapse of the third eyelid. Because of the short muzzle, dogs have breathing problems. The narrowing of the nasal passages leads to the so-called brachycephalic breathing, when the dog has difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, coughing up sputum. In addition, the French often have allergies and dermatitis, problems with the spine;
  8. Difficult delivery - such a misfortune happens to many French girls. Puppies' heads are large enough that dogs almost always need a doctor's presence to perform a caesarean section. Without the involvement of a specialist, it will be impossible to help the bitch;
  9. Snoring and air pollution - these delicate features of the breed as a whole cannot be called strong shortcomings, but in some cases they can lead to embarrassment;
  10. Short life span – . There are exceptions when animals live up to 15 years, but this is rare. And with poor health and not the highest quality care, bulldogs in general may not reach up to 8 years.

French Bulldog (eng. French Bulldog) is a breed of dog, characterized by small size, friendliness and cheerful character. The ancestors of these dogs were fighting dogs, but modern French Bulldogs are decorative companion dogs.

  • These bulldogs do not need a lot of activity, a daily walk and control of the optimal weight is enough.
  • They are extremely heat tolerant and should be supervised during the summer months to prevent overheating.
  • They are smart, but stubborn and do not like routine. A trainer needs experience and patience.
  • If you are clean, then bulldogs may not suit you. They drool, shed and suffer from flatulence.
  • These are quiet dogs that bark infrequently. But, there are no rules without exceptions.
  • Bulldogs should live in a house or apartment; they are completely unsuitable for life on the street.
  • They are very good with children and love them. But, with any dog, you need to be careful and not leave them alone with children.
  • This is a companion dog that cannot live without human contact. If you are away at work for a long time and no one is at home, seriously consider another breed.

History of the breed

For the first time, French bulldogs appeared in ... England, which is not surprising, because they originated from. Seamstresses from Nottingham have bred a miniature version of the English Bulldog. These seamstresses were engaged in weaving tablecloths and napkins, popular in the Victorian era.

However, times have changed and the time has come for manufactories and industrial production. So new bulldogs get to France. However, there is no consensus on the exact reason for this migration.

Some believe that the seamstresses moved there, as there was a demand for their products in France, others that it was traders who brought dogs from England.

It is authentically known that at the end of the 19th century, seamstresses from English Nottingham settled in Brittany, in northern France. They brought small bulldogs with them, which became popular pet dogs.

In addition to the fact that they caught rats, they also had an excellent character. It was then that the ears characteristic of the breed are mentioned - large, like those of bats.

Although some sources claim that they came to Paris thanks to the aristocracy, the truth is that they were first introduced by Parisian prostitutes. On the surviving postcards of that time (which depict naked or half-naked women), they pose with their dogs.

Naturally, aristocrats did not disdain visiting these ladies, and through them the bulldogs got into high society. Since 1880, a boom in popularity for French Bulldogs, at that time still called “Boule-Dog Francais”, begins.

Perhaps it was the first dog madness in the world, when it began to be considered fashionable in high society.

Given that at that time Paris was a trendsetter, it is not surprising that the dog was quickly recognized all over the world. Already in 1890 they come to America, and on April 4, 1897, the French Bulldog Club of America (FBDCA) is created, which still exists today.

The popularity of the breed begins to increase and reaches its peak in 1913, when 100 French Bulldogs participate in a dog show held by the Westminster Kennel Club at once.

On the Internet you can find a beautiful story about a bulldog named Gamin de Pycombe, they say he was on the Titanic and survived, even sailed away somewhere.

There is only part of the truth in it, he was on the Titanic, but drowned. And since it was insured, the owner received $21,750 for its loss.

This is not the only dog ​​of this breed that went down in history thanks to the tragedy.
Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna (the second daughter of Emperor Nicholas II), kept a French bulldog named Ortipo. He was with her during the execution royal family and died with her.

Despite the protests of breeders of English bulldogs, in 1905 the Kennel Club recognizes the breed as separate from them. At first it was called Bouledogue Francais, but in 1912 the name was changed to French Bulldog.

Of course, the breed's popularity has waned over the years, but even today they are the 21st most popular of all 167 AKC registered breeds.

Bulldogs are widespread and popular in the territory former USSR where there are many nurseries and clubs.

Description of the breed

Characteristic features of the breed are: small size, wide and short muzzle and large ears resembling locators.

Although the height is not limited by the breed standard, they usually reach 25-35 cm at the withers, males weigh 10-15 kg, females 8-12 kg.

The main visual difference between the French and the head shape. In Frenchies, it is smooth, with a rounded forehead and is much smaller in size.

The coat is short, smooth, shiny, without undercoat. Colors vary from brindle to fawn. On the muzzle and head, skin with pronounced wrinkles, with concentric symmetrical folds that go down to the upper lip.

Type of bite - undershot. The ears are large, erect, wide, with a rounded tip.


These dogs have a well-deserved reputation as an ideal companion and family dog. They earned it thanks to their small size, friendliness, playfulness and easy nature. They are also easy to care for, if you do not take into account the problems with hot weather.

These dogs are eager for the attention of the owner, playful and mischievous. Even the most calm and trained dogs cannot live without daily communication and games in the family circle.

However, training them is not easy. By nature, they are stubborn, plus they easily get bored when repeating the same thing. Such qualities sometimes baffle even experienced trainers, not to mention the owners.

Best results can be achieved by using short workouts and using treats as a reward. Yelling, threatening and hitting will do the opposite, the bulldog will lose all interest in training. It is recommended to take a course of UGS from an experienced trainer.

French Bulldogs are not a backyard dog! They simply cannot survive not in the yard, much less on the street. These are domestic, even sofa dogs.

They get along well with other dogs, love children very much and protect them as much as they can.

However, young children need to be supervised so that they do not create a situation in which the Bulldog needs to protect itself. They are unable to seriously harm the child, but still, the fright is enough for the kids.

As for physical activity, like its English counterpart, the French Bulldog is unpretentious.

Quiet enough, walking once a day. Just consider the weather, remember that these dogs are sensitive to heat and cold.


Although for a dog of this size, French Bulldogs don't need much grooming, they do have unique requirements. Their short, smooth coat is easy to care for, but big ears need to be looked after carefully.

If they are not cleaned, dirt and grease can lead to infections and suppuration.
Particular attention is needed to the folds on the muzzle, they are also clogged with dirt, water and food, which can lead to inflammation.

Ideally, wipe them after each feeding, at least once a day. In dogs of light colors, eyes flow, this is normal, then the discharge again needs to be removed.

Otherwise, they are simple and unpretentious, they love water and even allow themselves to be bathed without any problems.

Nails need to be cut every two to three weeks, but not too much so as not to hurt the blood vessels.


The average life expectancy is 11-13 years, although they can live for more than 14 years.

Due to their brachycephalic snout, they are unable to effectively regulate their body temperature.

Where other dogs suffer slightly from the heat, bulldogs perish. Because of this, they are even banned from transportation by some airlines, as they often die during flights.

In our climate, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the dog during summer heat, do not walk while it is hot, give plenty of water and keep in an air-conditioned room.

About 80% of puppies are born as a result of caesarean section. Most bitches cannot give birth on their own due to the puppy's large head, unable to pass through the birth canal. Often they even have to be artificially inseminated.

French bulldogs also suffer from back problems, in particular, with intervertebral discs. This happens due to the fact that they were artificially selected among the smallest English bulldogs, which in themselves are far from being a standard of health.

They also have weak eyes, blepharitis and conjunctivitis are common. As already mentioned, light-coated dogs often have discharge from the eyes that needs to be cleaned. In addition, they are prone to glaucoma and cataracts.