Should I worry about a caesarean section? Mom's experience: how to survive a caesarean section. Get ready for a difficult recovery period

Who decides whether a woman can give birth on her own or whether she needs to C-section? This issue has been previously resolved in antenatal clinic or medical center, where the progress of pregnancy and the patient’s condition are monitored. The examination is carried out not only by an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also by doctors of other specialties: therapist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, and, if necessary, a surgeon, neurologist, orthopedist. If there are any diseases, these specialists give their recommendations on the management of pregnancy and an opinion on the method of delivery. Final decision Doctors in the maternity hospital decide on the need for a caesarean section and the timing of its implementation. Each maternity hospital has its own characteristics of the operation itself, pain management, and postoperative management. Therefore, it is better to choose a maternity hospital in advance and ask the doctor all the questions that concern you.

The question is very often asked: is it possible to do C-section at will, without medical indications? We believe that C-section can be performed only in cases where vaginal delivery is impossible or dangerous to the life of the mother or fetus. Patient without professional knowledge of the danger surgical intervention, cannot make such decisions.

When to go to the maternity hospital? Most often, doctors from the antenatal clinic refer you to the maternity hospital 1-2 weeks before the intended operation. In the hospital it is carried out additional examination patients. If necessary, drug correction of identified deviations in health status. The condition of the fetus is also assessed: cardiotocography is performed, ultrasonography, Doppler measurements in the vessels of the “mother-placenta-fetus” system. If a maternity hospital is selected in advance and a decision is made about the need for a cesarean section, then all consultations and examinations can be completed before hospitalization. And for a caesarean section, come right on the day of the operation, having carried out the necessary preparation at home. However, this is only possible in the absence severe complications pregnancy and normal fetal condition.

Speaking about preparation for a planned caesarean section, one cannot fail to mention the possibility, and even the necessity, of carrying out the so-called autologous plasma donation. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, a patient can donate 300 ml of her own plasma (the liquid part of the blood), which will be stored in a special freezer for a long time. And if during the operation a transfusion of blood products is required, then the transfusion will not be someone else’s (even if it has been examined), but your own plasma. This eliminates the possibility of contracting various infections, including HIV, hepatitis B and C. Autoplasma donation is carried out in maternity hospitals that have their own blood transfusion department. The procedure does not provide negative influence neither the condition of the mother nor the condition of the fetus, and the lost plasma is restored in the body within 2-3 days.

How is the date of surgery determined? The condition of the patient and the fetus is assessed, the due date is determined based on the date of the last menstruation, the expected day of conception, the first ultrasound examination and, if possible, a day is selected that is as close as possible to the due date. In this case, the wishes of the patient herself must be taken into account. The patient provides her consent to the operation and pain relief in writing.

Now let's talk directly about preoperative preparation as planned caesarean section. The day before you need to take a hygienic shower. It is important to get a good night's sleep, so to cope with understandable anxiety, it is better to take something calming at night (as recommended by your doctor). Dinner the night before should be light. And on the day of the operation, you can neither drink nor eat in the morning. A cleansing enema is performed 2 hours before surgery. Immediately before the start of the operation bladder a catheter is inserted, which is removed only a few hours after the operation. These measures will help prevent serious kidney complications.

What are the methods pain relief at caesarean section? The most modern and safe method pain relief for both mother and fetus is regional (epidural or spinal) anesthesia. In this case, only the surgical site and the lower part of the body are anesthetized. The patient is conscious and can hear and see her baby immediately after birth and attach him to the breast. In modern clinics, more than 95% of operations are performed with this type of anesthesia. General anesthesia is used much less frequently.

How to do it C-section? After pain relief, the woman’s stomach is washed with a special antiseptic and covered with sterile sheets. A barrier is placed at chest level to prevent the patient from seeing the surgical site. An incision is made in the abdominal wall. In the vast majority of cases, this is a transverse incision above the pubis, extremely rarely - a longitudinal incision from the pubis to the navel. Then the muscles are moved apart, an incision is made in the uterus (usually transverse, less often longitudinal), and the amniotic sac. The doctor inserts his hand into the uterine cavity and removes the baby. The umbilical cord is cut and the baby is handed over to the midwife. Then the placenta is removed by hand, and the incision on the uterus is sutured with a special thread, which resolves after 3-4 months. It is also restored abdominal wall. Staples or stitches are placed on the skin, and a sterile dressing is placed over it. Depending on the technique and complexity of the operation, its duration is on average 20-40 minutes.

The first day after cesarean section the patient is usually in the recovery room or ward intensive care, where round-the-clock monitoring of her condition is carried out: general well-being, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, size and tone of the uterus, amount of discharge, bladder function. At the end of the operation, an ice pack is placed on the lower abdomen for 1.5-2 hours, which helps to contract the uterus and reduce blood loss. What medications are usually administered postoperatively? Pain relief is mandatory; the frequency of administration of these drugs depends on the intensity of pain. Typically, anesthesia is required in the first 2-3 days, then it is gradually abandoned. In addition, drugs are prescribed that promote uterine contraction and drugs that normalize the function of the uterus. gastrointestinal tract. Also administered intravenously saline to replenish fluid loss. The issue of prescribing antibiotics is decided by the operating doctor for each patient individually. Most elective caesarean sections do not require antibiotics.

When can you get up? The first time we help the patient get up 6 hours after the operation. First you need to sit and then stand for a while. This is enough to get started. A more active motor mode begins after transfer from the intensive care unit. It is better to take care in advance of purchasing a special postoperative bandage, which will greatly facilitate movement in the first few days after a cesarean section. From the first day you can begin to fulfill the minimum physical exercise, which contribute to a more favorable course of the postoperative period. Transfer to the postpartum department is possible 12-24 hours after surgery. The child is currently in the children's department. In the postpartum department, the woman herself will be able to begin caring for the baby, breastfeeding and swaddling him. But in the first few days you will need help from doctors and relatives (if visits are allowed in the maternity hospital).

Diet. On the first day after surgery you are allowed to drink mineral water without gas. You can add lemon juice to it. On the second day, the diet expands - you can eat porridge, low-fat broth, boiled meat, sweet tea. From the third day, nutritious nutrition is possible - only foods that are not recommended for breastfeeding are excluded from the diet. Usually, to normalize intestinal function, a cleansing enema is prescribed about a day after surgery.

When can I go home?, the attending physician decides. Typically, on the 5th day after surgery, an ultrasound examination of the uterus is performed, and on the 6th day, staples or sutures are removed. If the postoperative period is successful, discharge is possible 6-7 days after cesarean section.

After being discharged home, try to get as much rest as possible. Required Special attention and help from family members who can take on some of the household chores. After all, for some time after the operation there will be weakness, increased fatigue, painful sensations in the seam area. What regime should you follow at home? The diet is normal - taking into account breastfeeding. At " water procedures“You’ll have to limit yourself to a shower. You can take baths and swim only 1.5 months after the operation. Full physical activity - two months after cesarean section. You can resume sexual intercourse 6 weeks after surgery. Visit a doctor first, he will be able to assess how well the process is progressing. postoperative period. Be sure to consider contraception. You can choose the method that is most suitable for you by consulting your doctor.

Next pregnancy after cesarean section It is better to plan in 2 years. During this time, your body will have time to fully recover from your previous pregnancy and surgery. You should know that if during your next pregnancy you do not have an indication for a cesarean section, then you have every chance of giving birth on your own without resorting to surgery.

Before you deny in advance the very possibility of a cesarean section or condemn those who decide on it, read this text. Perhaps your opinion will change.

Before I found myself on an icy operating table, I always had some disdain for the procedure. “If necessary, I’ll just do a caesarean section,” I usually said, as if discussing the purchase of another pair of shoes. If I had a time machine that could take me back to 2010, during my first pregnancy, I would scream, “Girl, no, it’s not like that!”
It's not like removing the seeds from an apple. kitchen knife. This abdominal surgery on getting the baby out of your belly! I was wheeled out of the operating room with staples in my stomach, a catheter, and weird “booties” on my legs to prevent blood clots. The first day after the operation I could not eat solid food, pee or poop on my own. And, as if that wasn't enough, I started having headaches after the spinal anesthesia.
Oh, and did I mention that at the same time as all this, I became the mother of a newborn?

“Don’t walk more than four blocks,” the doctor said when she discharged me from the hospital. “Four blocks? Doesn’t she know that we are in New York?” I thought when my husband put me in a wheelchair and drove me to the car. To get into the house, I had to walk 10 minutes from my car.
It was painful. Some operations are carried out as planned, in other cases a cesarean section is performed after several hours of contractions and pushing. I returned home with a fresh wound on my stomach and a baby on my chest.
Even after the scar healed, it continued to burn for 4-6 months. As soon as I touched it, I felt as if I was being beaten by millions of tiny fists. Then he was numb for almost a year. My second child was born naturally. Just two hours after giving birth, I was walking along the hospital corridor and eating a bagel.
Do you know what doctors do to get to your uterus? They are pushing apart internal organs, and then return them to their place. As much as possible.
Since I had an emergency c-section, I have no idea how the procedure went. Imagine my surprise when I started reading on women’s forums women complaining that their organs “feel weird.”
During most C-sections, the surgeon moves the bladder and bowels to the side to get to the uterus, which he then removes. Because the fallopian tubes are attached to the top of the uterus, they too may follow the uterus. Feel free to communicate this to people who think a C-section is a cakewalk.

Any birth is natural. There is no good or bad way to give birth to a child. Instead of judging the method, try simply naming it: vaginal, drug-free, cesarean section. Or just remain silent.
People have endless sympathy for women who have had a caesarean section. Yes, their original plans for a natural birth may have been ruined, but that doesn't mean they're depressed. Some, on the other hand, feel brave for making healthy choices.

We've already heard stories of some women meditating or having orgasms during natural childbirth. But during a caesarean section, you can also indulge in small pleasures: for example, ask to play certain music.
Believe me, I did it. Oh, how people get embarrassed when I tell them about this. Many doctors still refuse to allow vaginal birth after cesarean, but there are studies according to which uterine rupture (the main contraindication) occurs in one in 100 cases.
It all depends on individual characteristics: the condition of the uterine suture and your personal medical history.
If you are planning a natural birth, find a doctor and midwife you trust. But if something goes wrong and you have a cesarean section, don’t worry. You'll just have a baby. You deserve it.

Its reasons are much deeper. After my caesarean section, it took a very long time for my head to get back to normal. Consequences: disruption of attachment with the child. Therefore, I urge everyone who is having a hard time with their CS - you can fight this, and this must be done without delay, if not for your own sake, then at least for the sake of the child.

What if I tried harder

Could I give birth myself? This thought is simply terrifying. You keep replaying the birth in your head and thinking, if only you had endured the contractions a little longer and didn’t give in to the doctors, you would have been able to give birth yourself.

What can I say? Sometimes, indeed, doctors are in too much of a hurry. But most often the intervention is quite justified.

I often pestered doctors with the question: could I give birth on my own? Until the neurologist, examining my son, said: be glad that there is no cerebral palsy, and that he is alive. After all, he was born with a double tight entanglement.

Indeed, the thought of the child’s health can be life-saving here. Directly convince yourself that this was the best for the child.

What happens next?

For those who have encountered a cesarean section for the first time, it seems that everything – happy motherhood – is in question. How will I give birth next time? Is it really always a caesarean section now? And if the seam comes apart... There are many fears and unanswered questions. The thought that tormented me most was that I would not be able to have several children, two at most. And I cried and cried...

Now, having three boys, I calmly remember this time and think, would you support me? knowledgeable person– these two years after the first cesarean would have passed easier.

Fear of the next cesarean

Yes, he is. It's like skydiving. The first time you don’t have time to understand what’s what. But by the second time you already know everything. And you begin to be afraid in advance. But firstly, it is not a fact that the next birth will also be a cesarean section. It is quite possible.

Secondly, this is not so soon. Convince yourself to solve difficulties as they arise. Don't waste your energy now. After all, you really need it for other purposes - for recovery, for caring for the baby.

Good friends

Is it difficult after a cesarean section? Yes, psychologically – very much so. And therefore it is good that in many maternity hospitals, women with cesarean sections are placed in the same ward with the same women in labor. I don't think I could stand it the first time happy person near).

And for a long time I listened with heavy feeling as someone easily gave birth. I advise you to talk about childbirth and pregnancy with those who have also experienced a caesarean section. Tell us about yours, don’t keep it to yourself.

If there is no such person nearby,... This community was created to provide support. Here, any feelings of a woman who has undergone a CS will be treated with understanding. If there is no communication, read the stories and you will see that your birth is not the most difficult.

Does your husband understand?

The hardest thing for me was thinking that my husband was disappointed with my birth, that he was not as happy as he could have been with a natural birth. In fact, I inspired this in myself, and my husband’s reaction to the birth was explained by fatigue from experiences (days of childbirth... he even started smoking).

Explain your feelings to your husband, show how and with what words he can support you.

Extra information

Consciously avoid articles, films like “consequences of caesarean section”, “Caesarean babies are more difficult to adapt”, etc., which say that natural childbirth is much better than caesarean section. This will further traumatize you. And believe me, such knowledge is unnecessary for us. They are needed only for those who voluntarily desire a cesarean section. That's all.

Working on our head

Girls, there are great psychological exercises that help. For example, the fight against negative attitudes.

I did this. On a piece of paper I write down all the statements that hurt me. For example:

  • I'm a bad mother, I couldn't give birth myself
  • the child is a Caesarean, he will not be able to cope with difficulties, because he has not passed the birth canal
  • I won't have real maternal feelings
  • I will never be able to experience the joy of birth.

Sound familiar? So here it is. We write down an antidote to each statement:

I am the best mother for my child

Caesar is no different from other children,

Maternal feelings are not physiology, but a conscious choice.

I am happy to have a healthy child.

We simply refuse some bad statements. We tear off positive statements on paper from negative ones. And we read every day. And we simply burn the bad ones, driving them out in this way. It helps me.

If you have ways to combat this condition, let's share your experience!

If self-help doesn't work, don't hesitate to consult a psychologist. It's not so expensive and not so scary)))

A month ago I gave birth to my third child. More precisely, it was skillfully removed from me by an excellent operating team of five people. As a result of a caesarean section, all my children were born: a son and two daughters. I will never know what childbirth is, but I know, if not everything, then a lot about cesarean. I give my experience to everyone who is facing this option of the birth of a long-awaited child.

When is a caesarean section performed?

Personally, I have a very poor eyesight(-12), while there are breaks in the retina. Ophthalmologists said ten years ago that it was contraindicated for me to give birth on my own - I would go blind. My sister has -7 vision, but her retina is in good condition, she was allowed to give birth naturally.

Does it exist at all? list of absolute indications for the operation:

  1. Narrow pelvis.
  2. Cicatricial narrowing of the vagina.
  3. Tumors of the bone pelvis, cervical fibroids, ovarian tumors localized in the pelvis, preventing the birth or extraction of a fetus even in reduced sizes, cervical cancer.
  4. Complete placenta previa.
  5. Defective scar on the uterus after a cesarean section or a sutured uterine incision.
  6. Threatening uterine rupture.
  7. Progressive premature placental abruption with unprepared birth canal.
  8. Death of the mother while the fetus is still alive.
  9. Transverse position of the fetus during prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid

Relative indications for a cesarean section include bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth, gestosis, uterine scar, weakness labor activity, extragenital diseases. The decision to end the pregnancy surgically is also made in cases where the child suffers from hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in utero, the umbilical cord prolapses, and the gestation period is after 40 weeks.

Such an operation is planned if it is established already during pregnancy that the woman will not be able to conceive otherwise. Emergency when emergency situations occur during normal childbirth. My third caesarean section is unique in this regard.

The date for the operation was set, but the child decided to choose his own birthday. The day before the operation, at dawn, my water broke. On this day I was exactly 38 weeks pregnant. Having undergone planned cesarean sections twice, I did not expect such a turn of events. Horror gripped me, and my doctor’s voice on the phone, kind and cheerful for 5 a.m., brought me back to life: “Everything will be fine. I’m leaving, I’ll be there soon.” God, it’s so good that I went to the maternity hospital a few weeks before my due date.

My case is illustrative, but cannot serve as an unconditional example. You should always listen to yourself, your intuition and trust the results of tests and examinations of the fetus. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen at night. My legs, back, and stomach were aching. After this, I didn’t go - I ran to the clinic to get a referral to the maternity hospital. But my middle daughter was born exactly two weeks before the expected due date. I came to the obstetricians strictly on the day of the operation, I felt good, and I didn’t even think about lying with a book for two weeks in pathology.

Mostly first-time mothers (for very serious reasons) and women who already have children are admitted to the hospital in advance (many never manage to rest before giving birth; they have to so categorically interrupt the endless cycle of responsibilities of mother and wife). Usually they are placed in one to two weeks. If your inner voice even just barely audibly tells you: “Let’s go to bed,” you need to listen to it, and not to a sense of duty to other family members!

Pros of being in a hospital:

    If labor begins, you will not have to frighten your household with your condition and think about whether to go yourself, whether to call an ambulance, and where to put the children during this time.

    Additional examinations of the mother and fetus (tests, cardiotocography, ultrasound, etc.)

    No worries about cleaning the “entrusted territory”, as well as preparing food. They will wash the floors without you, and feed you within the limits of government funding. Gastronomic delicacies will be brought by relatives.

    Your absence will finally mark the full power of your role in the family. My husband will never leave his mouth again: “Why are you tired? Are you sitting at home?” The growing up of the head of the family and children must sometimes happen in such a painful way.

    Feeling like a “pioneer camp”. I will definitely remember the summer shift during school time.

It’s a good day to dedicate to cleanliness: mental and physical. You can pray, meditate, or just relax. No matter how cheerful you are, you still won’t drive away fear. Accept it. Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche is absolutely right.

Take a shower, do all the necessary hygiene procedures necessary before surgery. Before performing a caesarean section, your doctor will give you an information letter of consent to the operation to sign. It says, in particular, that in an emergency (threat to the life of the mother and/or child), doctors have the right to even remove the uterus. It rarely comes to this in practice. For example, in the obstetric building of the Vladimir regional clinical hospital For every 2,500 births per year, there are only 2-3 cases of hysterectomy.

The day before surgery, it is best to eat at 17:00. At night, you can ask your midwife to give you a light sedative to help you get a good night's sleep.

First, you will receive a cleansing enema. You will then be transferred to the operating room. There you will be given a sterile shirt, a scarf or cap for your head, and special long shoe covers for your feet. The last three years to avoid postoperative complications Doctors recommend wearing special stockings before surgery. It would be good if these were not knee socks, but stockings. They cost about a thousand rubles. You may only need them once in your life. Therefore, before going to the hospital, look for advertisements for the sale of used stockings. They will cost much less.

Before surgery, a catheter will be inserted into your bladder. It's not very pleasant procedure. But this too will have to be overcome. The anesthesiologist will definitely ask what types of medications you are allergic to, whether you have had anesthesia before, and what kind of anesthesia. Doctors usually now suggest epidural anesthesia. An injection is given at a specific location in the spine, which only numbs the lower part of the body.

After epidural you can get up after 6-12 hours (anesthesia acts more slowly, the operation after anesthesia can begin in 15-20 minutes - not earlier). With this type of pain relief, women can give birth naturally. You can do prolonged anesthesia and pain relief for another 1 day after cesarean section.

And here spinal(which was done specifically to me) works quickly, since the medicine goes directly into the spinal canal, and not around it, as with an epidural. This kind local anesthesia more effective - better pain relief during surgery. The only negative is that after it you need to lie down for a day; you cannot get up or roll over.

Of course, you will not see the progress of the operation. They will put a barrier in front of you. You can talk to the doctors during the operation. This is not forbidden. If something bothers you, you should definitely say so.

Now doctors use synthetic suture material, it does not cause inflammation, the threads dissolve after 2 months. An incision is made in the lower segment with a transverse dissection of the uterus. Even in low-waisted underwear, the seam is not visible later. Previously, doctors made a corporal (longitudinal) incision - the stomach was cut from the navel to the pubis down. The uterus burst and opened like a rose. The suture material (kegut) was of animal origin, caused inflammation, and the wounds took a long time to heal.

First the doctors will open abdominal cavity, then the uterus and the baby will be taken out. Caesarean section is the only operation in the world that gives such happiness. Thanks to the fact that you are conscious, you will finally see your baby! And while I’m stitching you up, the child will be weighed and his height measured. And as is customary in Russian maternity hospitals, your name, date and time of birth, gender of the child, his height and weight will be written on a brown piece of oilcloth. Many mothers carefully keep the metric even after their babies become parents themselves.

After you get stitches, you will be transferred to a ward and immediately put on IVs. Medicines are administered intravenously for the first three days after surgery. The baby is usually brought only once a day - so that you can look at him. You cannot feed your baby, as you are being given antibiotics that are incompatible with breastfeeding. In principle, you will not have time to feed at this time - and the milk will remain at the end of the third or fourth day after the operation. The main thing is to endure the pain.

It’s also very difficult to survive a day while lying on your back. You will be allowed to get up the next day. By the way, I have repeatedly come across information on the Internet that you need to get up after 6 hours. So, in reality this is not practiced in maternity hospitals, at least with epidural anesthesia. The site where the spinal anesthesia needle was inserted should be healed. This process takes 24 hours. For the entire first day you will be able to drink only mineral water without gas or plain water With lemon juice. If the operation was done in the morning, in the evening you will be asked to try to go to the toilet on a duck. Try to do it yourself as much as possible. If that doesn’t work, a catheter will be inserted, and this, as I already wrote, is not a very pleasant procedure.

By the end of the second day, the most persistent ones; on the third day, those with a weaker will will begin to roll over to their left and right sides. It hurts, but it's necessary. The more you toss and turn, the less likely it is that adhesions will form and the intestines will stagnate. Aerobatics - lie on your stomach!

On the second day you will be offered low-fat broth, porridge with water, and boiled meat. By the third knock, you can already eat almost everything that will not harm your baby and that does not form gases. The baby will be brought to you for feeding on this day. From now on, you will learn to move around the department quite quickly and your outlook on life will again become more optimistic. Congratulations, you have survived the most difficult period! An even more difficult one is coming. I mean the beginning of breastfeeding - many mothers experience severe engorgement of the mammary glands. Doctors say to express, but not everyone can do it. However, this is a topic for another discussion.

As soon as the doctor allows you to get up, get up. Ask your relatives to bring you a post-operative bandage in advance. It will make your life much easier in the first two weeks after surgery. Instead of a bandage, in the maternity hospital they will show you how to tie up your stomach with a diaper so as not to injure the seam. But - I repeat once again - it is better to use a bandage.

To begin with, you just need to sit on the bed. After a day of continuous lying down, it will seem to you that your lungs begin to hurt, it’s difficult to breathe - everything is so stagnant. It's okay, soon everything will be over. It is convenient to place your feet not immediately on the floor, but on a bench. Then slowly stand up completely. Do not hurry. Your main achievement now is to get to the washbasin and look at yourself, beauty. And then return to the bed. Rest and repeat your feats. The main thing is to try to keep your back straight, although at first it is very difficult to do this.

In addition to injections, IVs and other procedures, you need to put ice on your stomach at least three times a day. Cold promotes contraction of the uterus; during surgical delivery, it decreases to its normal size more slowly. Let me touch on an intimate topic - ordinary panties are not allowed in maternity hospitals, but disposable ones are allowed. Very convenient - wear it, get it dirty, throw it away!

The seam at home must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, then dried with alcohol (vodka). The hot liquid can be replaced with brilliant green or potassium permanganate. 2 weeks after the operation, you can start smearing the seam with preparations for scar resorption, contratubex, for example.

Intimate relationships with your husband can be resumed 6 weeks after the operation. You must first visit a doctor and make sure everything is in order. Be sure to discuss with your doctor the contraceptive option that is acceptable to you. 8 weeks after caesarean section you can start physical activity- including the abdominals. But don’t be too zealous, everything is within reason.

To regain your previous figure, the main thing in the first year of a child’s life is not to eat bakery products made from premium flour (no benefit for the baby) and do not abuse dishes from the “carbohydrate + protein” series. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits, drink kefir - this is very good for peristalsis. Women often have problems with bowel movements after surgery.

Olga Sakharova, obstetrician-gynecologist, worked as head for six years maternity ward, V this moment Heads the postpartum department of the obstetric ward of the Vladimir Regional Clinical Hospital. She thinks that maximum amount Caesarean sections that a woman can endure without harm to herself are three:

“Many serious complications can arise later during pregnancy. Each scar disrupts the normal blood supply to the uterus. There is always a threat of uterine rupture, and there is a high probability of bleeding. There are cases when the placenta is attached not at the top, but at the bottom, in the area of ​​the scar. This is fraught with consequences for both mother and child.

Surely, after 4-5 caesarean sections, adhesions will form, which means that the woman will continue to suffer from chronic pain in the abdominal area. Repeated operations are also difficult for obstetricians and gynecologists because by opening the abdominal cavity, one can accidentally injure the intestines or bladder. Therefore, it is best to perform repeated operations in multifunctional medical centers, for example, regional hospitals, where doctors of other specialties are located in neighboring departments or buildings - a five-minute walk, and not on the other side of the city.

If the mother already has two healthy, living children and is over 35 years old, we always recommend tying the fallopian tubes (sterilization) after the second and third caesarean section - this is, of course, a last resort, but sometimes it is necessary. - This is all so that the woman maintains her health, so that she has the strength to raise the children she already has. But we do not have the right to decide this issue ourselves, without a woman. Before the procedure, the patient must sign a consent form. In our maternity hospital, of course, there are fourth caesarean sections. But this is a very rare occurrence."

Ideally, there will be a gap of at least two years between pregnancies. During this time, the body is restored and the woman is ready both morally and physically for new operation. I am now talking about those women whose indications for caesarean section are lifelong.

Giving birth without surgery is the dream of many women who had to undergo surgery once due to emergency circumstances. And not according to absolute medical testimony.

This is really possible, says obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Sakharova:

“In order to give birth after a previous caesarean section, at least 4 conditions must be met. Firstly, the child should not be large. Secondly, the baby should be in a normal position - head down. Third, maturity is important birth canal. Fourthly, a woman must be in the mood for childbirth, so that some time after the start of labor she will not scream: “Cut me!”

Childbirth after cesarean section has many nuances. One of the main points is that a woman should not be given pain relief. She must feel what is happening to her, where exactly it hurts. Doctors can determine the thickness of the scar from the ultrasound results, but this does not indicate its consistency. At any moment, a seemingly completely reliable scar can separate, that is, the uterus will open. And if at this moment a woman is under the influence of drugs that relieve pain, she simply will not feel it. The consequences can be the most dire.

Based on the practice of the obstetric corps of the Vladimir Regional Clinical Hospital, only 1% of women who were previously operated on are ready and able to give birth without the help of surgeons.”

So, it happened, you were announced about the prospect of a caesarean section. At the moment we are talking about a planned or emergency caesarean section, and not about the conscious choice of a woman who is afraid of pain and labor pains and therefore resorts to a medical alternative. “Independent childbirth" is not only the natural path that is destined for every woman by nature, but also a strong recommendation from the World Health Organization, which assures that passage through the birth canal is the only correct and extremely important point to start a new life.

Feeling guilty about the child

Let's assume that your baby has not heard of any such worldwide organizations and decides not to roll over, to wrap himself in the umbilical cord (there are other reasons why a cesarean cannot be avoided), and the doctors insist on surgery. The shortest and surest way is to reconcile. If there is the slightest threat to the health and life of the child, then it is better to throw up your hands and surrender to the will of the obstetricians. It's better healthy baby without birth experience than with a rich family history and subsequent diseases.

Many new mothers who have had a caesarean section constantly blame themselves and are especially susceptible to postpartum depression, someone even constantly watches their child, apparently expecting to see in him a negative difference from his peers. But these mental torments are in vain, since theories about negative impact Caesar's on the child's psyche and development belong to the category of higher matters and philosophical reasoning about the correctness of life on Earth. Leading experts assure: if a caesarean section is caused medical indications, then the child is no worse or better than his peers - he is normal.

C-section. Doctors' opinion. Watch the video!

Another question is the moral and physical condition of the mother. By delving into torment and guilt, women often drive themselves into a corner. Instead of proudly saying: “Yes, I saved the life and health of the child by sacrificing the beauty of my belly (the issue, by the way, is controversial given the current achievement of surgery) and other delights,” the woman plunges into thoughts: “I couldn’t, I’m to blame and etc.” What influence does such a mother have on her baby? Most likely, negative: seeing flaws in the child and his behavior, the mother seems to impose this life model on him. This is largely where the talk stems from the fact that Caesarean children are inferior to their peers in development.

Caesarean or natural birth? Doubts of pregnant women. Watch the video!

Getting ready for X-hour

Technically, a caesarean section is not very different from a natural birth. The preparation is exactly the same: razor, enema and fasting. Even if nothing foreshadows surgical intervention, morally, of course, you need to prepare for the good, but the possibility of another scenario cannot be ruled out. The main thing is to know that everything is being done for child's health. There are situations when, during the passage of the birth canal, children do not have enough oxygen; some rushers refuse to be born quickly and cling to the umbilical cord. Therefore, a woman in labor must be mentally prepared for the doctor to say: “We are operating!” Another issue is the level of trust in your obstetrician, so it is better to choose the doctor who will deliver the child in advance and discuss with him the details of the birth and the plan of action.

“Caesareans” are applied to the mother’s breast just like ordinary children. In exactly the same way, the moment of mutual imprinting of the child and mother occurs. This moment is extremely important for the psyche and health of both, so every effort must be made not to miss it.

You also need to tune in that Caesarean section is not a panacea for pain. Epidural anesthesia relieves stabbing and cutting sensations, sharp pain, but the mother is conscious and feels everything.

You will most likely feel pulling, aching sensations and tremors - and this is childbirth, you give birth to a child on your own, breathe deeply and help the baby squeeze through the narrow incision in your stomach!

Let's weigh the pros and cons again!.. Watch the video!

Learning to live together

Many women who have had a caesarean section complain of a feeling of emptiness, oppression and extreme depression after the operation. And they can be understood: after all, nature did not intend this process this way, and a violation of the natural state of affairs is always fraught.

Superimposed on the unstable moral state is a feeling of guilt imposed by society “I couldn’t do it myself” and, of course, physical pain - first helplessness from anesthesia, and then a painful scar that does not even allow you to sneeze, so as not to remind yourself.

But there is only one way out - you shouldn’t isolate yourself. Don’t be shy, tell your loved ones the details of the operation, remember the bright moments, how you were shown the baby, how you heard his first squeak. Many women describe their condition with resentment towards doctors and the words “they cut me.” You need to speak up! For women, talking has a huge sedative effect. Warn your husband that he will hear this story more than once in the next few weeks, but it is very important for you to be heard. And a small scar is a reminder of that wonderful moment when you, having overcome all difficulties, gave birth to your baby.

And look at your child with eyes full of love, because he is special and the best “Caesarean” in the world.