Interesting facts about human hearing. Presentation on the surrounding world on the topic "Structure of the human ear." Diagram of the structure of the human ear for children

can tell you a lot. Hearing is a familiar feeling for every person. But what is a pair of ears? Why is it that when we put a shell to our ear, we think we hear the sound of the sea?
  1. Men are more likely to experience hearing loss than women. The fact is that the male half of the population works in a noisy environment, Full time job which is the cause of damaged hearing.
  2. Ears can self-clean. The ear canal has pores that produce wax. With the help of small hairs they push it out of their ears.
  3. When a person puts a shell to his ear, he thinks he hears the sound of the ocean, but this is not so.. All we hear is the sound of blood running through the veins.
  4. The cause of hearing loss may be water that, for some reason, gets into the ear.. This phenomenon is most often observed in children. This in turn causes an ear infection. It is easy to treat, but it attracts dire consequences, if you ignore it.
  5. Thanks to the ears, a person maintains his balance in space. There are 3 canals near the cochlea. They act as a gyroscope, keeping a person balanced and providing location information. It is often possible to observe when a person has ear infection, he has difficulty keeping his balance.
  6. Rugby players have ears that look like cauliflower . It's easy to explain. During play, the outer cartilage of the ear is repeatedly damaged and eventually becomes cabbage-like.
  7. Children have more sensitive hearing, which weakens over time. When a person is born, he can hear even the lowest sounds, for example, below the sounds produced by a piano. The same goes for high-pitched sounds.


  8. Earwax was very actively used on the farm. During the Middle Ages, scribes extracted pigments from it, which they used to illustrate books. They also helped seamstresses keep the ends of the threads from fraying. Previously, there were no waxed threads. In 1832, a book described how sulfur could soothe the pain caused by a piercing object.
  9. The World Eskimo Olympic Games are famous for a certain interesting game . It's called "tug of war with the ears." The unusual sport is popular. Two opponents sit opposite each other. A loop of one rope is placed over each ear. Next, they try to pull the cord until it slips out of the enemy’s ear or he complains of pain.
  10. It is known that the first gold earrings were worn by sailors. This was necessary so that they could be buried with dignity. This is the use of decoration.
  11. According to statistics, about 73% of people during a concert turn to their interlocutor with their right ear. They are trying to hear a conversation or decipher speech against very loud music. Some people do not give this importance and listen with either one ear or the other, depending on the situation.
  12. The nose and ears are two parts of the body that can grow throughout a person’s life.. The auditory ossicles themselves do not grow, only stretching of the earlobe is observed.
  13. According to scientists, hearing deteriorates if a person eats a lot. That's why after a hearty lunch we experience discomfort in this area of ​​the face.
  14. Surprisingly, the ears “work” around the clock. They continue to hear sounds even when the person is sleeping. But how come we don’t wake up then? The fact is that the brain ignores all extraneous noise at this time, giving the body the opportunity to rest.
  15. The African land is famous for a certain tribe named Maaban. They are unique in that they live in complete silence. Members of the tribe, when they reach old age, can hear whispers at a distance of 300 m.

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Ears are the organs of hearing in vertebrates and humans. The ear picks up sounds, which are directed through the external auditory canal, 24-30 mm long, to the eardrum. Eardrum, ossicles and fluid inner ear is a sound-conducting device that transmits sound vibrations. Auditory nerve, auditory pathways and centers in the brain perceive these vibrations.

A person can distinguish more than 400,000 different sounds. The ears are the organ of hearing, as well as balance, perceiving changes in body position.

Most of the ear is hidden in the cavity temporal bone skulls The pinna and the external auditory canal make up the outer ear. The air-filled middle ear is bounded on one side by the tympanic membrane, which separates it from the outer ear, and on the other by the oval window. Its only opening leads into the Eustachian tube, a canal that connects the middle ear to the pharynx. The Eustachian tube helps maintain equal pressure on both sides of the eardrum. If it were different, then the eardrum could not vibrate correctly and the person would hear poorly. If there is a sudden change in external pressure, such as when a train enters a tunnel, the pressure on both sides of the eardrum may not be equal. If you yawn or chew something at this time, air will flow in or out through the Eustachian tube, the pressure will equalize, a pop will be heard in the ears, and hearing will be restored. The inner ear, which consists of the cochlea and semicircular canals, contains sound receptors from which signals travel to the brain.

Sound arises as an oscillatory movement of particles of an elastic medium (for example, air molecules), propagating from a sound source in the form of waves, like circles on water from a thrown stone. These sound waves enter the ear and are perceived by special receptors. The receptors send signals to the brain, which recognizes them as sounds.

The frequency of sound is measured in hertz, that is, the number of air vibrations in one second that caused vibrations of the eardrum is recorded. The lowest vibration frequency perceived by the human ear, which has 3000 nerve fibers to distinguish the frequency of sound, is determined to be 16 Hz (16 vibrations per second). Depending on the age of the person, this value gradually decreases from 21,000 to 12,000 and even to 5000 Hz in older people.

For comparison, note that the bats perceive frequencies up to 210,000 Hz, and dolphins - up to 280,000 Hz. Consequently, their hearing is 10-13 times more perfect than ours.

The strength of sound is measured in decibels. Here are some sounds measured in these units:

    0 – absolute silence

    10 – rustling of leaves falling from a tree

    20 – whisper

    30 – sounds in a quiet residential area

    40 – alarm clock ticking

    50 – almost silent car

    60 – normal conversation

    70 – maximum TV volume

    80 – noise of typewriters in a large typing office

    90 – noise made by a large truck

    100 – heavy traffic

    110 – rock music performed by an orchestra

    120 – thunder

    130 – engine without muffler

    140 – working jet engine

If you are discussing this book with your colleague, the voice sounds at 60 decibels.

If your boss sometimes yells at you, ask him to lower his voice, since the permissible threshold for your hearing is 140 decibels and any excess of it has a detrimental effect on your hearing.

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transmitted by air vibrations that are produced by all moving or trembling objects, and the human ear is an organ designed to capture these vibrations (vibrations). The structure of the human ear provides a solution to this difficult problem.

The human ear has three sections: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Each of them has its own structure, and together they form a kind of long tube that goes deep into the human head.

The structure of the human outer ear

The outer ear begins with the auricle. This is the only part of the human ear that is outside the head. The auricle is shaped like a funnel, which captures sound waves and redirects them into the ear canal (it is located inside the head, but is also considered part of the outer ear).

The inner end of the ear canal is closed by a thin and elastic partition - the eardrum, which receives vibrations of sound waves passing through the ear canal, begins to tremble and transmits them further to the middle ear and, in addition, fences off the middle ear from the air. Let's look at how this happens.

Structure of the human middle ear

The middle ear is made up of three ear bones called the malleus, incus and stapes. They are all connected to each other by small joints.

The malleus is adjacent to the eardrum from the inside of the head, absorbs its vibrations, causes the incus to tremble, and that, in turn, the stirrup. The stapes now vibrates much stronger than the eardrum and transmits such amplified sound vibrations to the inner ear.

The structure of the human inner ear

The inner ear is used to perceive sounds. It is firmly attached to the bones of the skull, almost completely covered by a bone sheath with a hole to which the stirrup is adjacent.

The auditory part of the inner ear is a spiral-shaped bony tube (cochlea) about 3 centimeters long and less than a centimeter wide. From the inside, the cochlea of ​​the inner ear is filled with fluid, and its walls are covered with very sensitive hair cells.

Knowing the structure of the human inner ear, it is very easy to understand how it works. The stapes adjacent to the hole in the wall of the cochlea transmits its vibrations to the fluid inside it. The trembling of the liquid is perceived by hair cells, which, with the help of auditory nerves transmit signals about this to the brain. And the brain, its auditory zone, processes these signals, and we hear sounds.

In addition to the ability to hear, the structure of a person’s ear also ensures his ability to maintain balance. Special – semicircular canals - located in the inner ear.

Equipment: Presentation: “Our ears” (slide 1), image of the ear (slide 2), image of the inner ear (slide 3), mnemonic table with the sequence of performing finger exercises (slide 4), mnemonic table “Rules for preserving hearing” (slide 5), audio recordings with sounds of nature, a cap for a driver, illustrations with objects that make sounds (quietly and loudly). Handouts: cards with images of objects that make sounds, colored pencils.
Preliminary work: reviewing encyclopedias about human structure, didactic game: “What is harmful and what is good for health,” learning ear massage.
Progress of the lesson:
Emotional mood.
Guys, do you want to play the “Yes-No” game? Everyone stand in a circle. I will ask questions, and you answer me using movements. If you want to answer “yes”, stomp and clap; if “no”, move your index finger and foot on the heel simultaneously to the right and left. For example, are you funny? you are beautiful? are you lazy? Well done, we have the best kids in our group.
Listen to the riddle:
Olya listens in the forest,
How the cuckoo cries
And for this we need
Our Olya...(ears). (Slide 2).
That's right, these are ears. Look at your neighbor's ear. What do you see? (ear). Yes, we see the ear,
auricle . Repeat in chorus. And if we look closely, we see a hole. Thisear canal . Repeat. Do you think it is possible to reach the end of the passage with your fingers? Of course not. At the end of the ear canal there is a thin film calledeardrum. Sounds pass through the ear canal, hit the membrane and we hear the sound. (slide N3).
An audio recording starts: birds singing. What did you hear? (sounds). How did we hear? Yes, with the help of our ears we hear sounds: we recognize the voice of our mother, the voices of our friends.
Game: “Who called you?”
Now let's rest a little. Do you want to ride on a magic train? Stand one after another, place your hands on your neighbor's shoulders. What sound does a steam locomotive make? (chug-chug). And our magic locomotive emits: “choo-choo wow.” Let's go (without “snake”, through the tunnel (half-squat), over “bumps” (jumping)). Here we are.
Game: “Catch the silence.”
We count: “one, two, three” (we clap for the word “three”).
Let's rest. Let's sit down on the mat.
Finger gymnastics (slide No. 4) “Knock-knock-knock.”
Our ears hear a knock (fists hitting each other)
Here the palms are rustling,
Our fingers are cracking. (rubbing palms together)
Now hit your palms loudly (claps)
Now you warm them up. (claps on cheeks)
Now let's play the game "Loud and Quiet Sounds."
I will show various objects that can make a sound, if the sound is loud, you will raise your hands, if it is quiet, put your finger to your lips.

    Clock ticking

    The sound of an ax

    rustling leaves

    Machine noise

    Train buzz

    Rustle of pages

    Noise of applause

    The clatter of hooves

    The babbling of a brook

    rooster crow

Well done!And now we will play the game: “Attentive ears.”

I will give you cards with pictures of several subjects, publishing and non-publishing. Look at them and place a red circle next to those objects that make sounds.

And we have another game: “Finish my sentence.”
You must complete my sentence by adding only one word, “ears.”
You have...(ears).
The fish doesn't have... (ears).
It's cold in winter...(ears).
Brother can move... (ears).
You can’t get cold... (ears).
Girls wear earrings in...(ears).
To protect your ears from colds, you need to get a massage.
Ear massage.

We'll find our ears
And we’ll give them a massage (grab their ears with your fingers)
Now let's stroke the edges (stroking from the outside)
Along the grooves inside (stroking the grooves)
Behind the ears, behind the ears, (behind the ears)
Look what they are like
We'll put earrings in our ears,
Look at these (rubbing the earlobes)
Now let's stroke the ears,
Our ears are inside here. (stroking inside)
In order for our hearing to remain good and our ears not to hurt, we must follow the basic rules: (slide No. 5)

    Don't pick your ears

    Protect your ears from strong winds

    Avoid getting water in your ears

    Protect ears from loud noise

    Do not suck in mucus from your nose or blow your nose too much

If you take good care of your ears, you won't have to get them cleaned at the doctor's office!
Well done! Do you want to dance now? Dance.
At the end of the lesson, put your hand on your head and say: “What a great fellow I am!”

Game program “We and our teeth.”


    Introduce students to the structure of teeth; with measures to prevent dental diseases.

    Teach children basic dental care rules.

    To form a desire for active intellectual activity;

    To develop cognitive activity and creative abilities of students during propaganda " healthy image life."

    To develop in students the ability to communicate and be friends with each other; the ability to be sincere and honest, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards doctors.

Equipment: illustrations, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tooth structure, children's drawings, computer.

1. Org. moment.

The bell has rung for us!Everyone calmly entered the classroom.Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,Greeted politelyThey sat down quietly, with their backs straight.

Let's all take a slight breath and let's begin work!

The call invited you guys to our health game program.

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

To find out the topic of our lesson, let's guess the riddle

Olya is gnawing on kernels,

The shells are falling.

And for this we need

Our Olya... (teeth)

You'll chew through steel pipes,

If you brush often... (teeth)

Well done! Our lesson today is dedicated to our teeth, more than once we have had conversations and talked about how to take care of our teeth, but we received a letter to our school, in which there is a request to once again remind everyone how to take care and care after them.

Listen to this letter that one tooth sent us. He even sent his photo. In it he looks very very sad

But we find out why he is sad from the letter.

Hello guys.

-I am a little baby tooth, so I decided to write you a letter and tell you about my life! We live in a house called Rotik. I have many, many brothers, the same baby teeth. As many as 19! And two sisters - Upper Desna and Lower Desna.

In the meantime, we need to save space for permanent teeth, do not push and do not fall out ahead of time. We want them to be smooth and white, and also healthy. That’s why my brothers and I really love it when our favorite aunties come to visit us. Toothpaste and Toothbrush. But it happens that you guys forget about us and don’t want to help us maintain our whiteness and health. When you don’t clean us, don’t rinse your mouth after eating, eat a lot of sweets and chew nuts, then our life is very bad, that’s why we become so sad. I really want you guys to not forget about us and what needs to be done, and

Here's a letter. Guys, let's help Zubik with his request? Let's tell you how we know how to take care of our teeth?

When a person is born, he initially has no teeth. Then they gradually appear and by the age of 2-3 years, his first teeth have fully erupted. They are called DAIRY. But they only live for a few years. Then they begin to gradually fall out, and in their place others grow - PERMANENT. Now you are just at the age when your teeth change and fall out. Is it true?

Tell me how it happens? (Children's stories)

You see, losing teeth is not scary at all, on the contrary, if the teeth fall out not from illness, but because the time has come. But sometimes children forget that the main thing is to be able to take care of their teeth.

So, what do we know about how to take care of your teeth?

You should brush your teeth at least 2 times a day: in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner, at night. - After every meal you need to rinse your mouth. – It is very important to choose the right toothbrush and pasta.

The brush should have artificial bristles and it is better to use a medium-hard brush.

You need to change your toothbrush every three months.

Do you know that you need not only to take care of your teeth, but also to eat right, but we will now find out what foods you can or cannot eat

Now we will play with you the Game “Harmful - Useful”. Children are given cards with pictures of food products.


    Team I – selects healthy products.

    Team II – selects harmful products.

The teams are ready. Get started. (Children write cards with the names of food products).

I stage: (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, fruits, vegetables, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, etc.).

II class (chocolate, candies, cookies, cakes, butter cream, sugar, etc.).

The floor is given to representatives of teams 1 and 2, tell us how you did and what you accomplished..

Well done, both teams completed the task.

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.Do this twice a day.Prefer fruit to candyVery important products.So that the tooth does not bother you,Remember this rule:Let's go to the dentistVisit twice a year.And then smiles lightYou will save it for many years!

And here is another task that will help you find out your knowledge, now I will read advice to you and if the advice is correct then you should clap your hands, if not, then say No, No, No,

To you, boys and girls,

We have prepared some tips.

If our advice is good,

You clap your hands.

On no good advice

Say: no, no, no.

Constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Don't chew cabbage leaf,

It's not tasty at all,

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Children. No no no!

Lyuba told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Lyuba?

Children. No!

To give shine to teeth

You need to take shoe polish.

Squeeze out half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?

Children. No no no no!

Oh, awkward Lyudmila

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the right advice?

Well done Luda?

Children. No!

Always remember

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Have you brushed your teeth?

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets for bed.

Is this the right advice?

Children. No no no no!

Remember useful advice,

You cannot chew on an iron object.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

To strengthen teeth,

It's good to chew nails.

Is this the right advice?

Children. No no no no!

You guys aren't tired,

Have you read any poetry here yet?

Was your correct answer,

What is useful and what is not.

Well done, you did a good job.

Guys, tell me, maybe we don’t need teeth at all, why do we need them???

(Eat to pronounce words and for beautiful smile)

Look what beautiful people when they smile, let’s imagine if we don’t have teeth, will we be beautiful??? Now take a black felt-tip pen or pencil and color in any one or two teeth in the picture!

Well, have people changed? What have they become? That's why you need to prevent you from losing your teeth.

Did you guys know that there is Tooth Fairy, who always helps children, cope with toothache, and gives the necessary advice! And today she also flew to our lesson with this interesting task, to cope with it you need to be careful, here we have one interesting picture, there are pictures and letters here, we must unravel and read what advice our fairy encrypted.

You will go out one at a time to the board and write down the solved letters in a row. And when we solve everything, we can read what the Tooth Fairy wishes for us.

What did you get? (Save your teeth from an early age)

Very good advice, is not it? We will try! And as a souvenir for you, the Tooth Fairy has prepared these reminders so that you always remember how to brush your teeth correctly!

Guys, which doctor do we go to to treat our teeth? (Children's answers).

How many times a year should you go to the dentist? (Twice a year).

Now let us start treating teeth and working as dentists. Want to?

There is a drawing of a tooth on your table. An evil one has settled in him toothache. Let's drive her away so that the tooth can recover and become smiling.

What do I need to do?

Fill the tooth.

This is what we will do. (I hand out a drawing of a tooth to the children; it has caries on it).

Let's clean the hole. (Children use an eraser to erase marks made by a simple pencil).

Then we'll seal it. (Children color the hole with a colored pencil).

Well, now that you have healed your tooth, do you think it will smile now?

And the last task that remains for us to complete is the one that the sad little tooth asked us about in a letter. We will paint beautiful, cheerful smiles on your treated teeth. And then we’ll send him your drawings.


Well done!

Bottom line

I WISH YOU A HEALTHY AND BRILLIANT SMILE! And I hope that you will always take proper care of your teeth.

And for our guests, we will sing a funny song at the end of our lesson!

Thanks for the work!

Hello guys.

-I am a little baby tooth, so I decided to write you a letter and tell you about my life! We live in a house called Rotik. I have many, many brothers, the same baby teeth. As many as 19! And two sisters - Upper Desna and Lower Desna.

We all live together and don’t quarrel, because we can’t quarrel, because soon we, small milk teeth, will become very large, permanent teeth.

In the meantime, we need to take care of space for permanent teeth, not to push and not fall out prematurely. We want them to be smooth and white, and also healthy. That’s why my brothers and I really love it when our favorite aunts, Toothpaste and Toothbrush, come to visit us.

But it happens that you guys forget about us and don’t want to help us maintain our whiteness and health. When you don’t clean us, don’t rinse your mouth after eating, eat a lot of sweets and chew nuts, then our life is very bad, that’s why we become so sad. I really want you guys to not forget about us and what needs to be done, and

told you how you take care of your teeth and how you protect them. I also have one request for you. Please send me drawings of your beautiful, joyful teeth, I think that yours are not as sad as mine. Goodbye.

  1. Do not pick your teeth with metal objects. Pharmacies sell special toothpicks.

  2. Do not bite off threads or wires with your teeth.

  3. Do not take hot food immediately after cold food and vice versa. This can cause cracks in your teeth.

  4. It is necessary to remember: diseased teeth can cause diseases of internal organs.

  5. Eat less sweets and more fruits and vegetables.

  6. Under no circumstances should you smoke. Tobacco smoke turns teeth an unpleasant yellow color.

  7. Enjoying the sounds of nature, hearing the voices of loved ones, feeling even the lightest touches, distinguishing different tastes, smells, colors, admiring beautiful views - all this is available to us thanks to faithful assistants- sense organs: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

    Traditionally, there are five sense organs. But there are actually many more different sensations that a person experiences than there are sense organs.

    For example, touch refers to the perception of cold, heat, pain, pressure, touch and many other sensations.

    We can also feel muscle tension, joint movement, and conditions such as hunger, thirst, nausea, and pain.

    The receptors for these sensations are located in the internal organs.

    How does the brain help us feel?

    It is very important to understand that no part of the human body “walks on its own.”

    The cells of the body are combined into tissues, tissues into organs, and those, in turn, into organ systems.

    There is a clearly established, subordinate to a single leadership - the brain - a single functional system body.

    And changes in any one structure will certainly affect the entire body as a whole.

    The body’s receipt of any information and the formation of a response is possible only through “cooperation” between the senses and the brain.

    That is why there are numerous connections between them - pathways consisting of nerve fibers.

    In fact, all impulses perceived by our receptors are fundamentally the same, but for some reason the sensations arise different.

    It has been noted, for example, that the ringing of a bell causes exactly the same impulses as pressing on the skin with a pin.

    Why, when we receive identical nerve impulses, do we develop a whole range of different sensations?

    The sense organs consist of a receptor part that perceives irritation, a conductive part through which nerve impulses enter the brain nerve centers located in the cerebral cortex.

    Here the received information is processed and tactics for the body’s further behavior are developed.

    The sensation that is formed in a person after exposure to an impulse depends on the type of receptor: cold, heat, pain, etc., as well as on the area of ​​the cerebral cortex to which this excitation comes.

    It turns out that the senses only perceive and transmit information, but we actually feel with our brain.

    Let us consider in more detail the structure of one of the the most important organs senses, which provides the perception of sound.

    Ear - organ of hearing

    How many ears do you think a person has? Can you say two? But this is wrong. Man... has six ears.

    Don't believe me? Let's count: outer ear - one, middle ear - two, inner ear - three. And this is only on one side of the head. And on both sides there are six.

    And there's nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, such a number of ears makes us very sensitive.

    The ear contains organs of two different senses: hearing and balance. These organs lie deep in the temporal bone of the skull.

    To conduct sound waves from the external environment inside, a number of additional structures are required.

    As we have already said, the ear can be divided into outer, middle and inner parts.

    The outer ear consists of two parts: a skin-covered cartilaginous outgrowth, or auricle, and the external auditory canal, leading from the concha to the middle ear.

    The external auditory canal is covered with skin that has sebaceous glands and hairs.

    The hairs trap debris, and the sebaceous glands produce wax, without which the outer ear would have a very hard time.

    The middle ear is a small chamber containing three tiny bones connected in series: the malleus, incus, and stapes.

    They received these names due to their shape. These ossicles transmit sound waves through the middle ear cavity.

    The middle ear is filled with air and communicates with the nasopharynx through a special Eustachian tube.

    Thanks to this message, the same pressure is maintained in the middle ear as outside.

    That's why when sudden change atmospheric pressure (for example, during takeoff or landing of an airplane) causes stuffy ears.

    To get rid of this sensation, you need to make a sharp swallowing movement.

    The inner ear consists of a complex system of interconnected canals and cavities, which is often and very aptly called a labyrinth.

    Inside it there are three canals: the vestibule canal, the tympanic canal and the cochlear canal.

    Inside the cochlear canal is the organ of Corti - a true hearing receptor, consisting of hair cells that perceive the signal and immediately transmit it to the brain. Ready! The signal has reached its destination.

    How do we hear different sounds?

    From a mechanical point of view, this is what happens. The sounds that we hear come from various vibrating, that is, moving objects.

    This vibration causes the surrounding air molecules to move, which causes the molecules next to them to move.

    This creates a general movement of molecules in the air, which we call a sound wave.

    We won't hear anything until the sound wave passes through the ear opening and reaches the eardrum.

    The eardrum acts like the surface of a drum, causing the three small bones in the middle ear to vibrate to the rhythm of sound.

    As a result, the fluid in the inner ear begins to move, affecting small sensitive cells - hairs.

    These hair cells convert movement into nerve impulses, which are transmitted to the brain, and then one of the most important stages of sound formation begins: the brain analyzes the vibrations and determines them as sound quality.

    But vibrations are different and, accordingly, they also produce different sounds.

    Sounds differ in three main characteristics: volume, frequency and tonality.

    The volume depends on the distance between the vibrating object and the person's ear.

    The frequency depends on the vibration speed of the sounding object.

    Tonality depends on the number and strength of overtones (harmonics) present in the sound. This occurs when high and low sounds mix.

    But different sounds They also produce different movements in our ear, and different nerve impulses are transmitted to our brain.

    This is what provides a person with a unique opportunity to hear different sounds.

    The human ear is very sensitive. It is probably impossible to imagine a more effective hearing aid.

    In its development it has reached such perfection that a further increase in sensitivity would be useless.

    If the sensitivity of the ear were even higher, it would only detect the random movement of air, and we would hear only hissing and buzzing.

    The ear hardly gets tired. Despite continuous noise exposure, it maintains hearing acuity and fatigue disappears within a few minutes.

    When one ear is affected for some time loud noise, the other also shows fatigue - hearing acuity is lost.

    This indicates that fatigue is localized not only in the ear itself, but also partially in the brain.

    How to care for your ears?

    Our ears require careful handling and daily care.

    In the external auditory canal, a yellowish-brown mass is secreted - sulfur, accumulations of which can form cerumen plugs and cause hearing loss.

    Caring for healthy ears involves washing them regularly. warm water with soap, but do not allow water or soap to get into the middle ear.

    Under no circumstances should you clean the external auditory canal with sharp objects. This can damage the eardrum or the walls of the passage.

    Lack of proper care leads to the accumulation of earwax and blockage of the ear canal, inflammation of the mucous membrane, the formation of crusts, cracks or ulcers.

    Even with proper care, sometimes our ears begin to “mope.”

    Nothing can be done, because they cannot be completely protected from harmful external influences and infection.

    Mild deafness - may result from the formation of wax plugs in the external auditory canal.

    Ear pain - most often occurs due to inflammation of the middle ear.

    When the eustachian tube is blocked, pressure increases in the middle ear. Thus, it becomes sandwiched between the bones of the skull.

    How can this not cause severe pain? Much less often, ear pain is associated with dental disease.

    Ringing in the ears - If ringing in the ears only bothers you occasionally, there is no need to worry.

    However, persistent ringing in the ears may be a symptom of an inner ear disorder.

    So it's time to go to the doctor. Take care of your ears! And be healthy.

    Irina Antonova

    In this article we will figure out how to test hearing in children.

    With the arrival of a child in the family, you should devote more time to his health, including the condition of his hearing organs. A variety of infections can cause serious consequences. The most common complications are considered to be speech impairment, inability to socialize in the outside world, and hearing loss.

    The sooner ear problems are noticed by parents, the faster it will be possible to identify and eliminate the causes of inflammation and prevent possible complications. To detect problems, it is important to periodically test children's hearing from birth.

    What are the consequences of hearing loss?

    It is reliably known that even minor hearing impairments can lead to serious deviations in the development of a child. Impairments in the structure of the hearing organ may be temporary. In such situations, there is no reason for parents to worry.

    But advanced conditions require help, including surgical interventions. It is important to understand that the consequences of such disorders can become irreversible, including complete hearing loss.

    Hearing tests for newborns are carried out in maternity hospitals.

    In later life

    Situations when disorders appear in adulthood cannot be excluded. A two- to three-year-old child can already speak, but hearing loss can cause speech loss. In such situations, it is necessary to seek specialized help from teachers and doctors to maintain the ability to communicate.

    That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s development process, monitor his hearing and, if the slightest deviation is detected, seek the help of specialists. The hearing tests are quite simple.

    A child's hearing may be impaired due to hereditary pathological conditions and as a result of certain diseases, including colds, flu, otitis media, scarlet fever, measles, mumps. It is also possible that hearing acuity may decrease due to long-term use of antibiotic drugs.

    How to test hearing in children? Initially, the test can be done at home. But full examination It should still be arranged with a doctor in the first months after the birth of the child. As a rule, it is performed by an otolaryngologist in a clinic.

    person: diagram

    The ear is a paired organ responsible for the perception of sounds, control of balance and orientation in space. Localized in the temporal region of the skull, there is an outlet - the external auricles.

    The ear is designed as follows:

    • Outer ear- this part of the auditory system, this includes Auricle and external auditory canal.
    • The middle ear consists of four parts - the eardrum and the auditory ossicles (hammer, incus, stirrup).
    • Inner ear. Its main component is the labyrinth, which is a complex structure in form and function.

    With the interaction of all departments, sound waves are transmitted, converted into a neural impulse and entering the human brain.

    A diagram of the structure of the human ear is presented below.

    Causes of hearing impairment

    Everything in babies can be divided into three types:

    1. Sensorineural form.
    2. Conductive.
    3. Mixed (conductive-neurosensory).

    All of them can be either pathological or acquired. They can be localized in both ears at the same time, but, as a rule, they affect only one ear.

    Conductive disorders develop as a result of trauma to the ear or disease. In addition, conductive hearing loss can occur as a result of abnormalities in the development of the middle, outer ear.

    Conductive disorders also include otitis of any type, inflammatory processes in the throat, nose, the appearance of wax plugs, getting into the ear foreign objects. As a rule, disorders of this form are easily treatable.

    Sensory neural disorders usually include disorders in the structure of the middle and inner ear. A similar problem arises due to trauma to the middle ear, prematurity of the baby, and other prenatal diseases. In this regard, sensorineural disorders often arise due to a hereditary predisposition.

    You should pay attention to the health of the child if the mother experienced the following illnesses during pregnancy:

    1. Mumps.
    2. Meningitis.
    3. Inflammations of a viral nature, for example, rubella, colds, flu.

    Such violations can provoke long courses therapy with antibiotic drugs.

    Unfortunately, therapy for this type of hearing loss (ICD 10 - H90.3) takes a long time, and the rehabilitation period is delayed. At the same time, in maximum quantity In some cases, therapy is ineffective. in this state is practically impossible.

    Mixed disorders develop as a result of exposure to several factors simultaneously. Therapy for such disorders involves the use of special medications and wearing specialized sound amplifiers.

    We will consider hearing testing methods below.

    Prerequisites for hearing impairment

    You should pay attention to the health of the hearing organs if a child under the age of one year does not get scared or flinch from loud sounds. The following facts also serve as signs of violation:

    1. The child does not respond to other people's speech.
    2. The child does not turn to the parents' voice.
    3. The child does not respond to food during sleep loud sounds.
    4. Doesn't turn his head towards the sound coming from behind.
    5. Does not pay attention to toys that make sounds.
    6. By the age of one year he does not understand the meaning of some simple words.
    7. The child does not begin to make new sounds.

    Signs of hearing impairment in children 1-3 years old are somewhat different:

    1. A 1-2 year old child does not have coherent speech.
    2. There is a noticeable disturbance in the process of sound rotation formation.
    3. The child does not perceive speech and often asks again.
    4. The child does not understand the speech of a person in another room.
    5. The child pays more attention not to speech, but to facial expressions.

    Checking at home

    So, at home? Several simple methods can determine its condition. To do this, you will need toys that make loud sounds: accordions, pipes, rattles. It is necessary to stand at a distance of 6 meters from the child and make sounds with toys. The baby should freeze in the first seconds, and then turn his eyes or head in the direction where the sound comes from.

    You can consolidate the effect as follows: make sounds alternately in the child’s line of sight and behind his back.

    There is another hearing test, which is called the “pea test”. To carry it out you will need three empty opaque bottles. The first and second should be filled with cereals (buckwheat, peas), the third should be left empty.

    After this, the parent should sit a short distance in front of the baby and take one filled and empty container. Then you should start shaking the jars at a thirty-centimeter distance from the child. After a minute, the jars need to be swapped. At the same time, the second parent carefully observes the child’s reactions - he should turn his head in the direction where the sound comes from. The baby's reaction will make it easy to determine whether he hears the sound or not.

    This hearing test can only be used in children older than 4 months.

    Hearing test for a child over 3 years old

    Every parent should know how to test children's hearing. In three-year-old children, hearing can be tested using ordinary speech. You should stand at a six-meter distance from the child. The child should not look at the inspector, so it is better to stand him sideways, covering the other ear with his hand or turunda.

    You should start speaking words in a whisper. If the child does not understand what was said, the examiner begins to come closer. In order to test the ability to hear high-contrast sounds, it is necessary to move away from the child at a distance of 15 meters. The words must be spoken clearly and loudly, and the child must, at the same time, repeat them.

    The words spoken by the inspector must be understandable to the child.

    It is important to understand that the degree of hearing loss is higher, the shorter the distance at which the child cannot understand and repeat words. If such a deviation is detected, you should consult a doctor.

    How to test children's hearing using a hearing aid?

    Checking on the device

    If the slightest inflammation or pain is detected in the ear, you should take the child for examination to a pediatrician, who will determine the need to consult an otolaryngologist or audiologist.

    You can test your child’s hearing using a device in several ways. If acute or partial is noted, the following techniques should be used.

    1. For the youngest patients, the external auditory canal is examined and physiological methods are used.
    2. Inspection based on reflex manifestations. It involves analysis unconditioned reflexes that occur in response to sounds: reaction of facial expressions, eyes, flinching, muscle contraction.
    3. Examination for reflexes that occur in response to actions.
    4. Analysis of recording sound waves.
    5. Techniques based on bodily sensations.
    6. Oral examination.


    However, the most common way to analyze hearing acuity is through audiometry. It allows you to obtain graphic results of the study, clearly indicating the type of pathology and the degree of its development. Audiometry is performed using specialized equipment - an audiometer.

    The procedure consists of the fact that the child, hearing sounds of varying frequencies and intensities, signals his perception using a button.

    There are two types of audiometry - electronic and speech. The difference between them is significant. Electronic audiometry records the type of disorder and its degree; speech audiometry, in turn, can only indicate the presence of a disorder, without providing the opportunity to obtain information about the degree of advanced disease.


    Thus, when the first symptoms of hearing loss are detected in a small child, it is important to seek the help of a specialist as soon as possible, who will determine the cause of the disorder and recommend effective therapy. Treatment of hearing loss (ICD 10 - H90.3) should begin in a timely manner, since hearing and the ability to speak directly affect the degree of socialization of the child and his further development. Under no circumstances should hearing problems be left unattended. After all, serious complications with hearing in a child can be caused even by the flu suffered by a pregnant mother.