Aids for learning the Kazakh language. How to learn Kazakh with a child? Effective life tips

Order Kazakh language teaching services from private specialists in Moscow and the Moscow region registered on Yuda. Experienced teachers will develop individual program training in learning a foreign language, taking into account your current level of knowledge.

Individual lessons will be held at your home or office at a time convenient for you. Applications for private tutoring services are accepted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, seven days a week.

Level teaching system

Order inexpensive services for teaching the Kazakh language in Moscow from private teachers with extensive experience. With Yudu's help, you will quickly find a suitable specialist who will teach you the language until you reach the required level of education. Individual study sessions foreign languages are carried out in several stages:

  • development of communicative competence - the ability to conduct a conversation in short dialogues, proficiency in oral conversational speech
  • formation high level language proficiency that allows you to speak fluently with native speakers
  • formation of a high level of professional language proficiency

Private Kazakh language lessons will allow you to professional activity in all areas of linguistic communications.

Learning a professional foreign language

Kazakh language courses may be needed in different situations. Contact private teachers if you need to learn a professional language to work in the following areas:

  • economics and finance
  • medicine
  • jurisprudence
  • banking
  • entrepreneurship
  • social protection

The services of private teachers are provided at a minimal cost.

Exists a large number of sites where you can start learning the Kazakh language. One of the largest and most famous - project, created by the State Language Development Foundation.

The website says that more than 109 thousand people are already using the free service. They have access to an online Kazakh language course, thematic audio and video recordings, a dictionary and tests to test knowledge. In addition to the web version, there are applications for Android and iOS.

There is also a special course where the user will work with teachers - this is training via Skype. This approach - direct communication with the teacher - can give good results, however, you must register for courses in advance.

There is another specialized site - "Kazakh language. Simply about complex things" . It is taught by Tatyana Valyaeva from Almaty, who learned the language to help children with their homework. The portal contains both individual lessons and information about grammar, books in the Kazakh language, a dictionary and much more.

There are many other courses on the Internet (including on Youtube) and self-instruction books. Everyone can choose the option that seems more convenient to them.

No. 2. Is it possible to learn a language on social networks?

Yes, you can. Popular in Kazakhstan in social networks There are thematic groups for learning the Kazakh language. For example, there is a separate group on VKontakte SOYLE.KZ, and on Facebook - community Bas Qosu. The description of the latter says that this is “a club for everyone who wants to improve their spoken Kazakh.”

No. 3. What dictionaries can you use?

The above courses already have dictionaries. But if you need a separate service, then one of the best is considered The Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian online dictionary project has been running since 2000, and now it has more than 60 thousand dictionary entries.

In addition, a translator and converter are available to users. The latter will help translate texts in Kazakh from Cyrillic to Latin.

Kazakh is also included in the list of languages Google service Translate. The word base is constantly expanding, and the system is gradually learning to more accurately translate words and sentences.

Watching movies and reading literature can be very helpful when learning a language. There are a lot of films and books in the Kazakh language on the Internet, and in cinemas you can watch popular films with Kazakh dubbing.

But you should also pay attention to thematic sites. Among them "Debit portals" , which contains literary works, audio books and encyclopedic data, as well as interviews with contemporary Kazakh cultural figures.

No. 5. What's the best way to practice?

The best practice of a language is to communicate with native speakers. If you live in Kazakhstan, then any trip to the store or trip on public transport already gives you the opportunity to practice the Kazakh language. The main thing is not to be shy and remember that it is impossible to learn a language without practice.

You can also use applications with a Kazakh-language interface. For example, the iTys messenger has been working for a long time, and relatively recently a language localization for Telegram was created - to install it you need to find and launch the QazTransBot bot.

In addition, there is network games for smartphones in Kazakh language. For example, in the application "Who is smarter" You can compete in knowledge of the Kazakh and Russian languages.

There are also various offline clubs, for example,

- Kanat, tell me, is there any universal method for learning the Kazakh language?

In fact, today an effective methodology for learning the Kazakh language has not yet been created. Let's think logically. Let's start with the fact that graduates of Russian schools do not speak Kazakh, which means that there is no such methodology in the country's schools. Another example is civil servants who have a huge motivation to learn official language(a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general), but among them there are many who cannot master the language. That is, there is no effective method for adults either.

- You started speaking Kazakh in a short time, what is the secret of success?

I learned the language myself, I speak and write fluently. My method is intended for adults, Russian-speaking people, for those who do not have time to take courses to learn the language on their own. The first volume of my “Situational Kazakh” is dedicated to classic situations: weddings, funerals, tusaukeser and other traditional situations, the second is dedicated to situations on interethnic relations, the fate of the country, language, people, and the third volume is a dictionary that contains speech expressions that I myself needed in the process of speaking the Kazakh language. This is my author's dictionary of speech cliches and phrases. Here are collected several thousand expressions that a person needs for ordinary colloquial speech.

- What is the peculiarity of the method you propose?

When a person begins to speak Kazakh, at first he thinks in the language to which he is accustomed. For the vast majority of us, this is Russian. For example, when meeting a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, a Russian-speaking person will come to mind the exclamation: “How many years, how many winters!” But we have to say it in Kazakh, we’re learning the Kazakh language. It’s easy to translate – “Kansha zhyl, kansha zhaz!” – doesn’t fit. But this Russian expression has a Kazakh equivalent - “Kormegeli kai zaman!” Here, my dictionary contains several thousand such equivalents. I am not a philologist, and this does not interfere, but helps me in my work, because I do not bother with whether it is a phraseological unit, an idiom, a proverb or an interjection. I simply sorted Russian colloquial expressions in alphabetical order and gave their Kazakh equivalents. Without knowledge of these equivalents, it is generally impossible to speak the language.

- Isn't this an effective technique?

There is no effective technique yet, except mine, of course (laughs) But they say: “If a patient wants to live, no doctor will interfere with him” - this is sarcasm, of course, or “Whoever doesn’t want to, is looking for excuses, and whoever wants to, looking for ways."

A striking example of this is our cosmonaut Tokhtar Aubakirov, who was Russian-speaking. Now he speaks Kazakh perfectly. At one time, he recorded songs in Kazakh, memorized them, and thus he learned the language. Therefore, everyone has their own method that is convenient or close to them.

- Many experts note the effectiveness of immersion in the environment. To what extent do you think it justifies itself?

The immersion method also exists. For example, go to the village... but we have a small problem. There are no villages in Kazakhstan where people do not know Russian at all. A Russian-speaking person has arrived, if he speaks Russian, they will understand him. But this method is effective when absolutely no one in your environment understands you. For example, when a person goes to study in England, he is placed in a family in which no one speaks Russian. A person, willy-nilly, has to explain himself in English. Now I’m going on a trip to Mongolia, where Kazakhs live who have preserved their language, our old customs, traditions and live the way our ancestors lived for hundreds of years. Therefore, I plan to go there, get acquainted with everything and, perhaps, open immersion courses there.

- How about individual lessons with the teacher?

Yes, it is effective, but very expensive. Today, Kazakh language courses cost more per hour than English...

- Why do you think this happens?

This is the market. This means that there are more offers of English tutors, more competition, hence the pricing policy.

-Tell me about your experience of learning the Kazakh language?

You cannot say that you are fluent in one language or another. I started learning the language using my own method 5-6 years ago, in a short time I reached the level of fluency in it in traditional situations (at ceremonies, funerals, etc.), then I developed it to the ability to convey my own thoughts on any topic, and now I am improving . The speech structure of the Kazakh language, according to Gerold Karlovich Belger, who, by the way, treated me with almost fatherly love, is a huge ocean. The thing is that the Kazakh language is very figurative, metaphorical, so if you are going to speak Kazakh, you need to speak beautifully and figuratively. So I'm still in the process of learning.

- Are there people who learned a language using your method?

Of course, I don’t have exact data, but the total circulation of my “Situational Kazakh” has already amounted to 36 thousand. I know that the book is widely used in language courses throughout the country. A couple of years ago, the television project “Learning Kazakh with Kanat Tasibekov” was held on the Osekmen-Kazakhstan TV channel in Ust-Kamenogorsk. They posted a video where they invited everyone who wanted to undergo training using my method, and gathered a certain number of people - mostly Slavs. Classes with a teacher based on my book “Situational Kazakh” lasted three months, during which they had a selection process. In the end, there were 5 people left and I was invited to host the final. Before that, I had never seen these people, and the first place was then taken by a guy of Slavic nationality, who quoted my book almost by heart. And when I spoke to him, he expressed his thoughts in Kazakh, albeit not fluently yet, but most importantly, he knew how to talk and what to talk about. Using this example, I was convinced that my technique works without any promotion. Basically, we are taught what we do not use in life, so this knowledge becomes ineffective.

Orymbetov is in his blood: he loves mathematical puzzles, plays chess, and is well versed in physics, chemistry, and astronomy. He believes that in any language - Kazakh, English - or the subjects of astronomy, geography - it is always possible to derive a system for how it is easier to remember the material.

“At school, I was lazy and dreamed of a universal textbook, so that it would be written easily, understandably, without unnecessary “fluff” that is not needed in life,” says the author. – One of the scientists once said that in ancient times people communicated in short phrases. I immediately opened the textbook on English language, looked at the main phrases, they are short. He began to “dig” further. I understand - there is a system here. As it turned out, it is enough to know basic words to communicate, listen to the news, for example. When I posted the “English for Lazy People” guide on social networks, I received hundreds of responses, including from teachers. Then I decided to take the Kazakh language apart. I understand that many authors have studied it before me, hundreds of books have been written. But I have my own vision of how to learn a language easier and more conveniently. This is how the “Kazakh for lazy people” method was born.

System starting with the letter “C”

Erzhan Orymbetov sent his work to the Ministry of Culture and Information. He admits that he did not even expect that in a couple of days he would receive a call from the ministry, because the name of the benefit is far from the usual “clerical” language of officials:

– I was asked to print and send additional materials for transmission to the expert council, which will be held in Astana.

I’m wondering: what is the essence of the technique?

– I thought for a long time: how to interest students? And I decided to give before each text interesting information, such that it does not distract from the main topic - language learning,” continues Yerzhan Orymbetov. – For example, that the famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev had a C in chemistry at school, but this did not stop him from creating the famous table. The student must understand that even if he is a C student, he will succeed. Including learning the language.

I noticed that it is easier to remember words when they are grouped according to some characteristic. The efficiency is three to four times higher. Systems can also be traced in the Kazakh language. Let's take liquid products for example. They can be grouped with the letter “s”: sorpa, cheese, su, sut, susyn. To make the process go faster, you can make short sentences of two, then three words. It is easier to learn when there are combinations with adjectives starting with the letter “s”: salkyn susyn (cool drink), suyik sorpa (liquid soup), suyk su ( cold water) and so on.

Gradually I realized that the system can be attached to the main topics. You can consolidate the material with general phrases starting with the letter “s”: salem, sau bol, and so on.

Eke – ene, kantar – ak kar

The names of the months stick in your head if you create a visual image. What is January associated with? Of course, with white snow. It is easier to remember the name of the month - kantar - if you add to it - ak kar ( White snow). Accordingly, akpan is buran, zheltoksan is meiram...

The author proposes to separate nature, relatives, acquaintances, and various phenomena into separate groups. All of them are united according to some characteristic. Thus, most questions in the Kazakh language begin with the letter “k” (kalay, kansha, kandai, kashan, kym?). Words denoting work usually end with the letter “s”: zhumys (work), tabys (profit), dagdarys (crisis), ondiris (production) and others. Words denoting relatives often consist of three letters: ana, apa, ata, aga, ene, kyz... Like most of those denoting parts of the body: bas (head), bet (face), shash (hair) and so on . And such vocabulary groups a lot of!

“When studying languages, I never learned everything, but only what was needed for communication,” Yerzhan reveals his secret. “First I learned words, then I composed phrases, then sentences of three, then four words. At the same time, I mastered grammar. And it worked! Once during negotiations he even acted as a translator from Spanish.

I tried to remember the months using Yerzhan’s method. Indeed, with the associative series it turned out faster, plus I also remembered 12 words.

500 words per month

“I learn and learn Kazakh words and expressions, and the next day everything flies out of my head, the words get confused,” complains one of my friends who has been attending Kazakh language courses for several months. She says that the desire to learn is great, but her “computer” cannot accommodate 10–15 words per lesson.

“The fact is that a person individually perceives and remembers this or that language,” says Erzhan Orymbetov. – The teacher must feel each student and approach him individually, even if classes are held in a group. Once I was asked to teach a group English in a month. There was a ready-made program that I had to read. I felt in my heart that it wouldn’t work. Then I printed out all the words, and we began to study systematically. I noticed that in 15 minutes you can repeat 400-500 words with an audience. I spoke in Russian, and the audience answered me in English, then vice versa. I observed: who speaks without looking at the textbook, who is silent. I have always divided the group into those who learn everything right away, and those who “harness for a long time, but walk quickly.” After lessons I gave to the students additional material. After a month they knew up to 500 words!

“I test the methods on children”

Our interlocutor’s plans are to simplify the curriculum for Kazakh schoolchildren and create shorter methods for studying mathematics, physics, astronomy and other subjects.

“I made several discoveries in astronomy, geography, discovered many new formulas in chemistry, mathematics, and long ago I noticed: more complex forms can always be decomposed into simpler ones,” the author reveals a secret. – I test my methods on children. If I see that it reaches them faster, they are interested in it, then I am working in the right direction.

Or maybe it’s really worth paying attention to more simplified methods of learning the Kazakh language? Here in my son’s textbook for the 4th grade there are words and expressions for study that even adults rarely use in colloquial speech. For example, “arrogant”, “breathes like a breeze”, “greatness”, “heritage”. Undoubtedly, you need to know them. But it is much more useful for a child to first learn ordinary words and expressions used in everyday life - ask for a spoon, ask for directions, correctly address elders...

Educational program at the stove

Especially for those who are planning to take Kazakh courses, we decided to find out the opinion of an expert: how is the material better learned - in group classes or individually?

“A competent teacher will notice from the first lesson how it is more comfortable and promising for the student to study,” says Erzhan Orymbetov. – It all depends on your goals and finances. You can study individually, and then practice the acquired knowledge in practice, for example, with a colleague or friend. Be sure to watch news in Kazakh. To understand what we are talking about, write out the main words of a political and economic nature from the dictionary - 30–40 words. When you listen to the news, you will already understand what is being said. And other words will automatically cling to those you know.

– A piece of paper with words can be hung near kitchen stove, near the mirror, above the TV - whatever suits you. It is useful to pronounce your actions in Kazakh, for example, you opened the door, repeat what you did in Kazakh so that it becomes automatic. Try to pronounce words and form expressions at home, even if you don’t know grammar well. In time this too will come. With this approach, time will work for you!

This tutorial is intended for those who independently study the Kazakh language. It allows you to develop the speech skills necessary for communication and reading simple literature, and master the basics of grammar: the self-instruction lessons introduce both the grammatical features of the language and common everyday vocabulary. Having mastered it, you can easily get out of any situation when communicating directly with the residents of Kazakhstan. For quick memorization for ordinary speech constructions, carefully read the collections with lexical material (the thematic list is given in the contents).
In each tutorial lesson you will find descriptions of lexical and grammatical categories of all parts of speech, exercises for memorizing the studied material, and texts using active speech structures. To check the exercises done, lesson keys are given at the end of the book. The tutorial's lessons are supplemented with a dictionary, which can be used to translate unfamiliar words found in the exercises. The book also contains regional information, which will undoubtedly be useful when traveling around Kazakhstan.

An evening walk

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