Ringworm: Types, symptoms, treatment. What does lichen look like in humans: photos, types, symptoms and treatment Pathogens of different types

Ringworm is scaly spots or papules on the mucous membranes or skin. Virus, fungus, infection and allergies can trigger the appearance of lichen, which most often occurs against the background of hormonal or endocrine disorders, as well as weakened immunity.

Types of lichen

There are a huge number of types of lichen: pink, ringworm, red flat, tropical white and black, simple, scaly, shingles, pityriasis versicolor and so on.

Pityriasis rosea manifests itself by the appearance of a pair of spots of a similar color on the skin. After a few days, these maternal plaques begin to shed small pink spots that do not cause itching. At proper treatment After nine weeks the rash goes away.

Ringworm appears on the scalp and body. Flaky spots break off the hair in the affected area, causing bald spots to appear on the person. On the skin, the lichen rises slightly. Rarely, lichen affects the nails, which begin to crumble and turn yellow.

Lichen planus is a pink-purple, small rash that appears on the chest, abdomen, lower back, and limbs. The rash forms a pattern and is very itchy.

The types of lichen can be listed endlessly. This information will not give anything to a person without medical education. It’s better to go to a dermatologist and start the right treatment.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea can form from viruses or allergens. Scaly patches affect the trunk, limbs and neck. This happens mainly in the off-season, when people most often catch colds.

Ringworm appears in people with weakened immune systems. If a person is hypothermic or constantly catches a cold, he or she develops lichen regularly.

First, a maternal plaque appears - a spot two centimeters in diameter with clear edges. There is a yellow spot in the center. Gradually, the central part wrinkles and peels off. At the same time, the person experiences headache, weakness and general malaise. After four days, a large number of spots appear on the skin.

After a month or two, the rash goes away. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to treat it; the spots disappear on their own. Some people do not want to wait that long and begin to actively undergo treatment. Frequent washing is prohibited during treatment. You need to shower with mild detergents. Avoid overcooling and sunbathing. Dermatologists usually prescribe antibiotics, aqueous-alcoholic or oily solutions, ointments with glucocorticosteroids, herbal infusions, antiallergic drugs and vitamins.


Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus. If a person had chickenpox as a child, the causative agent of the disease goes into a latent state and lives nerve cells spinal cord or in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.

Shingles is a slow-onset, recurring disease that most often occurs in immunocompromised people aged 60 to 75 years. Also at risk are people who are constantly stressed, who have tumors and patients with HIV.

The patient first develops a fever, itching and malaise. After some time, the body becomes covered with spots, which after a few days turn into erythematous papules.

There are several types of herpes zoster: herpes zoster ophthalmicus, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome and herpes zoster motor. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus damages the cornea and ophthalmic branch trigeminal nerve. With Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, facial muscles are paralyzed, rashes occur in the external auditory canal and in the oropharynx. A person begins to hear worse, he is tormented by dizziness and pain in the ear canal. Motor herpes zoster manifests itself as muscle weakness and rash.

Shingles is treated with drugs such as Famciclovir, Acyclovir and Valacyclovir. "Acyclovir" is integrated into the viral DNA molecule and prevents it from multiplying. If you start using these drugs immediately after the first signs of shingles appear, or at least in the first three days, the disease will end much faster, the pain will disappear, and the likelihood of postherpetic neuralgia will be zero. In order for the patient to move and breathe normally, he is prescribed narcotic analgesics. You can also use non-narcotic analgesics: Dexketoprofen, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac and others.

Corticosteroid medications reduce itching and inflammation, but are not recommended for use in the treatment of this disease.

This type of lichen affects not only nails and skin, but also mucous membranes. An itchy rash appears on the abdomen, back and flexural surfaces.

Lichen planus can appear due to both viruses and allergens. There have been cases where people became covered with lichen ruber due to stress.

Initially, a person develops shiny small papules with a diameter of five millimeters, which gradually merge and form a continuous spot, similar to a mesh. If you lubricate the skin vegetable oil, this grid will be clearly visible. The central part of the pink-purple nodule is slightly depressed. After the rash disappears, brown spots remain on the skin.

Often the rash appears in the mouth, on the labia and the head of the penis. Here the lichen resembles light gray warts. Lichen planus can be linear, atrophic, hypertrophic, bullous, flattened, annular, pigmented and erythematous.

With atrophic lichen, the skin dies at the site of the rash. Lichen linearis forms along the nerves. Hypertrophic or verrucous lichen is a purple or blue rash that looks like warts. After long-term use medicines Lichen bullosa may appear. If the lichen has the form of rings or arcs that quickly cover new areas, it is called annular.

Lichen planus may appear on the nails. The nail plates become cloudy, thin, brittle and lumpy.


This type of lichen is an infectious disease that most often occurs in children, animals and middle-aged people. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick animal or person. Ringworm appears on the body, limbs and scalp. The worst thing about this type of deprivation is that bald spots appear on the head. In order to get rid of lichen on the head, you need to cut off all your hair. It's terrible, especially as a teenager. It is difficult to explain to children that lichen is a disease like others. Nobody wants to become the subject of ridicule.

Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor is fungal disease skin, which affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The pathogen settles in stratum corneum epidermis and at the mouths of follicles.

This type of lichen infects people with diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis, tuberculosis and excessive sweating.

Such lichen is treated with Andriasyan's liquid, Wilkinson's ointment and salicylic-resorcinol alcohol. The main thing in treatment is to speed up the exfoliation of the horny epidermis.

Take away the reasons

Fungal and viral microflora provoke the appearance of lichen. It occurs in those who are often in stressful situations. The causes of lichen can be genetic predisposition, weak immunity, infectious diseases, emotional and physical stress. It is difficult to say how long the disease lasts, it all depends on individual characteristics person and type of lichen.

Ringworm treatment

Some types of lichen do not require specific treatment. For example, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own after 4-7 weeks. Dermatologists often prescribe antihistamines (Tavegil, Zyrtec, Loratidine). During treatment, it is recommended to wash as little as possible and not use any cosmetics.

Treatment for ringworm involves isolating the patient and treating the affected areas. Those with ringworm are hospitalized and have their hair shaved off. Every morning, the spots are smeared with iodine, and at night, sulfur-tar or sulfur-tar is applied. salicylic ointment. The doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

Ointment for ringworm

In the morning, lichen is treated with iodine, and in the evening - with ointment. Treatment lasts about three weeks.

There is also soap, paste and Sulsen shampoo. This drug is used for dermatomycosis: seborrheic lichen and dermatitis, foot fungus and other skin diseases.

Ringworm in humans

With lichen, the skin becomes inflamed and its pigmentation is disrupted, hair falls out, and itching appears. Most often, this disease occurs due to infection, fungus or virus. People with weakened immune systems and children are at risk. If a person develops lichen, they should go to a dermatologist. Treatment will depend on the type of lichen. In any case, the patient must be isolated, because many types of lichen are transmitted through close contact.

Ringworm in children

In summer and autumn, the weather is warm and humid; at this time of year, fungal infections feel most comfortable, so they are transmitted from one person to another with great speed. Those who have weak immunity get sick more often. Even if fungal spores get on the skin, it is not a fact that a person will get sick. Lymphocytes and protective proteins can react well and prevent the fungus from attaching. Weak immunity is not able to protect the body, so fungi multiply not only on the surface of the skin, but also in its deep layers.

Mushrooms, like all living things, need liquid. If there is enough moisture on the skin, the fungi germinate and actively multiply. With increased sweating, the sweat channels expand and the permeability of the skin increases - favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of fungi.

Ringworm occurs more often in children than in adults because children's immunity much weaker, and besides, children are constantly in contact with animals. The parents do not have time to turn away, and the child has already grabbed the cat at the entrance. Stray animals carry a huge number of infections, including lichen.

If lichen appears on the head, the child will have to be shaved bald, otherwise the treatment will be useless. This can create psychological discomfort, because children are cruel to each other - just give them a reason to make fun of someone who looks different from everyone else. Therefore, it is better to take the child from kindergarten or school, preferably until the hair grows back at least a little. You also need to constantly talk to your child about this disease so that he understands that this is not something shameful, but an ordinary fungus that can appear in anyone.

Ringworm in cats

Ringworm affects the skin, fur, and claws of cats. This infectious disease can go away in an animal without any treatment, but it is better to still help the pet and speed up this process.

Fungi are found not only on the animal itself, but also in the area where it walks. The most dangerous thing is that the spores can remain active for two years.

Ringworm in cats may not appear in any way for some time, and the fact that it is present can only be determined by conducting special tests.

Ringworm in dogs

A dog becomes infected with lichen through close contact with a carrier. The fungus does not always manifest itself immediately. There may be no symptoms of the disease, but the animal is already a carrier.

Ringworm in dogs is treated with ointments and medications that need to be taken orally. In order to draw up a treatment plan, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Ringworm photo

Ringworm - this concept unites a wide group of skin diseases that can have different origins, but similar manifestations (rashes, itching). Based on these characteristic symptoms, one can confidently diagnose lichen, but determining the degree of its contagiousness and understanding what type of infection we are dealing with is much more difficult. However, an accurate diagnosis is necessary; the treatment method and ways to eliminate the problem depend on this.

The causative agents of lichen are a variety of pathogenic fungi; in some cases, the disease is of a viral nature, and the impetus for its development is a weakened immune system. In any case, every person needs to know what lichen looks like on initial stage to seek medical help in a timely manner. Coping with skin diseases is not easy, so the sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of a full recovery.

The course of lichen can be varied and largely depends on its type. In some patients, gradual damage to the skin can be observed, in others, rashes appear throughout the body in a short period of time. The disease can affect any part of the body, from the scalp to the genitals. Most often, the causative agents of lichen are microscopic fungi, which are conventionally divided into three large groups:

  • Anthropophilic. They only affect people and are transmitted through contact with a carrier and through the use of common household items.
  • Zoanthropophilic. They are found not only in humans, but also in animals. Animal lovers and children most often suffer from this type of lichen.
  • Geophilic. Infection occurs through contact with the ground, and is more common among people performing agricultural work.

In other cases, the development of lichen is caused by a virus that is present in the body of most people, but is activated and manifests itself skin rashes only under favorable circumstances (decreased immunity, hypothermia, stress, serious illness).

Despite the diversity of pathogens, skin diseases at the initial stage they share common characteristics:

  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Characteristic rashes with clearly defined boundaries separating the affected skin from healthy skin.
  • Changes in pigmentation in the lesions.
  • Intense itching, irritation
  • Dryness and flaking skin

Therapy should be started at the first signs of the disease, since the initial stage of lichen is easier to treat. If the process of skin damage is not stopped in time, then the disease will progress to an advanced stage. With this development of events, the infection can spread throughout the body and result in a secondary infection and other serious complications.

What does lichen look like at the initial stage in humans (photo)?

Some varieties of lichen are extremely contagious, so if infected, it is necessary to minimize contact with others and remain in isolation for some time. Contagious infections include: ringworm, shingles and pityriasis rosea. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is transferred to a home regime or placed in a hospital; until complete recovery, the circle of contacts is limited, and individual dishes, household items and personal hygiene products are allocated.

Let's take a closer look at the most common types of lichen and tell you about them. distinctive features and treatment methods.

Trichophytosis of smooth skin appears on open areas of the body: on the upper and lower limbs, neck, face, less often - on the body. The rash looks like red-pink spots with a clear border. The skin in the affected area is swollen, flaky, covered with small vesicles, which, as they mature, burst and become crusty. This process is accompanied by severe itching. As they regress, such spots turn into rings with a clearly defined border.

  • Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)
    . This is a skin disease of a viral nature, the causative agent of which has not yet been fully studied. The initial stage of pityriasis rosea manifests itself by the appearance of a “maternal plaque”, which looks like a red spot with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm. After some time, general malaise is noted and pink spots appear throughout the body, the center of which is much paler than the edges. Along the periphery of such rashes, peeling is observed, accompanied by mild itching. The development of the disease is associated with seasonal decreases in immunity (spring and autumn).
  • Shingles. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which, after chickenpox in childhood, remains in the body in a “dormant” state and is activated under the influence of factors unfavorable to the body (hypothermia, chronic diseases, decreased immunity). The initial stage of herpes zoster is accompanied by a deterioration in general health. Symptoms resemble manifestations colds. General weakness appears, febrile conditions occur with increased temperature, chills, muscle pain, and enlarged lymph nodes. Simultaneously with these manifestations, burning and itching are noted at the sites where the virus moves through the nerve cells. Most often, the area of ​​localization of lichen chooses the intercostal nerves; the process is usually unilateral. Red, inflamed spots appear at the site of the lesion, on which blisters filled with clear liquid form within 3-4 days. Their formation is accompanied by pain, burning and itching. After some time, the blisters open, crust over, dry out and fall off, leaving behind spots of hyperpigmentation. Pain syndrome with herpes zoster may persist long time.

  • Multicolored ( pityriasis versicolor).
    It is caused by the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum, which, multiplying in the stratum corneum, affects the cells of the epidermis, causing pigmentation disorders. Appears as small spots various shapes, different in color from healthy skin. They may be paler than the main background of the epidermis, or, on the contrary, much darker. The spots tend to merge and form large, scaly lesions. The main location of lichen is the chest, back and neck. As spots form, the patient becomes concerned increased sweating and mild itching. This type of lichen is not contagious; the mechanism of its appearance is associated with genetic predisposition and a combination of hormonal and immune disorders. Spots of pityriasis versicolor become especially noticeable on untanned skin in the summer, so this disease has another name - “Sun fungus”.
  • Lichen planus. The disease has not been fully studied; doctors suggest that this type of lichen is caused by a virus and occurs against the background of immune system disorders, allergies or severe stress. Ringworm is not considered contagious. Multiple rashes look like red or purple flat nodules that appear on the skin or mucous membranes. Their appearance is accompanied by intense itching. As the disease progresses, the nodules merge into plaques with a mesh pattern. Most often, this type of lichen affects middle-aged and elderly women. The rashes can have different shapes and look like warts, rings, erythematous tubercles or erosions.

  • Psoriasis (scaly lichen)
    . It is considered a non-contagious disease of an autoimmune nature, in the occurrence of which plays a major role genetic predisposition. This skin disease is still considered incurable. A characteristic symptom of psoriasis is red, dry spots covered with grayish scales that protrude above the surface of the skin. Small spots can merge into fairly large, dense plaques. Skin elements do not have a specific localization and can appear on any part of the body. Patients with psoriasis note general deterioration conditions, weakness, constant discomfort and incessant itching.

Treatment methods

When the first symptoms of lichen appear on the body, you should immediately contact a dermatologist for examination and treatment. At the initial stage, the disease is treated much easier and faster. Let us dwell in more detail on the methods of treatment of each type of lichen:


How to treat ringworm at the initial stage, V individually will determine dermatologist. The treatment regimen will largely depend on the location of the lesions. If lichen appears on the scalp, then the affected areas are treated with local antifungal agents: ointments and creams Miconazole, Terbinafine, Clotrimazole. Hair is washed twice a week with special medicated shampoos (Nizoral, Dermazol).

To treat smooth skin affected by lichen, ointments with tolnaftate and terbinafine are used. In addition, in the morning the rashes are treated with iodine, and in the evening they are applied sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment. If multiple rashes appear on the body, the doctor will prescribe a drug in tablets for oral administration (Griseofulvin). Since ringworm is very contagious, the patient is isolated for the entire duration of treatment.

Folk remedies

When treating ringworm, in addition to medicinal methods You can use traditional medicine:

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea does not require special treatment; in most cases it goes away on its own within 4-6 weeks. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines (Zyrtec, Loratadine, Suprastin), they will help get rid of itching. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to take immunomodulators and vitamin mineral complexes. To eliminate flaking and soften the skin, you can use natural oils (peach, almond, sea buckthorn) or non-hormonal creams. It is better not to use products containing salicylic acid or sulfur, as they greatly dry out the skin. During treatment, it is not recommended to be in the sun or indulge in water treatments.

Folk remedies

At home, pityriasis rosea can be treated with a homemade calendula-based composition. To do this, dry calendula flowers are crushed and mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mixture is well ground until smooth and lubricates the rashes on the skin. Procedures can be done daily, before bedtime. Medicinal composition should be stored in the refrigerator.


Since this type of lichen is viral in nature, the disease is treated antiviral drugs(Acyclovir, Valacyclavir). With strong pain syndrome analgesics are prescribed for oral administration or an anesthetic gel with lidocaine for external use. The onset of the disease is usually accompanied by a deterioration in health and an increase in temperature, so the patient is recommended to take Paracetamol or other anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen). In some cases, if complications arise, antibiotic therapy may be necessary.

Folk remedies

Shingles, in addition to the main methods of therapy, can be treated with traditional methods:

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a fungus, therefore it is treated with local antifungal drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams, lotions, and sprays. If necessary, the patient is prescribed antimycotic drugs in tablets or capsules (Ketoconazole, Terbinafine). Part of antifungal therapy is tanning. In the summer, a patient with pityriasis versicolor is recommended to be in the sun more often, as ultraviolet rays help destroy the fungus.

Folk recipes

Lichen planus

To eliminate painful itching when red lichen planus use antihistamines (Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin), fight skin manifestations with the help of corticosteroid ointments based on hormones, use solutions and mixtures with menthol and citric acid. If the disease progresses, antibiotics (macrolides, tetracycline) are used. A course of vitamin therapy (based on vitamin A) helps to alleviate the condition; such treatment normalizes metabolic processes and regulates the division of skin cells.

Folk recipes

  • If the oral mucosa is affected, traditional medicine advises the use of sea buckthorn oil, which is used to treat rashes. For fast healing apply applications with sea ​​buckthorn oil, applying them to the affected areas of the mucous membrane for 20-30 minutes.
  • On the skin, lichen planus can be treated apple cider vinegar. To do this, it is enough to wipe the rash with undiluted vinegar 4 to 6 times a day.


Lichen squamosus is non-contagious and does not require isolation of the patient, but is considered incurable disease. The course of therapy is aimed at eliminating external symptoms and prolongation of the remission period. For this purpose, hormonal ointments (Cloveit, Skin-cap) and a special complex are used therapeutic measures, based on general cleansing of the body, strengthening the immune system and general health.

Folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, a variety of treatments can be used at home. herbal teas, on the basis of which tinctures, extracts and decoctions are prepared for oral administration. Good effect give baths with sea ​​salt, celandine, string, soda, oat decoction, which help improve the condition and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms.

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. There are many varieties of lichen. Some species are contagious and are transmitted after contact with an infected person or animal.

Other forms are considered immune or autoimmune disease. Not all people know what lichen looks like in a person at the initial stage, so at the first signs of skin diseases you should consult a doctor to determine the type of disease and undergo a course of treatment.

Causes of lichen

The main factor of the disease is the development of fungal or viral microflora. The immune system Most people are able to cope with pathogens on their own, but with a weakened immune system, the disease begins to develop rapidly.

Experts identify the following reasons that contribute to the development of lichen:

  • weakened immune system;
  • people who are under stress for a long time;
  • hereditary predisposition to lichen;
  • allergy sufferers who often take antihistamines;
  • people susceptible to hypothermia and colds;
  • patients who have disorders in the functioning of internal organs.

What does lichen look like in humans?

Pathology is a group of different skin diseases. The forms of pathology differ from each other. They have different symptoms, degree of contagiousness, localization, shape and color. Each type is treated differently.

Pityriasis rosea

This is not a contagious disease. It is often referred to as allergic reactions. At the initial stage, a small maternal plaque appears on the skin: two to five centimeters in diameter.

Then a pink rash appears, localized on the arm, leg, back, thighs, neck and abdomen. Pityriasis rosea is accompanied by elevated temperature, joint pain, general weakness. The rash may be itchy, and over time the spots become larger and acquire a yellowish tint. The pathology goes away in two to three weeks.


The disease is called trichophytosis. It can be contracted from a sick person or animal. The incubation period lasts for a week, after which the first signs of the disease appear. Foci of infection appear on smooth skin and scalp.

The rashes are presented red-pink spots, they have a clearly defined boundary. The skin is swollen and flaky. It is covered with small vesicles containing liquid inside. At first, the lesions are small in diameter, but then they can grow. Trichophytosis is accompanied by severe itching.

Ringworms cause not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. These skin diseases can affect anyone, regardless of gender or age. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and undergo a course of treatment.

Lichen is a dermatological disease in humans that affects the upper layer of the epidermis and its nature is infectious.

The correct treatment can be determined by characteristic features. The photo shows some types of lichen. Usually one zone or several are affected. All types of lichen are united by one common symptom: the appearance of a rash, itching, peeling. Each type has its own symptoms and reasons for its occurrence.

Different forms of the disease differ in that some of them lead to complications. Under certain circumstances, infection can be transmitted from a patient to healthy person. The type of disease depends on the pathogen, which is directly related to the incubation period.

For example, the symptoms of ringworm are detected after a few weeks, and microscopy, transferred from an animal, after 6 days. Very often, the disease manifests itself in people with weak immunity, exposed to stress, after a serious illness. Children are also at risk.

Defining manifestations of lichen:

  • Skin changes color in limited areas;
  • The appearance of itching, peeling.

What does lichen look like in humans: stages and photos

Viruses and three types of fungi are the main sources of lichen. The virus can remain in the human body for some time and manifest itself when the defenses are reduced.

These include herpes - rashes are possible throughout the body:

  • On the back there are pink spots, growing around them, light formations appear;
  • Chest area – white and pink spots are characteristic;
  • Feet are susceptible to all types;
  • Dark and light spots of various shapes appear on the hands, and itching occurs.

There are three types of mushrooms:

  • Zooanthropophilic species live in the animal's fur and skin;
  • Human skin serves as a habitat for anthropophilic species;
  • The soil contains geophilic fungi.

The first symptoms and signs of lichen in children and adults

Any type of lichen at the first stage has a number of identical symptoms.

In adults:

  • Inflammation in the affected areas;
  • A rash with defined boundaries between the diseased and healthy areas;
  • Change in skin color, itching, flaking, dryness.

Cutting, encircling and pink lichen are contagious. Contacts should be limited during this period.

Initial symptoms in children:

If treatment is started at the initial signs of the disease, the person’s lichen disappears after 1-2 weeks. The photo shows the first skin lesions.

The danger and consequences of deprivation in humans

Ringworm is dangerous because there is a possibility of infecting or becoming infected yourself through direct contact. Some types of lichen reduce immunity and hair loss may occur. Allergies may occur. The danger comes from the lichen pathogen from animals. Fungal spores fall on the ground, remain on the animal's bedding, on furniture and can get on human skin.

After treatment, remission is possible during contact with an infectious animal. The treatment is difficult, some rashes disappear, and others appear nearby. If you do not treat superficial lichen, it can turn into chronic.

Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)

Experts do not know the reason for the appearance of this type of lichen. The most likely factor is a virus, since the rash appears, most often, after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. The disease is seasonal, appearing in spring or autumn. Hypothermia is one of the prerequisites for the occurrence of pityriasis rosea. The spots affect the abdomen, back, and chest.


Itching and peeling occur. Despite its infectious nature, it is impossible to become infected through contact. People with weak immune systems may be at risk of infection, as well as women in the age group from 20 to 40 years. The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of spots 3-5 cm in diameter, with inflamed pink or red edges. The center of the “plaque” gradually turns pale and peels off.

At the next stage, after 1-2 weeks, the rash covers the chest, back, abdomen, limbs, groin areas. Gradually, the itching remains only on the periphery, the spots turn yellow and disappear. When new spots appear, the patient feels a general malaise, possibly an increase in body temperature, and enlarged lymph nodes in the area of ​​the chin and neck.


All signs of the disease disappear after two months.

  • Salted, smoked and spicy foods are prohibited. It is undesirable to consume chocolate, strong tea, and coffee. It is necessary to exclude from the menu products that can provoke allergies;
  • Limit contact with water, exclude washcloths and hard towels;
  • Baths with infusions of chamomile, string, and calendula have a positive effect. The water should be at room temperature;
  • Restrictions on the use of cosmetics;
  • You must wear loose clothing made of natural fabric;
  • Take sedatives;
  • Ozone therapy sessions;
  • Various antipruritic drugs;
  • When connecting secondary therapy, antibacterial agents or antibiotics are prescribed;

Shingles (herpes zoster)

This is what shingles looks like in humans, photo:

The signs and treatment of this type are described below. The source is the varicella zoster virus, a member of the herpesvirus family.. Therefore, in some publications you can read that herpes can be a provocateur of the occurrence of lichen. After recovery, the virus acquires a resting phase and concentrates in the nerve sectors of the spinal cord and cranial cord.

Factors such as hypothermia and low immunity can cause activation of lichen. The first signs: red blisters filled with liquid appear on the skin.

According to statistics, shingles can occur in every fourth person who has been ill chicken pox. The virus becomes active after 50 years. IN last years The appearance of this type is also observed in young people. Factors include: unfavorable ecology, decreased immunity, high incidence of infectious diseases.

A distinctive characteristic of this type of lichen is the pain that occurs, this is explained by the fact that the virus bacteria are concentrated in the intercostal and other nerve cells. If treatment is not started on time in severe cases, complications may develop in the eyes. IN initial period arise at the site of origin of the virus painful sensations and a strong burning sensation.

Pink spots with bubbles filled with liquid appear.

After 2-2.5 weeks, the bubbles begin to dry out to a crust and gradually disappear. Slight pigmentation disappears over time. If there are no associated complications, then after 2-3 weeks a complete recovery occurs. Despite this, at the first signs you should consult a doctor. If pain occurs, painkillers are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, lidocaine gel.

The doctor administers antiviral therapy to help avoid complications. Ringworm is contagious as long as there are blisters of fluid on the body. Once they burst and dry out, the patient is not considered dangerous.

Ringworm (trichophytia, microsporia)

The source is the pathogens:

  • microscopy – carrier cats and dogs, very rarely sick;
  • trichophytosis – source: cattle.

Ringworm is dangerous for children's bodies.

How to recognize?

What such lichen looks like in a person can be seen in the photo:

Treatment consists of destroying the causative fungus.

Microscopy, signs:


  • The hair begins to break off at a height of 2-3 mm and at the base, leaving black dots. May remain in the affected areas long hair or in comma form;
  • The disease can be diagnosed by microscopic examination.

We treat the disease

The patient must be isolated so as not to infect others. Ointment is applied to the areas of infection. Among the prescribed drugs: sulfur-salicylic acid, iodine, special ointments. The doctor may recommend taking tablets orally at the same time as ointments.

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

See what lichen versicolor looks like in humans, photo:

The signs and treatment of this non-contagious species will be described in more detail. The source is yeast-like fungi that are dormant on the skin.

Activation occurs under the following factors:

  • Weakening of protective functions;
  • Heavy sweating, oily skin;
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, including solariums;
  • Frequent use antibacterial agents or antibiotics;
  • Endocrine system disorder;
  • Heredity.

People aged 35-45 years are most vulnerable; contact with a sick person is dangerous for them.

First signs

Yellowish spots irregular shape usually appear in the area shoulder girdle, on the chest, in armpits, on foot. The skin is peeling. If left untreated, the spots merge into one. Their diameter can reach 10 cm.

Treatment methods

If you start treatment right away, the effect will come very quickly. Antifungal ointments are used for external therapy; Intraconazole capsules are prescribed internally. Doctors recommend the use of special hygiene products corrective acid-base balance skin.

Lichen planus

This species is quite common and is not contagious. Its source has not yet been identified. The provocateur may be an allergic effect or stress. Women aged 50-60 years are especially susceptible to this type of disease. The back of the hands, the front of the lower leg, and the sides of the torso are affected.

These are red papules that change color to purple. White or gray bumps may appear on the mucous membrane.

How to treat

Treatment for lichen planus includes complex therapy. Recommended admission antihistamines, calcium and sodium thiosulfate. In some forms, antibiotics and immune drugs are taken. It is possible to prescribe ointments with corticosteroids.

Ringworm (eczema)

Eczema is chronic illness accompanied by rashes and itching. The disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission. This type of lichen in humans is very common.

In the photo it looks like this:

Signs are similar to other species. Treatment depends on the form and severity of the eczema. There is an acute stage and a chronic stage.

Symptoms of eczema:

  • The appearance of swelling, redness;
  • The appearance of bubbles, peeling;
  • Weeping, serous crusts;
  • Feeling severe itching in the evening and after contact with water.

How to treat the disease

Treatment should be comprehensive:

  • Elimination of the causes that provoked this disease;
  • Calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate solutions, intravenous calcium chloride and others as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Antiallergic drugs;
  • B vitamins;
  • In severe cases of the disease, hormones may be prescribed;

The doctor prescribes ointments: Borna, Triderm, with ketoconazole, baths with potassium permanganate.

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

Squamous lichen affects the elbows and knees - these are the most affected areas.

Signs of lichen

Psoriasis can affect the entire body. This is a chronic disease that may not become active for many years.

The following reasons can provoke:

  • Contact with chemicals;
  • The presence of streptococcal infection in the body;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Taking medications or hormones for a long time;
  • Chemotherapy sessions;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

Can it be cured?

Psoriasis is considered incurable. Treatment consists of eliminating external signs and transitioning the active phase to the remission stage. Often the doctor will not be able to determine the time when the exacerbation will begin. The main component of therapy is psychological condition person. Recommended use sedatives, weak tranquilizers.

The doctor may prescribe ointments based on corticosteroids, which will be good helpers salicylic acid, tar, sulfur.

Piedra (nodular) lichen

This is what lichen nodosum looks like in humans. Photo. Signs.

Ringworm in humans (photo), signs and treatment depend on the type of disease.

The treatment is not complicated. The disease is caused by bacteria and is more common in countries with hot climates. Transmission of infection occurs through hats and combs. Sweating, the presence of oils in the hair, tight bandages, and fur hats contribute to the development of the disease.

Ringworm can affect the outer part without getting inside the hair follicle. Hair does not break or fall out. Not visible inflammatory processes. Piedra comes in white and black varieties. First affects mainly men.


For treatment, 1-2% mercury-salicylic ointment is used. It is rubbed into the hair and roots for 3 days. The next day they wash their hair tar soap. It is recommended to use Walkinson's ointment. Lichen nodosum in humans, once all the signs are established and with proper treatment, completely disappears. The photo shows what hair susceptible to shingles looks like.

Tablets - review of drugs

For any type, take three types of tablets: immunostimulating, analgesic, antiviral.

For herpes zoster:

For pityriasis versicolor:

  • Fluconazoleeffective drug, eliminating infections of the mucous membranes. Made in Russia. Pack of 2 pcs. 150 mg each, price within 60 rubles.
  • Nystatin– antifungal antibiotic. Tablets 100 pcs. 500,000 units each produced in Belarus, price 134 rubles.
  • Pimafucin– affects fungi. In the first days it is possible side symptoms(nausea, vomiting) that go away, treatment cannot be interrupted. Made in the Netherlands, 20 pcs. 100 mg each, price 509 rub.

Tablets for pityriasis rosea:

  • Cetirizine– the latest generation drug is highly effective against various rashes, relieves allergic inflammation. Country of origin: Macedonia, 20 pcs. 10 mg each cost 97 rubles.


Tablets for lichen planus:

  • Plaquenil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Manufacturer: Spain and Great Britain, 60 pcs. 200 mg each, price from 990 rub. up to 1257 rub.


  • Fulcin– antifungal antibiotic, analogue of griseofulvin.

Ointments for lichen

Ointments play a huge role in the treatment of lichen, sometimes they are the most effective way.

For pityriasis rosea:

For pityriasis versicolor and ringworm:

  • Both types are caused by a fungal infection. Therefore, ointments that can fight fungi will be an effective treatment method. These ointments include: Mikoseptin, Mikozoral, Exoderil, Terbinafine, Lamisil. The price of ointments is from 160 rubles. up to 500 rub.

For herpes zoster, the following ointments are used:

  • Atsigerin,
  • Zovirax,
  • Vivorax.

These drugs have antiviral and antiherpetic effects. Herpes is the cause of shingles. Price from 185 rub. up to 250 rub. per tube. To relieve neuralgic pain, Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen ointments are recommended.

For the treatment of lichen planus:

When the first signs of lichen appear in a person: itching, peeling, redness, etc. You must immediately consult a doctor and start treatment. The photo shows skin damage by different types of lichen. Different types of disease are characterized by different pathogens. Therapy depends on the correct diagnosis. Doctors are against self-treatment depriving.

However, there are various folk remedies, proven over the years. Each type of lichen requires an individual approach, since pathogens react differently to the components of the drugs.

Folk ointments

Birch tar is considered effective means fight against dermatological diseases. Vishnevsky ointment is made on its basis.

Recipes using tar:

Several recipes with garlic:

  • Mix grated garlic with honey, grind and apply to lichen plaques. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • Chop the garlic, wrap it in gauze and apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes;
  • Rub lemon with garlic. Keep on the affected area for 2 hours.

Some unusual methods:

  1. The finger is moistened with saliva, then in salt and rubbed over the area. It is believed that once is enough for the lichen to disappear;
  2. Iodine is mixed in equal proportions with vodka and the lichen is wiped;
  3. Set fire to the newspaper and quickly apply the resulting ash to the affected area before it cools down.


The lichen cannot be wetted; it must be dried only with special medicinal ointments.

Video: lichen in humans, photos, signs and treatment

Ringworm in humans - photos and symptoms in a video clip:

How to treat lichen in humans, watch the video:

Historically, the term “lichen” refers to 5 diseases that are not related to each other, have different etiologies and different treatment methods. The only thing they have in common is some similarity of symptoms, but this is also doubtful.

So, if you suspect lichen, look at the photos and descriptions:

Pityriasis rosea (or Gibert's disease or pityriasis) has pink scaly rashes. The mechanisms of development are not known for certain. The currently accepted version: when the skin gets infected, an uncharacteristic reaction of the immune system triggers characteristic skin rashes.

The disease is chronic, with seasonal exacerbations. The likelihood of transmission from person to person is extremely low. Almost always, one large “mother” spot appears on the body, up to 5 cm in diameter, followed by a scattering of small ones.

Treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids. Strengthening the immune system helps avoid relapses.

– always gives a dark red rash, there are several varieties that are slightly different in appearance. The plaques are small in size and sometimes “merge” together. They have a tendency to peeling, itching, and pain. A specialist can make a diagnosis quickly; an examination is enough.

Affects the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. Not contagious, due to genetic predisposition and impaired immune processes. Most often, women over 50 years of age are affected by the disease.

With treatment, everything is not so simple; it is necessary to determine the provoking factor and eliminate it, if necessary, relieve symptoms and strengthen the immune system. Treatment is carried out only by a doctor; it is dangerous to treat yourself.

Pityriasis versicolor It is of fungal origin, but its causative agent, Malassezia furfur, is part of the normal microflora of any person and under normal conditions exists in symbiosis with its carrier. However, genetic predisposition and accompanying illnesses can turn it into a pathogenic fungus and cause skin rashes - pink-yellow spots and peeling.

For treatment, it is enough to treat the skin with any antimycotic agent according to the instructions.

Ringworm- enough contagious fungal disease, carriers are animals, especially homeless, unkempt, and sometimes wild ones. It often affects the scalp; black dots remain in place of damaged hair, and broken hairs become covered with gray coating. Lesions on the skin are usually lilac in color with whitish peeling.

At the initial stage it is not easy to recognize. In case of suspicion, it is better to contact a specialist.

Treated first antifungal ointments and solutions, sometimes tablets.

Shingles(more correctly “herpes zoster” - OG) is an exacerbation of type 3 herpes, which almost everyone has. The immune system of a person who has had chickenpox copes well with it, but there are situations when the immune system fails. Exacerbation occurs as a result of stress, heavy treatment, and poor lifestyle.