When to remove carrots from the garden and how to properly store them. When to dig carrots and beets. Mid-season and late varieties: timing and features of harvesting

Carrots and beets are grown everywhere. They are well stored in the cellar, but only if they are removed in a timely manner. Unripe root vegetables, as well as those that have been seriously frozen, cannot be stored for long periods of time.

When digging carrots and beets

Determining the exact timing of harvesting root crops is not easy. To a lesser extent, this is due to the variety of carrots or beets (early varieties are dug up and consumed in the summer). Basically, the period depends on the climate of the region and the current weather: it’s definitely not worth digging up root crops in heavy rain. In any case, carrots and beets are harvested in September or October.

General principles in harvesting root crops

Beets are harvested somewhat earlier than carrots: even with slight freezing, their keeping quality is significantly reduced, carrots are more cold-resistant. Moreover, having been exposed to a couple of light morning frosts (no more than -3 o C), it only becomes sweeter. Therefore, there is no rush to harvest carrots, unless prolonged autumn rains are expected. In soggy soil, root crops often crack, or even tops continue to grow.

Both beets and carrots stop watering altogether 2-3 weeks before digging.

In addition to the weather, you should focus on external signs harvest readiness. If the size of the root crop (and part of it necessarily sticks out of the ground) exceeds the reasonable size characteristic of the variety, it is better not to delay harvesting. Beets that are too large become tough and the center portion of carrots becomes inedible.

Overgrown beets often have internal cavities, which make them tasteless and poorly stored

If giant vegetables have clearly become like this ahead of schedule, it is better to dig them up and use them for harvesting: most likely, they will not be stored for long.

But even ungrown specimens are poorly stored, and they are also less tasty: the main share of sugars in both beets and carrots is formed in last weeks life in the garden. That is why in dry weather they try to keep root vegetables in the garden longer.

One of the signs that beets are ready for harvesting is the appearance of small tubercles on the part of the root crop that protrudes from the ground. For carrots, the signal of readiness is the yellowing of the lower leaves. If you pull out a couple of specimens, you will notice that during this period tiny thread-like roots begin to form on them. There is no point in keeping the carrots in the ground any longer.

As the carrots are ready, more and more yellowing and wilting leaves appear

Cleaning times by region

If we don’t talk about selective harvesting, which continues throughout the summer as needed, carrots and beets are dug up for winter storage in the following periods.


Even in the north, carrots are not harvested before mid-September:

  • in the Leningrad, Murmansk, and Vologda regions, carrot harvesting time begins at the end of the 2nd decade of September;
  • in the Urals and Siberia, carrots are dug up in the middle or end of September;
  • in the middle zone, in particular in the Moscow region, you can keep carrots in the garden until the last days of September or the very beginning of October;
  • in the south (Kuban, Stavropol, etc.), autumn is usually warm, and the main carrot harvest is not dug up before October.


Beetroot is harvested approximately 2 weeks earlier than carrots are dug up:

  • in the northern regions, in the Urals and Siberia, they begin to do this at the very end of August, trying to complete the work no later than the beginning of the 2nd ten days of September;
  • in the middle zone, beet harvesting occurs in the 2nd half of September;
  • in the south, weather conditions do not limit the gardener’s time to harvest beets: this can be done even in October, but the root crops should not be allowed to outgrow.

The optimal time for harvesting beets and carrots is when the root crops are fully ripe; you should not let them stay in the garden longer than expected. When choosing a time, you need to focus on the weather so as not to freeze the crop or leave it in prolonged heavy rains.


Experienced summer residents and gardeners are sure that there is no need to rush into collecting root crops. It is better to wait until the vegetables are thoroughly “aged”, prepare for the winter on their own - and harvest the root crops in late September - early October.

Experts say that the longer carrots remain in the garden, the healthier they are. It is at the end of summer and autumn that nutrients and vitamins accumulate in it. Therefore, you should not harvest carrots too early, but it is also undesirable to overstay them in the garden. It is impossible to name specific dates when you need to dig up beets or carrots, because you cannot predict the vagaries of the weather.

The optimal period for collecting root crops for the middle zone is the end of September - beginning of October. It is best to harvest root crops after the onset of technical ripeness.

One of the signs of “technical maturity” is yellowing of the leaves, however, in dry years this may indicate not ripeness, but a low level of moisture in the soil. But withering of the central shoots and leaves is a sign of disease or damage to the vegetable by pests. Such plants must be removed immediately to avoid the spread of the disease.

If autumn is long and very warm, you should not wait for the onset of cold weather to collect root crops - in the warmth and moisture, carrots and beets often begin to germinate - after all, these are biennial plants. Sprouted root vegetables are poorly stored and become tough and unpleasant to the taste.

True, there is no need to rush into digging - unripe root crops quickly wither and rot - often an unripe crop does not even last until New Year's holidays. Large root crops can be dug up (pulled out) early, while small ones are better left for later - let them grow a little.

First, beets are dug up, since their roots often rise above the ground and suffer from frost. A week later, the carrots are dug up. In extreme cases, carrots can even withstand a series of mild frosts, but before this you must crush its tops, or even better, cover the bed with lutrasil, spunbond, or at least ordinary fabric (bags, blankets).

It is better to dig up vegetables not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork. The beets can be piled up to ventilate and dry for a couple of days. Do not dry vegetables in direct sunlight - firstly, they will begin to wither, and secondly, storing warm vegetables impairs the ability of the crop to be preserved. Drying is not required for carrots.

After harvesting, it is necessary to trim the tops. It is not advisable to break it or pull it out by hand - this could damage the root crop. It is best to use scissors or a sharp knife.

The beet tops are cut off completely (but without affecting the root crop), small “tails” (up to 2 cm) are left on the carrots. Remember that root vegetables cannot be washed or peeled.

Store root vegetables in a basement or cellar, separate from fruit. Storage on the balcony is only possible if you are sure reliable protection from frost - frozen root vegetables will not be stored.

Some gardeners dip each root crop in clay or bury it in boxes with sand. Meanwhile, if the temperature in the room with vegetables is constantly kept within + 1-3 ° C, carrots and beets are perfectly stored on their own - in ordinary wooden boxes, nets, or simply piled in heaps.

To further protect the crop from rot and pests, you can sprinkle the vegetables with lime powder. In this case, do not forget to thoroughly wash the root vegetables several times before cleaning.

Harvesting carrots and beets in 2017 for the winter according to the lunar calendar: Gardener’s lunar calendar for September

Waxing Crescent

September 1, 2 (until 23:07) - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). A favorable time for planting trees and low-growing shrubs.

September 2 (from 23:07), 3, 4, 5 (until 08:29) - Waxing Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). Barren days - there is no need to plant or replant anything. You can do weeding and pest control.

5 (from 08:29), September 6, 2017 - Waxing Moon in Pisces (Leaf Days). September 6 at 10:04 - FULL MOON. Ideal time to water plants.

Waning moon

7 (until 15:02) September 2017 - Waning Moon in Pisces (Leaf Days). Water the plants and feed them with organic fertilizers. Under no circumstances should mineral fertilizers or chemicals be used during these days.

September 7 (from 15:02), 8, 9 (to 19:24) - Waning Moon in Aries (Fruit Days). Swipe preventive actions in the garden or vegetable garden, cut out unnecessary growth of trees and shrubs.

9 (from 19:24), 10.11 (to 22:30) September 2017 - Waning Moon in Taurus (Root Days). It is recommended to plant and replant shrubs: currants, gooseberries, raspberries. Not bad days for canning vegetables and fruits. A favorable time for planting tulips and other perennial flower plants. Plant winter garlic, onion. Till the soil with fertilizer. good time for winter watering of the garden. Plant rose seedlings with hilling up the root collar. Prepare the roots of winter knotweed, chicory, valerian officinalis, and elecampane. It is also an ideal time to prepare root vegetables for long-term storage: beets, radishes, carrots, potatoes, etc. Plant mushrooms.

September 11 (from 22:30), 12, 13, 14 (until 01:13) - Waning Moon in Gemini (Flower Days). A good time for planting and replanting all climbing plants, strawberries, wild strawberries. Dig up the soil in the circles around the trunks, tie the trunks of young trees with spruce branches, reeds or roofing felt to protect them from mice.

September 14 (from 01:13), 15, 16 (to 04:10) - Waning Moon in Cancer (Leaf Days). In a biofuel greenhouse, on the windowsill, plant celery, parsley, and onions for growing. Plant rose seedlings in open ground with hilling up the root collar. Plant berry bushes in a permanent place in previously prepared holes. A good time for winter watering of the garden. Take up canning fruits and vegetables. It's good to plant mushrooms.

September 16 (from 04:10), 17, 18 (to 07:53) - Waning Moon in Leo (Fruit Days). Favorable time for collecting fruits and vegetables intended for long-term storage. Tie the trunks of young trees to protect them from mice. Good days for storing vegetables and fruits for drying.

September 18 (from 07:53), September 19, 20, 2017 - Waning Moon in Virgo (Root Days). September 20 at 08:30 - NEW MOON. There is no need to sow or plant anything. Clean up, burn garbage and plant debris, and cultivate the soil. Remove the late one white cabbage, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.

Waxing Crescent

September 20 (until 13:07) 2017 - Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Days). New Moon Day. There is no need to sow or plant anything. Clean up, burn garbage and plant debris, and cultivate the soil. Remove late white cabbage, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage.

September 20 (from 13:07), 21, 22 (until 20:41) - Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Days). Favorable time for winter sowing of carrots, beets, and herbs.

September 22 (from 20:41), 23, 24, 25 (until 07:02) - Waxing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). In open ground, sow seeds of sorrel and winter garlic in winter, and plant tulip bulbs. You can grow celery, parsley, and onions in a biofuel greenhouse and on a windowsill. In greenhouses you can sow cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables. Fertilizing with organic fertilizers is beneficial. You can plant mushrooms.

September 25 (from 07:02), 26, 27 (until 19:25) - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Days). Trim and cover the roses for the winter, sow the seeds of sorrel and winter garlic in open ground. In a biofuel greenhouse you can plant celery, parsley, spring onions, and chives for growing.

September 27 (from 19:25), 28, 29, 30 (until 07:41) - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). Sow sorrel seeds, winter carrots, beets, and winter garlic in open ground. Favorable time for winter sowing of green crops.

30 (from 07:41) September 2017 - Waxing Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). Barren days! There is no need to sow or plant. Pest control and garden and vegetable garden cleaning are recommended.

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A farmer, when going to dig potatoes in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, must first determine the purpose of the future harvest:

Tubers for immediate consumption;
root vegetables for storage.

In accordance with the lunar calendar, for good shelf life and better preservation of potatoes in bins, they should be harvested during the downward visibility of the Earth's satellite. For September this is from the 25th to the 30th inclusive.

Interesting! During this period, all pathogenic organisms become less active, “sleepy,” which will allow the tubers to rot less in the basement or cellar.

At this time, the Moon favors Aries, Capricorn and Leo, who are responsible for the safety of the nurtured harvest.

That part of the garden or land plot, on which the potatoes are intended to be quickly eaten by the family and pets, will have to be harvested from September 7 to 14. The rising Moon during this period contributes to the greatest concentration useful substances in root vegetables, which affects the taste of the product.

It is better to avoid other dates - the harvest dug up at this time loses all the properties necessary for long-term storage:

Becomes watery;
has on the surface a large number of pathogens;
much worse in taste than its cousins, harvested at auspicious times.

Important! It is important to remember that the safety of the crop is also affected by weather conditions during harvesting.

At what time should root vegetables be harvested?

It is necessary to mow the tops 2 weeks before harvesting root crops to stop the growth of the potato “top”. The plant will understand that it is time to stock up nutrients during hibernation.

Naturally, it is better to collect tubers in dry weather. In this case, cleaning should be carried out either in the morning, after the dew has subsided, or in the evening, after 16.00. Direct rays of the sun will very quickly “green” potatoes; it will become poisonous due to solanine, a plant poison produced by the potato itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

If meteorologists promise a rainy month, you will have to harvest, despite the recommendations lunar calendar at any dry time. Otherwise, the root crops will begin to rot right in the ground, and this process will be accelerated in home storage conditions.

Be sure to scatter the dug tubers in one layer under a canopy. Under no circumstances should they be lowered into the cellar immediately after cleaning - in the open air without direct access. sun rays The skins on the potatoes are ripening. It becomes denser and “inedible” for mold and rot.

Advice: If you had to harvest root crops in wet soil, after drying and ripening the potatoes under a canopy, you should carefully remove the stuck soil with a dry cloth.

Potatoes cannot be washed or scraped - home storage conditions differ from industrial ones. It is a rare owner of a personal plot who has the opportunity to equip his basement or cellar with control devices to ensure compliance with climatic parameters for storing washed potatoes.

In rainy September, digging potatoes personal plot It’s better not to use a shovel, but to use a pitchfork - this will leave less soil on the tubers. And the weight of the bush will be significantly reduced, which is important for the digger himself.

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Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

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Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

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It is impossible to imagine a beautiful garden that blooms throughout the season without perennials. These flowers do not require as much attention as annuals, they are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

All gardeners strive to obtain fresh, environmentally friendly and aromatic vegetables from their gardens. Relatives happily accept home-cooked meals from their own potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to show off your culinary skills to even greater effect. To do this, you should try to grow several aromatic plants that will add new tastes and aromas to your dishes. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from a culinary point of view?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. The outside of the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and when cut open there is pink flesh that looks exotic. When preparing, it was decided to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable and make a traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t detect any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat a light spring salad in winter.

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Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on a city balcony or kitchen windowsill. There are advantages here compared to growing in open ground: in such conditions your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can practically grow vegetables all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops using seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But creating ideal conditions is very difficult: plants lack sunlight, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because they are the most sensitive to adverse factors

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