Recommendations for hygiene during menopause. Menopause in a woman's life. How does hormonal change occur in the body?

Women's bodies undergo restructuring during menopause, so nutrition during this period should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. During menopause, it is important to use only healthy foods, low in animal fats, but rich in coarse fiber. The diet must include soy, legumes and seafood.

Human health at any age largely depends on nutrition. It is especially important to eat right in childhood when the body is growing, and in old age, when due to age-related changes, metabolism is disrupted and the risk of occurrence and exacerbation of many diseases increases.

For the normal functioning of any person, a constant supply from the outside of various biologically active substances(proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, organic and fatty acids, mineral salts and many others).

We get all these substances mainly from food. They supply our body with energy, are building materials for building cells and tissues, and participate in the synthesis various substances directly in the human body, they regulate metabolism and the functioning of our organs and organ systems.

If any of them is deficient, a person develops various ailments and even serious illnesses, and the deficiency of one of these compounds is not compensated by an excess of others.

We get some of these substances from animal foods, and others from plant foods. Some compounds are synthesized in our body by beneficial intestinal microorganisms, and in case of disease this process can be disrupted.

This material describes in detail how to eat properly during menopause.

Products needed in the diet during menopause

Most women during menopause, without even changing their diet, begin to gain weight (less often, they lose a lot of weight). On the walls blood vessels Cholesterol begins to be deposited, which appears in excess in the body due to the cessation of the synthesis of female sex hormones.

In this regard, when organizing nutrition during menopause, women need to limit the consumption of animal fats, which are building materials for the synthesis of cholesterol in the body.

It is necessary to give preference to vegetable fats, since many of them contain substances that help remove excess cholesterol from the body. Eliminate completely butter is not allowed, but you are allowed to consume no more than 10 g per day, including as part of dishes and side dishes.

It is better for women during menopause to replace a product such as meat with fish. Fish dishes made from fresh or frozen fish, especially fatty fish (trout, salmon, mackerel, etc.), should be consumed as often as possible, since fish contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which help normalize the fat composition of the blood and remove cholesterol from the body.

The consumption of salted, smoked, dried and dried fish, as well as canned fish, should be sharply limited.

In the diet during menopause, it is necessary to reduce coffee consumption to a minimum (replace green tea or juices), spicy foods and alcoholic beverages and limit meat, rich meat soups and broths, smoked meats, mustard, red hot peppers and other spices, as well as vinegar.

The only spice you can (and even should) use is black pepper (preferably freshly ground).

Despite the usefulness of vegetable oils and fish oil, they should also be consumed in limited quantities. It is better to prepare dishes by steaming, baking in the oven or eating boiled and try to completely eliminate fried foods.

Among meat products, preference should be given to lean beef, rabbit (cut off all the fat) and lean poultry - chicken, turkey and partridge (remove the skin before cooking).

What foods are best excluded from the diet during menopause?

During this period, it is necessary to stop consuming offal (heart, liver, kidneys, etc.), and cook them no more than 2 times a month. Consume sausages, sausages and smoked meats as little as possible.

It is better to exclude eggs from the diet during menopause altogether. You are allowed to eat only 1 piece per week (including those eggs that are added to dishes), and it is sometimes allowed to additionally eat a protein omelet.

It is imperative to include milk in the diet of women during menopause. dairy products, cottage cheese and cheese (they contain protein and calcium necessary for the body), but low-fat. Exclude salty dairy products (brynza and suluguni cheese), as well as processed cheese from the diet.

It is necessary to limit (but not completely exclude): bread, pasta and cook potatoes, pasta and potato dishes by steaming or in the oven and without fat. To improve intestinal motility, it is better to take bread with bran.

Extremely the necessary products during menopause are nuts. Every day you need to eat 100 g of kernels of various nuts (they contain specific anti-sclerotic substances), as well as a handful of sunflower seeds.

Foods during menopause should be somewhat bland. It is necessary to accustom yourself to salt your food as little as possible, since consumption large quantity salt can trigger the development hypertension, but it is better to replace salt with various spicy and aromatic herbs.

The food of an elderly person should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially C, A, group B and E. In the summer, these vitamins should be obtained by including various fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs in the diet, and in the winter, take a complex of vitamins with microelements.

The diet during menopause (menopause) must include daily salads from red sweet peppers, carrots, beets, cabbage or other vegetables, adding green vegetables (lettuce, Chinese cabbage, asparagus, spinach, etc.), as well as spicy - aromatic herbs (parsley, dill, green onions, green garlic).

As for fruits, you should give preference to apples, apples, cherries, cherries, kiwis, bananas, figs, apricots, peaches, citrus fruits (especially grapefruits with brightly colored pulp), and for berries - blueberries, red and black currants, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries.

When organizing meals during menopause, do not forget about the daily consumption of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates.

In addition, food must contain the minerals necessary for the body, especially potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and trace elements.

You need to accustom yourself to having porridge for breakfast (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat or pearl barley). Side dishes are also often prepared from cereals (they are a source of B vitamins and mineral salts, including magnesium, potassium and iron).

Women's diet during menopause must include dishes from legumes and soy, as well as seafood.

Mayonnaise and margarines must be completely eliminated, replacing them vegetable oils(preferably olive, flaxseed or corn).

Sweets cannot be completely excluded, as they are involved in the production of endorphins, which improve a person’s mood (pleasure hormones).

Among sweet foods, small amounts of fruit and berry marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried dried apricots, raisins, figs and dates are allowed. It is better to replace sugar with honey. Sometimes you can eat a small piece of dark chocolate or drink a cup of cocoa (especially if you are in a bad, depressed mood).

In addition, it is very useful to drink dry red grape wine (up to 150 ml per day, preferably during dinner).

If you have various diseases associated with menopause, your diet must be tailored to these diseases.

For example, if you have problems with hematopoiesis or often have uterine and other bleeding, you should consume buckwheat porridge and dishes made from it, as well as raisins and dried apricots daily.

If you have problems with bones and are predisposed to fractures, during the menopause period, products such as cottage cheese or dishes made from it, milk and fermented milk products, hard cheese and fish will be extremely useful.

For neuroses and problems with the heart and blood vessels, you need to eat peaches, apricots, grapes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, rosehips, apples, bananas, kiwis, dried apricots, raisins, nuts, buckwheat dishes, potatoes, fish and seafood (steamed or oven-cooked), as well as salads and other vegetable dishes.

With general weakening of the body, you need to more often include in your diet lemons and other citrus fruits, fans, kiwi, rose hips, sweet peppers, parsley, green vegetables (lettuce, spinach, etc.), as well as fruit, berry and vegetable juices and their mixtures.

If you have vision problems, you should eat blueberries, blueberries, seafood, as often as possible, as well as fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs containing carotene (carrots, apricots, peaches, parsley, dried apricots).

For any health problems during menopause, you should use sprouted seeds of cereals and other plants daily.

It is advisable to include mushroom dishes in the diet of an elderly person (especially oyster mushrooms, since they have anti-sclerotic, antitumor and rejuvenating effects, increase immunity, stimulate mental activity, intestinal and genital function), but with caution, since this is a heavy food and some people at this age do not tolerate mushrooms well.

It is advisable to take food at the same time, in small portions, 4-5 times a day. Dinner should be light and no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. You need to chew your food thoroughly and for a long time (so as not to overeat), since satiety occurs only about 20 minutes after you start eating.

During menopause, women try to drink as little as possible, especially if they have problems with urination (urinary incontinence, frequent urge).

This should not be done under any circumstances, since with a lack of fluid, intracellular metabolism and metabolism in general are disrupted, which leads to even greater disturbances in your body and to even greater ailments, including from the excretory organs.

When organizing nutrition during menopause, it is very useful to drink 0.5-1 glass of some unsweetened vegetable juice before meals.

It is very useful to take the juices of some wild herbs: from nettle leaves, dandelion leaves and roots, plantain leaves, green oat grass, alfalfa grass and sprouted plant seeds (but in small quantities - 1-2 tablespoons per dose).

It is imperative to monitor your weight, since during menopause, even with proper nutrition, the body’s fat metabolism is disrupted and obesity can develop, and less often, dystrophy.


Menopause is the autumn of a woman’s life. But this does not mean that women in menopause should be deprived of the healthy state of their internal organs. You can eliminate the unpleasant natural symptom that appears with the onset of menopause - dryness of the mucous membrane of the vaginal epidermis - with the help of moisturizers (lubricants), creams, gels, and suspension conditioners. Tips recommended by gynecological gerontology in terms of hygiene of the intimate area are components of a broad topic that will be of interest to the female category. Creams for intimate hygiene during menopause are widely used by women to be able to maintain a full life.

What is menopause?

Menopause is the period from the day of the last monthly menstruation until its cessation within 1 year. During this time period, forms of bleeding variability are possible. Menopause is classified into early stage and postmenopausal stage.

Signs of menopausal adjustment:

  • at first the bleeding is heavy, “flooding” for 3–7 days, with a break of a week, then they begin again (in one month);
  • absence of discharge for 2-3 months or scanty bleeding.

Similar symptoms are due to the transition female body into a new physiological homeostasis - climacteric (menopause).

Causes of dryness during menopause

There are several reasons that are a trigger for the occurrence of dryness of the vaginal mucosa. But the main dominant factor is the natural aging process. Gerontological clinicians assess the onset of signs of dry epithelium in connection with general menopausal changes.

  1. Hormonal dysfunction of the ovaries, in which the balance of androsterones and estrogens is disturbed, which leads to the extinction of follicular reduction.
  2. A significant decrease in the matrix (intracellular fluid) in the epithelium of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. As a consequence, the phenomenon of drying out and thinning of the parenchyma of these organic spheres manifests itself.
  3. Hormonal imbalance in a woman’s reproductive organs, during the phase of entering menopause, postmenopausal periods, entails a chain of somatic changes - profuse sweating, frequent dizziness, irritability, sleep and appetite disorders.
  4. Sometimes, there is an uncontrollable urge to urinate, and involuntary spontaneous leakage of urine.

But, most of all, women suffer from a clear painful sign - a feeling of itching, burning in the vagina (symptoms of dryness). Similar manifestations during menopause, discomfort in the area of ​​the labia minora, clitoris, in the vaginal cavity (on the walls of the fornix, the entrance to the cervix), eliminates the intimate life of a woman.

Menopausal dryness, lack of lubrication, moisture, constant feeling a painful burning sensation makes it difficult to have sexual contact with a man. This causes a decrease in sexual desire (libido), which leads to conflictual relationships in the family, adultery on the part of the husband (new sexual relationships or the search for short-term ones, with prostitutes).

Intimate hygiene during menopause

Menopause is a natural process of withering. But it creates not only clinical and biological problems in age-related health. Ladies are forced to resort to enhanced personal hygiene, washing themselves several times a day (from 4 to 5 times) with weak disinfectants. solutions, lubricate the genitals with some cream. Against the background of the use of conventional hygiene products, “everything that comes to hand,” new pathogenic formats appear - infectious intoxications of the vaginal epidermis.

To put up with, endure, hiding from relatives the painful consequences of menopause (the transition to persistent climacteric stage), it is impossible, it is unreasonable. Moreover, do not seek professional advice from a gynecologist or gerontologist.

Help women with menopause safe means intimate hygiene (soaps, gels), menopausal lubricants (moisturizing creams), healing homeopathic solutions. The main condition that will prevent dryness of the vaginal epidermis from developing further is regular hygiene, maintaining hydration and vitamin nutrition in this intimate area.

It is best if the woman receives comprehensive information from wide range pharmacy products, from a series of drugs “moisturizers, hygiene products for intimate areas during menopause in women,” at an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the external and visceral areas of the genital organs, assess the epidermal condition, and take the necessary smears from the cervical canal and mucous discharge from the vagina.

After receiving laboratory tests the specialist will have a clear picture of the history of the ongoing menopause. If the vaginal epidermal layer is not invaded by harmful microflora, and it is necessary to activate the hydration process in it, gynecologists recommend popular intimate hygiene creams and soaps for menopausal dryness.

Soap and lubricants

Soap “Lanolin”, “Ginseng”, “From peach pits”, “Children’s” in liquid consistency, soft cream soap “Dove”, “Avene” - use no more than 2-3 times a day, in the form of generous washing. You can treat the labia with a disposable damp (sterile) wipe after each urination, adding additional liquid soap to it.

Gel lubricants are gaining demand among pharmacy customers in the department hygiene products intimate care during menopause. The following have an excellent moisturizing effect: combinatorial synthetic/ homeopathic medicines– “Bliss” (the main substance is tea tree oil extract), “Lactacid”, hygienic conditioners-creams-lubricants, which include trade trends (popular brands) “Paul Mitchel”, “Aveda”.

Due to the fact that Lactacid contains lactose and lactic acid, the product supports the synthesis of biofluids in the intercellular matrix of vaginal cells. The immune defenses of the fading female body are activated during the period of menopause-restructuring. A feeling of abundant moisture is created, the mucous membrane is perfectly nourished with the additional vitamin composition of healing plant components (extract of fir, aloe, germabena flowers and chamomile).


Well-known therapeutic and hygienic creams “Nivea”, “Cetaphil”, “CeraVe” have an intense effect. But these are not cosmetic creams used for makeup, these are products for sanitizing the intimate area of ​​the female body, they are sold in pharmacies. A very inexpensive vaseline cream with abundant moisture - “Aquaphor” - effectively helps maintain the state of lubrication in the genitals.

In cases of diagnosing a complicated clinical picture of menopause, concerning the reactive-aggressive manifestation of vaginal dryness (spasmodic contractions, pain) medicinal gel suspensions or vaginal suppositories are prescribed. These are menopausal drugs with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic characteristic, these include “Vagilak”, “Divigel”.

Popular creams

Menopausal lubricant cream Vagilak is included in the category of therapeutic gerontological-menopausal drugs for acute manifestations of painful symptoms of menopause. It is prescribed for particularly severe syndrome of dryness of the intimate area (incessant itching of the vestibule of the vagina, when cracks appear in the perineal area). Quickly relieves hyperemia of the vaginal epithelial layer and exhibits analgesic properties.

The targeted effect of Divigel moisturizing cream is a compensatory effect on hormonal imbalance in female body. The cream is simply necessary for menopause. Because it perfectly moisturizes the vaginal mucous surface, equalizes and maintains the quantitative content of estrogen in normal parameters, and compensates for the age-related deficiency of these important hormones of youth.

Subject to methodical hygiene, under the supervision of a doctor, specialized menopausal creams “Vagilak” and “Divigel” effectively eliminate manifestations of dryness in the intimate area. The drugs are synthetic-hormonal, but with excellent positive therapeutic results.

Choice of cream and side effects

Selection of menopausal medications in the form of moisturizing creams, gels, vaginal suppositories, feminine hygiene products for sanitary treatment intimate areas during menopause, must necessarily be agreed upon with highly specialized specialists in visceral adult medicine - gerontologists, gynecologists, endocrinologists.

To avoid harm to health, risk of acquired additional diseases, the choice of moisturizing products should be made during a consultation with a gynecologist.

Failure to comply with these basic precautions may have Negative consequences. Climacteric remedies hygiene products, which are produced to alleviate the condition of women during menopause, have both positive properties, as well as side effects and contraindications.

Applying any ointments, creams, or douching with questionable solutions on your own, at your own peril and risk, is a sure step towards worsening the symptoms of menopause. As a result, colpitis (ulcerated inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), thrush, vaginal dysbiosis.

Allergic pathologies to any component in hygienic cosmetic creams are often diagnosed: swelling of the mucous membrane of the lips major and minor, vagina. Infection in the internal genitourinary structures can lead to chronicization of existing diseases.

There comes a stage in the life of every woman when the body begins to undergo some changes. So that the problems of the menopausal period are not taken by surprise, it is worth preparing in advance and learning about the methods of treating all its manifestations.

Why does menopause appear in a woman’s life?

The beginning of this process begins with a significant decrease in the production of female sex hormones. The fact is that over the years, ovarian function gradually fades away and may even stop altogether. This process can last from eight to ten years, and is called menopause in women. But we should not forget that it is during premenopause that a woman is at risk for developing unwanted pregnancy. Pregnancy during menopause is very common, which is why the number of abortions in this age category is very high. Gestation, like abortion, is much more difficult for premenopausal women than for younger women. Therefore, issues of contraception should be taken very seriously.

Signs of menopause

Menopause in women can be accompanied by many symptoms and they are not always easy to recognize. Let's look at the main changes in the body that can help determine the onset of menopause.

  1. Menstrual irregularities. One of the first signs of the onset of menopause is irregular menstrual bleeding. The amount of blood loss and the intervals between menstruation become unpredictable. At the first such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can accurately determine the cause.
  2. Often, premenopausal women complain of hot flashes. Quite suddenly there comes a feeling of intense heat, skin turn red and sweat appears on the body. This symptom takes you by surprise, often women wake up in the middle of the night from such heat. The cause is the reaction of the pituitary gland and sharp drop estrogen levels.
  3. Among the symptoms of menopause in women, sleep disturbances and headaches are very common. It becomes very difficult to fall asleep, thoughts are constantly spinning in your head and your heart rate increases. Periodically, hot flashes do not allow you to sleep. Headaches start after various reasons. Sometimes this is the result of depression, which also often becomes a harbinger of a climatic period.
  4. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding menopause are becoming more common in women. First, delays in menstruation begin, and then sudden bleeding. Uterine bleeding during menopause is accompanied by weakness, irritability and constant headaches. As a rule, along with such bleeding, patients also experience climatic syndrome.

Menopause: treatment

It is necessary to start treatment only under the supervision of a doctor and when its manifestations significantly complicate the woman’s life. It is worth noting that most symptoms are accompanied by a deficiency of sex hormones. That is why experts propose replacing the natural function of the ovaries with an artificial one, in other words, using hormones. All drugs are selected individually.

But one of the important factors successful treatment is the daily routine during menopause. Avoiding stressful situations proper nutrition And healthy image life should become the norm during this period. Overwork at work or too much worry will again provoke sleep disorders and headaches.

Nutrition during menopause also has its own characteristics. It is worth paying attention to raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products and beef, buckwheat and oatmeal. But various kinds of soups or main courses with a lot of seasonings should be avoided. It is also undesirable to abuse salt and sugar, bread and flour, and foods with cholesterol.

Menopause is inevitable in every woman's life. physiological process.

As you know, a woman’s body goes through a number of stages, not clearly demarcated from each other: the period of newbornness, childhood, puberty, puberty. This is followed by a period of extinction and complete regression of the functional and morphological characteristics of the reproductive apparatus. It usually occurs in women aged 43 - 52 years. If menstruation stops at 35 - 40 years old, they talk about early menopause, if later than 52 - 55 years old, they talk about late menopause.

Menopause is characterized by the reverse development of the reproductive system against the background of changes in the whole organism. This period lasts from the onset of the first menstrual irregularities, including the persistent cessation of menstruation for approximately 2 years. During this period, restructuring of the higher parts of the central nervous system, changes in the function of the endocrine glands and other organs and systems of the body are observed. Changes also occur in the woman’s reproductive system: the ovaries become smaller and shrink, and their blood supply deteriorates. As a result, ovarian function weakens. In addition, the uterus gradually becomes smaller, the vagina narrows, and its mucous membrane becomes thinner.

The amount of subcutaneous fat on the pubis and labia decreases; pubic and external genital hair begins to turn gray and thin. Metabolism also changes: some women experience increased fat deposition, others, on the contrary, lose weight, their skin loses elasticity, and wrinkles appear on their faces. All these changes appear earlier in some women, later in others.

The cause of early menopause can be frequent abortions. Sometimes it is associated with unfavorable conditions labor, everyday life, poor nutrition, suffering infectious diseases, physical and mental injuries, developmental anomalies and inflammatory processes of pearl organs.

Early menopause is usually observed in women who have late menstruation. On the contrary, late menopause is usually observed in women with early menstruation.

It is interesting to note that in some women menstruation stops immediately as soon as ovarian function fades, while in others it stops gradually over 2 to 3 years. In these cases, menstruation becomes, as a rule, less or longer and more abundant. If you have heavy menstruation at irregular intervals, a woman should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

For some women, menstruation stops for 3-6 months, and then appears again and comes regularly for some time, i.e. the normal menstrual cycle alternates with amenorrhea. This phenomenon can last 1 - 2 years or more.

Finally, in some women, the cessation of menstruation is preceded by erratic uterine bleeding. In such cases, the patient should be advised to urgently contact antenatal clinic or to a paramedic-midwife station, since such cycle disorders in women of a certain age may be associated with oncological diseases genitals. Women should be made aware that early diagnosis The tumor is critical to their life and health.

In its course, menopause is often physiological, when the body gradually adapts to age-related changes. At the same time, no special neuropsychic, vascular or metabolic disorders are observed: women do not notice any changes in their bodies, remain able to work, energetic, active, their mood does not change. This indicates that the decline in all functions of organs and systems occurs harmoniously.

However, for some women, the menopause is complicated by painful phenomena that can impair their ability to work. The most common and unpleasant suffering is “hot flashes” (a feeling of heat on the face, head, upper body), followed by chills and sometimes profuse cold sweat. In addition, there are complaints of rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart area, weakness, increased irritability, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, disturbances in sleep and performance. Less common are changes in taste, weakening of memory, increased blood pressure, development of typical forms of arthritis, exacerbation of diabetes mellitus and other diseases. Nausea, heartburn, belching, flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines), persistent constipation, frequent urination, urinary incontinence during physical activity.

Some women complain of the appearance of leucorrhoea from the vagina, which irritates the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, the skin of the inner thighs, etc. The cause of leucorrhoea may be a decrease in the hormonal saturation of the body and, in this regard, a change in the chemistry of vaginal secretions, the occurrence of inflammatory process. All this requires immediate consultation with a gynecologist or midwife. Women should be reassured that these seemingly harmless symptoms can lead to serious complications.

Based on an assessment of the main directions in which changes in the functions of the female body occur during menopause (i.e. changes in the functions of the nervous system, hormonal imbalances, metabolic processes, reflex-vascular disorders, as well as anatomical and physiological changes in the genital organs), and hygienic measures should be taken. They will help maintain a more stable balance in a woman’s body and prevent the development of a number of diseases in her.

The complex of hygienic measures of this period includes the woman’s observance of personal hygiene, regime (work, rest, nutrition), physical education, constant medical monitoring of the condition of the genital organs, cardiovascular, nervous system, etc.

In conversations with women, one should emphasize the importance of personal hygiene, which consists of basic skin care techniques and keeping it clean, especially around the genitals. Daily hygienic showers and washing with soap and water are a necessary and obligatory habit for a woman. Toileting the external genitalia can relieve a woman of various gynecological diseases, as well as from diaper rash and itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia and inner thighs. It is better to wash with baby soap, which does not contain any aromatic or irritating substances, and only boiled water, if it is taken from a well or river, or heated tap water. You need to wash from front to back, from top to bottom. It is not recommended to resort to douching (without a doctor’s prescription), as this procedure is unsafe and not harmless.

As for sexual life, there is no need to limit it to any norms during this period. If menopausal phenomena are very pronounced, the question of the frequency of sexual intercourse is usually regulated by the woman herself. In this case, it is especially important to observe basic hygiene requirements (washing before and after sexual intercourse).

It should be noted that pregnancy can also occur during menopause. Therefore, it is necessary to give the woman appropriate recommendations about the contraceptives that are most suitable for her, taking into account the age and condition of the genital organs.

Of great importance during menopause is balanced diet. It should be less abundant than during puberty, complete, and contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines.

During menopause, women who are predisposed to obesity are better off consuming vegetable fats (sunflower, olive and other oils), since animal fats at this age are less digestible and accumulate in the body, causing obesity. In addition, the cholesterol they contain contributes to the development of sclerosis. Animal fats are especially contraindicated for women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those suffering from improper metabolism.

Animal proteins are of great importance for the functioning of the body, so lean beef, fish, cottage cheese, one-day kefir, acidophilus, and eggs are useful.

The preferred carbohydrates are black bread (up to 150-200 grams), buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal; Beans, peas, and millet are less desirable.

In improving metabolism and increasing the body's resistance, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and group B, which are found in greens, vegetables and fruits, play an important role. In winter and spring, if there is a deficiency of these vitamins, you can take vitamin preparations on the recommendation of a medical professional.

Women over 50 years of age should avoid strong tea, cocoa, coffee, alcoholic beverages, spices and smoked foods. You should limit the consumption of confectionery products (chocolate, candies), ice cream, muffins, cakes, as well as table salt(up to 5 - 7 grams per day for adding to ready-made dishes). No less important for a woman is her diet: she should eat at least 4 times a day at the same time.

When compiling a daily diet, it is necessary to take into account not only time, but also the distribution of products. So, with four meals a day, morning breakfast (at about 8 a.m.) should account for 25% of the daily diet, second breakfast (12 a.m.) - 15%, lunch (3 - 4 p.m.) - 40% and dinner (8 p.m.) - 20% . At night, it is recommended to drink a glass of daily kefir, which greatly contributes to the proper functioning of the intestines.

Taking into account some features of higher nervous activity in women during menopause and a noticeable predominance of irritable processes in them, leading to more rapid exhaustion of the nervous system, the importance of sleep as a factor compensating for the expenditure of nervous energy should be explained. It is necessary to go to bed and get up in the morning at the same time. The duration of sleep should be at least 7 - 8 hours.

Smoking is especially harmful for menopausal women. To eliminate various types of disorders of the neurovascular system, you should use more often and more natural factors: spend as much time outdoors as possible, take walks, engage in light physical labor in the country, etc. Swimming is very beneficial in the summer season. However, for many women who have entered menopause, prolonged swimming in the sea and exposure to the sun can be harmful.

They are especially contraindicated for women suffering from obesity, diseases of cardio-vascular system, mammary glands, uterus and appendages (fibroids, tumors, cysts and other neoplasms).

Physical activity is of no small importance. Regular execution physical exercise within 10 - 15 minutes enhances redox processes in the body, metabolism, activates the activity of the glands internal secretion, normalizes the ratio of various hormones, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, eliminates venous congestion, etc.

However great value has a pace of exercise, especially in the presence of functional disorders and diseases various organs and systems. For example, with hypertension during menopause, it is important to perform exercises smoothly, plastically, without jerking, alternating them with breathing exercises and relaxation, which will prevent the development of hypoxia. The type of physical exercise and the amount of physical load must be chosen taking into account general condition women, the severity and nature of functional disorders (nervous system disorders, hypertension, joint diseases, headaches, dizziness, etc.).

Into the complex of funds physical culture indicated for menopausal disorders should include self-massage, which has a mechanical effect on the skin, underlying tissues, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and nerve endings.

It is advisable to alternate self-massage with gymnastic exercises.

Massage techniques can achieve a calming and analgesic effect (stroking, rubbing). Patting and tapping cause a stimulating and tonic effect. All these recommendations should be given to women who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a sedentary job. Women whose physical activity, on the contrary, is increased, should be advised to relax. In this case, the resting position plays an important role: relaxation in a horizontal position, arms along the body, and legs slightly elevated.

During menopause, you should not watch television programs that can have a stimulating effect on nervous system, which can subsequently lead to sleep disturbances. It is recommended to take a 30-40 minute walk before going to bed.

Sometimes, despite the implementation of all the listed hygienic measures, women still feel unwell and decreased performance; in these cases, it is better to consult a doctor or midwife who will prescribe appropriate treatment. In general, women over forty should be told that they should see a doctor or midwife at least twice a year. Organized preventive examinations of women help identify various diseases female genital organs, primarily malignant neoplasms.



"Climax" translated from Greek means "stairs". At some point, due to the reverse development of the reproductive organs, a woman has to overcome this stage, leading to the extinction of reproductive function. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause are a natural process and there is no need to be afraid of it.

Stages of menopause

Menopause is a period of life during which the functioning of the reproductive system ceases.

There are three stages of menopause in women:

  1. Premenopause. It begins several years before the complete end of menstruation. The duration of the stage ranges from 1 year to 3 years. The functions of the ovaries gradually begin to fade, ovulation ends, and the process of conception becomes problematic. Irregular periods are observed. The interval between them increases, and the duration gradually decreases. The stage drags on.
  2. Menopause. The period when a woman does not have periods for a year. At this time, a woman can gain a lot of weight, heart problems arise, and diabetes can develop. Menopause most often occurs between the ages of 45 and 50. Stopping menstruation before age 45 is considered early menopause, and before age 40 is considered premature.
  3. Postmenopause. Time from the end of menopause to 69-70 years.

It is often believed that menopause and menopause are the same thing. However, menopause is defined as the loss of reproductive function, and menopause is a year without menstruation.

There are cases when menopause occurs unexpectedly, despite the fact that the woman planned to prepare for this stage. To avoid this situation, you need to know the symptoms of approaching menopause in women.


The table shows the main signs of impending menopause.

Menstrual irregularitiesWith fading hormonal function ovaries, the duration of menstruation changes. They occur irregularly and sparingly. There can be an interval between menstruation of one to three months, and sometimes more. After a certain time, menstruation stops completely.
TidesAt such moments, the woman feels hot, which spreads to the face, neck, chest and arms. At this moment, the temperature rises, sweating and lack of air occur. The skin turns red or becomes blotchy. These symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and tachycardia. The duration of hot flashes ranges from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Change of moodIn the premenopausal period, women experience disturbances in their psychoemotional state. They are expressed in aggressiveness, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, and restlessness. For most women, such changes in mood appear before their period.
Change your appearanceHormonal imbalance in the body leads to dull skin and hair loss. The nail plates become brittle, dry, and begin to peel.
Weight gainExcess weight is not always a sign of menopause. Fatty, high-calorie foods also affect weight gain. Insulin resistance may develop. With age, muscles decrease and layers of fat increase.
Nocturnal hyperhidrosisManifests in heavy sweating during sleep.
Vaginal drynessWith the slowdown of metabolic processes in the body, a decrease in elasticity and tissue moisture occurs. become loose and cracks appear. The pelvic organs may descend and fall out.
InsomniaPeaceful sleep depends on the balance of estrogen and progesterone. A lack of the former leads to sweating, while the latter leads to insomnia.
Decreased libidoThe first reason for decreased sexual desire is the unpleasant sensations that arise during sexual intercourse. The second is a decrease in the level of hormones responsible for sexual desire.
Heart problemsLow estrogen levels cause the development of heart disease during menopause in women.
OsteoporosisMost dangerous symptom. Changes are taking place in bone tissue, characterized by its rarefaction and increased fragility. The risk of bone fractures increases. The woman feels increased fatigue and weakness.
Urinary incontinenceA deficiency of female hormones weakens the pelvic muscles and leads to relaxation of the bladder sphincter
Muscle pain and headachesDuring menopause, the tone of blood vessels changes, resulting in headaches. Muscle pain occurs when calcium metabolism is disrupted.
Memory problemsThe cause is low estrogen levels. When hormonal levels are normalized, the problem disappears.
Gynecological diseasesAffect the appearance of early menopause (primarily ovarian tumors).
AllergyIts appearance is influenced by the connection between endocrine and immune systems. With hormonal changes, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and dermatitis may occur.

There are many more signs of the oncoming female menopause, but a woman should not be scared or worried about this. Timely consultation with a doctor and correct selection medicines will help alleviate the condition.

Complications of menopause

Not in all cases the normal course of menopause in women is observed. The following complications are possible during this period:

  • severe course of menopausal syndrome with disruption of work gastrointestinal tract, which causes a woman’s exhaustion;
  • pathological fractures (a symptom of osteoporosis);
  • breakthrough uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalances;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • development of uterine fibroids;
  • mastopathy, tumor-like formations of the mammary glands.

Due to the large number possible complications Regular preventative visits to the gynecologist are necessary.

Menopausal syndrome

This is one of the common problems of menopause. Menopausal syndrome is expressed in the occurrence of a complex of endocrine and neurological disorders. Symptoms of this syndrome include:

  • headaches, migraines, dizziness;
  • hot flashes to the head and upper body;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension, etc.

Taken together, these symptoms significantly worsen a woman’s quality of life and lead to decreased performance.

The severity of menopausal syndrome depends on the frequency of hot flashes. A mild degree is characterized by the occurrence of hot flashes up to 10 times over 24 hours; moderate – up to 20 times, severe – more than 20 times a day.

Causes of early menopause

Early menopause is called hormonal changes that begin before the age of 45. This may be due to a number of reasons:

  • ovarian depletion associated with a genetic abnormality (X chromosome defect);
  • inherited diseases (galactosemia, amenorrhea, blepharophimosis);
  • consequences surgical intervention– removal of fibroids along with the uterus, oophorectomy;
  • the effect of radiation and chemotherapy prescribed for the treatment of malignant neoplasms;
  • reduction of immune tension.

A woman should know which doctor to contact if she experiences early menopause. A professional gynecologist-endocrinologist will conduct a consultation and prescribe treatment.

How to delay the onset of menopause?

Experts have developed several methods to delay menopause. the period most suitable for applying deferment measures.

  1. Hormonal replacement therapy prescribed by a doctor strictly according to indications. Estrogen preparations (Ovestin, Divigel, Klimonorm, Norkolut, etc.) can delay the onset of menopause.
  2. The doctor may prescribe long-term use of phytoestrogens - plant substances similar in their mechanism of action to natural estrogen. Such drugs include Feminal, Estrovel, Femiwell, etc.
  3. Herbal medicine is the use of decoctions and infusions of some medicinal plants (thyme, lungwort, sage, horsetail and many others). Monastic tea is also effective for delaying menopause.
  4. In addition, for effective results you must adhere to the following rules:
  • do not eat fatty, sweet foods; the diet should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, and fermented milk products;
  • engage in sports, thereby stimulating the production biological substances that prolong youth;
  • take care of women's health and regularly visit a gynecologist;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

By following these tips, a woman has the opportunity to delay the onset of menopause.


Diagnosis of menopause includes consultations with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, and neurologist. Functional status ovaries are determined using histological analysis and cytological examination of smears. If necessary, ultrasound of the breast, pelvic organs, and mammography are performed.

Ways to eliminate menopause symptoms

Modern medicine offers the following methods to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause:

  • Hormonal drugs (estrogen) are indicated for severe menopause.
  • Phytoestrogens are a mild option for the treatment of menopausal disorders.
  • Physiotherapy – massage, physical therapy.
  • Traditional treatment.

The video shows how female menopause is treated.

Menopause is an inevitable physiological process in a woman’s life. Therefore, sooner or later she is forced to go through this period.