Stones according to the elements. About the element of stone and the connection with the energy of certain planets

Earth is a rather strong element, which endows the Zodiac Signs of the earth element with unique qualities and their own, very special talismans.

Universal talismans and stones

People who were born under the auspices of one of the earthly Signs love order. They are wise beyond their years, logical and intelligent. They are patient and persistent, but sometimes they are let down by a lack of energy.

If you want to choose a universal talisman for yourself, you can choose dark, opaque stone. Anyone can act in its capacity symmetrical object like a cube, pyramid or sphere. Many experts agree that the image of our planet is perfect for earthly Signs as an everyday talisman.

Virgo stones and talismans

The Virgo talisman is grasshopper, which helps keep you calm where you need it. It gives Virgos the playfulness and good spirits that they often lack.

Virgo Stone - jasper, cornelian And nephritis. They create a strong positive field around the representative of this Zodiac Sign. It develops Virgo's negotiating abilities and helps to please them when Virgo needs it.

Stones and talismans of Capricorn

Capricorn stones are onyx And malachite, capable of helping this Sign gain strength for difficult work. The properties of these stones are amazing, since they endow the wearer with unique luck and luck.

The Capricorn talisman is a well-known black cat or turtle. The black cat will help you find solutions serious problems and life's troubles, and the turtle is a symbol of wisdom. The owner of such a talisman will easily increase the level of intuition.

Taurus stones and talismans

The Taurus talisman is bull or elephant. The elephant helps to attract money, and the bull gives self-confidence. The best material - gold, which also symbolizes the desire for wealth.

Taurus Stones - emerald And agate. Emerald will save you from depression, save your mood in the most difficult situation. It will also teach you to be more diplomatic and responsive. Agate will attract money and good luck.

Remember that each talisman or stone is very important for the successful life of each Zodiac Sign. The earth element needs support - this is especially true for Virgos, who find it very difficult to reveal their talents. We wish you good luck and great success in all your endeavors. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.02.2016 01:00

Even in ancient times, it was noticed that precious stones can have a powerful effect on a person. To each...

Do you know your talisman by Zodiac Sign? There are a great many things that can attract...

"Stones of Fire"

In ancient times, it was believed that fire was the origin of everything that exists, the creator of the Universe, which awakened all other elements to life. It was fire that gave a huge impetus to the formation and formation of man. The red color of fire is the color of the universe, the color of the blood flowing in our veins and giving us life. Astrologers have long attributed to this element such “fiery” zodiac signs, How Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who have formed their own psychophysiological type of people. They are distinguished by vital activity, turning into stormy and overflowing energy like a waterfall.

Fire people are smart and proud, creators and born leaders who strive to subjugate others to their will, overcome all difficulties and obstacles in their path, often regardless of their own strengths and capabilities. According to medical astrology, Fire people, due to their increased impulsiveness and overexertion, are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, circulatory diseases, frequent headaches, nervous breakdowns and stress.

Fire stones have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, eliminate congestion in the body, charge it with vigor and increase efficiency.

Fire stones: Diamond, Ruby, Garnet, Lal (Spinel), Tourmaline, Zircon.

"Stones of the Earth"

Earth is one of the main and most beautiful elements of the Universe. In ancient Indian legends and treatises, she is called the precious pearl of the Universe, the Mother of the World, who embodied the highest law of the Cosmos - the law of Love for everything that exists.

The Earth is a living organism created for man, for his life and evolution in the Universe. She provided man with everything he needed, setting only one condition: to use this priceless gift wisely and to observe the basic principle of his earthly existence - the principle of Love.

The element of Earth endows its pets with many good qualities: practicality (“down to earth”), prudence and determination.

The people of Earth are distinguished by their love of life, thirst for knowledge, love and pleasure. They have natural taste, love to dress beautifully, eat and drink deliciously, and spare no expense for their pleasures. "Earthlings", as a rule, are sociable, attentive and sensitive to all sorts of troubles. Their signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

According to medical astrology, they have a predisposition to diseases associated with poor nutrition; they are susceptible to arthritis, salt deposits, dermatoses, and sore throats.

The Earth's stones are opaque, but bright and energetic, having absorbed all the power and life-giving juices of Mother Nature.

Earth stones: Malachite, Turquoise, Obsidan, Jasper, Aventurine, Jet, Jadeite, Jade, Cat's Eye.

"Stones of Air"

The element “Air” is characterized by lightness, transparency and mobility. This element gives its pets mobility and sociability, great resilience and kindness. Air people are romantic by nature, they cannot stand monotony and monotony, they do not tolerate loneliness well - they need constant communication, they freely “swim” in streams of various information and assimilate it more easily than others.

“People of Air” are deeply emotional, but outwardly restrained and feel free and at ease only in a familiar, friendly environment. Their zodiac signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

According to medical astrology, Air people are prone to mental stress, mental and speech disorders, insomnia, pneumonia, metabolic disorders, blood disorders, and unexpected diseases.

They should be protected from all these troubles by energetically very strong stones of the “air element”, transparent and translucent, white, golden, pink, blue, which contain the ether of “Air”

Air stones: Sapphire, Rock Crystal, Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Tourmaline, Topaz, Peridot, Moon rock, Agate, Chalcedony, Lapis lazuli.

"Water Stones"

Water is the fourth basic element of the Cosmos. It is called the element of life, because without water it is impossible to exist on Earth. Water - essential element human body, included in tissues, organs, secretions gastric juice And salivary glands, into mucous membranes, etc. Water is vital for the functioning of all organs physical body, and dehydration of the body inevitably leads to its death.

Precious stones and metals have their own energy and therefore can bring success and luck to someone, but harm someone. This article will talk about making the right choice jewelry made of stones and metals for air element zodiac signs.

Zodiac signs element Air. Winter months Aquarius, autumn Libra, Gemini spring-summer.

Air practically does not worship the power of stones and metals, but forces them to serve itself. Silver is most conducive to success. Silver hides a great power that can be felt air element zodiac signs.

Many of them prefer silver, although gold is also acceptable to them. Platinum is a metal to which Air is very partial. This is a sign of total success in any endeavor.

Platinum has more energy than any other metal, which allows a person to feel a constant surge of strength and freshness of thought. In Tibet, Mongolia, and China, platinum has a special attitude, not only because it is very expensive, but also because of its incompatibility with other metals.

If you already wear it, then you should not wear any others, otherwise platinum may take revenge. Leads to illness, injury, financial failure. It cannot be combined with gold, silver, bronze and other metals.

Air zodiac signs feel support through tin, lead, aluminum, but are very negatively disposed towards copper, bronze, iron, which cause discomfort. Some object made of metal coated with nickel should be placed in a visible place in the house. Nickel is a kind of relay of cosmic energy.

Stones of the zodiac signs of the Air element are shiny, transparent, light beige.

Diamond is Eternal youth, activity. People of the air prefer a rough diamond - a diamond whose power is even greater. These stones are dangerous for the signs of Earth and Water; Fire perceives them jealously. People of the air element can afford a diamond necklace, ring, or necklace, but in limited quantities, otherwise it will have a bad effect on mental and physical health.

Air element zodiac signs fit rhinestone (external brightness of the wearer), White pearls(pomp of attire), ivory (moderation in requests), light-colored corals (search for success), alexandrite (expectation of warmth), quartz (stability in the family and team).

For air signs according to horoscope Amber and agate are neutral, and attention should be paid to such minerals as ruby, garnet, and jasper. It is undesirable for him to deal with lapis lazuli, turquoise, jade, and sapphire. And you certainly shouldn’t wear items made of emerald and malachite, as they can inhibit his initiative.

Earth Stones

Earth- one of the main and most beautiful elements of the Universe. In ancient Indian legends and treatises, she is called the precious pearl of the Universe, the Mother of the World, who embodies the highest law of the Cosmos - the law of Love for everything that exists.

Ayurveda says that from Earth All living things were created, including the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as man himself. The Earth element, according to Ayurveda, is found in inorganic substances, which include the mineral kingdom. It is also present in the microcosm, that is, in the human body - these are bones, cartilage, legs, muscles, skin and hair.

Earth- a living organism created for man, for his life and evolution in the Universe. She provided man with everything he needed, setting only one condition: to use this priceless gift wisely and to observe the basic principle of his earthly existence - the principle of Love. As Japanese wisdom says: “Nature already has everything - beauty, intelligence, and spirituality. You just need to see it all, open and understand, not change or redo, but only identify what is inherent in it and preserve.”

Earth Element endows his pets with many good qualities: practicality (“down to earth”), prudence and determination.

People of the Earth They are distinguished by an indomitable love of life, a thirst for knowledge, love and pleasure. They have natural taste, love to dress beautifully, eat and drink deliciously, and spare no expense for their pleasures. "Earthlings", as a rule, are sociable, attentive and sensitive to all sorts of troubles. Their signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn with a strong Yin origin.

In medical astrology people of the earth there is a predisposition to diseases associated with poor nutrition, sexual problems are likely, they are susceptible to arthritis, salt deposits, dermatoses, and sore throats.

Earth Stones- opaque, but bright and energetic, absorbing all the strength and life-giving juices of Mother Nature.

Earth stones: Malachite, Turquoise, Obsidan, Jasper, Aventurite, Jet, Jadeite, Stone Eye.


In order to choose the right stone from gems or precious stones for your amulet or talisman, you need to correlate them by elements and color. The elements of the stone are responsible for the qualities of influence, and the colors of the stones are responsible for the spheres of life.

Talisman stones by element

Air elemental stones transparent, dry (having air inclusions, cracks and fractures), heavenly tones, as well as various transparent soft colors, for example: quartz, citrine, sapphires. The element of air allows you to make things easier and moments of communication or interaction with someone. Reveals lies, deception, pretense, clears paths and promotes travel and movement.

Fire element stones fluorescent, with a Pancake week shine and transparent. The same stones include eye stones. All stones of this element have bright, pronounced colors, for example: corundum, opals, heliodors. The element of fire increases strength and nourishes the area of ​​life it touches. Inflames feelings, emotions, passions, desires and ambitions. Destroys enemies and competitors.

Water element stones They appear milky-transparent, have a water surface sheen or a pearlescent sheen. Their colors are cool and calm, for example: pearls, onyxes, agates. The element of water calms, promotes dreams and imagination, creativity and development in it. Fills the sphere with a feeling of peace and harmony. Increases intuition.

Earth element stones matte or completely opaque. When cut, they differ from other stones by their silky shine and dark tones. various colors, for example: jasper, jadeite, obsidian. They compact and protect the necessary area of ​​life, making it more manifest and thorough for a person. Accumulates and concentrates energy in one area or another.

About the color of stones for amulets

The colors of the stones themselves are responsible for areas of human activity. This allows you to coordinate the areas of life and navigate them. Stones can contain both pure one color and a variegated or harmonious combination of them, which expands the sphere of influence of the mineral.

White color is responsible for purity, chastity and the highest sphere of spiritual knowledge.

Violet color is responsible for communication with the highest and divine. The sphere of life is religion or the highest magic, as well as supreme power.

Blue The color of the stone is responsible for the subconscious and magical actions. The sphere of magic and mastery, both in craft and in spiritual knowledge.

Blue color is responsible for spiritual purity, knowledge of science, comprehension and research. The sphere of communication with surrounding people and learning, regarding both the material world and the spiritual.

Green color is responsible for the sensuality of higher experiences, trust, acceptance, creativity, insight or intuition. Gives free rein over the elements. The sphere of this color is heart, family, creativity.

Yellow color is responsible for self-affirmation and self-expression, as well as for the influx and presence of personal vitality. Allows you to defend your place in the world, gives you charisma. Sphere of life - business and military affairs.

Orange color is responsible for pleasure and joy, fills with comfort and gives a feeling of coziness. This color helps to increase the flow of finances, increases attractiveness and gives youth, making a person attractive to the opposite sex, supplies the necessary amount of energy to communicate with like-minded people and creates harmony between people. The sphere of color is comfort, coziness, intimacy and prosperity.

Red color is responsible for a person’s physical resistance and fortitude in the face of adversity and life’s troubles. Gives a person the opportunity to withstand difficult situations without losing face in front of others. Restores strength after protracted and painful illnesses. Gives power that allows you to subjugate someone. Sphere - physical stamina, strength, power.

Black color is responsible for absorption, unknown and invisible, unknown. Responsible for the dead and the dark sides of human nature. The sphere of life for which this color is responsible is mystery, imprisonment (detention in prison), slavery, routine, threshold (the line between worlds, death).

Grey color - severity, discipline, education, inner coldness, steadfastness. The sphere of life - work, routine, positions of directors and bosses - removes the personal factor during the interaction between a boss and a subordinate. Brown color is responsible for interaction with the economy (livestock husbandry, crop production), hunting, fishing, gathering. The sphere of life is homestead farming and interaction with nature, any manual labor.

Mixing elements and colors in stone gives a multifaceted effect of influence. Depending on which area of ​​life you need to direct your energy to, the color of the mineral or a combination of them is selected. Afterwards, a stone is found with the desired elemental quality in its tone, transparency and brilliance. Thus, the characteristics of the stone will be formed for the specific amulet or talisman needed, which will make it easy to find among the abundance of stones offered on the market.

Stones amulets according to zodiac signs