Stalker Zone World - Mutants. Walkthrough STALKER: Call of Pripyat - Zaton, Jupiter, Pripyat and additional tasks Encyclopedia stalker call of Pripyat mutants

Build author: 3vtiger, 3fallout3 (working with smart points)
Model authors: Gresnik13rs, 3fallout3, 3vtiger, ed_rez, Samber13, One_ShoT, Domestos (texture of the flesh) and others.

This pack contains some old developments on mutants, mainly for those who are generally far from independently adapting each model into the game. This pack will solve this problem for them.


  • The models were revised in MilkShape and, if necessary, smoothed.
  • Full reconfiguration in KFOR.
  • On top of the PYS mutants were added: Tark (own config), two mutants on the Deathclaw skeleton (Snakehead and Basilisk), the Librarian and five models of civilian zombies.
  • The textures were also revised, all without exception, sorted into folders, some were corrected, and unnecessary alpha channels were also removed.
  • Bumps have been added to all textures except for eyes, mouth and others.
  • Configs have been overhauled and a variety of visuals added for PYS mutants where their default config allowed it.
  • Tweaked the configs of the added mutants so that they can be defeated with the starting weapon. However, they are still very dangerous enemies, especially up close.
  • The cat and kink configs are also connected, but their models are missing. Made for those who want to add them themselves. I draw your attention to the fact that the configs will need to be edited, namely the lethality and damage thereof.
  • The relations of mutants to each other are edited by yourself, of course, new mutants have been added to the “game_relations.ltx” file.
  • Fixed old and created new squads.
  • New mutants have also been added to spawn in three open locations. Smarts have been fixed in such a way that the spawn logic has not changed. New mutants spawn randomly along with all the available PYS mutants, so there is a chance that you won't see the added mutants right away.
  • All new mutants and created squads are registered in the "Lord of the Zone" - you can see them in the game at any time.
  • Added sounds for the Librarian, Deathclaw, Yao Guy, Tark and Zombie. Checked for settings in sound files(comments).
  • The work on the pack is completed and no additions to it will be made. All manipulations for replacing mutant models or adding them are at your discretion.

Additional screenshots - .

Screen slideshow:


  • Since some models have more polygons than standard models and 2K textures, friezes are observed in certain places, especially when any scripted events occur and a large number of mobs are concentrated along the visibility radius. At this point, FPS may sag on weak machines.
  • For the test, the plot was completed before Cardan lost consciousness due to gauss - no crashes were found. When moving from locations, everything is also smooth. In the process of passing the story, the necessary edits of configs and spawn control were carried out.


Compatibility with other mods has not been tested. Theoretically: weapon modifications, non-spawn mods and mutant configs can be combined without adaptation.

Representing almost entirely its fauna. Present in all parts of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and are an integral part of the game universe.

Origin Classification

Mutants can be divided into two groups: those that appeared as a result of secret scientific experiments and mutated animals that lived in these territories before the appearance of the Zone. However, the belonging of certain mutants to a particular group is sometimes difficult to determine, so it is possible to distinguish a third group - mutants of unknown origin. It should also be noted that by the standards of the fauna of the rest of the world, the fauna of the Zone is scarce.

Mutated Animals

It is obvious that the Zone has killed most of the animal species on its territory, but some have been able to adapt to it, having characteristically evolved in a matter of years.

Of domestic animals, dogs and pigs survived. If for the first mutations were insignificant, then the pigs have changed beyond recognition. Both species turned out to be equally aggressive towards humans, but at the same time, in some situations, cowardice is inherent in them.

  • The type of dogs in the Zone got a name - blind dogs.
  • Pigs are flesh.

The surviving representatives of the wild fauna are: wolves, wild boars and jerboas.

The aggressiveness of the mutated wolves increased many times over, outwardly they began to look more like dogs, for which they received the name Pseudo-dog. Also, Chernobyl wolves have a subspecies - Psi-dog.

Boars have not undergone practically any changes, with the exception of a slightly increased size and second pairs of fangs and ears.

After adaptation to the conditions of the Zone, the size of jerboas more than doubled. Jerboas have become aggressive and carnivorous.

Of the wild fauna, the only birds of the Zone should be noted - the raven. Probably, this species of birds has not undergone any changes during the mutation of other animals. Ravens are not aggressive - this is the main difference from other living creatures inhabiting the Zone.

Appeared during the experiments

Before the appearance of the Zone, there was a network of secret scientific laboratories. Among other things, they carried out genetic experiments, during which a number of new creatures were obtained,

Detailed description:

The domestic pigs that found themselves in the Zone, like many other living organisms, underwent a strong mutation. Since the genes that control metabolic processes were affected, the phenotype of the animal changed dramatically. The mutated pig, which stalkers call "flesh" is one of the most obvious examples of the Zone's abuse of nature. These creatures developed a scaly-bone protective cover, the body's ability to regenerate significantly increased, and nervous system. Like an ordinary pig, the "flesh" is omnivorous, therefore, being hungry, it may well attack a stalker.


The pigs also underwent mutations, as did all other organisms in the Zone.
The new ecological situation is characterized by increased activity of new factors environment, including numerous mutagenic factors.
Acting in a complex way, physical, chemical, biological, and abnormal mutagenic factors lead to new types of mutations that affect all levels of organization of the hereditary material of organisms - DNA. IN different parts activity zones
Some factors vary, as a result we can observe a great variety
manifestations of the mutation process. One of brightest examples the “flesh”-mutated domestic pig (Sus Domestica, further simply SD) can serve.
to say that the genetic information of a given organism was subject to significant
the influence of mutagens. The genes that control the main life processes And
metabolic pathways, from which the phenotype of the animal has changed greatly. existence itself
this mutant is a great miracle, since most mutations lead to lethal outcome.
Here we can observe a whole ensemble of mutations that are not only not harmful,
on the contrary, they seem to be positive or neutral. But despite significant phenotypic
changes can still be judged on the affinity between the mutant and the progenitor.


Compacted and characterized by the presence of several additional layers
modified epidermis. On transverse microsections, an additional layer of cells is well distinguished. Strong thickening of the stratum corneum and keratinization indicates an increased reproductive potential of epitheliocytes. Also on micrographs, undifferentiated epitheliocytes are clearly visible. This may explain the regenerative capabilities of the skin of these mutants. I would especially like to note that the structure of keratin - the main building protein - has noticeably changed - its mechanical parameters have increased. In the surface layers, blotches are clearly visible bone tissue- kind of plates. Their function is more protective.
The tissues on the limbs also changed: gradually, relatively soft fabric hooves are replaced by bone tissue. The cloven hoof is now represented by a single long bony growth that the mutant can use to attack.


New environmental conditions significantly affected the development of bone tissue in DM.
In connection with the change in the nature of movement and the way to finish off food, one can observe the correspondence of the structure and functions both in the skeleton and throughout the body. The bones have become thick and heavy, the bone marrow content has increased due to the constant regeneration of radiation-damaged cells - active red bone marrow is the most powerful source of blood stem cells. The structure of the skeleton also began to correspond to the new conditions of movement and hunting. However, the mass of the body is large enough for fast and long movement, so the "flesh" is forced to rest often. Muscle as one of the most resistant to mutagenic effects of radiation has changed little. Perhaps the only thing that can be noted is an increased number of calcium channels on myocyte membranes, apparently this is due to a more active way of life that requires frequent and high powerful loads on the muscles. Ca2+ ions are known to be responsible for muscle contractions.
The skull of the animal has changed in the most interesting way. Immediately catches the eye
a sharply changed ratio of the brain and facial sections. The brain section has increased in size relative to the front part, which is typical for more highly developed forms of life.
Also, the shape, number, and arrangement of the teeth now bear more resemblance to primates than artiodactyls. The evolutionary significance of these changes still remains a mystery, since the structure of the oral apparatus and the nature of nutrition do not correspond to the obviously predatory lifestyle of the “flesh”.


No visible changes in the anatomy of the digestive system were found. Although no
the stomach has become more plastic because irregular feeding and rare cases of prey have adapted the “flesh” stomach to irregular and often strong stretching - as a relatively weak creature in the zone, when eating prey, the “flesh” tries to get satiated faster until the smell
more terrible predators arrived (I have no idea what else besides bloodsuckers: o))
Like the SD gastrointestinal tract(GIT) "flesh" retained all the main departments:
preoral cavity, sweat cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, ass!: o) The mouth apparatus is typical for a ruminant - absent
"predatory" teeth, fangs are underdeveloped (or rather developed like in ruminants).
Regarding physiology, it should be noted that with a change in the nature of nutrition,
And some features in digestion. In connection with the transition to food of animal origin, P.'s enzyme systems have become more versatile. The internal environment of the gastrointestinal tract
became aggressive, the level of acidity in the stomach increased. Also developed a powerful detoxification apparatus in the liver - as an adaptation mechanism to frequent use dropped as food. The hidden genetic resources of P allow it to produce new enzymes for the breakdown of cadaverine and putrescine - cadaveric poisons (products of protein decomposition).

Nervous system

Anatomically, the nervous system has not changed much, but its physiology has acquired a somewhat different appearance from the previous one. In anatomical terms, a slight increase in the subcortical nuclei of gray matter can be noted. hemispheres brain. Now the relative volume of the brain has become larger, and anatomical structure more perfect, that is, phylogenetically approached relatively more evolutionarily advanced species. But the main changes can be noted at the cellular level: the shape of neurons has changed little, but the number of nerve processes of dendrites has increased (and most importantly (!) There are two axons - there is always one axon !!! I don’t know if I need to write this - fiction clean water!: o)) It is logical to assume that such changes contribute to an increase in the "conductivity" of the nervous system. On the encephalograms of experimental specimens of the "flesh", there are signs of increased activity in the frontal lobes of the brain, in the centers responsible for thinking and communication (Speech centers are located in the frontal lobe brain, and since thinking also occurs verbally, the frontal lobe is also responsible for it).
It can be assumed that the “intellectual” level of animals has also changed, as far as we can talk about intelligence in domestic pigs: o) Several new reflexes have appeared, which affected the behavior of these animals. conditioned reflexes also increased, which means a high "adaptability" of the nervous system to new environmental conditions, and the ability to learn. Behavioral reactions became much more diverse, which changed the ethological structure of the "flesh" population in the zone.
There is also increased brain activity in the centers of vision and hearing. Like all wild animals in the "flesh" they are also actively working.
It is interesting that …………… (later I will clarify) - the structure responsible for synchronizing the movements of the eyeballs is absent in the “flesh”. The “flesh” can now rotate its eyes independently, like a chameleon. Or rather, one eye. The second eye gradually decreases in size, and at first glance it is reduced, but in fact this phenomenon is called "morpho-functional regression" - the body achieves biological progress through simplification (reduction or complete atrophy for example) of the structure. A typical example is the liver fluke (flatworm ), almost the weight of the volume of the body is occupied by the genitals, and digestive system he does not need it, it is reduced. Biological progress is ensured by the rapid rate of reproduction. So let's get back to the "flesh". She has one eye underdeveloped. In fact, it is in the process of transformation. There is a simplification of the structure, gradually, along the edges of the retina, structural and functional units of the faceted eye, which we can observe in insects. The meaning of this " acquisitions” is great:
such (faceted) eyes capture polarized light. This means that the animal does not need to see the sun in order to orient itself in space. This navigation mechanism can still be
watch bees - they can always find their way home even in cloudy or foggy conditions. Since one of the habitats of "flesh" is fog, this new type of eye allows it to use its advantage for orientation. The other eye is no less interesting there that now rotates independently, which allows you to survey the surroundings and simultaneously move in a given direction.


The circumstances of the case. From the protocol of examination of the corpse, compiled on 23.04.96. senior researcher... surname illegible knows the following: “R *** V.V. On August 14, 1960, the corpse of the creature was in the zone for quite a long time before its discovery ... The corpse lies on its left side, the right forelimb is extended in front, the left - on the ground, the right hind - bent in knee joint. visible signs no violent death was found on the corpse.” From the anatomical map issued by the Research Institute (No. not specified) in the name of Rodin VV, it is known... other information was received by the time the corpse was examined.
External examination .... (there is no other clothing on the corpse: o) The corpse (individual) of the male, correct
(as for a pig) physique, moderate nutrition, body length 187cm. Skin outside cadaveric spots grayish-brown, cold to the touch. Cadaverous spots on the muzzle, neck, abdomen, inner thighs, on the shins, island-shaped blue-violet, on the back cadaveric spots more spilled. In the iliac region, spots of a dirty green color are determined. When pressed with a finger, cadaveric spots do not turn pale. Muscle rigor is almost completely absent in all muscle groups. The head is ..... shaped, the hairline is dark brown in color, the length of the bristles in the withers area is up to 10 cm. eyeballs elastic, there is a slight exophthalmos, pupils 0.5 cm. The cartilage and bones of the snout are intact to the touch. The openings of the nose and ears are free, clean. The mouth is closed. The mucous membrane of the vestibule of the mouth is cyanotic, shiny. The tongue protrudes beyond the line of the teeth. Visible teeth upper jaw natural, whole. On mandible the first two teeth on the left are missing, the holes are overgrown. A yellow-brown mucous liquid is secreted from the mouth. There are no lesions on the skin of the neck. Rib cage cylindrical shape, the abdomen is above the level of the costal arches. The external genital organs are formed correctly, according to the male type, discharge from urethra no, brown parchment spots on the front surface of the scrotum. Hole anus soiled stool. The bones of the limbs are intact to the touch. Injuries: an oval abrasion 0.3x0.4 cm in size is noted above the handle of the sternum, the crust above it is dry, protrudes above the level of the skin. No other damage was found.

Build author: 3vtiger, 3fallout3 (working with smart points)
Model authors: Gresnik13rs, 3fallout3, 3vtiger, ed_rez, Samber13, One_ShoT, Domestos (texture of the flesh) and others.

This pack contains some old developments on mutants, mainly for those who are generally far from independently adapting each model into the game. This pack will solve this problem for them.


  • The models were revised in MilkShape and, if necessary, smoothed.
  • Full reconfiguration in KFOR.
  • On top of the PYS mutants were added: Tark (own config), two mutants on the Deathclaw skeleton (Snakehead and Basilisk), the Librarian and five models of civilian zombies.
  • The textures were also revised, all without exception, sorted into folders, some were corrected, and unnecessary alpha channels were also removed.
  • Bumps have been added to all textures except for eyes, mouth and others.
  • Configs have been overhauled and a variety of visuals added for PYS mutants where their default config allowed it.
  • Tweaked the configs of the added mutants so that they can be defeated with the starting weapon. However, they are still very dangerous enemies, especially up close.
  • The cat and kink configs are also connected, but their models are missing. Made for those who want to add them themselves. I draw your attention to the fact that the configs will need to be edited, namely the lethality and damage thereof.
  • The relations of mutants to each other are edited by yourself, of course, new mutants have been added to the “game_relations.ltx” file.
  • Fixed old and created new squads.
  • New mutants have also been added to spawn in three open locations. Smarts have been fixed in such a way that the spawn logic has not changed. New mutants spawn randomly along with all the available PYS mutants, so there is a chance that you won't see the added mutants right away.
  • All new mutants and created squads are registered in the "Lord of the Zone" - you can see them in the game at any time.
  • Added sounds for the Librarian, Deathclaw, Yao Guy, Tark and Zombie. Checked for settings in sound files (comments).
  • The work on the pack is completed and no additions to it will be made. All manipulations for replacing mutant models or adding them are at your discretion.

Additional screenshots - .

Screen slideshow:


  • Since some models have more polygons than standard models and 2K textures, friezes are observed in certain places, especially when any scripted events occur and a large number of mobs are concentrated along the visibility radius. At this point, FPS may sag on weak machines.
  • For the test, the plot was completed before Cardan lost consciousness due to gauss - no crashes were found. When moving from locations, everything is also smooth. In the process of passing the story, the necessary edits of configs and spawn control were carried out.


Compatibility with other mods has not been tested. Theoretically: weapon modifications, non-spawn mods and mutant configs can be combined without adaptation.


Mutants: in this section you will find information about all the mutants of the Zone that got into the games of the series, or were cut out and not added to them. In addition to information, you will find out how dangerous this or that creature is according to the scale introduced by the SZW Team. The scale is located in the lower right corner of the picture and is divided into 3 colors and 3 cells - a total of 9 levels of danger, from 1 green to 3 red.

  1. Mutants implemented in the games of the series:
  • Flesh- The domestic pigs that found themselves in the Zone, like many other living organisms, underwent a strong mutation. Since the genes that control metabolic processes were affected, the phenotype of the animal changed dramatically. The mutated pig, which stalkers call "flesh" is one of the most obvious examples of the Zone's abuse of nature. These creatures developed a scaly-bone protective cover, the body's ability to regenerate significantly increased, and the nervous system became more complex. Like an ordinary pig, the "flesh" is omnivorous, therefore, being hungry, it may well attack a stalker.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Boar- A large animal, reaching one and a half meters at the withers. With its vitality and aggressiveness, this animal surpasses its relatives outside the Zone and is not inferior to most mutants. Mutagenic processes caused by exposure to radiation and anomalies have largely affected the appearance of these mammals: in some places the latter became bald, and in other places, on the contrary, overgrown with very long coarse hair. The hooves of the animals changed their shape and became sharper, acquiring some resemblance to claws; the pupils were discolored, pigmentation spots and deep wrinkles appeared on the bald head. Boars of the Zone tolerate radiation well, which allows them to stay in heavily polluted areas for a long time. Usually these animals attack from a running start, trying to rip open the stomach of the victim with fangs or knock it down.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Jerboa- A small animal, the progenitor of which is an ordinary rat. The methods of movement have changed, the forelimbs are short, the hind limbs have lengthened, they move in short jumps like a kangaroo (hence the name). They usually act in a flock of 5-8 individuals, they rarely attack alone. This feature of them makes the animals a dangerous adversary. They live mostly in dungeons.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • blind dog- Since the time of the first catastrophe in the dog family, several generations have already changed, and in each of them the influence of the Zone has been increasingly observed. Mutations and evolutionary adaptation have led to the strengthening of previously weakly expressed canine abilities, and often to the detriment of the usual ones. The main physiological changes affected vision - it turned out to be almost useless after a rapid increase in instinct: for example, blind puppies survived in the Zone no worse, if not better, than their sighted counterparts. As a result, ordinary dogs soon completely degenerated here, giving way to a new species - blind dogs. These animals perfectly recognize and bypass anomalies, radiation and other invisible dangers that the Zone is teeming with. Like their ancestors, blind dogs hunt in packs; meeting with a large group of these creatures means a serious danger even for a well-armed stalker.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • pseudo dog- Despite the name, pseudo-dogs did not come from dogs, but from wolves. Wild animals that lived in the forests of the Zone at the time of the disaster became the ancestors of one of the most dangerous species mutants. Pseudo-dogs are as different from mutated dogs as wild wolves are not like mongrels. These creatures are territorial and will savagely attack anyone who trespasses into their domain. Lightning reaction, incredible mobility and sharp teeth make the pseudo-dog a very serious opponent, which is difficult to resist even for a large mutant or a well-armed stalker.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Chernobyl dog- The Chernobyl dog is an older and mature variety of a pseudo-dog. Much smarter than their relatives, differs from them in darker hair, aggressiveness and vitality.

Found in: TC.

  • psi dog- A rare variety of pseudo-dog, outwardly distinguished by white hair. Creates ghost phantoms capable of inflicting physical damage. In case of hitting them, the doubles disappear, but the dog creates new ones. You can calculate the "original" by the fact that he is usually on the sidelines and occasionally runs up to attack.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Poltergeist- Truly supernatural invisible creatures, found only in the depths of the Zone, usually live inside dilapidated buildings. Nothing is reliably known about the origin; There is a legend that these are the spirits of stalkers who fell under a powerful ejection. The mechanism of manifestation of these invisibles really corresponds to the legends of the poltergeist (hence the name) and is diverse: from periodic howls and laughter to dangerous fireballs appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately, all information about this phenomenon is drawn from vague and rather contradictory stories, the veracity of which is in doubt.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • fire poltergeist- All habits are similar to the usual poltergeist. Unlike its brother, the fiery poltergeist cannot use telekinesis, but has a more powerful weapon at its disposal - fire. If he notices an enemy, he will organize a large fiery prominence next to him, and try to fry the enemy. Extremely dangerous.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • bloodsucker- Semi-legendary monster - seasoned stalkers describe him as a tall, stooped humanoid with many tentacles instead of a mouth. According to them, with the help of tentacles, this creature feeds: digging into the neck of a living victim, it paralyzes its prey and sucks out its blood; after such a procedure, only a dried, mummy-like shell remains from a person. The most amazing thing about the bloodsucker is his ability to become invisible. Apparently, it is these creatures that are responsible for death. a large number stalkers. Few of the eyewitnesses survived - and, judging by the stories of these lucky ones, bloodsuckers prefer damp places like swamps and dungeons to live.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Swamp Thing- The swamp creature is a subspecies of the common bloodsucker. But the creature is twice as strong as him, much faster and more dexterous. But the main hallmark- the ability to make absolutely incredible jumps of tens of meters. In addition, the creature is covered with long gray-green hair. It looks like moss and other plants just grow on this creature - this helps it to disguise itself.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Snork- These creatures, apparently, were once people, although it is difficult to imagine what conditions can bring a person to such a state. Snorks are crazy creatures leading a completely animal lifestyle, essentially differing little from the predatory monsters of the Zone. They move on all fours, bouncing above the ground and constantly sniffing it to catch the scent of the victim. They hunt carefully and prudently, lying in wait for stalkers like predatory animals. Lightning reflexes and hypertrophied muscles allow snorks to make long accurate jumps and tear the victim to shreds in a few seconds. On some individuals, details of an army uniform or individual pieces of equipment have been preserved, which suggests that they are missing soldiers or stalkers.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Controller- The result of experiments on criminals under the program for the development of human telepathic abilities. Outwardly, it resembles a humanoid with a disproportionately enlarged head. On the body, one can distinguish blue ripped jeans, as well as the remains of bandages or overalls. Possesses developed perception, as well as the ability to control the behavior of less developed beings. Can take control of people and warn intruders if in a good mood. This is a dangerous opponent, which even experienced stalkers are afraid of meeting.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  • Burer- The result of the program for the development of telekinetic abilities in humans. The experiments were done on prisoners. They live in dungeons, but can also be found on the surface. When meeting, they can snatch weapons from their hands, throw the enemy back, hit, they can throw objects using telekinesis, they can also impede movement, they are invulnerable during manipulations with objects. They also know how to return grenades sent to them so that they fly at the enemy. They have the ability to foresee. They can cause attacks of auditory hallucinations, for example, the crying of a child. When attacked, they emit loud sounds similar to a battle cry. IN calm state constantly muttering something.

Found in: ZP.

  • Chimera- A product of the program for the creation of a universal animal protector (UZhAZ). Origin by outward signs cannot be identified; most likely it is a genetic combination various kinds. A four-legged panther-like creature with two heads (one of them is underdeveloped); as a result, there is a duplicate system internal organs. The limbs have huge claws. Attacks the victim mainly by jumping in a straight line. An insurmountable obstacle for the monster is a tree on the attack vector. From the first two parts it was cut out, trophy heads at the bases of the groups reminded of it. It is fully realized in "Call of Pripyat", where it is a dangerous and tenacious mutant. Sometimes he tries to bypass the stalker from the back. Considered a nocturnal predator.

Found in: ZP.

  • Pseudogigant- A huge carcass, consisting of a drop-shaped torso and a pair of hypertrophied limbs - that's what a pseudo-giant is. The arms are used by this creature to move and grab prey. An adult reaches a weight of two tons with a growth of about two meters. External clumsiness is very deceptive - pseudo-giants are swift in their movements, their muscles have simply amazing power, and their bones are as strong as metal. The brain is protected by the thickest - about 100 millimeters! - skull, in addition, many complex functions performs spinal cord. It is also amazing the ability of pseudo-giants to form local shock waves, striking in a limited radius all living things.

Occurs in: PM, CHN, ZP.

  1. Cut or unrealized mutants:

  • Rat- Rats are the constant companion of man. And in places where a person left, they live even more freely. Apparently, factors such as radiation and habitats played a role here. It is unlikely that these rats are far removed from the usual in habits and physiology. Interestingly, rats are one of the most common hallucinations seen by stalkers under psi attack. They actively use their senses to detect anomalous zones. They do not succumb to radiation and easily adapt to other adverse factors.

  • rat wolf- Leads packs of ordinary rats - under the control of one rat wolf, there are usually about a dozen. They do not conflict with other ratwolves. Just like rats, they love dungeons and abandoned places.

  • Cat- A mutant cat with greenish fur and many bald spots on the sides, like a pseudo-dog. The neck is clearly visible swollen from radiation thyroid. Aggressive. Swift in movement and very fast. Common. In most cases, they live alone, less often - in small groups of 2-3 individuals. They live in quiet, secluded places (for example, old houses or thickets of the forest).

  • imitator cat- A variation of the cat mutation. Named so because of its ability to imitate human speech. By luring inexperienced stalkers in this way, he takes their lives with quick movements.

  • Dwarf- It is still not clear who is the subspecies - a dwarf or a burer? But most likely a burer, since the dwarf looks more like a person. Be that as it may, dwarfs are much more common. They were also formed as a result of experiments under the "universal soldier" program. Due to their underground habitation, their skin is pale yellowish-white with a hint of green, and they become blind from light. Telekinesis and foresight are well developed (but not in the same way as among the burers), and they fight well with their hands. Their head is also hypertrophied. The level of intelligence is very high. Dwarfs live, like burers, in dungeons and do not tolerate light. There they arrange masterful traps for stalkers with the help of garbage (fill up passages, cause tunnels to collapse). They see wonderfully in the dark. For unknown reasons, blind dogs are hated. Perhaps (not proven), they have their own religious cult - they worship things stolen from stalkers.

  • Zombie- The effect of the Brain Burner completely destroys the structure of the personality, leaving only the body shell. After wandering around the Zone for a while, mindless bodies begin to turn into real zombies. Of the reflexes, they have only the most primitive, weapons and clothing soon become unusable. As a result, zombies are nothing more than slow half-corpses for which there are only two effective stimuli: food and sleep. Zombies are completely promiscuous in their choice of food and drink, so their bodies are literally saturated with radiation and toxins. As a rule, these creatures wander aimlessly around the Zone or, like corpses, wallow inside abandoned buildings. However, as soon as the zombie senses the close presence of a living person, he immediately tries to attack. Experienced stalkers try to bypass these clumsy empty shells.

  • Tark- It is likely that they are mutated Przewalski's horses, which were brought to the Zone.

  • kink- The only reasonable, by human standards, mutant. Can be aggressive, but can also help in exchange for food, for example. Attacks the stalker only from the back, but is usually not very aggressive. He hides his hand under his clothes so that he is not attacked immediately. Very cunning. His main trick is to shout from behind the bushes “Help! I injured!" (can often remember lines, short phrases, dialogues, use either as a gimmick or as useful information). Novice stalkers are led to a trick and go to help a friend, after which they receive a crushing blow with a hypertrophied limb. Lives near stalkers, sometimes gets along with them. For food can tell Interesting Facts about the Zone, useful information.

  • Frame- Hulls don't have a head, only a hull. The mutant also has mechanical elements and strange seams. It was created by scientists in laboratories.

  • Mimicry- A mutant who can fly. Reminds me of bats (although, perhaps, it is). The preferred habitat is dungeons and abandoned buildings.

  • Morlock- Descended from a man, armed with a pistol. It is believed that these are special forces mutants.

  • Pseudo-human- A mutant descended from a human. Perhaps he became so as a result of experiments on people or as a result of mutations due to anomalies. Reasonable, lives in swamps and in dungeons. Can speak. Able to strike with his muscular arms. When attacking, it seeks to knock the stalker off his feet.

  • Observer- An unknown mutant, which most likely should have appeared at the end of the game, on the Generators.