The dog spits up yellow foam in the morning. Vomiting with white or yellow foam in dogs. What causes vomiting with white foam?

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. There is no need to panic right away, since the gag reflex does not always indicate serious problems. What should you pay attention to? Special attention and how to behave if your dog starts vomiting?

The dog cannot tell about its health, so only by external signs the owner may find out that not everything is all right with his beloved pet. As you know, vomiting is preceded by nausea, and it can affect the dog's behavior:

  • the animal often licks its face;
  • refuses food, does not drink water;
  • profuse salivation occurs;
  • the dog shows anxiety and constantly moves chaotically;
  • The pet's stomach growls and belches loudly.

In addition, often before vomiting, the pet may have a bowel disorder: both diarrhea and.

Quite often, dog owners confuse two concepts - vomiting and regurgitation; if in the first situation the food comes out in the form of digested slurry, then in the second it does not have time to go through the processing process.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Of course, this phenomenon cannot be called pleasant, but it also has its own positive sides. Vomiting is, first of all, defense mechanism organism, with the help of which all poisonous, toxic substances, foreign objects. By cleansing itself in this way, the body protects itself from negative influences.

Among the causes of vomiting are the following:

Vomiting often signals some kind of disease and in most cases has distinctive characteristics. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs:

  • vomiting blood can be a symptom of oncology, ulcerative lesions or gastric bleeding; the blood can be bright scarlet or brown, it depends on the duration of the bleeding;
  • vomiting several hours after eating - often occurs against the background of cancer;
  • vomiting with bile ( yellow color), excrement indicates intestinal obstruction, or helminthic infestation (in this case, the animal begins to eat grass at every opportunity, after which vomiting occurs);
  • if vomiting occurs repeatedly, is accompanied by diarrhea, and a clear ammonia smell emanates from the mouth, then this is a sign of a disorder of renal function ( renal failure) or uremia;
  • repeated vomiting may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder, hepatic colic;
  • A dog vomits on an empty stomach or as soon as it eats, which means it most likely has gastritis.

Vomiting with white foam

Often dog owners are afraid of their pet vomiting foam containing foam. white. Is there any cause for concern?

In fact, there is an explanation for this phenomenon at the physiological level. If vomiting occurs some time after the dog has eaten, then it is during this period that food is pushed from the stomach further along the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach itself turns out to be empty and its walls, as protection from corrosion by gastric juice, are covered with a layer of mucus.

The mucous coating contains proteins and polysaccharides, which promote the formation of structural cellular masses after swallowing air.

If your dog is vomiting white, foamy discharge, there is no need to worry too much, as this phenomenon confirms that the animal does not have any serious illnesses. If this happens once, then no treatment is required. If this happens many times, then a trip to the veterinary clinic becomes mandatory.

Does your dog vomit white foam on an empty stomach? This means that we may be talking about a violation of the functions of bile secretion, which normally should enter the large intestine after each meal. In this case, the liver secretes the necessary enzyme fluid during hunger, which irritates the intestinal walls. After this, a forced movement of bile into the stomach occurs. The dog's vomiting is not severe, after which the pet is again ready to eat. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, and normally can be repeated once every 7 days.

But if the vomit is not covered with white, but yellow foam, then this is a sign of a serious illness.

Correct actions when a dog is vomiting

Do all owners know what to do, and even more so, what is best to avoid if their pet starts vomiting? Of course, first of all, there is no need to panic and assess the situation sensibly. Even if necessary health care, the owner must comply with the following rules:

  • A dog that vomits is not to be blamed. There is no point in scolding your pet for something he cannot control. After all, this natural process that cleanses the body of harmful effects, is necessary for further successful treatment.
  • Don't try to stop vomiting.
  • Only the owner can assess the situation and find out the reason this phenomenon. Maybe the dog ate too much food, was poisoned, suffered a heatstroke, etc. - the more accurate the data received by the veterinarian, the sooner effective treatment will be determined.
  • The dog owner should record the number of vomits, their consistency, color, content, as well as accompanying symptoms - all this is valuable information for diagnosing the disease.
  • When vomiting, the body requires maximum cleaning, so you should not feed your pet for the first day. If on the second day the vomiting has passed, then you can introduce liquid food without salt and spices into the diet.
  • The same applies to drinking - you will have to give it up for a day, and in return offer the dog to lick ice cubes. If vomiting does not recur within two to three hours, then you can give your dog some low-fat chicken broth.

After you can give your pet food, you should take care of its dietary nutrition. Suitable foods include turkey breast, chicken breast, and fresh herbs. As for cereals, it is better to give preference to brown rice and rolled oats. During this period, the dog needs to be fed in small portions, up to six times a day. Food must be fresh and warm.

If the vomiting process is completed, then already on the third day you can introduce the pet’s usual food into the diet.

Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

In a veterinary clinic they carry out diagnostic test for the treatment of vomiting in dogs if it does not stop and is accompanied by alarming symptoms. It includes the following procedures:

Drug therapy is prescribed according to clinical picture and consists in eliminating the accompanying symptoms:

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Papaverine is prescribed.
  • To eliminate nausea and normalize gastric contractions - Cerucal.
  • At increased acidity gastric flora and eliminate irritation, the drug Omez is prescribed.
  • If vomiting has led to the risk of dehydration, then two drugs are prescribed by drip at once - Glucose and Ringer's infusion solution.
  • To remove toxic components from the pet’s body, absorbent agents are prescribed - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  • Homeopathic medicine is often prescribed veterinary drug Verokol, used as first aid, until vomiting stops completely.

If there is a dog living in the house, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it may get sick. And in some cases, first aid from the owner has a decisive effect on the success of the entire treatment. The same applies to vomiting, which can be either a natural or pathogenic phenomenon.

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If a dog owner notices that their dog is vomiting yellow foam, they begin to worry about how dangerous such a symptom could be.

Vomiting is not an independent disease.

This is a manifestation of digestive disorders caused by viral or infectious diseases, functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, or diseases that develop in the body when infected with helminths. Therefore, it is better not to treat vomiting separately. After all, eliminating the symptoms will not cure, but will only complicate the diagnosis.

Causes of foamy vomiting

First you need to figure out why your dog is vomiting yellow foam. The formation of foam is a natural process that occurs in the stomach of an animal. When the stomach is empty, the mucus that envelops it protects against the process of self-digestion. Always present in it and not a large number of digestive juice. High molecular weight polysaccharides and proteins, interacting with the oxygen that the dog swallows, form foam. It is colored yellowish by the remains of gastric juice. Therefore, if you leave cleaning up a puddle of vomit for later, you can see that over time the foam will simply settle and yellow water with mucus will remain.

The pet may feel nauseous if it wants to eat, or when it gets into the stomach. foreign object. Many people notice that dogs begin to vomit and how they greedily eat grass. This is an instinct that occurs when a feeling of heaviness or bloating occurs. This is how animals make it easier to cleanse the body.

What could be hidden behind vomiting?

The presence of yellow foam or mucus in the vomit may be a manifestation of a functional disorder digestive system. However, this symptom often occurs during the development of dangerous diseases. Animals, no less often than humans, suffer from indigestion and disorders of the pancreas and liver. Vomiting can be caused infectious diseases, poisoning and ingestion of inedible objects. But the problem is that dogs cannot tell their owners about their painful condition.

When treatment is not needed

  1. If the dog is hungry. When your dog vomits before eating every now and then in the morning, it may simply be getting rid of excess digestive juices. Prolonged hunger can cause nausea and vomiting, but if the pet’s well-being does not deteriorate, and such episodes occur quite rarely, then there is no reason for concern. Correcting your diet and diet will help you cope with the problem.
  2. When a pet swallows a foreign object. If the day before the dog accidentally swallowed a small pebble, fragment of a toy or bone, this can also cause a morning vomiting attack. Most often, the owners then find these foreign objects in a puddle on the floor.

It should be remembered that after spontaneous exit inedible items, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet’s condition throughout the day. After all, he could have swallowed several fragments of bone or a toy, which could subsequently block the intestines.


In what situations is nausea a manifestation of disease?

  1. If vomiting occurs repeatedly and is accompanied by a deterioration in the dog’s well-being. Most often this manifests itself in the form of lack of appetite, depression, pain in the abdomen, and fever. The animal sits with its front legs spread wide apart. Similar symptoms are typical for viral and infectious hepatitis, for acute cholecystitis. All these diseases require urgent treatment.
  2. In the chronic form of gastritis, frequent episodes of vomiting yellowish liquid are observed in the morning, before feeding. If vomiting associated with a feeling of hunger does not affect the dog’s condition, then with the development of gastritis, appetite is lost, the dog behaves apathetically and lethargically. The animal can remain in this state for several weeks, as a result of which the weakness only increases, the dog loses weight, and its coat becomes dull.
  3. Another cause of vomiting is helminth infection. Chronic intoxication of the body develops and constant feeling nausea. If a puppy gets sick and there are too many worms, he may die.
  4. A thorough diagnosis in a veterinary clinic is needed for those pets that vomit bile both before and after feeding. After all, this may be a symptom of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract or stomach ulcers.
  5. The most dangerous disease, which in the absence timely treatment leads to death, is piroplasmosis in dogs. The main treachery of this pathology is that on the first day the animal only experiences vomiting, apathy and poor appetite. If the owner was not very attentive, the dog will die in a few days.
  6. In diseases of the gallbladder, bile reflux occurs, which irritates the gastric mucosa. The animal’s body gets rid of it, which is why attacks of nausea and vomiting occur so often with cholecystitis.

First aid

If a dog vomits yellow foam, not every owner knows what to do. If the contents of the vomit contain an admixture of bile, the owner needs to establish the causes of this symptom. This is very important, because if a pet suffers from diseases of viral or infectious origin, then only a visit to the clinic can save his life. There is only one situation where there is no problem: when the episode of nausea was a one-time episode, and then the dog continues to eat with appetite, behaves actively and radiates joy.

If your pet’s behavior changes, he loses interest in food and refuses to play, and bouts of vomiting recur, you should urgently consult a veterinarian. You shouldn’t feed your dog before leaving, but you can give him Smecta. Remember that vomiting is not a disease, but only a symptom. Therefore, it is impossible to independently help an animal sick with, for example, hepatitis.

If attacks of vomiting are systematically repeated every few weeks, this may indicate that the owners need to change the feeding regimen or type of food. Animals whose diet is based on concentrated feed more often suffer from gastritis compared to those pets that eat natural food.

Replacing concentrated foods with more natural ones will help to avoid problems with the functioning of the digestive system. Introducing this into your pet's diet will help reduce the frequency of morning vomiting. fermented milk products and transition to fractional meals.

Diagnosis and treatment of the animal

If the vomiting does not stop within several hours, the dog's body begins to dehydrate. This condition is especially dangerous for puppies, who die from intoxication within one day.

Vomiting is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating it. The veterinarian will prescribe an examination - x-ray, ultrasound, general and biochemical analysis blood and then necessary treatment.

For cholecystitis, the doctor will prescribe choleretic drugs. At chronic gastritis In addition to antibiotics, your pet will need a diet that includes medicated food. If worms are detected, the dog will be dewormed.

During and after treatment, your pet will have to go on a diet. When feeding natural foods, the ideal foods to start with are: chicken bouillon and boiled rice or buckwheat. Five to six times a day, a sick dog is given a decoction of flax seeds and mint leaves.

The amount of food per serving is increased gradually. During the first week, fractional meals are used: the usual amount of food is divided into five to six meals. This reduces the load on the digestive tract and, if necessary, allows you to determine the cause of the disease.

Preventive measures

Most diseases occur due to improper care, feeding and training of the dog. In order not to provoke vomiting or diarrhea, it is important to follow recommendations from puppyhood that will preserve the health of your beloved pets:

  1. Do not allow picking up foreign objects on the street or rummaging through garbage heaps. The commands “Fu” and “No” should become law for the pet;
  2. carry out deworming in a timely manner;
  3. vaccination is important preventative measure against severe infections. It must begin from early puppyhood;
  4. owners must carefully ensure that the animal does not swallow a foreign object and do not give sharp bones;
  5. feed the dog only fresh food or dry food that is appropriate for its age;
  6. wear when walking large dog muzzle. This accessory will help prevent the ingestion of toxic or spoiled substances.

Associated symptoms

It is very important to closely monitor your pet. When it comes to a serious disorder, vomiting is never the only symptom. There must be something else; based on the totality of the signs, the correct diagnosis is made.

A combination of vomiting and:

  • signs intestinal disorder(constipation or diarrhea);
  • lack of appetite;
  • depression and drowsiness, refusal to play and walk, lack of interest in communicating with the owner, and such changes in behavior usually gradually increase;
  • pale gray color feces(increased bile secretion increases the level of stercobilin, hence changes in the color of stool);
  • bright orange urine (due to excess bilirubin);
  • weight loss (impaired liver function leads to toxins accumulating in the body, and the animal begins to lose weight).

About problems with organs gastrointestinal tract may indicate painful stomach(the dog does not allow him to be touched). If the belly looks saggy, this often indicates ascites - an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the oral mucosa becomes bluish or jaundiced;
  • the pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears;
  • the dog moves with difficulty, as if calculating every movement;
  • The quality of the wool changes: it loses its shine, gets into clumps, and is difficult to comb.

One of alarming symptoms is another form of behavior change: the dog does not look lethargic, but she has bouts of unnatural affection without visible reasons are replaced by manifestations of sudden aggression.

Prepare before going to the vet

In the office, you may have to provide the veterinarian with all possible assistance (hold the animal while they take blood for analysis, give an injection, extinguish aggression, calm your voice, scratch its ears, pet it). If you know that you are terrified of blood, IVs, or definitely cannot withstand the type of medical interventions, then perhaps you should ask a friend or relative for help.

Find a veterinary certificate, veterinary passport.


  • leash;
  • collar;
  • muzzle;
  • carrying;
  • a pack of napkins;
  • bedding;
  • bowl, water (at the discretion of the veterinarian)

Prepare answers to possible questions from the veterinarian:

  • whether the animal has all vaccinations;
  • pet's behavior in last days, appetite;
  • his diet;
  • what drugs and medications you gave the animal;
  • latest analysis data (if available).

It’s better to make an appointment in advance - you’ll save time and be able to calculate when you’ll have to take time off. This doesn't concern life-threatening situations when you have to take an animal to a veterinary clinic without an appointment.

Be affectionate with your pet, play, talk to him. You can take his favorite toy with you so that while you wait for your turn at the reception, you can distract your friend from the new environment.

Furry, feathered or scaly ones also need to be prepared. No matter how much you want to treat your little one with something tasty, remember: you need an empty stomach. Feeding is prohibited!

You can wash the animal without using detergents. But it is important not to touch your pet if there is nasal discharge, watery eyes, salivation (salivation), dandruff, scratching, rashes, skin scabs, loss of hair/feathers/scales, wounds and others external manifestations potential disease.

If the veterinarian has instructed, collect the animal’s urine in a sterile container, and pick up the feces with a stick (no blades of grass, specks, or debris). Transfer the feces into a sterile container. Send to the biochemical laboratory within 6 hours. The feces are examined for eggs of roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, liver flukes, echinoccus, alvecoccus, pork tapeworm, bovine tapeworm, gastrointestinal bleeding is detected.

We determine the veterinary clinic where you plan to go. A big PR company doesn't promise quality. The price is explained precisely by the huge amount of funds invested in advertising and “signboarding” of the establishment.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to ask your friends about clinics where their pets were treated “humanely.” Even if you travel far from them, it may be worth sacrificing time for the health of your pet.

A few more tips on how to spot an unverified veterinary clinic:

  1. Refusal to provide certificates and licenses for veterinary activities.
  2. Strange and suspicious behavior of the veterinarian (inconsistency, flattery, attempts to intimidate, shouting).
  3. Too much low prices(compared to other organizations).
  4. Refusal to freely visit the veterinary clinic.

“We have a sanitary day”

Beware of scammers!

When you contact the veterinary clinic, you are told: “we cannot accept you at this address, sanitary day/repair/inspection” and so on. How much intelligence does a dispatcher have? The client is persuaded to have a veterinarian come to his home. The price does not change.

Such a veterinary clinic can exist purely nominally. And the invited “Aibolit” will not bear responsibility. There is a high probability of running into a person without a veterinary diploma or simply an unprofessional.

It is better to find time to visit the veterinary clinic on your own. This is safer for the animal.

Games on feelings

Even in real veterinary clinics there may be elements of “scam”.

Veterinarians themselves say that this is often determined by the client’s wallet. The greater the opportunity to pay for services and the more the owner worries about his pet, the more likely the animal will be prescribed additional immunostimulants, dietary supplements, water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, and special food. Of course, there are cases when this is really necessary (pedigreed, show animals, weakened after a serious illness). But it will be good if you ask your veterinarian in detail about the need for each appointment. Find out in detail about the results of the examination and analysis of your pet’s condition. Be persistent. Do not give in to attempts to intimidate you, be consistent in your questions. Consult a specialist who does not work at this veterinary clinic. If it turns out that half of the prescriptions are prescribed to enrich the veterinarian’s pocket, and not for the health of the animal, feel free to leave. And don't forget to leave negative feedback about the organization - other owners may also suffer.

How to find out the truth

Another possible way for veterinarians to make dishonest money is to conceal the diagnosis. Let’s say a veterinarian found that a cat malignant tumor. But if he says that the tumor is benign and can be treated... The owner, who dotes on her pet, will give money for already useless procedures, medications and surgical interventions.

The veterinarian may deliberately “downplay” the diagnosis in order to earn more money. If something doesn't add up, insist on clarification. Don’t be intimidated by unfamiliar terms - ask for a short break and try to find information on the Internet.

You are free to leave (or threaten to leave) for another clinic at any time.

Make sure that the veterinary clinic is honest - get tested in an independent laboratory.


What to do if an animal was injured as a result of unprofessional actions of a veterinarian:

  • Write an official complaint addressed to the head of the clinic.
  • File a complaint with the city veterinary department.
  • You can contact Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Contact a lawyer for help

The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Article 245 of the Criminal Code “Cruelty to Animals” are the grounds for considering claims regarding the work of veterinary clinics.


What to do if funds are limited and your pet needs medical care:

If you care what happens to your pet, you should not neglect appointments.

Don't let unverified veterinary clinics put your pet in danger and profit from their owner's feelings! If you have time and desire, it is worth trying to achieve justice in case of violation of ethical or legal standards.

A dog can vomit bile for many reasons. Vomiting itself is not an independent disease, but always occurs as a concomitant symptom of any disease. If a dog vomits once or, at most, two or three times, and the pet feels great and looks absolutely healthy, there is nothing wrong with this situation. If the picture is different, and the pet vomits with constant regularity, this is a good reason to seek help from the Bio-Vet clinic. Here our doctors will conduct all the necessary studies to make the correct diagnosis, after which they will prescribe treatment, taking into account the physiological characteristics of your dog.

You can also provide significant assistance to the veterinarian if you are attentive to your pet and can tell the doctor about some of the features of vomiting attacks: how often it happens, what the vomit is like (thick/thin, a lot/little, color), whether the behavior changes and physical state dogs, whether vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, whether this has been observed before, and some other details. All these seemingly insignificant little things can have a big impact on the final diagnosis.

Why does a dog vomit bile?

Absolutely all animal breeders who have been affected want to know the answer to the question “why did my dog ​​start vomiting bile?” this problem. Knowing this, of course, is useful in order to eliminate the causes in the future and avoid making mistakes in the future. The main reasons contributing to vomiting of bile include:

Diseases of the stomach, gall bladder;

- food poisoning, reaction to bad food;

Binge eating;

Worm infestations;

Long fasting;

A large dose of stress;

Liver diseases;

Allergic reaction;


If the dog is a “lover” of eating grass.

Of course, this is not the entire list. possible reasons. If your dog is vomiting bile, it could have any other disease - only your veterinarian can tell you which one.

Name of veterinary services


Cost of service, rub.

Initial appointment

Repeated appointment

One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

What to do if your dog is vomiting bile

Only right action If your dog is vomiting bile, take him to the doctor. A common mistake many breeders make is that they often neglect medical assistance, believing that they themselves are able to heal their pet. Fans of veterinary forums on the Internet and folk remedies often they only ruin their pets from ignorance the real reason vomiting.

If you value the life of your dog, you should not turn into a home doctor and subject your dog to questionable self-medication. In our clinic, the best veterinarians are waiting for your pet, ready not only to diagnose and prescribe treatment, but also to answer any of your questions regarding the animal. Take care of the health of your pets and trust their treatment only to professionals!

Any dog ​​breeder will say that a four-legged friend in the house is a full member of the family. That's why when pet suddenly begins to vomit, this naturally causes the owner to fear for his loved one. And if yellow mucus or foam pours out of the mouth instead of food debris, fear develops into real panic. Of course, a dog with such symptoms should definitely be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible, but there are still things that the owner of the animal should know.

One-time vomiting of bile

Everyone has it normal person vomiting is associated with poisoning: spontaneous emptying of the stomach contents can be logically explained by the fact that we ate something wrong. However, oddly enough, a single attack of vomiting in a dog very often indicates that the animal did not eat the required portion of food.

Important! One-time vomiting of yellow mucus is not always a symptom of the disease: it could be normal hunger!

As is known, the digestion of food in mammals occurs with the participation of two enzymes - bile (produced by the liver) and gastric juice (produced by the pancreas). These substances usually begin to be released simultaneously with food or a little earlier. In the latter case, when they enter an empty stomach, they cause irritation of its mucous membrane, which is perceived as a feeling of hunger.

But if this process is delayed, bile and gastric juice cause such discomfort that the animal vomits. At the same time, food remains are not observed in the vomit; they are yellow and, as a rule, foam (yellow color indicates the presence of bile, and foam is just gastric juice: after a while it settles, and the remains of vomit look like an almost transparent puddle) .

“Empty” vomiting may also have another relatively harmless reason: this happens if your inquisitive pet manages to swallow some foreign object. What cannot be digested because it is not food can come out either through the intestines, along with feces, or through the mouth, in the form of vomit.

Did you know? In 2000, an amazing case was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. A six-month-old female named Kayle, the love child of a Scottish Shepherd and a Stafford, swallowed a 381mm long bread knife. Thanks to the lightning-fast reaction of the owner and the filigree work of the surgeon, the piercing and cutting weapon was successfully removed from the animal’s stomach. It only took an hour to do this.

Very often in the vomit you can see the remains of grass, which our four-legged friends love to eat while walking. Wherein experienced dog breeders know that a dog’s “culinary interest” in a green lawn often arises due to digestive problems (poisoning, too fatty food

or something not quite suitable, plaintively begged from the master's table).

  1. So, if your pet is vomiting yellow foam, but otherwise seems perfectly healthy and happy, try doing two things in sequence: Examine the vomitus.
  2. If there is a foreign object in the foam and mucus, you can calm down, the cause of the attack has most likely already been eliminated. If nothing like this is noticed, observe the animal: perhaps the swallowed object did not come out with vomiting, but continues to cause discomfort to the dog (it coughs, snorts, shakes its head, but remains cheerful and cheerful). Analyze the relationship between vomiting and feedings. If the time period between these events is long enough, you may need to feed your dog more often, for example by adding one additional feeding during the day or leaving dry food for your dog while you are away from home. This doesn't mean you need to increase daily norm animal food, we are talking only about the redistribution of the same total dose

Did you know? Dogs, as a rule, do not suffer from lack of appetite and are absolutely indiscriminate in eating. This feature is the result of evolution: in order to survive, a member of the pack needs to fill its stomach as full as possible. It is interesting that small breeds usually do not show such greed, and this is also natural: such dogs were bred as a result of selective breeding, and therefore the need to independently obtain their own food is not genetically inherent in them.

Quite often, these simple measures allow you to solve the problem yourself, and there is no longer any need to see a doctor.

What diseases can be signaled by repeated bouts of vomiting?

Vomiting, diarrhea, elevated temperature bodies are symptoms of a disorder in the functioning of the body, that is, signals that require clarification of the causes of the problem.

Important! You can't cure vomiting, you can treat the disease that causes it.

If we exclude the above cases, when involuntary eruption of stomach contents occurs in a completely healthy animal, vomiting can be a sign of a fairly serious disorder, for example:

Important! “Empty” vomiting in the morning, before meals, often occurs with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: this reaction indicates that in duodenum Too much bile has come in.

In addition, vomiting can occur against the background of stress suffered by the animal or another disease, such as by-effect from the medications used to treat it.

Of course, a specialist can make the correct diagnosis, but we should not forget that a dog, unlike a person, cannot tell about its health (where and for how long it hurts), so discover and describe everything to the doctor accompanying symptoms disorders are the main task of the animal owner.

Associated symptoms

It is very important to closely monitor your pet.

Important! When it comes to a serious disorder, vomiting is never the only symptom. There is definitely something else, and it is based on the totality of the signs that the correct diagnosis is made.

For example, a combination of vomiting and:

  • signs of intestinal disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  • lack of appetite;
  • depression and drowsiness, refusal to play and walk, lack of interest in communicating with the owner, and such changes in behavior usually gradually increase;
  • pale gray color of stool (increased bile secretion increases the level of stercobilin, hence changes in the color of stool);
  • bright orange urine (due to excess bilirubin);
  • weight loss (impaired liver function leads to toxins accumulating in the body, and the animal begins to lose weight).

A painful stomach (the dog does not allow you to touch it) may indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If the belly looks saggy, this often indicates ascites - an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. All this is accompanied by the presence of the symptoms listed above, in addition, for of this disease The following symptoms are typical:

  • the oral mucosa becomes bluish or jaundiced;
  • the pulse quickens, shortness of breath appears;
  • the dog moves with difficulty, as if calculating every movement;
  • The quality of the wool changes: it loses its shine, gets into clumps, and is difficult to comb.
One of the alarming symptoms is another form of behavior change: the dog does not look lethargic, but attacks of unnatural affection for no apparent reason are replaced by manifestations of sudden aggression.
Dog aggression in response to affection

Yellowness of the skin, gums, and eyes is a common sign of liver problems, however, in addition, this symptom is characteristic of leptospirosis and piroplasmosis. In the latter case, an acute onset of the disease, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, is added to other symptoms; in the first case, on the contrary, the temperature rises some time after the appearance of other described symptoms (lethargy, loss of appetite, shortness of breath).

Important! Blood in vomit is typical for oncological diseases, however, it may also indicate a more harmless ulcer.

  • intestinal disorders, with constipation and diarrhea often replacing each other;
  • the mucous membranes are not yellow or blue, but unnaturally pale.

Thus, after carefully observing his pet, a good owner himself can make certain assumptions as to what is causing the vomiting. But then - go straight to the vet.

It would be a good idea to consult a veterinarian in any case.

Good veterinarian and a responsible dog owner can very often work together to save the animal from having to surrender additional tests. But sometimes diagnosis still requires this.

Did you know? It is believed that the cocker spaniel has the most enviable appetite. But for this hunter, it is the search for prey that is of interest, and not the food itself, so if your pet selflessly rummages through garbage cans, this does not indicate that he is hungry, but that he is bored.

There are several algorithms for determining the cause, vomiting:

Frequency of vomiting Single ( acute form) Repeated ( chronic form)
Strong manifestation Weak manifestation
Primary diagnostic measures stool analysis

Analysis of urine;

stool analysis

blood test (general analysis, biochemistry);

Analysis of urine;

stool analysis;


Subsequent diagnostic measures (if the diagnosis is not made or treatment is ineffective) blood test (general analysis, biochemistry);

Analysis of urine;

stool analysis

Obstruction detected No obstruction detected





checking serum bile acid concentrations;

virus tests


First aid and treatment

Despite the fact that vomiting in itself is not a disease, before starting treatment, it is necessary to alleviate the animal’s condition - to eliminate vomiting.

Important! One of the most dangerous consequences vomiting means dehydration of the body, this should never be allowed!

If the dog’s condition does not cause concern, and the attacks of vomiting are sporadic, the animal may be prescribed special medications, for example, Metoclopramide and Maropitant citrate (serenia). It is very important to make sure that there is no foreign body, otherwise, the use of antiemetic drugs may lead to serious problems.If there is a suspicion of such a cause of vomiting, esophagogastroduodenoscopy is prescribed.

In more severe cases, glucose and electrolyte drips are used to prevent dehydration.

After first aid is provided, the immediate treatment of the disease that caused the vomiting begins. The complexity, duration and effectiveness of such measures depend on the diagnosis, as well as how timely it is made and how clearly the dog’s owner follows the doctor’s recommendations.

If a dog is vomiting foam and bile, this cannot be ignored. Fortunately, in most cases the reason for this phenomenon is simple and so trivial that you can help your pet yourself. At the same time, repeated attacks are highly likely to indicate a problem. To eliminate it on time, it is better to contact veterinarian without bringing your four-legged friend’s condition to critical.

Video: what to do if your dog is vomiting

Usually, if a dog is vomiting foam, it means his stomach is empty. Your pet just needs to be fed more often. In addition, she may vomit from poor quality food or when she has eaten something that is unacceptable to her stomach. It happens that an animal vomits because it cleans its stomach. There are many reasons for this.

If this happened once, then there is no need to worry about it. But when frequent occurrence such a symptom, she needs to be examined. After all, your four-legged pet may have more anxiety. And in order not to put your dog at risk, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Why does the dog vomit?

Vomiting often causes fear on the part of the dog owner. There's really nothing to be afraid of here. Vomiting is not a separate disease. Usually this is a symptom indicating one or another ailment. But when such a condition causes anxiety in your pet, he hides somewhere far away, licks his lips, and actively salivates - this is a clear reason to take action.

A dog may have this condition for a number of reasons:

  • poor quality, as mentioned above, or unacceptable food, in particular eating habits
  • the presence of foreign objects in the stomach, which dogs sometimes swallow;
  • acquisition of a viral infection - enteritis, plague;
  • the appearance of worms, especially in puppies;
  • intoxication with toxic substances;
  • stressful state.

The occurrence of such a symptom after a morning meal gives reason to assume gastritis. If vomiting occurs some time after eating, it can be assumed that there is a foreign object in the stomach or neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Constant eruptions indicate the possibility of cholecystitis, or hepatic colic.

In addition to the above signs, harbingers of canine illnesses are also:

  1. salivation, whining and tossing back and forth (the pet cannot find a place for itself);
  2. vomiting with blood - a condition indicating a severe infection or erosion of the mucous membrane;
  3. diarrhea, fever with vomiting - also indicate infection, in addition, indicate the possibility
  4. the occurrence of rapid exhaustion;
  5. the smell of ammonia from the mouth is a clear symptom of a disease of the urinary system.

Warning sign

It is not so uncommon for an animal to excrete along with vomiting. white foam. There are several sources for this condition. One of them, and the most important one, is the emptiness of the stomach. In this case, it will definitely be enveloped in mucus. It is this that comes out along with the foam, which is formed as a result of air swallowed by the animal entering the stomach.

Why does a dog vomit white foam and what should be done in this case? You don't need to do anything when it happens once. But if, along with vomiting, there is a deterioration in her health, rush your pet to the veterinarian.

It's very bad when this happens on an empty stomach. Such a symptom may mean a severe infection with worms. In this case, they need to be driven away special drugs. Among the diseases that are observed in dogs that vomit white foam, the following should be highlighted:

  • various types of intoxication of their body;
  • intestinal blockage;
  • presence of a foreign object in the stomach;
  • inflammation of the pancreas and intestines;
  • ailments of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • hydrocephalus, brain tumors;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hepatitis, plague, enteritis;
  • volvulus;
  • leptospirosis, helminthiasis;
  • corono viral infection.
  • churning in the stomach

Of course it is incomplete list ailments. As already noted, this condition with white mucus may indicate the presence of gastritis. And this, in turn, is the result of errors in nutrition. If vomiting is frequent, this directly indicates an intestinal blockage, severe infection, or an inedible object entering the stomach.

In order not to be mistaken in determining the disease, veterinarians recommend that owners make an hourly record of what, in what volume and when their pet vomited. Vomiting with white viscous foam indicates this dangerous disease like madness. Of course, this symptom alone cannot identify this disease with 100 percent probability. But if the dog suddenly goes numb, eats inedible objects, is afraid of water, etc., there is no doubt.

When a dog coughs and vomits white foam, it is very serious. And making a diagnosis on your own is not so easy. After all, this condition often occurs due to different types viruses: parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, etc.

This condition is not so harmless for a dog, because a viral infection, as a rule, is the root cause of bacterial complications. Therefore, the affected animal may not only cough and vomit white foam, but also suffer from suffocation. In short, there can be many reasons for a dog to vomit with white foam. So, the more severe and prolonged the attacks, the sooner you should take her to the vet.

About symptoms with yellowness

When a pet spews a yellow foamy mass, then, quite understandably, we are talking about an admixture of bile. As in the first case, it will be useful to figure out why the dog is vomiting yellow foam.

It should be noted right away that a similar phenomenon occurs in animals that are fed once a day. Naturally, you can correct this situation yourself by changing your feeding schedule. It is better to feed your four-legged friend 2-3 times a day, dividing the usual daily portion according to this change.

It happens that dogs eat grass and then vomit bile. This usually happens in the morning. We need to follow them. If your appetite is good and your stool is normal, you can rest assured. As a rule, the animal cleanses its stomach in this way.

But this condition can also be the result of poor nutrition, which causes the pet to have excess bile in the body. Then keep him on a diet. IN in this case Fasting for 24 hours will be helpful. After this, his condition should return to normal.

But when there are worms or blood in the dog’s yellow vomit, you need to drop everything and urgently take him to the clinic. There can be no hesitation if you don’t want to lose your four-legged friend.

What to do if your dog is vomiting foam?

To eliminate the above symptoms, it is important to identify the disease. There is no need to treat vomiting.

So, what should you do if your dog vomits white foam? The answer is obvious - look for the reason for this. Of course, a visit will help here veterinary clinic, where the pet will undergo a blood test and an abdominal x-ray. Only based on the results of the examination and tests can the source of this symptom be determined.

But it also happens that the dog vomits, but it is not possible to get to the veterinarian quickly. Then you need to adhere certain rules. First of all, you should rid your pet’s body of suspected poisoners or irritants. In this case, he is not fed or sung for a day, but is only allowed to lick ice cubes.

When this helps and the vomiting stops bothering you, you can feed a small amount of chicken broth. Next, you can offer pureed white meat chicken or turkey breast. At the same time, you should feed your pet in small doses 4-6 times a day, adding fresh herbs and brown rice to the food to strengthen the stomach if diarrhea is also bothering you. You can start giving your usual foods from the third day.

From medicines No-shpa, Papaverine, Smecta, Cerucal, Omez are suitable. They relieve spasms in the stomach and intestines. Otherwise, medications can only be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable, it can cause harm.

What should you do if your dog vomits yellow foam? As noted above, it is also good to keep her on a diet, paying attention to her behavior. If the vomiting of bile stops and the condition improves, there is no need to worry. Often a well-developed diet and diet can solve the problem.

But when a dog vomits several times a day, it should be taken to a veterinary hospital so that competent measures can be taken in time. As you can see, external eruptions from a dog’s mouth do not always indicate dangerous condition animal. Often the reason for this symptom lies in inattention to the pet.

And how can one not remember words of wisdom, about responsibility for those whom they took in. So if you decide to have a pet, give it the time it deserves. Remember that his feeding should be varied and complete, and walks should be constant, at least 2-3 times a day. To this should also be added vaccinations on time, various preventive actions. Only this approach can ensure the health of your four-legged friend.

Therefore, if you decide to have a four-legged friend, think carefully about whether you are capable of such sacrifices on your part. After all, your animal may be sick, and its recovery will depend only on you.