Presidents of the United States of America. Dossier. All American presidents. Requirements for candidates

One of the most important conditions for the development of a state is the personality of its leader. The presidential term, as practice has shown, should be sufficient so that the person holding the highest position has time not only to get up to speed with the matter, but also to implement the program with which he went to the elections. Political scientists have different views on this factor. Many criticize the extension of the presidential term in Russia. Nevertheless, it is worth looking into this in more detail. Democratic principles cannot be unified, no matter how hard the elites strive for it. What is good for a small state does not work in the vast expanses of Russia. And this should be taken into account when forming its legislation.

Presidential term: definition and main features

The Russian Federation is a young state from the point of view of the adoption of the fundamental law. The concept of “presidential term” first appeared in 1991. It was then that the institution of head of state was introduced for the first time. At that time, the old basic law was still in force, to which all the necessary changes were made. The first presidential term in Russia was five years. B. N. Yeltsin was elected to this position. By 1993, a new Constitution was developed. It was adopted by popular vote. This document changed the presidential term to four years. What was the need for such a decision, the people were not told. The fact is that democratic principles were still new to the population. There were no specialists with sufficient theoretical training and practical experience to justify the duration of the work of the head of state. The developers relied on the history of foreign countries. One way or another, the president has since been elected for four years. Practice has shown that this time is not enough for the leader to implement his program into reality.

Requirements for a presidential candidate

Let's step back a little from the topic and remember who can take the main post. All this is spelled out in the Constitution. The following requirements are imposed on a candidate for the main position in the country:

  • age over thirty-five years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • residence in the country for the last 10 years;
  • knowledge of one of the European languages;
  • no criminal record;
  • presence of an election program.

These are the formal rules for applying for the highest post of head of state. The most important thing, also written in the Constitution, is the support of the population. The president is elected by popular vote. This is the only office to which the highest democratic principle applies. Therefore, the presidential term in Russia can only be obtained by a person who has managed to prove to his fellow citizens his loyalty, wisdom, and ability to lead the country towards its development.

2008 changes

The practice of government activities has shown that four years is not enough to carry out the necessary reforms and have a sufficient impact on changing the socio-economic situation. Here it should be taken into account that the President of the Russian Federation has enormous influence on all processes. He has more power than the heads of other democratic states. This, by the way, takes into account the Russian tradition. In its history there were no managers who achieved something in a short time. Such a huge state is characterized by inertia. Change is quite difficult. It takes more time to demonstrate the results of your work to voters. In 2008, then-President D. A. Medvedev took the initiative to amend the constitution on the issue of the powers of the head of state. This period, according to the decision taken, was extended to six years. Moreover, the changes did not affect the current, previously elected, head of the country. According to the law, the president has been elected for six years only since 2012. The country voted for V.V. Putin.

Second presidential term

Due to the difficult international situation, quite a lot of speculation in unfriendly media is devoted to V.V. Putin’s time in power. We will not dwell on them in detail, we will simply analyze the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to the Basic Law, a person can be elected to the main post in the country no more than two times in a row. Let us clarify: when his presidential term ends, he has the right to run again. It is up to the people to decide who holds the post. When the next (second) term ends, the person can no longer apply for this position. This would be against the law. This is what happened in 2008. Vladimir Putin, having served as president for two consecutive terms, did not run again. He supported the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev. And in 2012, to the joy of the people, he took part in the election campaign.

Presidential terms

The activities of a person holding the highest position in the country are subject to legislation from the first to the last day. This means that his term of office is strictly defined. According to the constitution, it is counted from the day of inauguration. This is the date when the elected candidate takes the oath of office to the people of Russia in a solemn atmosphere. Members must be present at the event:

  • Federation Council.
  • Constitutional Court.
  • State Duma deputies.

According to current legislation, six years are counted from this day, unless other circumstances arise.

Early termination of powers

They mean the constitutionally enshrined right of the State Duma to express no confidence in the president. Such a procedure has never been carried out in the Russian Federation. Deputies should hypothetically accuse the head of state of treason, having serious grounds and evidence for this. The Constitutional Court is involved in resolving the issue.

Why did they extend the term of office?

Let's look at the situation sensibly. We live in a very complex world, of which the Russian Federation is an important part. The country has deep economic ties with other states and pursues an active foreign policy. No one denies Russia’s influence on world politics anymore. Elections are a serious stress for the state. A change of leader slows down the country's development process. Therefore, it is advisable to give time political system for stable operation in the chosen direction. And it should be sufficient to achieve at least intermediate results. The head of the country determines the main directions of both foreign and domestic policy. To put it simply, the whole country is on his shoulders. To shift such a colossus from one person to another means stopping all processes for a while. And this is dangerous in modern conditions, when the world faces a number of common, global threats.


We found out how long the presidential term is in the Russian Federation. It changed over time. Today it is six years. It is counted from the date of the presidential inauguration. It should be noted that Russia has not been building democracy for that long. The country has more serious traditions, rooted over centuries of society, that have a significant impact on the institution of the presidency. People believe that the head of state has unlimited capabilities, like the pre-revolutionary tsar. This is both good and bad at the same time. Agree, people take the choice of a person endowed with such rights in popular thoughts seriously and responsibly. A random candidate who does not meet the aspirations of the majority of the population has no chance. On the other hand, people demand the impossible from the current head of the country. What are they doing to improve their lives? Have you tried to figure it out?

It’s not for nothing that the portrait of the world’s first president, George Washington, adorns the US one-dollar bill. First US President became the leader of the struggle for independence, expelling the British from North America. Participated in the development of the Constitution. The second president, John Adams, is the founder of the American Navy. The third, Thomas Jefferson, adopted the Declaration of Independence. In addition, Jefferson established connections with France, issued the first government loan in history, and opened an independent mint. His image appears on the $2 bill.

The fourth US president, James Madison, declared war on Great Britain and made the first attempts to abolish slavery. Jefferson's close friend, James Monroe, became the fifth president. It was he who proclaimed “America for Americans.” His position was very controversial.

3. Thomas Jefferson

4. James Madison

First of the first:

  1. George Washington became the world's first president.
  2. William Harrison died while president.
  3. Martin Van Buren was born in the USA.
  4. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
  5. Andrew Johnson was impeached.
  6. James Garfield was in Congress at the time of the vote.
  7. Calvin Coolidge swore the oath twice.
  8. Barack Obama became the first black US president.

John Adams' son and successor became president at the will of Congress. In the US, if no candidate receives the required number of votes, the choice remains with Congress. And so it happened the year John Quincy Adams ran for office. He is one of the most eloquent presidents. But the seventh president, Andrew Jackson, gained fame as a diplomat because he preferred to negotiate with the Indians. Although this did not stop him from passing a law on the resettlement of the indigenous people of North America to Oklahoma, which cost the lives of thousands of people. During his reign, the Democratic Party was formed. Jackson's portrait is printed on the $20 bill.

The eighth president, Martin Van Buren, paid attention to finances, but did not succeed much. The ninth president, William Henry Harrison, spent the shortest time at the helm (4.03-4.04.1841). The tenth, John Tyler, became the first president of a truly free United States. His activities were remembered for constant conflicts with the Whig party. He still benefited the United States: he annexed the rebellious state of Texas.

6. John Quincy Adams

Presidents of the second decade

The eleventh president, James Knox Polk, was the youngest and most uncertain at the time. With his compromises, which so bothered his compatriots, he managed to annex California and New Mexico. His successor, Zachary Taylor, caused a stir with his natural death. Taylor had no experience in government, but he was a brilliant military man. He did not have time to distinguish himself: he died of malaria in a military camp. The thirteenth president, Millard Fillmore, was a Whig nominee who came into office due to the unexpected death of Taylor and made many mistakes.

The fourteenth president of the United States was named Franklin Pierce, he was an alcoholic and constantly decided family problems. His style of government was chaotic and careless. James Buchanan - the fifteenth - represented the Democrats, easily won the election, but historians recognized him as the worst. This was the result of his uncertain stance on slavery being eclipsed by the exploits of the next president.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Absolutely everyone voted for George Washington.
  2. John Adams built the White House.
  3. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4th. This day later became US Independence Day.
  4. John Quincy Adams's speech is exemplary. Lincoln and Roosevelt were also recognized as good speakers.
  5. Ronald Reagan was an actor. He began the tradition of making jokes during the inauguration speech.
  6. Marilyn Monroe's well-known song "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" is dedicated to John Kennedy.
  7. The longest inaugural address was given by William Harris.
  8. There is only one monument to Franklin Pierce in America.
  9. They tried to kill Gerald Ford twice. Both times the attackers were women.
  10. Richard Nixon was embroiled in the Watergate scandal. He allegedly eavesdropped on competitors.

The sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, ended the Civil War and put an end to slavery. He is recognized as the best president in the history of not only the United States, but the whole world. This is not surprising, because previous US presidents remembered for years of continuous political failures. He himself commanded troops during the Civil War, wanted to unite the North and South, and assembled a working government. Lincoln was assassinated a few days after the end of the war, during a performance in Washington. The sixteenth president's portrait appears on the $5 bill.

Andrew Johnson - the seventeenth - is remembered only for the fact that he bought Alaska. The eighteenth president, named Ulysses Simpson Grant, served two terms because he promoted the complete eradication of slavery. He is featured on the $50 bill. Rutherford Burchard Hayes - the nineteenth - participated in the dirtiest elections in US history. A promising twentieth president named James Abrams Garfield was in office for six months, but after an unsuccessful assassination attempt he died from the “help” of doctors.

The powers that be of the third decade

The third top ten was opened by Chester Alan Arthur with a big scandal, which, in fact, was not the culprit. The inept killer of Abrams Garfield said that with his act he would “crown” Alan Arthur. For fear of being compromised, Arthur acted carefully, but not seriously. Stephen Grover Cleveland, the twenty-second president of the United States, was known as moderate and reliable, but now for some reason they began to remember his dark past as a sheriff, when he executed citizens.

The twenty-third president, Benjamin Harrison, incurred debts for the United States, electrified the White House and tried to introduce customs reform. Stephen Grover Cleveland returned as the twenty-fourth president. William McKinley, the twenty-fifth, was the last president to serve in the Civil War. He was in power when the new century began, served two terms, revived politics and the economy, but was shot dead. Theodore Roosevelt became the twenty-sixth president. It was under his rule that the United States began to be associated with the world police. Roosevelt received Nobel Prize for the Portsmouth Peace. He actively reformed the economy, but chose an undesirable successor - William Howard Taft. The twenty-seventh president disappointed Roosevelt with his infantile management style. Perhaps Taft's poor health was to blame.

22.24 Stephen Grover Cleveland

25. William McKinley


  1. Herbert Hoover.
  2. Millard Fillmore.

The twenty-eighth President of the United States, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was very educated. He had an active degree in history and political science. He signed the Paris Peace Treaty and laid the foundation for the League of Nations. Woodrow Wilson kept the United States out of the First World War, tried in every possible way to drown out the conflict and condemned the actions of Germany. Warren Harding served as the twenty-ninth President of the United States for two years. He was very controversial, and died of a heart attack. The thirtieth president, Calvin Coolidge, again set out to balance the rights of Indians and whites. It was his activities that were called the “policy of non-intervention.”

US presidents of the fourth decade

The thirty-first President of the United States was named Herbert Clark Hoover. He is remembered for his charitable activities and the first tranche of this kind from the country. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - the thirty-second - was a brilliant lawyer, which helped him remain president for longer than expected. He managed to manage the country in difficult times and bring it out of the crisis.

The thirty-third president of the United States, Harry Truman, provoked a “cold” war with the USSR and a quite “hot” one with Korea. Dwight David Eisenhower - the thirty-fourth - was a general during World War II. He was known as a good speaker, a careful president, and a cautious diplomat. Eisenhower was the first to lead NATO. John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the thirty-fifth president. He was the first to want to send Americans to the Moon, banning the launch of nuclear weapons into orbit. He was killed during the presidential motorcade in Texas.

The only ones:

  1. Richard Nixon resigned.
  2. Ronald Reagan served four terms.
  3. Thomas Woodrow Wilson had a real degree.
  4. Stephen Grover Cleveland served two terms with a break.
  5. James Buchanan was a bachelor.
  6. Lyndon Johnson was sworn in by a woman.

Lyndon Johnson became the thirty-sixth president while on an airplane, hours after Kennedy's death. Johnson saw Kennedy's death with his own eyes and devoted his presidency to the fight against crime, in which he succeeded a lot. He also worked on medical and environmental improvements, but the Vietnam War interrupted his efforts. Richard Milhous Nixon, the thirty-seventh president, sent Americans to the moon and ended the Vietnam War.

Gerald Rudolph Ford was thirty-eighth. It was he who introduced the right to pardon in the United States. The thirty-ninth president, Jimmy Earl Carter, had a negative attitude towards the USSR, although he became a Nobel Prize laureate. The fortieth president was actor Ronald Wilson Reagan. He knew how to persuade: he ended the Cold War and issued a law restricting immigration.

Presidents of America of the fifth decade

The founder of the Bush dynasty and concurrently the forty-first President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, is practically not remembered for anything. The most striking event of his presidency was the legalization of abortion. The forty-second president, William Jefferson Clinton, became the creator of minimal unemployment in the United States, GDP growth and American incomes. It was thanks to him that the world stopped testing nuclear weapons. His activities caused the least indignation among the people. There is a version that such success is partly due to his wife Hillary Clinton, who is running for the post of forty-fifth president and has been and remains a very active political person. William Clinton is remembered throughout the world as part of a sex scandal.

The forty-third president is George W. Bush, the son of the forty-first. He launched a full-scale invasion of Iraq. His activities have always been anti-terrorist. The forty-fourth and current President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, served the country for two maximum terms. Obama lowered the unemployment rate and legalized same-sex marriage. This ends the question of how many presidents there have been in the United States.

The most prominent of them:

  1. Thomas Jefferson.
  2. Franklin Roosevelt.
  3. John Kennedy.

The President of the United States is the Chief Executive of the United States of America, the head of the Federal Government of the United States, and the Commander in Chief of the United States Army and Navy. The office of President of the United States was created by the first US Constitution, which was adopted in 1787.

The first President of the United States of America, George Washington, took office on April 30, 1789.

This table provides a list of US presidents and the years of their reign:


Name (years of life)

Years of reign

1 George Washington - George Washington (1732-1799) 1789 - 1797
2 John Adams - John Adams (1735-1826) 1797 - 1801
3 Thomas Jefferson - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) 1801 - 1809
4 James Madison - James Madison (1751-1836) 1809 - 1817
5 James Monroe - James Monroe (1758-1831) 1817 - 1825
6 John Quincy Adams - John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) 1825 - 1829
7 Andrew Jackson - Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) 1829 - 1837
8 Martin van Buren - Martin Van Buren (1782-1862) 1837 - 1841
9 William Henry Harrison - William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) 1841
10 John Tyler - John Tyler (1790-1862) 1841 - 1845
11 James Polk - James Polk (1795-1849) 1845 - 1849
12 Zachary Taylor - Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) 1849 - 1850
13 Millard Fillmore - Millard Fillmore (1800-1874) 1850 - 1853
14 Franklin Pierce - Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) 1853 - 1857
15 James Buchanan - James Buchanan (1791-1868) 1857 - 1861
16 Abraham Lincoln - Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 1861 - 1865
17 Andrew Johnson - Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) 1865 - 1869
18 Ulysses S. Grant - Ulysses Simpson Grant (1822-1885) 1869 - 1877
19 Rutherford B. Hayes - Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822-1893) 1877 - 1881
20 James Abram Garfield - James Abram Garfield (1831-1881) 1881
21 Chester Alan Arthur - Chester Alan Arthur (1830-1886) 1881 - 1885
22 1885 - 1889
23 Benjamin Harrison - Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) 1889 - 1893
24 Grover Cleveland - Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) 1893 - 1897
25 William McKinley - William McKinley (1843-1901) 1897 - 1901
26 Theodore Roosevelt - Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 1901 - 1909
27 William Howard Taft - William Howard Taft (1857-1930) 1909 - 1913
28 Woodrow (Thomas) Wilson - Woodrow (Thomas) Wilson (1856-1924) 1913 - 1921
29 Warren Gamaliel Harding - Warren Harding (1865-1923) 1921 - 1923
30 Calvin (John) Coolidge - Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) 1923 - 1929
31 Herbert Clark Hoover - Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) 1929 - 1933
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) 1933 - 1945
33 Harry S. Truman - Harry Truman (1884-1972) 1945 - 1953
34 Dwight (David) Eisenhower - Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969) 1953 - 1961
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) 1961 - 1963
36 Lyndon Baines Johnson - Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973) 1963 - 1969
37 Richard Milhouse Nixon - Richard Nixon (1913-1994) 1969 - 1974
38 Gerald Rudolph Ford - Gerald Ford (1913-present) 1974 - 1977
39 Jimmy Carter - Jimmy Carter (1924-today) 1977 - 1981
40 Ronald Wilson Regan - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) 1981 - 1989

George Herbert Walker Bush - George Herbert Walker Bush (Sr.)


1989 - 1993

William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton - William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton


1993 - 2001
43 George Walker Bush - George Walker Bush (Jr.) (1946-today) 2001 - 2009
44 Barack Hussein Obama - Barack Hussein Obama (1961-today) 2009 - to present time

Four US presidents (William Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren Harding and Franklin Roosevelt) died from natural causes while at this post.

Four US presidents were assassinated (Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy).

One US President was elected by the US Congress (John Quincy Adams).

One US president resigned before the end of his term (Richard Nixon).

William Harrison served the shortest term as President of the United States, dying thirty-one days after taking the oath of office as President.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as US President the longest (more than twelve years). Franklin Roosevelt is the only person to be elected President of the United States four times.

Fifteen people were elected to the presidency of the United States for two consecutive terms (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan , Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama).

One man, Grover Cleveland, was elected President of the United States twice, but not consecutively.

The current 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, is the first US President of African-American descent.

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Vladimir Putin took the highest government post in 2000, and in 2004 he was re-elected to a second term. Then, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the President of Russia was elected for four years. In 2008, the presidential term was increased from four to six years.

Vladimir Putin, who served as Prime Minister of Russia from 2008 to 2012, was again elected president in 2012. For the first time, the country's top leader returned to his post after a break. This did not happen either in modern, Soviet, or pre-revolutionary Russia.

First presidential term (2000-2004)

On December 31, 1999, the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, announced his resignation as head of state. Vladimir Putin became the acting head of state. January 13, 2000, during a visit to St. Petersburg state university Vladimir Putin has announced his intention to run for the presidency of Russia.

On March 26, 2000, Vladimir Putin was elected president Russian Federation in the first round. He received 39,740,434 votes (52.94%).

Putin devoted the first years of his presidency to solving main task that period - and the creation of a unified legal field within the country.

A course was taken to strengthen the central government. In 2000 they were created federal districts, in each of them a presidential plenipotentiary representative appeared. The governors lost their representation in the Federation Council, and with it their parliamentary immunity.

Cooperation between the President and the Russian Parliament made it possible in 2000-2002 to carry out a number of legal reforms - to adopt the most important codes: tax, administrative, labor, civil, etc. In December 2000, the President managed to achieve the adoption of new state symbols of Russia, which the Parliament had not previously approved due to for ideological differences.

Russian army solved the problem, which, according to Putin, posed the main threat to the integrity of the country.

In this period big business lost control over senior officials (as was the case in the 1990s). In addition, the actions of businessmen who openly displayed political ambitions, backed by significant financial resources, began to provoke a sharp reaction from the highest authorities.

Putin's first presidential term was marked by Russia's economic successes: average annual GDP growth was 6.5%, external debt decreased from 50% of GDP to 30%, there was a budget and foreign trade surplus, foreign exchange reserves grew, and the level of well-being of the population increased.

In foreign policy, Putin managed to strengthen relations with the European Union and the United States and develop cooperation with NATO. He established friendly relations with US President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York, Putin supported the anti-terrorist position of the US leadership; in May 2002, the presidents of Russia and the United States signed an agreement in Moscow on the reduction of strategic offensive capabilities.

During Vladimir Putin's first presidential term, traditional television "straight lines" (first) and large annual press conferences () appeared.

Second presidential term (2004-2008)

On December 18, 2003, during a “direct line” with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin announced his intention to run for president of Russia for a second term. On March 14, 2004, Putin was elected to a second term, receiving 49,565,238 votes (71.31%) in the first round.

Putin's second presidential term was characterized by strengthening state control in the areas of economics and information policy, and an attack on the positions of oligarchs, regional elites and opposition forces.

On September 13, 2004, speaking at an extended government meeting, Putin announced his intention to abandon direct elections of heads of federal subjects. Governors began to be appointed by the president with subsequent confirmation in local legislative assemblies.

On May 26, 2004, delivering a message to the Federal Assembly, Putin proclaimed three “national projects”: overcoming poverty, modernizing the armed forces and housing reform.

On January 1, 2007, the Law on Maternity Capital came into force. In accordance with it, women who gave birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children are counted. The amount of capital was indexed; in 2017 it was .

Between 2004 and 2008, many social problems were resolved. Increasing income from the sale of energy resources made it possible to direct significant funds to the rearmament of the military component of the Russian Federation, increase salaries for military personnel, begin solving housing problems, continue to create a professional army, reducing the draft by military service up to one year.

At the beginning of his first presidential term, Vladimir Putin set the government the ambitious goal of doubling GDP in ten years. Over eight years, this growth was about 70%, the industry grew by 75%. The outflow of capital from the country, amounting to tens of billions of dollars, stopped, and investments.

In area foreign policy There has been a deterioration in relations with Western countries. On February 10, 2007, at the Munich Security Policy Conference, Putin harshly criticized US foreign policy and the idea of ​​a unipolar world order. Putin sharply opposed plans for NATO expansion and deployment in Eastern Europe American missile defense facilities.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the same person cannot hold the position of President of the Russian Federation for more than two consecutive terms.

On October 1, 2007, at the United Russia party congress, Putin announced his agreement. According to the results of the elections held on December 2, 2007, United Russia received 64.3% of the votes. On December 10, four parties - "United Russia", "A Just Russia", the Agrarian Party and " Civil force"— Dmitry Medvedev was nominated for the presidency. Putin supported this initiative and on December 17 agreed to become head of government. According to the results of the presidential elections held on March 2, 2008, Medvedev received 70.28% of the votes. May 8, 2008 State Duma.

On December 30, 2008, amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation came into force, increasing the term of presidential powers.

Third presidential term (2012-2018)

On September 24, 2011, at the congress of the United Russia party, the current President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev. November 27, 2011 United Russia party.

In the elections of March 4, 2012, Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation for the third time, receiving the support of 45,602,075 votes, which is 63.60%. Putin's third presidential term ends in the spring of 2018.

In 2012, Vladimir Putin began his work as president with a broad program for the development of social guarantees.

On March 17, 2014, Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On recognition of the Republic of Crimea”, taking into account the will of the people of Crimea expressed at the all-Crimean referendum held on March 16 of the same year.

With the return of the peninsula to Russia, on the basis federal law“On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation within the Russian Federation of new subjects of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” dated March 21, 2014, the head of state secured a significant place in history, but Moscow’s position became the reason for the deterioration of relations between Russia and the West.

In 2014, the United States, the European Union and a number of other countries introduced the first sanctions against Russia. Against the backdrop of the worsening conflict in Ukraine and different points of view on what is happening in the republic, sanctions against the Russian Federation began to be strengthened, extending them to large industries, including mining. In response to this, Russia developed the electronic economy.
The Russian authorities pay considerable attention to the fight against corruption within the country. As part of the fight against corruption, high-level officials were detained: the governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin, the head of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer, the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh, the former head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev.

Under Vladimir Putin, a new image of the armed forces has emerged - strong, modern, well-trained and well-equipped.

In connection with the threats posed by modern terrorism, Putin has moved from eliminating militants within local spaces to fighting them internationally. To this end, Russia is participating in resolving the situation in Syria; Aerospace Forces aviation is helping to liberate the cities of the Syrian Arab Republic from ISIS terrorists and other groups.

With the active participation of Russia, the Iranian nuclear problem and a corresponding agreement was concluded in 2015. Putin says Moscow will actively support that agreement. To the opinion of Russia and in the context of the situation around the DPRK, which has recently worsened in connection with Pyongyang’s missile tests.

The country has become the organizer of a number of prestigious international tournaments, including the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, the World Festival of Youth and Students, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

*Terrorist organization banned in Russia

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch. The position was approved in 1789. The American president is also the head of the US federal government and the commander-in-chief of the army and navy. He also appoints the heads of federal departments, services and the police. Has the right to veto decisions and bills adopted by Congress.

Main function President of the United States - ensuring compliance with the Constitution of the country and current legislation, as well as the formation of budgetary, domestic and foreign policies. Since 1789, the United States has been governed by 44 presidents. In 2017, the 45th head of state, Donald Trump, took office.

According to American laws, any citizen of the country can become president of the United States if the following conditions are met:

  • age over 35 years;
  • the candidate was born in the USA;
  • the candidate has lived in the United States for more than 14 years;
  • the same person is not elected to the post of president more than 2 times (it does not matter whether in a row or with a break).

A peculiarity of the elections is that the president is elected in conjunction with the vice president. And the elections themselves take place in 2 stages. First, the popular vote is held to determine the electors for each state. The number of electors in each state corresponds to the number of representatives in Congress from that state. Next, the Electoral College votes for the president, i.e. elections are not direct.

The president is elected for a term of 4 years. In the event of the death of the head of state before the next election, the post is automatically assumed by the vice president. Currently, US presidential elections are held on the first Monday in November of a leap year. So, let’s list all 45 US presidents in order and note the features of their reign and merits.

All US Presidents

1. (1732-1799), non-partisan. Reign: 1789-1797

George Washington became the first president of the United States. During his 8 years of rule, he won the War of Independence, developed and adopted the first Constitution, and advocated the abolition of slavery. Americans call Washington "the father of the nation." Despite his military past, he set political power higher than military. Washington prevented war with England and established the first diplomatic ties.

At the end of his presidential term, the politician took the post of vice president, led the army in local conflicts, and also supervised the construction of large facilities of national importance. Since 1926, portraits of US presidents have been depicted on dollars. It is symbolic that the first president, George Washington, is depicted on the $1 bill.

2. (1735-1826), federalist. Reign: 1797-1801

John Adams was Washington's vice president. Adams began a dynasty of professional American politicians.

In 1825, his son became head of state and 6th president of the United States. Adams designed the residence building, which was later called the White House. Now every head of the United States lives there with his family during his term of office.

3. (1743-1826), Democrat-Republican. Years of reign: 1801-1809.

Jefferson was an outspoken opponent of former President Adams. The main work of the reign and life of Thomas Jefferson is the Declaration of Independence. This document is still considered the main artifact of the country, and the day of its signing is the main public holiday.

Jefferson's other accomplishments include:

  • the beginning of diplomatic and trade relations with France;
  • the first government loan in American history;
  • the first own, non-British mint;
  • founding of the present University of Virginia;
  • establishment of the decimal system as the main one in trade turnover and finance.

(1751-1836), Democrat-Republican. Years of reign: 1809-1817.

The name of James Madison is little known even in the United States, although it is to this man that the Americans owe the key tenets of their own Constitution. Moreover, from the politician’s notes and personal diaries, the stages of development and the process of creating the main document of the power are known.

Madison's anti-activity can be called a declaration of war on Great Britain: this step led to serious problems on the mainland and a general crisis in the country. At the same time, the president made the most serious attempts to abolish slavery. This question worried the politician until his death.

5. James Monroe(1758-1831), Democrat-Republican. Years of reign: 1817-1825.

In 1817, one James succeeded another as President of the United States. The motto of James Monroe's reign became the still replicated “America for Americans.” Monroe became the first president whose election position was controversial. The victory was given to rivals who were experiencing a serious political split. The board was just as controversial. A significant part of the decisions was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

He tried to regulate relations and recognize the status of sovereign states of the former Spanish territories. On this background domestic politics looked unsure. The position of the president himself added fuel to the fire. The pomposity and arrogance that Monroe considered the standard of the presidential image was no longer inappropriate. After his resignation, the 5th President of the United States did not return to politics.

(1767-1848), Democrat-Republican. Years of reign: 1825-1829.

The first president to be elected to office by the US Congress. This happens if no candidate receives the required number of electoral votes.

The career of the son of the second President of the United States was predetermined, but John Quincy was considered undeservedly high post it is forbidden. His speech on the significance of the United States on the world map is still studied and cited as a masterpiece of oratory, and the politician wrote this document with his own hand.

(1767-1845), democrat. Years of reign: 1829-1837.

He became famous for his military operations against the Indians, which often ended in peace agreements, which allowed Jackson to gain fame as a diplomat. Among other achievements is the creation of the Democratic Party, which is still one of the two existing and really fighting for influence on the American political Olympus.

However, the creation of the Democratic Party also prompted the creation of a counterweight in the form of the Republican Party, which also exists to this day. Among the negative touches to the portrait is the “Tribal Relocation Act.” The removal of Indians to what is now Oklahoma cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people.

(1782-1862), democrat. Years of reign: 1837-1841.

Buren is the first president born in the United States. He also became the first president to learn English as a second language, since his native language is Dutch.

Throughout his reign, he dealt with financial issues, putting in order the country that had been destroyed by his predecessors. His attempts were not particularly successful, and he failed in the second presidential election in America.

(1773-1841), Whig (the Whig party existed from 1832 to 1856; the opposition of the Democrats, based on the coalition of the national Republican Party). Year of reign: 1841, from March 4 to April 4.

Harrison stayed in office for only 1 month. He is remembered for being the last president of the United States as a British colony. At the time of the oath he was 69 years old. During these same days he became very ill and died a month later. His grandson would later take over as president.

(1790-1862), Whig. Years of reign: 1841-1845.

After Harrison's death in 1841, Vice President Tyler assumed the presidency of the United States. Then he finally won the presidential election in America. The board was not calm: the members of the dominant Whig party who nominated Tyler for the post of president had complaints about John, who had deviated from their policies.

The country was torn apart by conflicts. But there were also achievements: during his reign, rebellious Texas was annexed to the States. However, the legality of those actions is still questioned by residents of the region.

(1795-1849), democrat. Years of reign: 1845-1849.

The youngest president at that time. During his reign, the States acquired New Mexico and California.

Polk's presidency cost him his life: poor health caused his sudden death 3 months after leaving office.

(1784-1850), Whig. Years of reign: 1849-1850.

The twelfth President of the United States, the first since Washington, who came to office without any government experience. A military southerner, famous for his spectacular victories on the Mexican front.

At the time of his nomination, he was one of the most authoritative figures in the country, which allowed him to get ahead of his professional rival politicians. He did not rule for long due to malaria contracted during the campaigns, which was incurable at that time. Taylor is a president whose natural death was proven in court.

(1800-1874), Whig. Years of reign: 1850-1853.

Fillmore came to the post only because of the death of his predecessor. The new US president began to make one mistake after another.

The main thing was the lack of interest in the most pressing issue of the slave system.

(1804-1869), democrat. Reign: 1853-1857

A candidate who abused alcohol or had serious problems in the family is not best face for the presidential office. Politics became the same: the appointment of random people without experience, vague personal opinions, chaotic decrees.

The image of the president in the eyes of his own people is evidenced by the fact that the first monument to the fourteenth president of the United States was erected only half a century later and in a single copy.

(1791-1868), democrat. Reign: 1857-1861

The successful diplomat was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate and confidently won the race. However, no significant victories were recorded for Buchanan: diplomatic successes were replaced by a series of failures.

A controversial choice was taking the South's side on the issue of slavery: the position of the southerners had already been greatly shaken by that time, and the loss of territories was not in the best possible way affected the reputation. The opinion of historians is clear: Buchanan was given the title of the worst president of America.

16. (1809-1865), Republican. Years of reign: 1861-1865.

One of the biggest names in the history of US presidents. A military leader who personally led troops during the Civil War. A supporter of the unification of the country, who made every effort to achieve this fact without bloodshed. The first president to create a truly working government, forcing both supporters and opponents to work as a team and take into account the opinions of all sides. A good speaker who often won battles through the power of persuasion. In contrast to his predecessor, historians called him the best president of all times.

And yet, the main achievement of Lincoln, who entered office with an uncertain position on the issue of slavery, was the emancipation of slaves. The 1862 amendment became a line in the Constitution in 1865: from that point on, slavery in America became history.

Lincoln earned the title of “first,” “most,” and “great” throughout his life. With his death, he opened another list of US presidents - those who were assassinated. In 1865, a gunshot during a performance marked the end of a global figure in world history. This was the first assassination of a US president, but, as history will show, it was far from the last.

(1808-1875), democrat. Years of reign: 1865-1869.

Lincoln's Vice President succeeded him as President under the Constitution. It was difficult to gain the same popularity by default, and Johnson, who was always on the sidelines, aggravated the situation with his inept actions.

The result of the reign was the first impeachment considered by the Senate. Russia has a reason to remember this person: it was Johnson who managed to buy from Russian Empire Alaska.

(1822-1885), Republican. Years of reign: 1869-1877.

Grant, who served as president for 8 years, put an end to the issue of slavery. The northerner gained popularity as a military leader who did not have serious victories, but also did not arouse complaints.

The country, still recovering from the shocks, wanted order, and saw it in Grant, who resembled the first president. The main achievement during the period of rest and restoration of the country was the amendment on equal voting rights for whites and blacks.

(1822-1893), Republican. Years of reign: 1877-1881.

The 1876 elections have been called the dirtiest in history.

Garfield promised to become one of the serious politicians: by the time of the election from the Republican Party, he already held a post in Congress. The flight was interrupted by a bullet.

The assassination attempt was successful thanks to the “help” of doctors. Chaotic and contradictory treatment caused an abscess, and then death.

(1829-1886), Republican. Years of reign: 1881-1885.

This personality has little weight in the history of America, although it is difficult to call his policies a failure. He added to the list of chapters as a positive hero. Arthur was afraid to take serious steps in his post and attract attention to himself, remind him of the assassination of the US President and his possible involvement.

Having unexpectedly become president, he laundered his reputation for 4 years, which he practically achieved. Historians assess him as an honest and systematic leader of the country, who personally abandoned the attempt to fight for a second term. Chester authored the US Civil Service Act and compiled a list of recommendations for modernizing the administrative apparatus.

(1837-1908), democrat. Years of reign: 1885-1889.

The only US president to serve two consecutive terms.

In 2012, a series of $1 commemorative coins was released. Two of them had a portrait of Cleveland.

(1833-1901), Republican. Years of reign: 1889-1893.

During his reign, he introduced an amendment to the Black Voting Rights Act and brought electricity to the White House.

It was marked by government spending increasing to critical amounts and the failure of customs reform.

(1837-1908), democrat. Years of reign: 1893-1897.

Second term as president.

(1843-1901), Republican. Years of reign: 1897-1901.

The country entered the new century with a new president, who completed the historical list of presidents who participated in the Civil War.

Having just been re-elected to a second term in 1901, McKinley, who was successfully pursuing domestic policy and economic revival, was shot and killed by an American anarchist. The death brought Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to first place, who topped the list of contenders in terms of popularity.

26. (1858-1919), Republican. Years of reign: 1901-1909.

Replacing his deceased predecessor, Roosevelt became America's youngest commander in chief. During the 8 years of his reign he accomplished a lot and was even awarded for a document that went down in history as the Peace of Portsmouth.

Both foreign and domestic policies of Roosevelt were active. He actively fought against monopolies, carried out economic reforms. The signing of several interstate treaties puts him on a par with major diplomats.

(1857-1930), Republican. Years of reign: 1909-1913.

During his years in power, he managed to disappoint not only voters, but also his predecessor, Roosevelt.

Perhaps the reason for the sluggish policy was bad condition health of Taft, who suffers from hallucinations.

28. (1856-1924), democrat. Years of reign: 1913-1921.

Wilson is the first American president to establish the tradition of the American leader's personal presence at top-level European conferences. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for signing the Paris Peace Treaty.

This is the first president to officially hold a doctorate not as an honorary person, but as an actual scientist and researcher.

(1865-1923), Republican. Years of reign: 1921-1923.

Harding took over a country that had suffered greatly economically from a war raging on another continent. There were massive strikes in America: the economy was going through its worst years.

Citizens did not have to evaluate his economic and foreign policy successes: election campaign smoothly turned into inspection trips around the country, and the president never returned from one of these trips. 1921-1923 - years of reign, interrupted by death from a heart attack. Rumors of poisoning, which traditionally arise in such cases, were not confirmed.

(1872-1933), Republican. Years of reign: 1923-1929.

The presidency of Coolidge himself was not marked by anything serious: except that the American Indians should be grateful to him for equalizing their rights with the white population.

Historians will call the activities of the president, who was in poor health, “the Policy of non-intervention.”

(1874-1964), Republican. Years of reign: 1929-1933.

President Hoover gained fame as a philanthropist and international philanthropist.

The USSR recognized Hoover's work as the head of an international fund that provided assistance to the famine-stricken in the Volga region.

32. (1882-1945), democrat. Years of reign: 1933-1945.

Belonging to the family name undoubtedly played a role in Franklin Roosevelt’s career: senator, assistant secretary, potential vice president of the United States with an excellent legal education, confidently won the election.

As can be seen from the dates, this is the first president who retained the status of head of the United States for more than the two terms already set by Washington. The reason for this is a confident policy during the turbulent times of World War II, gratitude for leading the country out of the crisis and the absence of other more promising candidates.

33. (1884-1972), democrat. Years of reign: 1945-1953.

Democrat Truman went through two wars before becoming vice president under Roosevelt. His first steps as president showed how much he disagreed with his leader. Truman began his policy of “tightening the screws” with the Soviet Union, sincerely believing that it received too much as a result of the war.

The Cold War, which almost turned nuclear, was the logical outcome of the unspoken conflict. Another miscalculation of Truman, who actively imposed US dominance on the entire world, was the Korean War. Useless and costly actions caused a severe decline in ratings towards the end of the reign.

34. (1890-1969), Republican. Years of reign: 1953-1961.

General Eisenhower, the acting commander during World War II, a good and prudent speaker who always had two texts and a list of variations in case of defeat and victory, confidently entered politics.

During his presidency, he became the first leader of the newly created NATO.

35. (1917-1963), democrat. Years of reign: 1961-1963.

John Kennedy promised to be one of America's most important presidents. Race with Soviet Union contributed greatly to the development of the country. The United States is still proud of the Apollo program, launched under Kennedy.

Despite scandals on the personal front, including with the notorious, he and the first lady of the United States were the favorites of the country. The tragic death that interrupted Kennedy's activities is still the No. 1 mystery in American history.

(1908-1973), democrat. Years of reign: 1963-1969.

The assassination of the US President, his predecessor, which occurred before Johnson's eyes, greatly influenced his policies. He actively launched the fight against crime and achieved considerable success in this matter, proposing a list of amendments to the organization.

Americans also remember Johnson as the author of the program operating on this moment health insurance, co-author of the environmental program. But all the innovative social changes were nullified by America's entry into the protracted and bloody Vietnam War.

37. (1913-1994), Republican. Years of reign: 1969-1974.

During Nixon's reign, Americans landed on the moon, and he also ended the Vietnam War. But the scandals that literally surrounded the odious politician cost him his career.

Attempts to gain weight through provocations and intrigues, chaotic decisions and the main scandal with listening devices led to the question of impeachment being raised. Nixon did not wait for a decision and proudly retired from office.

38. (1913-2006), Republican. Years of reign: 1974-1977.

Against the backdrop of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Ford showed himself to be a good manager.

Nevertheless, two assassination attempts showed that his policy, loyal and soft, still hurt someone quite strongly.

39. (b. 1924), democrat. Years of reign: 1977-1981.

For Russians, the figure of Carter is famous for the boycott of the Soviet Olympics and the deterioration of the general geopolitical situation.

In 2002 ex-president The USA received the Nobel Peace Prize.

40. (1911-2004), Republican. Years of reign: 1981-1989.

A president-actor - America could not even think about this 100 years ago.

During the Reagan administration there were:

  • Lebanese terrorist attack;
  • invasion of Grenada;
  • worsening Cold War;
  • air attacks in Libya.

41. George Bush(senior, born 1924), Republican. Years of reign: 1989-1993

Bush Sr. was noted for the legalization of abortion, a dirty presidential race and the practice of candidates visiting all states.

42. (b. 1946), democrat. Years of reign: 1993-2001.

During his administration, Clinton failed the operation in Somalia, but achieved serious success in the domestic economy:

  • minimal unemployment;
  • growth of GDP and personal income;
  • minimum social disturbances.

True, they say that these achievements are the work of the politically active first lady. And yet the main article in historical reference books about the figure of Clinton will be devoted to the sex scandal. The story has not left the world’s screens for more than a year: during this time, the president smoothly moved into the “ex” category, which removed the intensity of passions.

43. (Jr., born 1946), Republican. Years of reign: 2001-2009.

Bush Jr. turned out to be much more active than his father, and the list of his achievements is much larger.

During the years of government the following were signed:

  • document on withdrawal from the ABM Treaty;
  • ordering the invasion of Iraq for a flimsy reason;
  • a claim towards the Russian Federation regarding the Georgian conflict;
  • a number of documents regarding anti-terrorist and equivalent actions.

44. (b. 1961), democrat. Years of reign: 2009-2017.

He will first add to his list of achievements as the first black president. During his reign he became a laureate of the Peace Prize and an honorary member of many international organizations.

Obama remains a controversial and regularly criticized figure, starting with an election where he did not win by vote, but became president thanks to the system.

45. (born 1946), Republican. Years of reign: 2017 - present time.

The current US President Donald Trump, who took office in January 2017, closes the list.

It is too early to draw conclusions about his political methods and achievements. Time will tell what contribution this influential man will make to the history of the United States and the world.