What things to take to the army. What do you take with you to the army? What can a conscript take with him to the army? But the army will need

Spring conscription is underway. The last stage of the “Spring 2016” conscription season will take place on May 16. In the first days of May, future conscripts will visit recruiting stations, where the commissars of the military registration and enlistment offices will address them with words of almost final parting words.

What you don't need in the army

In particular, the topic of what to take with you to the army will be raised. According to local commissars, there is no need to bring your own medicines into the army. The soldier will receive them on the spot if necessary. Also don't take it mobile phone- this is prohibited. Well, if a conscript appears in the army with an expensive watch, a gold chain or rings on all his fingers, and even in luxurious clothes and shoes, they will simply laugh. All this will have to be returned home in a parcel.

But the army will need:

  • Phone card
  • Cotton threads (black, white, khaki)
  • Set of needles
  • Handkerchief
  • Comb
  • Cover for military ID
  • White cotton fabric for collars (minimum fabric area - at least 1 m2)
  • General notebook (96 A5 sheets)
  • Ballpoint pen with spare refills
  • Sharpened pencil
  • Small notepad for notes
  • Soap (necessarily in a soap dish)
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush in a case
  • Safety razor with spare blades or electric razor
  • Shaving cream or aftershave
  • Cologne or eau de toilette
  • Shoe brush
  • Shoe polish (black) in tube
  • Envelopes for letters (10 pcs.), without stamps possible
  • Wide medical plaster (roll)
  • A small amount of money (for personal expenses)
  • Plastic bags for toiletries, shoe brush and cream
  • Supply of drinking water and food for the day

Some of these items will be issued regularly in the army (for example, collar pads, soap, shoe polish). However, your personal needs may be higher than those provided for by army clothing allowance standards. Therefore, while you get involved, take the entire supply of necessary things, but no more.

How to behave in the army:

It is also worth adhering to the rules of basic behavior in the military environment:

When receiving uniforms, you must try them on carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the appropriate shoe size. There is no need to be shy and ask for the required size at the place of receipt.

Listen carefully to sergeants, warrant officers and officers. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Be active and diligently master military affairs.

Study military duties conscientiously.

Don't be distracted, listen carefully to the commands.

Have a positive attitude towards service. Don't give in to a bad mood.

At first, you won’t be able to keep up with the army’s daily routine. Don't be upset. Very soon the army rhythm of life will become familiar to you.

Be sincere in a team. Don't try to seem better than you are. Everything false will be revealed very quickly.


(137940) - Dembel, 10/12/2007

In Russia it happens every six months conscription. U conscripts and their parents a natural question arises, what take with you to the recruiting station And that they won’t take it away at the collection point. How to dress and what kit you need to have with you when you go to the army. We must remember that at the moment of conscription, the recruit ends up at a collection point, where he can spend more than one day, and the road to the unit can also take a long time. How much money to take with you, how much food, what will you need first? recruiting station?

What documents do you need to have with you?

Passport and registration certificate. If possible, you can have copies of educational documents if you later need to confirm your specialty and professional skills. You can take a driver's license.

Money and its quantity?

200-300 rubles will be enough. Enough for a couple of days. Preferably in bills of no more than 50 rubles, for example 4 of 50 rubles and 10 of 10 rubles. It is advisable to divide the money into several parts. It is very likely that both at the assembly point and upon arrival at the unit they will be extorted from you under various pretexts. It is necessary to make it clear that you do not have the money or say that it has already been taken.

How to dress?

Don't dress couture. You need to wear clothes that you won’t mind throwing away later. After you are given the uniform, you will be offered to either give your clothes to your family when you take the oath, or send them home by parcel post. In such a situation, it will be easier to simply throw it away or give it to a copter operator, since it will most likely not be possible to store it (although, in theory, things should be stored in a copter).

What food should I take?

Food must be taken for 2-3 days. As a rule, the wait at the collection point is not very long, but the journey can be long. It is advisable to have packed lunches with you for this entire time. You can take soups and cereals with you instant cooking, but it’s not a fact that it will be possible to brew them hot water. You can take compote or tea in plastic bottles. It is not advisable to take a thermos with you. On the way, recruits are given dry rations according to the norms daily allowance, intended for the military. There is no need to take supplies with you for future use. You can take with you: sausage (fresh and only dry) - 1 sliced ​​stick, canned meat or fish - 3 - 4 cans, cheese - 0.4 kg, crackers, bread, water, you can take candy or chocolate. Don't forget about a spoon, fork, plate, mug (all of this can be plastic and disposable - don't mind throwing it away).

What a conscript cannot take!

Vodka, wine, beer, any drinks containing alcohol.

Sharp objects (knives, scissors, straight razors, can openers with an open “sting”, unedged glass mirrors, glass bottles and jars). You can bring shaving blades with you, as you will not be searched. As a rule, piercing and cutting objects should not be taken due to the fact that people are under stress and cases of suicide often occur in people with an unhealthy psyche.

Toiletries, or as they are called in the army, soap-and-snout accessories that you need to take with you

Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap (2 - 3 pieces), razor, one or two sets of safety blades, shaving cream, lotion (preferably in plastic packaging), towel, washcloth, about five handkerchiefs, a couple of combs. You also need to take a couple of spools of white and black thread, needles (but only in secure packaging!). You can take laundry soap piece for washing. All lotions and shaving foams with creams should preferably be inexpensive.

Should I cut my hair bald?

No. There is no such obligation. Conscript must be neatly (read - short) cut. A short haircut and being shaved is enough; the mustache will most likely have to be shaved off.

Mobile phone

I can tell you from experience that you shouldn’t take a phone. It’s better to get one after you know the rules and life of your unit.


You can take with you a small notebook, a pen, a pencil, a couple of envelopes, a thin notebook, a piece of toilet paper (you shouldn’t take a roll), a couple of packs of adhesive plaster (100% useful, but it’s still better not to be seen).

No one will deny that in our time, military service has lost its civic and patriotic meaning, and has become only a source of danger to the lives of young people and a waste of time. Moreover, the current generation of conscripts is no different good health, so it’s worth suffering and going through medical examination. The possibility of receiving a “white ticket” or a long delay always exists.

“Schedule of diseases” in the new edition

The list of diseases that are not accepted into the army is constantly updated by the country's military leadership. Started operating in 2014 new edition, which also applies to the next years 2015-2019.
Diseases classified as category D are those in which the conscript is completely and completely released from the army.

The official document, which lists all the diseases, is called the “Schedule of Diseases,” of which there are more than two thousand. WITH full list Diseases for which you can receive an exemption or temporary deferment can be found below.

In particular, category D includes:

diseases of the musculoskeletal system – severe scoliosis, grade 3 flat feet and others;
- gastrointestinal diseases - all types of ulcers, polyps, etc.;
- heart disease;
neurological diseases– epilepsy, consequences severe injuries, paralysis;
- diseases of the urinary system - nephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis;
- tuberculosis;
- endocrine diseases - diabetes, obesity;
— pathologies of the organs of vision;
- insufficient physical development;
- enuresis;
food allergy.

Having found his illness in the “Schedule”, the conscript can determine whether he will have complete freedom from performing “civic duty” or whether he can receive a deferment.

Below is a more detailed consideration of each item on the illness schedule for conscripts. So, below are broken down into subparagraphs the diseases for which the conscript will either be given a deferment until cured and re-examined, or will not be accepted into the army at all. This is already decided by a medical commission depending on the severity of the disease.

Infectious diseases

  • tuberculosis of the respiratory system and other systems;
  • leprosy;
  • HIV infection;
  • syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • mycoses.


Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

  • all types of anemia;
  • disturbances in the structure of red blood cells or hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction of platelet leukocytes;
  • hemostasis disorders with increased bleeding;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombophilia;
  • hemophilia;
  • hereditary fragility of capillaries;
  • vascular pseudohemophilia;
  • granulomatosis;

and other diseases of the blood and circulatory organs involving the immune mechanism.

Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders

  • euthyroid goiter;
  • obesity 3 and 4 degrees;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands;
  • diseases of the parathyroid and gonads;
  • eating disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • body weight deficiency.

Mental disorders

  • schizophrenia;
  • psychoses;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • substance abuse;
  • disorders associated with sexual orientation;
  • disorders of psychological development;
  • reactive depression;
  • mental retardation;
  • personality disorders

and others mental disorders due to injuries, brain tumors, encephalitis, meningitis and so on.

Nervous system diseases

  • epilepsy;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • paralysis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord with dysfunction;
  • hereditary diseases Central nervous system (cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, etc.);
  • traumatic arachnoiditis;
  • aphasia;
  • agnosia;
  • polyneuritis;
  • plexite

and other diseases associated with damage nervous system.

Eye diseases

  • fusion of eyelids or eyeball;
  • inversion and eversion of the eyelids;
  • ulcerative blepharitis;
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the lacrimal ducts;
  • severe pathology of the eyelids;
  • retinal detachment and rupture;
  • atrophy optic nerve;
  • taperetinal abiotrophies;
  • strabismus in the absence binocular vision;
  • persistent lagophthalmos;
  • availability foreign body inside the eye,
  • aphakia;
  • pseudophakia;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe myopia or farsightedness;
  • blindness

and other eye diseases, as well as outcomes of injuries and burns of the sclera, cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens, vitreous, choroid, retina, optic nerve.

Ear diseases

  • congenital absence auricle;
  • bilateral microtia;
  • chronic otitis;
  • bilateral persistent perforation of the eardrum;
  • persistent hearing loss;
  • deafness;
  • vestibular disorders.

Diseases of the circulatory system

  • heart failure grades 2,3,4;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • atrial septal defect;
  • prolapse of the mitral or other heart valves;
  • myocardial cardiosclerosis;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • atrioventricular block of the first degree;
  • hypertension with dysfunctions of “target organs”;
  • ischemic disease heart dysfunction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • neurocirculatory asthenia;
  • hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes stage 2-3

and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Respiratory diseases

  • foul runny nose (ozena);
  • chronic purulent sinusitis;
  • persistent breathing difficulties with respiratory failure;
  • congenital anomalies respiratory organs;
  • mycoses of the lungs;
  • sarcoidosis grade III;
  • bronchial asthma any degree;
  • damage to the larynx and trachea;
  • alveolar proteinosis;
  • chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus and pleura.

Diseases of the digestive system, jaw and teeth

  • periodontitis, periodontal disease;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa, salivary glands and language;
  • actinomycosis of the maxillofacial region;
  • absence of 10 teeth or more in one jaw;
  • defects in the upper or mandible with functional impairments;
  • severe forms ulcerative enteritis and colitis;
  • esophageal-bronchial fistulas;
  • congenital anomalies of the digestive organs;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • chronic gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis with frequent exacerbations;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • hernias with dysfunction of organs.

Skin diseases

  • chronic eczema;
  • psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
  • bullous dermatitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • common forms of alopecia or vitiligo;
  • chronic urticaria;
  • photodermatitis;
  • scleroderma;
  • ichthyosis, lichen;
  • ulcerative pyoderma,
  • multiple conglobate acne

and other recurrent skin diseases, depending on the severity.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • chronic rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  • seronegative spondyloarthritis;
  • psoriatic arthropathy;
  • systemic vasculitis;
  • giant cell arteritis;
  • polyarteritis nodosa;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • microscopic polyangiitis;
  • eosinophilic angiitis;
  • cryoglobulinemic vasculitis;
  • bone defects with dysfunction;
  • Kümmel's disease;
  • spondylolisthesis I - IV degrees with pain syndrome;
  • scoliosis of degree II or more;
  • flat feet III and IV degrees;
  • shortening of the arm by 2 centimeters or more;
  • shortening of the leg by 5 centimeters or more;
  • missing limb

and other diseases and lesions of bones, joints, cartilage, depending on the complexity of the disease. With severe impairments that interfere with the normal functioning of organs, a conscript will most likely be sent to the reserves.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis and urethritis with frequent exacerbations;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • shriveled bud, renal amyloidosis and absence of a kidney;
  • bilateral nephroptosis stage III;
  • diseases of the male genital organs with dysfunction;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • genital prolapse;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • disorders of ovarian-menstrual function

and other diseases genitourinary system that interfere with normal service in the army.

List of additional diseases and conditions

  • defects and deformations of the maxillofacial area;
  • ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints;
  • consequences of fractures of the spine, trunk bones, upper and lower limbs;
  • injuries internal organs chest cavity, abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • aneurysm of the heart or aorta;
  • consequences of injuries to the skin and subcutaneous tissue (burns, frostbite, etc.);
  • radiation sickness;
  • insufficient physical development (body weight less than 45 kg, height less than 150 cm);
  • enuresis;
  • speech disorders, stuttering;
  • anomalies various organs, causing disturbance organ functions;
  • food allergies (to foods that will be given to the army).

If you are the “lucky owner” of an illness that will not allow you to enjoy combat service, take care to document the diagnosis in advance at the clinic at your place of residence. Collect all documents: medical card, tests, x-rays, conclusions from hospitals and sanatoriums. All this must be presented at medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

A little trick: present only copies - the originals can disappear without a trace in the deft hands of military registration and enlistment doctors, and it is almost impossible to restore them. And your disease may simply not be noticed. This is advice from life. Many sick guys were sent to serve precisely because of the “loss” of medical documents. You don't want to come back disabled, do you?

So a summons came from the military registration and enlistment office. Ahead are preparations, farewells, the road to the army and service. Whole year away from home and familiar things. Fully state supported. However, when going to the army, you need to take something of your own. But what exactly and in what quantities. Not all conscripts and their parents know about this. Therefore, we will try to tell you what a conscript should take with him into the army, and what he should absolutely not take.

Less is more

When going to the collection point of the military registration and enlistment office, it is best to take as little things as possible. And not only because they can simply be taken away or stolen. Rather, because burdening yourself with extra burden makes no sense. After all, upon arrival at the unit, the situation will become clearer and it will be possible to buy or ask relatives to send what is missing. So, what should a conscript take with him into the army so as not to feel deprived at the assembly point and on the way to the unit?


A conscript's clothing should be light, comfortable, appropriate for the season, and not expensive. Its purpose is to protect the conscript from the cold until he receives his uniform. Next, it will need to be sent to relatives by mail, or delivered in person if relatives are going to come to the oath. Shipping will be absolutely free. However, the conscript has no need for expensive and fashionable clothes. Therefore, you need to dress according to the principle of “a trip to the country” or “to the forest to pick mushrooms.” Be sure to take a change of underwear and a spare pair of socks with you. It’s not a fact that only one or a couple of days will pass before arriving at the unit; you need to be able to change your underwear and wash your socks.

If a conscript does not want to send his clothes home, he will have to store them in his unit under lock and key. And in this case, he risks losing it. Not even because someone might steal it. But because senior service comrades often use civilian clothes for unauthorized absences and constantly run the risk of being caught by officers. In this case, civilian clothing will be confiscated, and the perpetrators, including, as a rule, its owner, will be punished.


A conscript's shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for the season. No one knows how much time will have to be spent at assembly points and on the road. And the legs for a soldier are the main thing. Therefore, they should be warm, dry and free of calluses. It is best to wear your usual sneakers. In which it is easy to run and comfortable to walk. In addition, you need to take with you the most common rubber flip-flops. As replacement shoes for indoor use.

"Soap-snout" accessories

Soap, toothpaste, razor - this is what will accompany the conscript during the entire service. And this is something that will belong to him personally. The toothbrush should be in a case, the soap in a soap dish, the razor should have the required number of replaceable blocks. Don't forget about shaving gel, aftershave and cologne. At the same time, you don’t need to take expensive and fashionable perfume into the army. Even if this is the smell without which the conscript cannot imagine himself ordinary life. It is enough to take a good and discreet cologne.

In addition, you will need a washcloth, shower gel and a towel. Upon arrival at the unit, you will, of course, be given a government-issued towel, but at the assembly point you will have to use your own. Don't take too much with you cosmetics. Although of course, if the conscript problematic skin, you need to take anti cream with you acne, since it will be quite difficult to buy parts of it. You can also take anti-blister cream with you.

Other important little things

Threads and needles are always useful in the army. Therefore, you need to take them with you. Threads are needed in three colors - khaki, black and white. In addition, you need to have a set of needles. All this needs to be put in a separate, well-closing case. Sewing skills will also come in handy.

Another important thing that a conscript must remember to take into the army is writing materials. A notebook with 48 sheets, a notepad, several pens and pencils and envelopes. The army is, perhaps, one of the last places from which letters are still written on paper in our age of electronic technology. All writing accessories can be folded into a lightweight plastic folder and then stored in this form in your bedside table.

In addition, you need to take with you bactericidal plasters, a regular adhesive plaster, a bandage and cotton wool. All this will be very useful after getting acquainted with army shoes.


It is advisable to take packed rations with you for several days. After all, before arriving at the unit, they may not be fed. It is advisable to take with you canned food, dry biscuits, dry smoked sausage, chocolate bars, bread or crackers and, most importantly, a supply of water in a plastic container. In addition, you need to take a set of plastic utensils. Products should not spoil quickly, take up a lot of space and require additional preparation. A kilogram of apples or oranges will be a good help for a conscript. You shouldn’t take a thermos with your mother’s soup or a can of stewed potatoes with you.

Money and mobile phone

It is not only possible to take a telephone into the army, but also necessary. However, it doesn't have to be a fancy touchscreen smartphone. The simplest and most inexpensive push-button option will do. Preferably able to withstand “all hardships and hardships” military service" Although he will not accompany the soldier during forced marches, he can still fall, fall into the water or into the hands of colleagues with not the best intentions. In short, you shouldn't mind the phone. Other gadgets - a tablet, a camera, an audio player - do not need to be taken into the army. They won't be allowed to use them anyway. But if they steal or take it away, it’s very easy.

The conscript must have money. Everyone decides on the amount independently, but for the first time 1 thousand rubles, exchanged for 100 and 50 rubles, will be enough. This is enough to buy water, cigarettes and other necessary items.

What a conscript should not take with him into the army

There is a very specific list of items that cannot be taken with you into the army. When going on a trip, you need to leave them at home. So, you absolutely cannot take with you into the army:

Alcohol in any form. This is beer, low-alcohol cocktails, energy drinks, wine, vodka and all other drinks containing degrees. Alcohol is punishable. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Any cutting and piercing objects . Including knives, scissors and straight razors.

You are also not allowed to take drinks with you. in glass bottle x and going to glass jars. After all, people with an unstable psyche, having such dangerous objects at hand, can cause harm to themselves and others if they find themselves in a stressful situation.

Any medicines . Even iodine and brilliant green, as well as headache pills. If a conscript suffers from chronic disease and must take medications, he must have a doctor's prescription. For all other problems - upset stomach or headache, one road - to the medical unit.

So, the backpack is packed and the conscript is ready to go. Let us remind you that a conscript's haircut must be as short as possible. Although it is not at all necessary to shave your head bald. But you will have to part with a beard or mustache, if you have one, in any case. Well, the most important thing is that you must not forget take a conscript with you into the army– endurance, perseverance, patience and sober mind. Courage, bravery and honor will also not be superfluous. Good luck!

    There are no innovations in 2016 yet, so the list is pretty standard from year to year. Future conscripts take with them: shaving accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap and washcloth, needle and thread, socks, sportswear and shoes, rubber flip-flops, food for the trip (except for perishable ones), a simple mobile phone (but it’s better to buy a SIM card from a local operator in the city of service, so as not to spend money on expensive roaming). And of course, take money with you.

    When leaving for the army, a conscript must understand that the state will now take care of him. Therefore, you shouldn’t bother yourself too much with packing. You should take with you the most necessary things - toiletries, quite a bit of money and cigarettes for those who smoke.

    Do not take a lot of clothes, they will turn out to be illegal and will be confiscated.

    You need to take into the army:

    • toothbrush
    • toothpaste
    • razor
    • removable blade kits
    • nail scissors
    • threads black, white, green
    • sewing needles
    • white cotton fabric for collars
    • simple mobile phone
    • home slippers
    • notebook 48 sheets, pen, pencil, envelopes
    • bactericidal plaster, bandage, cotton wool
    • warm socks
    • food for the road
  • It is quite difficult for a new recruit to immediately navigate the list of necessary things, so it is best to take advantage of the experience of experienced ones who have gone through everything from beginning to end.

    So, you should take with you:

    • soap-snout: toothbrush with case, toothpaste, soap dish (soap will be provided on the spot), razor, shaving and/or aftershave cream, comb
    • accessories for minor repairs: black, white, green threads, needles (larger, otherwise they break),
    • office supplies - a general notebook, a cheaper pen, a cover for a military ID,
    • inexpensive cigarettes (can be taken away or shared among the crowd for refreshments),
    • means of communication: a cheaper mobile phone, a SIM card with money in the account (relatives can top it up periodically)
    • financial reserve in small bills (about 500 rubles in total),
    • sandwiches for the road (for 2-3 days) or just bread and a stick of sausage, water (do not take food in glass), cookies, maybe candy, if it’s pies, they need to be destroyed within 24 hours.
    • alcohol,
    • medications (without written recommendations from a doctor),
    • piercing and cutting objects.

    At the assembly point, the conscript will be given a clothing kit:

    Like any person going to long trip, the conscript should take everything with him necessary funds personal hygiene (toothbrush and paste, soap, washcloth, razor, comb, care cosmetics, towel), underwear, socks, slippers, some sewing supplies (threads, needles, scissors), paper (toilet and writing), ballpoint pen and rods for it, a general notebook, envelopes, a telephone, a mini-first aid kit (bactericidal agents, bandage, cotton wool, adhesive plaster, medical supplies prescribed by a doctor), at least one square meter cotton fabric white. You should also bring some money and a mobile phone. It would be a good idea to stock up on groceries for the trip - you can take drinking water, cheese, bread, cookies, gingerbread, cakes, sweets (it is better to exclude perishable foods).

    The list of supplies for conscripts into the army does not change, and therefore everything remains the same. First of all, personal hygiene items: toilet paper, soap, brush, razor, washcloth, comb, cologne, pre/after shave cream, manicure scissors, handkerchief.

    Threads, a needle, white cotton fabric, a shoe brush, shoe polish, a pen, a notebook, envelopes, money, take cookies, candy, maybe some canned food, condensed milk.

    Of course, don’t forget your phone and charger, although it is prohibited to take it with you.

    I know that each recruiting station has its own list, but the differences are insignificant.

    The conscript needs to be given only extremely necessary things; everything else can be delivered or sent. There is a lot of advice on this matter on the Internet, including humorous ones. But in in this case you need to rely on the lists that are in the military registration and enlistment office (they somehow know better). It is clear that the mother wants to give the child many necessary things, but it is better to trust knowledgeable people.

    The first thing you need is documents and money. It’s clear in the documents, but you only need to give money for the trip; there are different travel companions.

    The second is connection, the mobile phone should be inexpensive. Just in case, a couple of already signed postal envelopes, stationery (pen, notepad, etc.).

    Third is personal hygiene items. To the usual things, add nail clippers and callus patches.

    Fourth, this cloth. It’s better to leave expensive things at home, just give them good-quality items that are suitable for the weather. Don’t forget: laces, handkerchiefs, a sewing kit, a shoe brush, and experienced fighters advise taking polishing material, which will be useful for the badge.

    And lastly, food, plan it for a couple of days on the road. Give even non-smokers a couple of packs of cigarettes and a lighter.

    The conscript needs to take the following things with him;

    What you will have to say goodbye to is your hair, mustache, and beard. Also, medications for which there is no prescription from a doctor will be taken away from conscripts.

    Of course, first of all, you should stock up on hygiene products. This includes toothpaste and a brush with a case, a soap dish with soap, a razor, and shaving cream. Former soldiers advise taking threads and needles with you, and in addition to them, a supply of white fabric will be useful for hemming the collar of the uniform.

    As for the mobile phone, it is better to take a simpler phone and, of course, you need to remember to top up your SIM card. It is better to take cash in small quantities and in small denominations. For those who smoke cigarettes. You need to dress in comfortable clothes. Since the journey may take a long time, it is worth taking some food with you. It is better not to take perishable food.

    The conscript needs to pay attention that medications cannot be taken with him unless he has a doctor’s prescription. You will also have to lay out piercing and cutting objects. Moreover, you will have to forget about alcoholic drinks.

    Beginning with the spring conscription of 2015, conscripts will receive, in addition to their uniform, a soldier’s cosmetic bag, which contains many hygiene products necessary for a man: from shower gel to nail clippers. So, if a conscript forgot something, there is no need to worry about it. In addition, relatives will be able to send the soldier everything he needs later.