High ping in online games. Ping increases on the ISP side. How to find out your ping

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you actively use the Internet, and especially if you play online games, then you have undoubtedly heard about such a thing as ping.

Sometimes problems arise with it when it is too high, and the question arises of how to lower the ping. Sometimes for this they even change the Internet provider, reinstall the system and perform other difficult actions.

However, many have heard this word only occasionally and have no idea what it is. So I'll start at the beginning with what ping is, why it's so important, and how you can test it. Well, in conclusion I will mention something that can affect its reduction. I hope it will be interesting.

In general, the word “ping” has two similar interpretations. In everyday life ping is called checking the quality of the Internet channel to see how fast signals travel through it. If it’s fast, it means the channel is good, which is especially critical for those who play online games in which events unfold a little faster than in chess.

You've probably heard about a game like Counter Strike - an online shooter (first-person shooter), when you play via the network with a group of players like you and each of you controls the actions of your character via the Internet. What does ping have to do with it, you ask? But at the same time.

Let's say that you have spotted your enemy and pressed the shoot button. What happens? The signal from the gaming program installed on your computer goes via the Internet to the server (a special computer that can be located anywhere on the network) where the game is running. But the Internet is not an abstract thing, but physical devices through which the signal you send will go. AND signal speed along this path can be completely different.

Very often in everyday life it is the response speed that is meant when talking about ping. Those. how quickly a signal from your computer travels through the network to another computer (or server) and then returns back to you. If the ping is very large (it is usually measured in milliseconds), then your game will ungodly lag, slow down and become dull. And you will be ready to smash your mouse and keyboard on the monitor screen.

How could it be otherwise if you don’t have time to do anything with such monstrous delays in transmitting your actions and receiving a response to them. While your shot signal goes to the server and comes back, you may already be shot (and more than once).

Low ping can drive an avid player into a frenzy, and to a simple user Internet connection, it will not be very pleasant to wait a long time for pages to open in the browser. But still, the issues of checking and reducing ping (increasing response speed) are primarily of concern to online players.

How to check ping?

Just above I said that the word “ping” has two interpretations. I explained one of them (everyday) a little higher. But the second is based on the fact that there is such a ping program (on all operating systems that can work with the Internet), which allows you to send a test package to any Internet node that has an IP address (a computer on the network, a server, a router, etc. ) and measure the time it takes for it to return back.

Exactly this time is called ping(delay or lag). The test package is light in weight and is sent using a special service protocol. Due to the latter circumstance, the ping is not high in all cases ( big time delays between sending and receiving) will indicate a bad Internet channel, because problems with signal transmission can only arise through this service channel, and everything will work on the main channel with a bang.

But in most cases you can put an equal sign between high ping and a bad channel (not suitable for online games). It is impossible to play an online shooter (or any other non-turn-based strategy game) if the ping is 300 milliseconds (a third of a second). But if it is 15-20 ms, then everything is just fine and you won’t even need to know what it is, much less how it is measured. Interest in pinging arises mainly when problems and serious lags appear.

So, to check ping, you don’t need to download or install anything additional. If you are, then the current average (or maximum) ping value (and often fps - rendering speed in frames per second) will most likely be displayed somewhere in the interface of your game.

If you haven’t found it or you are interested in the response speed without application to gaming fun, then there are no special problems here either. As I already mentioned, all operating systems have built-in ping programs. Due to the fact that I am not familiar with Linux, I will explain using the example of Windows.

What needs to be done in Windows to check ping? It's not enough to be banal:

There is also online services for, which will often also check ping (the time it takes for the test signal to travel from your computer to their server). But still, the method described above is the most reliable in terms of measurement accuracy.

In addition to measuring the travel time of a test signal, this program (ping) is often used to ping server or router. In this case, the fact of receiving a response will be important in itself, and not the time it took to send and receive it. By pinging different network devices you can often localize a breakdown in a chain of devices (this is exactly what I do at work). In general, it’s a useful thing :)

How to reduce (lower) ping?

If your ping value is very critical, and it is unfortunately very high (such that it creates problems with online games or even when working in a browser), then you naturally begin to wonder if it is possible to lower it somehow. In principle, it is possible, but it is not always possible to reduce ping with simple manipulations.

What can determine response time?:

  1. From your Internet Service Provider.
    1. What is important here is not even the width of the channel, but its quality. You can get a ping of 300 ms on a 100 megabit channel (), or you can get 4 ms on a 10 megabit channel. If carried out, then a six-lane gravel road will be a priori slower than a two-lane, but asphalt road.
    2. However, channel width still matters. A narrow channel may cause poor response time because... lags can occur due to banal congestion of the channel (packets simply cannot get through). This can be compared to traffic jams on a road that is well paved but too narrow to handle the existing traffic.
  2. From the game server. It may not have a high-quality or too narrow Internet connection, which is why many people experience slowdowns and lags in their games.
  3. From the location of the game server. It may simply be too far from you, and the signal passing through many dozens of intermediate nodes slows down and may even be partially lost.
  4. From the signal passing from your computer’s network card to the file of the game you are running. There can be a lot of reasons affecting ping - from viruses to broken operating system settings.

Actually, from all of the above comes advice that can help you lower your ping to an acceptable value, when it will no longer affect the comfortable use of your computer on the network.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Every user who loves online games has come across the concept of ping. The concept itself has several interpretations, but regardless of this, high ping always indicates problems with Internet speed.

Therefore, many are interested in what causes high ping and how to lower it? Let's figure this out.

What is ping?

In its primary understanding, this term is found in almost all online games and is displayed on the screen in one form or another. It is easy to see that when the indicator becomes high, problems immediately begin with any commands - they are executed slowly, the game begins to slow down and may crash.

But not everyone can answer exactly what ping is. In fact, this indicator reflects the speed at which a command is sent from your computer to the game server, after which the data is returned back. This is how the action is performed in the game when, for example, you want to take a shot or take a step.

The faster the signal travels from the computer to the server and back, the faster the game works and the lower the ping rate.

The second meaning of the term ping implies that there is a special program in the operating system with which you can send data to any of the IP addresses and calculate how long it will take for them to return back. To perform this check, do the following:

  • Open the Windows Command Prompt, search for this function in Start or hold down the menu key and press R.
  • In the window that appears, enter the cmd command.
  • A black window will appear in front of you, where you need to enter ping + IP of the game server or the address of any site, then press Enter.
  • After execution, you will see the results of calculating the speed of your connection. This will allow you to understand how bad or good the connection is, in addition, if you see that there are a certain number of data packets that are lost, then the speed leaves much to be desired.

There are also online services for measuring data transfer speed, but their results may be less accurate than what you will see directly when checking the system.

So, after you have found out the ping speed, you are wondering what this indicator depends on and how to increase it? Let's move on directly to solving this problem.

What affects ping and how to reduce it?

Here are the answers to this question:

  • First of all, it depends on the Internet service provider. If you have an inexpensive Internet connection with low speed, then all you have to do is choose another tariff that will provide high data transfer speeds.
  • There are cases when the problem lies directly in the work of the provider, perhaps you have high speed, but the quality of the transmission channel leaves much to be desired, or, conversely, the channel is good, but it lacks width (narrow channels make it difficult to transmit data packets), and this is immediately also affects the connection speed. What's the solution? You should contact your ISP, they may be able to change the settings somehow or provide you with tips to help lower your ping. If you have not received any response or desire to solve your problem, most likely you should change this provider and not pay money for low-quality Internet.

  • Features of the game server. Again, it may have a narrow or low-quality Internet access channel, which is why users experience lags. The second case is that the game server may be too far from you, and the distance and a large number of users on the way to you reduces the speed of transmission of data packets. In these situations, you should change the server and look for one that is closer to you.
  • Computer problems. The ping is affected by weak signal transmission from the network card to the game file, and to fix this, do the following:
  1. Check your system for viruses that may clog data transmission channels by downloading third-party files.
  2. Check that the drivers for your network card are up to date; they may be outdated, which is why the equipment does not work fast enough.
  3. Stop any other downloads or programs using the Internet while gaming.
  4. Check who, besides you, is using the network connection (this is especially true if there is a Wi-Fi router), because if at the time when you are playing, someone is simultaneously downloading a series via torrent, naturally, the ping will be high.
  5. In addition to checking your home network clients, make sure that no third party users are connecting to the Internet.

Utilities to reduce ping

There are a number of applications designed to optimize your connection, but they are not guaranteed to help you reduce your ping, but they are worth a try.

We suggest using the following programs:

  • Leatrix Latency Fix script - it can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer’s official website. The essence of the work is to reduce the processing time of data packets when they are exchanged between the computer and the server. Installation is quite simple. After it appears on your computer, reboot and check the result. Did not help? Try other utilities.

  • NetScream is a popular program that modifies the properties of the modem so that it works as efficiently as possible. It is worth noting that the application has been around for a long time and is easy to install and use even for beginners.

  • “Internet Accelerator” was created to increase connection speed by selecting optimal settings for connecting to the network. The program independently tests your system and determines which parameters are best to use, after which all you need to do is install them and enjoy the increased Internet speed.

  • CfosSpeed ​​is a driver that speeds up network connections and speeds up the Internet. It is worth noting that to get the first results you need to wait a few days while the program analyzes the system and adjusts the settings.

These tips and recommendations will help you understand what ping is, how it affects the speed of your Internet connection, and how to correct this situation. Please note that if all these tips did not help you, most likely you need to change your tariff or Internet service provider, or network equipment.

How to lower ping? This main question, which we will try to answer in today’s post. Of course, we will first tell you in general what it is and about how to find out ping.

Ping(ping) is the time spent delivering a packet of information from the user (client) to the server and vice versa. In other words, this is a delay and it is actually more correct to call it lag (English Latency - lag, delay), and not ping. Ping is initially a utility that checks the integrity and quality of connections in networks, and also indirectly determines the channel load. The name of the request itself comes from this utility. It is measured in milliseconds (ms).
More often than others, players (gamers) who play online games (WOT, CS and others) are interested in ping. For these players high ping This a big problem. The smaller it is, the smoother the picture, the better the feedback and the more comfortable it is to play. For example, in online shooters, you pressed the shot button, and due to high ping (latency), while the command from the player’s computer reaches the game server, the enemy manages to kill you. And the player throws his computer out the window in a rage :)

How to find out ping? How to check ping?

To check your ping you can do a PingTest. To do this, we will use the command line. You only need to know the network address or IP address, site url. For example, let's check the delay from my computer to the server of our site.

  • Launch Command Prompt (press WIN+R, type cmd and press Enter.)
  • IN command line Type the command ping site and press Enter.

The system will start sending packets to the server ( usually 4, 32 bytes each) and receive answers from her. At the end it will display statistics on sent/received/lost packets, as well as information on the approximate time spent in milliseconds.

As you can see in the picture, my average delay to the site is 41 ms. Losses are 0, which is very good. If there are losses, then on some part of the route there are serious problems.

High ping and low ping. Causes.

Why is the ping high and what does it depend on? This is influenced by many factors:

  • The remoteness of the server from the client's computer.
  • Channel congestion.
  • The quality and speed of the network connection (may depend on the client’s provider)
  • Quality of the client’s equipment (router, USB modem, network card, etc.)

Ping jumps. Causes.

Sometimes the ping can jump from low to high. For example, in my practice there were cases when it jumped from 60ms to 999ms. With a high ping of 1000 ms, no worries online games Of course it is out of the question. There can be many reasons for this scatter. Let's list some of them:

  • Bad connection.
  • Torrent clients enabled on the computer
  • Programs that consume traffic
  • Workload of routers, router

If you are connected through a router and several devices consume traffic through it, this may cause a jumping ping.

How to lower ping?

Here are a few ways you can reduce your ping. In the first case, we will use a special script that will make all the settings automatically. In other cases, you will have to delve into the registry yourself and configure everything yourself. In both cases, we will not leave you alone and will help you, as always. All these settings will help lower ping in games and globally in general :)

There are two types of packages: UDP And TCP. TCP - packets with a response about receipt, and UDP without responses. What does the script do when installed on a computer? To answer, I’ll explain how the computer processes and sends packets. Having received the packet, the computer first analyzes it, processes it, draws it and gives a response about receipt. And during this time, the server, having not received a response about receipt, cannot send new packets and these packets enter the sending queue. The script changes the TCP settings so that, having received the packet, the computer first immediately sends a response about receipt and only then begins to process the packet of information itself.
It should be said here that the script cannot do anything in games and applications that use UPD packages.
You can download the script at official website or on our website using this link. To install, unpack the downloaded archive and run the .exe file. File name in my case Leatrix_Latency_Fix_3.03.exe.
Next, click on the Install button. All! Settings have been changed. Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.
You can return the settings to their original state at any time. To do this, run the script again and click the Remove button.

Other ways to reduce ping

If you don’t trust any third-party scripts, then you can take some measures yourself to somehow reduce the lags. What can I do to reduce ping in games?

  • If you use a USB modem, then it is better to abandon it in favor of wired Internet.
  • Change your Internet provider (changing your tariff sometimes helps too). It might be a connection quality issue.
  • If the game offers multiple servers, then change the server and choose the one closest to you geographically.
  • Update the network card driver (How to update the driver).

You can also make some settings in the operating system itself.

Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.

What's the result? I still recommend using the script, since it uses more than one setting to reduce delays. By the way, the changes that we made in the system registry are also performed by this script.
That's all! Wish you low ping and always a high-quality connection. You can express all your thoughts in the comments to the post.

Let's start with the fact that it is advisable to first check your Internet connection settings.

This is done as follows:

1 Go to "Computer" and right-click on the drive that contains the most information.

2 In the drop-down menu, select "Properties".

3 The properties window opens. In it, go to the tab "Service" and in the block "Disk Defragmenter" click on the button "Run defragmentation".

4 In the next defragmentation window, simply click again "Disk Defragmenter", having previously selected the desired one in the block under the inscription "Current state".

5 After that, follow the instructions and just wait for the process to finish.

Note: If in the block under the inscription "Current state" next to the selected disk it says “(fragmented: 0%)”, which means that this is not the problem and it is not necessary to perform defragmentation.

And if that was really the problem, We recommend setting up a defragmentation schedule and, so that the system independently performs this process once in a certain period.

To do this, use the corresponding button in the defragmentation window. Thanks to this, you will never return to this issue.

Driver update

As you know, the network card is responsible for the operation of the Internet. So, it is advisable to update the drivers for it from time to time. This is done like this:

1 In the menu "Start" search for "driver". Among the programs found, run the one called "Updating device drivers".

2 Expand the section "Network adapters". Find there the device called "Network adapter..."

3 Right-click on it and select from the drop-down menu "Update drivers..."

Tip: Do the same for other devices in the section "Network adapters". Perhaps the problem is in one of them.

Virus check

Therefore, it is best to check your computer for viruses and remove them.

If you have a good antivirus program installed on your computer, for example from Kaspersky Lab, run a scan with it.

However, even if you are confident in your antivirus, you can do the same. A list of the best such utilities is presented in. Choose any one.

Disabling other programs

Often, all kinds of software also takes over a significant portion of the traffic. Thus, it does not allow you to achieve high ping.

That's why It’s best to disable a number of programs while playing, specifically:

Most programs can be disabled by simply clicking the “Quit” button in the context menu of the tray shortcut.

This means that if a program has an icon on the bottom bar of the desktop, you need to right-click on it.

A menu will appear in which you need to click “Exit”.

This method is particularly suitable for antiviruses.

You can close many other software samples in the same way. If this option does not work, you will have to use the task manager.

This process as follows:

  • In the same tray, right-click on an empty space and select from the context menu "Start Task Manager". You can also press “Ctrl”, “Alt” and “Delete” on the keyboard.
  • In the manager window, go to the Processes tab.
  • There you can easily recognize all the programs by name. On the one you want to close, just right-click once to highlight it.
  • Click on the button "End process". In the window that appears, click the button with the same name again.

  • Do the same with all software., which requires the Internet to work.

Changing program priority

In addition to the fact that various programs can be forced to close to unload operating system, other programs can be put first in OS priority.

That is, you can make the system pay most attention to a single process.

Thanks to this, the most OS resources will be spent on it and, accordingly, .

Changing the priority goes like this:

1 Start the online game. Open Task Manager. How to do this is described in the first step of the previous section.

2 On the tab "Applications" right-click on the game and select from the menu that appears "Go to process". Of course, you can try to find the process you need on your own, but it’s much easier this way.

3 On the selected process, right-click again and select the option in the context menu "A priority". To do this, simply hover your cursor over it.

4 Options will appear on the right for what priority to assign to this application. Click "High". In the window that appears, click "Change priority".

5 Close the manager. Wait a while. The priority will not change immediately. But in any case, the ping should decrease, as should the performance. And maybe the graphics will be better.

  • Next, on the left panel, successively go to the sections “Computer Configuration” (in Russian, then “Computer Configuration”), “Administration Templates”, “Network” and “QoS Packet Scheduler” (“QoS Packet Scheduler”).
  • A shortcut will appear on the right "Limit reservable bandwidth"(in Russian “Limit the reserved bandwidth”).
  • A small window will open. In it, check the box next to “Enabled”.
  • In the block below, the inscription “Bandwidth limit (%):” and a field for specifying percentages will become available. Initially it is set to 20%. Instead, the value should be set to 0%, as shown in Figure 10.
  • Click Apply, then OK.
    • Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

    This way you can significantly increase the bandwidth of your computer.

    When you play online games on your PC or laptop, two major problems usually arise: lag and poor performance. In this case, you probably have problems with latency and high ping. Data takes time to travel from your computer to the game server and back, and this causes latency.

    There are several effective ways to help improve lag and slowdown in the game. If the game is laggy or has very low frames per second, your hardware will most likely not be able to handle the task. You can improve your game's performance by changing settings and minimizing background tasks.

    Many people believe that a fast internet connection is solely dependent on good download speeds, but there is more to it than that, or ping, which is essentially reaction time. For example, if your ping is 98 ms (milliseconds), then this is the time it took for your computer to respond to another computer's request.

    Many online games show your ping time as well as the ping of other players or servers. If your ping is around 300 (or more), you will almost certainly have problems playing the game due to latency.

    Ping doesn't just affect games. High ping can make all the difference, especially if you play first-person shooters or racing games.

    How to check your ping speed

    You can check the speed of your Internet connection (including ping) using the website Speedtest.net. This is the most popular online speed test. Anything below 20ms is considered excellent, while any ping value that is above 150ms can result in noticeable lag.

    You may have the fastest gaming PC, but with slow ping, your actions will take much longer.

    12 effective ways to reduce ping

    Developers will say that you can't feel the 5-10ms difference, but gamers know better. Professional gamers will say that certain games or heroes cannot be played optimally with a higher ping.

    In this guide, we'll talk about 12 effective ways to reduce your ping and improve your online gaming experience.

    1. Select the nearest server

    The easiest way to lower your ping is to choose a server that is closest to you. Any server that is closest to your location will provide better communication between the server and the computer and will therefore help reduce your ping significantly. Many games allow you to either view available servers or set your region.

    Choosing a location near you is the most effective method reduce ping. This process will vary greatly depending on the game you are playing. However, not all multiplayer games allow you to select a region and may automatically try to connect you to the nearest server or player.

    2. Close unnecessary programs

    When playing online games, it is a good practice to close applications and programs running in the background. This also helps reduce the load on your computer. It may be that your connection to the game server is fine, but the load on your computer is causing the online game to slow down. Before connecting to any online game, make sure that unnecessary programs are closed. This also helps minimize the overall bandwidth consumed by your computer as many of the programs and applications are pulled into your Internet.

    Torrents, streaming music, and open browsers can have a big impact on the quality of the game. Close these programs before playing. The most effective way to close any program and executable file from your computer is the Task Manager. To do this, do the following:

    1. Open Task Manager. To do this, click on the bottom panel and in the window that appears, click on “Task Manager”. Or hold down Ctrl+Alt+Del and select “Task Manager” in the window that appears. It can also be opened through the built-in Windows search.

    2. When you open Task Manager for the first time, you need to click “More details”.

    3. Where “Processes” is selected, select those that you want to stop and, by clicking on the “End task” button, stop them (as in the example below).

    4. To remove a program from startup, go to the appropriate tab and disable those programs that do not require startup.

    5. In order to turn off all unnecessary services, go to the appropriate tab and disable the unnecessary ones.

    Unnecessary services can also be disabled in the same way as updates, which we will discuss below.

    The list of services that you can disable includes the following.

    3. Disable updates

    Even though updates are very important for a computer, they can wait, but the game cannot. Be sure to disable all of yours before starting the game, as updates take up a lot of traffic. After finishing the game, updates can be turned on again.

    To turn off updates, do the following:

    On a note! In the same way, you can disable all unnecessary services.

    4. Use Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi

    Switching to Ethernet is a simple and effective way to lower your ping. WiFi is known to increase latency and slowdown due to its unreliability. Many home devices are known to interfere with Wi-Fi work, which makes it not optimal for online gaming. Connecting to a device directly using Ethernet - The best way provide minimal ping and a much more stable connection.

    5. Reset your network hardware

    If you notice significant stuttering in your game, more than usual, resetting your network hardware may resolve the issue. Resetting your network hardware will disable your network for a short time, so close the game first.

    6. Check for malware on your computer

    If you have a virus or adware infection, background processes may be consuming most throughput and computing power. Make sure your antivirus program is up to date and run a scan with something like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and AdwCleaner (free). Find and remove the most common infections.

    7. Check for available updates for your Internet

    For example, you may not be aware of the appearance of a profitable package, promotion or additional function (bonus GB, turbo speed connection, etc.).

    8. Clean your computer

    No one else can do this for you. Dust is your worst enemy. Layers of dust create overheating as your computer cannot have proper ventilation, leading to overheating which in turn causes everything to slow down. In addition, there is a possibility that overheating is the reason that leads to the delay of the network adapter.

    9. Lower your ping with Kill Ping

    To lower your ping, you can also use a special gaming application to lower your ping.

    Kill Ping is a combination of highly optimized dedicated servers along with smart routing technologies. All this ensures continuous gaming traffic without any delays. In simple words, Kill Ping provides a dedicated route for your game along with perfect protection. This will also help protect you from hackers who may pose a threat, especially if you play online. As an online player, you don't want your Account was hacked.

    An idea of ​​how Kill Ping works can be seen in the example below.

    In order to lower your ping using the Kill Ping program, you need to do the following:

    1. Right-click on the Kill Ping program shortcut and select “Run as administrator.”

    2. Select the “I have an account” option or click “I don’t have an account” and register.

    3. Enter your username and password, click “Login”.

    4. In the list, select the game you want to enter, click “Next”.

    5. Enter your nickname in the game, click "OK".

    6. Select the highlighted route from the list, click “Next”.

    7. In the open window, wait for the download process, then click “Installing” in the window.

    8. Ready. You're in the game.

    So the dedicated route provided by Kill Ping will not only lower your ping but also provide reliable protection from hackers.

    10. Enable QoS (if possible)

    If you have a router that supports Quality of Service (QoS) controls, you can use them to prioritize gaming traffic on your network. The process for activating these controls depends on your router, and not all routers have this feature.

    11. Update your router

    If you are connected via wireless network and haven't updated your router for several years, you should be able to get a more stable connection with a new router. Look for routers with QoS controls that can prioritize gaming traffic on the network.

    What happens is that your ISP routes your traffic through various servers before it reaches its destination. This can result in poor ping even if you are physically close to the server. If this is the case, a VPN can reduce ping because there will be fewer hops between you and the game server.

    A VPN won't make you (magically) closer to the server. If you're trying to connect to a server overseas, you'll still have to fight at the speed of light, and a VPN won't make much of a difference.

    In many cases, a VPN will actually increase your ping since it's one more hop your traffic has to go through.

    On a note!, if the Internet provider throttles game traffic or routes it in an unusual way.

    Video - How to reduce ping in games