All breeds of small dogs with names, photos and main characteristics. Dwarf dog breeds, names of small decorative dogs, photo What does a decorative dog look like

Decorative dogs is a collective concept that implies breeds of dogs used primarily for games and walks. They are not designed to perform special work and do not have the classic instincts (hunt game, drive flocks of sheep, catch small rodents).

Decorative rocks Dogs have long served to entertain their owners, symbolizing high status and wealth. High-ranking persons even often ordered portraits in the company of a miniature dog, which the people called "knee". There were rumors that small animals were kept in order to distract the fleas that inhabited the owners in abundance.

Today, many people keep indoor decorative dogs, despite the fact that the price for them remains quite high (approximately 120-300 dollars).

Decorative dogs of small breeds

Fédération Cynologique Internationale divides toy dogs into many sections and places them in a 4th group called "Toi and Companions".

  1. Bichon Frize. Miniature breed bred in France. It is distinguished by thick curly and silky wool of snow-white color. The dog by nature is very active, bold, playful, but not aggressive. Easy to educate and find mutual language with the owners.
  2. toy poodle. Its country of origin is Central Europe. In the ranking of the smartest breeds, it ranks second after the border collie. The growth of the toy poodle is 24-28 cm, weight 6-9 kg. characteristic feature breed is a thick curly coat that requires careful care and regular haircuts. Recognized colors are black, brown, silver, white, apricot and red.
  3. Chinese crested dog. Representatives of this breed can have a soft veil-like coat (such animals are called "powderpuff"), or be completely naked (only the head, limbs and tail are covered with wool). The height of the dog is 22-32 cm, and the weight is 4-6 kg. One of the brightest distinguishing features of this breed is the ability to manipulate the front paws. They can hug the owner with their front paws or, by tapping them on the knee, wake them up for work. Another interesting feature is the complete absence of aggression towards animals and strangers.
  4. Affenpinscher. Has a German origin. For the characteristic expression of the muzzle with bulging eyes and shaggy eyebrows, the people began to call this breed a monkey. has a strong physique and a fearless energetic character. He needs constant attention and care. Otherwise, the dog begins to make a lot of noise and cause disturbances.
  5. Volpino Italiano. This breed comes from European. The muzzle of the Volpino looks like a fox, and the fluffy tail is thrown over the back. This breed is valued for its well-developed guard instinct, strong build and ability to learn quickly.
  6. Parson Russell Terrier. The country of origin is the United Kingdom. The working terrier is active, hardy and agile. But you need to train him from puppyhood, otherwise then he will be simply uncontrollable.
  7. Chihuahua. Recognized as the smallest dog breed. It has a surprisingly brave character, but with a strong fright, a Chihuahua can experience involuntary urination. Observant, curious and very active.
  8. Pug. This is an ancient breed with a rich and interesting story. However, pugs have many health problems associated primarily with corneal disease and obesity.
  9. pygmy spitz. Due to its bright appearance, this dog often wins prizes at animal shows. It has a friendly good-natured disposition, is a wonderful companion for adults and children.
  10. Pekingese. Dogs with bright appearance and active cheerful disposition. It is undesirable to keep them with small children, as they can be easily injured if handled roughly.

Probably everyone will agree that most people strive to have a decorative breed of dogs at home, because many of them do not shed, they are dwarfish, smooth-haired, or, conversely, very fluffy and cute. Small breeds require almost no care and training. But some are hunting, have watchdog qualities and devotion to the owner. We'll take a look at all of them in our list below.
We note right away that most decorative dog breeds are dwarf, short-haired, the coat requires almost no care. Therefore, they can be started in a small apartment.

West Highland White Terrier

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 10 kg

Scottish dog breed, formerly used for hunting small animals. has a short, light coat, a straight tail and small ears. Differs in peaceful character, endurance, devotion and activity.

Breed advantages:

  • takes root in any conditions;
  • can be protectors.


  • require constant training and walking;
  • can be touchy, selfish.

  • Growth– 28 cm
  • The weight– 7 kg

Appeared in Scotland, used for hunting and protection. It has a short, hard coat of fawn, gray or red color. The dog has short but strong paws. By nature, the Cairn Terrier is peaceful, loyal, active and friendly.


  • loves children and is easy to learn;
  • follow the master everywhere;
  • quick wits.


  • get along better in the countryside or a country house;
  • require long walks.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– 6-7 kg

English breed, created for hunting rodents and small animals. The dog has a medium body big eyes. Color - gray, black, red. The coat is hard and close to the body. By nature - a cheerful, active dog, loves to explore new places and walk a lot. Also, the Norwich Terrier is inherent in loyalty and fearlessness.


  • ease of learning.


  • long walks.

  • Growth– up to 20 cm
  • The weight– up to 3 kg

They were bred to hunt rodents. It has a long coat, there is no undercoat, so they almost do not shed. Fur color is light brown to dark brown. By nature, Yorkshire Terriers are fearless, active, loyal and reckless.


  • almost do not cause allergies;
  • adjust to the mood of the people.


  • are vindictive;
  • often get sick.

  • Growth– about 25 cm
  • The weight– up to 6 kg

Appeared in Germany, a relatively new breed. The dog has a white, golden, black coat with spots. The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is distinguished by its peaceful character, fidelity, cheerfulness, and curiosity.


  • almost do not require walking and training;
  • easy to get along with children.


  • constantly need to take care of the coat and stab the bangs;
  • in winter you need clothes.

Australian Silky Terrier (Silky Terrier)

  • Growth– 25 cm
  • The weight– 7 kg

First appeared in Australia, now especially popular in England. The body of the dog is medium in size, the coat is long and silky, the color is fawn. The Australian Silky Terrier quickly becomes attached to the owner, can be a hunter of small animals, and is distinguished by calmness.


  • pure breed;
  • feels good in the apartment.


  • requires constant grooming.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 9 kg

Differs in the small size and smooth wool. It is distinguished by protruding ears in the form of a candle flame, the color is dark with tan marks. The English Toy Terrier is distinguished by its active character, friendliness, and intelligence. It belongs to the endangered species of breeds, therefore it is rarely found among breeders.


  • learns quickly;
  • characterized by fearlessness.


  • very noisy dog.

It will be useful:

  • Growth– up to 28 cm
  • The weight– about 3 kg

Can be long-haired and short-haired, appeared on the territory of Russia. The body of the dog is small, the paws are thin and sinewy. Coat color - tan, fawn, black with shades of brown. By nature - mobile, fearless dogs, devoted to the family.


  • almost do not require hair care;
  • easy to get along with children.


  • some dogs require strictness and training;
  • have an unstable psyche, are easily stressed.

  • Growth– 12 cm
  • The weight- no more than 2 kg

First appeared in Mexico, they are one of the oldest breeds of dwarf dogs. There are long-haired and, color - fawn, black, red, white. By nature, Chihuahuas are courageous pets that are distinguished by observation, devotion and friendliness.


  • have a stable psyche;
  • require almost no training.


  • some dogs can be vicious and selfish.

Miniature Pinscher (miniature pinscher)

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 4 kg

Decorative dog, coat - short and smooth, color - red and tan. It has a slender body with strong legs. Features of the breed - energy, sharp mind, activity and curiosity.


  • cautious towards strangers;
  • may be a hunter.


  • In winter, you need to dress the dog in overalls, it quickly freezes.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– 4-6 kg

An old dwarf dog breed, has a short and coarse coat, dark color and medium body size. Affenpinscher is distinguished by intelligence, endurance, poise.


  • easy to get along with children.


  • wool requires constant care.

  • Growth– up to 28 cm
  • The weight– up to 5 kg

First appeared in Belgium, all varieties have hard, short hair, color - tan, red. Distinctive features - quick wit, liveliness, unusual muzzle.


  • learn quickly;
  • love children and other animals.


  • often suffer from eye diseases.

  • Growth– up to 60 cm
  • The weight– up to 30 kg

It is considered one of the smartest and most popular dogs. All varieties differ in size, coat type and color. It is noteworthy that red colors have recently been bred, and black and white are becoming less common. By nature - quick-witted, self-sufficient pets, easy to train and perform tricks, can be hunters or watchmen.


  • almost do not require education;
  • can be a companion and protector.


  • special attention is paid to wool and nutrition.

Papillon - decorative dog breed

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 5 kg

Can be with erect or hanging ears. The coat is long and silky. Color - black with white, sable shades. The dog is smart, active and friendly.


  • well trained.


  • may not get along well with children or other animals.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 6 kg

Belongs to a variety of lapdogs, the coat is thick and curly. The body is medium in size, the legs are short. By nature - an active, quick-witted and friendly dog.


  • learn quickly.


  • require special care for the coat;
  • I need constant walks.

  • Growth– up to 25 cm
  • The weight– 6 kg

The breed was previously considered sacred, appeared in China several centuries ago. Wool - long, color - red, white, black, fawn. The dog has big eyes and a large lower jaw. very active, playful, devoted.


  • not selective in nutrition;
  • learns quickly.


  • requires a lot of attention;
  • arrogant and selfish.

  • Growth– up to 27 cm
  • The weight– 7-8 kg

Appeared in China at the court of the emperor. The dog has long hair, color - white, red, black or brown. loves every member of the family, can be lazy, love children, fearless.


  • not aggressive;
  • get along well with other animals.


  • very loud;
  • can't be home alone for too long.

  • Growth– up to 25 cm
  • The weight– up to 4 kg

The Japanese breed, the ancestor of the Tibetan Spaniel, was created as a gift to the emperor. The pet has a long, thick coat, the color is white and black. The muzzle is small, the eyes are large, the ears are long-haired. By nature - self-sufficient, confident, playful and stubborn pets.


  • have good health;
  • may not go out often.


  • are aggressive and touchy;
  • hard to train.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 9 kg

It has a large body, strong paws and erect ears. The coat is short and close to the body. Color - brindle, white-brindle, fawn. distinguished by benevolence, activity, restraint, sharp mind.


  • not selective in food;
  • can be watchmen.


  • sometimes show aggression towards unfamiliar or other dogs.

  • Growth– up to 30 cm
  • The weight– up to 7 kg

A small dog with a loyal character and good health. Wool - smooth, color - fawn, black. There are folds on the muzzle and neck, the eyes are bulging. - peaceful, playful and smart animals.


  • learns quickly.


  • suffering from corneal erosion;
  • is selective in nutrition.

Whatever breed you choose for your home, remember that every dog ​​requires education and care. Behavior, attitude towards the owner and execution of commands will depend on this.

Decorative dogs are one of the most famous and numerous breed groups. The variety of types, sizes and colors of decorative dog breeds is amazing. Most of them have a long history: they found the rule of ancient Chinese and Japanese dynasties, enjoyed success at the courts of the kings of the Middle Ages, successfully survived the 19th and 20th centuries with their wars and revolutions. Nowadays, the term "decorative dog" is most often used in relation to dogs of small and dwarf breeds, such as Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, different kinds lapdogs, etc. (although some classifications refer to decorative not at all “small” chow chows, poodles and Afghan hounds).

There are both advantages and difficulties in keeping indoor dogs of a decorative breed. The advantages include, first of all, their size: decorative dogs are ideal for living in a small apartment, and the amount of food eaten by such a dog is several times less daily allowance nutrition of its medium and large counterparts. Traveling with such a dog is also very convenient: it easily carries the road in the hands of the owner or in a special purse, without creating problems for neighbors in the train compartment or aircraft cabin. Some breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, have no undercoat, which makes this dog not dangerous for allergy sufferers.

All these pluses, along with the charming appearance of most toy dogs, have led to their high demand and even a kind of fashion for them these days. It is not surprising that you can often buy a decorative dog only by appointment in a kennel, and the cost of puppies of some breeds is equal to 1-2 salaries of an average dog. office worker. As a result, the pages of newspapers and online publications for the sale / purchase of animals are full of ads like: “I will buy a decorative dog inexpensively”, “I will accept it as a gift, in good hands chihuahua”, “I’ll take a toy terrier puppy for free”, etc. However, the high price for these dogs has its own logic and justice, protecting them from the risk of getting to a person who cannot provide the pet with proper care. After all, keeping a pet dog has its own characteristics that require additional time and financial investments.

The difficulties that arise in the owner of a decorative dog, as a rule, include:

- effeminacy: these dogs are very fragile (for example, a toy terrier can break its paws just by jumping off the couch); they are very sensitive to cold (and therefore they need both winter and summer clothes); Most small dogs have delicate stomachs, requiring careful selection of commercial or commercial foods. natural nutrition. It is not uncommon for food that you enjoy eating mongrel dog or a dog belonging to unpretentious herding or sledding breeds, causes other disorders in a decorative dog. Quite typical for small indoor dogs and all sorts of allergies.

Difficulties with breeding: due to their small size, many representatives of toy breeds have problems during pregnancy (strict weight restrictions for bitches suitable for mating) and childbirth (for example, Chihuahua puppies are born with the help of caesarean section, which implies additional costs for anesthesia and services of a veterinary surgeon).

The need for constant care for coat and appearance: a decorative dog, whose purpose is to decorate the house and draw attention to the owner, should always look perfect. Breeds such as Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Shih Tzu, toy poodle etc., require significant expenses for the care of hair, eyes, etc. As a rule, it is the owners of decorative dogs who are regular customers pet salons. Thus, financial investments in maintaining the appearance of a decorative dog at the proper level often "balance" the savings on its nutrition.

Absence necessary qualities for protection and protection: due to their size, most decorative dogs, if necessary, are unlikely to be able to seriously protect their owner and his property (although in innate fearlessness and the ability to bark loudly, they are not inferior to many other breeds :) At the same time, if such a dog not educate, she can seriously bite family members, including children.

Myths and misconceptions about toy dogs:

Myth one: indoor dog no need to walk

Indeed, a Chihuahua or a pygmy Spitz can be taught to do their business at home in a tray, as cats do. However, unlike cats, dogs remain dogs - to maintain health and good physical, as well as psychological state they need 2 or 3 daily walks, during which the dog can run, play and get acquainted with new interesting smells.

Myth #2: Any small dog is great with children.

Despite their harmless size, some decorative dogs have a far from harmless character. For example, Pekingese and lapdogs are quite capricious and self-centered, they will not allow the child to treat themselves familiarly, and in response to direct rudeness they can bite.

Myth three: Decorative dogs cannot be trained.

The result of this delusion has been a huge number of small dogs, which are completely unbearable. They do not obey the owners, yelp and rush at everything that moves, crap at home, spoil things, bite and act up. However, contrary to another common myth about the stupidity of "small fry", many decorative breeds are very smart and quite amenable to training (think of poodles - one of the most popular "circus" dogs). If the owner does not know where to start training a toy dog, he can turn to professional instructors - at present, many kennel clubs offer mini-OKD courses specifically for small breed dogs, where kids successfully learn basic commands. In any case, whether a decorative dog will be an accommodating companion or an uncontrollable “indoor terrorist” depends only on the owner.

All existing breeds of dogs were bred for specific purposes. They can be divided into three groups: service, decorative and hunting. Today we will introduce you to the most popular representatives of the group of decorative dogs.

Unprecedented popularity

These miniature dogs are becoming more and more popular every year. In every city you will see a lap dog, a cheerful spaniel, a serious Pekingese, baby chihuahuas and even almost real lions - Shih Tzu.

These decorative breeds of dogs occupy an increasing place in human life. More and more animal lovers (especially in the city) are eager to have such a small four-legged friend. So that novice dog breeders understand that these are not plush toys, but living and understanding creatures, we want to talk about them in this article.

How did these babies come about?

Indoor decorative breeds of dogs were often bred quite simply - by miniaturizing conventional large breeds. Such animals include the greyhound, Pomeranian, King Charles Spaniel and many others.

There are many in the world that have been bred to decorate people's lives. This is a Pekingese, Chihuahua. According to experts, such small and cute dogs were bred in ancient Rome.

Only he himself had the right to keep and breed Pekingese. Violators of this ban were awaiting the death penalty. When the Empress of China entered the throne room, one hundred of these miniature dogs stood up on their hind legs and waited in this position for her to take her place.

In Tibet, the Dalai Lamas entrusted tiny Lhasa Apso dogs to turn a prayer wheel.

Decorative dog breeds today

In our time in the city it is often difficult to keep an animal even of medium size. Therefore, decorative dogs of small breeds are an opportunity to fulfill the dream of a four-legged friend.

However, do not be mistaken and assume that the maintenance of these animals is simple. As a rule, a decorative breed of dog is a delicate and fragile creature that requires careful care. Often they are capricious in food, but usually the owners are to blame. Often it is they who forget that, despite their small size, these are real dogs, and they also require education, like their larger "relatives". An ill-mannered and spoiled tiny dog ​​can become a "room terrorist".

Today we will introduce you to the most popular breeds of decorative dogs.

Blenheim - dog of kings

Of course, we should start our short review with an aristocrat of the canine world who lived in royal palaces and enjoyed the favor of emperors. Of course, this is a decorative breed of dogs Blenheim (Blenheim). He is graceful and playful, obedient and courageous, he will become an indispensable friend for all family members. An ideal companion for an elderly person and an active and perky participant in outdoor games in big family with kids. It is not difficult for him to make friends with a huge dog and fall asleep in an embrace with a cat.

These dogs are better known as the King Charles Spaniel, a very ancient English breed. Since the 15th century, historians have described the special predilection of royal dynasties for graceful little spaniels. Charles I was delighted with black babies, Charles II preferred black and red individuals, and Sir John Marlborough recognized only white and red spaniels. These privileged dogs accompanied the royal owners everywhere - at audiences, in churches, and Mary Stuart was escorted to the scaffold by her faithful little friend.

Returning victorious from the Battle of Bleychem and receiving a castle from Queen Anne, Sir John decided to name it in memory of the outstanding battle. Settling in new possessions, he devoted himself entirely to breeding white and red spaniels. Since then, this color of the King Charles has been called Blenheim.

In 1945, the breed standard was adopted, and in the mid-60s, the Cavalier King took its rightful place in the British royal family. From the 70s to the present day, it has consistently been one of the most popular in Europe.

The British are sure that these animals create comfort and effectively relieve stress. This decorative breed of dog is a constant companion of the royal families of England.

In Russia, this charming baby was known even before the revolution. In the imperial family of Nicholas II, everyone had their own dogs. Anastasia's favorite was the little King Charles, who was given to her by an officer who was in the hospital after being wounded. He was so tiny that you could walk with him if you put him in a muff.

Yorkshire Terrier

This kid in last years gained unprecedented popularity. Breed decorative miniature dogs The Yorkshire Terrier is a recognized leader among small animals. Yorkies are incredibly beautiful. They have a luxurious fur coat made of soft, silky wool.

It just so happened that today they are considered glamorous dogs, which are most often in the hands of socialites. They are tied with bows, dressed in exquisite outfits. But do not think that these are spineless creatures. Perhaps this will surprise someone, but babies can play the role of a watchman, warning them of the approach of a stranger with their sonorous voice.


Decorative breeds of dogs (you see the photo in this article) cannot be imagined without a dachshund. Them characteristic feature is a very long body on short legs. Dachshunds are miniature and standard. The coat of these funny animals can be smooth and long, shorter and tougher. Dachshunds are very friendly, they treat all households very well. They are gentle and kind animals. Despite their sociability, they avoid strangers.


Decorative breeds of dogs (you can find photos in this article) are often described on the pages of cynological publications. Therefore, if you dream of a small dog, look at this literature. You might like the little poodle, which is also very popular today.

His distinguishing feature- charming curls and original pom-pom haircuts on the paws and head. Small breed toy dogs, poodles in particular, have a rich history. In the past, aristocrats preferred to see such animals in their homes. These are their ability to perform many fairly complex tricks.

shih tzu

Decorative dogs of small breeds, photos of which can often be seen on the pages of glossy magazines, have always attracted the attention of animal lovers. The adorable Shih Tzu was bred as a friend, companion of man. This baby has a long silky coat. Some owners shave their pets to make them easier to care for. These dogs are not only beautiful, but also unusually gentle and affectionate animals that are very attached to their owner.

pygmy spitz

Decorative dogs of small breeds evoke affection - they want to caress, protect them from evil people, dangerous animals, bad weather. Fluffy long hair and bright temperament make these babies very showy. These dogs are very energetic and extremely attached to the family of their owners.

However, this baby may try to take a dominant position in the family. This cannot be allowed. It is quite difficult to do this, because it is always very difficult to say “no” to this smiling fluffy ball. Spitz needs an active owner who will devote a lot of time to his pet, play with him, run. At the same time, he must have a strong character.


This decorative dog breed is the smallest in the world. Interestingly, despite its miniature size, it has a strong character. This dog can often be seen in the hands of celebrities.

The coat of these animals can be long or smooth and short. They are endowed with a wonderful character. These loyal and affectionate animals can be quite active. You may be surprised, but these adorable babies need socialization and training. Only in this case you will get a wonderful companion.


This decorative breed of dogs causes a kind smile in everyone. These dogs are really adorable. Both adults and children love them. Even people who do not show sympathy for dogs cannot remain indifferent, looking at these charming faces.

Pugs are funny and playful animals. In the past, they lived in royal palaces, accompanied. These dogs can have problems with their eyes and breathing. Despite this, people keep pugs because they are adorable pets. Pugs feel great both in the company of a lonely person, and in a large and noisy family.


The small white lap dog, which has a soft but fearless character, belongs to decorative breeds. Despite this, secular ladies love her very much. These cute dogs are energetic and playful. They need constant contact with the owner.

Today we told you about some indoor-decorative dogs. If you decide to buy one of them, then you should not go to the bird market for this. You need to contact the kennel of dogs of decorative breeds. Today, such institutions are located in many cities of Russia. The most famous of them are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Decorative dogs make it possible for a person to get not a working dog, but a four-legged friend, as they say, “for the soul”. Most often, representatives of these breeds have a compact size and are great for apartment maintenance. But it is worth remembering that many of them received the status of a decorative breed far from immediately and the blood of their more active ancestors flows in their veins. For example, not everyone can become perfect pet for a child, will be gentle and peaceful, or will begin to tremble, sensing danger. Not all of them are complaisant and require attention and an individual approach.

This is a harmonious dog, which is a mixture of two breeds - pinscher and griffon. From the latter they got a funny, flattened muzzle with rich facial expressions.

The dog is small, which does not prevent him from being hardy, courageous, physically developed. Once these animals helped farmers get rid of hordes of large and arrogant rodents, but today they are family favorites, cheerful, perky and cheerful. In addition, they have not lost their working qualities, and to this day they can perfectly catch rats and mice.

A dog with an elegant name, outwardly and in character reminiscent of a delicate and airy dessert - marshmallow. Like most lapdogs, it has curly hair, there is one color - white.

The Bichon Frize is considered an ideal apartment option, a family pet that becomes a friend. The ancestors of these dogs caught rodents, but their descendants are exclusively decorative individuals. They need attention, do not like loneliness and are happy to be close to family members.

Tiny dogs of this breed have come a long way - from exterminators of rats in mines and stables, to salon, aristocratic beauties, stars of social events.

Today, the breed is at the peak of popularity, and this, to some extent, is due to the fashion for small dogs and tiny sizes. But experts warn that such a small pet requires special care. The terrier needs a lot of petting and attention, and its silky long coat needs regular grooming.

Another decorative pet, not devoid of the temperament of its ancestors and outwardly resembling larger Dobermans. At miniature pinscher protective qualities are pronounced, he is wary of strangers, has increased activity and endurance, in comparison with other decorative counterparts.

The nature of these dogs is considered complex, the pet is able to be cunning, stubborn and manipulative. Therefore, a small dog needs a firm hand and compulsory education. In this case, the pet will become a cheerful member of the family, ready to cheer up.

Spaniel of compact size, capable of performing certain hunting functions inherited at the gene level from ancestors. However, when breeding the breed, another goal was pursued - to get a beautiful, obedient and affectionate pet. The dog turned out to be tame, cute and inquisitive.

Cavaliers love to play, show good results in sports competitions and are friendly to all family members. You can make such a four-legged friend for people who do not have experience in dog breeding.

These original dogs, which may or may not have hair, are believed to have originated in Africa. They are somewhat larger than most decorative breeds, but at the same time they are exclusively pets for the family. They are not aggressive, inquisitive and very devoted to their owner and all household members, not choosing whom to love more.

It is hard for her to experience rudeness and neglect directed at her, sensitively captures the mood of a person and does not impose her communication. It is hard to endure separation and loneliness, feels good if there is someone in the house. It is recommended to keep such a dog with other animals, so she will be less bored and worried.

it oldest breed, which, according to research, originated in the territory Ancient China and only then appeared in Malta. Its representatives are small, funny dogs with a long, silky coat of snow-white color.

A good-natured, affectionate dog who, in case of danger, will rush to the defense of his master. This pet will not let you get bored, and at the same time unobtrusive - he already understands from the intonation of a person that while he is not in the mood for communication.

A lap dog can be started by people who do not have experience in terms of dog breeding, and also if there are already pets in the house - the Maltese is able to establish friendly relations with everyone, including with their own kind.

This butterfly dog, with upright ears resembling the wings of graceful insects, does not leave anyone indifferent. The breed was bred already so that its representatives were a delight for the eye, kind and affectionate pets for noble people. Naturally, this was reflected in their character - Papillons are aristocratic, neat dogs, distinguished by good manners.

Dogs of this breed do not have working qualities, they need affectionate attention from the owner. By making such a four-legged friend, a person acquires practically a child, vulnerable and sensitive.

Representative of the ancient Chinese breed, with an original appearance and narcissistic character, which is not surprising if you know the history of the breed. by nature they are phlegmatic, who do not like fuss and noise, respect the measured pace of life.

These pets are jealous, capricious and love themselves. Due to the flat muzzle, they often snore heavily during sleep. What, then, besides appearance, attracts people to these dogs? Pekingese are fearless, unpretentious and suitable for inexperienced dog breeders.

A variety of decorative griffon, originally from Belgium, unlike other types, has a shorter coat. Once the Petit Brabancons were the favorite dogs of the noble Belgian nobles, and for some time there was even a ban on their breeding by ordinary people.

In addition, history is replete with various stories when these little pets saved their owners from trouble, so they were compared to guardian angels. To date, the breed is a rarity, which further fuels the interest of fans of such unusual dogs.

Several versatile dogs of various sizes that can be used as working dogs or as excellent companions. Their intelligence is equivalent to the development of 3 summer child, they do not shed and do not have a specific smell. Naturally, this makes poodles an attractive option for housing.

The largest of them are royal, able to learn any discipline, and dwarf dogs are most often just pets.

Representatives of this decorative breed are the result of the selection work of Russian cynologists. They were engaged in breeding exported toys from Great Britain and in parallel formed a new breed. The existence of Russian toy terriers in the world became known only after the removal of the Iron Curtain, and since the representatives of the breed were numerous and of the same type, they were officially recognized almost immediately.

Despite the miniature size, the Russian Toy remains a terrier - he is distrustful of strangers and shows protective qualities. Otherwise, this is an affectionate, sympathetic pet, adoring members of his family.

If papillons are butterflies, then their relatives of the phalena are moths. These dogs are one of the varieties continental toy spaniels, and they got their name because of the hanging ears. The breed is quite old, over 700 years old, and this is confirmed by the multiple images of these dogs on the frescoes of those times.

Modern owners are attracted not only by a pretty appearance phalenes, but also their easy character. They love to communicate, find a common language with both people and animals, are unobtrusive, do not require long walks and are clean.

This ancient breed has developed by itself, without human intervention. Maybe that's why its representatives are balanced, courageous dogs, with a stable psyche. They do not tolerate injustice, they are distinguished by their activity and self-esteem.

Such a dog is touchy enough, and if you frighten him, he will begin to tremble. loves to play with children, but they can inadvertently injure the baby, so it is not recommended for babies to communicate with such a pet, and it is also worth protecting it from the company of angry children.

These beautiful animals are called chrysanthemums, "Buddha dogs" and even lions. Shih Tzu have an attractive appearance, luxurious coat, but this is not all of them. positive traits. They are distinguished by friendliness, poise, calm temperament and devotion.

Representatives of the breed are native Japanese and have a rich history. These dogs are descended from spaniels from Tibet, its relatives are Pekingese, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. In ancient times, they were a delight for the emperor, decoration of the palace, protection from dark forces and misfortunes.