Pimafucin - instructions for use, form of release, composition, indications, side effects, analogues and price. Treatment of thrush with pimafucin Pimafucin cream side effects

Pimafucin is a polyene antibiotic, which should be understood as antifungal agents of natural origin. They are produced by various microorganisms. The mechanism of action of these drugs is in a strong connection with ergosterol of the cell membrane of fungi, which violates the integrity of the membrane. As a result, cells are destroyed. All polyenes, when taken orally, are practically not absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, at topical application- from the surface of intact skin and mucous membranes. Pimafucin belongs to the latest generation of polyenes. For the use of Pimafucin, as with the use of any other drug, there are indications and contraindications.

The principle of action of Pimafucin

Pimafucin binds sterols of cell membranes, disrupts their integrity and function, resulting in the death of microorganisms. Pimafucin practically does not develop addiction to pathogens. The principle of action of Pimafucin is such that it is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

Pimafucin is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the intestines, skin, ear, genital organs, nails.

The drug Pimafucin is available in the form of a cream, vaginal suppositories, tablets for oral administration and suspensions for external use. Under the influence of body temperature, the suppositories dissolve, resulting in the formation of a volumetrically spreading foamy mass, which helps to ensure that the active substance can be evenly distributed.

Indications for the use of Pimafucin

For the use of Pimafucin, the indication is the presence of fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, which were caused by microorganisms sensitive to it:

  • candidiasis against the background of a decrease in the protective properties of the body, including long-term use hormonal contraceptives and some medicines that suppress immunity (for example, used to treat tumors);
  • candidiasis caused by taking antibiotics;
  • ear candidiasis;
  • skin and nail candidiasis;
  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • genital candidiasis;
  • dermatomycosis, including epidermophytosis of the skin of the feet.

The use of different dosage forms of Pimafucin is provided for the treatment of fungal diseases with different localization.

Pimafucin tablets

Pimafucin tablets have found application in the treatment of intestinal Candida infections. The development of intestinal candidiasis often occurs after taking antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones, and certain drugs intended for the treatment of cancer.

Candles Pimafucin

The use of vaginal suppositories is advisable in the treatment of genital candidiasis in women, often called thrush.

Cream Pimafucin

Pimafucin cream 2% is used to treat genital candidiasis in women and men. In addition, it has found use in the treatment of skin fungal diseases, including fungal diseases outer ear. The development of candidiasis of the skin most often occurs in the skin folds, especially in people with an obese physique.

Suspension Pimafucin

Suspension of Pimafucin 2.5% is used to treat thrush formed in the oral cavity, including infants. The development of oral thrush in adults mainly occurs in the case of immunodeficiency states.

Pimafucin is often used to treat fungal infections in pregnant women, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and cannot adversely affect the fetus. It can be used during breastfeeding.

Contraindications for the use of Pimafucin

A contraindication for the use of Pimafucin is the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pimafucin - antifungal medicinal product, which is included in the group of macrolides, has a fungicidal effect.

The active substance of the drug is natamycin. The drug is used for various fungal diseases of the skin, nails, vulvovaginal candidiasis, fungal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug can be used during pregnancy.

In this article, we will consider why doctors prescribe Pimafucin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Pimafucin, leave your feedback in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Clinico-pharmacological group: antifungal antibiotic.

  1. 1 tablet of Pimafucin contains 100 mg of the active substance and auxiliary components (potato starch, magnesium stearate, PVP, lactose, gelatin, calcium carbonate, kaolin, talc, triacetin, cellulose acetate phthalate, beeswax, titanium oxide, sucrose). Pimafucin tablets are produced in an enteric coating, in bottles of 20 tablets, along with instructions for use.
  2. 1 vaginal suppository contains 100 mg of natamycin, as well as auxiliary components (cetyl alcohol, solid fat, polysorbate, sorbitol, sodium bicarbonate, adipic acid). Pimafucin suppositories are produced in a non-cell contour package of 3 suppositories. IN cardboard box 1 or 2 packs.
  3. Pimafucin cream is intended for external use. 1 g of cream contains 20 mg of natamycin, as well as auxiliary components (decyloleate, cetostearyl alcohol, wax, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, water). The cream is produced in tubes of 30 g, in a carton box 1 tube with instructions for use.

What is Pimafucin used for?

For the cream - fungal diseases of the mucous membranes and skin caused by pathogens sensitive to natamycin, including:

  1. Candidiasis of the skin and nails;
  2. Dermatomycosis;
  3. Otitis externa caused by fungi or complicated by candidiasis;
  4. Vulvitis, vaginitis, balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis caused by Candida.

For suppositories- fungal diseases of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, caused mainly by fungi of the genus Candida:

  1. vulvitis;
  2. vaginitis;
  3. Vulvovaginitis.

For tablets:

  1. intestinal candidiasis;
  2. Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes (including vulvitis, candidal vaginitis and vulvovaginitis) - for the sanitation of the intestinal reservoir of fungi of the genus Candida.
  3. Acute atrophic and acute pseudomembranous candidiasis with immune deficiency or cachexia, as well as after therapy with cytostatics, antibiotics or corticosteroids;

pharmachologic effect

Antifungal polyene antibiotic of the macrolide group, which has wide range actions. The drug is active against yeast (Torulopsis, Rhoduturola), yeast-like fungi ( candida albicans), dermatomycetes (Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton), other pathogenic fungi (Aspergillus, Penicillium), as well as Trichomonas.

It has a fungicidal effect. Pimafucin binds sterols of cell membranes, violating their integrity and function, which leads to the death of microorganisms. Dermatophytes are less sensitive to natamycin, but resistance to natamycin in clinical practice does not occur. Not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken orally. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

  • With a persistent course of vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida, together with local antifungal drugs (for example, Pimafucin suppositories), Pimafucin tablets are used to sanitize the focus of candidal infection in the intestine (100 mg orally (1 tab.) 4 times / day for 10-20 days).
  • With intestinal candidiasis, adults are recommended to take 100 mg (1 tab.) 4 times / day, children - 100 mg (1 tab.) 2 times / day. The average duration of the course of treatment is 1 week.
  • Vaginal suppositories are prescribed for women with vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, vaginitis. The drug is administered as deeply as possible, in the supine position. The procedure is recommended to be done at bedtime for three to six days, using 1 candle per day. With a persistent course of candidal vaginitis, in addition to suppositories, Pimafucin tablets are prescribed, which are taken from 10 to 20 days. Dosage - 4 tablets daily at regular intervals.
  • Cream instructions. Applied externally. On the affected areas from one to several times a day, the ointment should be applied with balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis and vulvitis. If the symptoms persist, suppositories or tablets are prescribed. With ringworm (including diaper rash in children and candidiasis of the nails and skin), the suspension should be applied to the nails and skin up to 4 times a day.

The duration of the course of treatment is set individually. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to continue treatment for a few more days.


Pimafucin is contraindicated for use by persons who are hypersensitive to any ingredient of the drug. Patients suffering from galactose or fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, need to remember that the tablets contain lactose monohydrate and sucrose. All dosage forms of the drug are approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

When using tablets: nausea and diarrhea (usually occur in the first days of treatment and disappear on their own with continued therapy). When applying the cream and suppositories: burning sensation, mild irritation.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use Pimafucin during pregnancy and lactation.

special instructions

Vaginal suppositories dissolve quickly under the influence of body temperature, forming a foamy mass, which contributes to a uniform distribution of the active substance.

In case of chronic or recurrent infection local treatment can be supplemented by the appointment of tablets and cream. Ethanol, which is part of vaginal suppositories, can cause hypersensitivity reactions. During menstruation, suppository therapy is interrupted.

During the period of treatment with suppositories, there is no need to exclude sexual intercourse. However, it is recommended to conduct an examination of sexual partners and, if a candidal lesion is detected, to conduct a course of treatment with Pimafucin. The use of barrier contraceptives during treatment should also be considered.


  • Analogues of tablets: preparations Alfa Normix and Nystatin-Health.
  • Analogues in the form of suppositories: Nystatin, Livarol, Clotrimazole. The price of analogues of candles is from 37 to 320 rubles.

Pimafucin has an analogue cheaper - Nystatin, a domestic drug, similar in action.


The average price of PIMAFUCIN tablets in pharmacies (Moscow) is 400 rubles. Candles 260 rubles. Cream 250 rubles.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Pimafucin: instructions for use and reviews

Pimafucin is an antifungal polyene antibiotic from the macrolide group, which has a predominantly fungicidal effect.

Release form and composition

  • Enteric-coated tablets: round, almost white or white color(20 tablets in dark glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack);
  • Cream for external use 2%: from white to light yellow (30 g each in aluminum or plastic tubes, 1 tube in a cardboard pack);
  • Vaginal suppositories: torpedo-shaped, from white-yellowish to light brownish-yellow in color (3 pieces in aluminum foil strips, 1 or 2 strips in a cardboard pack).

The active substance is natamycin:

  • 1 tablet - 0.1 g;
  • 1 g of cream - 0.02 g;
  • 1 suppository - 0.1 g.

Additional components of tablets:

  • Excipients: povidone K30, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate;
  • Shell composition: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sucrose, titanium dioxide, gelatin, acacia gum, kaolin, talc, white beeswax, calcium carbonate, triacetin, cellacephate.

Excipients of the cream: decyloleate (cetiol V), methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, cetyl ether wax, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water.

Suppository excipients: solid fat, sodium bicarbonate, sorbitan trioleate, cetyl alcohol, adipic acid, polysorbate 80.

Pharmacological properties


Natamycin binds irreversibly to ergosterol contained in the cell membrane of the fungal cell, which leads to a violation of its integrity, loss of cytoplasmic content and cell death. The substance is active against most pathogenic molds and yeasts, including those belonging to the genera Penicillium, Candida, Fusarium, Cephalosporium and Aspergillus. P. boydii and dermatophytes are less sensitive to natamycin. Cases of drug resistance in this moment not registered. Pimafucin in the form of enteric tablets acts only in the intestinal lumen.


Natamycin is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not have a systemic effect.

Indications for use

For tablets:

  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • Acute atrophic and acute pseudomembranous candidiasis with immune deficiency or cachexia, as well as after therapy with cytostatics, antibiotics or corticosteroids;
  • Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes (including vulvitis, candidal vaginitis and vulvovaginitis) - for the sanitation of the intestinal reservoir of fungi of the genus Candida.

For the cream - fungal diseases of the mucous membranes and skin caused by pathogens sensitive to natamycin, including:

  • Otitis externa caused by fungi or complicated by candidiasis;
  • Candidiasis of the skin and nails;
  • Dermatomycosis;
  • Vulvitis, vaginitis, balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis caused by Candida.

For suppositories - fungal diseases of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, caused mainly by fungi of the genus Candida:

  • vulvitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • Vulvovaginitis.


According to the instructions, Pimafucin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

In tablet dosage form, the drug is not recommended for children. younger age because of possible difficulties with swallowing tablets.

Instructions for use Pimafucin: method and dosage

Enteric coated tablets

Pimafucin tablets should be taken orally. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

  • Intestinal candidiasis: adults - 0.1 g 4 times a day, children - 0.1 g 2 times a day. The duration of treatment averages 7 days;
  • Persistent course of vaginitis caused by Candida fungi (in combination with a local antifungal drug, for example, Pimafucin suppositories): 0.1 g 4 times a day for 10-20 days.

Cream for external use

Pimafucin cream should be applied to the affected areas 1-4 times a day.

In case of mycosis of the external auditory canal, before applying the cream, it is necessary to clean the ears, and after applying the drug, place a tampon made of natural material (cotton or wool) into the auditory canal.

The duration of the course of therapy is set individually. Treatment should be continued for a few more days after the disappearance clinical symptoms diseases.

In chronic and recurrent infections, cream treatment can be supplemented with tablets.

Suppositories vaginal

Pimafucin should be injected deep into the vagina, in the supine position, 1 suppository 1 time per day at night, the duration of treatment is 3-6 days.

With persistent vaginitis, suppositories are used in combination with Pimafucin tablets (1 tablet 4 times a day for 10-20 days). For the treatment of candidal lesions of the genital organs of a partner, Pimafucin cream is used.

The duration of the course of therapy is set individually. Treatment should be continued for several more days after the disappearance of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

Side effects

  • When using tablets: nausea and diarrhea (usually occur in the first days of treatment and disappear on their own with continued therapy);
  • When applying the cream and suppositories: burning sensation, mild irritation.


In clinical practice, cases of overdose of Pimafucin are currently unknown.

special instructions

1 tablet of Pimafucin contains 66 mg of lactose monohydrate and 122 mg of sucrose. Patients with rare congenital galactose/fructose intolerance, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption, lapp lactase deficiency should definitely consult a doctor before using the drug in this dosage form.

Suppositories should not be used during menstruation.

There is no need to exclude sexual contact during the period of treatment with suppositories. However, it is necessary to conduct an examination of both sexual partners and conduct a course of therapy if a candidal lesion is detected. In addition, barrier contraceptives should be used.

Pimafucin does not affect the speed of reactions and the ability to concentrate.

According to the indications, the drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Application in childhood

Pimafucin can be used in newborns.

drug interaction

Information about drug interaction Pimafucin is absent.


Analogues of Pimafucin are: Alfa Normix, Nystatin-Health, Nystatin, Livarol, Clotrimazole, Primafungin, Ecofucin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

  • Tablets - 4 years at temperatures up to 25 ºС;
  • Cream for external use - 4 years at a temperature of 15-25 ºС;
  • Vaginal suppositories - 2 years at temperatures up to 25 ºС.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics do not always have the desired effect. In most cases, these drugs cause a number of side effects and include a number of contraindications. Also, such funds have a fairly high cost, which raises the question of the profitability of their purchase.

One such remedy is Pimafucin. This tool is relatively new, but it has already managed to win demand among buyers. The main advantages of Pimafucin are safety and efficacy.

Pimafucin is an antifungal agent related to broad-spectrum polyene antibiotics. This drug is remarkable in that it is able to suppress a number of pathogenic microorganisms and is used to treat such unpleasant diseases, like thrush, candidiasis of the nails, fungal diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The tool exhibits active fungicidal activity, which allows you to block the reproduction of microorganisms and even in the progression phase. The positive effect of Pimafucin was noted in relation to yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes.

The peculiarity of the drug Pimafucin lies in its harmlessness. Modern pharmaceutical technologies have made it possible to ensure that the drug is allowed to be used in relation to pregnant women, children and even infants.

The presence of various forms of Pimafucin release allows you to choose the best convenient option drug. The substance does not carry side effects on the body, but acts directly on the problem itself.

Release form and manufacturer

The drug Pimafucin is produced simultaneously in several forms. Each form is focused on a specific problem, which greatly facilitates the process of treatment and speeds up recovery.

The manufacturer of Pimafucin is the leading company Astellas, located in the Netherlands. European quality and reasonable price allowed this remedy to become advanced in the treatment of the main women's problem- dairymaids.


Due to its universal composition, Pimafucin provides clear results within a few days after the start of treatment.

Pimafucin contains the main component - natamycin. Natamycin is a broad-spectrum macrolide antibiotic that can resist a number of fungal microorganisms.

This substance is not able to be absorbed into the blood and into the walls of the digestive tract. Also, Nitamycin is not absorbed from skin and mucous membranes.

Additional components improve the clinical effect of the drug. In each type of drug, additional ingredients differ from each other.

Composition of Pimafucin tablets

Main components:

  • Natacimin.


  • Potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Lactose;
  • Gelatin;
  • Acacia;
  • Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • Kaolin;
  • Talc;
  • Cellulose acetate phthalate;
  • Triacetin;
  • White beeswax;
  • titanium oxide;
  • Sucrose.

Suppositories vaginal

Main components:

  • Natamycin.


  • cetyl alcohol;
  • Solid fat;
  • Sorbitol;
  • Polysorbate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • Aipic acid.
Photo: Cream Pimafucin

Cream Pimafucin

Main Component:

  • Natamycin.


  • Decyloleate;
  • Wax based on cetyl esters;
  • Cetostearyl alcohol;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • Purified water.

Indications for use Pimafucin

Depending on the diagnosis, doctors recommend a specific form of Pimafucin.

So, tablets should be used in such cases:

  • Otomycosis;
  • External otitis caused by a fungus;
  • Nail candidiasis;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • Vulvitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Dermatomycosis;
  • Acute atrophic candidiasis;
  • Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis.

Vaginal suppositories are prescribed in such cases:

  • vaginitis;
  • Vulvitis;
  • Vulvovaginitis.

Suppositories are effective in case of damage by fungi of the genus Candida.

The cream is used to treat the following ailments:

  • Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by fungal microorganisms;
  • Balanoposthitis;
  • Vulvitis;
  • Vulvovaginitis;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • Nail candidiasis;
  • Dermatomycosis;
  • Otitis externa.

You should not resort to using the drug on your own, as this can provoke certain difficulties in further treatment.

Instructions for use Pimafucin

It is necessary to take Pimafucin strictly according to the instructions, while observing the recommendations of the doctor. Also, the dosage regimen depends on the form of the drug.

Photo: Instructions for use Pimafucin

Intestinal candidiasis - take 1 tablet at least 4 times a day. For children, the medication should be reduced to 1 tablet 2 times a day. Candidiasis - take 1 tablet 4 times a day. Candidiasis of the skin - take 1 tablet 4 times a day.

It is possible that the dose for a number of diseases is prescribed by the doctor individually, based on the patient's condition and the degree of progress of the disease.

Suppositories Pimafucin: 1 suppository is introduced into the vagina 1 time per day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Cream Pimafucin: the product is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin at least 1 time per day. Also, the number of applications can be increased to 4.


Pimafucin is completely safe for the health of the patient and is not able to cause radical complications of the existing disease, and also not to provide the expected results from it. The only nuance with which you need to be extremely careful is over sensitivity to the components of Pimafucin. With the sudden detection of allergic reactions, the use of Pimafucin should be stopped and the hospital should be consulted to receive the necessary therapy.

Photo: Contraindications of the drug Pimafucin

Pimafucin, as an antifungal antibiotic, is a broad-spectrum drug. The active substance of Pimafucin, Natamycin, has a fungicidal effect and leads to the death of fungal cells.

TO active substance Pimafucin is sensitive to most pathogenic yeast fungi. Dermatophytes are weakly sensitive to the component.

Side effects

Among the side effects of Pimafucin note:

  • slight burning sensation in the area of ​​​​application of suppositories;
  • slight irritation of surrounding tissues;
  • nausea, short-term lack of appetite in the first days of admission;
  • diarrhea, followed by mild spasms in the intestinal area at the beginning of the drug.

It is important to tell the doctor about not listed in the instructions side effects in case of their occurrence. If you have any suspicious symptoms, or in case of persistent diarrhea or persistent nausea, you should immediately contact the clinic for medical care and doctor's recommendations for further taking Pimafucin.

Features of Pimafucin


Pimafucin can be used during lactation and during pregnancy. Data about negative impact no drug was found in the fetus.


Pimafucin can be used during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use the drug in the treatment of infants. This is due to the possible difficulty in swallowing tablets by newborns.


The drug can be used for breastfeeding and during childbearing. There is no data on the adverse effects of Pimafucin crepe on the fetus. The cream is prescribed for children and newborns.

special instructions

Pimafucin vaginal suppositories dissolve quickly under natural temperature exposure female body. The structure becomes foamy, which allows the drug to be organically distributed over the tissues.

In case of frequent relapses or chronic course diseases, Pimafucin (topically) can be supplemented with Pimafucin in the form of tablets or cream for external use.

In case of high sensitivity to cetyl alcohol, a woman may feel a slight burning sensation or a feeling of chill immediately after the introduction of the suppository. The therapy is not interrupted. The suspension of therapy occurs during menstruation.

During the period of using Pimaftsin candles, a break in intimate life is not required. But, without fail, it is worthwhile to conduct an examination of the sexual partner and, if signs of candidiasis are detected, treat your couple with Pimafucin. Otherwise, the treatment is not effective.

During . This is prerequisite intimate relationships during therapy.

An overdose of the drug is not feasible due to low absorption. There were no cases of drug overdose.

During the period of treatment with Pimafucin, the reaction rate does not worsen. The drug does not affect a person's attention in any way, as well as the ability to drive a car, does not interfere with the management of mechanisms and does not interfere with activities that require a quick response.

Interaction of Pimafucin with other drugs or alcohol

The drug interaction of Pimafucin with other drugs is not described.

Drinking alcohol and strong drinks during therapy is not prohibited. Alcohol does not adversely affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Price and analogues

The average price for Pimafucin in Russia is:

  • Pimafucin tablets - 454 r. (package of 20 tablets);
  • Suppositories - 500 r. (packing of 6 candles);
  • Cream Pimafucin 2% - 304 r. (30 grams).

The drug has numerous analogues, among which:

  • Primafungin;
  • Natamycin.

These drugs are analogues of the active substance Pimafucin.

According to the therapeutic effect, several drugs are also distinguished, with similar qualities of effectiveness:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Natamycin;
  • Ecofucin.

A cheaper suppository is Primafungin. Despite a fairly wide range of analogues of the drug, the effectiveness of Pimafucin is unique, due to the specific composition of the components and their interaction.

In case of self-replacement of Pimafucin prescribed in the clinic for another similar drug, you should consult with your doctor. Otherwise, the choice of another drug may lead to complications of the disease and a poor result of therapy. Also, Pimafucin analogues may have other side effects than the original drug.

Storage conditions

The use of Pimafucin is possible only if the rules for storing the drug are observed:

  • The drug must be stored in conditions where the air temperature is from +15 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not store the cream and vaginal suppositories in the refrigerator, the drug may lose its properties.
  • The drug must be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight.
  • It is not necessary to allow the storage of the drug in a place accessible to children and animals.
  • Overfreezing and melting of suppositories and cream should not be allowed.

The drug is not used after the full expiration date:

  • The shelf life of the tablets is 4 years from the date of issue.
  • Shelf life of vaginal suppositories is 2 years from the date of issue.
  • The shelf life of the cream is 4 years from the date of release of the drug.

Candidiasis, or thrush, is a common condition that can affect men, women, and children. The disease manifests itself in the form of noticeable and extremely unpleasant symptoms: itching and burning of the external genital organs, redness and swelling, burning and cramps during urination, pain during intercourse, curdled discharge.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs with antimycotic properties. One of effective drugs, proven with better side is pimafucin from thrush.

Despite the fact that pimafucin belongs to a number of antibiotics, it has a gentle effect on the body.

Instructions for use of pimafucin tablets for thrush

Pimafucin is a drug with a pronounced fungicidal effect. The main active ingredient of the drug is the antibacterial substance natamycin.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action. Pimafucin acts on cell membrane fungal infection, resulting in its death.

Positive features of the drug

Pimafucin has characteristic advantages, namely:

  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • several dosage forms;
  • possibility of treatment various forms candidiasis;
  • the fight against many pathogens;
  • correction comorbidities caused by various microorganisms;
  • practically no side effects;
  • resistance of microorganisms to the main active ingredient does not develop;
  • not addictive;
  • used for prevention purposes;
  • effectiveness in protracted forms of candidiasis;
  • there is no need to take pills strictly by the hour;
  • the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation.

Negative features of the drug

The disadvantages include the following:

  • incompatibility with alcohol;
  • it is not recommended to take with other antibacterial agents;
  • in the first days of using the tablets, disorders of the digestive tract are possible;
  • the use of candles is not possible during menstruation.

In no case should you use the remedy as a self-medication. Even if the drug has helped one of your friends, it is not a fact that you should take it. The advisability of using pimafucin can be judged by a doctor based on the degree pathological process and types of candidiasis.

Indications for use

Pimafucin is prescribed for fungal infections that are sensitive to the effects of natamycin, namely:

  • vulvovaginal candidiasis;
  • fungal infections digestive system that arose against the background of weakened immunity, cachexia or uncontrolled intake of medications;
  • systemic fungal infection as a complex treatment;
  • mycoses.

As for contraindications, the only restriction is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases there may be disorders of the digestive tract in the form of nausea and diarrhea. As a result of the use of candles, sometimes there may be allergic reactions. Full instructions on the use of pimafucin is located.

Candles from thrush pimafucin

Speaking in general about antifungal agents in the form of vaginal suppositories, they are often prescribed for fungal infections of the lower intestines and genitals. Usually no difficulty or discomfort in applying this dosage form does not call.

Recommended to use vaginal suppositories after the hygiene procedures V evening time. A woman should carry out the procedure with exceptionally clean hands. It is better to insert the candle in the supine position. There is no need to wet it before administration.

How to take during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, candidiasis often worries pregnant women already at early dates. An important role in the development of the pathological process is the state of the immune system. After all, it is the immune system that controls the growth and reproduction of a fungal infection.

If the defenses weaken, then yeast-like fungi begin to actively multiply and form colonies. During pregnancy the immune system is greatly weakened, therefore it is during this period that thrush is a frequent occurrence.

According to experts, pimafucin is non-toxic and cannot harm either a pregnant woman or a developing fetus. Pimafucin can be safely used from the first days of pregnancy. It is better to use vaginal suppositories than tablets.

Tablets from thrush pimafucin

Usually tablets are prescribed in the absence of the effect of the use of candles. Often it is the complex use of several dosage forms of the drug that gives the expected result.

The duration of the course of treatment largely depends on the severity of the disease and the course of the treatment process. Usually ten days is enough to heal, but in rare cases it may take three weeks.

How much does pimafucin cost in a pharmacy?

The cost of the drug may vary depending on the city and the pharmacy chain. So, tablets cost from 450 to 500 rubles, and vaginal suppositories in the range of 500-550 rubles. The cost of Pimafucin cream ranges from 300-350 rubles per tube.

How to take pimafucin with thrush?

The tool is used to correct various forms of vaginal candidiasis. The scheme of the treatment process depends on the dosage form of the drug used.


For severe fungal infections, doctors may prescribe tablets up to four times a day. With mild symptoms of candidiasis, two doses per day are usually sufficient.


A standard scheme is usually used: one suppository is inserted into the vagina at bedtime. To prevent recurrence within two to three days after disappearance clinical picture treatment should be continued.

Vaginal suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina. Usually the course of treatment is from three to ten days. With prolonged and acute forms You may need to administer the drug twice a day.


The cream is applied to the affected skin surface one or more (up to 4) times a day on the affected skin. The duration of the course of treatment is set individually. After the disappearance, it is recommended to continue treatment for a few more days.

So, pimafucin is an effective antifungal drug that will help cure thrush. The drug has a whole list of advantages, among which are: a wide spectrum of action, a quick effect, a gentle effect on the body.

The remedy should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Do not delay with a trip to the doctor, the condition will only get worse. Early diagnosis And timely treatment is the key to a speedy recovery!