How to fill out a fire extinguisher logbook: sample. Primary fire extinguishing equipment log book

Greetings, dear friends! In this article we will look at how to draw up a logbook for recording and checking fire extinguishers. I think this information will be useful!

Logbook for recording and checking fire extinguishers - rules for filling out

In accordance with regulatory documents on fire safety, each organization must keep a log of fire extinguishers in free form.

Fire extinguishers are the most important means of extinguishing fires in initial stage, and their good condition is the most important task of any manager, because if these means malfunction, employees of the organization may suffer as a result of a fire.

Who is responsible for maintaining the log?

In most cases, the manager appoints by order a person responsible for monitoring fire extinguishing equipment and maintaining documentation for them. The log is intended to record existing fire extinguishing equipment and monitor their maintenance. The log should contain all information about the fire extinguisher, inspections, maintenance and recharging.

Due to the fact that the regulatory documents do not have strict requirements for the form of the log and its columns, fire inspectors do not have the right to demand a uniform form and impose penalties, even if it contains minimal information about fire extinguishers. However, if possible, in order to prevent quibbles during the inspection, the form of the log can be agreed upon with the local GPN inspection by making a corresponding request. It is unlikely that you will be offered any specific form, but any written response will be a powerful argument in the event of a dispute about the journal.

As already written above, the organization’s fire extinguisher log is kept by an authorized person appointed by the management of the enterprise. In this case, the person in charge must have skills in the field of fire safety and know how to properly keep a log of fire extinguishers.

It is necessary to obtain initial skills in the field of fire safety in fire-technical minimum courses. Training in PTM courses is carried out in special organizations that have received the right to this type of education and have the appropriate license. Upon completion of the course, the person who has attended the course and passed the exam is issued a certificate of completion of the course. At the manager's educational process You can ask in detail about the form and rules for keeping a log of fire extinguishers accepted in a particular region.

Journaling. Checking fire extinguishing equipment.

Before installing a fire extinguisher on site, it is initially checked. During the inspection, the completeness of the fire extinguisher, the integrity and serviceability of its elements, the absence of damage to the paint and varnish coating, and the presence of a brief instruction on the body, which describes the procedure for using the fire extinguishing agent and its main technical characteristics, are checked.

The main operating parameters are checked: total weight, and for fire extinguishers operating under compressed gas pressure - the pressure value, for mobile fire extinguishers - the serviceability of the chassis. You should pay attention to the presence of a rotary seal, which should contain the year and quarter of manufacture of the fire extinguisher. It should be noted that the latest amendments to the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation” have abolished the mandatory color of seals.

If the fire extinguisher meets all the above requirements, then it is assigned a number that is applied to the body, its data is entered in the fire extinguisher registration log.

Most experts in the field of fire protection believe that the following data must be reflected in the fire extinguisher logbook in the appropriate column:

  • brand and type of fire extinguishing agent;
  • brand of fire extinguishing agent;
  • total weight of the fire extinguisher;
  • assigned serial number;
  • release date of the fire extinguisher;
  • date of initial inspection of the fire extinguisher;
  • pressure of the working medium or mass of the gas cartridge;
  • installation location;
  • last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person responsible for the operation and serviceability of the fire extinguishing equipment;
  • signature of the person responsible for operating the fire extinguisher;
  • information about the inspection of the fire extinguisher and its recharging.

Other information, such as: technical condition, serviceability of components, condition of the mobile part of the fire extinguisher, information on periodic inspections, information on repairs performed and other data can be reflected in the fire extinguisher’s operational passport.

Where do technical data come from?

All basic information about the fire extinguisher - brand, type and name of the fire extinguishing agent - is available on the fire extinguisher label, or can be found in the manufacturer's passport. This information is very relevant, since different types of fires require different means extinguishing them. For example, water fire extinguishers cannot extinguish live electrical installations, and extinguishing rare earth metals is possible only with the help of special powders. The total weight of the fire extinguisher is usually indicated on the label, but if this information is not there, then this information must be written down in the manufacturer’s passport of the product. For mobile fire extinguishers, information about the weight of the fire extinguisher without a transport trolley is relevant.

Fire extinguishing agents.

Information about the release date in most cases is indicated at the bottom of the fire extinguisher sticker indicating the month and year, in the passport and on the rotor type control seal.

Taking this information into account is important for timely recharging and inspection of fire extinguisher housings. Fire extinguishers are recharged from the date of issue and usually last 5 years, but may have shorter periods. The recharge period is indicated in the product passport. It should be remembered that the timing of recharging fire extinguishers and inspecting the bodies may not coincide in time. For these sections, several columns should be provided depending on the expected service life (usually no more than 4-5).

Checking the condition of the fire extinguisher (once a year or every six months) should be included in the fire extinguisher’s operational passport. For large enterprises who have several separate workshops with a large number of fire extinguishers, it is allowed to maintain several fire extinguisher logs.

That's all I have. Until new notes!

The fire extinguisher logbook is an important document that is checked by the fire service when conducting fire inspections in small and large organizations. Unfortunately, the greatest demand for this document appeared after the tragedy in Kemerovo on March 25, 2018. It’s very sad that the Russian “until the thunder strikes” worked here.


In most companies, a fire extinguisher is the main means of containing fires and fires. And they can happen unexpectedly, at any moment. And to document the readiness to fight fire, a log of fire extinguishers is compiled. The document is needed to organize information and be able to control the acquisition, reloading and other nuances that relate to the storage and operation of fire fighting equipment.

Who fills it out

The head of the organization and heads of company departments, if any, are directly responsible for the timely completion and maintenance of the journal. However, in practice, these employees already have many responsibilities that cannot be delayed.

So, almost any employee (with the appropriate education) can fill out the log and be responsible for fire safety in the organization. In this case, it is important for the manager to sign an order or instruction appointing such a person from among the employees of his organization, or he will have to fill out everything himself.

Journal elements

The document consists of a cover and separate sheets, which are called operational passports for each fire extinguisher. It is more convenient to place the magazine horizontally. It is usually printed on standard A4 sheets.

The name of the organization is indicated on the cover (at the top), in the middle is the name of the document itself. In the lower right part of the cover are the start date and end date of the magazine. Moreover, the latter is indicated during the last check or when a new one is started. From the very beginning of filling out a document, an end date is rarely set. Thus, it is a document that may not have a specific end date on the date of inspection.

Important! After the cover, the magazine contains separate operational passports for fire extinguishers, which are listed on the organization’s balance sheet and are physically present in a specific department.

A separate sheet of the log is represented by the same columns for all fire extinguishers, which should contain information about:

  • The manufacturer of the product. Here it is enough to indicate the name of the organization, but it is also welcome to indicate address information.
  • The number assigned to the fire extinguisher. Each of them is issued with its own operational passport. Even if the rest of the information in them is the same, they will differ precisely in the assigned number.
  • The date the fire extinguisher was put into operation.
  • Its serial number. This data can be obtained from the passport for each specific product. For example, MIG OP-4(3)-AVSE.
  • Installation location. Here it is enough to indicate the number or name of the room in which the fire extinguisher is actually kept.
  • Date of manufacture. This information is needed for timely replacement of content.
  • Type and brand of the product being described.
  • Brand and concentration of charged OTV. In most cases, this is Wexon.

There are separate lines for all these items, but they are not presented in table form. The tabular part is at the end of the operational passport. It includes:

  • When and what type of fire extinguisher maintenance was carried out. This may include inspection during commissioning, replacement of contents, etc.
  • Appearance and condition of equipment components.
  • Mass. The entire object is weighed, including the filler.
  • If the fire extinguisher is equipped with a pressure indicator, then the indicators on it.
  • If the equipment is mobile, then what is the condition of the chassis? If fire extinguishers are stationary, the absence is indicated in this column.
  • What measures have been taken to eliminate possible deficiencies.
  • Full name, position and signature of the employee who is responsible in the organization for fire safety and maintaining equipment in working condition.

One line should reveal the essence of one technological maintenance. It may also contain information about recharging fire extinguishers. But for this purpose it is better to create a special document for testing and recharging fire extinguishers, and put only links from it in the logbook (in the column “Elimination of deficiencies”).

How many fire extinguishers do you need?

When initially equipping fire extinguishing equipment, the manager must take into account the standards that were developed specifically to reduce fire hazards in a particular organization. It is necessary to take into account the level of danger in a particular situation. Premises (all except commercial buildings) are divided into levels: A, B, C, D and E. D - the lowest fire hazard. A – accordingly, the highest.

The level of fire danger depends on:

  • Materials from which the structure is constructed (as well as insulated, etc.)
  • Building and floor plans.
  • The presence or absence of explosive substances (even temporary).

The number of fire extinguishers must be calculated based on the area of ​​the room or rooms used by the organization. In most cases, offices with no more than a dozen people need one standard model fire extinguisher. In this case, the fire extinguisher logbook will consist only of a cover and one passport of fire-fighting equipment.

Types of fire extinguishers

The design of the fire extinguisher is also of paramount importance. There are:

  • Air foam devices. They are filled with foam.
  • Aquatic. Their filler is carbon dioxide.
  • Gas fire extinguishers. They are filled at the factory with refrigerant.
  • Powder.
  • Mixed type.

Moreover, there are portable models, whose maximum weight is 20 kg, and there are mobile ones, with a powerful chassis. Their weight can reach 4 centners. According to regulations, the maximum distance that can separate a fire extinguisher and a probable source of fire is 20 meters. Accordingly, between two places where fire safety equipment is located is 40 meters. A diagram of placement standards with the type of equipment taken into account is placed in the first appendix to PPR No. 390.


Anyone who fills out a fire extinguisher logbook must undergo fire safety training. This can be done in a specialized institution or in the organization itself, if there is a fire safety instructor. This is called fire-technical minimum courses.

Before putting into operation, all fire extinguishers must be tested in accordance with paragraph 4.3.5 of SP 9.13130.2009.

Fire extinguishers should not interfere with the possible evacuation of people from the premises. They also should not interfere with the technological processes occurring at the enterprise. Their proximity to heating devices is unacceptable.

Primary fire extinguishing agents must always have their own passport. From the latter it is better to take information about the brand, type of fire extinguisher and other technical specifications and transfer it to the fire extinguisher logbook.

Is it necessary to have such a form?

The fire extinguisher logbook, in accordance with existing legislation (specifically, paragraph 478 of the Fire Regulations adopted by Government Decree No. 390 of April 25, 2012), can be drawn up in a free (arbitrary) form. However, the laws clearly state the requirements that it must meet. The form available for download contains everything you need to comply with these requirements: details of the organization, timing of inspections of each fire extinguisher, etc.

Thus, despite the fact that the given form is not unified, its use will be optimal in any of the organizations, since everything fundamentally is collected and spelled out in it important points, which inspectors from regulatory organizations pay attention to during inspections.

Fire extinguisher installation algorithm

After the responsible manager purchases a primary fire extinguishing agent in the form of a fire extinguisher, he must conduct an initial inspection of it, describe it in the fire extinguisher logbook, and then install it.

The initial examination includes:

  • Reading pressure gauge readings (if available).
  • External inspection for damage, chips and other defects.
  • Assessing the condition of the external coating of the cylinder.
  • Monitoring the legibility of text in the instructions supplied with the equipment.
  • Close visual inspection sprayer, nuts and other elements for damage.
  • Monitoring the mass of the cylinder filler (if possible).
  • Inspection of the integrity of the seal and the presence of a factory mark on the product.

It is important to keep in mind that the purchased fire extinguishing equipment must correspond to the area of ​​the enterprise premises, their specific operation, and volumes.


During its lifetime, each fire extinguisher must first undergo inspection for commissioning, then it undergoes three types of inspections:

  • Full. Usually carried out on the initiative of the manager, by a separate order.
  • Planned annual. External inspection, inspection of trips, check for possible leaks, remove products with low pressure in the cylinders or those that have reached their fifth service life. Sometimes, if necessary, selective opening of powder products (at least 3% of the total quantity) is carried out to determine the condition of the filters, the composition of the waste agent (dispersity, the presence of lumps and the ability to destroy them, moisture content, flowability). If the requirements regarding these parameters are not met, then the entire batch of fire extinguishers for this period is replaced throughout the entire enterprise.
  • Planned quarterly. They are only relevant for large manufacturing enterprises or organizations whose premises have fire hazard class A or B. Nothing serious here: external inspection, inspection of the installation site.

Important point! The date of the last inspection is noted not only in the log, but also on the fire extinguisher itself.

To do this, tags are attached to them. If the equipment is carbon dioxide or powder, then, in addition to this information, the tag should contain the mass of the charge and the cylinder. Each equipment must be accompanied by an instruction manual. She will tell you which fire extinguisher needs to be checked. For example, the service life of OPAN-50M fire extinguishers is 10 years. But this does not mean that they do not need to be checked every year.


To ensure that the internal contents of the equipment are always in order and that the fire extinguisher logbook always contains correct information, fire extinguishers must be periodically recharged. There is even a separate document about this - a log of testing and recharging fire extinguishers.

The duration of this recharge will depend on the type of substance filling the device. For water fire extinguishers, the recharge rate is once every 1 year, as for foam ones. Even if water with specialized additives is used, this rule always applies.

Recharging firefighting equipment every year is quite a hassle. If the manager (or the person responsible for fire safety) is not satisfied with this situation, then it is necessary to purchase carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguishers or equipment with freon for the safety of your premises.

In these three cases, fire extinguishers will have to be recharged no more than once every 5 years. However, you should monitor their condition and make notes on checks in the fire extinguisher log book with the same frequency - once a year.

Obviously, putting out a fire is the job of specialists: the fire service, which arrives when called. But there is always a chance to localize the fire at the very beginning - this is why primary fire extinguishing agents are used. In addition to the obvious - a fire extinguisher - these include fire shields equipped with:

  • crowbar;
  • hook;
  • bucket;
  • kit for cutting electrical wires;
  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • water storage tanks;
  • other items that allow you to localize the fire immediately after ignition.

The number and type of fire extinguishers and other items that must be available are determined depending on the fire hazard category established for the premises.

All PSPs, equipped in accordance with the requirements, must be recorded in a local document - below you can download a sample logbook for recording primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Filling rules

Form of the log book for primary fire extinguishing means of this document Rules fire protection regime in the Russian Federation it is designated as arbitrary - but there are expert recommendations. Usually the document records:

  • brand of fire extinguisher, its number, date of putting it into operation, location of its installation;
  • dates (inspection, maintenance, testing, recharging);
  • position, full name, signature of the responsible person.

Form for registering primary fire extinguishing equipment

We invite you to download a free logbook of primary fire extinguishing equipment - all you have to do is enter in the empty columns all the fire extinguishers at your disposal, as well as the dates of recharging.

How to fill out the journal

The table is quite simple to fill out. Simply enter information about fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishers in the appropriate cells.

Step 1. In the header, indicate information about the organization, and also indicate the date when you started keeping the journal.

Step 2. In the first column of the table, indicate the serial number of the record.

Step 3. Information for filling out the next three cells (name, area of ​​application, serial number and date of manufacture) can be found on the label.

Step 4. The last three recording cells are filled as needed, that is, when the memory bandwidth is recharged. In the penultimate cell you can specify the target date. And in the note - for example, the organization that did the recharging, or the warranty period, if it was issued.

Sample fire extinguishing equipment log book

Responsibility for maintaining

According to the already mentioned Rules, the manager is responsible for everything related to the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishers, including the establishment of a fire safety regime as a whole. However, by issuing a special order, the manager can prescribe all fire regulations, as well as delegate the authority to purchase, inspect and repair to one of the employees.

During the inspection, the inspector of the State Fire Supervision (SFP) will ask to see all the documentation that relates to his department, including the PSP Journal. The absence of this document is a typical gross violation of the law.

Checking fire fighting equipment

The frequency of checking and recharging fire extinguishers depends on the type of extinguishing agent used: it can be water, foam, powder, freon and carbon dioxide. During inspections the following tests are carried out:

  • pressure indicator and regulator;
  • knots for strength, name of organization;
  • chassis (if the fire extinguisher is mobile).

In addition, the complete set of the fire shield is checked for compliance with the inventory.

Shelf life

The deadlines are not defined by law, however, by analogy with documents for recording fire drills, it is recommended to store this fully completed document for 1 year with the person in charge and for 10 years in the archives of the organization.

Any enterprise, be it an office or production premises, must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means (PSP). These include items and materials that will help localize or eliminate incipient fires: fire extinguishers, sand, shovels, asbestos blanket, felt felt, bucket and water, internal fire hydrant, etc. Such a fire-fighting arsenal should be available to employees at any time, and fire extinguishers are in working order. The presence of primary fire extinguishing equipment is checked by representatives of fire supervision. PSP accounting is kept in special journals, which will be discussed further.

What are PSP accounting journals?

Logs are needed to record and control fire extinguishing equipment maintenance. The form of maintaining such documentation is arbitrary and is assigned to an employee of the organization by order of the head (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire safety regime” together with the “Rules of the fire safety regime in the Russian Federation”). The person responsible for the PSP accounting log must:

  • have the skills to maintain a housing record and fill it out;
  • know the rules of industrial safety;
  • take fire-technical minimum courses, which must be confirmed by a certificate of acquired knowledge.

Since the regulations do not have a uniform form for filling out the fire safety records, the fire inspector does not have the right to impose penalties for recording minimum data on fire safety records, or to impose uniform requirements for filling out fire records for all enterprises. However, in order to avoid comments from the fire inspector in the future, it is better to agree in advance with the employees of the local fire inspectorate about the procedure for filling out the fire safety log book.

Rules for filling out PSP accounting logs

As mentioned earlier, there is no generally established form of the fire extinguisher, but it must contain information about the technical characteristics of the equipment and PSP, columns for notes and notes on checking and recharging fire extinguishers, for the signature of the responsible person. The standard points in the Housing Code are:

  1. Serial number of the record.
  2. Name of PSP.
  3. Scope of application of PSP.
  4. PSP serial numbers and dates of their manufacture.
  5. Technical characteristics of PSP (weight, features appearance, presence of indicators, etc.).
  6. Dates of the last and subsequent recharge.
  7. Column for notes.
  8. Mark of the responsible person, his full name.

The PSP accounting log must be filled out carefully, using ink of the same color; mistakes and cross-outs are not allowed. If a mistake was made, it should be crossed out and the correct data written on a new line, and the signature of the responsible person should be next to the incorrect crossed out data.

It is important that the data on fire safety equipment coincide with those indicated in the technical documentation for fire fighting equipment. Before you start filling out the accounting log, you need to fill it out correctly:

  1. Sew the pages together with cord or thread.
  2. Place the knot on the back of the magazine and cover it with a small square piece of paper.
  3. On the attached piece of paper, indicate the number of sheets in the magazine and the date of its creation.
  4. Verify the firmware with the signature of the manager and the seal of the company, which should be located on the glued square, while capturing part of the last sheet of the magazine.

How long should ZhU be stored?

Registration of PSP accounting journals must be carried out with the assignment of the original inventory number. The fully completed journal is handed over to the archives and a new journal is drawn up. The old one must be kept in the archive for 45 years.

As for faulty fire extinguishers, a certificate of their unsuitability should be issued in specialized institutions. Relevant entries are made in the journal based on the received report, and the fire extinguishing agent is written off and disposed of by authorized organizations.

How to properly keep a log of primary fire extinguishing equipment is of interest to many managers and persons responsible for compliance with fire safety rules (hereinafter referred to as FFS).

The procedure for filling out its columns and other nuances related to making entries are regulated by the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Let's look in more detail at what information should be recorded in the log book of funds intended for extinguishing a fire.

What kind of magazine is this?

In each organization, the effectiveness of compliance with safety regulations is based on the development of measures to prevent fire and timely localization of the outbreak when it occurs.

They must take into account the specifics of each individual enterprise. In order to ensure reliable safety of products, equipment and other property from destruction by fire, the enterprise must equip places with primary fire control equipment to extinguish the flame and prevent its spread to other areas, and workers must be promptly notified of the occurrence of an emergency situation.

An important point when observing the fire safety regime is availability and operability of primary fire extinguishing means, which include fire extinguishers. This equipment must be checked promptly and periodically refilled with new substances. Information about the number of fire extinguishers and the facts of checking and refilling with new filler should be recorded in a log.

Legislative framework

For organizations, special standards have been approved, specified in "Fire Safety Rules of the Russian Federation". They set out the requirements for providing the required number of devices depending on individual needs, as well as location and operating rules. Among the main obligations is the need to fill out data in the logbook on the availability and use of fire-fighting equipment.

Since the regulations do not have strict requirements for the design of the logbook for filling out its columns, the fire inspector does not have the right to make demands on the creation of a unified form for all enterprises. He also cannot issue a fine if the book contains minimal information about the fire extinguishers available. But better than a magazine form agree in advance with the local GPN inspectorate, requesting the necessary information on how to correctly record data on the operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

An example of a journal. Information about each fire extinguisher can be reflected on separate sheets in the following order:

  • presence of a serial number;
  • installation location;
  • type of filler and its brand according to the passport data;
  • dates of manufacture and commissioning;
  • information about the manufacturer.

After entering the primary data from the passport into the header of the form, under it you need to draw a table in which all indicators relating to carrying out suitability checks devices:

  • dates of technical inspections and recharging of the vehicle;
  • appearance of the device and its individual parts;
  • device weight;
  • if there is a pressure indicator, then indicate the parameter that it displays on the measuring scale at each regular examination;
  • condition of the running parts of the mobile fire extinguisher;
  • what measures were taken regarding the detected deficiencies in the performance of the equipment;
  • Full name and position of the responsible person.

The log data must match the information in the passport attached to each device.

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Responsibility for maintaining

In production, control over fire extinguishers and, in accordance with this, recording data on their condition in the logbook is carried out by specially designated person. Responsibilities for fulfilling such requirements are assigned to the employee by order of the enterprise against signature of familiarization. He is entrusted with periodically carrying out performance checks, repairs, recharging fire extinguishers and recording the results of the work performed in a log.

Pay attention! When appointing a responsible person, it must be taken into account that a person must have skills and know the rules in the field, as well as be able to properly keep a log of fire extinguishers.

If there is no such person at the enterprise, then he needs undergo training at fire-technical minimum courses in a special institution that has the appropriate license. Knowledge in the field of industrial safety is confirmed by the presence of a certificate issued after completing the courses. You should ask your training instructor for all the necessary information about the form and rules for keeping a log of fire extinguishers in connection with the specialization of your enterprise.

Requirements for design, firmware and sealing

Before you start filling out the sheets, the journal must arrange correctly. To do this, you need to page it with cord or thread and seal the knot on back side album in a small square piece of paper. It is necessary to indicate the number of pages, put the manager’s signature and stamp on it.

On the glued square, write the following inscription: “The magazine contains __ sheets stitched, numbered and sealed.” This record must be certified by the head of the organization or another authorized employee.

Under visa indicate his position, initials, surname and date of creation of the journal. The main seal of the organization must be placed on top of the sealed sheet in such a way that its imprint is located partially on it and at the same time captures the last sheet of the magazine.

Making entries in this brochure are made in any form. The main thing is that the logbook of primary fire extinguishing equipment contains all the necessary technical information about the equipment itself, the results periodic checks, basic parameters, identified and resolved faults.

Filling procedure

Fill new magazine necessary after checking the serviceability of fire extinguishers.

Each device is assigned a number under which it is entered in the book. During the initial inspection, the complete set and the integrity of its elements should be checked. There should be no damage to the paintwork, and there should be placed on the cylinder body brief instructions with a description of the method of use and technical characteristics.

If inspection and control of the device shows compliance with all requirements, then the device is assigned a serial number, which is affixed to the case, and the basic data from the equipment passport is entered into the log.

According to most experts in the field of fire safety, it is necessary to place in the fire extinguisher logbook such information about the fire extinguisher:

  • brand and type of device;
  • gross weight;
  • marking of fire extinguishing agent;
  • number assigned by the industrial safety engineer at the enterprise;
  • date of manufacture and initial inspection;
  • gas cylinder pressure indicator;
  • location;
  • individual information about the responsible person;
  • signature of the employee monitoring the operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • dates and activities for surveys and recharging.

All other parameters relating to technical condition, malfunction of fire extinguisher parts, repairs, etc. can only be entered in the device passport.

Bug fixes

All entries in the journal must be kept accurately, without errors or corrections, preferably in the same color ink. If an error is made while entering information, then the data is incorrect must be crossed out and filled in parameters again from the next line. The crossed out line must contain the signature of the responsible person who is required to fill out the journal.

Shelf life

Logbooks for recording primary fire extinguishing equipment must be registered with the assignment of an individual inventory number. After all pages are completely filled out, it must be archived and a new journal must be issued. Shelf life magazine - 45 years.

If the fire extinguisher is impossible or impractical to use further for its intended purpose, then it must be obtained from specialized institutions certificate of unfitness. Based on the data in the report, an entry is made in the journal about the write-off of the fire extinguishing agent.

The fire extinguisher itself is needed recycle with the involvement of specialized institutions or used for instruction and obtaining the necessary skills, if the identified non-compliance of the technical condition with the requirements of regulatory and operational documents does not affect the safety of its use.

The rules for the use and accounting of primary fire extinguishing agents at enterprises are described in the following video story: