What dreams of a cherry tree. Red cherry large

Cherry - juicy, ripe berry with sourness, which causes appetite with one mention. What does the cherry dream of?

If the berries were hardened at night, very often it is a good sign. Cherry often promises pleasant joyful events, love adventures.

Of course, an accurate interpretation depends on the details of sleep. The taste of berries, its appearance, location and your actions in a dream - everything affects the decoding of sleep. Berry color is also very important, like its size and quantity.

Psychologists are confident that ripe sour berry often dreams of too sensitive and minting people. To deal with the fact that it foreshadows you with a cherry, this article will help, in which the interpretations of the most popular dreams are presented.

What dreams cherry on a tree

The cherry tree seen in a dream may impose universal recognition and respect due to your disinterested deeds.

  • The branches are plentifully covered with blood-red berries - you can count on supporting and understanding of loved ones. According to the modern dream book, the fruitful cherry foreshadows a fervent relationship with a new beloved.
  • Blooming tree or unhealthy berries in a dream can be interpreted as a quick acquaintance that can lead to a long novel and stormy feelings. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a symbol of ambulance and pleasant news.
  • Family dream book interprets cherry trees as a sign of popularity in the team and strong friendships. By the dream of Hasse, such a dream foreshadows happy events and a pleasant pastime in a family circle.

An old tree with a small amount of berries on branches warns about the completion of relationships and disappointment in the beloved person. Drawing among the winter drying cherry is interpreted as a treason or betrayal of a loved one.

Walking around the garden, full of fruitful cherries, usually dreams of amazing news and non-abundant dreams. Stumble into the woods on the cherry tree with berries in a dream can foreshadow a fervent love that will change the course of your life.

Appearance of Yagoda

Red Berry indicates good luck in the love sphere.

In addition, some dreams believe that the red berry characterizes a dream as a person who takes everything from life. He knows how to enjoy her and tries not to miss any successful moment for himself. The dream gives pleasure new romantic relationships (especially forbidden), luxury, careless attitude to life.

If, in a donated cherry, sleeping discovered a bone, then it indicates some obstacles that will arise at that moment when it is in a step from the desired one. Ripe cherry is also interpreted by dreambooks positively. Interpreters predict with sleeping success in the professional sphere, wealth.

  1. Black cherry in a dream speaks of deception, betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps the elect Sleeping Salge to him, which will cause a storm of negative emotions from the latter. The interpreter does not recommend a dream to start a universal scandal, it will be better if he talks to a partner in souls and try to understand his act.
  2. Sour berries in a dream mean that sleeping need to reconsider its desires. It is probably trying to achieve what is almost impossible to implement. Green cherry, oddly enough, testifies to a successful period. According to interpreters, such a dream promises that the duty will soon be returned. It is worth noting that this will not necessarily concern money, perhaps a dream in a difficult situation will help the person who he also did a good deed.
  3. The dried or rotten cherry in a bucket or Lukoshka is a sign that the feelings have cooled, there are no old passions between partners, and it gives them away from each other. It may also indicate that sleep will be disappointed in some of his loved ones. Perhaps he should more carefully treat acquaintances and again reconsider their circle of communication.
  4. If large, ripe fruits are fed simply on Earth, it means that the mercenary person will take advantage of the dream. The fruits of cherries hanging on the tree point to a love relationship on the side. Ice cream Cherry testifies to the absence of a partner or suppressing sexual desire.

A dream in which ripe fruits hanging on the tree are mixed with immature berries, indicates that the moment will soon come in the life of the sleeping when it will be very difficult for him to decide on the choice. If the berries on the tree were rotten, which means that the difficult conversation with the leader will have suspicion.

Cherry color

  • Green color symbolizes good luck and help from the other side where you did not wait. Do not be afraid to take new projects and tie new acquaintances, all this will bring you well-being and joy.
  • Black cherry - sign of betrayal and deception. Your favorite person can lie to you. You can prevent this by talking about souls. Feel free to express your opinion and ask him about what he is concerned and that he does not suit him.

  • Bright red cherry talks about trust and honesty. Despite anything, your second half love you sincerely.

Cherry in a dream - a symbol that has a rather close relationship with the sphere of relations. Therefore, after such sleep, we should expect various kinds of changes in this area of \u200b\u200blife. What kind they will, depends on the details of the dream.


Red berries

Gypsy dream interpretation treats sleep with red berries as a symbol of confidence in his beloved person. It is quite possible, soon the situation will occur when you can make sure the dedication of the chosen one. But if the cherry is black, beware of treason and betrayal of your beloved.

  1. Freud's dream book Red berries symbolize carnal pleasures from close relationships.
  2. To see a lot of red berries in a dream means a series of pleasant events.
  3. Restored berries talk about missed opportunities and the absence of interesting events in the life.
  4. To admire red berries on branches among the winter can talk about great luck and long-awaited pleasant news.

For a man to see in a dream ripe berries symbolize ambulance in love in a young woman. To see a tree with ripe large cherries in someone else's garden - such a dream can foreshadow in a family of close people. Blooming tree warns about the emergency wedding.

Chervichy berries warn of disease or conflicts in the family. You should take career than your health and control emotions when communicating with our expensive people.

Ripe berries

  1. Ripe berries in the dream book Freud symbolize the pleasure of intimate relationships with a new beloved.
  2. To see a lot of ripe berries on family dream book is interpreted as a happy family life and pride for children.
  3. In the Ukrainian dream book, ripe cherries, oddly enough, dreams of sadness and tears. It is not at all necessary that the reason for sadness will be found with you, it is possible that sad events will happen to someone from loved ones.

To see a ripe berry in the hands of a woman - a dream warns that you have a dangerous rival. They dreamed of a ripe cherry on a table or in the form of a filling for a cake - a dream can be interpreted as a sign that soon you will open the truth. Frozen or dry berries will shoot as a sign that a personal life does not satisfy you.

Immature or very green cherry in a dream - a good sign. You are waiting for pleasant events:

  • acquaintance with an interesting person;
  • an unexpected gift of fate.

The main thing is to be ready for unexpected change and believe that the turn of fate is only good. In the lunar dream intercourse, immature berries foreshadow the collapse of all plans and awareness of the intact hope.

Spoiled or unheated cherry in a dream

Bitter or sour taste of cherries - a harbinger of tears, diseases and trouble. You should show vigilance and do not take hasty decisions. In addition, you need to reconsider our desires and correctly arrange priorities.

Try a good cherry foreshadowing the return of what you took. It is likely that your stolen or lost thing will come back to you. Rotten cherry prophesies to you bad fame, which your envious entertains you. Be prepared for slander, with the result that you will have to restore your reputation for a very long time.


Interpretation depending on the amendment actions

  1. There are sweet cherries in a dream - a sign that sleep will soon have the desired.
  2. If a man with great greed blends sour fruits, then this indicates a mental disorder. Probably, the dreams strongly plunged into his problems and now he simply needs a long vacation, thanks to which he can not only relax, but also to bring thoughts in order.
  3. If, in a dream, the sleeping feed feeds with sweet fruits, it means that he expects a deserved remuneration in reality or just a pleasant gift.

The dream in which the sleeve was watched with how someone tears berries, warns his danger. Probably, someone "put an eye" on the property of a dream and now he should be careful not to lose everything.

  • If the sleeping sees cherries on Earth, scattered from the bucket, then soon he will meet a person who completely change his fate.
  • Consider with berries of unfamiliar people - to positive emotions, peace of mind.
  • If, in a dream, I had to buy cherry in the store or on the market, it means that the dreams will travel to distant countries. However, if the sleeve itself is a seller of Cherry, then in reality he will surprise the behavior of a loved one.
  • Trying to climb the cherry tree means that the reminnist of the dream refers to it is non-serious. Probably, their relationship has no future.
  • Water cherry in a dream - to great success, thanks to which sleeping a lot will be in life. If the dreams planted the seedling of Cherry, it means that he would soon be expecting great wealth.
  • To cut down a young tree - to vain hopes, the work started will not bring any benefits or pleasure.


Rip cherry

By Dream Hasse, a dream in which you are taking Cherry, promises joyful events and pleasant news. Most likely, there will soon be a lot of reasons to enjoy life, you will enjoy family troubles.

  1. Russian dream book interprets such a dream as well-being in family life.
  2. Dream Svuvalova interprets torn in a dream cherry as a loss of virginity.
  3. East Dream interpretation treats sleep as fast carnal pleasures that will lead to not the most pleasant consequences.
  4. By the dream of Azara, the torn cherry foreshadows joy and pleasure. To rip the cherry in someone else's garden means dishonest thoughts and the desire to make new romantic relationships. To tear the dried cherry can be interpreted as disappointment in your beloved and the desire for fundamental change.
    Perhaps you feel cooling from your loved one and worry about the fate of your further relationship.
  5. According to the ancient dream book, the dried yoke in a dream warns about the immediate final break with his chosen one. Tearing green berries - sleep foreshadows receiving a well-deserved award or refund of the old debt.

Buy cherry

If you dreamed that you buy a cherry on the market or in the store, this indicates that you are waiting for a trip to distant countries. But if you see yourself a seller of berries in the plot of the night dream, then in real life you will be surprised by the behavior of a loved one.


There are berries in a dream

There is a ripe cherry in a dream, which suddenly turns out to be sour - sleep can be interpreted as sad events and tears. To eat a large, sweet berry - to great luck and the realization of the most ambitious plans.

Spring dream book interprets the eating red cherries as a quick marriage with a widow.

  1. For a girl to see in the dream, that her chosen was rummaged by ripe cherries - a sign that soon you can learn about the existence of the rival. See how the other woman eats the cherry - they will reach the news about the elect.
  2. For a man to treat the cherry girl to dream of a new novel and strong love. For a married woman to treat a man in a dream of a berry means stuffing in the family and the lack of trust relationships with his spouse.

If in a dream you eat very small berries - prepare for a set of gossip and rumors about your person. Eat delicious, juicy berries - a dream foreshadows success in affairs and a serene life. If the berries are sour or worm, prepare in disappointment and sad events.

Many berry dreamed

When in a dream you see a lot of berries and at the same time, a ripe cherry is mixed with immature fruits, then this indicates that in real life a moment has come when you have difficulty choosing. And when you saw a lot of rotten cherry in a dream, it foreshadows a serious conversation with the bosses.


Cherry in cooking

Dumplings with cherries

If anyone in the plot of the night dreams offers you to taste dumplings with cherries, then in real life you can wait for good profits. Also, such a dream can be a precursor that the person will meet in life who will be a good friend or reliable partner.

Otherwise, a dream is interpreted, in which the dream was made by sculpting dumplings with cherry:

  • If dumplings are neat and beautiful, and you are experiencing pleasure from the cooking process, this indicates that I will be able to realize all your plans.
  • If you are ready for cooking in a burden, and the dumplings themselves are ugly, then there will be many obstacles to the goal that will have to overcome.

Pies with cherry

Often, various treats with cherries appear in dreams, and the question arises, what is the dream. If in a dream you saw pies with cherries or tried them, then it indicates that in life close people hide some kind of secret from you, and you have to get to it.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you idealize the world around you.

Cherries and apples

See many ripe apples and cherries - sleep foreshadows success and complete satisfaction from life. Fate promises you complete mutual understanding with the chosen one and the rapid rise in the career ladder.

  1. Collect the apples and cherries in the garden can be interpreted as your support and help to friends.
  2. Collect immature apples and berries - a sign that an unexpected obstacles arise on your way and the implementation of plans to life will require much more effort than you expected.
  3. There are juicy apples and cherries dreams interpret as recovery after severe illness.
  4. There are tasteless fruits - sleep foreshadows frustration and discontent with a personal life. Consider a stranger with cherries and apples in a dream means to provide disinterested assistance to an unauthorized person.
  5. Eat cherry, large as an apple - sleep foreshadows a good marriage.


Cherry in a female dream

For a married woman to see a cherry tree in a dream - to acquire popularity. And the fame of the lady can get both in the working team and in the circle of completely outsiders. The main condition is to exercise sincere friendliness to others.

A dream, in which a married woman sees his girlfriend, with an appetite eating cherry, characterizes this lady as a rival. Probably, the deception of the cunning trick in the family and tries to destroy it, but it makes it imperceptibly, under mask of participation and kindness.

  • Ripe, major fruits indicate an acquaintance with a man's dreams, with whom a close relationship will be tuned in the future.
  • If the cherries were rotten, then the chosen one will take advantage of the acquaintance with the girl exclusively from mercenary considerations.
  • If in a dream, a pregnant woman is offered to choose from various berries and fruits, but she chooses the cherry, then this indicates the birth of a girl or twins.

Red berry in a male dream

If a man in a dream saw himself with a blooming cherry garden, it means that he will take a walk on a cheerful wedding. Collection of shallow berries in Lukoshko - a sign that sleep has a lot of troubles, which will eventually be meaningless and will not lead to the expected result.

There is a berry in a dream - to losses. It is worth noting that the dream of a dream can not only some thing, but also expensive for himself.


Other interpretations

Cherry compote, which sleeps drinks in a dream with friends, foreshadows him in the midst. Perhaps the sleeping will be invited to a party or anniversary, where he will rest well. Unfortunately, this positive interpretation is given not all dreams.

Some believe that the cherry compote or nectar drank in a dream indicates problems with the stomach, food poisoning. Therefore, sleeping should be more careful and carefully choose products.

  1. The cherry juice spilled sleeping on his clothes means that he can blame him in unlawful acts he did not.
  2. Cherry jam is a sign that dreams will give a lot of time to communicate with children. If you have dreamed of cherry jam, then get ready to spend time with children.
  3. Pies with cherry mean that those surrounding something hide from the dream. And not in vain, because if I sleep finds out the truth, it is unlikely to like it.
  4. Dumplings with cherries that suspicious people offer to taste outsiders, stability in the financial sphere. Lonely man such a dream can tenden to acquaintance with his second half.

In ambiguous dreams interpreted a vision in which sleeping independently sculpts dumplings with cherry. Basically, the interpretation of sleep depends on the emotional state of the sleeping and appearance of the product.

If the dreams carried out with pleasure and dumplings were obtained very appetizing, it means that in reality all the dream plans will come true, it remains only to show a little patience.

In the case when the modeling of dumplings caused irritation and the products themselves were obtained by curves, ugly, nothing good to wait. Probably, there will be some obstacles on the way to achieve the goal, which will be very difficult to bypass. If he will even achieve the desired, then this will not bring him any pleasure.

Blooming cherry tree foreshadows good luck and well-being.

If all the color crouched, it means that sleeping will consider luck, actually bring him huge problems. Cherries from a compote, which sleep treats guests, characterize it as an overly greedy person.

The interpreter assures that the dream should try to overcome this line of character, otherwise even close people can turn away from him.

Interpretation of sleep with cherry in different dreams

Numerological book interpretation

This is what this dream book says: cherries that seem to be faded, foreshadow new promising opportunities. Most likely, a person does not consider them as such, but it is not worth the proposals. Especially if they relate to work.

Two cherries on one branch say that the dreams are too concerned with its finances. And because of this, he threw self-development, education and other useful things.

A good is a dream in which a person saw unhealthy, very green berries in large quantities. Usually it foreshadows good luck. If a person disappeared a green cherry - it means that he will either return the old, long-forgotten debt, or he will receive a well-deserved award.

True, if you believe the lunar dream intercourse, unfortunate berries are only disappointing, uncomfortable hopes and collapse of plans.

Dream Miller

Something useful can tell this dream book. Cherries - the harbinger of popularity that a person will gain, thanks to his unattitude and friendliness.

  • If a person has shuting these berries for both cheeks - it means that he will receive some very desirable subject to use. Cherries were large, ripe and juicy? His someone is very loved, and not for appearance, but for generosity and kindness.
  • Man saw a tree with green berries? Most likely, soon in his life there will be a wonderful acquaintance - with those who will become his "second half."

But this is not all that Dream Interpretation says. The cherry on the tree, to which it does not seem to be able to reach, foreshadows plans, difficult incarnate in reality. It is possible to implement them, of course, but for this you have to make a lot of effort.

But the vision in which a man was collected by Cherry, is a precursor of the onset of a white stripe. Days will be filled with joyful and pleasant events, and the news will cease to disarm.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To this book interpretations should also contact. This is what this dream book says: the cherries that a person gladly eat, foreshadow the arrival of long-awaited guests.

  1. Bone accidentally got into the stomach? Also a good sign - in a serious dispute, a person will be able to defend his point of view.
  2. Berry was alone? The long-awaited call will come.
  3. Cherries were somewhat? Soon there will be a chance to fix their health.
  4. Dreaming treated his friends with berries? In the near future there will be some kind of joyful event. Perhaps a person will acquire long-awaited peace of mind.
  5. The dreams welded the compote from Cherchers, after which he could have drank him with pleasure? Soon he will successfully spend time with his friends, and will remember this event for a long time.

But the most pleasant stuffing dumplings with cherry appeared in a dream. They are precursor arrivals and wealth. If a person did not eat them, and Lepil means, all his plans and ideas will be successfully embodied in reality.

The main thing is that the cooking process is not in a burden. Because in this case nothing but obstacles arising on the path to the goal will not have to wait.

Dream of Freud.

Dream Interpretation of the Austrian Psychoanalyst gives different interpretations of a dream of a cherry.

  • Red, juicy, delicious berries correlate with carnal love, promise love joy with a new partner. From such a connection, the dream will receive physical pleasure, will literally swim in pleasure.
  • Many cherries are a series of pleasant events, and several large red berries are several novels at the same time.
  • But if the berries in a dream is dry, then I should wait for the cooling of feelings with the previous partner, a loving link. Spoiled berries - a warning about the disease or the wrong behavior of the dreaming. Perhaps he is too emotional and offended by loved ones. Frozen berries hint at the fact that the dreams are not satisfied with his personal life.

Not adverse sleep about surpassed cherry. He suggests that the dreaming missed the opportunity and will now regret the unknown. His life will turn into a series of boring days.

What dream of a cherry in bloom? Sleep predicts sudden love that illuminates the life of a dream. Perhaps the marriage union will be concluded. See the berries on the cherry tree among the winter - it means to get a pleasant long-awaited news.

To admire the cherries, swept by berries and standing on someone else's land, warns about the emergency replenishment in the family of friends, relatives or acquaintances.


Family dream book

An unfavorable interpretation is given to dreams about the cherry family dream book. See her - to disappointments, chagrin because of home, unrequited love. If the dreams have an illegal love connection, then after such a dream, he must think well, whether it is necessary to continue it. Dream Interpretation Warns: Such love will bring a strong pain, chagrin.

What is the dream of a cherry, bought in container or scattered on the ground? The berry is perishable, and therefore it symbolically, it means the short-life of a love tie, false promises, in vain works.

  1. But the blooming cherry tree is a sign of happy fast change.
  2. Very good and plant cherry. Such a dream promises great wealth.
  3. Tear cherries from the branches - it means to get joy and pleasure in real life.
  4. There is a cherry - to be disappointed and mired in numerous concerns. There is a cherry was very sweet, it promises pleasure and pleasure.

Modern dream book

Sleep about cherry foreshadows love pleasures. The sweeter than the berry will be, the more ardent there will be a sudden feeling. But if first the cherry was tasty, and then it became a sour, bitter or tasteless, the dreaming is waiting for sadness, longing, tears. He will be disappointed in the beloved. Perhaps it was deceived from the very beginning or used for their own purposes.

Another interpretation of sleep about sweet cherry is given if the dreaming is married and is not going to join in other relationships. Then sleep should be interpreted as an excellent opportunity, which will soon be present at work. It may be the beginning of long-term partnerships, promising success, honors, glory. If some reason is already started and the dreaming is waiting for its completion, the final will be successful.

  • What dreams of a cherry, which another person comes? If the dream dreamed of a young girl or a woman, then she has a happy rival. Beloved is incorrect or in the near future betray her. If the dream sees a business man, there is a danger that his achievements will be unfairly assigned to an outsider. He will get and honors.
  • If a married woman in a dream treats a stranger man of cherries, then conflict will soon occur in her family. Relations with the spouse will be spoiled for a long time, there can be no speech on the trust between spouses.
  • See small berries and there are them - a bad dream, after which it is worth getting ready for trouble, disappointments and even a blow. In real life, there are many unpleasant rumors about the dreaming, and this will undermine his confidence in others, will affect family life and working relationships with colleagues.


Esoteric book interpretation

If a person in a dream happened to eat the cherry - the dream book advises to remember her taste.

  1. Sweet berries foreshadow the embodiment of dreams and desires in reality.
  2. Bitter - to tears and disappointment.
  3. Acredi - to the distress, which, most likely, bring close and native people.
  4. But dried berries promise joy.

Their color is important. Dark, practically black cherries are considered the most delicious and sweet, but in the vision they symbolize betrayal and deception of a loved one. Red berries, on the contrary, talk about the loyalty and devotion of the "second half." And green - to luck.

Perhaps cooking jam? And it turned out to be sour? Usually such a vision reflects a pessimistic look of a dream for life. A person would not hurt to encourage himself.

If the dreams collected berries, breaking them from the tree - soon he will enter the relationship, which will be tied out only for the sake of physical proximity. The more berries he spreads - the faster the novel will end.

Dream Hasse

After the dream of the cherry, you should wait for the love adventure or the beginning of close relationship with someone long known. However, the connection will be illegal. Perhaps a dream or his beloved is a family man. Love will be hot, but dangerous and hardly bring happiness in perspective.

To tear cherries from a green, strong tree - the foresight of fast joyful and important events in the life of the dreaming. It is possible to get pleasant news. There will be many reasons for joy in the near future, and family life, despite the troubles, will bring a lot of pleasure and happiness.

Joint dream book

Respect for others, raising the status at work promises sleep in the cherry. The dreaming earned such an attitude towards himself with his own actions, it was time to reap the fruits of his kindness, unconscious.

  1. What dreams of a cherry, covered with red ripe berries? Such a dream promises that any dream problem will be happy to solve others, he will not remain alone and can always count on the rescue, sympathy and support of those who love His people.
  2. In addition, the dream promises bright love experiences. The novel will be fermented, sudden, and the beloved will give real happiness. Perhaps love relationship will turn into a serious long-term relationship and end with a wedding. If the dream dreamed of the day before the wedding, the life of the spouses would be happy, and the relationship will always be wonderful, without scandals, reproaches and betrayal.

What is the dream of a cherry, which is risen in a beautiful plate? To a pleasant, good news. If the dreaming is waiting for some important solution in the business sector or in a career attitude, then in real life it will get even more than expected.

For family people, sleep may mean that relations between household trust, communication gives them pleasure, and family bonds strong.

Collect the cherry in the basket - sleep, promising unpleasant troubles and problems. After waking up, you need to think well, to whom to seek help. If you quickly navigate, large trouble will be avoided.

  • Crush juice from Cherry - to merry in a good company. The dream will be invited to visit. The event will be held not only pleasant, but also with great benefit. New information obtained at the party will help in life.
  • Dried cherry tree - unfavorable sign. Sleep means that some important relationships ended, and there is no possibility to resume them. Perhaps the rupture will happen because of the betrayal of a loved one, and maybe just gone love. It is necessary to prepare for troubles and not to make attempts to fix something.

Dream Vangu

In this dream book, an ambiguous interpretation of a dream of cherry is given. The cherry tree symbolizes the sincere joy, which the dream will experience. This joy, nevertheless, will be overshadowed by some light sadness.

There is a cherry in a dream - it means to be unsatisfied with your life. Sleep means sadness, tears, melancholic mood. Sometimes the cherry dreams of fast disappointments, trouble at work and in the family. Take them to the philosophical, simply wait for an unfavorable period.

Pay attention to the color of berries.

  1. Red, saturated with cherry juice - a good sign for family people. Sleep means that the spouse is faithful, devoted.
  2. If the cherry in a dream is black, wait for the deception and betrayal on his side.

For a girl, a dream about this berry is of particular importance. What dreams of the cherry, which young young lady breaks from the tree? To the loss of innocence in the near future. Sometimes such a dream predicts that her love will be illegal, secret, but very sweet.

Female dream book

According to the female dream book, the ripe cherry on the tree promises a meeting with his beloved. Sometimes such a dream is the foresight of the fulfillment of cherished desire. The cherry tree promises a person's popularity, success, but it will reach heights only thanks to unattitude and friendliness.

When the cherry is dreaming from Wednesday to Thursday, you should prepare for a meeting with an influential person. If everything goes successfully, it will be possible to get a friend who will help in any business. Thanks to his support, a dream will be able to be a good condition.

  • The cherry berries promise a woman's support for a wealthy man who will soon make her a proposal of hands and hearts. Do not give up him, since the best husband does not find a dream. He will fulfill all her desires and become a good friend. With him a woman will feel protected and happy.
  • If the cherries were in a dream unfulfilled, then the reality of a person awaits luck. He can risk, investing money in doubtful projects, they will bring him huge profits. Do not miss such a chance, as it may not be present anymore.
  • If the berries were in a dream bitter taste, a person is waiting for disappointment. Ripe, sweet cherries stuff new love. However, the dream will be difficult to conquer the object of adoration, but it is not worth throwing attempts to do it, since the water does not flow under the lying stone.

Vintage Russian dream book

Find out what the vintage Russian dream book will help. If you believe him, then a person is waiting for pleasure. Perhaps he will be invited to the celebration and will be able to have fun, tasting various disasses. Sometimes such a dream is promoting a romantic date.

  1. If the berries in a dream were sweet to taste, the reality of a person is waiting for a pleasant news. A girl such a dream can be a meeting with a man who will win it with a heart. The dream will be difficult to resist the charm and charisma of Cavalera, and she will quickly fall into his arms.
  2. If the berries were bitter taste, the person is waiting for sad events. Perhaps he will cry a lot because of some unfortunate. But you should take yourself in hand, as life does not stand still. You need to leave the sorrows in the past and try to start enjoying life and forget about the sadness.

If the cherry trees are shot in bloom, the reality of a person awaits pleasant events. A woman can soon marry a loved one. Marriage will be happy and harmonious. When such a dream is on the eve of the wedding, it means that a person will be very happy to live with the chosen one. In the family there will be almost no quarrel, and disagreements will be solved quickly and without mutual reproaches.

If the cherry was brought off from Wednesdays on Tuesday, a family person costs more at home and spend time with native people. Otherwise, the second half will suspect nonladny and will try to cut a dream on treason.

Sometimes the dream promises the disclosure of some kind of secrecy, so you need to be careful not to say accidentally.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

According to the dreams for the whole family, the cherry garden is promoting a woman's popularity that she will acquire thanks to his good character. She should not be accurate and deal with people badly, otherwise everyone will turn away from her and the dream will remain alone, which will assign her thoughts about suicide.

  1. If the girl in a dream collected the cherries in the basket, there will be a serious problem that will arise, but thanks to some people it will be possible to resolve it in a short time.
  2. Men Such a dream promises troubles in the family. He will need to make tremendous efforts so that everything is normal; But he will all succeed, the main thing is not to lower your hands and try to solve problems as they are received, and not forget about them, since they still soon or later remind themselves about themselves.

If a person dreamed that he did from Cherries Wine, he will be sorrowing his past, but he should let him go. You should not remember that you can change, you need to look into the future with optimism and try to become happy.

Put from cherry juice - to a fun time. Man can invite. Do not refuse, you need to go to the celebration. There, the dreams will be able to relax well and learn a lot of interesting news.

A girl is such a dream can foreshadow novel. But you should not start it, because everything will end not very good. It is better to try to break out of the cavalier's paws, as he will show himself not from the best side.


Book Interpretations of Medea

It is worth noting by attention and what tells this dream book. Cherry ripe, large and beautiful can mean a lot. But if a person ate her, and she unexpectedly turned out to be sour - in a short time something bad happens. And the trouble will come from there, from where no one could wait for her.

But if the berry, which seemed unwell and acidic, will be juicy and sweet - the case, which is not particularly promising, will lead to a grandiose success for a dream.

  1. The dream was a girl, and she watched her beloved with appetite eats cherry? So, someone put an eye on him. And about the existence of the opponent, the young man knows, but does not tell his beloved - in order not to upset her. The main thing is that the girl does not harm the stranger, eating cherries. Since such a vision foreshadows gradually.
  2. But if the dream was a man, and in his dreaming he treated the stranger with berries - a rapid novel will be tuned soon. And not temporary, but serious. But if a married woman hurt a stranger with such berries - she should expect conflicts with his spouse.


Noble dream book N.Grishina

Cherry tree in a dream usually denotes a girl on grant. Cherry berries can symbolize virginity, as well as some promise, which is better not to count on the execution.

There are sweet cherries - to the pleasures and execution of desires, sour - to the unfulfilled promises, sorrow who collapsed hopes, dried - to joy.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

A dream in which you see a cherry garden or eat cherries (regardless of their ripeness) is a very good harbinger for a woman, which he promises success and popularity in society, including among colleagues; However, for this should be friendly and disinterested.

Sleep about cherries, depending on real circumstances, can mean a successful completion of the case or the upcoming acquaintance with an interesting man (for women).


The larger, more beautiful and sweeter than the cherry in your dream, the greater good luck promises.

  1. Small immature cherries can tear tears.
  2. To rip the cherries to love communications, but it will be a speed.
  3. To buy cherries - to the opportunity to keep with their opponents, sell - to good earnings.


Dream lovers

  • To see the cherry in a dream - means that you will be loved for your kindness and generosity.
  • If you eat cherry in a dream - then you will pay attention to you, whose love you achieve.
  • To see unhealthy, green cherries - a sign of approaching a dating with a man who will be your beloved.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

The dream in which you see a cherry tree - foreshadows beckoned joy with a shade of some sadness. There are cherries in a dream - a sign that in reality you can find some satisfaction, but sadness and melancholy will still prevail.

In general, Cherry - most often dream of people prone to melodramatic plots.

Dream Solomon

Cherries - criminal love, illegal connection.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Satisfy means wealth.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a tree

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cherry tree to shit - wealth. Oil cutting tree see - longing.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see the cherry in a dream means that you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries foreshadowing a kind of very desirable subject. To see green cherries - the foresight of the approaching good luck. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illegal love ...

Dreamed the dream "Cherry"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To eat cherry in a dream - to joy and arrived. To eat ripe cherry - to well-being. It is a good or sour cherry to eat - to luck or receiving the promised. Rotten cherries often dream of slander. To plant a cherry tree in a dream - to wealth. ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a cherry tree with ripe berries - the joy that will not please you, because of its incommodation. Maybe even sadness on this soil. See how the girl collects Cherry - to the ambulance or love. Cherry in a dream can designate conquest ...

What does dream mean - cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cherry in a dream personifies frustration, unrequited love and grief because of your home. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illegal love will bring you a lot of chagrins and disappointments. Cherry is a fruit that is stored for a short time, and therefore see her ...

If in a dream to see "Cherry"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cherry tree in a dream means that you will achieve popularity thanks to such as friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries - wait for some very welcome item. Noble cherries dreams of emergency.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cherry tree to shit - wealth. Cherries - in vain waiting.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of manure

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of a dung bunch - a prosperous marriage. Do not drink in a dream your pretty spout, saying: "Fi, as it smells!" Do you like a dream about the cherry tree? But you know why the tree is so beautiful? It fell by manure. Probably, therefore, that dream ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There is a cherry - well-being. The girl see the cherry tree in bloom - to buy a faithful friend. Well done! You can choose dreams.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Happiness in love, in friendship, fulfillment of desires. Also sadness, vain expectation. Criminal love, illegal connection. Someone's inconstancy, deception in promises, in vain work. There are mature cherries - to well-being. Immature - to the disease. Sometimes green cherries mean the approaching success. See flowering ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Cherry

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Flowering cherry - happiness and favor of fate. Tear cherries - joy and pleasure. There are cherries - you are waiting for pleasant moments. Sour cherries - do not dream of things impracticable. Cherry flower - happy happiness. To climb the cherry - the happy case will turn over ...

Berries in a snow

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Collect them - a lot of work - there is little good. Cherry tree with berries - happy home.

Blossom in sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Flowering cherry tree - happiness and fate of fate. Flowering lilac - people believe you. Blooming tree - great happiness. The blooming almond tree is the desire of your heart. Blooming fruit tree - happiness. Blooming dandelions in green grass - predict happy ...

There are dreams that carry the feeling of sadness and fear, and there are joyful and happy dreams. To properly decipher it, attention should be paid not only to subjects, events and people who are symbols of certain events, but also sensations.

The same phenomenon may have different values \u200b\u200band then the determining point will be the sensations and emotions caused by seen.

When the ripe cherry dreams, then this is a good sign. It does not carry some serious changes or events, but reflects a pleasant pastime in the future. To clarify the interpretations, which dreams of a ripe cherry on the tree, you need to resort to different dreams.

Dream Miller

According to this dream book, the cherry is a symbol of popularity and recognition. Just see the cherries on the tree means that sociability, selflessness and the goodwill of the person will be seen and adequately rewarded. And if you still ripe cherries and eat - this is a obtaining something very valuable and long-welcome. Thus, ripe cherry is a pleasant small event in life.

Dream of Freud.

To see a ripe cherry cherry on a tree means harmony and satisfaction in intimate relationships.

Therefore, a new partner (or partner) will appear soon, which will be able to deliver the maximum pleasure and carry out all sexual desires. A fruiting tree symbolizes a sexual partner, and ripe fruits - the presence of full-fledged love relationships with him. Interestingly, if the cherry only blooms - this is a sign that love will come soon. And if, on the contrary, the cherries in the tree dried up - it means that the relationship came up on no and return to the former love and passion will not work.

Dream Khasse

The point of view of Hasse does not differ from others. In her understanding of the cherry (tree) personifies good luck, luck and happiness. If the tree is only blooming, it means that fate will be favorable and the person will soon get the desired. In order to figure out in more detail, what dreams of a ripe cherry on a tree will take, one must take into account different aspects:

  • if you just see berries - happiness, harmony and mutual understanding will come in the house;
  • if we disrupt the fruits - happiness will come, good luck and will bring not just the exercise of desires, but also to obtain moral satisfaction;
  • if you eat cherries - the time of pleasure and joy will come soon.

At the same time, if the cherries are sour taste, it may mean that a person needs too much from fate.


All dreams are unanimous in the interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof the cherry. Cherry tree is already in itself symbol of pleasant changes in life, And the presence of ripe fruit indicates that these changes will be personal and loving. It is important to understand that ripe cherries on the tree is a sign of moral and spiritual satisfaction, and not just possessing material objects. The generalized definition, which dreams of a ripe cherry on a tree, sounds like this is a sign, approaching joy, good luck and appreciation. It may be interesting acquaintances, fun meetings, establishing relations in the family and another. That is, these are the pleasant moments that make everyday life not so dull and boring. If, besides, a person dreams how he eats these fruits, hence it is waiting for pleasant surprises, surprises or getting desirable. If the cherry taste turned out to be sour - then not everything will come true as planned, and if it is sweet and juicy - it means, a person is waiting for well-being and a peaceful life. Ripe cherry is already in itself a symbol of love and sexual pleasures. Therefore, if she dreamed of a young unmarried girl, it means love or affection. It turns out that ripe cherry on a tree is a generalized symbol of success in social and personal life.

Cherry in a dream personifies frustration, unrequited love and grief because of your home. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illegal love will bring you a lot of chagrins and disappointments. Cherry is a fruit that is long stored, and therefore seeing her in a dream means the short-life of feelings, false promises, in vain work. To dream of a cherry tree in a color foreshadows happy changes in fate. Cherry flowers in a dream to see - a sign of happy change. Plant Cherry - to wealth. Tear cherries from the tree - to joy and pleasures. There are cherries in a dream - to disappointment and many concerns. There is a sweet cherry in a dream - to pleasures and pleasure. See Interpretation: Garden, Trees, Fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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If you dream of a blooming cherry, get ready for love that suddenly illuminates you.

The fruits of cherry, ripe and large, foreshadow pleasure from sexual relationships with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Drown cherry, on the contrary, promises cooling of feelings and parting with a former partner.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation of sexual dreams

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To see a cherry garden in a dream, and there are cherries, regardless of whether they are red or green, means for a woman acquiring popularity in any society, be it a working team or a friendly company. The main thing is to show friendliness and selflessness towards others. Depending on what you were concerned about bedtime, cherries can mean or successful completion of the case or a quick acquaintance with a strong floor representative.

If a woman in a dream admires gold fruits, highly hanging on a pear, then fate will open her promising prospects on both the love front and professional field. There is a pear means weakening of health and not too successful completion. Collect ripe pears in a dream means some pleasant surprises, which, however, can turn into disappointment and sadness. If a woman after the completion of the workpiece for the winter of fruit continues to see some time in a dream, as it cans pears, it means not only fatigue, but also a philosophical attitude to the vaginities of fate. Dried pears will take off to a boring flirt, which will subsequently turn out of the frank dislike for your attention.

Interpretation of dreams

Cherry is a very interesting symbol. Cherry symbolizes happiness, contentment, joy and sweetness. Cherry is popularity, success. Cherry is love and passion. Cherry is youth, freshness, hopes for a bright future, courage, women's beauty and women's origin in nature.

In the folk tradition of cherry in bloom - the symbol of the bride, which is prepayed by a marriage bed. Often torn cherry called the way lost chastity. Cherry dreams most often with romantic agents, prone to melodramimization and Shakespearean passions.

What dreams have a cherry - such a dream can mean a lot. It may mean that, even finding some satisfaction in life, a person will have to endure melancholy attacks and inexplicable sadness that will dominate positive emotions. It may mean that it will soon be lucky enough to get a long time and passionately desired thing. Cherry eaten in a dream can also mean that the day is not far away when it becomes a mutual long-standing love for an inaccessible person.

There is a cherry in a dream foreshadows good news and good health, but maybe even looking for a new work. The eating cherries in a dream can be a harbingers of a bright and unforgettable period for the family of that person to whom it dreams. If there is a family, then you should be ready for the most unexpected and pleasant surprises! But at the same time, in the first three months after such a dream, it is advisable to in every way to avoid contacts with poorly familiar people, because such communication does not promise anything good.

If a person in a dream eats a cherry not from a tree, but just like that in his kitchen, say, or else in the kitchen, it promises the loss possible in the near future. Loss beloved or not very things, the loss of some amount of money, the loss of precious time.

If such a dream dreamed of any of the nights from Tuesday to Friday, then, alas, we must prepare for parting with a close and native person. Most likely, the separation will be long or, even worse, eternal.

Cherry is different. If in a dream it is necessary to be content with sour cherries - it foreshadows the collapse of great hopes or an unfulfilled promise from another person. If the cherry is delicious and sweet, then there is no doubt - ahead of joy, pleasure and incarnation into the reality of old desires. Dried cherries, oddly enough, also prophesy pleasant things. Ripe and juicy cherry in the mouth - to well-being. There is a misunderstanding cherry in a dream - to get a long promised. If before you eat a cherry, a person is harder and diligently prepared, that means that it coars himself and hesitates his own heavy thoughts. And if the cherry eaten is pre-purchased in the bench, then we should expect success at work, moving through the career ladder, new impressions of life and, very likely intimate communication. It is very likely that new love will turn into marriage, which will be strong.

If a person before putting a berry in his mouth, threw it from the branch, it also promises him a fleeting romantic connection, most often a resort novel. Perhaps even a few novels walking one after another - they will all be short and low-prominent, but they will leave a lot of interesting memories.

If a woman sees a cherry garden in a dream and in it with cherries (and it doesn't matter, they are ripe or not), then she should be glad: very soon she will gain mad popularity in the society in which it usually rotates - be it a friendly company or a working team. Everything that can advise her is to be an open, sincere, disinterested in relation to both close and unfamiliar people. Also for a woman, such a dream option may mean the successful finale of the business started or a quick acquaintance with an interesting man - that from this symbolize eaten cherries, depends on the mood and thoughts of a woman before going to sleep.

If the cherry is eaten in a dream on Monday, then this is a faithful sign that a fascinating and pleasant journey is coming in a funny company. The eating cherry on Tuesday promises a large income that can be spent on various joy of life - small and not very.

On Wednesday, such a dream may awaken in a person thirst for adventures - the main thing is to restrain myself after the awakening and do something in a rush. On Thursday, after the cherry eaten in a dream, the visit of friends should be expected - and they will come in a magnificent mood and they will not be bored for sure.

On Friday, the cherry eaten in a dream means it will have to devote yourself to the fulfillment of difficult affairs and the solution of suddenly arising problems. On Saturday there is a cherry - to troubles and chases, and on Sunday - to a pleasant company, fun and pleasant events.


Numerological concoction

See two cherries on one branch - means that you are too concerned about your finances and completely abandoned education.

If cherries seem waggered - In 20 days you will be offered to enter courses or go to the thematic seminar or prestigious conference. Do not refuse, there you will be able to establish important acquaintances for you and agree on future cooperation with people you are interested in.

If the cherries are bright and fresh, then the same problems will touch your children - Show perseverance and send them to study, in two months you will realize that it was not in vain on it.

Dream Miller

See the cherry - Means you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness.

There are cherries - foreshadows possessing a very desirable subject.

See green cherries - forever the approaching good luck.

Dream of Freud.

See in a dream blooming cherry - Sleep means that a wonderful sense of love will come down on you.

Fruit cherry with ripe berries - promises a person's pleasure from intimate relationships with a new partner. Charm is the novelty of relations.

But the dried cherry, alas and ah - suggests that your feelings faded and no hope to return the past.

Dream lovers

See the cherry - Means that you will be loved for your kindness and generosity.

If you are a dream of cherry "So you will pay attention to you, the love of which you achieve.

See unhealthy, green cherries - An approach sign with a person who will become your beloved.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Sleep in which you see a cherry tree - foreshadows late joy with a shade of some sadness.

There are cherries in a dream - A sign that in reality you can find some satisfaction, but sadness and melancholy will still prevail.

In general, cherry - Most often dream of people prone to melodramatic plots.

Dream Solomon

Cherry - Criminal love, illegal connection.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See the cherry garden in a dream, and there are them, no matter whether they are red or green - Means for a woman acquiring popularity in any society, whether it is a working team or a buddy company. The main thing is to show friendliness and selflessness towards others. Depending on what you were concerned about bedtime, cherries can mean or successful completion of the case or a quick acquaintance with a strong floor representative.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Cherry - Your kind and attention to people highly appreciate others.

There are cherries - New acquisitions, purchases.

New family dream book

Saw cherry in a dream - Soon you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness.

If you dreamed that you eat cherry - We will become the owner of a very welcome subject.

Green cherries - Shot to luck.

Modern visible dream book

See the cherry - Means that you will be gaining popularity through friendliness and generosity.

there is - Similar sleep predicts that you will get what I dreamed about.

See green cherries - Eightly good luck.

Eastern female dream book

Tear ripe cherries - To the carnal pleasures, but fleeting and short-lived, as a rule, this is a symbol of illegal love relationship from which nothing good will come out.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

There are cherries - to search for work; see how blooms - To unpleasant news related to friendship.

Full dream of a new era

Wood Cherry - With pure intention, it reflects a greater possibility: something flourishing (s) in lush color.

Berry - Reflection of the desire to have something (someone). With pure intention, the possibility of possession.

See in a dream the cherry village is richly covered with berry - You will achieve recognition from people you need.


See in a dream blooming cherry - To unexpected joy.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

See the cherry in bloom - To loss of honor.

Eat in a dream cherry - get married by the widow.

Dream Khasse

Cherry blooming - Happiness and favor of fate; with berries - happy House; collapse - joy and pleasure; there is - Waiting for you pleasant moments; sour - not the thirst for things impracticable; cherry flower - happiness is near.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

See in a dream cherry tree - Perhaps with its popularity you will be obliged to such mental qualities as friendliness and selflessness.

If the cherry is all in bloom - It is fortunately and fading fate.

Climb - A happy turn of fate will turn all your life.

Cherry, full ripe berries - Happy home, loving spouse, grateful children.

Tear cherry - To joy and pleasure.

Tear Flower Cherry - Joy at around the corner.

Eat ripe cherries - To well-being, but if they are sour - leave the dreams of impracticable.

Unripe Cherry - To the disease.

Collect cherry - join a secret love relationship.

Split cherry tree - To in vain expectations.

Plant - To obtain wealth.

Drink cherry tincture - to the stomach disorder treat it someone - To apply insults in a public place.

Female dream book

Cherry tree in a dream - Means that you will achieve popularity thanks to such qualities as friendliness and selflessness.

There are cherries - wait for possessing some very desirable subject.

Noble cherries - Shot to the ambulance.

Total dream book

Berries of Cherry - mean a large profit.

You dreamed that you were harvested or scattered the berries of Cherry - Wait for small trouble.

In a dream, you watched someone gets up or tear Berry Cherry - Someone from your loved ones are waiting for insignificant troubles, because of which you lose a lot of money.

Shopping Chercere - predicts a close opportunity to enslave with his old ill-wisher.

If you dreamed that you were selling cherry berries - Soon you, with the help of one of your distant relatives, get a profit.

Saw a cherry tree in a dream - in your life will soon happen to the worst, and if the cherry blooms - Changes will be insignificant, and if not very large.

If you dreamed that you watered a cherry tree - Soon you will have the opportunity to increase your income several times.

Dream of the XXI century

Eat in a dream cherry - to joy and arrived, ripe - To well-being, unlucky or kislyu - to luck or get the promised, rotten cherries - Frequently dreaming to slander.

Plant a cherry tree - to wealth climb on it - Someone just flirts with you.

English Dream

Dreamed in winter cherry - foreshadows disappointment in work, family life, treason of a loved one.

Italian dream book

Cherry - symbolizes virginity.

What denotes the loss of virginity, the fear of losing virginity, regretting her loss. Sometimes this image indicates homosexual trends.

Dream lovers

If you dream of a blooming cherry - Get ready for love that suddenly illuminates you.

Fruits cherry, ripe and large - foreshadow the pleasure of sexual relationship with the new lover. You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Dried cherry - On the contrary, the cooling of feelings and parting with the former partner is promoting.

Lunar dream book

Cherry is - Do not get promised.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Cherry, in dreams Women - symbolizes virginity, her loss, regret it.

Cherry in dream men - Homosexual context.

Sonnik Interpretation of dreams

Cherry is - sign of pleasure and health; If they are sweet, then pleasant news; If they are bitter, then there are tears.

Dream Stranger

Cherry - sadness, vain expectations.

Culinary dream book

Cherry is mature - To well-being, immature-to getting promised.

Dream of Gypsy

Black cherry - You will deceive the beloved (beloved).

Red - You can fully trust the beloved (lover).

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Cherry - Girl on grant.

Cherry - A certain promise to get, which is unlikely to be fulfilled / chastity, virginity.

Sour is there - The death of hopes, "promise and deceived", sadness.

Sweet to eat - Execution of desires, pleasure.

Dried is - Joy.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Cherry is - joy / tears, beatings, sadness, trouble, misfortune, not get promised; sweet - good news, health; bitter - tears; cherry tree - fun; plant - Wealth.

Cherry - Vain waiting.

Cherry tree Sature - Wealth.

Esoteric dream book

Cherry - The danger of poisoning, especially visiting.

Cook - thicken the situation with its thoughts.

Ukrainian dream book

Ripe cherries or plums - Tears.

How to dream cherry - These are tears, some kind of trouble to this man.

Vishnyak - Merry fun.

Dream of flowers

Cherry - sadness.

Collection of Sonnikov

Cherry - dream of happiness; rip - to well-being; there is - to unpleasant news, trouble

Cherry - To pleasant news and health.

Cherry - illegal love.

Cherry is - To tears.

Cherry - symbolizes purity of thoughts.

It is known an expression "Tear Cherry" - What does the loss of virginity mean. Sleeping with cherries talks about injury received in connection with the loss of virginity, or sexual relationships in general.

Cherry - Promise to receive favorable news.

See in a dream as a beautiful girl collects cherries - To love affection.

There is an acidic cherry - To chagrin, tears.

What dream of cherry?

Cherry is a symbol of prosperity. Therefore, the cherry, especially blooming, promises joy, wealth, pleasure and success. Cherry with large ripe fruits foreshadows the establishment of an intimate relationship. If in a dream you enjoy the cherry, it means that your kindness will help cope with ill-wishers.

If you eat in a dream with a sour cherry, the dream predicts tears and longing. They may be associated with a loved one or relatives. To plant the cherry - to material sufficiency, torn cherries - to happy change.

What dream of cherry? Green cherry foreshadows the acquisition of the promised, mature - well-being. The dried cherry without berries means an ambulance loss of feelings.

Cherry - like a fruit that is not stored for a long time, can mean false promises or the short-life of relationships.

If you see only cherry flowers without wood, then your life will change for the better. The broken berries in a dream mean what you will be satisfied with your relatives and loved ones.

If the cherry dreamed, to which you climbed, then the authorities will increase you soon. Spiel cherry predicts monotonous and boring life. The drinking of the cherry tincture warns about the stomach disorder. If the dream is associated with a beautiful girl who eats cherry berries, then soon you will fall in love.

Cherry branching tree with green leaves and mature berries - to recognizing talents and popularity.

To see the cherry in a dream, on which many ripe berries - to the full bowl of the family: caring husband, obedient children, tactful relatives.

If you saw two cherries on a branch, then you need to improve the qualifications or to engage in self-education. Perhaps you need to repeat the previously studied material.

The faded cherry may imply a trip or a business trip for the purpose of learning. Perhaps it will be seminars, trainings or paid internship.

What dreams cherry, dream of cherry see in a dream what means?

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dream of a cherry in a dream?

By dreams to see Cherry - Cherry is a symbol of spring and prosperity. Therefore, if you dreamed of a cherry, especially blooming, then this dream foreshadows the successes and joy, profit and pleasure. This dream may also be relevant to the establishment of your intimate life, especially if the cherry is sleeping with ripe fruits, ripe cherry. If you dream that you eat the cherry, but it is not sweet, but sour, then this dream is not successful, but on the contrary, sadness and tears, as Dream Interpretation reports - a predictor.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream cherry in a dream?

To dream of a cherry means - cherry. The tree is popular thanks to selflessness and hardworking; berries: see - to a secret connection, hobby, is - to carry out a dream; Green cherries - to the ambulance, so in the dream interpreted such a dream.

Dream of Freud.

Why dream cherry in the dream book?

In a dream to see Cherry - if you dream of a blooming cherry, get ready for love, which suddenly illuse you. The fruits of cherry, ripe and large, foreshadow pleasure from sexual relationships with a new lover. You will enjoy the novelty of sensations. The dried cherry, on the contrary, promises the cooling of feelings and parting with the former partner, as the dream book predicts - the interpreter.

Ancient dream book

See cherry in a dream:

Cherry - If you dreamed of a blooming cherry, then get ready for the fact that you are inadvertently granted for you, the dream of a fruiting cherry means that in intimate relationship you will have a new surge of emotions and sensations. And all this thanks to your new partner who will give you a real holiday of love. If the cherry was dried in a dream, then your worst premonitions are destined to come true - your feelings "dried" and there will be no refund to the past

Summer Dream

Why dream of cherry:

Cherry - see in a dream the village of Cherry, is richly covered with a berry, - you will achieve confessions from the people you need.

Autumn dream book

If the cherry is dreaming, what is this:

Cherry - see in a dream blooming cherry-to unexpected joy, so said in the dream interpretation about this sleep.

Psychological dream book

What dream of a cherry in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Cherry - tear ripe cherries - to carnal pleasures, but fleeting and short-lived, as a rule, this is a symbol of illegal love connection, from which nothing good will come out

Modern dream book

By dream of Cherry, which means sleep:

To see the cherry in a dream - saw the cherry in a dream - it will soon achieve universal popularity thanks to its friendliness and selflessness. If you dreamed that you eat the cherry, we will become a possessor of a very desired item. Green cherry dreams of luck and receiving the promised, mature - to well-being. Seen in a dream blooming cherry - come soon with your love. A fruitful cherry with ripe berries promises passionate relations with a new acquaintance. Slowing - dreams of loss of feelings.

Spring dream book

By dream of Cherry:

Cherry - see the cherry in bloom - to the loss of honor. There is a cherry in a dream - marry a widow.

What dream of a sweet cherry

Small Velezov Sonnik

Cherry - tears; There are - troubles, anxiety; Flowers - Loose.

Sonnie Grishina

Cherry - bride or newlywed.


There is a cherry - to the joyful news.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

There is a cherry - to a profitable, monetary case, successful for you.

Dream Morozova

Flowering sweet cherry - sign of peace of mind; Cherry wood products predict acquisitions.

There are cherry berries - to a love adventure.

Dream "Fedorovskaya

See in a dream a cherry - to great work.

Flowering - to good income.

If you have dreamed of cherry berries - in the near future your life can change for the better.

If you dreamed of rotten berries of cherry - all your hopes will dispel as smoke.

In a dream, you collected her - you will be given the debts that you completely forgot.

You dreamed that you watched someone collects a cherry - in the near future someone from distant relatives will give you a round sum of money.

There is a cherry - to a profitable suggestion.

In a dream, you watched someone eating a cherry - someone from your neighbors will get a large amount of money.

If you dreamed that you bought a cherry - in the near future you will be able to cope with the most acute problems facing you.

If you have dreamed that someone gave you some sweet cherries - know someone from your friends will come to the rescue for helping you.

Sell \u200b\u200b- to success in trade.

You watched someone from your relatives or acquaintances sells a cherry - in the near future someone from your distant relatives will provide you with patronage.

Ukrainian dream book

How dreams that cherries bloom, the tree blooms is not good.

Cherries are tears.

Online dream book

Sleepness: Cherry for Dream?

Cherry - promises you spend a lot of time to work.

Seen her in bloom - you will live in prosperity.

Ripe berries dreamed - a sign of future pleasant changes in your life.

They collected them - soon the longtime debtor is calculated.

The dream in which you ate a cherry - says that you will receive a promising offer.

Bought it - very soon you will figure it out with all your troubles.

Sell \u200b\u200b- you better do trade affairs, you will succeed in this.

collect cherries in a dream


Tatyana Agalakova

Sleep in all respects wonderful! Cherries Green-precursor approaching good luck and possess some very welcome object. But! It is unlikely to be the "subject". Let's grow out. You yourself jump the earth - it is to well-being and prosperity and anthill with anti-the ants foreshadows (only a young girl) the appearance of several fans at once. Now you need to "choose." They will all be good, since sleep is connected with a good "environment" (cherries, freshly won land ...). Maybe an existing fan will agree to all your conditions so as not to lose you. Yes, and at the end of the dream, you, looking at the bag with cherries, remained very satisfied. You probably deserve such a chic selection with your human qualities. Congratulations!


some huge trouble will come, because of which you will worry and cry to cry, dig in the earth - to death, it turns out that you will be so upset by this trouble, you will be killed, the only anthill in your dream is a lot of people, but from the ground You thrown them out. In general, the dream is not very good, be just ready for some kind of trouble with a large number of people and perceive it as soon as it is easier, then I can do it.


to tear in a dream of a cherry-to the joy of the joy, ripe to well-being, not ripe or acidic, to good or receiving the promised.)))


& On intimate dream interpretation Vlasova: §
See the blooming cherry - soon there will be a wonderful sense of love;
A fruitful cherry with ripe berries - promises pleasure from intimate relationships with a new partner. Charm lies in the novelty of relations;
Slowing cherry - your feelings faded and there is no hope to be returned.

& By Miller's dream book: §
See - achieving popularity due to their friendliness and unconscious;
There are cherries - possessing a certain very welcome subject;
See green cherries - good luck.

& Popular Dream: §
There is - do not get promised.

& By Dream Miss Hasse: §
Blooming - happiness and destroying fate;
with berries - happy home;
tear - joy and pleasure;
There are pleasant moments waiting for you;
sour - do not crave out of impracticable things;
Cherry flower - happiness close.

& By Dream Tsvetkov: §

& Schiller Schoolchildren: §
Criminal love and illegal communication.

& By Miller's dream book: §
Small trouble, haunting you all day, dissatisfaction with our own position.

& Popular Dream: §
Running to the house - the death of villains.

& By Dream Miss Hasse: §
See - a lot of work to invest in what will bring some
Rapture - undermine your own happiness;
Be branched - misfortune.

Natalia Lomakina

Cherries, these are tears, wait for trouble !!!

olzhas Metis

the desaltery of the Zboteman will partly the problems will be but disgusting the ants be hyponga and the stratum and all prospect let you have a misfortune trouble will pass you by the side

See ripe cherry

Dream book see ripe cherry Dreamed, why dream in a dream to see ripe cherry? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see a ripe cherry, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry and Number Two

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To a large harvest. See the flowering cherry tree is a presence on someone's wedding. Collect the berries of Cherry - in a short time, fruitless troubles are expected, a lot of work that will not lead to the desired result. To see and there are simply berries, not on the tree - it means that the loss of something (some thing, money, time) is possible soon. If the dream in which you eat the cherry, dreamed of you in one of the nights from Friday until Tuesday, then he promises parting with a close man. Separate, contrary to your expectations, will be delayed for a long time, and perhaps forever.

Flowering garden cherry

Dream Interpretation Blooming Garden Cherry Dreamed about what dreams in a dream blooming garden cherry? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the blooming garden Cherry, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Blooming Garden

To joy.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Cherry in a dream personifies frustration, unrequited love and grief because of your home. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illegal love will bring you a lot of chagrins and disappointments. Cherry is a fruit that is long stored, and therefore seeing her in a dream means the short-life of feelings, false promises, in vain work. To dream of a cherry tree in a color foreshadows happy changes in fate. Cherry flowers in a dream to see - a sign of happy change. Plant Cherry - to wealth. Tear cherries from the tree - to joy and pleasures. There are cherries in a dream - to disappointment and many concerns. There is a sweet cherry in a dream - to pleasures and pleasure. See Interpretation: Garden, Trees, Fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To see a cherry tree in a dream - you may be owned with your popularity, such as friendliness and selflessness. If the cherry is all in bloom, it is fortunately and fading fate. To climb the cherry - the happy turn of fate will turn all your life.

Cherry, full of ripe berries, - happy home, loving spouse, grateful children. Rip cherries - to joy and pleasure. Tear the Cherry flower - joy at around the corner.

There are ripe cherries in a dream - to well-being, but if they are sour - leave the dreams of impracticable. Unripe cherries - to illness. Collect the cherries - enter the secret love relationship.

Split a cherry tree - to vain expectations. Sat - to get wealth. To drink the cherry tincture - to the disorder of the stomach, treat it by someone - to the application of insults in a public place.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Saw the cherry in a dream - will soon achieve universal popularity thanks to its friendliness and unconscious.

If you have dreamed that you eat the cherry, we will become the owner of a very welcome subject.

Green cherry dreams of luck and receiving the promised, mature - to well-being.

Seen in a dream blooming cherry - come soon with your love.

A fruitful cherry with ripe berries promises passionate relations with a new acquaintance.

Slowing - dreams of loss of feelings.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To eat cherry in a dream - to joy and arrived.

To eat ripe cherry - to well-being.

It is a good or sour cherry to eat - to luck or receiving the promised.

Rotten cherries often dream of slander.

To plant a cherry tree in a dream - to wealth.

Climb on a cherry tree - someone just flirts with you.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To see the cherry in a dream - means that you will achieve popularity thanks to your friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries - foreshadows the possession of a certain very welcome subject. To see green cherries - the foresight of the approaching good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

Cherries are ripe cherries or plums - tears. As the cherry dreams - these are tears, some kind of trouble to this person. Vishnyak - cheerful fun.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

If you dream of a blooming cherry, get ready for love that suddenly illuminates you.

The fruits of cherry, ripe and large, foreshadow pleasure from sexual relationships with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Drown cherry, on the contrary, promises cooling of feelings and parting with a former partner.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry and Number Two

See two cherries on one branch means that you are too concerned about our finances and completely abandoned education. If the cherries seem to be faded, then in 20 days you will be offered to enter courses or go to the thematic seminar or prestigious conference. Do not refuse, there you will be able to establish important acquaintances for you and agree on future cooperation with people you are interested in. If the cherries are bright and fresh, then the same problems will affect your children - show perseverance and send them to study, in two months you will realize that it was not in vain insisted on it.

Dream Interpretation - Cherry

To see a cherry garden in a dream, and there are cherries, regardless of whether they are red or green, means for a woman acquiring popularity in any society, be it a working team or a friendly company. The main thing is to show friendliness and selflessness towards others. Depending on what you were concerned about bedtime, cherries can mean or successful completion of the case or a quick acquaintance with a strong floor representative.

If a woman in a dream admires gold fruits, highly hanging on a pear, then fate will open her promising prospects on both the love front and professional field. There is a pear means weakening of health and not too successful completion. Collect ripe pears in a dream means some pleasant surprises, which, however, can turn into disappointment and sadness. If a woman after the completion of the workpiece for the winter of fruit continues to see some time in a dream, as it cans pears, it means not only fatigue, but also a philosophical attitude to the vaginities of fate. Dried pears will take off to a boring flirt, which will subsequently turn out of the frank dislike for your attention.



Good day!
Help disbelieve sleep - today I dreamed familiar. He came to my home. And I was on the street near the house, the house is private. And when he arrived, it seems like I waited for him. My sofa is still on the street (in the summer in the summer we endure the street). I stand on the sofa, he is near and very emotionally tells me that he came through the cherry, like his mother helped. And as if justified in front of me that was late.

[Email Protected]:

Hello! (Today he had dreamed after 7 am, from Monday to Tuesday) ... Winter, the actions of the present time. I, my mother and son of 6 years old, on the top of the snow-covered street, on the sides of the house and children come from her on sleds (we have such a street). Son or on sleds, whether it began to go down on foot. I asked my mother too to descend, look after. There were 2 women as a mother, descended behind the grandchildren next to mom. And for some reason I went to the very top of the street and began to search for my son in a panic and call, as lost. (It seemed that he went to the top with one boy on sledding). I began to descend a little down and see in my hand 6 cherries ripe, "flask" and 2 more unrite. I woke up from the thought of finding a child and immediately began to remember the dream in detail and realized that he was not lost, but went down or went down on sleds and grandmother behind him. (In general, it happens that I'm looking for a child and mother-grandmother, too, often, calls-looking) ... What does all this mean? Thank you!


girlfriend's girl, stood next to the cherry box, the cherry was red and lightly light red similar to frozen she stood beside and a little bit her


I saw in a dream the trees cherry and swept up with fruits, and everything happened in the winter thereby much more snow, and I ate it))


He dreamed that the neighbors were broken at night (there was a man in alcoholic intoxication). Loudly knocking into my door and swear on something. Although time was 4 in the morning. I wake up from this noise and afraid to approach the door. In the apartment begins everything collapses: curtains, hooks fall off. Everything becomes awry. I am gaining a friend's phone and with a lump in my throat I ask to help me, they might not get out of the apartment and he is my last hope ... I sit in the apartment as in a cage. Women from a neighbor company approached and apologized for the fact that men were intimidated me .. unexpectedly part of the wall turns out to be a glass and I see the neighbors with my company walk in the garden, loudly laughs, fried shishk, and I can't even go out of the apartment and here I am I look in the window (in a dream the apartment was on the first floor) and there are 4-5 people cyclists. All young people. I learned that they came from another city, they just travel. Asked to open the window. I left and after some time one returned and handed me a flowering branch of Cherry in the window.


i walked in some beautiful garden and top hung bushes of the cherry tree and they were sleeping ripe cherries and on cherries there were droplets of water


hello, I dreamed that I was very wanted cherry, I saw on a dark red large, juicy cherries


i see a cherry tree beautiful and all the ripe I took one peak and the village was very beautiful, and rode a cararest and very high


Dreaming on Monday after dinner. It's like that I sit on the edge of the sofa and I look at my mother and it seems to me as if she died, the head as it was unnaturally, and behind me sits younger, small at all, a year 3-4 (although in my life I have She is not), and suddenly my mother moved, I fell on her chest and crying from happiness that she came to life, then I took a big pan, and she was already with water (clean, clear) and a lot of rice rice, then with a tree I eaten the cherries, and I choose the berries only ripe, without damage, and suddenly the voice says to me - "Berries are good choose, do not make it right." Neither a person nor said did not see the voice of female. This is my dream.


In a dream, I saw a blooming garden, all in greenery. A large cherry tree is all sleeping ripe berries. I broke and eate them, and could not fit before that they were delicious


I was in the garden at my grandmother (she alive), went to the cherry and began to tear and eat, she was ripe. It's my mother (died) and I turn to another drain tree and start to tear the fruits and eat ripe, sweet plum. I do not remember further.


Hello me yesterday dreamed of a dream in which I was with my mother-in-law a young trees of Cherry, while there were already green berries of Cherry. What does this dream mean?


i wake up and go to the refrigerator, I open it to see a plate with dumplings from Cherry, I put together alone, and there is a rotten cherry and worms


Hello! I collected not only the cherry in a dream, but also potatoes and carrots, apples in general, all vegetables. As it were, preparing for autumn. And I saw a high tree on which ripe cherry grew. My sister helped me this tree to tilt and, and I began to collect this cherry.


In a dream somewhere she was with a 16-year-old daughter. Suddenly saw a cherry tree with ripe cherries. The daughter began to tear the berries, I began to help her and wondered where they were there, like a lot of them. They gathered to leave the harvest (in a dream there were the word "mining"), I saw a tree with plums and threw a few plums.


Dreamed a blooming cherry garden near the grandmother's house, with huge cherry trees above the house. Babushkin himself house with a garden dreams very rarely and always have such devices. a man is coming to the gate, a high blond, I know him in a dream and says that he wants to talk to me very seriously, but I know that now I am not alone in the house and conversation will not work, we decided to postpone the conversation for the evening, I know that there will be a sentence Marry ... I watched my eyes myself and say that the eyes will say more than words ... it's about it ... with that I woke up.


i was all in yellow ... and dress and sandals and bag all yellow ... and stood in the middle of the cherry garden and eaten right from the trees a large ripe cherries ...


he dreamed that high plants were growing beautiful in the apartment in the ridges, and then looked around ... and the naire of cherries weigh, and a lot. and the whole apartment turned out in the cherry trees with densely by the cherries, and Ripped and ate one was like a marmalade and hand and taste


In a dream, my husband and I broke ripe cherries and ate with a tree with pleasure? They were ripe and juicy, tasty


saw in a dream the tree stands on a separate site and everything in color, and the color is sleeping around the tree, with me the former husband is near (we died for a long time) we seem to go somewhere and I ask him, is that snow? And he says, no, this cherry bloomed, that's such an interesting dream


Dreamed the old cottage, I am there with my parents. Many cherries on the plot, I'm angry that I do not have time to gather a cherry, because they need to go home.


i dreamed of Kush Cherry. Berries are very large. I broke them and eaten, but they were unworthy, half red, half green and sour.


Hello! Today I had a dream that I sell cherries. There are many of them and I sell everyone, and people buy them. Later in a dream, I saw my girlfriend who went to live in Yakutia. I dreamed of me we coming into the same entrance where she lived, but at risen not on her floor, but above. And there she is looking at her at home like. Something like this


Hello. I dreamed that I urgently flew to Yalta for some kind of deeds (I often go there in real life) and before returning, I decided to go to the sea. On the way I saw the blooming cherry, wondered, the fall after all she blooms. I put my red varnish wallet on some kind of table, with money and things and took out the phone to take a picture of the cherry, but some kind of woman snatched my phone from me and began to show how to photograph. While I took her phone, wallet disappeared. Next, I walked, sobbed and thought to someone to call, so that I was sent by money.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a strange dream, several times in a dream I saw the blooming tree of Cherry, which for some reason grew in a person in my corridor (in the city apartment) and I planted it. Then I saw the same tree, but already significantly crumbled, but already in my room, but at the same time, when it came close to him, it turned out to be like a blooming Tree of Mandarin, with huge pink-orange flowers, not that faces Spelling, but at the same time I clearly knew that it was still a cherry, just at this stage she looks like a mandarin. What is it?))))) Thanks in advance for the answer!


Hello, I dreamed that I am going to the tree, it snapped with a red cherry. I break one and eat, but only half. In the second I see a rotten place and discovered, and there is a worm. I throw this half and spoil the one that. What does it mean? help me please


Hello, I dreamed that I go to the tree, it snapped with a red cherry. I tear one and eat, but we eat only half, in the second I see that she began to rot, I spare, and there is a worm. I throw this half and spoil the one that. Help please, what does this dream mean?


i remember how I drove the cherry from the tree at night, there were many of them
But I cut them not alone and former guy who still love and try to restore the relationship, formerly thanks.


Hello Tatyana! I had a dream tongue at night. That I climbed the hill of bags in which there was a cherry and I screamed this frozen cherry


I saw in a dream a cherry garden and on trees a large beautiful ripe cherries, but not all tree was covered with cherries.


I dreamed of an empty garden in which nothing was planted, but in one corner there was a cherry bushes and berries on them, and in the other corner there are many raspberry bushes with berries


I dreamed that I was running from the city of єto Pripyat (Chernobil) But the city is not aware of Scho infection not all the city, it's very beautiful city, but I know Scho, you need to run people in fierce and do not rush anywhere, I'm doing a street and see a beautiful cherry Entertainment rain, I have two ... ..


A lot of people, mostly women and children, are in my yard (private house). The weather is early spring. On the ground lies the snow in the middle ground with frozen land. Clearly see your yard and a polysteardist. I break from the tree a frnown large cherry and treat children.


Hello! I saw the old fence, which grew ripe cherry. I really wanted to eat these berries. I found some kind of wooden stand and took these cherries and eaten, and then the fence was not and access to the cherry became easier, except for dry high grass in front of her


Collected and made wine from Cherry, pressed her hands to a large square iron tank, and eating her, the cherry was ripe, ripe, beautiful, when he handed it all, she worse and taste was like a very tasty taste and suddenly I It prevented all the hands and I fell to the bottom of a light-tired sediment, you can say yellow and wine discouraged, it became transparent, although at first it was red


The tree stood in the courtyard where I used to live, but it never grew there, the tree was a high big all in the leaves of green such bright and there is a lot of ripe, how I think the sweet cherry was with me was a beautiful girl childhood girlfriend she helped shoot from a tree cherry But in packages for some reason, I'm not berries and then I as if I immediately started in a saucepan there to cook it and select the bone with the device and someone sent to the store for sugar, then woke up, the fragrance went with a saucepan of a cucklan delicious cherry jam


Hello Tatiana. Here is such a dream I dreamed of: I went on a green beautiful garden a lot of greenery around and collected just huge (like apples in size) ripe cherries from low trees did not have to climb everything on the ground) and in the last tree gathered the same huge strawberry I don't know why the strawberry grew on the tree) Then I eating the fruit sitting there in the garden for a beautiful wooden table Well, perhaps and all I remember ... Tell me please, what dreams of such dreams take it out that I rarely remember my dreams, I became very interesting What he means. Thank you in advance.


i collected a ripe large even overrone cherry in my garden, really in the autumn really so it was for the first time for all times, the cherries were like never! Collected and ate!


ate large sweet berries of cherry. And there was a lady of birds. who took me to the grandmother's house (she is no longer) there was wounded with a sorted hoof horse


i open the door to my home and behind the door there is a husband with whom I do not live and what he has in his hands and I was very frightened by him


I dreamed that I go somewhere and see a cherry tree with ripe berries. Berries are a lot of all very large and very red. I thought - it would be nice to dial berries. And I decided that I would collect when I went back to go further. And woke up.


i scattered ripe cherries sitting in my car, I wanted to feed the cats near the entrance, and then I remembered that they needed and began to collect them and there were a lot of them ..


cloudy, cold, as if early spring. At the house of my deceased brother, a tree, without leaves, dark, as in winter and one branch is broken and only matured, huge, burst from juicing cherries.


Good afternoon, Tatiana! I dream that I am going with someone (in my opinion this is a man, but I don't remember exactly), and I find yourself in the garden, where many trees. They are not tall, but completely quenched with large aluminum and ripe cherries. Meanwhile, not a single leaf on them. I was surprised and enchanted seen, went between these trees, was not afraid. The cherries are all alone in one, without wormworms and as after the rain - bright.


i dreamed that there was a ripe large cherry on the table, and I began to eat it, she was sweet.


i make me eat in a dream frozen cherry, I eat, I'm talking about it, you still eat ...


As if there was a lot of cherries and I rode them in my mouse, I was going to cook compote from them


My name is Elena. In a dream, I found out a childhood friend who walked with her baby in a stroller. I saw former place of residence, childhood streets ... Our common friends. Here my former husband appears, which looks different, behaves incorrectly, the fight is tied, as if I cut it out of this situation. We go down the street and he spits a ripe cherry. I understand that this is a Bredyatina, but I just don't dream of dreaming ... And with this friend's friend, we have not seen 20 years old, I forgot about it ...


I dreamed of cherries, I rushed them from the tree and held a little kitten on his hands. Cherries were very ripe was a warm morning of summer. And I also ate periodically. And I dreamed of apples that I also rushed from the tree


he dreamed that she was on the cherry garden after the rain and thought how I would tear cherries with wet trees. The garden was very beautiful. At first, the garden threw a few cherries and everything was planned to narrow a whole bucket but never narrowed. In the middle of the garden saw children with a teacher and at the end of the garden were beautiful cows.


Hello, Tatyana Miller!
My dream: at home, and see a whole mountain of beautiful, juicy cherries. I am delighted! Cherry!!! Eat them! Very tasty! I am glad!
Thank you!


Summer. Crasuary. We were in the village with your family. Against the house next door, Mom took me by the hand in this yard with a side of the house there were trees with cherries somewhere 3 trees with cherries. I really wanted Cherry. They were on the look of delicious, big and very beautiful. But I do not remember I tried something distracted in a dream.


Hello, I dreamed of a huge tree with the fruits of ripe cherry cherry there was a lot and she was a beautiful pouring ripe.


carried a bucket with earth with rainworms and cherries (all in one bucket)


at the neighbor grandmother found money under the carpet, dollars and hryvnia. So, steal. But it was afraid. He advised to give them to their children. I saw how she distributed to each one $ 100 and a few bills of hryvnia. For some reason, it ran through the garden to the house to the deceased mother, she lived across the road from this grandmother and saw her mother in the sidewalk of River Cherry. Seeing me, she went into the yard and I went for her. She put me to eat me. That ate, I do not remember


They dreamed of ripe cherries in a gradder polysman. I collected them there was a lot and all ripe. I also ate them. They were not acidic but there was almost no taste, but I liked it.


I was at my grandmother, we talked to her, but then I noticed the cherry (the tree was as if the arch over the gate). The cherry was bold, sweet, but some fruits were still green. I started to eat a bold cherry from the tree, but then the girl appeared and she also began to eat.


I saw sleep, on the market where a lot of fruit, mostly cherries, ripe, not ripe, and like I stop near the shop where big pink cherry color, the products of the young girl is ruin, that this is a fresh homemade cherry, I give money and buy a cherry at the same time I bet Alych Sweet and I also buy, I do not know what such a dream is.


I dreamed that in the backyard there were some men, they opened a part of the fence and cut the cherry who grew on the ground between my plot and the neighbor (in reality there is no tree there) I ran out to shout and cry "you cut down my cherry" I was very painful but I understood that nothing was fixed


I dreamed that I'm calling on the door I ask who my father says open it me. I discovered and it makes a full fire of ripe cherries.


in a dream, the former son-in-law returned, dressed in a green sports and blue jacket, the house was decorated with ribbed cherry branches, and a broken pot of a vase, and a friend who gave the keys.