What questions to ask to get to know a friend better. Where is your ideal vacation spot? Questions about life

If on the first date you ask a girl if she has a piercing on her... (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to have the chance. Even an innocent question about what her favorite color is can cost you the coveted second date. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She's got enough life experience, she can tell you a lot, but you can only ask her a meaningless question!

Women have a strange logic. That's why we've come up with 50 questions for you that will help you avoid ruining a date and get to know your friend inside and out. Of course, you shouldn’t ask all these questions at once on one date; choose a few and dilute the conversation with them.

1. What would you never repeat in your life?

2. What would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. What was the last reason you cried?

4. In what situation were you the most nervous?

5. What fact about you would surprise your parents?

6. What is your worst habit?

7. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

8. Which superhero do you think is the most attractive man?

9. What's the weirdest thing your pet does?

10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

11. Who knows you best?

12. What clubs did you go to at school?

13. Finish the phrase: “I’m probably the best…”

14. Which one last book did you really like it?

15. Best show of all time?

16. At what age did you enjoy living the most?

17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

18. Finish the phrase: “I would be most upset at dawn if I had never...”

19. Apologize or ask permission?

20. Endless love or money?

21. If you knew that you would die in a week, what would you do?

22. What song have you listened to the most times?

23. Lie on the beach or wander around Europe on excursions?

24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

25. What is the first thing you will do if you win the lottery?

26. Which celebrity would you trade places with?

27. If you were a musician, what would you call your first album?

28. What life story do your friends remind you of from time to time?

29. If there was only one spice left in the world, what would you choose?

30. What is the ideal number of people for a Friday night party?

31. What is the most unpleasant age for you?

33. Which fictional character reminds you of yourself?

35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

37. In any game where you choose a question category, what would you choose first?

38. What things are you superstitious about?

39. Tell me about the most terrible incident in your life.

40. Which person not involved in politics would you support in the elections? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

42. Which dead person would you like to have lunch with if it were possible?

43. Do you think following the news is important?

44. Best gift, which you ever received?

45. Would you be willing to sacrifice one of your fingers if in exchange you could get free Wi-Fi everywhere you went?

46. ​​What would you do first if you turned into a man for one day?

47. If you could give a gift to anyone for any amount, what would you give and to whom?

48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a beautiful view?

49. What is the nicest thing others can say about you?

Do you want to get to know a person better?! Lead the conversation by asking questions that need to be asked and can be asked.
What questions should you ask people you know or people you don't know but would like to know? What questions should you ask people you like? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Questions to ask people you just met

In this case, you need to start the conversation correctly. Here are questions to people you met for the first time or for the second or third time. And yet, these questions are suitable for any age category. Review these questions and adapt them to your situations.

My name is (...), and yours?
How are you doing?
What do you do?
I like your handbag (suitcase), where did you buy it?
What is your zodiac sign?
What is your nationality?
Who is your favorite tennis player? Rafael Nadal or David Nalbandian?
Do you have a hobby?
What is your favorite book series that you would recommend reading?
Where would you recommend going for the weekend?
Who is your favorite musician?
What do you think about me?
What is usually your first impression of people you meet for the first time?
Do you have a pet?
What's the craziest prank you've done? (This humorous question will help you get to know the person better!)
Do you have a favorite movie?
Are you interested in gardening?
What do you think about the rights of sexual minorities and same-sex marriage?
What are you going to do for the New Year?
Where did you study?
Do you like to travel?
Do you believe that man has karma?
Do you like to dance? What types of dances do you know?
Can you bake pancakes?
Do you believe in fate?
Are you an atheist?
Do you read books about self-motivation?
Have you watched the series "Sex and the City"?
Have you read Sigmund Freud's books?
Have you ever done yoga?
Can you give me some comedy CDs?
Do you believe in unexplained paranormal phenomena?
You are drawing?
Can you draw cartoons?
Do you sing well?
Do you have children?
Are you into photography?
Are you looking for a love relationship?

Questions to ask the person you like

Now comes the fun part. Questions for the person you like or adore. Correct communication will bring you best result in a relationship. These are the irreplaceable questions.

What color means happiness to you?
Do you believe that your astrological sign determines your love destiny?
Can you tell us about your dates?
What was your favorite subject at school?
Do you like swimming?
Do you have brothers or sister?
Have you ever had a love relationship?
What qualities define the personality of the man of your dreams (for girls)/girl of your dreams (for men)?
What's your favorite restaurant?
What's the best compliment you've ever received?
What nickname would you like to have?
Have you ever had unbridled fantasies in your passions?
What animal do you think you resemble?
Who was the first person you felt passionate about?
Do you believe in ghosts?
What's the weirdest thing you've done in your life?
Do you believe in strong family ties?
Have you ever smoked?
What do you look for in a person, looks or intelligence?
What is your favorite sport?
Have you ever had any failures? Did you manage to cope?
Do you like coffee?
Do you like chocolate?
Have you ever been to a scary place alone?
Can you have dinner with me today?
What does your name mean?
Do you believe in prophetic dreams?
What do you think about marriage?
Do you like to play computer games?
What thing caught your attention when you first felt sexual attraction?
What do you do on the weekend?
Can we go to the cinema tonight?

So there are a lot of conversation questions. Ask these questions in conversation with your boyfriend or girlfriend. All of these questions will help you start an interesting conversation. You can add a comic touch to the conversation to make the conversation lively and exciting.

Even if you have lived together for decades, there is no guarantee that you know everything about your loved one. After all, the world of the soul is inexhaustible, time flows, and our views change with age. What if you missed something or didn’t attach any importance to it? Maybe from the very beginning your romance spun at such a speed that there was no time to stop and talk about important things? Despite everything, you have opened this article, which means you are ready to reveal your cards.

We have collected 20 deep questions that will help you build an informed dialogue and get to know each other better. Your job is to listen carefully and not rush to conclusions.

1) Questions to identify interests and values

Who do you trust most and why?
Do you have people or characters from books that you admire?
Which positive qualities others are attracted to you, what do you pay attention to in a person first?
Do you have any goals or plans for this year? Describe how you see ways to implement them?
Imagine that the 25th hour has appeared in the day. What would you like to spend it on?

This block of questions will help you find out not only the goals and hobbies of your loved one, but will also reveal to you his close circle, expectations in the relationship, and plans for the future. Perhaps you will be able to find something in common, or maybe you will be surprised at the gap between you, recognizing your partner from a completely different side. It happens that a person has no goals at all, does not want to strive for anything - and this is also an indicator.

2) Questions that will help you understand the past

Remember your happiest moment from childhood. What was it, why did you remember it so much?
Where did you like to go for walks? Did you have a “special place” where you hid from the whole world?
Can you name those events in the past that made you who you are today?
Do you remember what you spent your first honestly earned money on?
What events or moments from the past do you especially miss?

This block of questions concerns the partner’s childhood and growing up. It is in retrospect that it is easy to trace the history of the formation of a loved one, the moments that had a special impact on him, the situations that he was never able to survive. Find out what preceded his life? How to help him become stronger, repeating happy moments, realizing childhood dreams? All of this is important because it gives life a sense of fullness and meaning, and it bonds you together as a couple.

3) Questions that will show attitude to problems

Do you have a life motto, favorite quote, manifesto? How did they hook you?
Have you ever received advice that would change your life? What did they concern, how did they influence you?
Have you ever helped strangers in need? How do you usually console people? How often have you had to do this?
Imagine that you went back in time and saw yourself as a young person. What would you tell yourself, what advice would you leave?
What problems do you consider unsolvable? What can unsettle you and drive you into depression?

From the answers to this block you can see a person’s attitude to problems. What does he cope with easily, what does he ignore, and what does he exaggerate on an unprecedented scale? You will also find out how he feels about outside help, is he ready to help himself, to make sacrifices? Finally, does he have a circle of people who have access to his personal life? All these little things are important, as they help to evaluate the inner core of a person, turning points in his life, personal qualities (compassion, nobility, patience, vulnerability). These parameters make a lot of difference. In the end, there will always be difficulties, and you need to know how your partner reacts to them, can you make compromises?

4) Questions about gratitude, love and friendship

What do you love more – giving gifts or receiving them?
Remember the three brightest moments in your life when you were congratulated in a special way.
What things in your life do you feel grateful for? Name them.
What do you think are the best ways to express your love? How to show someone your affection?
Tell me, what in our relationship can you say “thank you” to me for?

The last block of questions is aimed at determining the methods of communication in a couple, how the partner expresses his feelings, what kind of attitude he expects to be treated? From the answers you can understand what makes him happy, what kind of attention he would like to receive, is he ready to invest himself and somehow express his gratitude? Knowing such little things strengthens trust in a couple, prolongs sympathy, and preserves love. At least you will know exactly how to please each other, where to support, and where to give in.

How long have you had a heart-to-heart talk with your partner? Do not neglect moments of closeness; family is not only a unity of habits, but also a unity of souls.

You've probably had situations when you wanted to get to know a person better, but didn't know what questions to ask him so as not to seem rude or incorrect. This ultimately led to awkwardness and missed opportunities. We've all been there: when we're interested in someone, it's not always clear how to break the ice. If you really want to get to know someone, you need to learn to ask the right questions. Regardless of whether it's a date or getting to know a work colleague, it's useful to have a few preparations ready.

Experienced communicators know that correct question can work wonders at the right time. It will help you start a conversation, get to know a person better, and achieve your goals. Asking questions is an important key to many effective .

The questions collected below are quite powerful on their own. But how can you the best way use this list? Here are some important tips that will help you not only start a conversation, but also successfully continue the conversation.

Don't ask one question after another. Let the conversation develop. Give your interlocutor enough time to answer the question. The point of the conversation is not how many questions you have time to ask.

Don't switch from one topic to another. Remind yourself that this is not an interview where you quickly switch between topics of conversation. Let the topic unfold naturally.

Show real interest. If you are truly interested in a given topic, your interlocutor will notice this.

Ask consistent questions. You can avoid moving on to other topics if you engage the other person with a question that flows smoothly from the other person's previous answer.

Emphasize. Don't talk about everything you know. The message you are trying to convey or the question you are trying to ask must be precise and concise.

Here are a few good questions, which will help you have interesting conversations and allow you to form deep connections with those around you.


If you had a card that would get you out of court for a crime, what would it be?

This deep question will introduce you to the darker side of the other person. Interestingly, there is almost no person who will simply tell you that he will not use this card. When the interlocutor answers this question, there is an opportunity to talk about this topic quite long time. For example, why did he choose this particular crime?

What book or movie has influenced you the most?

Everyone has a book or movie that has significantly influenced them. Using this question you will get very interesting information about the personality of the person you are talking to. You will not only find out which genres he likes most, but also which work he distinguishes from the rest, which can already provide many topics for further conversation.

What would you give your life for?

Of course, you shouldn’t approach a stranger with this question, and certainly don’t ask it right away - he’s not particularly carefree. Using it, you should understand that you can get a lot interesting information about the interlocutor, and push him away, calling him an eccentric.

If you could be a character in a book or movie, what would it be?

This particular question will make your discussion partner think twice. And let's be honest, isn't it unpleasant to imagine that you could live in the imaginary world of your favorite book or movie?

At the same time, the answer to this question will tell you a lot about the personality of this person. In almost all cases, he will choose a character that is very similar to him - a person with whom he identifies.

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

Admittedly, this is a very tricky question to ask whether a person has an interest in history. IN in this case even a superficial answer can be developed.

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?

Talking about the past gets everyone hooked. Of course, there is a possibility that the person will say that they would not like to change anything, but even in this case, you can use and ask something like: “What, would you even like to change your hairdresser?”

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

The question is not as stupid as it might seem. As a rule, people name such a superpower that they really lack in life. That is, the question has a very strong subtext.

The answer will help you draw a conclusion about the personality of the interlocutor. After all, is he going to use his power solely for selfish purposes, or is there something social in his desire?

Who was your hero growing up?

By asking this question you can learn a lot about a person's personality. Don't forget to ask a counter question about what his current hero is like.

What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?

There are people who would hide, and there are those who would fight. This simple question will help you move on to more informal communication and get to know your interlocutor. The chain of reasoning in this case can show how ready a person is for difficult non-standard tasks, how he thinks.

If you could live anywhere, what kind of place would it be?

There is a risk of running into banal answers (desert island, New York). But it is quite possible that you will receive a comprehensive answer. For example, you will understand that a person has wanted to move for a long time, but he can’t do it. This is an interesting topic for discussion.

Which comedy that you have watched do you think is the best?

This question will not only help you get some good recommendations for your list of movies to watch, but can also provide excellent talking points and tell whether the other person has a sense of humor and what kind.

Would you buy a one-way ticket to Mars?

Many people are interested in Mars and Musk today. Some say that all this is pointless, others argue that this is the most interesting and amazing adventure in the history of mankind.

If you had the chance, would you choose a different profession?

Asking a person about where he works is boring. It is always much more interesting to talk about the topic “If…”. Half of the previous questions are based on this. People love speculation, especially about a better life.

Most likely, the person has a dream about a new profession, which he will talk about. And then you can ask other questions on the same topic.

What makes you truly happy?

Asking this question is a great way to make friends and other acquaintances. People usually talk about the little things first. They will tell you that listening to music or going out with their friends is what makes them happy. But once you start going deeper, you will find a lot of interesting things.

We wish you good luck!

Want to get to know a guy better? Why not just ask him? We have compiled the most full list questions that you can ask a guy: funny and original, vulgar, tricky, provocative, about life, about girls and relationships, vulgar and many others. Now you can always carry on a conversation and at the same time find out a lot of interesting things about your chosen one.

At the very beginning of the novel, there is no need to force events with serious questions. Come up with something original, simple, cute, and maybe even funny. For example, you can invite the guy to remember something from his childhood. Never forget two things:

  1. he is his favorite;
  2. everyone wants to talk and hear about themselves.

If we discard all conventions and curtseys, then every person first of all loves himself. Use this, talk to the guy about himself.

Gently, unobtrusively, ask him about his childhood, what he liked to do as a tomboy. This topic will provide an opportunity to relax and conduct a conversation in a relaxed tone. Having relaxed, the guy will quickly feel sympathy for you.

Here is a list of questions to ask at the very beginning of a relationship:

  • Your favorite childhood hobbies.
  • First friend and relationship with him.
  • Love in the kindergarten and the first kiss on the potties.
  • Cats, dogs, hamsters, in general, pets.
  • Cars, bicycles, fishing with parents.
  • Smoking at school, buttons on chairs and other mischief.
  • Life in a summer camp.
  • Favorite treat.
  • Games, movies, music.

When you are ready to ask questions about your loved one’s childhood, don’t forget leading questions clarify one point: is this period of his life happy? Anything can happen, perhaps he grew up in a family where there were unfavourable conditions or an orphanage, and here you are with your questions about hamsters and bicycles. A very awkward situation will arise that will not add points to you.

First, invite him to remember the happiest moments of his life, let him open up a little to you so that he knows how to act and what to talk about.

Work, life values, hobbies

At the second stage of the relationship, when you meet for the second or third time, you can talk about a more intimate period. That is, ask the guy about where he works and who he works for. What is his profession, does he like it and how does he spend his weekend. What is his hobby, if he knows what it is?

At this stage, there is a possibility that your tastes and passions will coincide, which means that you will become even closer, and you will not have to come up with topics for conversation - they will come up on their own, without tension or pauses in the conversation.

  • What are you doing?
  • Do you love your job?
  • What is your favorite activity outside of work?
  • What do you do on your days off?
  • What do you do with your friends?
  • Where are you going?
  • Favorite vacation spots?

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And now the taboo questions. What not to ask on the second, third and subsequent dates. Now, how will you marry him, then please ask, but for now you will have to cunningly obtain this information with the help of tricks, if you need it.

Taboo questions for the second to tenth dates:

  • How much do you earn?
  • Does your boss like you?
  • Yes, did you have a girlfriend?
  • Do you love children?
  • Questions about parents.

All these questions, if asked, characterize you as a person who wants to quickly get married and sit on the guy’s neck. And men run away from such girls.

The essence of any real man is hunting and he needs to drive the game himself, this is his essence. Give him the opportunity to hunt, do not immediately run to the net, and in the end it will be you who win.

Funny and original questions

Guys love girls who think outside the box. Therefore, you need to ask him various cool, unusual questions from time to time so that he appreciates your sense of humor.

Here are some suitable examples of such fun questions:

  • Do you love popping bubbles on packaging film?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
  • What time of year do you associate yourself with?
  • Have you ever gone to the store in a robe and slippers?
  • What do you say when you see yourself in the mirror the next morning with a hangover?
  • What animal would you like to become?
  • Have you ever talked to your cat?

Such questions often puzzle guys, cause a lot of smiles and give many reasons for jokes and gags.

Questions about life

On what date should you ask a guy serious questions?

Depending on the situation. Each couple is individual, and while some already from the third date call their chosen one to formalize the relationship, others are ready to stretch out the sweet period for years.

If your relationship has already gone through a period of questions about hamsters and work, then you can try, again carefully, to find out information about his family from the guy.

How do we do this right? It’s better to tell something about your loved ones and smoothly switch to his family circle.

Here again, take into account the fact that negative information will work against you. Don’t complain to your guy about your relatives, but choose a funny or simply positive topic. Tell us about your mischievous nephew, in this way you are telling the story that there is more than one berry growing in the family, there are also brothers and sisters.

Here are some examples of serious questions:

  • Does the guy have brothers and sisters?
  • Does he like the area where he lives?
  • His plans for the future?
  • What brand of car does he prefer?
  • Who does he like to relax with?
  • What does he think about opposite-sex friendships?

You don't need to ask:

  • When is the wedding;
  • Does he want children?
  • How many children would he like to have?

Relationships with women and love

We will assume that by this period your communication has moved to another stage and you have already become close. You shouldn’t relax and think that now you are allowed a lot and you can do whatever you want. Now you can ask some personal questions.

Almost all separated couples stumbled over the same stone - ex-girlfriends. Or rather, questions about them and the subsequent scenes.

There is one thing important rule: You can’t ask questions about those girls who came before you.

You are dating an adult, an adult, and it is quite logical that he had other women. Most likely, you also have a past. Ex-girlfriends remarkable because in the past they are unlike you. Let them stay there, there is no need to artificially evoke their image with your questions.

Don't ask:

  • Who was his ex, where does she live?
  • Why did they break up?
  • How many girls did he have before you?
  • How does he feel about the girlfriend who was before you, did he love her much?

Provocative trick questions

To get an answer indirectly, you can provoke the young man to be frank and thereby extract the necessary information from him.

These insidious questions with a trick are very good, since they directly relate to relationships and have a slight sexual connotation. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it with such questions. If you see that the young man is not comfortable, change the topic of conversation.

Here are various examples of such trick questions:

  • What does a girl expect from a guy?
  • What is your attitude towards women's emancipation?
  • Do you think it's acceptable to secretly check phone messages?
  • Can you marry your chosen one if your parents are against it?
  • Will you change your place of residence for the sake of your beloved?
  • How do you feel about free love?
  • Are your girlfriend's friends taboo for you?
  • Romantic date or beer with friends, what will you choose?
  • How do you feel about girls with bright makeup?
  • Is it difficult for you to decide to declare your love?

Video for backfilling - a few more awkward questions and answers from men:

Vulgar questions

Third or fourth date? It's time to move on to intriguing topics. You can find out a guy’s attitude towards intimacy, betrayal and fidelity, and understand what can please him in terms of love, again through questions and answers. What if the questions are a little vulgar?

It would be strange to hear them on the first date, but after you have learned a lot about each other, you can already ask intimate questions. How frank the questions will be depends on your temperament, nature and degree of upbringing.

Here are some examples of bold questions with obvious sexual overtones:

  • Have you ever had a relationship with a prostitute?
  • What size are you, not shoes, of course?
  • Have you ever had gay sex?
  • Group sex is your calling?
  • Your thoughts about the “friendship” of two married couples.
  • Would you like to sleep with your wife's friend?
  • What poses do you prefer?

What questions should you not ask at all?

When interviewing respondents, it turned out that there are several questions that guys should not be asked, well, under no circumstances:

  • When will you marry me? - a killer question, after which, most likely, your chosen one will run away.
  • How much do you earn? – reaction as in point 1.
  • What kind of apartment do you have?
  • Do you want children from me and how many?
  • Will you spend money on me?
  • What will you give me and when?
  • Do you love me?

Here is a list that you should hang on your mirror and repeat every day so as not to forget. Men don't like asking questions financial situation, and they also cannot stand being forced to act. Let’s take this into account for the future so as not to make mistakes in our “hunt” for a husband and father for the children.

By the way, questions about the chosen one’s car are quite appropriate. Here, on the contrary, with your questions about the brand of the cart, its cost and how he acquired his horse, you will cause excitement, and the conversation will drag on for at least an hour. Go for it.

Do you want to create a good, lasting relationship? Here are some useful tips:

  • Don't rush to have sex sooner. If your relationship is not supported by anything other than this, very soon it will fall apart.
  • Don't criticize your boyfriend. Men don't accept criticism. All the same, he will not do as he was told, but the relationship will cool down from your harsh words.
  • Try to be cheerful when you meet, do not burden the guy with unnecessary negativity. Everyone tries to stay away from a constantly whining person, guys included.
  • Support his ideas, be a little comrade in arms.
  • Keep him on a long leash and do not deprive him of the necessary freedom.

Living in harmony with a man, what could be more beautiful. And this harmony will come only when people learn to respect each other’s opinions, character and temperament. You need to not dissolve in the guy and live according to his pattern, but simply respect his individuality. If both partners in a couple do this, they will be happy.