Deputy parasyuk biography. "Paravoz" Vladimir Parasyuk: fighter, provocateur, deputy, KVNschik. Participation in hostilities

Vladimir Zinovievich Parasyuk - Ukrainian politician, public figure, people's deputy of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation. Born on July 9, 1987 in the village of Maidan, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region. This is near the village of Papirnya, where the deputy's family lives now. Parasyuk's childhood passed in the city of Novoyavorivsk, Yavorovsky district, where the family moved.


Graduated from school number 1 Novoyavorivsk. After school, he entered the Faculty of Electronics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with a degree in Physical and Biomedical Electronics, but, without completing his studies, he took an academic leave. Later he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of LNU. I. Franko in absentia and received a bachelor's degree in the specialty "Economics of the enterprise".


Vladimir Parasyuk is not married. Parents live in the village of Papirnya, Zholkovsky district, Lviv region, where the deputy himself is registered. Mother - Parasyuk Oksana Grigorievna, businesswoman. Father - Zinovy ​​\u200b\u200bAlekseevich Parasyuk, a fighter of the Dnepr-1 battalion.

Volodymyr Parasyuk's older sister Irina from her youth was engaged in social and political work in nationalist organizations, worked as an editor of the local newspaper of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and secretary for general issues, and ran the website. Now Irina Golub teaches at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Lviv National University. Irina, together with her husband, entrepreneur Alexander Golub, work on a voluntary basis as assistants to deputy Vladimir Parasyuk, and during the elections to the Verkhovna Rada they were his proxies.

Career and social activities

While studying at the university, he was a member of the Student Brotherhood of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, played in the Lviv KVN team "Etalon".

He was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, where there was a combat lecture. Attended courses in hand-to-hand combat, shooting from pneumatic and firearms.

He worked as a videographer, owned a small studio that was engaged in video filming of holidays, weddings, celebrations.

Participation in Euromaidan

He was on the Euromaidan from the first days, as a centurion - commander of a combat hundred. Together with Vladimir, his father, Zinovy ​​Parasyuk, was in his hundred.

Volodymyr Parasyuk gained all-Ukrainian fame on February 21, 2014 after his famous speech on the Maidan. Then there was a meeting with the participants of the Euromaidan of the leaders of the political opposition, who announced the ultimatum of Viktor Yanukovych to the Maidan.

As a centurion of the Maidan Self-Defense Detachment, Parasiuk took the stage and called for an armed assault on the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed by 10 am the next day. Parasyuk's unplanned speech was warmly supported by the participants of the protest rally. Later Parasyuk repeatedly sharply criticized the parliamentary politicians of the former opposition who came to power after Yanukovych's flight from the country, claiming that they also compromised themselves.

Participation in the ATO

After the events of the Maidan and the beginning of the war in eastern Ukraine, Parasyuk joined the Dnepr-1 battalion Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnepropetrovsk region, where he became the commander of the 4th company. Together with Vladimir, his father Zinovy ​​Parasyuk also became a fighter of the volunteer battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Dnepr-1".

Participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation on the territory of Donbass, where he barely managed to avoid the "Ilovai Cauldron". During the battle for Ilovaisk on August 29, 2014, Parasyuk received a shrapnel wound and, along with other Ukrainian soldiers, was captured by the Russian military, who fought on the side of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic. As Parasyuk himself later stated, he managed to hide his identity, and on September 1 he was returned to the Ukrainian military.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the company commander of the special battalion "Dnepr-1" Vladimir Parasyuk was awarded with personalized edged weapons for courage and bravery, which he showed in battle with the enemy.

Political and social activities

On September 19, 2014, Vladimir Parasyuk announced his intention to participate in the early parliamentary elections as a self-nominated candidate in the majoritarian district. The Central Election Commission of Ukraine registered him in district No. 122, which includes Zhovkovsky and Yavorivsky districts of the Lviv region. During the elections 56.6% of voters in the constituency voted for Parasyuk, and he became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation.

Volodymyr Parasyuk is a non-partisan and non-factional people's deputy, a member of the Committee on Prevention and Combating Corruption. He is also a member of the groups for inter-parliamentary relations with the Republic of Estonia, with the Republic of Indonesia, with the State of Israel, with the Republic of Armenia, with the United Arab Emirates.

At the beginning of 2015, Vladimir Parasyuk, already being a people's deputy, together with his sister Irina and friend Oleksandr Gostischev, with whom he served in Dnipro-1, founded the public organization "Center for Assistance and Support to the Military", which raised funds to help the participants of the ATO.

He is a co-founder of another public organization - the Legislative Bureau of Vladimir Parasyuk, the purpose of which is the creation and promotion of bills.

At the end of 2016, along with Semyon Semenchenko and Yegor Sobolev, he initiated the blockade of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The blockade lasted until March 15, 2017, after which it was approved at the national level by the decision of the National Security and Defense Council. According to some rumors, Parasyuk and company started a blockade in order to get their share of the profits from the trade in Donbass anthracite. During the blockade part of Ukrainian enterprises that were located on the territory of CADLO and paid taxes to the budget of Ukraine, was “nationalized” by militants of the “LDNR” - two weeks before its completion.

In April 2018, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko said that five deputies of the Verkhovna Rada could lose their immunity, including deputies from the Self-Help faction Yegor Sobolev and Semyon Semenchenko, as well as non-factional deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk, since these three deputies accused of organizing a coup d'état, namely, rallies, which then grew into a tent city near the Verkhovna Rada.


According to the electronic declaration, in 2016 Volodymyr Parasyuk received an income in the form of wages of UAH 161.5 thousand. In addition, 168.4 thousand hryvnia was compensation for housing rent, another 169.9 thousand hryvnia he received from the Verkhovna Rada for the performance of deputy powers. As compensation for the cost of travel, the deputy received 26.1 thousand hryvnias.

According to the declaration, the deputy owns neither real estate nor transport, he is registered in the village of Maidan, Lviv region. The declaration also states annual income of the mother of the deputy Parasyuk Oksana Grigorievna: 996.5 thousand hryvnias- business income. Parasyuk has 8,853 hryvnias on Privatbank accounts.

Four land plots and two houses in the villages of Papirnya and Maidan, Lviv region, owned by the mother and grandmother of the deputy, Maria Kalytovskaya, are listed as real estate. Among the vehicles are a Mercedes Vito car (1999) owned by Parasyuk's father Zinoviy Alekseevich, as well as a Škoda SuperB car (2011), which is used by the people's deputy, but the owner of the car is a third party - the sister's husband Alexander Golub.

In the declaration for 2015, Vladimir Parasyuk indicated the smart watch that "brought St. Nicholas."

Scandals and fights

Volodymyr Parasyuk can be considered one of the most outrageous and scandalous people's deputies of the current convocation. By sending him an invitation to air, channels add viewer ratings to themselves along with a headache. Yes, Parasyuk became one of the initiators of the first brawl in the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation already December 4, 2014. People's Deputy did not like the course of voting for the heads of parliamentary committees. Even then, Parasyuk made it clear to his opponents that he knows how to fight and loves it in general.

On September 26, 2015, in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region, he tried to talk “like a man” with the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region, Anatoly Naumenko. A fight after an off-site meeting of the parliamentary anti-corruption committee was avoided only thanks to the intervention of the accompanying persons.

On June 15, 2016, he intervened and interrupted the speech from the podium of the deputy from the "Opposition Bloc" Dmitry Kolesnikov. This led to a brawl with party members who spoke with a clear numerical superiority of the enemy. Parasyuk held out bravely, even missing a few blows and retreating, trying to regroup and rush into battle again. As a result, like-minded people managed to calm him down.

On September 22, 2016, he resumed the offensive against the Opposition Bloc. After the television broadcast in the building of the 112 Ukraine TV channel, Parasyuk clashed with Oleksandr Vilkul. Vladimir Parasyuk found himself in the role of the underdog, again missing a few tangible blows. To be fair, it should be noted that a guard spoke on Vilkul's side. Parasyuk took revenge on the "oppositionist's" car, kicking it with his foot and scrawling "VLK PNKh" on the hood.

"Legs of Parasyuk"

November 19, 2015 kicked in the face of police lieutenant general Vasily Pisny after the latter's statements that he did more for the Maidan than Parasyuk himself. The incident occurred during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Prevention and Combating Corruption. People's Deputy managed to capture a few moments before applying a masterfully accurate blow. Pisnoy fled under the protection of the head of the committee, Yegor Sobolev, who pointed the victim to the door.

On October 17, 2017, Valery Geletey, the former Minister of Defense, head of the State Security Department, suffered from the feet of Parasyuk. The incident occurred during a walk of the People's Deputy with a colleague in parliament, Sergei Leshchenko, not far from the BP building. First after a verbal altercation Vladimir Parasyuk pushed the opponent and kicked him. Geletei said something after the deputies. Parasyuk returned to the second lap and again moved the driver with his foot.

Parasyuk Vladimir Zinovievich was born on the territory of the Lviv region, Zhovkovsky district, in the village of Maidan, on July 9, 1987.


He studied, but did not finish his studies at the Faculty of Electronics of the Lviv National University. I. Franko. During his studies, he was in the ranks of the Student Brotherhood of the University, was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He played for the Lviv team of KVN "Etalon".


  • He worked as a videographer, filmed various holidays and programs, has his own video studio in Lviv.
  • During the Euromaidan, he took part in the events as a commander of a combat hundred.
  • On February 21, 2014, he went up to the podium without agreement with the organizers, expressed dissatisfaction with the position of the leaders of the opposition forces on behalf of his detachment, promising to storm the Presidential Administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed by 10 am on February 22, by 10 am.
  • In March 2014, he volunteered for the ATO, was a fighter of the Dnepr-1 battalion of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • On August 31, 2014, together with several groups of fighters, he left the encirclement near Ilovaisk, while "receiving an open craniocerebral injury and a bullet wound."
  • With the beginning of the parliamentary election campaign in 2014, Parasyuk decided to run for the people's deputies of Ukraine as an independent candidate.
  • In October 2014, he was elected a people's deputy of Ukraine in the 122nd majoritarian district in the Lviv region. 55.79% of voters voted for Parasyuk. Entered the Anti-Corruption Committee. Of the approximately 50 bills, among the initiators of which was Parasyuk, only 5 became laws (in particular: a law that increases transparency in the field of property relations, changes to the tax code regarding the activities of schools and preschool institutions, as well as taxation of non-profit organizations related to the work of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the National Agency for Combating Corruption and Changes in Legislation Regarding Volunteering).

About person:

According to the declaration of income, Vladimir Parasyuk is forced to live in conditions of total savings, receiving 6298 hryvnias 88 kopecks per month.

In Parasyuk's declaration for 2015, there are no cars or apartments in Kyiv.


Not married.

Compromise and rumors:

On March 31, 2016, it became known that in Parasyuk's declaration for 2015 there were no cars or apartments in Kyiv. But this did not prevent him from changing three cars in two years and living on the elite Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard in the center of the capital. At the same time, Parasyuk filed his declaration only a day before the introduction of criminal liability for false declaration of income.

Vladimir Parasyuk, despite his modest salary, likes to change cars like gloves. Since his election to the Verkhovna Rada, the deputy has already changed three expensive cars, each costing about one million hryvnias.

According to the price list of the official dealer of the company in Ukraine, the deputy, who suffered from the explosion of a Subaru Outback grenade in an average configuration, costs 1.1 million hryvnias. Approximately the same amount for the year were able to earn together in 2015 Parasyuk's relatives - father and mother, indicated in the declaration. It is noteworthy that in February 2016, journalists caught a deputy who arrived in the Verkhovna Rada in an expensive white Ford Mondeo. The price for such a car starts from 809 thousand hryvnia, and for the maximum configuration you need to pay more than 950 thousand hryvnia. And last summer, Vladimir Parasyuk drove a Skoda Superb. In the showroom, this car costs from 736 thousand hryvnia to 1.3 million. Parasyuk has already paid fines twice for traffic violations. But by a strange coincidence, none of these cars was included in the deputy's declaration.

A grenade explosion, as a result of which Parasyuk received "very stress", occurred in the courtyard of the house at 9 V Lesi Ukrainka Boulevard. The house itself is located in an elite area in Pechersk in the center of the capital. In his declaration, Vladimir Parasyuk did not indicate any information about the ownership of any real estate in principle. Data on the ownership of an apartment in a high-rise building and family members are not indicated. The father and mother of the people's deputy have only a residential building of 100 square meters and a land plot of 0.6 hectares. For reference, the price of a 2-room apartment in this area in a house of similar construction is about 85 thousand dollars, and a 3-room apartment is about 130 thousand dollars. They offer to rent a three-room apartment in the same house where the people's deputy lives for 15,000 hryvnias per month.

On March 30, 2016, unidentified persons threw a grenade into the car of Volodymyr Parasyuk, a non-factional MP, in the parking lot on Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard in Kyiv. But already on March 31, 2016, Shevchenko, a former fighter of the Donbass battalion, said that the explosion of Parasyuk’s car did not amount to either an act of intimidation or an attempt. “The RGD-5 grenade is low-powered, it is difficult to kill with it, at the same time there is a big risk that the criminal himself will get hurt.” According to him, it is difficult to understand the logic of the criminal, because the number and batch of its manufacturer are indicated on the fuse of the grenade.

On March 22, 2016, it became known that Vladimir Parasyuk tripled his income in a year.

In 2015, Parasyuk for the first time concealed in his income statement in 2014 that his family had a car.

Before the events on the Maidan, Volodymyr Parasyuk, a Lviv resident, made a living by filming weddings and birthdays. After he became a people's deputy, his existence changed dramatically. A fashionable Swiss Certina watch for UAH 15,000 appeared on his left hand, which his sister allegedly gave him, and recently Parasyuk changed it to a new-fangled electronic Samsung watch for UAH 8,000. He is brought to work in parliament by a personal chauffeur in a Skoda executive sedan, and more recently he has been walking around BP accompanied by a security guard. Interestingly, in 2013, when Ukrainians took to the Maidan for the second time, Vladimir Parasyuk had no apartment, no car, no salary. And already in 2014, together with his family, he increased his income quite well. According to the declaration, Parasiuk's relatives earned almost a million hryvnias (they are engaged in trade in Lviv). And only 29,000 UAH of them "brought" the centurion himself to the family budget. This is his parliamentary salary. Neither living space nor means of transportation appeared in the most recent documents.

In December 2015, 177 people's deputies of Ukraine received compensation for renting housing. Scandalous compensation for people's deputies for renting apartments, according to journalist and blogger Denis Kazansky, is 10,000 hryvnia per month. Volodymyr Parasyuk was also on the list of those who received such compensation for December last year, where along with him are the Transcarpathian oligarch Mikhail Lanio, the Dobkin brothers, Oleksandr Vilkul, as well as 172 other deputies who, apparently, cannot afford to rent an apartment in Kyiv.

On November 19, 2015, Parasyuk kicked Vasily Pisny, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Security Service of Ukraine, in the head. This happened during a live television broadcast at a committee meeting during the consideration of the issue of Parasyuk's appeal to appoint Pisny to the appropriate position. People's Deputy got angry at the words that Pisnoy did more for Euromaidan than Parasyuk. Prior to this incident, the GPU had already investigated three criminal proceedings, in which people's deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk appears. This was announced by Assistant Prosecutor General Vladislav Kutsenko on the air of Channel 112. "We have launched three criminal proceedings, where the name of the people's deputy Parasyuk appears. This is the kidnapping of a person that took place in the Lviv region, an employee of the SBU. In violation of all norms of the law, with the intervention of the people's deputy Parasyuk, a law enforcement officer was kidnapped," he said. The second case concerns a fight in the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv during the consideration of the Korban case, when Parasyuk struck the prosecutor several times. The third case concerns Parasiuk's interference in the work of the Pechersk District Court. "On November 9, we summoned Mr. Parasyuk in the Lvov case. He did not appear. We summoned his assistant consultant in the Lvov case. He also did not appear. I think that on the 20th of November we will also summon Mr. Parasyuk in all three affairs," Kutsenko said. "Whether you are a people's deputy, you are not a people's deputy - no one can beat people, kidnap people," the prosecutor stressed.

It turned out that Vladimir Parasyuk earned more than a million hryvnias in 2014, although he regularly traveled to the ATO to serve in the Dnepr-1 battalion.

On September 8, 2014, it turned out that Parasyuk feigned injuries allegedly received by him in the Donbass. “Pay attention to the fact that the “open craniocerebral injury” moves around the head from left to right quite freely. The “hand injury” also looks exotic. In a fantastically incredible way, the Ukrainian "Harry Potter" was in the battle near Izvailovsky in two days, came under fire there and was captured when leaving along the provided corridor, was wounded, immediately taken to the territory of the Russian Federation (for torture ... first by GRU officers and then handed over for humiliation by insidious Chechens), then he was taken to Donetsk for interrogation, then he moved to Dnepropetrovsk, managed to cure an “open craniocerebral injury” in the hospital, managed to give two full-fledged TV interviews (in a hospital bed and the second in the studio) ... and in just two days (!). Even with a time machine, doing something like this in two or three days is almost impossible. So our hero has some very special and unknown secret to us! And the key to the puzzle, apparently, lies in the coveted casket (or in the safe), which hangs high on a tree in the glorious city of Dnepropetrovsk.


Biography of Vladimir Parasyuk

After school, I decided to get higher education at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, but did not graduate from its Faculty of Electronics.

Parasyuk was a member of the Student Brotherhood of the Lviv National University, was a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. He played for the Lviv team "Etalon". He earned a living as a private entrepreneur, providing the services of a videographer, had a small studio, filmed various holidays, programs, weddings.

Well-known activist He took part in the events on the Maidan as a commander of a combat hundred. Literally from the first days he was its participants, among the members of its hundreds, his father was also with him.

Political career of Vladimir Parasyuk

He played an important role in the removal from power of the President of Ukraine Yanukovych. On February 21, 2014, having risen to the podium without warning the organizers, Vladimir Parasyuk, on behalf of his detachment, expressed distrust of the overly cautious, in his opinion, policy of the opposition leaders and publicly vowed to launch an armed assault on the Presidential Administration, if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed until 10:00 the next day.

In the future, Parasyuk repeatedly spoke out with sharp criticism of parliamentary politicians who gained power after the flight of Yanukovych. According to Parasiuk, the former political forces that were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime have also compromised themselves. After the annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russian Federation and the emergence of separatist movements in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, he volunteered for the ATO, was a fighter of the Dnepr-1 battalion.

After the outbreak of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, he joined the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, where he became commander of the 4th company. On August 31, Vladimir Parasyuk, together with several groups of fighters, managed to get out of the encirclement near Ilovaisk, while receiving an open head injury and a bullet wound.

On September 1, 2014, he was returned from captivity by armed supporters of the self-proclaimed DPR. According to Boris Filatov, Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, before that he was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogations by the GRU. With the beginning of the parliamentary election campaign in 2014, Parasyuk decided to run for the people's deputies of Ukraine as an independent candidate.

He entered the Rada in single-mandate constituency No. 122 (Lviv region) as a self-nominated candidate, gaining 55.79% of voters.

On January 25, 2017, Volodymyr Parasyuk and Semyon Semenchenko blocked a section of the Luhansk-Popasnaya railway as part of a trade blockade of the Donbas regions not controlled by Ukraine. Later, all railway lines in the direction of the uncontrolled territories were blocked.

On February 16, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, opening a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, said that the participants in the blockade of the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas were blocking Ukraine's struggle for territorial integrity.


Born on July 9, 1987 in Novoyavorivsk, Lviv region. Earlier media reported that he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lviv University. Worked as a videographer. He has a small studio that is engaged in video filming, filming various programs, holidays.

According to other sources, Parasyuk has a general secondary education. Place of service: battalion of the special purpose police patrol service "Dnepr-1" of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Non-partisan, lives in the village of Papirnya, Zhovkovsky district, Lviv region, no criminal record.

In October 2014, he was elected a people's deputy of Ukraine in the 122nd majoritarian district in the Lviv region. 55.79% of voters voted for Parasyuk.

Family status

Not married.

Private bussiness

He took part in the events on the Maidan as a commander of a combat hundred. He was the commander of the 4th company of the Dnepr battalion.

In an interview with Ukrainska Pravda, he said: I was a member of a student fraternity in Lvov, I received military training in good camps of various organizations that taught the spirit of Ukrainianism. We were taught both hand-to-hand combat and shooting from pneumatic weapons, with official permission they were also taught to shoot from firearms in shooting ranges. I was also a member of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, there was a combat lecture. In the camps, I learned the historical truth about the events in Ukraine, about the 1920s, about the Holodomor in Ukraine. In an interview, he also answered the question about belonging to political parties and groups: - Are you a member of the "Right Sector"? - Not. Now I am not a member of any political party or organization."

He became widely known after his allegedly unscheduled speech at a meeting of opposition politicians with Maidan participants on February 21, 2014. Rising to the podium, allegedly without warning from the organizers, Vladimir Parasyuk, on behalf of his detachment, expressed distrust of the overly cautious, in his opinion, policy of the opposition leaders and publicly vowed to launch an armed assault on the presidential administration if Viktor Yanukovych was not dismissed by 10:00: 00 next day.

Parasyuk's speech found the enthusiastic support of the rally participants. There is an opinion that it was Parasyuk's emotional speech that accelerated Yanukovych's decision to secretly leave Kyiv.

In the future, Parasyuk repeatedly spoke out with sharp criticism of parliamentary politicians who gained power after the flight of Yanukovych. According to Parasiuk, the former political forces that were in opposition to the Yanukovych regime also compromised themselves:

After the outbreak of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, he joined the Dnepr territorial defense battalion, where he became commander of the 4th company.

Mysterious captivity

On August 31, 2014, Vladimir Parasyuk, leaving the encirclement near Ilovaisk, received a shrapnel wound and was taken prisoner.

On September 1, 2015, he was returned from captivity by armed supporters of the self-proclaimed DPR. According to Boris Filatov, Deputy Chairman of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, before that he was taken to the territory of the Russian Federation for interrogations by the GRU.

"Vova Parasyuk, the hero of the Maidan and the symbol of the Resistance, was wounded in the head by a shrapnel and shell-shocked.

He was taken prisoner by Russian military personnel.

handed over to the Chechens. They tried to humiliate. They tore down an Orthodox cross. Vova didn't let me do it. He said that his mother gave.

Then the Chechens returned it to the Russian paratroopers. They took him to RUSSIA!

There he was interrogated by the perpetrators. AND DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHO HE IS!

Vova outwitted them!

Then Vova was returned back to Ukraine and handed over to the DNE. They also did not understand who they got, and gave it to ours.

Vova is sleeping now. He is fine.

And I can already see the day when the Kadyrovites will start tearing down the crosses from the Russians of Russia again...

Although the cross on them seems to be gone for a long time ... "- wrote Filatov.


On November 19, 2015, Parasyuk kicked Vasily Pisny, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Security Service of Ukraine, in the head.

This happened during a live television broadcast at a committee meeting during the consideration of the issue of Parasyuk's appeal to appoint Pisny to the appropriate position. People's Deputy got angry at the words that Pisnoy did more for Euromaidan than Parasyuk.

Prior to this incident, the GPU had already investigated three criminal proceedings, in which people's deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk appears. This was announced by Assistant Prosecutor General Vladislav Kutsenko on the air of Channel 112.

"We have launched three criminal proceedings, where the name of the people's deputy Parasyuk appears. This is the kidnapping of a person that took place in the Lviv region, an employee of the SBU. In violation of all norms of the law, with the intervention of the people's deputy Parasyuk, a law enforcement officer was kidnapped," he said.

The second case concerns a fight in the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv during the consideration of the Korban case, when Parasyuk struck the prosecutor several times. The third case concerns Parasiuk's interference in the work of the Pechersk District Court.

"On November 9, we summoned Mr. Parasyuk in the Lvov case. He did not appear. We summoned his assistant consultant in the Lvov case. He also did not appear. I think that on the 20th of November we will also summon Mr. Parasyuk in all three affairs," Kutsenko said.

"Whether you are a people's deputy, you are not a people's deputy - no one can beat people, kidnap people," the prosecutor stressed.

Fight in the Verkhovna Rada

On June 15, 2016, at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Parasyuk was indignant at the speech of the parliamentarian from the Opposition Bloc Dmitry Kolesnikov, in which he accused Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy of corruption. Kolesnikov noted that after the "garbage scandal" that took place at a landfill near Lvov, "in Europe, the mayor should have forgotten about his career and resigned."

After these words, Parasyuk rushed to the podium, believing that Kolesnikov had slandered the mayor of Lvov. On his side was the speaker of the Rada, Andriy Parubiy, who accused Kolesnikov of provoking a conflict in the session hall.

"If you are engaged in anti-Ukrainian propaganda, run for the Russian parliament and say it all there," Parubiy said.

As a result, a brawl of deputies from different factions began at the tribune of the Rada, in which the instigator Parasyuk was smashed in the nose.

Declaration of income

year 2014

Volodymyr Parasyuk earned UAH 29,142.68 in 2014. And his parents earned 942,895 hryvnia 2 kopecks. 20 thousand 110 hryvnia 38 kopecks was their salary; 10 thousand 479 hryvnias 64 kopecks - unemployment benefit; UAH 912 thousand 305 - income from entrepreneurial and independent professional activities.

The deputy's family owns a land plot of 0.60 hectares. They also own a house of 100 square meters.

Parasyuk does not have a car, but his family drives a 2008 Mercedes "Vito".


According to the 2015 income statement, People's Deputy of Ukraine Volodymyr Parasyuk earned only 75,000 hryvnias. However, despite such a modest salary, in two years he changed as many as three cars and rents an apartment in an elite district of Kyiv.

According to the income statement, in 2014 people's deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk earned no more than 30,000 hryvnias, that is, he received about 2,500 hryvnias per month. It is also unknown where the deputy lived and how he traveled, because the document indicates only one Mercedes Vito, registered with relatives. But already in 2015, things in Parasyuk went better. Exactly one day before the introduction of criminal liability for false declaration of income, the people's deputy published 75,000 hryvnias of annual earnings.

However, despite such a modest salary, the "deputy of the people" likes to change cars often. For two years, Parasyuk changed as many as three cars, costing over a million hryvnias for each. The people's deputy has repeatedly admitted that in addition to the salary he receives for working at BP, he also lives on the profits from his parent's business. But for some reason, Vladimir did not admit to the declaration about the existence of all this transport.

And the servant of the people hides not only a car - there is not a word about housing in the declaration. The rented apartment on Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard is not even mentioned.

The average monthly cost of renting an apartment in this metropolitan area is 15,000 hryvnia, and a deputy's salary is 500 hryvnia less. The deputy himself explains this paradox simply: the state pays for the apartment, that is, the Ukrainians pay from their taxes.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the company commander of the Dnepr 1 special battalion, Vladimir Parasyuk, was awarded a nominal edged weapon for courage and bravery shown in battle with the enemy.

Last week, People's Deputy Volodymyr Parasyuk again reminded himself of himself with a public fight, this time with his parliamentary colleague Oleksandr Vilkul. "Strana" decided to study the connections and past of the famous deputy, which is much less known to the public than his turbulent present.

From Maidan to Maidan

Vladimir Parasyuk became famous on February 21, 2014 after speeches on Maidan calling for an armed assault if President Yanukovych does not resign. Then Parasyuk was a centurion of one of the self-defense units of the Maidan.

Oleksandr and Irina Golub were Volodymyr Parasyuk's confidants in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada:

After the election of V. Parasyuk as a people's deputy, Alexander and Irina became his assistants on a voluntary basis.

And recently, by order of the head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Lviv region of September 5, 2016, No. 2071, the sister of the people's deputy was appointed to the attestation commission No. 8 as a representative of the Volodymyr Parasyuk Legislative Bureau public organization.

Volunteer income - to a personal bank account

At the beginning of 2015, Vladimir Parasyuk, together with Irina and a friend from Dnepropetrovsk, Alexander Gostischev (Parasyuk served in Dnepr-1 with him), founded the public organization Center for Assistance and Support to the Military. In the name of this organization, they began to raise funds to help the ATO participants.