Dog breeding as a business. Dog breeding as a business: necessary equipment and documents. How to open a dog kennel? What dog breeders need to know

Consider dog breeding as a business. Where to start and how to succeed in this matter? Such questions concern novice entrepreneurs and those people who, following the call of their hearts, have been involved in pets for a long time.

Almost every family sooner or later has pets. And half of them are dogs - best friends person. Having found out how much a good purebred puppy costs, you can assume that if you buy several of them, you will be able to start a profitable business. Is it so?

Features of dog breeding

People will never stop buying beautiful and cute puppies. But today, increasingly, this choice is influenced by fashion. And if you engage in this business on an ongoing basis, you need to understand that the demand for a particular breed can change quickly.

When calculating the profit from selling dogs, you need to take into account its variety, maintenance costs and possible frequency of offspring. For example, in a year one bitch gives birth only 1-2 times. And this can be an unexpected number of puppies - from 1 to 10.

Dog breeding as a business has certain risks. For example, various diseases, lack of people willing to purchase this particular breed, low fertility, high maintenance costs, low payback, etc.

But the most important thing is that this business cannot be done by just a person who wants to make a profit. Dog breeders differ from other businessmen in their complete immersion in this issue, their love for pets, detailed knowledge of the business and spending all their time on caring for them.

Therefore, the question of whether it is profitable or not to breed dogs can only be raised if you are ready to spend all your time and energy taking care of those who will be completely dependent on you. Only a person who is well versed in the needs of animals and is able to provide them with proper care can succeed in this matter.

Nursery premises

Obviously, it is almost impossible to breed dogs for sale at home. The exception is small breeds of no more than three pieces. All other options assume that a place for living, breeding, walking and caring for animals will be created separately, preferably outside the city.

The most the best option It is considered the presence of a private house on a large territory where you can create a special enclosure for animals. At the same time, you will always live nearby and respond in a timely manner to any needs of the dogs.

The total area for pets is calculated depending on their number. By sanitary standards each pair should have from 2 to 8 square meters. m. of free space. The enclosure is fenced with a high fence so that they cannot jump over it or dig under it. Pregnant bitches or those who have just whelped are placed separately in a box.

It is important to arrange the area so that there is enough water, fresh air, warmth in winter and cool in summer for pets. Lighting, sewerage, ventilation, heating - all this needs to be installed before animals move into the nursery.

Equip a separate warehouse on the territory for food and various tools, dishes, and accessories for dogs. It would also be useful to think about the walking area. It should not only be spacious and located in nature, but also interesting. Provide an area for animals to play, train, and have enough space to run around.

Breed selection

If you are interested in the idea of ​​breeding puppies, then you should start by assessing the most suitable variety. But it’s quite difficult to say which of them will give you the opportunity to earn large sums. After all, this is influenced by many factors - fashion, demand, competition, climate, your knowledge and skills, finances, etc.

An exact answer to the question “What is the most profitable breed?” simply doesn't exist. Naturally, this should not be a cheap variety that is too common in your region. But also bet on rare breeds, which require large investments, complex care, and in a year or two may go out of fashion, should also not be used.

We list those options that have been considered the most popular for many years and are almost always in demand among the population of most regions:

  1. The Siberian Husky is good-natured and sociable, quickly establishing contact with children and other family members. But it requires creating enough space, providing the opportunity to actively move, walk on fresh air. You may feel bad in a stuffy city apartment. It is advisable to plant them only in middle and northern latitudes. The cost of a puppy is from 15-50 thousand rubles.
  2. Labrador is another one the kindest breed, gets along with children, hardy, but large. They are specially used as guides or nannies. The price per animal is from 15,000 to 40,000.
  3. The German Shepherd is loyal, intelligent, can serve as a watchdog and is unpretentious, easy to train. Estimated at 15,000-30,000.
  4. The American Cocker Spaniel is a playful, cute dog that gets along with children, is active and listens to its owner’s commands. Its dimensions are suitable for city apartments, and the cost of a puppy starts from 20 thousand rubles.
  5. The American Eskimo Spitz is a small and kind dog of small size. Efficient and loyal, but requires constant attention, loves to play and move. Its price is 15,000-35,000 rubles.
  6. Rottweiler - the character of the dog can be different and unpredictable, but as a protection it is considered one of the best. They are not very demanding in terms of living conditions, but you still need to remember that this is a large breed. The cost of the puppy is 30,000.
  7. English Bulldogs are calm and incredibly loyal dogs. They are chosen by young families with children, as they get along well with each other.
  8. Dachshunds and pugs are small representatives of the animal world that can get along within the confines of a city apartment. But they need time and space to roam. In return, they will entertain the owner with fun games and serve as loyal protectors.
  9. The Chihuahua is a small pocket dog that is often purchased as an accessory. But at the same time, it will require careful care, constant attention and considerable financial costs to maintain a beautiful appearance. Its cost is 10-50 thousand rubles.
  10. Yorkshire Terrier is another representative small breeds. Feels good in city apartments, a cute and unpretentious animal. The price for a puppy ranges from 15-20 thousand.

Regardless of the breed, there is another division of dogs according to the compliance of each individual with certain standards:

  • Pet-class are usually rejected puppies that did not have color, weight, size or other important characteristics at birth, but they are well suited for keeping at home and do not require large investments.
  • Breed class - it is represented by individuals that fully meet high criteria and standards and are used for breeding.
  • Show class are animals that are not just ideal representatives of the breed, but constantly take part in exhibitions, meet standards in appearance, and have good health and flexible character, well trained.

Needless to say, it is the representatives of the show class that are valued the most. Therefore, if you want to earn really big money from breeding dogs, then it is advisable to bring them to show class, take them to exhibitions, and receive medals. It is the offspring from such animals that will be the most in demand, desired and expensive.

Before buying your first dog for a kennel, carefully study the pedigree, veterinary passport and evaluate the puppy’s parents externally. It would be useful to understand in advance the nuances of the breed, how it should look, what qualities it should have, in order to even visually evaluate a standing pet.

You can download it here for free as an example.

Required documents?

When organizing dog breeding as a business, you do not need to immediately go to the tax office to register the enterprise. It is advisable to do this when you are going to sell your first puppies. Until then, keeping a dog is your own business. But the situation will look a little different if you want to arrange the breeding of several representatives of expensive breeds in a nursery.

Become individual entrepreneur not at all necessary. It is enough to enter your profit from the sale of puppies in your annual declaration and make deductions in the amount of 13% of their cost. But you can formalize everything and choose a simplified taxation system.

It is much more difficult to obtain permission to breed dogs. To sell puppies, especially from elite representatives, you will need to obtain a pet pedigree and a certificate from the RKF, which will give permission for the appropriate animal breeding activities.

When opening a full-fledged nursery you will also need:

  1. Complete specialized training (for example, veterinary) in order to become an official breeder.
  2. Provide a lease or ownership agreement for private territory sufficient for the arrangement of enclosures.
  3. Obtain a certificate of registration of the breeding farm from the RKF.

Animal care

When drawing up a business plan, you need to take into account all the costs of purchasing and maintaining the main breeding pets. It would be a misconception to think that you can save money on feeding them and that nothing else is needed. Caring for dogs is a complex and labor-intensive process that requires constant attention and expense. Let's list the main points:

  • Dog food must be balanced, high quality, varied and regular. What you feed your animal will largely determine its health and appearance(for example, wool quality).
  • Bathing - its frequency depends on walks, weather, and how dirty the dog is. But at the same time, it is important to observe certain conditions so that the pet does not catch a cold until the fur is dry. This needs to be especially monitored during the bitch’s pregnancy.
  • Cutting and combing requires skills, and sometimes even payment for a stylist. When visiting exhibitions, there are separate requirements for the exterior and appearance of the pet. But in any case, the quality of the dog’s coat and grooming speak potential buyers about the health of the pet and its attractiveness.
  • Regular visits to the veterinarian – animals need not only medical assistance and observation, but also various vaccinations, taking vitamins, anthelmintic drugs, diagnostic procedures and much more. In case of illness, it is important to respond in a timely manner and organize qualified assistance, medications, etc.
  • Daily hygiene procedures– this is ear care, teeth cleaning, etc. Depending on the breed, the requirements may be different.

Particular attention is paid to pregnant women and pregnant women. While the dog is bearing offspring, it needs to be fed properly, protected from drafts and cold, and provided with more comfortable living conditions. For example, immediately after bathing, dry with a hairdryer and wrap in a towel, and also create a warmer bedding.

Adequate nutrition for a pregnant dog involves the presence of such products in the diet as meat (lamb, beef), egg yolks (raw), milk, fish. After the fourth week, vitamin supplements and fats must be introduced.

Remember, the condition of the dog during pregnancy, its nutrition and comfortable conditions largely determine the appearance and health of the puppies. A veterinarian must be present with your dog during labor, as complications often occur. That's why the best option it is considered if the breeder himself has received proper education.

Where to look for clients?

Usually people who start breeding and selling dogs have long been in a circle of fellow animal lovers. Therefore, finding the opportunity to sell offspring is not a problem. Still, take care to quickly find new owners for the puppies.

You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Place advertisements in newspapers, on poles, entrances, in transport, or even in specialized stores.
  2. Use the Internet - the city forum, social networks, free message boards.
  3. Bring puppies to the exhibition, which will give you the opportunity to find many buyers at once who will simultaneously appreciate the level of training of the parents.
  4. Spread the word about the sale among your friends.
  5. Ask customers to tell others about your nursery; a satisfied customer will bring in several more.
  6. Exchange information with other breeders.

Financial part

Before starting to implement such an idea, it is not enough to choose a breed and register. Be sure to draw up a detailed business plan to pre-calculate your costs and their return on investment.

We list the main investments, taking into account the fact that the territory or premises outside the city is your property. Otherwise, you will have to add rent to your regular monthly expenses.

In addition, you must take into account the ongoing costs of maintaining dogs. Here are the average figures per pet.

According to the number of animals you will keep in the nursery, these numbers will increase. But then the income will be higher.

To calculate profitability, you need to estimate the possible profit. For example, you bought three dogs for 20 thousand rubles each and spent 165,000 on their maintenance in the first year. After that, they brought 15 puppies. By selling each for 20,000, you will earn 300,000 rubles. As a result, your initial costs will be recouped within a year.

But here there are various nuances. If you want to save money and increase business profitability, you can do the following:

  • Buy not puppies, but bitches already ready for their first offspring.
  • Have a male dog at your disposal so as not to pay third-party breeders for fertilization services.
  • Get veterinary education, take grooming and training courses to do everything yourself.
  • Participate in exhibitions so that the offspring of your pets are highly valued and bring more profit.

Video: dog breeding as a business.

So, you have firmly decided to start breeding small dogs. But what to do next? Should I buy one dog or several? Or maybe take a girl and a boy at once? And what breed is best to choose? Where to start breeding dogs if you have no experience at all?

Yes, many questions arise. As well as common misconceptions. That is why it is best to start your journey as a breeder with training. Fortunately, there is now a lot of relevant literature, and it wouldn’t hurt to attend special courses at the club.

The future breeder must have a basic knowledge of canine anatomy and genetics. Clearly understand all the needs of dogs before, during and after pregnancy. Be aware of the peculiarities of childbirth of representatives of small breeds. And, of course, understand what and how to do with puppies.

But let's get back to the most frequently asked questions for beginners, namely where to start breeding dogs? - Of course, with the purchase of a breeding bitch.

Manufacturer's choice

Why bitch? Not a couple, not a male? – Well, you definitely won’t be able to breed with a male dog. Mating a pet with everyone does not count. Choosing the right breeding pair is also not easy. Not all experienced dog breeders They cope with this task the first time. And than, a large number of puppies from the same parents automatically makes their further use in breeding unattractive. Look how many of them there are already, with the same blood! Why else produce?

Therefore, your number one task is to buy a good bitch. She must be a typical representative of her breed and have no serious faults. Moreover, she does not at all have to be the daughter of world champions, but it is not bad at all for her pedigree to include truly outstanding dogs that have proven themselves to be excellent producers.

You should not bring your first dog from abroad. This is fraught with difficulties in further selection of the optimal partner for her in her homeland. But excellent health, correct anatomy and standard sizes are extremely important for a miniature breeding bitch. Therefore, no “mini” and “super-mini”. Only a strong dog, of good proportions, with typical height and weight for the breed.

But even if, due to inexperience, you purchased a very average dog, then you always have a chance to learn more about the breed, choose the right male for your favorite and get quite decent offspring.

Question about choice best breed for breeding is usually not discussed among dog handlers because it is assumed that a person first “falls in love” with a breed, and only then thinks about matings and puppies. But if it’s the other way around, it means that we are talking exclusively about commercial breeding and there are different, not always humane, unwritten rules.

Who to knit with?

You shouldn’t immediately look for the coolest and most titled male. The fact is that the first mating is not yet breeding, but rather its “dress rehearsal”. Only after experiencing toxicosis in your ward, a not always easy birth, and raising at least one litter of puppies, will you be able to understand how much you like all of this and whether it will continue.

Where to start breeding dogs and which groom to give preference to? – It is better if it is an already proven, experienced manufacturer. Even if without loud titles, it produces healthy and pedigree babies when mated to different bitches. And for toy terriers, Yorkies and chihuahuas, pay attention to the size of the puppies from one or another father. The smaller the babies are, the easier the birth will be for your pet.

And of course, the male dog should not have serious defects in the exterior, especially obvious anatomical defects. This must be a healthy, active dog, with a stable psyche and a temperament characteristic of the breed. And no hysterical, cowardly or overly phlegmatic “suitors.” After all, puppies inherit from their parents not only a beautiful exterior, but also, for example, excessive barking, nervousness, or, conversely, a soft, balanced character.

Financial aspects of breeding

When making a decision to breed a female, and even more so to create your own mini-kennel, it is very important to assess how financially you can handle this matter. Unfortunately, when thinking about where to start breeding dogs, few people remember the costs associated with it. And they exist, and they are very significant.

Let's start with the fact that a miniature bitch (several dogs) simply needs to be fed. And not anyhow, but correctly and fully. Otherwise, you will not see healthy offspring from her. You can't avoid veterinary expenses either. Vaccinations, tests, treatment - all this costs money. Add here combs, shampoos, clothes, collars, leashes, toys, etc. - we get the cost of keeping a dog.

You also need to show the ward at least once before mating, pay the owners of the dog and for registering the puppies. Plus the cost of childbirth, good food mothers and babies, vitamins, vaccinations and litter branding (chipping). As a result, we have a very impressive amount. And, alas, it does not always pay off with income from the sale of puppies.

And don’t think that you can save significantly, for example, by buying cheaper food, vitamins or vaccinations. And if in the end your bitch or puppies do not receive something additional, then this will certainly affect the quality of the litter, and therefore the cost of the babies. No one will want to shell out a tidy sum for a limp and disheveled something if well-fed and cheerful babies of the same breed are sold for the same price.

In addition, growing children, even the tiniest ones, can easily tear off your expensive wallpaper, scratch the parquet floor or chew off a piece of linoleum, thoroughly fray the upholstery of upholstered furniture and “eat” the owner’s shoes. And this is already damage, and not always cheap.

For those who want to make money from it

No matter what they write about the unethical nature of commercial breeding and the impossibility of making a lot of money from dogs, there are no fewer commercial dog handlers, as well as those who want to try themselves in this “business.” Therefore, let’s not be hypocrites and tell you honestly how things stand in this area.

Where to start breeding dogs so that it is profitable? – Like everywhere else, from a business plan. Those. You must immediately calculate all expenses (maintenance, treatment, exhibitions, documents, etc.), take into account possible risks (puppies may die or there will be no one willing to buy them) and predict the net income from the sale of puppies.

Yes, smaller breeds are better suited for commercial breeding. Firstly, due to lower maintenance costs. Secondly, a nursery for mini-breeds does not require a large area, an ordinary apartment is enough. And the prices of small dogs are higher. However, the competition in this market segment is quite decent.

In addition, you will begin to receive real profits no earlier than two to three years from the date of purchasing your first dog. And then, provided that you have at least three female producers. And in order for the profit to be constant, it will be necessary to systematically update the livestock, i.e. buy (keep from breeding) new bitches.

Also, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will have puppies in your house all the time. Those. This type of activity does not provide for any vacations or weekends. But sleepless nights and discontent from your neighbors are guaranteed.

Where to start breeding dogs? When deciding to become a professional breeder, soberly assess your chances. Unfortunately, many owners of purebred pets begindog breeding, without having the necessary knowledge, skills, or suitable material resources for this.

Breeding dogs at home, for example, in an apartment is a bad idea. Very soon the neighbors will complain about the noise or bad smell, and then the police will fine the unlucky breeder, in accordance with the Administrative Code of Ukraine. In order to start breeding dogs for sale, you need space and special enclosures. In addition, a good breeder must raise puppies, socialize them and train them to use a tray, and independently handle vaccinations and register the pedigree. If you don't take care of this in advance, you simply won't be able to compete in the market. Today there are many professional nurseries from which you can pick up trained and vaccinated puppies. Instead of profitable business you risk not getting back the costs of purchasing and maintaining dogs. In addition, remember that responsibility for genetic diseases The buyer of the puppies will be responsible for you: you will be required to return the money, provide another puppy from a healthy litter, or pay veterinary expenses. Remember that you can open a nursery only if you have solid start-up capital. You will need financial investments in the purchase of dogs, arrangement of the premises, food for large breeds ( ) or food for small breeds ( ), toys, veterinary medications, as well as veterinary expenses and much more. If you are determined to become a dog breeder and are confident in your abilities, first read the specialized literature and familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations.

Purebred dog breeding

You can open by registering through the Kennel Union of Ukraine:

    breeding plant (from one stud bitch);

    nursery (from 5 dogs capable of reproduction).

The KSU has introduced fairly strict breeding rules to prevent a decline in the quality of the breed. Only a person with a special education can open a nursery: a diploma of a veterinarian, livestock specialist or dog handler. It is also possible to obtain the necessary documents after attending special courses. A breeding plant receives nursery status only if its activities have been successful for 10 years.

Dog breeding: legislation of Ukraine

Now you need to complete the documents. First, you will need an application addressed to the head of the kennel club. Then your nursery needs to come up with a name that has no analogues. It is written in Russian letters or Latin letters.What dogs are profitable to breed for sale?When deciding on registration, it is better to give preference to a multi-breed establishment, because in a few years the situation on the market may change. The nursery is set up within a month. After this, a special book is opened to record matings. Your club can provide support in starting a business and provide the services of a dog handler-curator. The Club is obliged to provide you with all information aboutwhat documents are needed for a dog, And how to get documents for a dog without a pedigree in Ukraine, after the puppies are born.

The secret of success in every business, as many successful people say, is a person’s love for what he does. Thus, any small spark, idea or even hobby that you dedicate your free time to can, with enough persistence, lead to success in life.

An excellent proof of this theory is the dog breeding business. Dog lovers who treat raising them as a hobby have brought this activity to the level of a popular business that is gaining significant momentum these days.

If previously only enthusiastic dog breeding fans were involved in maintaining kennels, today, inspired by the high profitability of this business, amateur entrepreneurs are also getting down to business.

However, to professionally breed dogs, you need to know all the nuances of this business and follow clearly established principles. Only this approach to business can ensure your successful “existence” in this field.

Where to start and how to succeed in the dog breeding business

Before proceeding directly to breeding, it is necessary to do a number of analytical works and make financial calculations:

  • The planning phase should begin with gathering information about market segments, dog varieties, and supply and demand analysis.
  • Next, you should decide on the breed of dog you want to breed.
  • The final stage of planning will be making financial calculations and determining the profitability of the project.

Based on the results of the work done, the aspiring entrepreneur will have a ready-made guide to action.

Market segment and its analysis

Nowadays you can meet a large number of animal lovers who want to get themselves a purebred dog:

  • When breeding decorative dogs You should focus on pet lovers who would be happy to take in a new four-legged family member.
  • If you are going to breed hunting dog breeds, then the clientele will be narrowed to hunting enthusiasts or residents of rural areas.

Anyway demand purebred dogs growing, and selling the offspring profitably will not be difficult.

Traditionally, dogs are sold in Russia through specialized stores or markets. Placing advertisements in newspapers and on Internet sites on relevant topics will increase the chances of selling offspring.

Marketing organization in this market segment is the easiest and most enjoyable activity. This is due to the fact that a normal adult is unlikely to be able to pass by such a “product” without positive emotions. And what can we say about children?

Application procedure. Step-by-step instruction.

We will tell you how to run a chinchilla breeding business at home. Example financial plan with calculations.

A sample Charter of an LLC with one founder can be found at the link. What should the main founding document reflect?

Breed selection

Organizing a business and choosing a breed for breeding depends on your initial capabilities:

  • availability of sufficient space,
  • conditions of detention,
  • budget for starting activities and other parameters.

When choosing a breed, you should pay attention to the following factors inherent in the modern “ideal” dog:

  • Nutrition
    The ideal dog should consume a small amount of food.
  • Character
    The animal's temperament should be docile and friendly.
  • Intelligence and fast training
    Dogs that can be trained quickly will be very popular.
  • Dimensions
    A dog should take up little space in the house.
  • Disease resistance and tolerance to different weather conditions.
  • The ability to bring constant and large offspring.
  • Great cost.

It is very difficult to find a breed that fits all of the above criteria.

Every entrepreneur, focusing on the final buyer, is forced to do so at his own peril and risk. prioritize some criteria and turn a blind eye to the absence of others.

The analysis showed that the most popular dog breeds in Russia are:

  • Pekingese
    A decorative breed of dogs whose height is barely larger than that of a cat. These funny creatures easily find their way to the hearts of ladies.

This dog breed comes in a variety of colors. The Pekingese has long hair; the miniature size of these creatures is ideal for small apartments.

A puppy of this breed, having a pedigree, is valued on the market from 12,000 rubles.

  • Cocker Spaniel
    A very popular dog breed in Russia. Distinctive features This breed is flexible and friendly. Dogs of this breed are ideal for families with small children.

Prices for such a purebred puppy can reach 20,000 rubles.

  • Labrador known for his loyalty
    Due to this character trait, this breed of dog is often used as a guide dog.

The cost of such a puppy starts from 15,000 rubles.

  • German Shepherd
    The most famous dog breed with developed intelligence. Shepherds are very loyal dogs that immediately become attached to their owner and are easy to train.

The price for a purebred puppy starts from 15,000 rubles.

The choice of breed for breeding depends on personal preferences or initial guidelines. To successfully obtain and raise offspring, it is necessary to study the relevant literature and collect recommendations on keeping animals, and reinforce the acquired knowledge practical advice experienced dog breeders.

Basic business expenses arise after purchasing a dog.

She needs to be fed, looked after, given vitamins and vaccinated - all this costs big money, therefore, this business is suitable only for those entrepreneurs who are ready to wait for profit in the long term.

For similar nuances of the dog breeding business, watch the video:

Business organization

The process of breeding dogs requires constant human participation. Animals require constant care and appropriate feeding. The situation is “aggravated” by the fact that we will be breeding purebred, not ordinary dogs.

In no case Dogs should not be kept in cages. This is not only inhumane, but also harmful to the health of pets.

The success of the project will largely depend on compliance with the following key points:

  • Aviary
    There are no special requirements for premises when breeding dogs, but it is desirable that the areas be located away from residential areas.

It is best to set up an enclosure outside the city, in the countryside. An ordinary kennel, which is easy to make with your own hands, can be suitable as a home for dogs. There should be enough light in the enclosures, and the humidity should be at a normal level.

  • Uninterruptible power supply
    Each nursery resident should receive a diet appropriate for his age. Purebred dogs need to be given special food that includes all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

The cost of 1 package of this food starts from 1,000 rubles.

  • Water
    In the room where the dogs will be, a constant supply of water is necessary, because... dogs will drink very often. Therefore, it is worth considering all possible options for providing enclosures with a constant source of clean water.
  • Vitamin supplements
    From time to time, various additives and vitamins must be mixed into the main feed. This will ensure that the animals’ diet is complete.
  • Graft
    In order to protect dogs and offspring from diseases, it is necessary to carry out routine examinations of animals and periodically vaccinate them.
  • Care products and accessories
    You should also stock up on hygiene products and equipment for caring for animals in advance. It is better to buy various dog accessories (collars, bowls, toys) in bulk.

What do you need to do to succeed in dog breeding?

Experts do not advise entering this segment by investing with borrowed funds.

To bring dog breeding to the level of a profitable business you need to have sufficient reserve of own funds.

It is a mistake to assume that having one purebred female you can provide yourself with a constant income from the sale of her offspring and a high level of profit. For highly profitable production it is necessary to have at least 2–3 females.

However, the project should be started exclusively with the maintenance of one dog. It will be much easier for a novice dog breeder to test himself in practice with one pet.

Having conducted a successful experiment on one individual and acquired the necessary skills, you can begin expanding your business.

The optimal number of dogs for a kennel is 15–20 breeding individuals.

To achieve success, you must listen to the following expert advice:

  • Minimum expenses
    Based on the results of completing a “pilot” project on one dog, it is worth fully optimizing the breeding process, calculating all costs and trying to reduce them as much as possible. This can be achieved, for example, by purchasing feed, vitamins and other components in large wholesale quantities.
  • Increase in the number of manufacturers
    The more animals you have in your care, the higher your profit.
  • Pedigree
    A very important factor when selling purebred dogs. A girl puppy should be taken with the best possible pedigree (which must be documented).
  • Exhibitions
    The female must be constantly exhibited at exhibitions, trained and cared for. When buying her offspring, clients will first of all pay attention to insignia, awards from exhibitions, the disposition and appearance of the parent.
  • Providing related services for grooming, inspection and sale of dog food
    The business potential is very great. By correctly setting priorities for development, you can organize a large pet for dogs, open a pet store, a hairdresser for animals and a small veterinary clinic nearby.

General recommendations on compilation. Where can I find options for standard document forms?

In this article we will talk about how to achieve profitability in your worm breeding business.

You can find out what is included in the package of LLC constituent documents at . The procedure for their registration.

Financial plan for starting a business

Here are financial calculations for starting a business with a single female puppy with a very good pedigree. It is necessary to spend money on purchasing a female, raise her until she is one and a half years old, after which she is allowed to breed.

Having gone through the full cycle of raising one puppy, receiving, maintaining and selling its offspring, you will receive more accurate numbers and indicators for calculation, based on which you can build a clear policy for expanding your business.

Thus, when you move on to the level of a “serious” business with impressive expenses, you will already have sufficient experience in this matter.

Expenses (reflected for 1 cycle) – 95,000 rubles.

Buying a purebred female – 25,000 rubles.

Costs for maintaining a female - 35,000 rubles:

Costs of caring for offspring:

  • Grooming items (collars, bowls, toys, etc.) – RUB 5,000.
  • Documentation costs for puppies – 15,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for keeping puppies – 5,000 rubles. (until they are sold).
  • Other expenses – 10,000 rubles.

Income – 120,000 rubles. (6 puppies for 20,000 rubles).

It should be noted that your initial breeding experience will not be focused on obtaining high profits, which you should not count on in a “pilot” project.

Let's say your female gave birth to 6 offspring. It will be possible to sell them only after they gain strength and move from mother's milk for self-feeding.

By that time, the cost of puppies will be 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. The exact price will depend on the pedigree and success of the parents at exhibitions.

The net profit from the first mating cycle will be 25,000 rubles. Based on these numbers, you can begin expanding your business.

Before becoming a dog breeder, pet owners will have to deal with a lot of nuances and restrictions. It is not enough to simply breed pets on time and wait for the puppies to be born: this is what traders from bird markets do, but not breeders. If you are ready for difficulties and are determined to build a business (and breeding is always a business) on wonderful physical qualities your dog, the following conditions must be met:

  • You are the owner (or lessee) of a female dog approved for breeding by the Russian Canine Federation (or international FCI).
  • You have in your hands documents confirming the dog’s pedigree (both for the female and for the male), and a certificate of admission to RKF breeding.
  • Your pet is not older than 8 years (the age of the male dog is not limited), and at the RKF certificate exhibition (or the international FCI) both dogs received a “very good” or higher conformation rating.
  • Working class dogs must pass all fitness tests.

If you want to become a simple breeder, then compliance with these conditions will be enough. If all correctly completed documents for the parents of the puppies are available, the litter is registered through the regional RKF club, where the puppies are branded with their own club brand and registered. In this case, each of them will receive a name starting with one letter, which is determined by the head of the club. The role of the dog owner here is almost exclusively proper care for animals and puppies.

Factory attachment

If you want to become a breeder high level(accordingly, to make the business more competitive), you should start designing a factory prefix - a combination of letters that will be inscribed in the name of each puppy born to your dog. To do this, you need to contact the local RKF club with an application on a special form, come up with this prefix (usually in two versions), and pay a one-time fee. From the moment registration is confirmed, all dogs and their puppies that you will own will receive a factory prefix in their documents.

Experienced dog breeders and owners one day come to the decision to organize their own kennel. For amateurs, as a rule, things don’t end well: there is a lot of evidence of bankrupt breeders and exhausted animals sent to shelters. But those who know how to take care of dogs, have the appropriate veterinary qualifications, and regularly study at specialized courses of the RKF and other organizations, can easily cope with all difficulties. And, of course, the main thing is that they love their animals very much.


Where to start if you decide to open a nursery? First, of course, decide on the breed of dog. And here the selection criterion should not be the cost of the puppies, but experience in handling this particular breed. The owner of a nursery must know absolutely everything about his pets: dietary features, predisposition to diseases, specific anatomy, rules of care and education.

In accordance with the chosen breed of dog, it is necessary to arrange a space for keeping animals. Naturally, Alabai and toy terriers require different living conditions, so you need to pay attention to ensuring that the animals are as comfortable as possible. The optimal choice would be a country house with spacious and warm enclosures and a place for walking. This way your pets won't disturb your neighbors. Some people set up a kennel for small breed dogs in an apartment, but re-equipping it can take a lot of effort and money.

The RKF regulation on pedigree breeding states how to become a dog breeder in a kennel: in personal possession there must be at least one bitch approved by the RKF for pedigree breeding. Males are allowed to be rented, but usually large nurseries have their own breeders. The owner of the nursery must have a veterinary, zootechnical or canine education, confirmed by documents. A certificate of completion of courses at the RKF is also acceptable. You also need to register the factory prefix. The owner of the nursery pays annual fees to the RKF.

As a rule, nurseries are more trusted than private individuals. This allows you to count on a sustainable business, although the costs are significantly higher. In addition, the owner of the nursery has the right to independently brand and register puppies, maintain a stud book, and cull animals.