What is better for weight loss: Enterosgel or Polysorb? What is better to choose Enterodes or Enterosgel - comparison and features What is more effective than Enterosgel or Polysorb

Allergies or poisoning are unpleasant phenomena that can cause serious damage to human health. To avoid this, it is not enough to protect yourself from allergens or eat only healthy foods. In such situations, medications play an important role in suppressing the problem.

Russian medicines are presented in a wide range. Therefore, when going shopping, it is difficult for patients to decide on the right choice. Enterosgel is considered one of the most famous remedies. It has a wide range of uses, and most importantly, it comes in a convenient form. But many people are interested in what to replace Enterosgel with.

Enterosgel: features of the drug

The composition includes enterosorbent polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, purified water, and sweeteners for sweet forms.

The drug is available in the form of hydrogel and paste. In both cases, oral administration is implied.

In my own way appearance the gel resembles a jelly-like mass. And the paste is a suspension of uniform consistency white, odorless.

Main pharmacological actions– these are adsorbing and detoxifying effects. The drug perfectly helps remove from the body harmful substances. In addition, it helps improve the functioning of the intestines, kidneys, and liver.

The use of the drug helps to normalize blood and urine parameters, renew the mucous membrane and increase local immunity.

Indications for use

Due to its wide spectrum of action, the drug is actively prescribed for the treatment of many diseases. The main areas of application are gastroenterology, pediatrics, gynecology, allergology, toxicology.

The drug is often prescribed by specialists when the following problems occur:

As a preventative measure, it is prescribed to people living in environmentally unfavorable regions or working in hazardous industries.


Experts consider the drug one of the safest. But even despite this, it has a number of limitations:

In addition, the sweet mixture should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under one year of age.

In this case, it is worth finding high-quality analogues for children that allow use from the first days of life.

Side effects

The occurrence of adverse reactions is rare. However, they cannot be excluded. This includes constipation and aversion to the product.


The product should be taken one hour after or before meals.

For better absorption, the gel is washed down with a large volume of liquid.

The exact dosage and duration of use can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination of the patient.


During long-term use, no cases of overdose were identified. As for interactions with other drugs, the gel can reduce their effectiveness. This fact must be taken into account when starting therapy.

Enterosgel and its cheap analogues

The price of the drug is approximately 350 rubles. Therefore, it is rational to think about purchasing other drugs. Cheap Enterosgel analogues are available in a wide range:

Before purchasing them, you should consult with a specialist. After all, each of them has their own characteristic features. To find out which is more effective, you need to compare medications with each other.

Lactofiltrum or Enterosgel – what to choose

Lactofiltrum is a popular enterosorbent that can cleanse the body of dangerous toxins.

Many people use it not only as a means to combat allergies and poisoning, but also as a preventative drug.

In addition, the medication is often used for weight loss.

The medication contains hydrolyzed lignin and lactulose. It is used exclusively internally. It passes through the gastrointestinal tract in transit, absorbing all harmful substances encountered along the way. After which the body removes everything naturally.

Due to the minimal number of contraindications and side effects, the medicine is actively used by pregnant, lactating women and even young children.

Indications for use

The medicine is often prescribed for the following ailments:

The medicine can be purchased without a prescription, but before using it you must consult a specialist.


The drug should not be used in the following situations:

  • intestinal atony;
  • severe constipation;
  • individual intolerance.

Each characteristic case requires an individual approach.

Lactofiltrum has a convenient release form - tablets and powder. Therefore, each patient will be able to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Reviews around the drug are mixed. It all depends on individual characteristics, and most importantly, the duration of use. For example, for seasonal allergies that require constant use of medication, it is better to give preference to Enterosgel. The thing is that the medicine is better absorbed and causes minimal harm to the intestinal microflora.

Polysorb or Enterosgel: which is better?

Polysorb is a well-known enterosorbent, which is in powder form, consisting of small particles of silica.

Unlike its counterpart, Polysorb is more difficult to use. The thing is that before taking it, it must be thoroughly diluted with water.

Thus, it is not entirely convenient to perform such actions while not at home.

Choosing quality product, most people rely on efficiency. IN in this case The medicine works well, but still has its drawbacks. It has increased activity towards proteins. Therefore, in some situations, for example, when losing weight, or some types of intoxication, its use will only bring negative consequences.

The medication also has a negative effect when the body is dehydrated. Its use can seriously undermine health during poisoning with vomiting. It is important to note that Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent, which means there is a high probability of developing dysbacteriosis.


Tablets and powder should not be used in the following situations:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • suspicion of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

We must not forget about individual intolerance.


According to their principle of action, both drugs are considered similar. However, Polysorb has large number certain nuances. Therefore, experts often prescribe Enterosgel.

Smecta or Enterosgel: which is better

Smecta is a frequently prescribed remedy, the main component of which is a naturally occurring aluminosilicate (Diosmectite).

The medicine is available in powder form, which must be diluted in water before use.

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant sediment, the powder must be thoroughly stirred during the preparation process.

The principle of action is that diosmectin crystals enter the stomach, which form a bond with mucus glycoproteins, after which they slowly dissolve in it. However, some compounds exit without ever reacting. Thus, the action occurs only after a certain time has passed.

Indications for use in this case have serious limitations. A big disadvantage is also the presence of additional components in the composition of the drug. This includes sodium saccharinate, dextrose monohydrate, flavorings, which requires a special careful approach for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and allergies.


Enterosgel is more effective. Therefore, special preference should be given to him. Although it all depends on individual characteristics. You cannot risk your health; you should definitely seek advice from a specialist.

Phosphalugel or Enterosgel

Phosphalugel – good sorbent, the main active ingredient of which is aluminum phosphate.

It allows you to eliminate acute attacks of the disease. The mechanism of action is that the substance settles on the lining of the stomach, creating a kind of protective film.

This helps reduce the likelihood of developing adverse consequences. The gel is well absorbed, ensuring the desired effect is achieved.

However, to achieve the desired result, it is important to ensure continuous use of the medication. Typically the course lasts a week.

The main indications for use are:

Before purchasing a medication, you should read the list of contraindications. Phosphalugel should not be used if a person has the following ailments:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • acute phosphorus deficiency;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance.

If you have one of these diagnoses, you should consult a specialist to prescribe a safer drug.


Considering the two medications in detail, it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion. Much depends on the specific diagnosis. That's why the best solution will consult with your attending physician. A specialist will help you choose the most effective medicine with a minimum number of adverse reactions.

Enterofuril or Enterosgel

Enterofuril is a reliable antimicrobial drug that can destroy microbial cells.

The main advantage is the possibility of use by small children, starting from the second month of life.

The main active ingredient is Nifuroxazide. The drug has two forms of release - suspension and tablets.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed by a specialist for diarrhea caused by bacteria. However, it should proceed without the appearance of other alarming symptoms.


Enterofuril is contraindicated in the following situations:

The exact dosage and course of treatment are announced by the treating specialist.

Enterosgel perfectly fights microbes, removes toxins and kills viruses. The same cannot be said about Enterofuril, which is pointless to take when viral infection and poisoning. But the medication can cause dysbiosis, which can seriously affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicine can provoke an allergic reaction. Comparing the two medications, we can conclude that these are completely different drugs.


It is impossible to identify a leader among a huge number of analogues. The reason for this is their individual characteristics each drug. Therefore, you should not self-medicate or conduct experiments with health. At the first warning signs, you need to seek professional help at the hospital.

Polysorb is an effective antidiarrheal agent that is produced in powder form. The active ingredient is colloidal silicon dioxide. The substance is prescribed for acute and chronic intoxication for children and adults. The drug is also prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis and allergies.

Despite the high effectiveness of the substance, sometimes you need to find cheap analogues of Polysorb. So what's the best alternative to use?

When choosing Polyphepan or Polysorb, it is worth analyzing the instructions for the medications. The first remedy is a Russian drug, which is classified as enterosorbents. Its active ingredient has vegetable origin and has antidiarrheal and detoxifying properties. The substance has an antioxidant effect on the body.

Products such as Polysorb or Polyphepan are used for allergic reactions, obesity, dysbacteriosis. It helps with stomatitis and promotes the removal of radionuclides from the body. This substance can be used not only orally. If necessary, it is administered through a probe or enema.

Activated carbon

Answering the question which is better - Activated carbon or Polysorb, the properties of the drugs should be analyzed. These analogues belong to the same category of sorbents, and therefore have a similar principle of operation. Activated carbon perfectly removes toxic substances, gases and toxins from the body.

At the same time, this product has a less pronounced binding ability. Sometimes the drug works. Nevertheless, Activated carbon can be called the most common remedy that can be found in any country.


Instructions for use of the Polysorb analogue indicate that Diosmectite is included in the category of antidiarrheal drugs. This substance is an analogue of Polysorb MP, but is based on a different active ingredient.

Indications for use of the substance include drug-induced or allergic diarrhea, colitis, heartburn and flatulence. In addition, reviews indicate that the substance helps cope with discomfort caused by pathologies of the digestive system.

Just a note. The drug has a small list of contraindications. These include hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition and mechanical intestinal obstruction. Constipation may occur when using the substance.


Polysorb can be replaced with this Russian-made substance. The drug is a structural analogue of Diosmectite and has an effect similar to Polysorb. The product does not affect intestinal motility and has absorbent properties.

With the help of the medicine it is possible to eliminate heartburn, flatulence, and allergic diarrhea. The drug also successfully copes with diarrhea of ​​infectious origin and is an excellent remedy for poisoning. To get medicinal composition, the powder must be mixed with water.

The product can also be used by newborn babies, but they are prescribed a different dosage. The medicine is combined with other medications and foods, but may slow down their absorption. That’s why it’s worth taking a break for a couple of hours.


This is a French preparation that includes dioctahedral smectite. Just like Polysorb, this substance is not metabolized and leaves the body in its original form. Smecta can be used when symptoms of intoxication, diarrhea, and vomiting appear. It is also used for bloating and heartburn.

The substance should not be used if there is intestinal obstruction or constipation, as it does not lax. It is not recommended to use the medicine if you are intolerant to the ingredients that make up it.

Just a note. To prevent dehydration of the body, additional medications must be prescribed - in particular, Regidron. This is especially true for children.


When choosing which is better - Lactofiltrum or Polysorb, you should read the instructions for these drugs. Thus, Lactofiltrum contains 2 active substances - lactulose and hydrolytic lignin. These ingredients help restore intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the digestive organs.

The principle of action of such drugs as Polysorb or Laktofiltrum is identical. Indications for use include allergic reactions, intestinal lesions, and cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, only the attending physician should decide what is best.


What is better – Polysorb or Enterosgel? This question worries a lot of people. To choose the optimal product, you need to analyze their features. Enterosgel contains methyl silicic acid hydrogel.

The principle of action of drugs such as Enterosgel or Polysorb is largely similar. They absorb harmful elements and quickly remove them from the body. However, it is worth considering that these products have different sorbing capabilities: Enterosgel has much lower ones.

Just a note. It is important to remember that Polysorb does not have a selective effect. It removes not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. To compensate for losses, it is important to take vitamin complexes during therapy.

When choosing Enterosgel and Polysorb, you should also take into account the release form. The first product is produced in the form of a gel, which creates certain difficulties with application. To use Polysorb, you need to prepare a solution.


What should you treat with – Enterodes or Polysorb? This question is relevant for many people. Enterodes is a synthetic sorbent that forms certain compounds with toxic elements. The product begins to act 20 minutes after application. It copes well with intestinal infections - dysentery, salmonellosis.

However, the substance is prohibited for pregnant women. Contraindications also include bronchial asthma, complex heart pathologies, kidney failure. The use of Enterodes may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, allergies, bronchospasms. Adverse reactions also include tachycardia.

Lacto Phosphalugel

In fact, this substance falls into the category of antacids. However, due to the presence of agar-agar and pectin in the composition, the product has sorption properties. Lactophosphalugel can be used by children and pregnant women, achieving good results.

In addition to Polysorb, Cerucal is often used. This drug has a pronounced antiemetic characteristic. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly improve health.

Now you know what you can replace Polysorb with. With the help of properly selected analogues, it is possible to cope with diarrhea and other symptoms of intestinal infections. The main thing is that the substance substitute is selected by a qualified doctor. The specialist will be able to take into account the features of the pathology and individual characteristics patient.

There are many different adsorbents on pharmacy shelves, but buyers more often choose Polysorb and Enterosgel, which quickly and safely remove toxins from the body. Both of these drugs belong to enterosorbents. They are prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with toxic or infectious diseases, as well as if metabolism is impaired. In addition, sorbents must be prescribed in complex therapy allergic diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, liver and kidney damage, as well as skin diseases. Should you choose polysorb or enterosgel, which will better cope with the removal of toxins and pathogenic microbes?


Polysorb belongs to the sorbents with a wide spectrum of action. It binds and removes from the body various toxins, allergens, harmful microbes and breakdown products that are formed in digestive organs due to stagnation. Promotes gentle removal of toxins from the blood and its components.

Indications for use

Polysorb is recommended for all types of poisoning in patients of all age groups:

  • Intoxication of various origins in patients of all groups.
  • Intestinal infections of various etiologies which are manifested by diarrhea.
  • Septic conditions, which are accompanied by severe intoxication.
  • Acute poisoning from medications, alcoholic beverages and salts of heavy metals.
  • Allergic manifestations caused by various allergens.
  • Hepatitis and chronic failure kidney

Polysorb is sometimes prescribed as a preventative measure for residents of environmentally polluted areas and workers in hazardous industries.

Directions for use

Drink the adsorbent only in the form of a water suspension
. To prepare the solution, a certain amount of the drug is measured and diluted in half a glass of cool water. The suspension is prepared before use and drunk an hour before meals or taking other medications. The daily dose of medication for adults is on average 6-12 grams, it depends on the person’s weight and the severity of the condition. The dose for children is calculated individually, based on the child’s weight. Approximate doses for children of different weights are written on the jar.

The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician. The average duration of treatment can range from 3 days to 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment is repeated after three weeks.

In rare cases, there may be side effects such as constipation or persistent allergies. In case of such phenomena, treatment is adjusted with other medications.

Features of application

There are several nuances to taking Polysorb that can increase the effectiveness of the medication:

  1. In case of food poisoning, treatment should begin with gastric lavage with a medicinal solution. A large diameter probe is used for the procedure.
  2. At intestinal infections the adsorbent should be taken when the first signs appear.
  3. For jaundice, the sorbent is prescribed as a detoxifying agent.
  4. For persistent allergies, the drug is taken in courses of up to 2 weeks. If diagnosed acute form allergies, then first wash the stomach with a weak suspension of the medicine.
  5. In case of renal failure, the sorbent is prescribed for a course of up to one month.

Upon appointment it is worth considering contraindications, which include peptic ulcers and intestinal obstruction.


Enterosgel is characterized by enterosorbing, antidiarrheal and enveloping properties. The active element is silicon dioxide, which adsorbs only toxic substances. Enterosgel binds and removes all types of toxic substances . These include bacteria and decay products, allergens, heavy metal salts, poisons and alcohol. Adsorption is carried out selectively from the digestive tract and blood.

Indications for use

Enterosgel is prescribed for various lesions of an intoxication nature, namely for:

  • chronic diseases of the urinary tract;
  • septic conditions, which are manifested by severe intoxication;
  • burns skin different etiologies;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women at any stage;
  • diagnosing allergic or atopic diseases;
  • acute viral diseases;
  • radiation damage to humans;
  • poisonings in acute stage, including alcoholic ones.

In addition, the drug is prescribed for peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, as well as before and after surgical interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Directions for use

Before use, Enterosgel is diluted in a small volume of water, and a fresh suspension is always prepared.
. The drug, released in the form of a paste, is allowed to be drunk in pure form with a sufficient amount of water. The adsorbent is used three times a day between meals, a couple of hours before or after meals. Children under one year of age are prescribed 1 teaspoon, divided into 3-4 doses. For children under two years old, 2 teaspoons of sorbent are divided into 3-4 doses. Children from 2 to 7 years old are prescribed 1 teaspoon of the drug, up to three times a day. From 7 years to 14 years old, a dessert spoon is prescribed, and adult patients take 1 tablespoon.

The duration of treatment for severe poisoning is 10 days; for chronic intoxication, treatment can last up to 3 weeks.

Features of application

  1. The drug is taken when the first symptoms of intoxication appear.
  2. If the disease is severe, then in the first three days of treatment you can double the dosage.
  3. In case of persistent allergic reactions, enterosgel is taken as a course.

Do not forget that the drug has side effects. After administration, there may be nausea and vomiting, which require discontinuation of the adsorbent. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance.

Which adsorbent is more effective

To understand which is better – enterosgel or polysorb, you need to perform a comparative analysis of these two medicines. The main indicator by which patients and doctors choose a medicine is its effective effect on the cause of the disease. But not only these two factors are important when choosing a medication; safety and practicality of use must be taken into account.

Enterosgel is a unique adsorbent based on methyl silicic acid, which is produced in jelly form. Polysorb is a powdery adsorbent, active substance which is silicon dioxide. Both of these sorbents have similar indications for use, but the difference is still obvious.

Ease of reception

If we compare the ease of use of these two drugs, then Enterosgel is more convenient to take. It comes in the form of a jelly, so it can be taken with water, and if necessary, it can be diluted in a small volume of any drink that is on hand. Before taking Polysorb, be sure to dilute it in a sufficient volume of water to obtain a homogeneous liquid.

Polysorb should not be sniffed or consumed in dry form. Fine particles will settle on the respiratory organs and cause serious illnesses!


High absorption activity can bring both benefit and harm. Enterosgel, in comparison with analogues, acts selectively on substances in the body. Silicon gel adsorbs pathogenic compounds - toxins, allergens and poisons, and does not bind vitamins at all, nutrients and proteins.

Polysorb has high activity against proteins, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of burn disease, when an increased amount of protein circulates in the patient’s blood. When dieting or certain intoxications, when the body's protein consumption is high, doctors recommend using enterosgel. If you take sorbents with poor selective characteristics for a long time, you may experience symptoms of protein deficiency - swelling, anemia, weakness in muscles and joints, cerebral circulatory failure and a persistent decrease in immunity.

Enterosgel is better suited for treating children. It has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by patients of all age groups.

Preventing dehydration

With many types of intoxication, when losing weight or kidney disease, it is necessary to avoid dehydration. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to an adsorbent that is most selective towards water molecules. Most sorbents bind water and, with prolonged use, impair intestinal motility, which can lead to intestinal atony. What completely distinguishes enterosgel from other sorbents is that it does not disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract even with long-term use.

Impact on microflora

Not all sorbents retain beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. Pathogenic pathogens greatly disrupt the microflora in the digestive tract, as do antibacterial drugs.

Polysorb is a non-selective sorbent and can lead to dysbacteriosis. Enterosgel gently acts on toxins and harmful substances and has no effect on beneficial microflora.

Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment with selective sorbents is higher than with non-selective ones.

How sorbents can harm

Contraindications to the use of Polysorb include peptic ulcers and bleeding internal organs. Enterosgel has no such contraindications; on the contrary, it coats the gastric and intestinal mucosa well, and also eliminates inflammation. The gel helps restore the mucous membrane and protects against the action of substances harmful to the body - alkalis, acids, alcohol and toxins.

To the question which adsorbent is better – polysorb or enterosgel, the answer is obvious. Definitely worth giving preference modern sorbent in the form of a gel, although doctors, in the old fashioned way, prescribe polysorb or enterofuril for poisoning. These drugs should not be written off, but before you start taking them you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Polysorb and Enterosgel are drugs from the group of enterosorbents that can remove and bind harmful substances (toxins) from the human body. The oldest of all existing enterosorbents is charcoal. Cases of its use as a sorbent, an anti-poisoning agent, have been known since the time of Cleopatra and the first emperor Ancient Rome- Julius Caesar. In purified form, the product is well known to everyone under the name “”.

Millennia have passed since then, and the pace of civilization and the development of technology have made it possible to make a revolution in medical science. A new generation of enterosorbents has appeared, whose medicinal properties significantly exceed capabilities charcoal. The well-known and most used by pharmaceuticals are colloidal silicon dioxide (the commercial name of this sorbent is “Polysorb”) and polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (the trade name of the sorbent is “”). Both enterosorbents show very good results, but there are always nuances. Therefore, let’s try to figure out what is better – Polysorb for poisoning or Enterosgel?

Evaluation of the release form and ease of use of the drug - good way pharmaceutical product comparisons. After all, such a seemingly insignificant detail can sway the modern consumer, spoiled by the delights of the market, in his favor.


Polysorb is produced in the form of a dry powder for making a suspension, hermetically sealed in a package. The medicine is packaged in plastic bags weighing 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 12 g. The drug is also available in plastic bags - net 50 and 100 g, and polystyrene jars of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 , 45 and 50 g.


The drug is made in the form of a gel, from which pastes and suspensions are prepared for oral administration. Enterosgel can be packaged in the form of a gel in plastic bags - net 45 and 225 g, or in jars - net 225 g. Paste for oral use is packaged in two-layer polyethylene bags - net 15 and 45 g, tubes - net 45 and 225 g ., plastic jars – net 225 and 405 g.

Conclusions and comments

Both Enterosgel and Polysorb have high performance sorption capacity, the parameter of which determines the effectiveness of the enterosorbent as a whole. It shows the ability of the drug to absorb toxins in gastrointestinal tract.

But in the use of Polysorb there are a number of intermediate procedures that are insignificant in complexity - before use it must be diluted with water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Enterosgel does not require such a procedure; the drug is ready for use by default. The gel can be diluted in water or washed down with water. Thus, Enterosgel is somewhat more convenient to use than Polysorb.

Mechanism of action of drugs

Pharmacokinetics medicinal drugsimportant feature, capable of determining the merits and scope of the medicine.


Colloidal silicon dioxide is capable of binding organic molecules. Entering the body in the form of a suspension, the medicine absorbs All allergens, metabolic products, toxins and removes them with feces. Enterosorbent is not absorbed into the tissues of the intestines and other internal organs. That is, the drug does not act or interact more than what is prescribed by its intended purpose. Polysorb has low sorbing properties and low ability to retain toxins. Silicon dioxide has a smooth structure, and therefore toxins “sticking” to the particles of the drug can “come off” and enter the intestines again. The drug acts very quickly and can bring relief to the patient within half an hour.


Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate gel has unique capabilities due to its porous structure. It makes it possible to absorb toxins and other harmful substances in the body, acting like a kitchen sponge for washing dishes. This enterosorbent has a special pore size, which allows it to selectively act on substances contained in the human body. That is, microelements and vitamins are not excreted, but remain in the body - thus, the medicine acts exclusively on toxins, leaving beneficial substances intact.

Conclusions and comments

From the above it can be understood that Polysorb is a drug with low and not sufficiently selective sorbing properties. And Enterosgel is a medicine with greater sorbing and selective properties than Polysorb.

In each individual episode, this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage of the enterosorbent. Polysorb, for example, becomes an indispensable tool in cases of combating poisoning of an unknown nature - it removes everything, and therefore its “non-selectivity” is only beneficial. But in cases where the nature of the poisoning is clearly established and understood, treatment with Polysorb is less advisable, since it removes useful substances from the body - microelements, useful proteins and vitamins, but Enterosgel does not.

The remark that Polysorb removes everything from the body does not look like an exaggeration if we talk about its ability to remove beneficial microorganisms (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) and water from the body. The absence of microsymbionts of the bacterial world in the human body can lead to dysbacteriosis, which, of course, does not testify in favor of Polysorb.

This may be good news for people who are overweight and, accordingly, have water retention in their bodies. But long-term use of a hydrophilic enterosorbent, like Polysorb, can lead to intestinal atony, decreased motility of the digestive tract - that is, to constipation and even intestinal obstruction. The latter is unlikely, but such a threat potentially exists.

Contraindications and side effects

An important argument in comparing one medical product with others there are contraindications and side effects. Their number and characteristics are quite capable of determining the choice of medicine. At the same time, you need to remember that each medicine may have its own unique capabilities, which can be decisive in this choice.


Polysorb, like Enterosgel, can sorb protein, but if polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate removes from the body only “bad” protein, for example, pus, then silicon dioxide, along with pus, also removes “good” proteins - proteins and polypeptides. This feature of Polysorb also has advantages - it is more effective as an external treatment for septic formations and burn disease. Loss of “good” protein becomes a problem when long-term use the drug and can lead to protein starvation of the body, signs of which will manifest themselves in the form of brain failure, decreased immunity, muscle weakness, edema and anemia.

Polysorb is not recommended for use in combination with other medications, as it negates their therapeutic effect due to its hypersorbing ability. The drug should also not be used if signs of intestinal atony are detected and peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum.


Many reviews of people who have taken Enterosgel indicate that the drug does not have any side or negative properties. However, if you study the instructions for the medicine, you will find out that you should not drink it in the following cases: during constipation; during intestinal obstruction (after – possible); with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract; in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Conclusions and comments

If you simply compare the instructions for the drugs in the “side effects and contraindications” sections, you can easily see that Enterosgel is much better than Polysorb in this regard.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs in cases of poisoning

In case of poisoning with spoiled food or alcohol poisoning, toxins are formed in the body - various harmful substances, the amount of which is proportional to the person’s well-being. That is, with an increase in the volume of toxins, health worsens, and with a decrease, accordingly, it improves. The criterion for choosing an enterosorbent should be its safety, speed of action, and versatility of use.


Gastric lavage with Polysorb helps against food poisoning. About 2 g of powder is diluted in a glass of water, mixed thoroughly and given to drink. After 15 minutes, you need to throw up what you drink. After, 2-3 hours later, you need to drink another 6 g of sorbent. Daily dose Polysorb should be divided so that the poisoned person takes enterosorbent every 1.5-2 hours. Dissolved silicon dioxide should be washed down with plenty of water or rehydron. This is necessary in order to replenish the body’s loss of fluid, since a lot of it is lost through vomiting and diarrhea. We must not forget that Polysorb belongs to the group of hydrophilic sorbents. The next day after poisoning, enterosorbent is drunk 4 g four times a day. Further - depending on the well-being of the victim.

The alcoholic ruff you drank the night before doesn't seem so fun when the harsh morning arrives. Polysorb at alcohol poisoning shows very good results, as evidenced by numerous user reviews on the Internet. Polysorb is often recommended for hangovers, as a remedy that can quickly bring the victim to his senses. It must be used in the same way as in the case of food poisoning- according to the same scheme. Polysorb can treat chronic alcoholism and bring the drinker out of binge drinking. To do this, you need to take the drug for one to one and a half weeks.

If Polysorb does not help with alcohol poisoning, then the cause of the ailment is something else - the effectiveness of this remedy in such cases is close to one hundred percent.


How to take Enterosgel for food and alcohol poisoning? The regimen for taking the drug is unchanged in both cases - three tablespoons per day. The medicine should be taken again after 3-4 hours. The dosage can be increased if the poisoning is severe. But it should not exceed 200 g, although no cases of overdose have been recorded in medical practice. Enterosgel is easily tolerated by the body and can be used at any age - even infants. Suitable as prophylactic to cleanse the body, as it does not remove beneficial substances from the body. Enterosgel is effective for alcohol intoxication, in no way inferior to Polysorb.

Enterosgel is compatible with other medications. But you need to maintain a time interval of 1 hour between their use.

Conclusions and comments

So, Polysorb or Enterosgel: which one is better? Which of these agents of the same spectrum of action should be chosen as the optimal enterosorbent? Write your answer to this question in the comments!

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

As the human body functions, it accumulates a large number of toxic compounds, which must be gotten rid of to create comfortable conditions for losing weight.

To do this, drugs called sorbents are prescribed, which bind pathological microelements and remove them along with feces. Before use, you need to figure out what is better than Polysorb or Enterosgel for removing toxins.

Characteristics of the drugs

In Latin, the word “sorbent” means “absorbing”, which accurately characterizes the main purpose of medicines. This type of drug is indispensable in the process of losing weight, since it is very important to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract for subsequent quick and correct assimilation food. The most popular adsorbents on the pharmaceutical market are Polysorb and Enterosgel.

Data medicines They are distinguished by the ideal effect they have on the human body in cases of poisoning, in diseases of a toxic or infectious nature, and for improving the functioning of metabolism. Polysorb or Enterosgel is prescribed for therapy in combination with other drugs for any manifestations of allergies (regardless of the patient’s age) and other diseases. These include:

  1. Skin diseases.

To effectively cleanse the body of accumulated toxic substances, it is necessary to compare Polysorb and Enterosgel.

This product belongs to the enterosorbents with wide range impact. It rids the body of toxins, toxic formations, allergens and pathogenic bacterial organisms of various sizes.

Polysorb's release form is presented in the form of an air powder from which a suspension is made. Packaged in sachets containing 3 g of the substance (for a single dose) and in containers of 12 and 50 grams.

The product acts on harmful substances in a selective form, surrounding and removing exclusively pathogenic compounds from the body, without affecting beneficial elements. Activation of the drug begins 1-5 minutes after administration.

To compare Enterosgel and Polysorb, you need to study pharmacological properties each drug. Polysorb has high ability to detoxification and absorption of pathogenic microelements, residual metabolic products, metabolic compounds that affect the formation of endogenous toxicosis.

The medication is prescribed to eliminate the following symptoms:

  1. Intoxication of various etiologies (at any age);
  2. Infection in the intestinal area (of any etiology), which is accompanied by diarrhea;
  3. Sepsis in combination with severe intoxication;
  4. Poisoning caused by treatment with medications, alcoholic beverages or salt compounds of heavy metals;
  5. Allergic reactions;
  6. All groups of hepatitis and chronic renal failure.

Polysorb is recommended for use by people living in environmentally hazardous areas and workers in hazardous industries. Good results gives the use of the product for weight loss, effectiveness is achieved by ridding the body of slagging, which can significantly improve intestinal motility.

Directions for use

Polysorb, like Enterosgel, is taken orally, in the form of an aqueous suspension. To make it, you need to dilute the powder in a certain amount in half a glass of water at room temperature. The product should be prepared immediately before use; it is recommended to take it orally 60 minutes before meals or other medications.


Polysorb is prohibited from being used in the following cases:

  • With intestinal atony;
  • For ulcerative formations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • During bleeding in the intestines;
  • In case of individual hypersensitivity to silicon dioxide


Before taking any of the presented products, you need to understand how Enterosgel differs from Polysorb. A drug produced in Russian Federation, is available in the form of a ready-to-use gel, which has a sweetish taste and is ideally perceived by children of any age. After use, the product should be washed down with warm water in small quantities.

Basics active substance– methylsilicic acid, which acts on the body like a porous sponge, thanks to which Enterosgel easily absorbs toxic and other harmful substances. The high effectiveness of the drug has been proven in clinical settings.

To compare Enterosgel and Polysorb, which can be better shown by the list of pathologies that can be treated with enterosorbent, which is produced in the form of a paste. It is used to eliminate the following painful conditions:

  1. Liver disease resulting from exposure to toxins and infections;
  2. Kidney diseases;
  3. Pathological conditions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Cholestasis;
  5. Allergic reactions to food and medications;
  6. Bronchial asthma;
  7. Non-infectious dyspepsia;
  8. Infectious diseases - rotaviruses and dysentery;
  9. Intoxication due to the formation of purulent sepsis, alcohol poisoning, narcotic substances or getting burns;
  10. Dermatological pathologies;
  11. Preeclampsia;
  12. Dysbacteriosis;
  13. Detoxification of the body before and after surgery.

Directions for use

Enterosgel is sold in ready-to-use form, but it can be diluted in warm water to obtain a suspension. The product is approved for use by people of any age, including during pregnancy and lactation, and children from birth (observing the dosage).

Thanks to its sweet taste, Enterosgel is better absorbed by small children than Polysorb. To be used orally, wash it down with warm water after use. boiled water in small sips.


It is necessary to refuse Enterosgel, as well as Polysorb, if you have the following contraindications:

  1. Exacerbation of ulcerative formations in the stomach or duodenum;
  2. Bleeding in any of the gastrointestinal tract organs;
  3. Intestinal atony;
  4. Intestinal obstruction in the acute stage;
  5. Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Purification ability

In order to understand which is more effective - Polysorb or Enterosgel, you need to know the difference in sorption characteristics.


The drug acts more selectively in relation to the removal of harmful and beneficial elements. Enterosgel shows good results in removing waste products of pathogenic microorganisms and industrial poisons and does not affect the ability to absorb vitamins, nutritional compounds and microelements. In addition to the cleansing effect, the drug is able to restore the microbial balance in the intestinal environment.

It is impossible to reliably determine which is stronger, Polysorb or Enterosgel, since each of the drugs has a better effect on different areas. Powdered enterosorbent is more capable of binding protein compounds. In this regard, the drug is often used to eliminate signs of intoxication in burns, which are accompanied by active protein breakdown. In addition, the product impairs the absorption of beneficial microelements, removing them along with pathogenic compounds in minimal quantities.

Use of the drug for a period exceeding 14 days can provoke disturbances in the intestinal microflora and cause hypovitaminosis.

Control selection

Enterosgel and Polysorb - which has a better effect on the body in case of poisoning, allergies and weight loss. It is known that the sorption capacity of Polysorb is much higher, so there is a false opinion that it is more effective and more profitable. In fact, the powder preparation is a very strong enterosorbent, but does not have high level selective action, and therefore is able to remove useful microelements from the body. For this reason, it is recommended to use it together with vitamin complexes.

For weight loss, protein deficiency and some others pathological conditions, it is recommended to take Enterosgel. This sorbent has a high level of selectivity and does not absorb useful microelements.

If the patient does not need long-term therapy, then it is more advisable to use Polysorb, since it has the ability to quickly cleanse the body. In all other cases, especially if the disease requires mild treatment, then Enterosgel should be chosen.