My finger hurts. Pain in fingers. Severe pain near the nail when pressing or walking

1. Bruise

Most obvious reason Long-term pain in the leg may be caused by injury. Having hit his foot, a person will know exactly the cause of the discomfort.

The bruise has the following symptoms:

  • the pain is sharp, severe and occurs at the time of injury;
  • accompanied by swelling;
  • functionality is impaired;
  • it is possible to change the position of the finger (if it is dislocated or fractured).

If you injure your toe, you must definitely contact a traumatologist, since there may be a fracture that may heal incorrectly, which will lead to deformation of the foot, disruption of its physiological functions and aesthetics.

2. Ingrown toenail

Another visually detectable cause may be an ingrown toenail. This trouble is possible as a result of a finger injury, too deep cutting of the nail plate, infection or fungus, and improperly selected shoes. This defect manifests itself as redness near the nail area, acute pain in the finger, in in some cases, the appearance of suppuration.

Internal reasons

Big toes also hurt as a result of severe inflammation in the body.

3. Poor circulation

Poor circulation in the leg is a consequence of diseases such as atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs and obliterating endarteritis. If pain in the toes is due to the presence of these diseases, they accompanied by loss of sensation in the limbs and burning. The skin changes color to a paler color, nails become brittle, and feet are constantly cold. All this occurs as a result of insufficient oxygen access to tissues.

A patient with arthritis experiences pain periodically, most often at night.

There are several types of this disease:

  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout.

The different nature of arthritis manifests itself in pain in different fingers, thumb legs hurt with psoriatic and reactive arthritis or gout.

4. Arthrosis

Arthrosis is a disease associated with joint deformation. This disease worries women more often, since they are the ones who are addicted to wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes with heels, which deform the foot and lead to the growth of a protruding bone.

5. Diabetes mellitus

When walking, the big toe may also hurt due to the development of diabetes. This disease is characterized by damage to many organs, including limbs.

There is even the concept of “diabetic foot,” which means the development of anatomical and functional changes leading to injury and infection of the tissues of the foot. Manifests itself in the form of necrotic processes, tissue decay, ulcerative formations, changes in the shape of joints or bones.

6. Morton's neuroma

Women are five times more likely than men to develop diseases such as plantar fasciitis or Morton's neuroma. The development of this disease is associated with increased pressure on the nerve, physical overload, and flat feet.

Pathology occurs between the bones of the second and third fingers, but painful sensations extend to the thumb. Distinctive feature is the occurrence of pain in only one leg and only the base of the toe hurts.

Which doctor should I contact?

For pain in the big toe without visible reasons, you must definitely consult a doctor - the following specialists deal with such pathologies:

  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist;
  • endocrinologist

A qualified medical professional will determine why your thumb hurts, conduct an examination, perform the necessary tests and prescribe effective treatment. Medical measures are primarily aimed at curing the disease caused by a similar symptom.

If the pain is associated with excessive skin growth on the finger and necrotic manifestations, it is sufficient to carry out cosmetic procedures and proper care. Excess skin tags are trimmed or removed using a pumice stone to remove dead skin cells or calluses It’s better to consult a cosmetologist or surgeon to avoid infection.

Discomfort in the thumb associated with the development of fungal diseases is eliminated by using special ointments and creams.


The treatment method directly depends on the type of disease:

  • For deforming osteoarthritis, restriction is recommended physical activity, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  • In case of arthrosis, the load on the damaged joints is limited, an orthopedic regimen, special procedures, pharmacotherapy, diet, Spa treatment and physical therapy.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, glucocorticosteroids, and monoclonal antibodies. Additionally, calcium supplements and vitamin D3 are taken to strengthen bone tissue.
  • Treatment of an injured limb varies depending on the severity of the injury: a dislocation is reduced, a fracture or crack is subject to fixation.
  • Patients with gout must adhere to a special diet and undergo hospital treatment.
  • Treatment of diabetes mellitus includes a special diet, when the patient’s diet is free of sugar, alcohol and sugar-containing products, with mandatory daily use of insulin and the use of medications that lower blood sugar levels.
What kind of treatment is required will be determined by a medical professional based on the results of the tests performed.

Accuracy during the pedicure procedure, will avoid infection and the development of inflammatory processes. The nail plate should not be cut too deep or leave sharp corners that will injure the finger.

Comfortable shoes are the key to healthy feet; they should not be tight or cause discomfort or pain in the feet. High-quality material and the correct shape will avoid rubbing and curvature of the foot.

Excessive exercise are also not beneficial. When playing sports, it is important to correctly distribute the force and level of pressure on the legs.

Traditional medicine also offers ways to get rid of pain in the big toe, such as:

  • compresses;
  • decoctions and infusions;
  • foot braces;
  • steaming feet in saline solution.

However, it is important to remember that self-medication can be very dangerous, it contributes to the development of a serious disease, which makes the situation worse. Define the real reason and only a doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment.

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When your big toe hurts, wearing shoes becomes painful, discomfort appears, to eliminate which you need to urgently consult a doctor, because this symptom may indicate the development of a dangerous disease.

The disease, the symptoms of which are pain and swelling, can be mechanical or infectious in nature. The most common causes of pain are the following: ingrown toenails, arthritis and arthrosis, gout. Let's analyze these reasons in more detail.

Gout – chronic illness, which is a consequence of salt deposition uric acid in the joints. The most common lesion involved is the thumb of the lower extremity.

Salt deposition occurs due to a decrease in their excretion through the kidneys, which, in turn, occurs when metabolic processes in organism. Metabolic disorders can be a consequence of: genetic failure; poor nutrition; bad habits; diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ischemia; suffered injuries.

Psychosomatics plays an important role in determining the cause of gout. It is worth noting that psychosomatics in such a disease is expressed in the need to dominate, impatience, and anger. All these human qualities are expressed through the symptoms and signs of gout.

In addition to pain in the joint of the big toe, other symptoms of gout occur:

  • the finger is swollen and painful, and the entire foot is swollen;
  • the finger turned red;
  • body temperature increases.

To clarify this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes an x-ray, a blood and synovial fluid test of the joint, and an ultrasound. Treatment of pain in the big toe joint and other manifestations of the disease is based on conservative methods, diet, and physical therapy, which is prescribed only by a doctor.

IN Chinese medicine There is such a common method of eliminating the disease as acupuncture with a hot needle. Few people know it in our medicine, but it is quite effective in its homeland. The method is as follows:

  1. Select several points located near the site of inflammation.
  2. Heat the needle until its tip turns bright red.
  3. Prick selected points with a hot needle, releasing up to 60 ml of blood from them.
  4. The procedure is carried out twice a week.

In general, three sessions will be enough to return the limb to natural function and eliminate the symptoms of gout.

An ingrown toenail mainly appears on the big toe, but the one next to it is no exception. An ingrown toenail can occur for the following reasons:

performing a poor-quality or incorrect manicure (cutting the nail too deep);

wearing uncomfortable shoes (when the big toe, including the nail, is strongly compressed by the shoes);

if the nail has a specific shape (may have genetic predisposition);

with existing flat feet;

if the tip of the nail grows in from the side due to a sharp increase in a person’s weight;

if the leg is injured;

Availability fungal disease stop.

The psychosomatics of the disease determines that the tip of the nail can grow into the skin when a person is worried about moving forward towards his goals.

The skin under the nail in the area where it grows may become red and swollen. Associated symptom There is a strong aching pain at the base of the big toe both when walking and at rest. Late stages of the pathology are accompanied by suppuration of the wound.

When the tip of the nail grows into the skin, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. If treatment with conservative methods is impossible or ineffective, surgical intervention is resorted to. Your doctor will also tell you how to treat the disease at home.

If the bone at the base of your thumb hurts

A bunion near the big toe, or more precisely, at its base, often occurs with flat feet. You can also note such reasons as wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, not proper nutrition, hereditary and other diseases. In this case, the bone that abducts the big toe begins to become inflamed, modified and protruding. The appearance of the bone resembles a large subcutaneous lump. People often believe that a protruding bone at the base of the thumb is a symptom of gout. To determine the correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist.

Big toe deformity develops in 4 stages:

Stage 1– There is no pain syndrome, the bone protrudes noticeably.

Stage 2– The pain is mild and fleeting and intensifies when the leg moves.

Stage 3– The phalanx of the thumb tolerates a displacement of 30–50 degrees. The bone and finger hurt a lot when a person stands for a long time.

Stage 4– The thumb is displaced by more than 50 degrees. The bone and finger hurt constantly.

If the bone at the base of the thumb hurts, treatment is as follows: diet; drinking enough fluid; wearing comfortable shoes made of quality materials; massage and physical education; physiotherapy.

If all methods are ineffective, surgery to remove the bone is prescribed. Contraindications for the operation are existing diseases: diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, heart disease, thrombophlebitis.

Arthritis of the big toe

Arthritis of the big toe is most often a consequence of reactive or psoriatic arthritis and gout. The psychosomatics of the disease states that arthritis develops in those people who are too strict with themselves and cannot relax and express their desires.

Most people have this disease for many years. Exacerbation of arthritis occurs at the time of change in weather conditions, season or climatic conditions. Symptoms of the disease are:

the big toe hurts when bending, as well as when a person moves;

limited finger mobility;

unpleasant stiffness at the site of the lesion;

elevated temperature bodies;

redness and swelling of the skin over the affected area.

Treatment, first of all, consists of following a diet prescribed by the doctor. He also prescribes other treatment, which will differ in each specific case, depending on the cause of the disease.


Deformation of the big toe and the appearance of a bump on its side is called “bursitis,” which occurs for the following reasons: uncomfortable shoes that a person wears; genetic predisposition; rheumatic and metabolic pathologies present in humans.

The psychosomatics of such a disease lies in the lack of joy in a person towards the things around him and life in general.

Symptoms of bursitis are clearly expressed:

  • the metatarsophalangeal bursa swells and becomes inflamed;
  • pain syndrome that occurs when walking;
  • the skin at the site of the lesion turns red;
  • burning sensation in the affected area;
  • restriction of finger mobility.

With significant progression of the disease, swelling and pain syndrome may spread to the lower leg. On inside a callus may occur on the finger. In the case when a person eliminates it with the help of pumice, files and creams, there is an increase in trauma to the inflammation zone, and the foot becomes even more deformed.

If the infection enters the synovial bursa, signs of intoxication develop. These include malaise and weakness, as well as elevated body temperature.

Treatment initial stage disease consists of the following: wearing comfortable shoes; limiting loads on the foot; to eliminate swelling and pain, it is recommended to elevate the leg; physiotherapy.

Advanced cases require other treatment: taking painkillers, antibiotics, wearing special insoles in shoes.

Muscle pain

The muscle of the big toe, just like all the other muscles of the foot, can hurt after a load on it. The pain will be aching, but not severe, which occurs when moving.

Muscles (muscles) also hurt after keeping the limbs in one position for a long time. This may include flying on an airplane, sitting or standing for a long time. This occurs when blood stagnates in the veins in the case of a monotonous position of the limbs. In this case, endotoxins accumulate, and the muscles (muscle), or rather their cells, succumb to oxygen starvation. As a result of such processes, the pain receptor is activated and the muscles (muscle) begin to ache.

Such pain can be eliminated with a short rest, and blood stagnation in the limbs can be eliminated by giving them an elevated position.

The next reason why the muscles (muscle of the big toe) of the feet may become sore is walking in shoes with high heels. This usually applies to women. Joint pain can be confused with muscle pain in diseases such as osteoarthritis deformans, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.

How to prevent finger diseases?

In order not to waste time, energy and money on treating the manifested disease of the toe, it is better to take care of prevention. Let us highlight the following rules of prevention:

  1. Maintaining foot hygiene.
  2. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  3. Taking foot baths with herbs.
  4. Hygiene of pedicure instruments.
  5. Avoiding hypothermia of the extremities.

Only a doctor can determine why the big toe hurts based on the diagnostic results. You should not delay visiting a doctor, as pain may indicate a serious illness. Otherwise, you may end up with irreversible consequences.

Hands play an important role in the life of every person. Full functioning is possible only when the fingers are healthy. For pain in the thumb joint They don't pay attention at first. Only initial changes make it possible to ignore the condition; then the situation worsens. It is the thumb that performs the main functions (grasping, holding), so it is subject to frequent stress. Its diseases most often affect females.

There are common causes and degenerative joint conditions.

Common reasons

Factors that can cause pain in the thumb include:

  • heredity;
  • injuries, bruises;
  • Lifestyle;
  • age.

If in a family a grandmother, grandfather, mother, or father suffered from degenerative pathologies, then the future generation may have problems in the future. Bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, excessive salt intake, lead to a decrease in the activity of the immune system and, as a consequence, to. People over the age of 50 are more susceptible to arthritis and other degenerative joint changes.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

As a result, joints hurt thumbs hands


Another source of discomfort are injuries and bruises of the phalanx. At strong impact When pinched, the periarticular tissues are crushed, and blood does not flow to them in the proper volume. The pad of your finger may even swell. If a finger on your hand hurts when bent, it means that the joint tissue could be damaged, and the discomfort is only a reaction of the nerve endings to a joint injury. Symptoms: swelling in the bruised area, bluish discoloration of the area, increased temperature.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State medical Academy, Orenburg.

At a fracture it is noticeable unnatural bone position, there is a hematoma, redness, the source of pain feels hot, it is impossible to move the limb.

Nature of pain
With a bruise - strong, pulling. Sharp, sharp - at a fracture.
Diagnosis and treatment
The examination is carried out by a traumatologist, surgeon. X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds are required. A bruise involves taking non-steroidal drugs with an analgesic effect - Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Nise. Absorbable ointments are used - Voltaren, Diclofenac, Heparin ointment. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed - laser treatment, UHF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis. At home, they do a great job of treating a bruise by applying cold, a bandage with potatoes or onion gruel. You can make an overlay with Badyaga. A fracture requires a plaster cast on the finger.

If you feel very unwell, you can take analgesics.

Other factors
The main diseases affecting the thumbs include:

  • degenerative changes;
  • infectious-allergic polyarthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • rhizarthrosis or arthrosis;
  • de Quervain's tenosynovitis;
  • gout;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • psoriatic arthritis.

Let's look at each disease in more detail, and also find out why pain occurs, what are its causes and what treatment is required.

Degenerative changes

Tissue degeneration leads to destruction of the bone itself. Most often, dystrophy is caused by arthritis. It affects both young and old people. It can be caused by factors such as excess weight, hypothermia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, gonorrhea, lupus erythematosus, trauma, smoking. Signals include bone deformation, swelling, numbness (with rheumatoid arthritis), and stiffness, especially in the morning. A characteristic sign is a crunching sound when moving. Depending on the location, the phalanx of the left or right hand. Acute form The disease is accompanied by fever and swelling of the entire hand.

Expert opinion

Mitrukhanov Eduard Petrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic, Moscow. Education: Russian State Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd.

A severe form of the disease leads to a complete loss of performance - the fingers curl in an unnatural position.

Nature of pain
Increasing in the morning, strong - with a chronic course.
Diagnosis and treatment
The disease is treated by an arthrologist and rheumatologist. First, the doctor refers the patient to an MRI, ultrasound, clinical, biochemical analysis blood. Based on the results of the examination, conservative treatment is prescribed. Arthralgia cannot be cured completely, you can only improve the patient's condition. Non-hormonal or hormonal drugs, analgesics - , Ibuprofen, . Strong painful sensations relieved with medications. Infectious pathology is treated with antibiotics (injections in ampoules of Ceftriaxone, Meronem). They also use chondroprotectors - Chondroxide or injections with Rumalon, decongestant creams - Vishnevsky ointment. Ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, heating, and mud therapy are performed. Traditional methods include lotions with turpentine, tincture of Kalanchoe leaves.

Advanced stages of the disease are treated with endoprosthetics.

Infectious-allergic polyarthritis

Leaking not in one finger, but in several at once. This type The disease is a severe inflammation of the periarticular tissues; the accumulated fluid in them contributes to hyperemia and effusion. The disease is caused by staphylococci and streptococci; they are the strongest allergen for the immune system. Where does the infection come from? It may be a consequence of recent tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. However, not everyone develops this type of polyarthritis. More often it occurs in patients who are allergic to these pathogens, have low immunity, hormonal imbalances, or a genetic predisposition. Characteristic symptoms: arthralgia, itching, swelling, redness, fever.
Nature of pain
Moderate, the pain goes away without treatment, then increases again.
Diagnosis and treatment
The disease is insidious in that even without proper treatment it can disappear without a trace, but polyarthritis will not go away completely - it is prone to relapses. An arthrologist or rheumatologist refers the patient to a blood test, urine test, radiography, ultrasound, culture of biological tissues, analysis for gonorrhea, dysentery, brucellosis, and collection of synovial contents. Prescribe antibiotics penicillin group, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Aspirin, Brufen, Ibuprofen, antihistamines- Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. Additionally, multivitamin complexes are prescribed, therapeutic diet, excluding allergenic products. The diet should not include: chocolate, ice cream, red vegetables and fruits, fatty food. Diathermy, ultraviolet, paraffin baths, exercise therapy are indicated. The course of treatment lasts from 2 months to six months.

In a situation where the cartilage and bone contents are severely damaged, surgical intervention is required.


If the thumb on the hand hurts after injury, hypothermia, infections, hormonal disorders, then this may indicate bursitis. The thumb swells. EU If you press on it, painful sensations arise. The brush itself takes on a slightly different color, becoming red or bluish. There is a hot spot and movement is limited. If bursitis was caused by a bruise, you should be wary of its development purulent form. It is recognized by headaches, nausea, general malaise, and pain in the limbs.
Nature of pain
Strong, especially if you press on existing swelling on the joints.
Diagnosis and treatment
A surgeon or orthopedist examines the patient and then sends him for x-rays, computed tomography, MRI, and puncture of the joint mass. Held drug treatment using NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, . Creams are applied topically - for example. The purulent disease stops. Magnetic therapy, paraffin baths, warming, UHF, electrophoresis, complex exercises, and gymnastics perfectly speed up recovery. Traditional medicine recommends treating pain in the thumb joint with bandages with an infusion of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. These include lemon balm and St. John's wort.

Doctors advise wearing a tight bandage to hold the arm in a stationary position.

Rhizarthrosis or arthrosis

Rhysarthrosis is chronic course arthrosis. The symptoms are similar to arthrosis. Both contribute to degenerative changes in cartilage. The causes of pain in the thumb joint in these pathologies are injuries, poor diet, obesity, congenital dysplasia of the articular joints, and metabolic failure. Lack of therapy leads to the growth of osteophytes, which interfere with the full mobility of the phalanx. Signs of rhizarthrosis: increased temperature of the affected area, redness, the joint may swell, a characteristic crunch when bending.

In the morning there is numbness, bone deformation, Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes.

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Nature of pain
The onset of the disease is characterized by mild pain, the chronic phase is characterized by sharp, acute sensations with periodic subsidence.
Diagnosis and treatment
An arthrologist or rheumatologist examines the patient, gives him directions for x-rays, MRI, computed tomography, biochemical, and clinical blood tests. Having ruled out other diseases, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal drugs - Meloxicam,. To restore the level of synovial contents and cartilaginous material, -,. Magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, paraffin applications, and ozokerite baths are used. A balanced diet containing plenty of proteins, magnesium, and potassium is required. Gentle percussion massage improves blood circulation in the extremities. For rhizarthrosis, balneotherapy, treatment with clay and leeches are also recommended. At the last stage of the disease, arthrodesis, arthroscopy, and endoprosthetics are necessary.

De Quervain's tenosynovitis

In medicine, this disease is called " stenosing tenosynovitis". Appears due to compression of the tendons of the abductor longus muscle and extensor limb. Only the thumb and long muscles are affected. The causes of tenosynovitis are bruises, rheumatism, infections of the synovial vagina of the hand, hereditary factors.

Typical signals of tenosynovitis are a click when flexing the joint, redness, and tissue hyperemia.

Nature of pain
Moderate, intensifies when pressing the finger to the palm.
Diagnosis and treatment
The orthopedist listens carefully to the patient's complaints. For a complete clinical picture we need x-rays, MRI, CT, blood test. NSAIDs are prescribed in the form of ointments, tablets, injections, and injections with glucocorticosteroids. A favorable outcome of the disease is facilitated by magnetic therapy, mud therapy, massage, application of an orthosis to the main joint, and physical therapy. You can cook it yourself at home medicine with calendula flowers, mixing them with Vaseline or baby cream. The resulting medicine is applied to the sore spot and left overnight under a bandage. Another remedy for the treatment of rhizarthrosis is wormwood.

The prepared decoction is taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.


Gout is called deposits of uric acid crystals in bone joints on the right and left hand. However, sometimes the pathology is localized only on one limb. The risk group includes men and women over 40 years of age. The triggering factors for gout are heredity, poor diet, bad habits, excess weight, and diabetes. Symptoms of the disease: increased temperature of the lesion, redness, swelling, subcutaneous tophi. The latter consist of urates or uric acid salts. They are seals that are visually distinguishable.
Nature of pain
Strong, burning, attacks increase during exacerbations.

The pain disappears for a while, and the patient thinks that he has recovered.

Diagnosis and treatment
After examining the patient, the therapist sends him to more specialized specialists. A rheumatologist will need radiography, MRI, ultrasound, CT scan, clinical and biochemical blood tests, urine analysis, synovial fluid sample. Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs - Naproxen, Indomethacin, Colchicine; uricodepressants - Allopurinol; uricosuric agents. The action of the latter is aimed at increasing the clearance of urate in the kidneys. Creams, applications with Dimexide, mud therapy are used externally, balneotherapy and diet are also indicated. A proper diet does not allow the consumption of fatty, spicy, salty, and smoked foods.

Raynaud's syndrome

Vasopathic disease - vasoconstriction affects the lower and upper limbs . The disease is rare, affecting approximately 3-5% of people; women suffer from it more often. Factors leading to Raynaud's syndrome are endocrine, occupational pathologies, blood pathologies, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus, nervous disorders, atherosclerosis. A characteristic sign is the color of the hands: the tips of the fingers become white or bluish. The first phase is characterized by attacks once a year, numbness of the affected area.

Additionally, there is an excessive reaction to cold and muscle spasms.

Nature of pain
Tingling, burning. The second and third stages of the disease are manifested by severe painful sensations.
Diagnosis and treatment
A phlebologist studies the patient’s medical history. A clinical and biochemical blood test, kidney ultrasound, consultation with a rheumatologist, cardiologist, rheovasography, and plethysmography will be required. Treatment of Raynaud's syndrome requires eliminating the underlying cause of the disease and using medications that dilate blood vessels and reduce blood clots. These include Nifedipine, Vazaprostan, Verapamil. Non-steroidal class of medications - Ibuprofen, Butadione, Reopirin, Indomethacin. Folk methods include baths with pine needles, contrast baths with alternating cold and hot water, onion compresses, applications with aloe juice.

Homemade tinctures with red hot pepper and wormwood ointment also have a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is often a cause of joint pain. One of the causes of this type of arthralgia is psoriasis. This is to skin disease, the prerequisites for which are stress, fears, and emotional stress. Therefore, psoriasis is often called a psychosomatic disease. Injuries, taking medications for hypertension, alcohol, smoking, and viruses can serve as provoking factors for the disease. Classic signs of psoriatic arthritis are swelling, redness of the affected area and local increase in temperature, pain depending on the location of the lesion on the right or left hand, morning stiffness, peeling of the skin, deformation of the nail plates, itching.
Nature of pain
From mild to acute, intensifies at night.
Diagnosis and treatment
When contacting a therapist, you will need to consult with specialized specialists - an orthopedic surgeon, a dermatologist, an examination for rheumatoid factor to exclude rheumatoid etiology, x-rays, and blood tests. Treatment consists of taking medications - Ibuprofen. Gels are used against skin reactions, reducing scaly plaques, peeling, and regenerating the epidermis. Severe arthralgia is treated with glucocorticosteroids - for example, Prednisolone, drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system, such as Cyclosporine, Metatrexate,. The inability to use traditional immunosuppressants involves taking a new development - a phosphodiesterase inhibitor called Otesla. Phototherapy, chrysotherapy, and psychological consultations contribute to a favorable outcome of the disease. Perhaps a psychologist will consider it necessary to use antidepressants and psychotropic drugs.

Required condition There will be exercise therapy, proper nutrition. At home, pine and chamomile baths, burdock leaf wraps, and cabbage leaves, overlays with flax seeds.

Situational reasons

Often they note discomfort in a specific situation - for example, when flexing and extending a joint. When bending, pain can be observed due to osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, and excessive physical exertion. If the pad of the thumb on the hand hurts when pressing, then a bruise, a blow to the bone, or pinching of soft tissues is possible. A typical picture of discomfort during flexion and extension of the phalanx is stenosing ligamentitis. This is a lesion of the periarticular tissue.

When should you see a doctor?

If you fell, then First of all, examine the brush. You can’t move your phalanx, you feel sharp pain, is there hyperemia, hemorrhage? These signals indicate a fracture or crack.

Dimexide. The solution is mixed in the required proportions with water, moistened with a napkin and applied to the affected area.

There is horseradish in any house. Horseradish root gruel will help relieve an arthralgic attack. It is finely rubbed on a grater and applied to the source of pain. If the baking or burning begins to become unbearable, the roots are replaced with fresh leaves of the plant.

Warm up with boiled potatoes. Boil the vegetable with its peel, chop it, and place it on the sore spot. Cover the top with polyethylene and cling film. Usually by morning it becomes much easier.

Tubers are great at warming up the affected area.

Fir oil gives excellent results. It is carefully rubbed into preheated sea ​​salt zone. Relief occurs after the 1st procedure. To consolidate the effect, you should not limit yourself to one session; you will need at least 3 more procedures.

Subsequently, ailments are relieved by baths with extracts of pine needles, chamomile, and skin-soothing medicinal herbs, which also have a positive effect on psoriasis.

Rubbing with honey, alcohol, glycerin and iodine. Everything is mixed, you need to use the rubbing every day. Herbalists advise rubbing sore limbs with celandine and olive oil. The mixture is prepared as follows. Propolis is filled with oil and placed in a dark place for 14 days. It should be used every day.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to say: if the thumb on your right or left hand hurts and is swollen, do not put off visiting a doctor. Answer the question of how to treat such ailments, as well as choose a competent and effective therapy Only a doctor can.

To avoid complications, self-medication is prohibited.

On a note

  1. Thumb joints can become painful as a result of injury and some degenerative diseases.
  2. Injury. Fracture – sharp and severe pain, swelling, hyperemia, inability to move. Bruise - nagging, aching pain, swelling.
  3. Degenerative changes. Joint deformity, numbness, swelling, morning stiffness, pain that increases in the morning.
  4. Infectious-allergic polyarthritis (inflammation of the joints). Moderate pain at rest and during movement, night pain, stiffness, swelling. Symptoms spread to several joints.
  5. Bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bursa). Intense pain, aggravated by pressure, swelling and hyperemia of the skin.
  6. Arthrosis (degenerative change in the joint). Moderate pain during movement or physical activity, crunching in the joint, decreased range of motion.
  7. De Quervain's tenosynovitis (inflammation of the thumb tendon sheath, "washerwoman's disease"). Aching pain in the wrist and thumb, radiating to the elbow. It gets worse when you try to bring your finger towards your palm and squeeze your fingers over it.
  8. Gout (deposition of uric acid salts in the joints). Severe pressing pain in the joint, swelling, hyperthermia and redness, formation of tophi (nodules with salt deposits). Only the joint of one arm is affected.
  9. Raynaud's syndrome (vasospastic disease). Symmetrical and bilateral damage to both hands, numbness, burning and tingling, pain, cyanosis, occurs under the influence of cold or stress.
  10. Psoriatic arthritis (occurs against the background of psoriasis, develops several years after skin manifestations). Pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints, swelling and cyanosis of the skin.
  11. Analgesics and NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ketonal) help well with pain syndrome. If injured, try to ensure rest. If the pain bothers you for a long time and does not subside, contact a traumatologist.

The big toe hurts – patients often come to the doctor with such a complaint. Answer the question: why does my thumb hurt? - it’s definitely impossible. The causes of this condition may include arthritis, arthrosis, gout, onychocryptosis and other dangerous diseases.

In such situations, a person is deprived of the opportunity to wear tight shoes, he feels discomfort when walking and, in the end, decides to seek help from doctors. To understand where the pain in the patient’s big toe came from, the doctor carefully examines the nature of the pain.

Sharp pain in left finger or right leg may be accompanied various diseases. Causes pain syndrome in this zone may have mechanical and infectious etiology. The most common of them:

  • onychocryptosis - ingrown toenail;
  • gout;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • excessive physical activity.

Each of the reasons is worth considering in more detail, because pain in the thumb can be unbearable.

Surgical intervention

The definitive treatment method is surgical treatment. It is necessary if the disease causes severe discomfort and is severe. Surgical intervention cannot be avoided in case of such a pathology as an ingrown toenail. In this situation, the doctor removes the entire nail or leaves part of it.

The operation is performed using phenol or electrocoagulation. Removal is carried out under local anesthesia. With further correct pedicure, the ingrown toenail will not appear again.

Surgically, you can stop the protrusion of the bone due to arthrosis. Laser surgery is usually used for this. This is explained by the fact that this technique has practically no contraindications.


For arthrosis of the toe, the most popular physiotherapy procedures are:

  • electrophoresis;
  • mud therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • ozokerite.

If the finger is swollen and its pad is red, electrophoresis must be used. This technique relieves redness well and eliminates inflammation.

A swollen fingertip due to gout, arthritis or arthrosis will return to normal after a course of magnetic therapy. The magnetic field has a swelling effect and prevents the occurrence of infection.

Complex therapy, which consists of several types of physiotherapeutic procedures, can not only eliminate pain, but also has a beneficial effect on the overall health of the body.

Pain in the joint of the thumb on the hand can be the result of muscle strain due to heavy physical activity. But often it signals the development of a serious pathology that provokes severe complications. Therefore, the cause of pain in the thumb must be established, and then conservative or surgical treatment must be immediately carried out.

Common Causes of Pain

Clinically manifested by pain in the thumb are degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory, especially autoimmune and infectious. Therefore, if there are no visible skin lesions and persistent pain, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.


The thumb joint is affected. The most intense symptoms are characteristic of those developing due to a disorder of purine regulation. In the joint area, uric acid irritates soft tissues, causing.

When a gout attack occurs, the following symptoms occur:

  • a sharp, burning, throbbing pain appears in the finger;
  • the skin turns red, swells, becomes hot to the touch;
  • Often specific gouty nodules - tophi - are felt under the skin.

It manifests itself even more clearly, caused by the penetration of bacteria, fungi, and viruses into the joint cavity. Besides local signs(edema, hyperemia), symptoms of general intoxication of the body occur - increased body temperature, chills, fever, headaches, dizziness.


Pain in the thumb joint - characteristic feature. It begins to develop as a result of a disorder of trophism (nutrition) of cartilage tissue. This leads to their destruction, thinning, and compaction. Bone structures are gradually affected, causing further deformation. The course of the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • crepitus () when flexing or extending the thumb;
  • morning swelling and;
  • limited joint mobility;
  • acute pain in the finger during relapses, pulling, aching, pressing - during remission.

Stiffness is associated with narrowing of the joint space, the formation of bone growths (), and muscle spasms.


This is the name for inflammation of the synovial bursa of one of the joints of the thumb due to frequent monotonous movements, exacerbation or endocrine pathologies. On initial stage development, only mild discomfort occurs. But soon pain appears, intensifying when bending or straightening the finger. Bursitis is also characterized by other clinical manifestations:

  • swelling, formation of a small compaction under the skin;
  • sensation of fluid moving when pressing on the formation (fluctuation);
  • limitation of mobility.

If bursitis is caused by the penetration of infectious agents into the joint cavity, then the skin of the finger turns red, swells, and becomes hot. If left untreated, toxic waste products of bacteria enter the bloodstream, which leads to fever, chills, and excessive sweating.

Injuries and mechanical damage

Pain in the thumb joint often occurs due to microtrauma of the skin. These can be cuts, burns, cracks, scratches, abrasions, splinters. Severe inflammation develops, so the person thinks that the joint hurts. Microtraumas are always easy to detect by redness and swelling, and pain when pressed.

Pain in the thumb can result from a fracture, bruise, dislocation, subluxation, rupture of muscles, tendon ligaments. At the moment of injury it is sharp and piercing. The pain increases due to the formation of edema. And after its resorption, a hematoma forms in the area of ​​damage.


Inflammatory damage to the bone marrow of all bone elements (periosteum, spongy and compact substance). The pathology can be nonspecific, provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, and specific, for example, syphilitic, brucellosis. Clinically, osteomyelitis manifests itself as follows:

  • severe pain, weakening as the inflammatory process becomes chronic;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the skin due to blood vessels overflowing with blood;
  • an increase in local temperature.

Pathogenic microorganisms most often penetrate the joint of the thumb from distant foci of inflammation (abscesses, phlegmons, infected wounds). They can provoke a purulent process, which is dangerous due to its severe complications, including sepsis.

Degree of damage

Mild discomfort in the thumb is a sign of developing inflammatory or degenerative pathology. Usually only infectious, reactive, rheumatoid, etc. manifest acutely. Other pathologies develop gradually.

The degree of damage to pathologies of the joint of the thumb Clinical manifestations
1 degree of severity Painful sensations occur after intense physical exertion, hypothermia, and acute respiratory viral infections. They disappear after a short rest. Visible signs no joint damage
2nd degree of severity The pain intensifies, appears when bending and straightening the finger, and is accompanied by a crunching sound. There is slight swelling in the joint area
3 degree of severity Pain occurs with movement and at rest. She is twitching, strong, constant. The skin becomes red, swollen, and range of motion is significantly limited.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints, his external examination, anamnesis data. The doctor conducts a series of functional tests to assess muscle strength, range of motion, and the intensity of symptoms. The following instrumental studies are prescribed:

  • radiography to detect deformation of bone structures;
  • MRI, CT, ultrasound, which help to detect the localization of inflammation, determine its severity and the degree of damage to cartilage tissue.

To make a diagnosis, the results of general clinical tests are necessary, and serological studies( , antinuclear antibodies, C-reactive protein). Biological samples are sown into nutrient media to determine the type of infectious agents and their sensitivity to drugs.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have pain in the thumb joint, it is advisable to consult a therapist. He will prescribe all the necessary studies, and after studying their results, he will refer the patient to highly specialized doctors - a rheumatologist, an orthopedist, a traumatologist, a neurologist.

First aid

Jerking, throbbing pain in the thumb can be eliminated by taking a tablet - Naiza, Ketorola. If it occurs as a result of a blow or fall, then you should apply it for 10 minutes - for example, a bag filled with ice and wrapped in cloth. The procedure must be repeated every hour. It is imperative to go to the emergency room for an x-ray to rule out a fracture or complete separation of the ligaments or tendons from the bone base.

Until the cause of the pain is determined, no heating should be used. Under influence high temperature inflammatory process will quickly spread to healthy finger tissue.

How to treat pain in the thumb

The severity of any pathology is one of the criteria for choosing therapeutic tactics. At the initial stage of arthritis development or are used conservative methods treatment, and in case of severe deformation of the bone structures, the patient is prepared for surgery.

Drug treatment

The course of some pathologies is accompanied by such intense pain that taking pills alone is not enough. In these cases, NSAIDs (Ortofen,) or drug blockades with (Diprospan, Triamcinolone) and anesthetics (Lidocaine, Novocaine) are practiced. During the treatment, drugs from the following clinical and pharmacological groups are used:


Mechanical effects on muscle fibers stimulate improvement of trophism and innervation by replenishing tissue reserves nutrients. When performing a massage, stroking, rubbing, and light pressure are used.

The first sessions should be conducted by a specialist. And then you can massage your thumb and entire hand at home.


Nutritionists recommend excluding alcohol, fatty and smoked foods, including processed foods and fast food, from your diet. You should limit foods with high content simple carbohydrates (chocolate, pastries, candies). The daily menu should contain a lot of fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables.

Folk remedies

Can not use folk remedies until the cause of pain in the thumb is determined and the main treatment is carried out. Their weak analgesic effect will distort clinical picture, which will significantly complicate diagnosis.


One of the main preventive measures pain in the finger - eliminating traumatic situations, reducing physical stress on the joints. Overweight people are advised to lose weight, as excess weight often causes the development of diarrhea. You should stop smoking and drinking alcohol to avoid circulatory disorders.