Switch to tone mode. How to enable phone tone mode. How to turn your phone into tone mode

This is a complex low-voltage device designed to protect and automatically control the operation of the pump.

Panel circuits are developed with the possibility of switching to an automatic control system using the ModBus protocol. Thanks to the installation of the shield, energy efficiency is significantly increased, and due to the smooth operation of the system, its elements are protected from water hammer.

Depending on the type of pumping station, the following types are distinguished:
- first rise of water;
- second rise of water;
— sewage pumping station.

Reduced energy and labor costs, all work will be fully automated. Due to smooth operation, equipment wear is reduced. Engines and mechanisms are protected from improper operation and flooding. Using the panel, you can additionally control the ventilation and lighting system.
And another important function is accounting, accounting for water and electricity consumption, accounting for equipment operating hours.

What does it consist of?
This is a metal shield, available in two types of dust and moisture protection (IP) 31 and 54. Single- or double-sided service.

Switching equipment, devices providing protection and automation, and a soft start device are installed inside the cabinet.
On the front panel there are control elements, as well as equipment signaling the occurrence of problems.

We can tell you the exact dimensions after accurately counting all the “stuffing” of the shield.
You can choose the components for the shields yourself. We work with domestic and European manufacturers, such as ABB, Siemens, Legrand and others.

Frequency converters and soft starters, we mainly use Schneider Electric, can be replaced at your request.

The system can be controlled manually or centrally from the control panel. Moreover, the control panel can be switched to remote mode and controlled remotely. You can turn on and off any selected equipment, or the entire system at once.

All actions performed in the system can be recorded and stored in a chronological journal, provided that the system operates using an automated control system (automatic control system).
The functionality of the switchboard can be expanded and additional modules can be connected, such as three-phase voltage control, electricity metering, switchboard lighting module and others.
In our boards, all connections will be marked.

When placing an order, our manager will definitely offer options that suit you, based on your situation.

Often, when calling an organization that uses an auto-informer, a mechanical voice prompts you to press certain keys to move to the desired menu item. And few people know that for such a simple action the phone must be configured. There are two dialing modes – tone and pulse. Pulse in old devices with a rotary dialer. Tone is typical for cell phones. Modern stationary devices are equipped with two types of dialing, but the default is usually pulse. To use voice services, you need touch tone. The question arises, how to switch the phone to tone mode.

Touch tone on a landline phone

The phone is a powerful tool for your business, relationships and communication. But do you know how to use it? Why is the phone so important? Research has shown that our nonverbal communication is 4 times more powerful than our words. In other words, you saying, “I want to do business with you,” is much less important than you saying, “I want to do business with you.”

How would you rate your phone skills on a scale of 1 to 5? Warmth: Do you sound friendly, warm and approachable over the phone? Competence: Do you feel competent and trustworthy on the phone? Confidence: How confident are you in your phone?

First you need to determine what type of dialing the existing device has. This can be easily done by listening to the sounds of the numbers being pressed. When pulse dialing, clicks are heard, similar to those produced by a disk machine. The number of crackles corresponds to the number being dialed. In tone mode, pressing the buttons produces a beep. Moreover, each number has its own sound (tone). If you need to apply tone dialing one-time, just press “*” (asterisk sign) in front of the number. When you next contact automated systems If you enter additional numbers during a call, the tone mode will be disabled.

Efficiency: How effective are your phone conversations? Read on to get all these numbers up to 5! Which method of communication has the most lies? Then goes face to face because it's hard to lie while looking straight into someone's eyes. This way, we lie the most on the phone—no paper trail and less guilt-inducing appearances. If you want to have more honest phone conversations, you can do it easily by creating a paper trail. At the beginning of your business calls, indicate that you will take notes over the phone and send them by email to ensure you don't miss anything.

In order for the phone to work in tone mode all the time, it needs to be configured. The easiest way is to use a switch. It usually looks like a button or lever located on some panel of the device. To change the dialing mode, you need to move the switch (“Tone-Pulse”, “T-P”, “Tone-Pulse”, etc.) to the position corresponding to the tone type (“Tone”, “T”, “Tone” and etc.) . If the phone is completely examined and no similar devices are found, this means that the modes are changed using completely different keys. This is the time to refer to the instructions that came with the device. With its help, changing your phone from pulse to tone dialing is not difficult.

Firstly, it shows that you are diligent, organized and reliable. Secondly, it will help you address the conversation. And third, and most importantly, it creates a paper trail so they know you're taking notes and they have to confirm that everything was correct in a follow-up letter.

The easiest way to put your phone into tone mode

We can't help but associate high-pitched voices with children. When you answer the phone or speak to someone on a higher level, you are signaling to them that you are not competent, mature, or reliable. Everyone has a natural range of vocal tone. You can do this by inhaling deeply and then releasing it slowly as you relax your shoulders, neck and head. Do it again and this time say hello with your breath. It's impossible to speak in your higher range when your shoulders and vocal cords relaxed - that's what you need.

Although manufacturers always advise maintaining this important document, a situation often arises that it is not possible to find it. The main thing in this case is not to panic and under no circumstances try to select different key combinations on your own. This can accidentally enable completely different functions or render the device completely unusable. Therefore, you must always be sure that the buttons you press are correct. To do this, you can use the Internet and search for information on how to switch the phone model of interest to tone mode.

Set on Windows and iOS

If you find yourself feeling nervous on the phone or your voice begins to crack, take a deep breath and speak as you exhale as you lower your shoulders. This will tone you down to a more mature tone. Another way we build confidence is by telling someone our ideas rather than asking. When you're talking to another person, make sure you go down at the end of your sentence rather than going up.

  • Ninja tip: Don't use question inflection.
  • Read this out loud in the question: My name is Vanessa?
It's a little funny, but not appropriate for this.

In rare cases, it happens that the telephone company servicing the device has an old analogue PBX (automatic telephone exchange). Then the possibility of touch tone dialing is absent, regardless of the phone. If none of the proposed options worked, and you have a digital PBX, then the phone only has a pulse mode. It is not necessary to buy a new device; you can purchase a special tone dialing device - a beeper. When typing, he uses his own keyboard, and he leans against the microphone of the handset. Automated voice services are ubiquitous. They are easy to use if you know the features of the pulse and tone modes, and also know how to switch them.

My Dad Was on the Same Day Dating Game is a show where 3 bachelors or bachelorettes compete behind the screen for a date, thereby choosing part of the appearance. Choice only has a voice and words to rely on. As the legend goes, my dad practiced and practiced potential answers. He went on the show and had some really funny answers - the audience laughed and the Bachelor pick kept giggling. But in the end he was not chosen. When producers asked him to return for the reunion show, he jumped at the opportunity.

Now my dad is quite competitive, so he stayed home for a whole week to study episodes of the dating game. He wanted to find out whether the sample was the winner. He made the first impression amazing. It's your vocal cords that are temporary, which is why you feel anxious when you say "hello." Use the low end of your natural tone of voice.

  • Don't hold your breath while you wait for someone to pick up.
  • Don't rush to say hello when your name is called.
  • It makes you feel impatient and disorganized.
  • Take a short breath and calm yourself before you say hello.
When we lose confidence, we lose our volume.

Enabling the phone's tone mode is necessary to navigate through the menu system when making outgoing calls to service numbers and hotlines that provide services. Navigation through the menu of such systems is carried out by turning on the phone's tone mode and selecting the required item by pressing the corresponding key.

All modern smartphones support touch-tone dialing mode; depending on the platform, it is enabled in one way or another.

Time and time again, people lose their volume on this issue or problem, which makes them the most nervous. This is asking someone to negotiate with you. This tells someone that you don't feel confident in your price or what you're saying. Practice your delivery and maintain your volume level throughout. Special tip: Sometimes people increase their volume too much when they are excited.

  • It makes people feel like you're yelling at them.
  • While some increases in volume are okay, try to maintain the level.
You know how you can talk to certain people and just feel super connected to them?

Enable dialing

In the Android operating system, you can configure tone dialing. It is indicated in the menu as DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency).

We go to the call settings menu and see the following:

You can read about how to turn on the phone's tone mode in the instructions for the device; in addition, depending on the phone's operating system, the tone mode is turned on by pressing one or more keys.

Tone mode and its features

For this there is physiological reason- it's called oxytocin. Oxytocin, also called cuddling pride, is what flows through our body when we feel connected to someone. This is the chemical explanation of love. Oxytocin is produced in several ways - mainly through mutual eye contact and physical contact, which only occurs in person. This helps your brain feel that the person on the other line is a real person. It's also logically convenient because you can refer to them when you speak.

If your smartphone runs on the Android operating system, you must complete the following steps during an outgoing call:

  • open the main menu;
  • select the icon with the numeric keypad in the menu;
  • press the required key.

Periodically entered numbers can be deleted using the cross in the right corner. If you entered the command incorrectly, just return to the main menu of the system and select the required item again. Please note that tone mode also works in conference mode; if a call to a touch-tone system is active, all other calls do not support the touch-tone system. Tone mode, depending on the features of your device, supports entering numbers from the touch keyboard and a regular keyboard. If necessary, you can return from tone dialing mode by opening the icon with an active call in the system menu.

I always have a photo or profile of people pulled up on my computer when you're on the phone. It helps my voice be warmer, it helps me feel more connected, and it's great for building rapport on their respective details. I like to turn on the video camera whenever possible. A few things to keep in mind if you decide to do this.

Phone operating modes

It's tempting to just show your face on video, but if you can click on your webcam or computer so they can see your torso and arms. But based on your calls, they feel great and are not looking at the camera, not themselves, not their badge. Looking anywhere other than the camera forces you to look away even if you don't mean to! Another way to create oxytocin is through mutual gazing, and we can still produce oxytocin even through a lens. Pants for trousers. But in reality, you think you won't have to get up when the doorbell rings, but what if the doorbell rings?

  • Back That Thing!
  • We love seeing people's hands and it helps you meet more charisma.
Another way our vocal tone sends positive or negative signals is through our emotions.

Set on Windows and iOS

Users of modern smartphones on Windows and iOS often wonder how to enable the phone's tone mode when making calls to numbers that support touch-tone dialing. To enable tone mode on smartphones with the specified operating system, you will need to perform several steps:

What is tone mode on a phone?

When someone speaks to us with a lack of emotion or tonal warmth, we have trouble connecting to them. Make sure that when you talk to people, you share your feelings and emotions through your words. Whenever possible, tell stories about your life, your business, and your background. Passionate passion. Talk about objects, people and problems that you feel about yourself. Don't violate your feelings, express them. This is the basis of charisma. People who are rated as charismatic are very good at sharing their passions and passions on many subjects. Elite passion. Ask them to talk about topics they are passionate about. It makes the whole conversation more interesting, you're more attractive, and they're more excited about the conversation—win, win, win.

  • Find out why.
  • Elite stories.
  • If possible, ask them to tell you stories.
  • This helps them feel more emotional and engaged.
When you create a script, it literally sucks the emotion, passion and verbal warmth right out of you.
  1. during an outgoing active call, press the green key;
  2. select the required number key on the keyboard;
  3. if necessary, erase the entered data and hide the numeric keypad.

Navigation through menu systems on numbers with tone dialing support is carried out using numeric keys, as well as a voice input system, depending on the design of the menu system. Please note that several seconds pass from the moment you enter numbers until the system responds; most often, during an active call, a proximity sensor protects against accidental entry of numbers, which turns off the screen when approaching the ear. If you need to dial, you need to remove the phone from your ear, turn on tone dialing, enter the required command and continue working with the automated system.

Scripts cover your charisma and someone else's engagement with you. It also switches your brain off from thinking and feeling, so you become less busy and attractive. This ensures that you remember what you need to cover, but also allows you to talk about it differently each time. Ninja tip: instead of a script, a bullet. . Are you thinking about your voicemail? Listen to it now and tell me how you feel about leaving? Is it noisy in the background? We often don't think about our voicemails, but when someone can't reach us, our voicemail provides the first impression.

Imagine this situation: you call the customer support service of, say, an Internet provider. To get to the support service, and not the sales service, you need to switch the phone to tone mode and dial a number. This is where some users fall into a stupor - they say, what kind of tone mode is this and how to switch the phone to it?

Tone mode (from the English DTMF, Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) is a two-tone multi-frequency analog signal that is used for a telephone number.

There is another type of mode - pulse, it is outdated and is used very rarely. The main advantage of the tone mode over the pulse mode is the dialing speed, which is much higher.

How to put your phone into tone mode?

If you are calling from a mobile phone or smartphone, then no way. The fact is that mobile devices initially operate in tone mode. Accordingly, if the autoinformer asks you to switch your phone to tone mode, you simply ignore this message and press the desired number on your smartphone to connect with the operator.

If the call comes from a landline phone, most likely it operates in pulse mode, since most Russian PBXs operate in this mode. Typically, tone mode is activated by pressing the * (asterisk) key. In some cases, the telephone has separate buttons for two modes - P and T, respectively.

Landline (wired, home) telephones for their intended purpose are currently used less and less, giving way to mobile devices based on radio communication. Since the latter, in most tariffs, does not require a monthly subscription fee, the cost of using them is even lower than that of their stationary counterparts. At first glance, it may seem that no problems can arise when using wired phones, since the technology is old and well-studied. But this is true for the developer, not for simple user such a phone.

For example, sometimes companies and banking institutions indicate a toll-free telephone number in their contact information, by calling which many issues can be resolved. Usually, an answering machine on the other side of the line picks up the phone, asking the subscriber to press certain numbers (turn the dial) during the conversation. Unfortunately, for many, the call ends here, since the answering machine does not react in any way to actions on the phone, ignoring button presses. Why?

The reason is simple - there is a pulse and tone mode of the phone. Surely, everyone has heard strange clicks or beeps that accompany pressing numbers or dialing a number using a dial. The beeps are tone mode and the clicks are pulse mode. Let's look at how dialing occurs in old rotary phones.

When the dial is rotated to the required distance and automatically returns to its original position, special electrical contacts are closed: each closure forms a click-pulse; by counting their number, you can determine the digit being dialed and, accordingly, the number. This “counting” is carried out by the equipment at the station (ATS). Simple and effective. In newer phone models, the contacts are replaced with a special pulse generator, which, by the way, can also be switched to tone mode.

Subsequently, pulse dialing was replaced by a more technologically advanced one. In it, dialing is carried out not by digits, but by modulating alternating current with the desired frequency. Each number (button) has its own signal tone. Then everything is the same: the PBX perceives a combination of tones and converts them into a dialed telephone number. The tone mode is more noise-resistant (errors in dialing now depend entirely on the attentiveness of the owner, and not on the state of the network), and also allows you to connect with the subscriber more quickly. All modern phones are tone phones; they may not have a pulse mode at all.

By the way, it is believed that the tone mode provides higher sound quality. This is only half true. To work in tone mode, both the telephone and the PBX must support it. Trying to use a new phone on a pulse PBX will not give any advantages (if, at all, the device works). Stations designed for tone mode are digital (or mixed), as opposed to analog pulse. Hence the improvement in sound.

Programmable allows you to switch the phone to tone mode and operate both pulse and tone communication networks. Let's assume that the subscriber is served by an analog PBX. To put your phone into pulse dialing mode, you usually need to press and hold the “*” (asterisk) button for a few seconds. If this does not help, then turn the device over and examine the bottom cover - often there is a small toggle switch for selecting a mode. Switching to tone dialing is performed in the same way.

Now let's return to the example given at the beginning of the article. Owners of analog stations connected to analogue stations may forget about communicating with an answering machine that requires pressing any buttons, since without additional equipment this is impossible. Of course, there is a way out - this is a special set-top box that generates tone signals into the network, but you will have to forget about convenience.

An article about how to correctly switch landline landlines and telephones to tone mode cellular communication various operating systems.


Using technical terms, we can say that the tone telephone mode is an accelerated dialing of a number to connect with a subscriber, using a binary encoding of numbers consisting of eight frequencies of the audio range perceived by a person. However, not everything is as scary as it sounds! Currently, the tone mode is used in landline telephones of city PBX and in mobile phones cellular communications.

In technical terms, we can say that touch tone telephone mode

This mode is designed to perform the following functions:

  • connections to the numbers of necessary services and hotlines
  • connections to the service center menu of a given operator (calling a call center operator, obtaining the necessary information, forwarding a call, etc.)

Steps to switch a landline phone to tone mode

The phone uses two types of mode: pulse and tone.
Clicks when dialing a number are characteristic of the pulse mode, short audio signals characterize the tone mode.
Options for switching a local PBX phone to tone mode:

  • pressing the asterisk (*) key
  • pressing the key marked “P” and “T”, in in this case"T" is the tone mode designation
  • study the instructions included with your telephone and act according to it
    Since some phones are initially set to tone mode, you should listen carefully to the sound signals without taking any action. In this case, all of the above steps may not be applied.

Rules for switching a cell phone to tone mode under the Android operating system

After connecting with the call center operator, the answering robot will ask you to dial the appropriate key combination in tone mode to implement the functions that they represent.
Step-by-step steps to switch your cell phone to tone mode:

  • pick up the phone
  • dial the number we need (call center, information service, etc.)
  • after the robot answers, press the corresponding button to call the keyboard, prompted by the robot, getting into the tone mode of the phone

Numeric combinations on the keyboard can be changed and deleted using the cross button located in the right corner.

Rules for switching a cell phone to tone mode under the Android operating system

Rules for switching a cell phone to tone mode for Windows and IOS operating systems

Cell phones that support these systems are switched to tone mode as follows:

  • make an outgoing call to a service whose phones support tone mode
  • type the desired button on the keyboard
  • if necessary, erase the data and close the keypad at the end of the call

If cell phones natively support tone mode, the direction of connection to services is carried out using number keys and a voice system that prompts the necessary actions. You can return to the menu after listening to the information using the star or pound button.

Call - operator center

The nuances of tone mode

Touch tone is essentially a call within a call, outgoing or incoming. Because by making a call to a phone with a tone mode function, by performing certain combinations on the phone, we give a command to the automatic system, which connects us to the desired service. Don't forget to use the convenient touch tone function!

Video: Touch tone dialing information