Abstract: Valeology as a science of health. Valeology is the science of individual health and a healthy lifestyle

1. Basic concepts of valueology;

2. Prerequisites for the emergence of valeology;

3. The place of valueology in the system of sciences;

4. Classification of valueology;

5. Social aspects of health and healthy lifestyle.

1. Basic concepts of valueology.

The phenomenon of man, which arose in the process of evolution of the organic world, became the subject of study of a huge variety of natural (biology, genetics, anthropology, chemistry, etc.) and social (history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, etc.) sciences. However, until now, a person cannot give definitive answers to many questions concerning not only his essence, but also being. This fully applies to one of the fundamental aspects of his life and activity - health. At the same time, the very idea of ​​health in recent decades has acquired particular relevance due to the fact that the quality of health is experiencing a steady downward trend. At the same time, it becomes more and more clear that to go “from the opposite”, from illness to ensuring health – and in fact, it is precisely this principle, despite the declared idea of ​​prevention, that medicine professes – both wrong and harmful. The difficulty, however, is that the health methodology does not yet exist. This is not surprising, since until very recently there was, paradoxically, the science of health itself!

Russian scientist I.I. Brekhman was one of the first in modern times to sharpen the problem of the need to develop the foundations of a new science and in 1980 introduced the term "valeology" (as a derivative of the Latin valeo - "health", "to be healthy"). Since then, the term has become generally accepted, and valueology as a science and as an academic discipline is gaining more and more recognition not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Its fundamental positions can be reduced to the following definitions:

Valeology is an interscientific direction of knowledge about human health, about the ways of its provision, formation and preservation in specific conditions of life. As an academic discipline, it is a body of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.

The central problem of valeology is the attitude to individual health and the education of a culture of health in the process of individual development of the personality.

The subject of valeology is individual health and human health reserves, as well as a healthy lifestyle. This is one of the most important differences between valeology and preventive medical disciplines, the recommendations of which are aimed at preventing diseases.

Valeology object a practically healthy person, as well as a person in a state of pre-illness, in all the boundless diversity of his psycho-physiological, socio-cultural and other aspects of existence. It is such a person who is out of the sphere of health care until he goes into the category of sick people. When dealing with a healthy or at-risk person, valeology uses the functional reserves of the human body to maintain health, mainly through familiarization with a healthy lifestyle.

The method of valueology is the study of ways to increase the reserves of human health, which includes the search for means, methods and technologies for the formation of motivation for health, familiarization with a healthy lifestyle, etc. Here, the quality and quantification health and human health reserves, as well as the study of ways to improve them. If quality assessment medicine traditionally uses medicine in its practice, then the quantitative assessment of the health of each individual person is purely specific to valeology and successfully develops and supplements qualitative analysis. Thanks to this, the specialist and the person himself acquire the opportunity to dynamically assess the level of his health and make appropriate adjustments to his lifestyle.

The main goal of valeology is to maximize the use of inherited mechanisms and reserves of human life and maintain a high level of adaptation of the body to the conditions of the internal and external environment. In theoretical terms, the goal of valeology is to study the patterns of maintaining health, modeling and achieving a healthy lifestyle. In practical terms, the goal of valeology can be seen in the development of measures and the definition of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health.

The main tasks of valeology:

1. Research and quantitative assessment of the state of health and reserves of human health.

2. Formation of installation on a healthy lifestyle.

3. Preservation and strengthening of human health and reserves of health through introducing it to a healthy lifestyle.

Valeology is fundamentally different from other sciences that study the state of human health. This difference lies in the fact that health and a healthy person are in the field of interest of valeology, while medicine has a disease and a sick person, and hygiene has a habitat and living conditions for a person. From here come the essential differences in the fundamental premises of each of these sciences in the subject, method, object, goals and objectives. That is why valueology should take the basic premises of Socrates (“man, know yourself”) and Confucius (“man, create yourself”) and determine its main strategic position: “Man, know and create yourself!”.

Although valeology has its own field of activity, it should be noted that between valeology and medical sciences in some aspects it is difficult to draw a clear line separating them, so that the interests of valeology are sometimes quite closely intertwined with the interests, for example, of hygiene, sanology, and disease prevention.

The basic concepts that define the laws of a healthy human existence are as follows: life, homeostasis, adaptation, genotype and phenotype, health and disease, lifestyle. Of course, when considering these concepts, a number of others characterizing the main ones will also be touched upon.

A life higher than the physical and chemical form of the existence of matter, naturally arising under certain conditions in the process of its development . Living objects differ from non-living ones in metabolism - an indispensable condition for life, the ability to reproduce, grow, actively regulate their composition and functions, to various forms of movement, irritability, adaptability to the environment, etc. According to the definition of F. Engels, "life is a way of existence of protein bodies, and this way of existence consists essentially in the constant self-renewal of the chemical constituents of these bodies."

Homeostasis, or homeostasis, is the property of an organism to maintain its parameters and physiological functions within a certain range, based on the stability of the internal environment.

It is this indicator - the ability to homeostasis - that is often considered as the biological basis of health.

To preserve the biochemical and functional constants of the body, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of the whole organism, its parts and systems, and even organs, glucose content, pH, and others. physical and chemical properties blood, stability of cellular composition, etc.

The constants of the organism are quite rigid, but there are also relatively mobile constants with wide adaptive values. Rigid constants are a necessary condition for the preservation of life, and movable constants ensure the maintenance of the first, rigid constants.

However, the conditions in which the organism exists are constantly changing, which inevitably leads to changes in homeostasis. This feature is called "the law of deviation of homeostasis as a condition for development" and states the need for constant training loads as an obligatory way to improve the mechanisms of homeostasis and to ensure health. That is why one should strive to expand the limits of these indicators of homeostasis, which can be compensated without disturbing the normal functioning of the body, which should mean a transition to a new, higher level of health.

Adaptation (adaptation, adaptive reactions) is the development of new biological properties in an organism that ensure the vital activity of the biosystem when the external environment or the parameters of the biosystem itself change.

The adaptive nature of life is one of its essential features: the entire life activity of the organism proceeds in accordance with the events of the external environment, changes in which also determine changes in life activity. The purpose and meaning of these changes in the body is to ensure the preservation and maintenance of the life of an individual and species, their development. Adaptation allows you to maintain the constancy of the internal environment, increases the power of homeostatic mechanisms, communicates with the external environment and, ultimately, allows you to keep the essential parameters of the body within the physiological limits that ensure the stability of the system. According to academician P.K. Anokhin, each organism is a dynamic combination of stability and variability, in which adaptive reactions protect its hereditarily fixed vital constants.

The beneficial effect of adaptation also consists in increasing the body's ability to withstand the destructive influence of environmental factors, its resistance. The latter is based on the mechanisms fixed in evolution and determines the adaptive norm of the reaction of an individual or a species as a whole. It is clear that resistance is a very important indicator of the organism. There are three types of adaptive changes - urgent, cumulative and evolutionary.

Urgent adaptation is characterized by continuously occurring adaptive changes that occur in response to continuously changing environmental conditions.

Valeology- the science of human health
It may seem unexpected that at the end of the 20th century the question of the need to introduce the science of health is raised.
From the very beginning, medical art, and then science, saw health as their main goal, provided, first of all, by its preservation and strengthening. The luminaries of medicine attached paramount importance to health as a great gift of nature. However, the concept of "health" has not had a specific scientific definition for a long time. Even IP Pavlov said that, unfortunately, we still did not have a purely scientific term to designate this basic principle of the organism - its internal and external balance.
The Charter of the World Health Organization gives the following definition of the term "health": it is "a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects" (cited in: Popular Medical Encyclopedia, p. 220).
S. I. Ozhegov in the Dictionary of the Russian Language gives a more specific definition of the concept of "health": 1. Correct, normal activity of the body.
So, health is the normal state of the body - the first state.
The second state is unhealthy, i.e., illness - "a disorder of health, a violation of the correct functioning of the body".
But when the disease has not yet manifested itself, but its primary signs are already being diagnosed - the so-called pre-illness - this is the third state of the body.
People's health depends not only on medicine and healthcare, but also on a complex of natural and socio-economic conditions of life. It is people's health that should serve as a measure, the main "calling card" of the socio-economic maturity, culture and prosperity of the state. Therefore, the science of health should be integral, born at the intersection of ecology, biology, medicine, psychology, pedagogy and other sciences.
It follows that the science of health should be based on the science of a healthy person.
Valeology- the industry is relatively autonomous and concerns scientific knowledge about the formation, preservation, strengthening, renewal and transmission of health to future generations. The main task of valeology is the implementation of this knowledge in people's lives.
The idea, methodology and means of valueology create a scientific basis primary prevention and mobilize the disparate forces of the struggle for the preservation of health in a purposeful system of practical activity.
Valeology should "synthesize" the contributions to health of ecology, biology, medicine, psychology, pedagogy and other sciences, to carry out a direct path to health.
In the logical dictionary, the concepts "healthy", "healthy", "hello" are interpreted in the sense of "reasonable", "big, useful, strong", "live". In other words, health is an expedient (reasonable) combination of certain qualities that allow a person to live (be healthy).
It is generally accepted to understand health as the absence of diseases, violations of the normal functioning of the body, due to functions and morphological changes. Most often, the deterioration of health means a decrease or disruption in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body that ensure its physical performance, and very rarely - psychofunctional changes, mental ill-being of a person. Most often, ill health is understood as a physical illness of the body, and psychofunctional disorders such as an indefinite feeling of anxiety, general depression, depression, a state of dissatisfaction, increased irritability (if they do not go into extreme, obviously pathological forms) is not considered to be unhealthy.
According to experts from various branches of medicine, human health is 50% dependent on a healthy lifestyle, i.e. compliance with certain rules regarding the mode of physical activity, nutrition, normal relationships in everyday life, elimination of bad habits, etc.
The influence of ecology, hereditary diseases and occupational diseases underlie another 50% of the causes of deterioration in human health.
It should be noted that in the process of clinical examination and preventive examinations, as a rule, all known diseases and anatomical defects are detected or excluded, and depending on the diagnosis, each person falls into the group of healthy or sick people. However, practice shows that not all persons assigned to the group of healthy people are distinguished by high working capacity, resistance to colds and, conversely, the presence of a particular disease (of course, without exacerbation) or an anatomical defect does not limit a person’s ability to achieve harmony in the physical development and functional state of the body, its hardening, which allows maintaining high social activity throughout life.

Being healthy is the concern not only of people with illnesses, but above all of healthy people. However, a healthy person most often does not think about health, takes his physical well-being for granted. Health is like air: while it is there, no one notices it.
Health - ill health ... This opposition has no alternative for a person. Here we never choose. We are always tuned to the first - to be healthy and only healthy. This is our main wish to ourselves and to everyone around us.
Between health and disease lies an intermediate, so-called third state, in which more than half of all people living on Earth are. This state can be called as follows: healthy, but ... unhealthy, both. But at the same time it is "neither one nor the other." Modern conditions life is characterized by disorder factors that have a physical, chemical, biological and mental nature. The influence of these factors leads to the development of specific diseases. Diseases, in turn, are general symptoms like neurasthenia, loss of appetite, irritability, headaches, etc., which are also characteristic of the third state. The greatest danger for people in the third state is harmful chemical influences - smog, chemicalization of agriculture, chemical additives in food products, synthetic drugs. Even the so-called permissible concentrations of harmful chemicals lead to an increase in "non-professional" morbidity, expressed in a decrease in labor productivity in the absence of pathological changes.
Those who are in the third state cannot but include persons who regularly consume alcohol and smoke. The largest detachment of the third condition is made up of people with pathology as a result of malnutrition. These are people who are overweight.
In the modern world, a person is developing new areas, not having time to adapt to new natural and climatic conditions. The resulting symptoms are manifested in changes in the general condition, well-being and performance.
There are many diseases and conditions close to them that do not put a person to bed, do not release him from work, family and other responsibilities, but narrow his potential and require medical attention.
This applies, for example, to people of various characterological types. The line between "bad temperament" and a mild degree of psychopathy is very fluid, and sometimes elusive. In the middle of these two more or less well-defined conditions, there are pronounced deviations, common in about half the population. The third state is fraught with the development of pathology, the pronounced forms of which often leave a heavy imprint on a person's whole life. No wonder they say: "If you sow a character, you will reap a whirlwind."
Attention should also be paid to common premorbid mental disorders. In this case, the statistics are similar or close to the general distribution of people into healthy, sick and in the third state.
In recent years, cases of physiological immaturity of children have become more frequent, which is characterized by a decrease in general nonspecific and immunobiological resistance, later puberty and sexual infantilism, the emergence of an inferiority complex, leading to cardiovascular and oncological diseases to premature aging.
Thus, more than half of the entire human population is in the third state. It has a number of significant differences, both from health and from diseases. If the latter last for days, weeks, months and longer, then the third state persists for years, decades and even a lifetime. In the third state, the origins of all diseases.
To implement the global mission of the main engine of progress, a person must have moral, mental, somatic and physical health. At the same time, the main thing should be a direct path to health, the purpose of which is to preserve and "reproduce" health. The goal is very important, certainly a priority, widely declared, but carried out many times less actively and systematically than the treatment of diseases.

The means to achieve this goal are well known: consciousness - the education from childhood of a reasonable attitude to health, the correct regime of work and rest, movement - physical culture, sports and hardening of the body, rational nutrition and some prophylactically used drugs - medicines for healthy people. However, all these means are clearly insufficiently used, while the development of new means of improving people's health and the methodology for their use leave much to be desired.
According to P. L. Kapitsa, one of the most important global problems that determine the fate of mankind is the problem of the "quality" of the population, by which he means a complex of medical-genetic and socio-psychological characteristics of people's lives: their physical health, the level of development of intellectual abilities, psychophysiological comfort of life, mechanisms of reproduction of the intellectual potential of society, etc.

1. Basic concepts of valueology;

2. Prerequisites for the emergence of valeology;

3. The place of valueology in the system of sciences;

4. Classification of valueology;

1. Basic concepts of valueology.

The phenomenon of man, which arose in the process of evolution of the organic world, became the subject of study of a huge variety of natural (biology, genetics, anthropology, chemistry, etc.) and social (history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, economics, etc.) sciences. However, until now, a person cannot give definitive answers to many questions concerning not only his essence, but also being. This fully applies to one of the fundamental aspects of his life and activity - health. At the same time, the very idea of ​​health in recent decades has acquired particular relevance due to the fact that the quality of health is experiencing a steady downward trend. At the same time, it becomes more and more clear that to go “from the opposite”, from illness to ensuring health – and in fact, it is precisely this principle, despite the declared idea of ​​prevention, that medicine professes – both wrong and harmful. The difficulty, however, is that the health methodology does not yet exist. This is not surprising, since until very recently there was, paradoxically, the science of health itself!

Russian scientist I.I. Brekhman was one of the first in modern times to sharpen the problem of the need to develop the foundations of a new science and in 1980 introduced the term "valeology" (as a derivative of the Latin valeo - "health", "to be healthy"). Since then, the term has become generally accepted, and valueology as a science and as an academic discipline is gaining more and more recognition not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Its fundamental positions can be reduced to the following definitions:

Valeology is an interscientific direction of knowledge about human health, about the ways of its provision, formation and preservation in specific conditions of life. As an academic discipline, it is a body of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.

The central problem of valeology is the attitude to individual health and the education of a culture of health in the process of individual development of the personality.

The subject of valeology is individual health and human health reserves, as well as a healthy lifestyle. This is one of the most important differences between valeology and preventive medical disciplines, the recommendations of which are aimed at preventing diseases.

Valeology object a practically healthy person, as well as a person in a state of pre-illness, in all the boundless diversity of his psycho-physiological, socio-cultural and other aspects of existence. It is such a person who is out of the sphere of health care until he goes into the category of sick people. When dealing with a healthy or at-risk person, valeology uses the functional reserves of the human body to maintain health, mainly through familiarization with a healthy lifestyle.

The method of valueology is the study of ways to increase the reserves of human health, which includes the search for means, methods and technologies for the formation of motivation for health, familiarization with a healthy lifestyle, etc. Here an important role is played by the qualitative and quantitative assessment of human health and health reserves, as well as the study of ways to improve them. If the qualitative assessment of health is traditionally used in medicine in its practice, then the quantitative assessment of the health of each individual person is purely specific to valeology and successfully develops and complements the qualitative analysis. Thanks to this, the specialist and the person himself acquire the opportunity to dynamically assess the level of his health and make appropriate adjustments to his lifestyle.

The main goal of valeology is to maximize the use of inherited mechanisms and reserves of human life and maintain a high level of adaptation of the body to the conditions of the internal and external environment. In theoretical terms, the goal of valeology is to study the patterns of maintaining health, modeling and achieving a healthy lifestyle. In practical terms, the goal of valeology can be seen in the development of measures and the definition of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health.

The main tasks of valeology:

1. Research and quantitative assessment of the state of health and reserves of human health.

2. Formation of installation on a healthy lifestyle.

3. Preservation and strengthening of human health and reserves of health through introducing it to a healthy lifestyle.

Valeology is fundamentally different from other sciences that study the state of human health. This difference lies in the fact that health and a healthy person are in the field of interest of valeology, while medicine has a disease and a sick person, and hygiene has a habitat and living conditions for a person. From here come the essential differences in the fundamental premises of each of these sciences in the subject, method, object, goals and objectives. That is why valueology should take the basic premises of Socrates (“man, know yourself”) and Confucius (“man, create yourself”) and determine its main strategic position: “Man, know and create yourself!”.

Although valueology has its own field of activity, it should be noted that in certain aspects it is difficult to draw a clear line separating them between valueology and medical sciences, so that the interests of valueology are sometimes quite closely intertwined with interests, for example, hygiene, sanology, disease prevention.

The basic concepts that define the laws of a healthy human existence are as follows: life, homeostasis, adaptation, genotype and phenotype, health and disease, lifestyle. Of course, when considering these concepts, a number of others characterizing the main ones will also be touched upon.

A life higher than the physical and chemical form of the existence of matter, naturally arising under certain conditions in the process of its development . Living objects differ from non-living ones in metabolism - an indispensable condition for life, the ability to reproduce, grow, actively regulate their composition and functions, to various forms of movement, irritability, adaptability to the environment, etc. According to the definition of F. Engels, "life is a way of existence of protein bodies, and this way of existence consists essentially in the constant self-renewal of the chemical constituents of these bodies."

Homeostasis, or homeostasis, is the property of an organism to maintain its parameters and physiological functions within a certain range, based on the stability of the internal environment.

It is this indicator - the ability to homeostasis - that is often considered as the biological basis of health.

To preserve the biochemical and functional constants of the body, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of the whole organism, its parts and systems and even organs, glucose content, pH and other physicochemical properties of blood, stability of the cellular composition, etc.

The constants of the organism are quite rigid, but there are also relatively mobile constants with wide adaptive values. Rigid constants are a necessary condition for the preservation of life, and movable constants ensure the maintenance of the first, rigid constants.

However, the conditions in which the organism exists are constantly changing, which inevitably leads to changes in homeostasis. This feature is called "the law of deviation of homeostasis as a condition for development" and states the need for constant training loads as an obligatory way to improve the mechanisms of homeostasis and to ensure health. That is why one should strive to expand the limits of these indicators of homeostasis, which can be compensated without disturbing the normal functioning of the body, which should mean a transition to a new, higher level of health.

Adaptation (adaptation, adaptive reactions) is the development of new biological properties in an organism that ensure the vital activity of the biosystem when the external environment or the parameters of the biosystem itself change.

The adaptive nature of life is one of its essential features: the entire life activity of the organism proceeds in accordance with the events of the external environment, changes in which also determine changes in life activity. The purpose and meaning of these changes in the body is to ensure the preservation and maintenance of the life of an individual and species, their development. Adaptation allows you to maintain the constancy of the internal environment, increases the power of homeostatic mechanisms, communicates with the external environment and, ultimately, allows you to keep the essential parameters of the body within the physiological limits that ensure the stability of the system. According to academician P.K. Anokhin, each organism is a dynamic combination of stability and variability, in which adaptive reactions protect its hereditarily fixed vital constants.

The beneficial effect of adaptation also consists in increasing the body's ability to withstand the destructive influence of environmental factors, its resistance. The latter is based on the mechanisms fixed in evolution and determines the adaptive norm of the reaction of an individual or a species as a whole. It is clear that resistance is a very important indicator of the organism. There are three types of adaptive changes - urgent, cumulative and evolutionary.

Urgent adaptation is characterized by continuously occurring adaptive changes that occur in response to continuously changing environmental conditions.

The characteristic properties of urgent adaptation are:

- their occurrence only with direct external influence, therefore, urgent reactions are not fixed in the body and disappear immediately after the elimination of this influence;

- the nature and intensity of the urgent adaptive reaction exactly correspond to the nature and strength of the external stimulus;

– the body can respond with urgent reactions only to influences that, by their strength, nature and time, do not exceed the physiological capabilities of the body.

Cumulative adaptation is characterized by such changes that occur in response to long-term repeated external or internal influences. At the same time, the body becomes able to respond with faster, more accurate and adequate responses at the level of its functional reserves. If the repeated influences correspond to certain patterns of irritating changes (in strength, duration, periodicity, etc.), then the body acquires the ability to perform more work (in terms of volume, intensity, frequency of repetitions, etc.), that is, there is a transition of adapted body systems to a qualitatively different state.

The essence of evolutionary adaptation is that if the changed environmental conditions persist for a sufficiently long time (at least 10 generations are assumed), then this leads to adaptive changes in the gene structure, as a result of which such conditions become “their own”, natural for subsequent generations.

Adaptive protective and adaptive reactions are divided into specific and non-specific . The first of them provide stability and resistance of the body only against a given stimulus (typical examples are adaptation to given physical loads in training and the body's immunity to certain types of pathogens). infectious diseases in the form of immunity). Nonspecific adaptive responses contribute to the increase of stability and overall resistance of the organism to any disturbing environmental factors. In humans, the non-specific adaptation mechanism has been noticeably developed through purposeful volitional training, which ensures the growth of the body's reserve capabilities.

Adaptation should not always be seen as a positive development. Depending on the type and characteristics of the stimulus, it may be accompanied by varying degrees of stimulation. functional systems organism, because in the process of adaptation they can not only be activated, but also depleted.

In the problem of health, the concept of adaptation should be considered central. The essence of their interdependence can be formulated as follows: health is a state of balance between the adaptive capabilities of the body (human potential) and constantly changing environmental conditions. This is especially clearly manifested in the nature of age-related changes in adaptation. Thus, the newborn does not have rigid mechanisms of adaptation, due to which the range of adaptation turns out to be quite wide, which allows him to survive in a rather large range of changes in living conditions. In the future, the formation of rigid adaptation mechanisms is accompanied, however, not by a decrease, but by an increase - mainly due to socio-psychological factors - in the number of disturbing factors. That is why, with age, the number of people with a breakdown in adaptation is growing, and fewer and fewer people have a satisfactory adaptation to environmental conditions.

In addition to the age limitation of the limits and rigidity of adaptation, this is largely due to two more interdependent circumstances: on the one hand, the fact that instead of training adaptation mechanisms by natural factors of existence, a person changes the very conditions of existence, and on the other hand, the lack of demand for adaptive reserves by comfortable living conditions. Therefore, the reserves of adaptive capabilities in the body are always higher than their implementation.

Genotype and phenotype. The genotype is understood as the hereditary basis of the organism, the totality of genes localized in the chromosomes. In a broader sense, it is the totality of all hereditary factors of the organism. The genotype is formed as a natural consequence of genetic development due to the improvement of adaptive mechanisms to relatively constant and changing environmental conditions.

The phenotype is understood as the totality of all the signs and properties of the organism, formed in the process of its individual development. . The phenotype is determined by the interaction of the genotype, that is, the hereditary basis of the organism, with the environmental conditions in which its development proceeds.

Belonging to the species Homosapiens does not mean at all that all its representatives are genotypically identical. In this regard, all people differ in a number of geno- and phenotypic features:

- adaptive nature, determined by climatic and geographical factors; therefore, the adaptation of the Eskimo to the conditions of Central Africa (as well as the Ethiopian to the conditions of the tundra) will be rather inadequate;

- historical and evolutionary nature in the form of an ethnos, distinguished by its specific religious, national, cultural, etc. features, therefore, for example, the Scandinavian ethnos differs from the Mongoloid;

- social character, leading to differences in lifestyle, culture, social claims, etc., between an intellectual and a peasant, a city dweller and a village dweller;

- economic nature, due to belonging to a particular socio-economic group (banker and worker, businessman and clerk).

Thus, the nature of the organism's vital activity presupposes its determinism by the genotypic program and living conditions. This means that the development of an individual at any given moment and in the future is a single process of life, by no means completely predetermined by its genotype, but determined by its internal program, in which the genetic component is included only as an initial basis, which is corrected in the course of life. Such self-development, self-programming of an individual is carried out under the influence of the external environment.

It should be noted that in ensuring health, in organizing a healthy lifestyle, so far the genotypic component has not been given due attention. That is why, most often, practical recommendations for the formation of health are of a general nature and do not take into account individual genotypic characteristics. The latter should be understood as: the type of physique, the nature of blood coagulation, the type of higher nervous activity, the features of gastric juice secretion, the predominant type of autonomic nervous regulation, and much more. On the other hand, a person himself, in choosing the trajectory of his individual development, must know (or learn) the features of his genetic nature - without the implementation of this condition, one cannot speak of his valeological literacy and valeological culture. In particular, in such an important aspect of human life as professional activity, in Russian Federation only less than 3% of people have chosen a profession corresponding to the genotype. Therefore, it is natural to say that in 97% of cases, professional activity comes into conflict with the individual characteristics inherent in its carrier, which often results in a breakdown in adaptation and a transition to illness.

2. Prerequisites for the emergence of valeology.

A person's attitude to his health was usually determined by the ability to save life, to fulfill his biological and social destiny. Of course, such an attitude corresponded to the level of knowledge about the features of human anatomy and physiology, about the factors that cause disturbances in the normal functioning of the body, and so on.

In the prenatal period, when a person was defenseless against the forces of nature, he associated his physical condition with mystical ideas, which in the primitive communal system were already deified in amulets, and the health protection measures themselves existed in the form of religious rites. However, a person observed his life and drew conclusions, noted causal relationships between health, lifestyle, risk factors, healing and healing properties. various means etc. Even then, the dependence of a person’s condition on the physical work that he had to do to save his life, his family, the community to which he belonged, was noted. At that time medical medicine hardly had great importance, since without sufficient knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of disorders and diseases, a person relied more on the capabilities of the organism itself than on its own intervention during the course of the disease.

The systematization of knowledge concerning human health began in the slave-owning society. Efforts were made to create health systems, as exemplified, in particular, by the extant health manuals: the Chinese "Kong Fu" (about 2600 BC), the Indian "Ayurveda" (about 1800 BC .), “About a healthy lifestyle” by Hippocrates (about 400 BC), health systems that existed in Sparta, and others. These systems have the main idea not to treat diseases, but to form, maintain and strengthen health, and in case of its violation, use the body's reserve capabilities to restore health.

Attitudes towards health fundamentally began to change in slave-owning communities as people became more property and socially stratified. Slave owners, indulging in laziness, excesses and comfort, paid less and less attention to their health and relied more and more on doctors. Thus, medicine lost its health-improving and prophylactic significance and more and more specialized in the treatment of diseases. This was also facilitated by the peculiar isolation of the Far Eastern states (in particular, China and India), which have preserved the richest experience in health systems for thousands of years. On the other hand, and over the following centuries, individual scientists appeared who paid attention to health problems. Thus, Abu Ali ibn Sina (980-1037) in his "Canon of Medicine" pointed out that the most effective way to longevity is the preservation of health, and not the treatment of diseases.

In subsequent periods of the development of civilization, medicine paid less and less attention to human health, concentrating it mainly on the treatment of diseases. True, such outstanding minds as Francis Bacon, M.V. Lomonosov, M.Ya. Mudrov and others, in their works, have repeatedly emphasized that priority in relation to health should be given precisely to health and disease prevention, but the development of science did not follow this path.

In recent decades, however, the situation has changed: the growth of people's well-being, the development of highly efficient industrial technologies, disturbed ecology and other objective factors have led to the fact that the lifestyle of a modern person has increasingly begun to provoke physical inactivity, overeating, mental overstrain, etc. This put forward one of the first places in the causes of mortality of diseases associated precisely with the way of life of a person.

It is the lack of personal motives in maintaining health that has led to the fact that at present, specialists all over the world are increasingly concerned about the trend towards its deterioration. Undoubtedly, Russia is one of those countries where the deterioration in the health status of the population has become catastrophic: only in the last 10 years, the predicted average life expectancy in our country has decreased from 73.6 to 64.0 years.

The health of children is especially alarming. The alarming statistics of the catastrophic state of health of newborns is largely due to the unpreparedness - physical, psychological, moral, social - of their parents. Functional health disorders traced in preschool age are largely associated with an unhealthy lifestyle of parents. This adversely affects the adaptation of children to school loads and is the cause of further deterioration in health and poor academic performance. During the period of schooling, the number of healthy children is reduced by 4–5 times, especially in grades 5–6, when an increased study load coincides with critical changes in the body of children associated with puberty. More and more disturbing information comes from innovative schools (gymnasiums, lyceums, specialized schools, etc.) with complicated curricula and programs, where the overall incidence is 2–2.5 times higher than in ordinary schools.

The dynamics of the general incidence of schoolchildren of all ages is characterized by a steady increase in chronic forms of diseases. Chronic diseases of the circulatory system, blood and hematopoietic organs, musculoskeletal, endocrine and genitourinary systems are growing at a particularly high rate among schoolchildren.

In the structure of morbidity in schoolchildren, the vast majority of pathology is accounted for by diseases of the respiratory system.

With age, in the process of studying at school, the number of diseases of the skin, vision, and injuries progressively increases. Very high data on diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries, which are the root cause of development chronic diseases cardiovascular, genitourinary, motor and other systems. The psycho-emotional sphere of schoolchildren's health is also characterized by serious violations. Many children are diagnosed with 2-3 pathologies.

Despite the acceleration observed in the world (Russia is no exception) over the past 30–40 years, at present in our country the number of schoolchildren corresponding to physiological norms for their biological age has decreased to 40–50%, and the number of children with normal physical development decreased to 13%. As a result, only 6-8% of graduates of a complete general education school can be considered healthy.

In the general trends in the growth of morbidity, a special place belongs to teenage age. Biologically, it is one of the critical ones, characterized by powerful endocrine changes that make the adolescent body particularly sensitive to the effects of harmful factors, in particular, to unhealthy habits. At the same time, studies show that the level of alcoholism among boys in a number of regions of Russia ranges from 72 to 92%, and among girls - from 80 to 94%. By the 11th grade, about half of the boys and a quarter of the girls smoke. Up to 37% of adolescents aged 12-18 use anabolics. In 1995, about 20 thousand adolescents were registered with syphilis.

Lack of knowledge about health culture and/or neglect of health leads to the fact that 40% of schoolchildren do not know what a healthy lifestyle is, 85% do not go in for physical culture and sports, about 50% (mainly adolescents and high school students) have already tried drugs, 70 % learned "animal" sex, the incidence of gonorrhea in boys and girls aged 14-16 increased by 45%. Ultimately, the rate of increase in mortality in adolescence is comparable to that for the 65-70 age group.

The low level of health of school graduates directly affects the production potential and defense capability of the country. An increasing proportion of those called up for service in the army are returning for health reasons.

A natural consequence of the noted changes in the health status of children and young people is the statistical data on mortality and life expectancy of Russian citizens. A logical result of the increase in mortality in our country is a decrease in the predicted life expectancy of the population. Over the past decade, there has been a sharp decline its indicators - for 6.1 years for women and for 11 years - for men. At the same time, the number of people of retirement age is steadily growing - currently it is approaching 25% of the total population of Russia.

In a series of political and socio-economic transformations of the last decade, health problems have been on the margins of the interests of the state. An insignificant part of the gross national product is allocated in our country for the needs of public health. The transfer of medicine to insurance mechanisms turned out to be unprepared, as a result of which the population began to trust less and, as a result, turn less to the same “free” medicine that actually remains for them. The result is that in a significant number of cases, a disease that is not diagnosed in a timely manner does not receive proper treatment and becomes chronic.

The function of state control over working conditions and the state of the environment is increasingly decreasing: 17% of employees work in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards for maintenance harmful substances, noise level, vibration, microclimate, etc. In the losses of the country's labor potential associated with death or disability, injuries and accidents account for 38%.

As for the environment, in the vast majority of Russian cities, MPCs of harmful substances are regularly exceeded, 2/3 of the country's territory is polluted with carcinogens-dioxides, 15 regions are in the zone of influence of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Dirty air environment harms 40% of Russian citizens, and more than half of the population uses poor-quality drinking water. If we take into account the influence of various harmful substances in the soil (pesticides, insecticides, industrial waste, etc.), electromagnetic pollution, etc., then the consequences of an environmental disaster for human health become clear.

Already short review The state of health of the child and adult population of the country shows a progressive trend towards an increase in morbidity, a decrease in the level of health and a reduction in life expectancy. As Socrates rightly pointed out, “health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the efforts of only doctors focused only on treatment will not be able to cope with the collapse of pathology that has fallen on the current generation - other, fundamentally new approaches are needed (while maintaining all the best that has been accumulated in the country in the field of prevention and treatment of diseases). This new should stem from the need to involve the person himself in taking care of his health, to make him interested and actively fighting for it.

Another aspect of the new approach should be the realities of modern life, one of which is the scarcity of material resources that the state can allocate for the protection of health and treatment of people. Therefore, it is no coincidence that valeology, focused on the implementation, first of all, of the reserve capabilities of the body of each individual person, originated in Russia. On the other hand, its Russian priority is due to the extensive experience in health-improving work that has been accumulated in our country.

One thing is certain: valeology can become the method and the means that can be effective in solving health problems in the very near future. If you do not take emergency measures, do not recognize human health as a priority for the state, then it may be that all other relevant aspects of the life of our society will soon no longer worry anyone due to the physical degradation of the nation.

3. The place of valueology in the system of sciences.

Valeology is a complex of sciences, or an interdisciplinary direction, which is based on the idea of ​​genetic, psycho-physiological reserves of the systems of the body and the body as a whole, ensuring the stability of physiological, biological, psychological and socio-cultural development and the preservation of human health under the influence of changing conditions of the external and internal environment .

The volume of information in the world doubles every 10–12 years, that is, during the specified time, as much new information appears in terms of volume as the entire previous history of mankind has accumulated. And this means that it expands and deepens the knowledge of a person, pushes the boundaries of knowledge itself. Naturally, some of the new information turns out to be at the intersection of sciences, some goes beyond the boundaries outlined by the subject and method of this science, and sometimes life itself poses problems that do not fit into the sphere of interests of existing branches of knowledge. That is why the emergence of new sciences, the number of which began to grow especially noticeably in the last third of the 20th century, should be considered natural, dialectical.

The differentiation most actively affected the sciences of man and, in particular, those related to his essence and being. However, in these sciences, a person as an object of knowledge is considered from different angles of view, and therefore, objectively, it is torn into many parts (with the possible exception of philosophy). Unfortunately, these parts usually almost do not fit together, since representatives of each science see only their own subject in man.

From these positions, the emergence of valeology should be considered natural. Perhaps no other science has absorbed and does not absorb so much data about the multifaceted phenomenon of man from other sciences as valueology. Its emergence became possible only when the level of knowledge about a person - his biology, genetics, physiology, psychology and many other aspects of his life - did not reach a sufficiently high level to create integral knowledge on the diagnosis, prognosis and management of the state of the organism and its interaction with the environment. environment.

At the beginning of this chapter, it was already shown that all the attributes of science are inherent in valueology: it has its own subject, method, object, goals, tasks, etc. Nevertheless, it is necessary to determine the general foundations for the relationship of valueology as an independent science (or scientific direction) with other sciences, based primarily on the fact that the subject of valueology is health (see figure).

Biology (general biology, genetics, cytology, etc.) explores the patterns of life of organisms in phylogeny, forms an evolutionary view of the nature of health, and creates a holistic picture of the biological world.

Ecology provides the scientific basis for rational nature management, explores the nature of the relationship "society - man - environment" and develops optimal models for their construction, forms knowledge about the aspects of the dependence of health on the environment.

Medicine (anatomy, physiology, hygiene, sanology, etc.) develops standards for ensuring health, substantiates a system of knowledge and practical activities for strengthening and maintaining health, for preventing and treating diseases. The following components are considered to be the structure of medicine: the science of diseases (pathology), the science of a healthy living environment (hygiene), the science of the mechanisms of recovery (sanogenesis) and the science of public health (sanology).

4. Classification of valueology.

Despite its obvious youth, valeology is developing quite dynamically. Being at the crossroads of many sciences, valueology, with its methodology, problems, data, makes representatives of these sciences take a fresh look at their own problems in certain aspects. It is not surprising, therefore, that in valeology itself there is a noticeable differentiation, reflecting the specifics of the interests of scientists who came to valeology from various branches of science.

At present, the following main directions can be distinguished in valeology.

General valueology is the basis, the methodology of valueology as a science or field of knowledge. It determines the place of valueology in the system of human sciences, the subject, methods, goals, objectives, the history of its formation. This should also include questions of the biosocial nature of man and its role in ensuring health.

General valeology can be considered as a trunk of a tree of science, from which branches, branches of valeology depart.

Medical valueology defines the differences between health and disease and their diagnosis, studies methods of external health maintenance and disease prevention, develops methods and criteria for assessing the health status of the population and certain social and age groups and methods for using the body's reserve capabilities to eliminate the onset of the disease, explores external and internal factors that threaten health, develops recommendations for ensuring human health and a healthy lifestyle.

Probably, in the near future, the possibilities of medical valueology will be significantly expanded in the field of rehabilitation, where the dominant means - pharmacology, the knife and peace - will be increasingly used functional methods and tools. It is possible that this may lead to an adjustment of the concepts of "health" and "illness". Undoubted importance should acquire medical valeology in the training of family doctors, whose activities will be largely focused on primary prevention.

Pedagogical valueology studies the issues of education and upbringing of a person who has a strong life attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle at various age stages of development. Now this branch of valeology is developing most dynamically, which is due to at least two of the following circumstances: 1) the need of society for urgent measures to improve a person with the possibility of the fastest return; 2) the relative cheapness of the introduction and implementation of valeological programs in the educational process for a state in difficult financial and economic conditions.

The basic concepts of pedagogical valeology are valeological education, valeological education, valeological education, valeological knowledge, valeological culture.

Under valeological education is understood a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of human health, aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, behavior and activities that provide value relations to personal health and the health of people around.

Valeological education is the process of forming knowledge about the patterns of formation, preservation and development of human health, mastering the skills of maintaining and improving personal health, assessing the factors that form it; mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the skills to build it, mastering the methods and means of conducting advocacy work on health and a healthy lifestyle.

Valeological education is the process of forming value-oriented attitudes towards health and a healthy lifestyle, built as an integral part of life values and general cultural outlook. In the process of valeological education, a person develops an emotional and at the same time conscious attitude to health, based on positive interests and needs, the desire to improve their own health and to respect the health of those around them, to develop their creativity and the spiritual world, to conscious perception and relation to society.

Valeological knowledge is a set of scientifically based concepts, ideas, facts accumulated by mankind in the field of health and representing the initial basis for the further development of science and valeological knowledge itself.

The result of valeological education should be a valeological culture of a person, which implies knowledge of his genetic, physiological and psychological capabilities, methods and means of control, preservation and development of his health, the ability to disseminate valeological knowledge to others.

Valeological education is connected and actively interacts with other types of education: mental, physical, professional, political and others. Such interaction contributes to a more effective performance of the functions of each of these types of education, the specific preparation of people (and especially children and youth) to fulfill their personal and social duties in society.

The principles of pedagogical valueology are generally recognized principles of pedagogy. In addition, it is necessary to supplement them in application to valeology with humanistic, anthropological and health-creative principles.

Tasks of pedagogical valeology:

1. Raising in children a strong motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle based on the development of knowledge about the priority of health and the mechanisms of the life of the human body.

2. Teaching children the means and methods of assessing their physical condition and using the functionality of the body and natural means of healing to maintain their health.

3. Valeological assessment and dynamic control of the level of somatic health of students and organization of work on their improvement through the system of physical exercises, psycho-correction, psychological and pedagogical consultations, etc.

4. Valeological assessment of the organization and content of the educational process in an educational institution and its corresponding correction.

5. Working with parents to create favorable conditions for the health of students in the family.

6. Work with the teaching staff of an educational institution in two directions:

Creation of a team of like-minded teachers for the implementation of comprehensive valeological education and education of students;

Valeological education of teachers, who themselves are one of the most dangerous occupational risk groups.

Age valueology studies the features of the age-related formation of human health, its relationship with external and internal environmental factors in different age periods and adaptation to living conditions. At each age stage, the state of any of the body systems corresponds to the implementation of the genetic program for this particular period of development. That is, we are talking about the fact that the assessment of the level of health and its individual indicators should be dynamic, carried out from the standpoint of the age development of the individual, and not refer to any average standards of adult age.

Differential valeology is engaged in the study of individual typological features of health, built on the genetic and phenotypic assessment of the individual; develops a methodology for constructing individual programs for changing the quantity and quality of health.

Professional valueology studies issues related to the problem of professional testing and career guidance, built on scientifically based methods for assessing individual typological personality traits. In addition, it considers the peculiarities of the influence of professional factors on human health, determines the methods and means of professional rehabilitation both in the process of work and throughout life.

Special valeology investigates the influence of various special, life-threatening and extreme factors on human health and the safety criteria for these factors, determines the methods and means of maintaining and restoring health during and as a result of the impact of such factors. Special valeology is closely connected with the discipline "basics of life safety".

Family valeology studies the role and place of the family and each of its members in the formation of health, develops recommendations for ways and means of ensuring the health of each generation and the whole family as a whole. Apparently, this section of valeology has a great future, since the formation of health - from preparing for childbearing to educating a conscious attitude to health - can be carried out most purposefully and consistently in the family.

Environmental valueology investigates the influence natural factors and the consequences of anthropogenic changes in nature on human health, determines human behavior in the emerging environmental conditions in order to maintain health. Human intervention in the natural development of nature creates more and more distinct contradictions between it and the human body, which is a product of biological evolution. In this regard, valueology should, on the one hand, study the nature of the influence of the changed environment on human health, and on the other hand, develop recommendations on the optimal, from the point of view of health, human behavior in the current conditions.

Social valueology aims to study human health in society, in its diverse and multivariate social relations with people and with society. In the field of interests of social valueology and the study of the state of health in social groups(permanent or temporary), as a whole (collectives, groups), and each of its elements.

Probably, over time, further differentiation of valeology will occur.

5. Social aspects of health and healthy lifestyle.

In connection with its goals and objectives, valeology is of particular social importance, since essential function state is to care for its citizens. If L. Feuerbach believed that “man, including here nature as the basis of man, is the only, universal and highest subject of philosophy”, then we can say that the highest “subject” of the state should be the well-being of man.

Among the universal values ​​that determine the socio-economic policy of the state, the priority of health is undeniable. This was the case, for example, in Ancient Greece, where the cult of the body was elevated to the rank of state laws, and in Ancient Sparta physical exercises were prescribed (and strictly controlled by the state) for all citizens - their high level of health remains the standard for many tens and hundreds of subsequent generations.

Pioneer of valeology I.I. Brekhman wrote: “It is the health of the people that should serve as the main “calling card” of the socio-economic maturity, culture and prosperity of the state.” That is why all issues of ensuring, forming, maintaining and strengthening health should permeate each of the aspects of the state's activities. Naturally, this requires the most serious planning, coordinating, regulating and other types of work, and it is important that this work itself be built with an orientation towards the future.

Health refers to a universal phenomenon that has both material and spiritual aspects. ON. Dobrolyubov noted that diseases and pathological disorders do not give a person "the opportunity to fulfill his purpose" and perform "exalted spiritual activity."

For the state, the health or illness of each of its citizens has a definite concrete material expression. First of all, it must pay the patient money on sick leave, pay for his treatment; in addition, the patient does not produce material values ​​(or other people must work for him), which affects the value of the gross national product. On the other hand, a worker who systematically takes care of his health produces much more products than one who does not pay attention to his health.

The right of citizens of Russia to health is approved by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, this right does not find its real confirmation. The realization of the right to health requires the development of a special comprehensive program for the maintenance and protection of health, in which the place of each socio-economic link would be determined: families, schools, health authorities, enterprises, sports organizations, the state, etc. But all this would require new thinking , rethinking conceptual model health, taking into account the fact that in shaping the health of the population, an important place belongs to behavioral factors: the regime of work and rest, relationships in the family and at work, etc., as well as living conditions and lifestyle. The functional structure of the concept of "lifestyle" is such aspects as labor, social, intellectual (psychological attitude, the nature of mental activity), physical and medical activity. That is, in the problem of health, first of all, social and personal prerequisites are distinguished, and only in the last place - medical ones.

However, in the current situation, a solution is possible only with the coordination of the efforts of all state and non-state institutions dealing with a person - without this it is impossible to seriously begin to resolve the acute health problem.

Dealing with health issues at the state level requires taking into account at least following groups factors:

Legal: development of legislative and regulatory by-laws confirming the right of Russian citizens to health and regulating the mechanisms for its implementation through all state, economic and social institutions from federal to municipal levels, enterprises, institutions and citizens themselves.

Socio-economic , determining the types, forms of participation and responsibility of various links of socio-economic structures in the formation, preservation and strengthening of the health of their members, the formation of such work and the provision of regulatory conditions for professional activity.

Educational , ensuring the formation of the life priority of health, the education of motivation for a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and training in methods, means and ways of achieving health, the ability to conduct advocacy work on health and a healthy lifestyle.

Family related to the creation of conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family and the orientation of each of its members to health, to financing a healthy lifestyle in the family.

Medical, aimed at diagnosing the state of health, developing recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, effective primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.

Culturological, related to the formation of a culture of health, the organization of leisure activities for the population, the promotion of health and healthy lifestyles, ethnic, community, national, religious and other ideas, traditions, rituals for ensuring health, etc.

Legal, ensuring social security, protection of the individual from crimes and threats of crimes threatening the life and health of citizens.

Ecological, causing an adequate state of the environment for a healthy lifestyle and rational nature management.

Personal, orienting each individual to the formation, preservation and strengthening of his health and establishing the responsibility of the individual for his health.

Presented far from complete list factors that provide support for the health of citizens by the state, involves the coordination of efforts of departments and structures competent for addressing certain aspects of health. The currently available health education programs for the population are focused only on the medical aspects of health, do not take into account the psychological and pedagogical problems of personality development, its individual, typological, age and gender characteristics.

There is no doubt about the cultural side of the problem , since culture reflects the measure of a person's awareness and mastery of his relationship to himself, to society, to nature, the degree and level of self-regulation of his essential potentialities. Culture is a special activity way of human exploration of the world, including both the external world - nature and society, and the inner world of the person himself in the sense of its formation and development. The latter circumstance characterizes culture as an artificial, different from the natural world of phenomena, which is remarkable in particular because it cannot exist without care, without human care.

If we consider culture as the ability to see the world in all the diversity of its relationships, in which a person plays a special role, then not knowing one's body, not realizing one's place in nature, not being able to regulate one's state is unworthy of a cultured person. Not in vain, therefore, the famous physiologist V.Ya. Danilevsky noted: "The culture of the population and its material security reduce mortality and morbidity, lengthen life expectancy." It is noteworthy that the scientist gave priority to culture, rather than material wealth, since the socio-economic situation of the country is not always proportional to the health of its citizens. Thus, the average life expectancy in Japan is about 80 years, although the standard of living in this country is lower than in the United States or Western Europe, and labor intensity is higher. However, in Japan there is a traditional way of life and a specific diet, the Japanese smoke less and drink alcohol. It is important that all these features of culture and way of life are the result of moral and ethical attitudes deeply assimilated in the family at school.

A modern person knows a lot about health, as well as about what needs to be done to maintain and achieve it. However, in order for this knowledge accumulated by mankind to begin to give results, it is necessary to take into account and eliminate a number of negative circumstances that impede their real implementation. Let's point out a few:

1. There is no coherent and continuous system of health education in the country. At various stages of age development, a person receives information about health in the family, at school, in the hospital, from the media, etc. However, this information is fragmentary, random, not of a systemic nature, often contradictory and sometimes even comes from incompetent people, and sometimes even charlatans. Hence, the problem of developing a system of continuous valeological education that equips a person from the moment of birth to old age with both the methodology of health and the means and methods of its formation arises. Taking into account the trends of a catastrophic decline in the level of people's health (and especially children and adolescents) and the inability of health authorities to cope not only with prevention, but also with the collapse of pathology itself, the development of a system of continuous valeological education should become a matter of national importance. Such a system can and should have as its main task the joint work of valeologists, teachers, doctors, psychologists and other specialists in preserving and strengthening people's health and preventing various forms of social and professional maladaptation. For this, a concept, a program, and hence the organization of valeological education at different levels of basic and additional education should be developed.

2. The formation of a person's knowledge about health does not yet guarantee that he will, following them, lead a healthy lifestyle. For this, it is necessary to create a stable motivation for health in a person. Being born healthy, a person does not feel health itself until there are serious signs of its violation. Now, having felt the disease and received temporary relief from the doctor, he is more and more inclined to believe that his health depends precisely on medicine. Moreover, such an approach frees the person himself from the need to “work on himself”, to live in a constant mode of restrictions and loads. A cultured person, as noted by I.I. Brekhman, "should not allow diseases, especially chronic ones, since in the vast majority of cases they are the result of a lifestyle for quite a long time: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, alcoholism ..."

3. Currently, the existing health education work, carried out through the media under the direct control of the Ministry of Health of Russia, focuses the population mainly on the treatment, rather than the prevention of diseases. At the same time, risk factors and, most importantly, ways to overcome them are not disclosed, the functional capabilities of the body in counteracting adverse influences and in eliminating the initial signs of the disease that have already begun are not shown. Instead, the emphasis is on pharmacology and the prevention of any independent actions of a person, even of a functional nature, without the knowledge of a doctor. However, the latter is not prepared to give effective recommendations on these issues, therefore, most often there is a categorical ban with the appointment of pharmacological treatment against the background of functional and psychological rest.

4. For decades, there was no priority for health in our country. Furthermore, social protection the state guaranteed first of all to the sick, even despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases, as analysis shows, the person himself is to blame for the pathology he has. A paradoxical situation developed: those who thought less about their health and invested less effort in the formation of the gross national product received more from this product than the healthy one. At present, the situation has changed little. Apparently, it is necessary to develop such legal acts that would increase the responsibility of a person for his health and would establish his material dependence on the level of health as well as on the level of professional training.

5. As a consequence of the previous situation, there is no fashion for health in the country. The media replicate bad habits, uncontrolled and dangerous sex, violence, but pay little attention to the formation of a harmoniously developed - physically and spiritually - person. For example, the physical image of a person was named among the most important personal indicators by 85% of respondents in the United States, and only 25% of men and less than 40% of women in Russia.

6. In the country, insufficient attention is paid to the formation of a culture of recreation, where special emphasis would be placed on its active forms. The absence of such a culture makes a person a hostage to an ill-conceived, unplanned pastime, pushes him to the desire to “kill time” by watching TV, drinking alcohol, doing nothing, etc. As a result, the time he has for recreation, relieving the consequences of professional fatigue and preparing for the next stage of activity is used with little efficiency. and often with negative results.

As a methodological basis for the development of a system of valeological education and upbringing, which has the ultimate goal of forming a valeological culture of a person, one can use the following concept of differentiated mastering of the values ​​of physical culture, presented in the diagram.

It is easy to see that the education system, covering all its possible links, from preschool to postgraduate, from family to club, should be of primary importance in the formation of a culture of health.

The valeological education of the teacher deserves special attention. This is due to many circumstances that determine his professional activities. Let us note some aspects of the problem.

1. Existing system education itself is a health risk factor for students. This applies to both the organization of the educational process (the content of curricula, compliance with study load age and gender characteristics of children, the distribution of the load in the school day, week, quarter, etc.), and teaching methods that do not always take into account individual characteristics students and is not focused on the prevention of violations in their health.

2. A teacher, regardless of his specialty, must instill in students a strong motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle. This condition can be realized both through software educational material, and through out-of-class and out-of-school forms (organization of leisure recreational activities, matinees, conversations, parent health universities, etc.) and through personal example.

3. Professionally, a teacher is a representative of one of the main risk groups for morbidity. This is due to many circumstances, which will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding section of the textbook (Chapter 9). From these positions, it is especially important for a teacher not only to master the basics of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle, but also the means and methods of ensuring health and building a healthy life.

It was these circumstances that determined the pattern of inclusion of valueology as a compulsory academic discipline in the requirements of state educational standards and in the content of educational and professional programs of all pedagogical specialties.

Since ancient times, people have understood that the most important thing in the life of every rational being is health. Without it, neither wealth, nor honors, nor glory will be needed. That is why the profession of a doctor is one of the most ancient, respected and in demand in the history of human civilization.

Human health sciences

There are several sciences of human health. Some of them are already old, others, on the contrary, are very young.

Relatively young health sciences:

  • hygiene;
  • valeology;
  • space medicine;
  • sexology.

The sciences that have been formed since ancient times, one way or another related to health:

Some experts also refer pedagogy to the section of such sciences. Thus, it turns out that valeology is the science of the main human question, one of the whole complex that deals with the problems of human health, both physical and mental.

What is valeology?

So what kind of science is this - valeology? To answer this question, let us turn to the etymology of the name. The term is formed from two components of Latin origin: "valeo" or "valere" - and the well-known "logos" - teaching, to study.

So it turns out that valeology is the science of the art of being healthy, leading a healthy, correct one, getting used to it from childhood.

From the outside it may seem that this science does not carry anything complicated in itself. However, it is not. After all, valeology considers health in a complex, holistic way, including all its sides and aspects and studying from all sides and options (mental, social, mental, moral, physical). Due to the global nature of the concept, valueology is associated with a whole range of other sciences.

Subject and object of study

What does the science of valeology study? The main subject and object of its study are:

  • the physical and genetic mechanisms of health inherent in every organism;
  • a person in a complex way, including all its constituent components that affect the state of any kind and type of health.

If we talk about valueology as a subject, then the main object of its study will be the pedagogical foundations aimed at forming an independent desire in children and adults to achieve

That is, to make sure that each person himself realizes the importance of his condition and strives to maintain his normal position and strengthen and maintain the natural immune-protective properties of the body without the use of drugs. Roughly speaking, to carry out disease prevention, conscious and purposeful.

The goals of this science

There is a definite goal pursued by valueology as a science. Its aims and content are as follows:

  1. Train people
  2. To instill the basic rules for strengthening and restoring the health of the body without the use of medications.
  3. To teach how to build the right life schedule: nutrition, playing sports, giving up bad habits, observing basic hygiene rules, timely seeking medical help.

These goals automatically entail the solution of the following problems of valueology.

Tasks of valeology

Valeology as a science of health solves the following tasks:

  • study of the internal health potential of each person;
  • assessment of the state of health according to all generally accepted medical indicators;
  • desire to form indoor installation healthy lifestyle for people;
  • health promotion and disease prevention through the application of the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

If science manages to solve all of the above problems, then humanity will move to a completely new level in terms of maintaining health. The number of diseases of any plan and nature will decrease, the nationwide level of brain and physical activity, the number of pathologies at the birth of offspring will decrease, there will be fewer disabled and incurable patients.

Methods of valeology

Valeology is a science of health, which means that it uses a certain set of methods for research. What are these methods?

  1. and evaluation of physical and mental state human using computer diagnostics.
  2. Methodology of pedagogical observation of the subjects during the educational process. The goal is to accumulate a theoretical base for deeper analysis and research.
  3. Experiment (most often pedagogical). It is carried out together with the subjects to visually confirm one or another postulate of valueology and to prove the importance of its significance.
  4. Sociomethodology. These methods include questionnaires, opinion polls and other types of social interactions in order to identify average statistical indicators on various issues of human health and to accumulate a theoretical basis for study and analysis.
  5. Mathematical methods. They are necessary for processing the data obtained in the previous paragraph.
  6. ideas of pedagogy. It is necessary for the formation of conclusions on issues related to children (their upbringing, teaching healthy lifestyles, and so on).

The combination and complex application of all methods of studying valeology makes it possible to obtain very good results with positive development dynamics. And not only among children, but also among adults. So, for example, this led to the fact that the XXI century was marked by a "fashion for health." That is, now leading a healthy lifestyle is relevant, fashionable, youthful and healthy. It is foolish to deny this purposeful long-term influence on the children's consciousness of precisely valueology and related sciences.

Where and when is valeology studied?

Valueology is studied mainly in the course (school) or as a student discipline. After all, it is clear that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle should be laid precisely at these ages. In the school course, this subject most often takes place in the form of semi-playful, semi-cognitive lessons called "Hello, the science of valueology!"

At the same time, it is important to make sure that classes in valeology are not of a difficult, forced nature, but are perceived as something easy, exciting. Then the children will be happy to absorb all the knowledge that this science wants to convey.

To do this, it is better to choose non-standard forms of conducting lessons, and select topics so that there is always the possibility of practical research, a small laboratory work. Quizzes, riddles, competitions should be arranged more often, information and communication technologies should be used during classes.

With students, everything is a little simpler and more serious. These are practically adults, many of whom, unfortunately, have already been or are being exposed to valeology antagonists: smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, daily consumption of fast food, physical inactivity, and so on.

Therefore, a whole serious course is needed here, including a number of theoretical and practical exercises, which will cover all issues of valeology in its entirety and show its significance.

It is best to play on the contrast and give an idea of ​​the difference between those who lead a healthy lifestyle, and between those who refuse it, describe the benefits of such a lifestyle. Valeology is the science of human health, and therefore it should be made clear to students how important it is, this is health itself and its timely preservation.

Intersubject communications

We have already mentioned that valeology is a complex science. Therefore, it is organically combined with many other sciences and sections that study a person and his health. Consider the relationship of valeology with other sciences.

It is obvious that valeology is a very labile and extensive concept that relates to almost all aspects of a person's life that somehow affect issues of mental, physical, mental and moral health.

The role of this science in school

Even from school, it is very important to make the child understand how important it is to be healthy. After all, children have slightly different values, and they begin to understand the full significance of health only after they get sick with something. Therefore, one should try to explain to them that valeology is the science of health, its preservation, disease prevention and strengthening the general physical condition of people.

Children will understand this best if they are given as an example concrete cases of people's lives before they thought about a healthy lifestyle, and after they began to actively lead it. Show what hereditary diseases and human tragedies can be avoided if you turn to and listen to your body in time.

It is also important to teach children to independently compose for themselves a competent and healthy diet, daily routine from the point of view of healthy lifestyle, and do not forget to pay attention to physical exercises.

With the proper organization of such classes, valeology will certainly leave a true imprint on the minds of children. And this, in turn, will entail only positive dynamics in their future lifestyle.


So let's sum it up. Valeology is the science of a healthy lifestyle, of complex measures that must be taken to maintain one's own health, strengthen it and prevent diseases.

This is a kind of branch of medical science aimed at shaping people's consciousness regarding the importance of their own and general human health. This science has its own tasks and goals, research methods that help it achieve positive results.

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Valeology is a relatively young science. The term “valeology” was proposed in 1980 by the Russian scientist I.I. Brekhman, who was one of the first to draw attention to the need to develop the foundations of a new science of health. The term "valeology" is derived from the Latin valeo - "health" or "to be healthy". Soon the term became generally accepted, and valueology as a science and as an academic discipline is gaining more and more recognition in the world. Valeology is an interscientific direction of knowledge about human health, about ways to ensure it, form and preserve it in specific conditions of life. As an academic discipline, it is a body of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle. The central problem of valeology is the attitude to individual health and the education of a culture of health in the process of individual development of the personality.

Our medicine today is the medicine of diseases and the sick. We do not have health medicine - valeocentric medicine. It treats diseases, and does not shape people's attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. Modern doctors know the laws of disease, but not of health. The World Health Organization has proclaimed the direction of medicine, according to which in the 21st century medicine should move from “protective-defensive” positions to “social-constructive”, associated with the creation of the very health and active longevity of people. In this case, the role of the doctor should fundamentally change. From a "healer of diseases" he must become a "constructor of health", and "medicine of diseases" must become "medicine of health". Valeology is "health medicine", because. It is aimed mainly at the formation, preservation and strengthening of health.

Health (as defined by WHO) is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. But until the 1950s, there was an addition to this definition - a state accompanied by the enjoyment of life. Everything bad comes only from the "unfortunate", i.e. people incapable of happiness. Valueology, and especially its theoretical and philosophical section, valeosophy, is designed to attune a person to health, happiness, harmony and beauty, to a healthy lifestyle and thoughts. It teaches the qualities necessary for a healthy and successful daily life.

1. Definition, goals, problems, methods of valueology

Russian scientist I.I. Brekhman was one of the first in modern times to sharpen the problem of the need to develop the foundations of a new science and in 1980 introduced the term "valeology" (as a derivative of the Latin valeo - "health", "be healthy"). Since then, the term has become generally accepted, and valueology as a science and as an academic discipline is gaining more and more recognition not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Its fundamental positions can be reduced to the following definitions:

Valeology is an interscientific direction of knowledge about human health, about the ways of its provision, formation and preservation in specific conditions of life. As an academic discipline, it is a body of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.

The central problem of valeology is the attitude to individual health and the education of a culture of health in the process of individual development of the personality.

The subject of valeology is individual health and human health reserves, as well as a healthy lifestyle. This is one of the most important differences between valeology and preventive medical disciplines, the recommendations of which are aimed at preventing diseases.

The object of valeology is a practically healthy person, as well as a person in a state of pre-illness in all the boundless diversity of his psychophysiological, sociocultural and other aspects of existence. It is such a person who is out of the sphere of health care until he goes into the category of sick people. When dealing with a healthy or at-risk person, valeology uses the functional reserves of the human body to maintain health, mainly through familiarization with a healthy lifestyle.

The method of valueology is the study of ways to increase the reserves of human health, which includes the search for means, methods and technologies for the formation of motivation for health, familiarization with a healthy lifestyle, etc. Here an important role is played by the qualitative and quantitative assessment of human health and health reserves, as well as the study of ways to improve them. If the qualitative assessment of health is traditionally used in medicine in its practice, then the quantitative assessment of the health of each individual person is purely specific to valeology and successfully develops and complements the qualitative analysis. Thanks to this, the specialist and the person himself acquire the opportunity to dynamically assess the level of his health and make appropriate adjustments to his lifestyle.

The main goal of valeology is to maximize the use of inherited mechanisms and reserves of human life and maintain a high level of adaptation of the body to the conditions of the internal and external environment. In theoretical terms, the goal of valeology is to study the patterns of maintaining health, modeling and achieving a healthy lifestyle. In practical terms, the goal of valeology can be seen in the development of measures and the definition of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health.

The main tasks of valeology:

1. Research and quantitative assessment of the state of health and reserves of human health.

2. Formation of installation on a healthy lifestyle.

3. Preservation and strengthening of human health and reserves of health through introducing it to a healthy lifestyle.

Valeology is fundamentally different from other sciences that study the state of human health. This difference lies in the fact that health and a healthy person are in the field of interest of valeology, while medicine has a disease and a sick person, and hygiene has a habitat and living conditions for a person. From here come the essential differences in the fundamental premises of each of these sciences in the subject, method, object, goals and objectives. That is why valueology should take the basic premises of Socrates (“man, know yourself”) and Confucius (“man, create yourself”) and determine its main strategic position: “Man, know and create yourself!”.

Although valueology has its own field of activity, it should be noted that in certain aspects it is difficult to draw a clear line separating them between valueology and medical sciences, so that the interests of valueology are sometimes quite closely intertwined with interests, for example, hygiene, sanology, disease prevention.

Valeology as a science consists of two parts: 1) general valueology, 2) branch valueology.

General valeology develops the general scientific foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Branch valeology is medical valeology, psychovaleology, pedagogical valeology, family valeology, sports valeology, etc.

The use of valeological technologies to identify people with a low level of health, the use of healing methods and, as a result, their removal from the "third estate" can be considered as an ideal option for primary disease prevention.

Valeological technologies can also be applied to a sick person. The use of healing tools that help expand the reserves of physiological functions, restore the ability to self-regulate and self-reproduce, can compensate for the consequences of the “breakdown” and even break the vicious circle in which the pathological process is spreading. This is a manifestation of secondary valeocentric disease prevention.

The purpose of valeology as an academic discipline is the formation of a valeologically educated person who is able to purposefully use valeological means to create, preserve, improve health, psychophysical preparation for future professional activities or other ways of realizing one's life.

Valeology as a scientific discipline uses both general logical methods, and methods of empirical knowledge, and methods of theoretical knowledge - which, in turn, can be divided into general and specific.

Of the general methods of valeology, the following can be noted:

1. Theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources. Educational, scientific, methodological, scientific publications about human health are analyzed and interpreted on the basis of the identification and comparison of invariant positions, signs, categories, followed by their generalization, the transition to more general concepts, judgments - and synthesis - by combining them into systems of varying degrees of integrity, which makes it possible to determine the scientific elaboration of the problem and modern views on it, clarify ideas about the conceptual apparatus, and identify methods adequate to the tasks set.

2. Observation: purposeful perception of the phenomena of objective reality: direct; hardware surveillance (photo, film, video and other equipment); examination-measurement (including with the help of special tests).

3. Experiment: reproduction of phenomena or active influence on them for cognitive purposes.

4. System approach. The study of health in multidimensionality and integrity involves the use of a systematic approach, its subject (structural-component), functional (external and internal), historical (genesis and prognosis) aspects. Structural analysis as a substantive aspect of the systems approach is used to determine the components (subsystems) of health and the nature of their relationship. Functional analysis is used to identify the internal functioning of the health system, the interaction of its components, as well as external functioning, its interaction with metasystems. Genetic analysis (genesis) as part of the historical aspect of the systems approach is used to reflect the dynamics of health indicators, as well as concepts that include "health", "valeology" or other related categories; predictive analysis (forecast) - to study the expected development of these categories. System analysis is complemented by system synthesis, which ensures the implementation of integrative functions. A systematic approach is also a generalizing basis for the results of the study.

5. Scientific reflection - a method that directs thinking to a substantive consideration of the knowledge of health itself, a critical analysis of the content of this knowledge and the mechanisms of its formation, the search for implicit prerequisites for scientific knowledge and the development of the initial conceptual base of valueology.

6. Modeling - the study of an object (original) by creating and studying its copy (model), replacing the original in aspects of interest to knowledge. When visually displaying the phenomena and processes associated with health, in particular, symbolic modeling is used, in which abstraction, idealization, concretization are implemented in diagrams and drawings. The basis of such modeling are: taxonomy - the theory of classification and systematization of complex areas of reality, which usually have a hierarchical structure, the doctrine of a system of taxonomic categories denoting subordinate groups of objects - taxa; and typology - the separation of systems of objects and their grouping using a generalized or idealized model.

7. Methods of mathematical statistics (correlation analysis, etc.).

valeology health vital activity

2. Health. Factors affecting human health

Health is one of the most important components of human happiness, one of the inalienable rights of the human person, one of the conditions for successful social development. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

Health, as defined by the WHO (World Health Organization), is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Human health is the process of maintaining and developing its mental and physiological qualities, optimal performance and social activity with a maximum life expectancy.

According to Academician Yu.P. Lisitsina, “... human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, malaise, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead a life unrestricted in his freedom, to fully perform the functions inherent in a person, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e. e. experience mental, physical and social well-being."

Distinguish between physical, mental and social health.

Physical health is a state in which a person's self-regulation of body functions is perfect, physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors are in harmony. Mental health involves the denial of the disease, its overcoming, which should be a "strategy of a person's life." Social health is understood as a measure of social activity, the active attitude of a human individual to the world.

Human health primarily depends on a number of factors. If you depict them schematically, then they represent a diagram of three concepts:

a) human biological capabilities;

b) social environment;

c) natural and climatic conditions.

According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yu.P. Lisitsyn, who is a recognized authority in the field of preventive medicine and sanology, the paramount issue of health is a healthy lifestyle, which occupies about 50-55% of the share of all factors that determine the health of the population.

The impact of environmental factors on human health is estimated at about 20-25% of all impacts, 20% are biological (hereditary) factors, and 10% are allocated to the share of health deficiencies and defects.

Another central concept of valeology is the concept of "healthy lifestyle". Lifestyle is associated with almost all types of human life and directly determines the state of his health. This is an active activity of people, purposefully formed throughout their lives.

Among the definitions of the concepts of a healthy lifestyle of a person, the most acceptable is the formulation of Academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn:

"A healthy lifestyle is a way of human life, aimed at maintaining and strengthening his health."

A healthy lifestyle is not only a medical and biological activity, but also a reasonable satisfaction of physical and spiritual needs, the formation of a personal culture and education of a person. This is a high medical activity, the ability to perform their professional and social functions regardless of the political and economic situation in the country.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is aimed at improving the conditions of human life on the basis of his valeological literacy, teaching hygiene skills, knowledge of the main factors that worsen his health.

Maintaining health largely depends on the human environment. There are three groups of factors affecting human health:

Physical (air, water, soil, food pollution, noise, electromagnetic fields, radiation, etc.);

Psychological (labor, family, personal, cultural relations, psycho-emotional influences, etc.);

Social (social and political changes, unemployment, lack of time, energy, etc.).

The formation of the human environment is directly related to its valeological culture, the ability to resist the effects of physical, psychological and social pressure.

The genotype and hereditarily determined features of the body and psyche are practically not amenable to correction in the process of individual development. Therefore, genetic defects and hereditary diseases are one of the most difficult problems of modern science. Mankind has high hopes for the fight against these diseases with the help of genetic engineering methods.

Each person, in contact with representatives of medical genetics and psychology, with careful observation of himself and his relatives, can determine the hereditary characteristics of his body, predisposition to organic diseases, temperament and other individual characteristics. Modern methods medical genetics, psychological testing, exteroceptive diagnostics make it possible to effectively conduct these examinations and get recommendations for prevention possible diseases and promotion of individual health.

In conclusion, it can be emphasized once again that human health is the result of the manifestation of the hereditary characteristics of the organism, environmental influences and the activity of the individual himself.

These data, as a model of the state of health, reflect the numerous results of studies on the influence of certain factors on the health, morbidity or illness of certain groups of the population, regions, specific people employed in a particular area of ​​labor activity.

Knowledge of all the factors affecting the state of human health, and form the basis of health - valeology.


Valeology is based on a complex of knowledge obtained by the humanities and natural sciences and related to human health. In terms of its volume and significance, valueology can already be compared with the categories of "physics", "mathematics", "medicine", etc. However, since health is a medical and social category, the foundations of the doctrine of health, the methodology of this doctrine were laid down by physicians. Educators and psychologists adapt this basic material for their own purposes, develop specific aspects of science that every person needs to know.

Health plays an important role in our world. A healthy person has prospects for the future, he can make plans and turn them into reality. Health is the key to success and prosperity. When you are healthy, then your mood is different, and your attitude to life, and your outlook on things - you are cheerful, cheerful, cheerful and full of energy. Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle: play sports, eat right, spend more time in the fresh air, in a word - be a man of your time. And to achieve the goal, valeology, the science of health, will help us.


1. Apanasenko G.L. On the safe level of human health. Asclepiion. No. 1-4, 1996. S. 14-16.

2. Apanasenko G.L., Popova L.A. Medical valeology. Rostov-on-Don, 2000.

3. Brekhman I.I. Valeology is the science of health. M., 1980.

4. Weiner E.N. General valeology. Lipetsk, 1998.

5. Kazin E.M., Blinova N.G., Litvinova N.A. Fundamentals of individual health. M., 2000.

6. Kaznacheev V.P., Sklyanova N.A. Fundamentals of general valeology. Novosibirsk, 1998.

7. Kuraev G.A., Voinov V.B. Valeology. Glossary of terms. Rostov-on-Don, 2000.

8. Markov V.V. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. M., 2001.

9. Petrushin V.I., Petrushina N.V. Valeology. M., 2002.

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