How to treat a dog’s eyes at home: causes and symptoms, purulent discharge. The dog's eyes are festering - causes and treatment The dog's eyes are red and festering

A caring owner immediately notices any deviations in behavior and appearance your pet, trying to take measures to eliminate them as soon as possible. Therefore, if a dog’s eyes are festered, this cannot but cause alarm and is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian. This approach is absolutely correct, since this symptom may indicate the development of severe pathology, the penetration of infection into the body, or serious injury to the organs of vision.

First, it is necessary to clearly define the nature of the discharge in order to understand which of them are normal and which are a disease. A small amount of translucent mucus that accumulates in the corners of the eyes in the morning should not cause alarm. The eyes of puppies are especially common. In this case, it will be enough to simply remove a drop of mucus with a gauze swab in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.

Copious and frequent discharge of clear exudate from the eyes is typical for dog breeds such as spaniels, french bulldogs, Mastino, Spitz, Toy Terriers, Pekingese and some others. This is due to the peculiarities of the shape of the eyes, the shape of the eyelids and the structure of the tear ducts.

Discharges are divided into the following types.


They are a grayish oxidized exudate of the lacrimal glands, in which small mechanical impurities can accumulate. Normally, the cornea is constantly washed by tears, so only copious discharge from the eyes of a dog. They can be caused by contact foreign body, injury, abnormal eyelash growth, constant irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea by hanging hair.


Such discharge has a dirty yellow or greenish tint and is a symptom of inflammatory processes occurring in the dog’s body. They may be accompanied by redness of the conjunctiva, clouding of the cornea, and blurred vision.

If dogs develop excessive discharge from the eyes, you should immediately contact a veterinary medicine specialist in order to establish a diagnosis and develop effective treatment.

Causes of pus in the eyes

It is difficult for pet owners to determine on their own why their dog’s eyes are purulent, since there are many reasons that cause conjunctivitis (39) and others eye diseases in dogs. Commonly encountered factors include the following:

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet’s condition when changing the feeding diet, introducing new detergents and cleaning products, flowers, etc. into the house.

Treatment approaches

The answer to the question of how to treat if a dog’s eyes fester depends on the cause of this pathology. Therefore, it is very important to correctly diagnose and eliminate provoking factors.

The appearance of the first signs of improvement after the start of therapy is not a reason for early cessation of treatment. It is necessary to complete the course of antibiotic therapy prescribed by a veterinarian.

Rules for the use of eye medications

A pet’s quick recovery depends not only on well-chosen treatment products, but also on their correct application to the affected area. Therefore, you need to know what to do if the doctor prescribes rinsing, instillation and other methods of treating the eyes.

First of all, you need to take precautions by putting a muzzle on the animal or tying its mouth with a special tourniquet. This applies to all pets, regardless of age, size and personality. In an extreme situation, you cannot count on the dog to behave adequately and keep the situation under control.

  • Use only disposable cotton or gauze swabs.
  • Before handling, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with any antiseptic.
  • Do not peel off dry crusts formed by purulent or serous exudate. To do this, apply cotton pads soaked in a weak solution to them. antiseptic solution, wait until they soften and then carefully remove.
  • To rinse or apply eye drops, you need to tilt the dog's head back with one hand, slightly push back the lower eyelid with the little finger of the other hand, and press the bottle or pipette with the medicine with your thumb and middle finger. At first, this may not be very convenient, especially if the animal breaks out. Then you should ask for the help of another person who could fix the pet’s head.
  • Overlaying on inner eyelid ointment, precautions must be taken so as not to injure its delicate mucous membrane. After applying the liniment, you should bring the lower and upper eyelid, and then lightly massage them so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface to be treated.

If you lack knowledge and experience, you should contact a veterinarian who will show you what to do in this or that case.

Prevention measures

Prevent the appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes pet possible by observing the following preventive measures:

If problems arise and purulent discharge is detected in the eye area, the animal should be taken to a veterinarian. This will help avoid serious problems and preserve your pet's vision.

There are many reasons for purulent lacrimation in dogs. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is that the pet has problems with the eyes, which is not without reason: if dark green tears flowed profusely, which also have bad smell, then it’s definitely time to contact a veterinarian-ophthalmologist.

main reason

Conjunctivitis is the most common eye disease in dogs. This is not surprising, because the mucous membrane is constantly in contact with the external environment, and, as we know, it is far from sterile - microorganisms are always present in it. It is opportunistic microflora (usually coccal, less often microscopic fungi) that, when the dog’s immune response decreases, leads to infectious eye pathology, one of the signs of which is discharge.

At the beginning of the disease, the tears are transparent and there are a lot of them - protective forces are triggered: the body tries to wash away what is unnecessary and harmful. As microbes multiply pathological fluid will change, it will become dark, viscous, dirty green or brown.

However, microflora is far from the only cause of conjunctivitis. In many cases, it is already a consequence or sign of another disease:

  • viral infection(for example, plague);
  • problems with internal organs (optionally, diabetes, liver disease);
  • allergic reaction to, improper feeding, use of medications.

An important role in the development of conjunctivitis is played by foreign bodies that somehow get into the eyeball:

  • dust, sand, pollen,
  • lost hairs, eyelashes,
  • accidentally spilled household chemicals or their vapors
  • even microscopic mites.

How to help

Treatment for conjunctivitis will depend on the cause that caused it and the severity of the process. To begin with, the eyes are carefully examined for the presence of a foreign body, it is removed, and then the eyeball is washed from pus with weak solutions of antiseptics: potassium permanganate (1:5000), furatsilin (1:5000), ethacridine lactate (1:000) and others.

At acute form appoint eye drops or antibiotic ointments. Swelling, if any, is removed with novocaine and hydrocortisone.

A chronic process requires a more serious approach to treatment and is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

In the case of conjunctivitis as a sign of some kind of viral or bacterial infection, malfunctions internal organs resort to symptomatic treatment on the background complex therapy against the underlying disease.

The photo illustrates how to properly put drops into a dog's eyes. With one hand we hold the skin in the area of ​​the eyelid (without spreading it, but simply not letting our eyes squint), with the other we gently drip the medicine on top.

Breed matters too

There are eye diseases that are directly related to breed characteristics. Often, owners of dogs with bulging eyes (pug, pug) come to the clinic with complaints of injury to the cornea of ​​their pets by hairs from the corner of the eye, nasal plate or eyelashes. Prolonged mechanical exposure leads to the development of keratitis and ulceration of the cornea.

With a progressive disease, it is better to resort to plastic surgery of the palpebral fissure, otherwise in a few years the problem will only worsen.

Shar Peis often suffer from inversion/eversion of the eyelids, as a result of which the eyelashes constantly rub against the mucous membrane of the eye, it dries out, which again leads to chronic conjunctivitis or keratitis. The disease often occurs in other breeds.

Tears caused by infection

Very often, purulent discharge is a symptom of dangerous infectious diseases such as mycoplasmosis or chlamydia. By the way, it is worth taking into account that these diseases are zoonoses, that is, they are also dangerous for humans (especially for those in close contact). Put reliable diagnosis is possible only with the help laboratory research.

Antibiotics are used for treatment:

  • for chlamydial conjunctivitis, eye ointments with tetracycline and erythromycin are often used;
  • For mycoplasmosis, tetracycline drugs, aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones are effective.

The choice of a specific drug depends on the results of laboratory tests on the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics.

Pathology of the lacrimal canal

U ornamental breeds A common occurrence in dogs is a congenital disorder in the process of separating tear fluid, when tears overflow through the lower eyelid. In this case, a brown trail often forms under the eye, the fur looks untidy and falls out.

This is due to congenital anomaly structure of the lacrimal canal (curvature, fusion, narrowing), in rare cases its complete absence. Diagnosed: Pekingese, poodle,...

In some cases, it is possible to rinse the tear duct and get rid of the problem for a while. But in the future you will have to pay special attention to your eye hygiene, and it is not a fact that you will not need a second operation.

Neoplasms of the eyelids

There is no pattern in the appearance of the tumor - all dogs are susceptible to it, regardless of age and breed. Neoplasms can be benign (wart, papilloma, fibroma, cysts) or malignant (sarcoma, melanoma, carcinoma).

The tumor irritates the conjunctiva and cornea, which leads to inflammation. In addition, the pressure exerted by the neoplasm on the eyeball and the tear duct slows down the normal outflow of tear fluid, as a result of which profuse discharge appears, sometimes turning purulent.

Treatment will be different in each case. Most often they resort to surgical removal neoplasms.

You can get rid of papilloma without surgical intervention using one of the following treatment options:

  • administration of novocaine (0.5% solution);
  • subcutaneous injection of a suspension of papilloma, ground in saline with the addition of an antibiotic;
  • cauterization and autohemotherapy.

Logically, you could insert a photo of a sore eye here, but let just a happy dog ​​sit here instead! for example, this baby corgi :)

Age-related changes

In animals of advanced age, it is also detected eye diseases with the separation of pus, associated with senile changes: cataracts, keratitis, “dry eye”, glaucoma.

With the development of veterinary ophthalmology, it became possible to maintain vision old dog at an acceptable level. To do this, it is important to contact the clinic in time when the first unpleasant symptoms appear: excessive lacrimation, clouding of the lens, constantly dilated pupils, poor orientation at night. Early diagnosis and timely treatment will help prevent vision deterioration.

In a dog, excessive discharge from the eyes may indicate a disease directly in the organ of vision or in entire systems. You can guess why your dog's eyes are watering at home. However, if the amount of discharge increases or it becomes yellowish in color, it is better to take your dog to veterinarian- an ophthalmologist to determine the exact cause.

What discharge from the eyes is considered normal?

Many dogs experience mucous accumulation in the inner corners of their eyes after sleep. They can be transparent with a grayish or slightly reddish tint.

Also, dog breeds that have certain structural features are predisposed to excessive tearing. Discharge from their eyes can be observed throughout the day from early age. These are the breeds:

  • with drooping eyelids (basset hound, sharpei, spaniel, mastiff, cane corso, etc.)
  • with bulging eyes (Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Chihuahua, Pugs, etc.)
  • with a brachycephalic muzzle structure (bulldogs, pugs, Pekingese, griffins, boxers, etc.)
  • with long hair on the head (Yorkshire terrier, Shih Tzu lapdog, poodle, etc.)

Older dogs develop a cloudy cornea as a result of a lack of tear fluid. This process is accompanied by mucopurulent discharge in the eyelash area and chronic conjunctivitis.

When should you be wary?

Excessive discharge from the eyes is not normal. Purulent discharge is yellow or greenish in color.

Possible causes of purulent discharge from the eyes in dogs:

  • viral infection (canine distemper, adenovirus);
  • improperly growing eyelashes;
  • chronic conjunctivitis.

Excessive mucous discharge is noted with:

  • contact allergies (dust, pollen, etc.);
  • food allergies;
  • dust getting into the eye;
  • injuries;
  • keratitis;
  • acute conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outer mucous membrane of the eye). It is one of the most common lesions of the eye area, however, it rarely manifests itself as an independent disease.

In case of eye diseases, in addition to discharge, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • narrow palpebral fissure;
  • frequent blinking;
  • the dog rubs his eyelids with his paws;
  • redness;
  • edema.

When should you perform eye hygiene and how often?

  • the dog needs to clean its eyes as discharge accumulates in the corner of the eye (of any nature - mucous or with suppuration);
  • eye treatment is carried out before using medicinal ointments or drops. As a rule, between the use of such medicines an interval of at least 4-6 hours must be maintained;
  • when hit chemical substances in the eyes.

How to wash your dog's eyes?


Before catching your pet and starting the procedure, prepare in advance:

  • solutions that will be needed
  • cotton pads or gauze pads,
  • ointment or drops prescribed by your doctor.

As a rule, preventive eye treatment does not cause pain or pain in the dog. discomfort, so they behave calmly and patiently wait for the end of the event.

Washing procedure

Some medicinal drops can pinch, so subsequent treatments will require some skill from the owner.

  • You will have to fix the dog's head yourself or ask someone to help. If the dog is small, it is most convenient to wrap it in a towel or blanket so that one head sticks out. This way, the dog will not receive any injuries and will not be able to make sudden movements, thereby preventing eye hygiene.
  • The dog's eyes are rubbed from the outer corner to the inner. Lightly moisten a cotton pad in the prepared treatment solution and, without pressing, wipe the eye. If you were unable to collect all the discharge the first time, you must use a new cotton swab or napkin for the next treatment! The second eye is also wiped with a separate clean cloth.
  • If there are dried crusts of pus on the eyes, they must first be soaked. To do this, gently dab the eye area with a cotton pad generously soaked in the prepared solution and after a while wipe the eyelashes and eyelids with a new damp cloth, removing crusts.
  • If the eye needs to be rinsed directly, you will need a sterile syringe without a needle with a volume of 5 to 20 ml (depending on the degree of contamination). The syringe is filled with a solution for rinsing in advance. Next, the dog’s eyelids need to be gently pulled apart with two fingers. The solution is applied to the upper outer corner of the eye from a syringe (without a needle!). After completing the procedure, the eyes can be blotted with a slightly damp cloth or cotton pad.

How to apply eye drops or ointment to a dog?

Eye drops or ointments are prescribed by a doctor medicinal purposes. Before using such drugs, the dog's eyes must be washed.

  • To apply eye drops, you need to spread the dog’s eyelids with two fingers and drop the required amount of medicine from a sterile pipette into the upper outer corner of the eye. Next, you can make a couple of blinking movements with your fingers, closing and opening your eyelids so that the drops are distributed evenly.
  • To apply eye ointment, thumb slightly pull down the dog's lower eyelid and squeeze the required amount of ointment from the sterile tube spout directly onto the mucous membrane. And just as when applying drops, make several blinking movements with your eyelids.

If the doctor has prescribed several drugs, then before each use of different drops it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 15-20 minutes.

What to wash with?

How can you clean a dog’s eyes if they are festering, as well as for hygienic purposes? At home, the following solutions are suitable for washing your dog's eyes:

Sterile saline sodium chloride 0.9%

In small ampoules its cost is 25-30 rubles. You can purchase a bottle with a volume of 100 ml or more, provided that sterility is maintained during use. The price of a bottle is from 30 to 50 rubles.


Ready solution. It is a good antiseptic and is used to wash the dog’s eyes both in the treatment and prevention of inflammation. of various nature. A ready-made solution for eye treatment can be purchased at a pharmacy to order.

Pills .
Prepare water solution in a ratio of 1:5000 (exactly this concentration is necessary) can be done at home. To do this, one tablet of furatsilin (20 mg) is diluted in 100 ml of sterile warm or hot distilled water. The solution is considered ready when the active substance is completely dissolved and nothing settles at the bottom.

The cost of one package of furatsilin tablets ranges from 50 to 80 rubles.

Chlorhexidine solution

Pharmacies sell a solution with a concentration of 0.05%. Dogs can have their eyes washed with a 0.01% chlorhexidine solution. To prepare the required concentration, take 4 ml of 0.05% chlorhexidine solution into a sterile 20 ml syringe and dilute to 20 ml with sterile saline.

Cost 20 rubles.

You can brew chamomile flowers to treat your eyes.

It is more convenient to purchase dry chamomile in special filter bags. 1 sachet is placed in a glass with hot water and insist for 15-20 minutes. The solution can be used after cooling it first.

The cost of one package is about 60 rubles.

Black tea

This is one of the most popular and always available funds for cleaning eyes. Better fit weak tea leaves prepared the day before the intended use, that is, freshly brewed tea is not recommended.

Special solutions for treating pet eyes

There are also special solutions for treating eyes specifically for animals, which can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores.

Eye solutions and lotions Ofto-Lavas

They are designed for daily dog ​​eye hygiene. They remove crusts, purulent and mucous secretions well.

A 60 ml bottle costs about 325 rubles.

Diamond eyes

These are drops for the prevention of eye diseases. Can be used to treat the eyes (drop a small amount of solution onto a cotton swab) or instill directly into the eyes.

They are also used for minor redness of the mucous membranes of the organ of vision. The drug contains chlorhexidine bigluconate, so you should not use these drops after washing your dog's eyes with a diluted solution of chlorhexidine.

The cost of one bottle is 140 rubles.

Oftal solution

Beaphar Animal Eye Wash Solution is suitable for dogs with light hair because... In addition to its hygienic effect, it prevents the appearance of dark tear streaks.

This product is available in the form of drops and costs 400 rubles.

Sterile eye solution “Chamomile”

It is a ready-made decoction of chamomile flowers in 10 ml bottles, 3 bottles in one package.

Packaging price – 85 rubles.

Tear stain remover lotion

To clean the hair around the eyes for light-colored dogs, it is recommended to use cleansing wipes or Tear stain remover lotion from the company 8 in 1. This product is used exclusively for hygienic purposes.

A jar of napkins (90 pieces) costs about 250 rubles, a bottle of lotion 230 rubles.

If purulent discharge started in the puppy's eyes, then one can suspect the development of a viral infection, which requires immediate general treatment. Therefore, before rinsing your puppy’s eyes, observe his condition and, if possible, measure his temperature. If vomiting, diarrhea and elevated temperature you need to urgently contact the clinic.

A little about eye drops and ointments

Eye drops or ointments are prescribed to dogs for specific diseases or damage to the organ of vision. Active ingredients They basically have a therapeutic effect, and they cannot be used for prophylactic purposes. It should be remembered that the eye is a rather delicate organ, so self-medication can be dangerous.

Most often, dogs are prescribed the following eye drops, gels or ointments:

  • Tsiprovet– veterinary eye drops that contain an antibiotic. Used for conjunctivitis and others inflammatory processes organ of vision, viral infections and infections caused by eye trauma. Dogs are prescribed 1-2 drops of the drug into the affected eye 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. The cost of one bottle is 130 rubles.
  • Tobrex– antibiotic eye drops. Indications for use are inflammatory and infectious processes. 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled into the affected eye 2-3 times a day for a week. The price of the drops is 188 rubles (analogue Tobropt, price 134 rubles).
  • Tetracycline eye ointment- an ointment that contains an antibiotic. Used for inflammatory and infectious diseases, injuries. A strip of 0.5-1 cm (depending on the size of the dog) of tetracycline ointment is applied to the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day, 7-14 days. The cost of one tube of ointment is 50 rubles.
  • Solcoseryl eye gel has a restorative, healing effect. Used in eye injuries, as well as in conjunction with other medicinal drugs for various inflammations to speed up the healing process. 1 drop of gel is applied 2-3 times a day for a week. The cost of one tube is 230 rubles.

Pus in the eyes appears due to various diseases. To prevent your dog from losing his vision, it is important to contact a veterinarian in time, establish the cause and carry out treatment.

It is worth distinguishing between normal discharge from the eye and pus. Too many tears is a cosmetic problem. But if a dog’s eyes are festering, then it is necessary to urgently consult a veterinarian, establish a diagnosis and figure out how to treat the dog. Self-medication is dangerous.

There are many reasons that cause the formation of pus from the eyes, but most often they are only a consequence of the disease. If the infection is not localized in time, there is a risk of its development and loss of eyes.

Causes of festering eyes in dogs

Why a dog’s eye, one or both, is festering is difficult to say without examination.

List of most common reasons appearance of pus from the eyes:

  • traumatic conjunctivitis;
  • viral disease;
  • dehydration;
  • helminths – this applies to puppies and small dogs;
  • growth of pathogenic microflora in tear duct;
  • blow to the head;
  • violation of the integrity of the internal sinuses;
  • complicated otitis;
  • allergy.

Traumatic conjunctivitis appears after injury and usually affects one eye. Treatment begins before the eyelids become inflamed and increase in volume. Most often it comes abruptly, literally like this: 5 minutes ago you saw the dog healthy, and after a while it squints its eye, it waters and begins to swell.

Viral disease. If a dog is sick, its temperature rises above 38.5 degrees. A visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed, even if the pet is vaccinated.

Dehydration. Needs cosmetic eye care and an IV. It will restore the balance of fluid in the body.

Helminths cause a constant accumulation of pus around the eyes. It dries into crusts and appears after removal periodically throughout the day. It is necessary to carry out deworming under the supervision of a veterinarian, and simply clean the eyes.

For pathology in the lacrimal canal need the help of a qualified ophthalmologist. If your dog's red eyes fester, but otherwise the pet has retained its appetite and has never had an allergic reaction, then this is most likely caused by a bacterial attack on the cornea and tear duct.

Hit to the head may cause corneal injury or tear duct rupture.

Internal sinuses may suffer during a head injury or prolonged kennel cough.

Otitis accompanied by the formation of purulent plaque in the corners of the eyes. If your dog feels pain when palpated outer ear through the skin, scratching her ears or shaking her head - she has otitis media.

Allergic reaction food, pollen, or other allergen causes redness and watery eyes. Pus forms when bacteria gets from the fur onto the eyelid.

Treatment: how to help before visiting a doctor

The eyes are a paired organ, so often an infection from one eye spreads to the other, regardless of its origin. But, as we discussed above, localization can largely suggest the cause.

Notice if the dog rubs his eye with his paw. If this is present, then it is necessary to limit the space around the muzzle with a special cone called a screen. It is made of plastic, very durable and transparent, which is fixed on the dog’s neck on a collar and has additional slots for threading a lace or bandage. The height of the cone should be sufficient so that the dog can lap up water and eat on its own, but the walls of the cone do not allow the dog to reach the eye with its paw.

You can make a dog cone at home. For small animals, a 2-liter plastic bottle is quite suitable. For large ones, even Central Asian Shepherds A 5-6 liter container is enough. It is cut into a cone shape so that it fits tightly around the neck, but the animal can turn its head.

After the screen is attached and before visiting the veterinarian, the pus is removed. For this, ready-made pharmaceutical products or traditional methods:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the tea and leave to steep for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the infusion through several layers of gauze.
  3. Soak a piece of bandage in the solution and squeeze lightly.
  4. Swipe the swab over the hair growth area from the corner of the eye to its edges.

Important: Cannot be used for different eyes Using a tampon the same day will spread the infection. Do not put a used bandage into the solution - bacteria will get into the liquid.

Another safe one, but already medical device is Furacilin. It comes in tablet form and is sold in a regular pharmacy.

Washing with furatsilin:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. hot water 1 crushed tablet.
  2. Moisten a piece of bandage with the cooled solution and squeeze lightly.
  3. After the liquid has reached the dog’s body temperature -37-39 degrees, the pus can be removed. Clean the eyes along the hair growth area from the corner to the edges.

Furacilin harmless, but does not treat the cause of pus.

This is the kind of eye hygiene that is acceptable before visiting a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will identify the problems, if necessary, rinse the eye to look for antibiotics and be able to prescribe treatment.

Is it dangerous?

Most purulent-septic diseases of the eye will not harm the health and life of the dog. The exception is particularly advanced cases. But a dog can infect other animals and humans.

Do not allow children to play with a sick dog - pus getting on the mucous membranes leads to inflammation.

Almost every veterinary specialist knows that an animal’s eyes are a “mirror” by which a specialist can visually determine if the animal is sick or not. Today in medicine, many human diseases are diagnosed by the eyes. Eye diseases in our dogs are quite common today. If you do not take the necessary treatment measures in a timely manner, sometimes your pet’s disease can result in loss of vision. A dog's eye is an organ specially adapted for the animal to perceive light waves. With the help of vision, your dog navigates the world around him, perceives the intensity of light, color, shape of objects, distance to them, as well as the movement of objects in space. Using the dog's vision wildlife gets its own food, has the ability to move in the direction it needs, and in case of attack, defend itself. Eye disease can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.

IN Everyday life Dog owners often notice watery eyes and sometimes pus in their dog's eyes. Unfortunately, dog owners are not always alarmed when they see that their dog’s eyes are festering. It must be borne in mind that the discharge of yellowish or greenish exudate is one of the signs of many diseases in dogs. Having seen that a dog's eyes are festering, owners should immediately contact their veterinary clinic, since a dog's festering eyes can be one of the signs of an incipient serious illness.

In this article we will try to figure out why a dog’s eyes fester.

Pus in a dog's eyes can appear as a result of many reasons, let's look at the main ones.


Among dog breeds, French bulldogs and American cocker– spaniels. At the same time, specialists from veterinary clinics note the greatest predisposition to food allergies in dogs that are light in color (fawn Labradors, dachshunds, molosses of light fawn shades).

Often allergic reaction in a dog it is accompanied by a number of other symptoms - swelling of the nose, lips, paw pads, the dog sneezes often and for a long time. Allergies in dogs can manifest as severe symptoms such as pulmonary edema (), bronchospasm.

If the dog has allergic symptoms owners should immediately contact their veterinary clinic.

Viral diseases of dogs

Pus in a dog's eyes (purulent conjunctivitis) almost always accompanies viral diseases of dogs. Delay in contacting a veterinary clinic is fraught with serious consequences for the dog, as a result of which your dog may die.

The most common viral diseases among dogs in Russia are adenovirus (), and others.

Each of viral diseases dogs has its own characteristic features, but there are also common characteristics characteristic of a viral infection of dogs - a sharp increase in body temperature occurs, the dog loses its appetite, coughing (), sneezing, heavy breathing, and wheezing appear on the respiratory system. In case of defeat gastrointestinal tract - vomiting (), loose stool ().

In addition to the above viral diseases, there are a number of viruses that appear in dogs in a latent form and are diagnosed during laboratory tests. Clinically manifested in dogs - purulent discharge, cough, nasal discharge, after exercise.

Based on the above, dog owners should always promptly contact specialists for veterinary care.

Dogs affected by chlamydia and mycoplasmosis are one of the causes of pus in the eyes

Another dangerous disease for dogs and people is chlamydia. In cities, the source of chlamydia is birds (mainly pigeons), which are the main reservoir of chlamydia. When walking, city dogs have a greater chance of picking up this type chlamydia on city streets and parks. Damage occurs to the respiratory organs, eyes, liver, nervous system, chlamydial myocarditis develops. In 30% of dogs, symptoms of hepatosplenomegaly are recorded, and damage occurs gastro- intestinal tract(vomiting, diarrhea). Considering that chlamydia is a zooanthroponosis, dogs with chlamydia are a potential source of infection for their owners, especially in major cities, where dogs are kept in apartments. For people, the consequences of contracting chlamydia can be very serious: abortion, infertility, chronic diseases genital area, arthritis, conjunctivitis, etc. Taking this into account, explanatory work should be carried out with pet owners, recommendations should be given on how to preventive vaccinations dogs against chlamydia, and if a disease occurs, adherence to the strictest personal hygiene measures, careful complex treatment sick dog, holding serological studies owners and all people who came into contact with the sick dog. Detailed information about chlamydia can be found in the article -.

Pus in the eyes due to traumatic injury to the eye area

Dogs, being active animals, during walks, especially in wooded areas, while hunting, often receive injuries to their eyelids and corneas from tree branches, in conflicts with other dogs, cats, etc. When a minor injury sustained by a dog is fresh, you can always purchase medicinal substances having a wound-healing effect. As such medicines We can recommend drops Bars, Iris, Dezatsid, Lacrimin aseptic, Mizofen ointment, Levomycetin drops, etc.

If a dog receives serious injuries in the eye area or head bruises, owners urgently need to conduct a thorough clinical examination of the animal. IN veterinary clinic the injured dog will be given appropriate medical care.

Tearfulness and pus due to corneal irritation

Tearfulness and pus in the corners of a dog’s eyes can occur as a result of exposure to caustic volatile substances on the cornea and mucous membranes of the eyes. Dogs are very sensitive to household chemicals containing chlorine-containing substances, to alcohol, turpentine and other volatile substances when, as a result of evaporation, contact of these substances with the cornea and conjunctival mucosa occurs. In the case when this contact is rare for the dog, the dog as defensive reaction The body reacts with lacrimation; with constant contact, the dog develops purulent conjunctivitis and pus appears in the corners of the eyes.

Formation of pus in the eyes as a result of chronic diseases

Among the reasons that often contribute to the formation of pus in a dog’s eyes are blockage of the lacrimal canal, congenital or traumatic ectropion of the eyelid, and diseases of the internal organs.

To establish the cause of the formation of pus in the eyes of a dog, a deep examination is sometimes necessary. comprehensive examination animal in a veterinary clinic by conducting research general analysis blood, ultrasound of internal organs, fluoroscopy, etc. Conducting these studies is especially important for older dogs when their the immune system. In aging dogs, veterinary specialists often find certain chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system and kidneys.

Hypovitaminosis A in a dog

Hypovitaminosis A - this disease occurs in dogs with a lack of vitamin A (retinol, axerophthol) in the body and is manifested by symptoms of growth retardation, development, decreased natural resistance and local immune defense, peeling of the epidermis and dermatitis, metaplasia and keratinization of the epithelium of the mucous membranes and glands, violation vision and reproductive function ().

The first sign of hypovitaminosis A is that owners note their dog’s weakened vision when evening approaches, conjunctivitis, and clouding of the cornea ().

A lack of vitamin A (it is found, for example, in offal, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), greens, eggs) often leads to eye problems - blurred vision, the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis. Dogs that do not have the opportunity to eat a varied diet often suffer from hypovitaminosis A (including if they eat low-quality economy-class food, which is poor in vitamins and nutrients).

What can a dog owner do if there is pus in the eyes at home?

  • The first thing an owner can do for his dog is to wash the festering eye with a decoction of medicinal herbs, such as St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula. For rinsing in their absence, you can use a solution of furatsillin, potassium permanganate.
  • Eye rinsing is carried out using a cotton pad or swab moistened with a decoction or furacillin. Rinsing is carried out with a disk from the inner corner of the eye.
  • When washing, strictly adhere to next rule Each eye is treated with a separate swab.
  • After treating the sore eye with a decoction, excess moisture should be blotted off with a dry cloth.
  • After this, apply 1% tetracycline ointment to the inner surface of the eyelids. The technique for applying the ointment is as follows: the owner pulls back the lower eyelid of the dog’s diseased eye and puts the ointment there. After this, closing your eyelids, gently massage.

Preventing the formation of pus in the eyes of a dog

Prevention of the formation of pus in gases in a dog should be based on preventing the causes that lead to the appearance of pus in the eyes.

  • In order to prevent viral diseases, the dog must be regularly vaccinated against those diseases that are widespread in the region of residence. Due to the spread of rabies in populated areas Vaccination against rabies is strictly required in the Russian Federation.
  • Regularly treat your dog for worms.
  • Ensure your dog is well fed and normal conditions contents ( , ).
  • If there is a lack of vitamin A in the diet, use preparations containing vitamin A ().
  • Strive to ensure that during a walk the dog cannot get injured in the head area from its relatives, cats. Walk your dog, especially in populated areas, on a leash.
  • If you receive an injury in the eye area, take timely measures to treat the injury.
  • If a dog has long hair on its face, it must be trimmed periodically to prevent hair from getting into the eye and injuring it.
  • Dogs with bulging eyes (lapdogs, poodles, pugs, Pekingese, Japanese Chins) should have their eyes treated daily using products such as “artificial tears.”
  • Examine the dog's eyes daily and, if necessary, remove any exudate that accumulates in the eyes.
  • At the first sign of eye disease in your dog, seek veterinary help from your veterinarian immediately.