How to correctly use Miramistin in gynecology: methods. Miramistin in venereology Miramistin aerosol instructions for use

From this article you will learn:

  • Miramistin - reviews from doctors,
  • Miramistin solution and spray – price 2019, cheap analogues,
  • miramistin and chlorhexidine - what is the difference.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Miramistin is an antiseptic for local application. Its key advantage is its wide spectrum of action against most pathogenic bacteria, combined with activity against the herpes virus. The drug is sold ready for use, i.e. there is no need to dilute it with anything. It can be used in adults and children without age restrictions, but with one “but”...

The fact is that for the treatment of tonsillitis and pharyngitis, the drug can be used only from 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that spraying the spray on the tonsil area or in the throat - in a child under 3 years of age, liquid may enter the Airways. Thus, you can spray the spray on the oral mucosa from 0 years old, but on the tonsil area and throat - only from 3 years old.

Miramistin: application in dentistry and ENT

Miramistin not only has broad action against most pathogenic bacteria. Unlike most other antiseptics, it also has activity against the herpes virus. This makes it the first choice drug for the treatment of stomatitis in both children and adults. Miramistin instructions for use contain the following readings

Miramistin: price 2019

The price of the drug is indicated for 2019. Miramistin can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. Miramistin spray and Miramistin solution are sold in Russia. They are produced in the Moscow and Kaliningrad regions.

  • Miramistin ointment – ​​price from 170 rubles
    the drug (Fig. 2) is available in a 15 g tube. Unfortunately, on this moment the drug is produced and sold only in Ukraine and some CIS countries.

Miramistin: composition

The drug Miramistin has the simplest composition. The drug contains, in addition to water, only 1 active ingredient:

Miramistin: reviews

There are both positive and negative reviews on Miramistin. But if you take a closer look at the latter, most of them are associated exclusively with improper use of the drug. Let's give a few examples...

  • Example No. 1
    Having seen one or more erosions (aft) on the child’s oral mucosa, his mother, suspecting stomatitis, rushes to a bottle of Miramistin. After several days there are no results, and the pain and inflammation continue to increase. What’s the matter, because everywhere it is written that Miramistin works great for stomatitis.

    The reason is simple and banal - there are different types of stomatitis, and being effective against the herpes virus, Miramistin, of course, will be effective against the herpetic form of stomatitis. But against the second most common type, which is a manifestation of allergies and requires the use of desensitizing drugs, it will not be effective at all.

  • Example No. 2
    Another most common mistake is the incorrect use of the drug for gum inflammation. Bleeding and inflammation in the gums is caused by microbial plaque and tartar. Antiseptic rinses without elimination causative factor inflammation will only lead to a temporary reduction in the severity of symptoms.

    After a short time, the inflammation will flare up again, and much stronger than before. Therefore, before treating your gums, it is necessary to treat all teeth. Only after this should antiseptic rinses and applications with anti-inflammatory gels be carried out (website).

Advantages of Miramistin -

1) Good antimicrobial activity (effective against most pathogenic bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative), as well as fungi of the genus Candida.

2) Acts on the herpes virus, due to which this remedy - the best option from rinses for stomatitis (but only its herpetic form).

Miramistin spray: instructions for use

Below we will tell you how to optimally use Miramistin for irrigating the mouth and throat, or for traditional mouth rinsing, in both children and adults. Miramistin spray instructions for use contain the following instructions...

First you need to activate the spray nozzle –

1) remove the cap from the bottle,
2) remove the sprayer from the packaging,
3) attach it to the bottle,
4) Activate the spray nozzle by double pressing.

Important: One press of the spray nozzle releases approximately 4 ml of solution. The frequency of use is 3-4 times a day (regardless of age). The scheme is something like this: eat, brush your teeth, rinse or irrigate. If we are not talking about treating the throat, but about rinsing the mouth, then the duration of the latter is optimal at 30-60 seconds.

Course of use: for gum inflammation - strictly 10 days, for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis - until clinical recovery (but not more than 10 days), for tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs - from 4 to 10 days.

Use in adults and children over 14 years of age –

Rinsing/irrigation is carried out 3-4 times a day. 1 procedure requires 10-15 ml of solution, which corresponds to 3-4 clicks on the spray nozzle. Duration of the course of therapy – see above, but not more than 10 days.

Miramistin instructions for children –

  • Miramistin for children up to one year (up to 3 years) –
    important: Miramistin instructions for use in children indicate the undesirability of using this antiseptic in children under 3 years of age, but only when it comes to treating the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that children themselves younger age older children do not know how to rinse their mouths and spit out the solution, which means there is a risk of choking.

    There are no age restrictions for use outside the oral cavity. However, when used in the oral cavity, you can avoid this threat if you treat stomatitis or sore gums- using a gauze swab moistened with Miramistin solution.

  • In children 3-6 years of age -
    Miramistin can be used without restrictions. When treating the mouth and throat, it is best to use a spray nozzle. At this age, 3-4 ml of solution is sufficient for one irrigation, which corresponds to only one press on the spray head. Remember that regardless of age, treatment is carried out 3-4 times a day.
  • For children 7-14 years old -
    there are no restrictions. At this age, one procedure requires 5-7 ml of solution, which corresponds to two clicks on the spray nozzle (frequency of procedures - 3-4 times a day).

Miramistin: indications for use

Miramistin - instructions for use contain the following main indications... We will analyze them in detail so that you understand how best to use the drug, as well as its pros and cons.

  • For herpetic stomatitis (Fig.8,9) –
    the drug is used in the composition complex therapy herpetic stomatitis, but you need to understand that miramistin alone is not enough for treatment. In addition to antiseptic rinses, antiviral agents and immunostimulating drugs are needed here.

    The treatment regimen for stomatitis foci with Miramistin is to treat stomatitis foci on the oral mucosa by rinsing (about 1 minute) or using a spray nozzle 3-4 times a day for 7 days. You can also wet a gauze swab with the solution and treat the lesions with it (this method is best used in the youngest patients).

    Read about how to properly treat stomatitis here -

  • For inflammation of the gums (Fig. 10,11) –
    Miramistin can be used in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, but only as part of complex therapy, and not as the main remedy. The cause of gum inflammation is always soft microbial plaque and hard dental deposits (tartar). Without removing them, i.e. Without removing the cause of inflammation, any treatment will be in vain.

    Therefore, before carrying out a course of antiseptic rinses, it is necessary to remove plaque and tartar. After this, it is already possible to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy, which may include antiseptic rinses with miramistin, but the effect will be much better if, immediately after rinsing, anti-inflammatory applications are applied to the gums.

    If you start using antiseptics and antibiotics without removing dental plaque, then the symptoms of inflammation will certainly decrease, but the inflammation will simply proceed unnoticed, and then one “fine” day you will notice tooth mobility, which will be a consequence of long-term low-grade inflammation and atrophy bone tissue around the teeth.

  • After tooth extraction, after opening the gumboil
    antiseptic rinses may be required: if teeth are removed due to inflammation, or you have carious teeth and dental deposits in the oral cavity, infection of which can lead to suppuration blood clot.

    If after tooth extraction there is persistent pain in the socket area, swelling of the gums, bad smell, then most likely you have a blood clot that has suppurated, or there is simply no blood clot in the socket (it may not have formed or may have fallen out). will include rinsing, but only after the doctor has cleaned the hole and put a special medicine there.

    However, as we said above, there is no point in using expensive Miramistin, either after tooth extraction or when treating gums. For these pathologies, a Chlorhexidine solution for 20 rubles will be even more effective, because its antimicrobial activity is slightly higher. It makes sense to buy expensive Miramistin only for viral herpetic stomatitis, here it is truly irreplaceable.

Miramistin during pregnancy -

Miramistin instructions for pregnancy and breastfeeding indicate the complete safety of the drug in this group of patients. For example, during pregnancy, miramistin can be sprayed into the throat from a spray nozzle quite calmly, because the drug has only superficial activity and is not absorbed at all through the mucous membrane.

The only condition for use in pregnant and lactating women is that the drug should not be swallowed. The same applies to traditional mouth rinses and treatment of wound surfaces on the skin. We hope that our article on the topic: Miramistin instructions for use price - turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional,
2. Personal experience working as a dental surgeon, periodontist,
3. “Therapeutic dentistry. Textbook" (Borovsky E.V.),

Miramistin antiseptic throat spray has a wide spectrum of action. It has antiviral properties and is active against complex viruses - human immunodeficiency, herpes, etc. The unique composition of Miramistin allows it to effectively fight, including hospital strains that are resistant to antibiotics. The instructions for using Miramistin for the throat also indicate the possibility of using the drug to activate regeneration processes. The composition of Miramistin throat spray prevents infection of burns and wounds, adsorbs purulent exudate without damaging viable skin cells.

The price of Miramistin spray depends on the manufacturer.

1. Pharmacological action

Drug group:
The drug Miramistin for external use from the group of antiseptics.

Bacterial activity:

  • Streptococci of various groups;
  • Staphylococci of various groups;
  • Causative agents of trichomoniasis;
  • Pathogens of chlamydia;
  • Causative agents of gonorrhea;
  • Causative agents of syphilis;
  • All gram-positive bacteria;
  • All gram-negative bacteria;
  • All aerobic bacteria;
  • All anaerobic bacteria;
  • All spore-forming bacteria;
  • All asporogenous bacteria.
Antifungal activity:
  • Actinomycetes of various species;
  • Yeast-like pathogenic fungi;
  • Dermatophytes of various types.
Therapeutic effects of Miramistin:
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Increased permeability cell membranes pathogenic microflora;
  • Acceleration of the immune nonspecific response;
  • Acceleration of wound healing.
Miramistin practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation.

2. indications for use

Use of the drug in dermatovenerological practice:


  • genital;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis.
Application in dermatological practice:


  • streptoderma;
  • mycoses of the feet;
  • candidomycosis of the mucous membranes;
  • keratomycosis;
  • staphyloderma;
  • mycoses of large folds;
  • candidomycosis skin;
  • dermatomycosis of smooth skin;
  • onychomycosis.
Application in surgical practice:


  • bedsores;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • frostbite;
  • deep third degree burns;
  • fistulas;
  • postoperative festering wounds;
  • deep second degree burns;
  • various infected wounds;
  • superficial third degree burns;
  • superficial second degree burns.
Application in urological practice:

Complex treatment:

  • acute inflammation of the urethra;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chronic inflammation of the urethra;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • urethroprostatitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra of unknown origin;
  • urethroprostatitis of unknown origin.
Use of the drug in gynecological practice:

Treatment with Miramistin:

  • various wounds of the perineum;
  • various inflammatory diseases genitals;
  • various vaginal wounds;
  • various suppurations of the genital organs;
  • postpartum infections.

Application in otolaryngological practice:

Complex treatment:
  • sinusitis;
  • Chronic otitis media.
Application in dental practice:
  • Treatment , ;
  • Processing of removable dentures.
Application in general practice:

3. Method of application

Miramistin in the form of a solution for topical use:
  • treatment of urethroprostatitis: up to 5 ml of the drug inside the urethra;
  • : up to 5 ml of the drug inside the urethra;
  • emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in women: up to 10 ml of solution inside the vagina together with treatment of the external genitalia with a gauze swab no later than two hours after sexual contact;
  • emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in men: one ml of the drug inside the urethra along with treatment of the external genitalia with a gauze swab no later than two hours after sexual contact;
  • treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women: daily vaginal tamponade;
  • treatment purulent inflammation ear: 2 ml of the drug into the external auditory canal;
  • treatment: gargling with a solution up to six times a day;
  • treatment: gargling with a solution up to six times a day;
  • treatment of sinusitis: copious rinsing of the maxillary sinus after removing the pus.
Miramistin in the form of ointment for external use:

Use of the drug for treatment:

  • purulent wounds: completely fill the wound sinus with ointment once every few days until complete cure;
  • deeply located purulent process: completely fill the wound sinus every few days until complete healing, together with antibacterial treatment;
  • various skin diseases: apply the ointment to the affected areas twice a day for two months;
  • various infectious lesions located under the nail plate: completely fill the wound cavity, having previously peeled off the affected nail.
Features of application:
  • It is possible to use the drug in any form in the form of applications;
  • Miramistin in any form should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

4. Side effects

Local manifestations: short-term burning sensation at the site of Miramistin application.

5. Contraindications

  • Hypersensitivity to Miramistin or its components;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant women can use the drug in any form as directed by a specialist.

Nursing mothers can use Miramistin in any form as directed by a specialist.

7. Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of Miramistin with various antibacterial drugs leads to the emergence of resistance in pathogenic microflora that were previously sensitive to them.

8. Overdose

Information about significant symptoms overdose is not provided at this time.

9. Release form

Solution,0.01% - vial. 50 ml, 150 ml.
Ointment (MIRAMISTIN-DARNITSA), 0.5% - tubes of 15, 20 or 30 g.

10. Storage conditions

  • Inaccessible place for children and strangers;
  • Normal level of humidity in the room;
  • Complete lack of access to sunlight.
Recommended storage temperature for Miramistin- should not exceed room temperature.
  • in the form of an ointment for external use - for two years;
  • in the form of a solution for topical use - for three years.

11. Composition

1 liter of solution:

  • benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate (miramistin) - 100 mg;
  • Excipients: purified water.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

Many of us are used to dealing with cuts of any complexity using alcohol solution, regular alcohol or brilliant green. However, few people know that such manipulations not only cause pain, but also literally destroy all cells exposed to the solution.

The demand and price of Miramistin are explained by the fact that it is able to heal wounds in a shorter time, without negative consequences. The composition of the drug does not contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body.

The spray can be used for:

  • Fight against pathogenic microbes of various origins. It destroys even those bacteria that are not affected by ethyl alcohol and cause serious complications.
  • The instructions for use of the drug allow its use for stimulation immune system- without resorting to unnecessary help chemical compounds, the body's cells cope with microorganisms in a natural way.
  • In gynecological, urological, surgical, dermatovenerological, dermatological practices.

The drug has no categorical contraindications, which makes it possible to use it during pregnancy and for the treatment of small children. It causes only local reactions - even in patients prone to medication allergic reactions, will not experience serious discomfort (only discomfort in the area of ​​application, without spreading to other departments).

Presented on our website detailed instructions on the use of the spray and current prices for the drug.

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* Instructions for medical use to the drug Miramistin has been published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Detailed instructions for the use of Miramistin in the form of a spray, ointment and solution for children and adults. Presented in a form accessible to readers.

Miramistin is one of the best modern antiseptics produced in three forms: ointment, solution, spray. The drug is able to resist different types pathogenic microorganisms: pathogenic viruses, yeast-like fungi, bacteria, pathogens of gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as protozoa.

Miramistin contains a special formula that penetrates under the membranes of microorganisms and disrupts the integrity, as a result of which the microbes die. At the same time, Miramistin is absolutely safe and even beneficial for the human body: active substance The drug restores the protective properties of the skin and disinfects it, without penetrating into the blood. Miramistin does not affect management vehicles, does not change human consciousness and can be used to treat pregnant women and children.

The spectrum of action of miramistin is extensive:

  • in the venereological field, the drug is used to prevent sexually transmitted infections;
  • dermatologists use it to disinfect the skin and treat ailments such as dermatitis, mycoses, eczema;
  • in the field of surgery, this product is used to disinfect wounds, treat bedsores, ulcers, fistulas, postoperative suppuration, burns varying degrees, frostbite;
  • urologists use the drug to treat urethritis of various forms, specific and nonspecific urethroprostatitis;
  • in gynecology, miramistin is used to treat wounds in the vagina and perineum, purulent postpartum lesions and infectious foci;
  • for ENT diseases (sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis, tonsillitis), the drug is useful for complex antibacterial therapy;
  • Dentists use the product to treat the oral cavity for stomatitis and to wash removable dentures.

Miramistin is widely used at home, especially in the off-season, when sore throat, flu and cold viruses are common.

Miramistin contains no additives (dyes, preservatives, or other substances), so it does not irritate the eyes, oral cavity and nasal mucosa. Therefore, the drug has an expanded range of applications. Its benefits are very high and its safety is maximum. Miramistin is relatively inexpensive, given that it can fight almost any infection.

Release forms

Miramistin – spray

The spray is a clear, odorless liquid. It is used mainly for irrigation of mucous membranes, as well as for treating wounds by spraying. True, the lid with the spray nozzle can be easily unscrewed, which allows you to use the spray as a mouthwash. But a nebulizer is necessary in order to selectively apply the drug to the site of inflammation. The spray is very convenient for treating children.

Miramistin – solution

The colorless solution is odorless and forms a thick foam when shaken. Miramistin solution is best suited for urological procedures; the bottle is equipped with a urological applicator. But this form of the drug can also be used to gargle or treat wounds.

Miramistin - ointment

The ointment has White color and is available in an aluminum tube of 15 or 30g. Suitable for treating wounds and preparing compresses, as well as for the treatment of dermatological diseases.

A patient prescribed Miramistin must strictly follow the instructions for using the drug in any form.

Miramistin spray: instructions for use

Used to treat sore throats, wounds, skin inflammations, in gynecology and otolaryngology

According to the instructions for using miramistin in the form of a spray, first of all, you need to remove the protective cap from the bottle and attach a special sprayer to the neck. This attachment must be activated by pressing. Now the product is ready for procedures. If you press the sprayer once, approximately 4 ml of product will be released, this must be taken into account when dosing.

  • To treat a cold and sore throat, the spray should be used up to 5 times a day. Each procedure requires about 15 ml of solution, which corresponds to 4-5 sprays. The duration of spray treatment is up to 10 days.
  • To treat wounds, inflammations and burns, they are irrigated with the drug up to 5 times a day for a month or until improvements are noticeable.
  • Women in the postpartum period need to spray the vagina with the product for a week.
  • For purulent sinusitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis, treat the throat with a spray up to 5 times a day for a week or two. It is advisable to spray the throat after eating and subsequent brushing of teeth, this will reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth and throat.
  • To treat urological diseases, the drug is injected into the urethra twice a day, the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • For inflammation of the gums, the spray is used for 10 days, no more. For the treatment of herpes (stomatitis) - until the first signs of improvement appear, but also no more than 10 days.

Solution: application

A Miramistin bottle with a urological attachment is used in the treatment of urological and venereal diseases. Detailed diagram Application in each case must be agreed with a doctor.

  1. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, Miramistin should be used no later than 2 hours after sex. Application should be carried out purposefully and clearly. Men need to inject a small amount of the drug into the urethra for 3 minutes, women - into the urethra and vagina. This is done using the included urological attachment. The solution must also be applied to the skin of the genitals and thighs. After treatment, you should not urinate for up to 2 hours.
  2. To treat stomatitis and other infectious diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to rinse with the solution 4-5 times a day, using up to 15 ml of the drug. Apply until the first signs of improvement, but no more than 10 days.
  3. In anti-acne therapy, problem areas on the skin are treated with a cotton pad soaked in a solution.
  4. For inflammation of the gums, rinse the mouth with the solution 3 times a day for 10 days.
  5. For surgical and traumatological purposes, the surface of wounds and burns is treated with gauze swabs soaked in miramistin. Procedures are carried out up to 3 times a day, for a course of up to 5 days. Large wounds are drained with the drug; the daily volume of the procedure is up to 1 liter of dissolved drug.
  6. In case of purulent sinusitis, before puncture of the sinus, it is washed with a solution. After the puncture procedure, the patient independently rinses the sinus at home using a tube inserted through the puncture.

How to apply the ointment

This form of the drug is mainly used for surgical purposes - for disinfection and treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, fistulas, postoperative sutures and other similar conditions. At the second stage of therapy, the ointment is used to prevent new infection of healing wounds.

Update: October 2018

Miramistin is a drug from the group of cationic antiseptics that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and local immunoadjuvant effects. The antiseptic has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, protozoa, fungi and bacteria: the drug destroys the outer shell of microorganisms and thereby leads to their death. The local immunostimulating effect is associated with the activation of phagocytic cells (macrophages and phagocytes).

The instructions for use of Miramistin indicate that this antiseptic is intended for local, external use. Miramistin has a wide spectrum of action against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including hospital bacterial strains with resistance to antibacterial drugs and pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, explains the widespread use of the drug. The use of Miramistin for prophylactic purposes is prescribed for burns and wounds in order to prevent their infection and accelerate regeneration. It is noteworthy that the drug does not damage granulations and living skin cells, does not cause allergies or irritation.

Pharmaceutical group: Antiseptic for local and external use.

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

Dosage form – solution 0.01%, transparent, colorless, foams when shaken. Available in 50, 150 or 500 ml, packaged in a polyethylene bottle with a urological applicator (50 ml) or a spray nozzle (Miramistin Spray) (150 ml).

solution/spray ointment
Operating basis: Composition (per 1 liter of solution): benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate, 100 mg;

Also available in soft dosage form: Miramistin ointment, the instructions for use of which indicate the following composition:

in 1 g of ointment – ​​5 mg of miramistin;

Excipient: purified water to a volume of 1 liter. propylene glycol, disodium edetate, macrogol 400, 1500 and 6000, proxanol 268, purified water.
  • 50 ml: 180 – 230 rub;
  • 150 ml: 320-350 rub;
  • 500 ml: 730-880 rub.

Available in cans of 1000 g or in tubes of 15 and 30 g.

Price: 80-100 rub.
Produced in Ukraine, it is difficult to find in Russian pharmacies.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a pronounced detrimental effect on:

  • gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp., etc.) and gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., pneumoniae, Streptococcus spp., etc.) organisms;
  • nosocomial strains of bacteria;
  • fungi from the genus Penicillium, Aspergillus, yeast (Torulopsis gabrata, Rhodotorula rubra, etc.) and yeast-like (Candida krusei, albicans, tropicalis, etc.), dermatophytes (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, verrucosum, schoenleini, violacent, etc.);
  • fungi that are resistant to chemotherapy drugs;
  • viruses, including the causative agent of herpes, human immunodeficiency;
  • STI pathogens (Treponema spp., Chlamydia spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, etc.);

Miramistin has a number of positive effects:

  • Prevents infection of burn surfaces and wounds;
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • Stimulates local protection by activating the digestive and absorption functions of phagocytes;
  • Potentiates the work of the monocyte-macrophage system;
  • Characterized by hyperosmolar activity, stopping perifocal and wound inflammation;
  • Promotes the absorption of purulent exudate, thereby accelerating the formation of a dry scab;
  • Does not destroy the marginal epithelization of wound surfaces.


Not absorbed through the wound surface, skin and mucous membranes when applied topically.


Solution (Spray)

In surgical and traumatological practice:

  • therapy of purulent wounds and prevention of suppuration;
  • treatment of purulent-inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

In gynecological and obstetric practice:

  • prevention and treatment of suppuration of postpartum injuries, wound surfaces in the vagina and perineum;
  • treatment and prevention inflammatory processes female genital area, such as endometritis, vulvovaginitis.

In combustiology:

  • treatment of 2nd and 3A degree burns (deep and superficial);
  • preparation of burn surfaces for dermatoplasty;

In dermatology and venereology:

  • treatment and prevention of dermatomycosis, pyoderma and candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes and mycoses of the feet;
  • individual prevention of STIs (, etc.);

In urology:

  • complex therapy of urethroprostatitis in both acute and chronic course, having a specific and non-specific nature.

Application in dentistry:

  • prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity: periodontitis, periodontitis;
  • processing of removable dentures.

In otorhinolaryngology:

  • complex therapy, tonsillitis,;
  • complex therapy acute pharyngitis or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in children 3-14 years old.


Application in surgery:

  • therapy of infected wound surfaces in phase 1 wound process(, purulent foci, trophic ulcers);
  • prevention of re-infection of healing wounds in phase 2.

Application in combustiology:

  • therapy for burns of 2-3A degrees, both superficial and deep, as well as frostbite;
  • during the preparation of burn surfaces for skin grafting.

Application in dermatology:

  • therapy of strepto- and staphyloderma, candidomycosis of the mucous membranes and skin, mycoses of large skin folds and feet, keratomycosis and onychomycosis.

For preventive purposes:

  • prevention of infection in minor injuries.


Miramistin should not be used in the form of a solution for hypersensitivity. Not used to treat children under 3 years of age.

The ointment is also not used in case of hypersensitivity to the components. The ointment is not used in children under one year of age and in pediatric practice in general.

There are no data on the use of Miramistin during breastfeeding, while Miramistin solution may be prescribed during pregnancy.

Solution dosage

For adults

Application in traumatology, combustiology, surgery for preventive and therapeutic purposes: irrigate the surface of burns, wounds, tamponate fistulas and wounds (not tightly), fix sterile tampons soaked in solution. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 times per day, about 3-5 days in a row. For drainage of cavities and wounds, the daily consumption of the drug is 1000 ml.

Application in gynecology, obstetrics in order to prevent infection in the postpartum period: irrigate the vagina 5-7 days before delivery, during childbirth after each vaginal examination and in postpartum period: 50 ml per 1 tampon, exposure 2 hours, 5 days in a row.

When delivering by method caesarean section treat the vagina before surgery. During the intervention, the uterine cavity and incision are treated. After the operation, tampons soaked in Miramistin are inserted into the vagina for 2 hours for 7 days.

Treatment of diseases of an inflammatory nature is carried out over a course of 2 weeks. Use vaginal tampons and...

To prevent sexually transmitted infections Miramistin must be used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse. The contents of the bottle are carefully introduced into the urethra with an exposure of 2-3 minutes: men 2-3 ml, women 1-2 ml + 5-10 ml into the vagina. After administering the solution, it is advisable not to urinate for 2 hours. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out hygiene of the external genitalia, and also treat the skin of the inner surfaces of the thighs, pubic area and genitals with Miramistin.

Complex therapy of urethritis and urethroprostatitis: 2-3 ml of the drug is injected into the urethra 1-2 times a day. Course 10 days.

Application in otolaryngology. During treatment purulent sinusitis during puncture of the maxillary sinus - rinsing the cavity with a sufficient amount of the drug (to clean water).

For the throat: treatment of tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Rinse or irrigate using a special spray nozzle: 2-3 presses per 1 procedure (approximately 10-15 ml), 3-4 times a day.

Application in dentistry– treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. Rinse the mouth with the drug in an amount of 10-15 ml 3-4 times a day.

For children

For the treatment of acute pharyngitis or exacerbation– irrigation of the pharynx using a spray nozzle:

  • children 3-6 years old: single press with a frequency of 3-4 times a day (3-5 ml per procedure);
  • children 7-14 years old: double pressing with a frequency of 3-4 times a day (5-7 ml per procedure);
  • children over 14 years old: press three or four times 3-4 times a day (10-15 ml per procedure).

Duration of use is from 4 to 10 days.

Ointment dosage

The ointment is applied to a surface pre-treated with an antiseptic and applied on top. dressing or a bandage. Tampons soaked in ointment are used to fill fistulas and cavities of purulent wounds.

In phase 1 of the wound process - once a day, in phase 2 once for 1-3 days. The course of treatment is determined by the speed of purulent wound cleansing and tissue regeneration.

In dermatological practice, the ointment is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer, several times a day. You can soak a sterile bandage and apply it to the injury (1-2 times a day). Use for up to 6 weeks in a row.

Rules for using Miramistin

The drug is completely ready for use.

Using a bottle with a spray nozzle:

  1. remove the cap;
  2. remove the nozzle from the packaging and attach it to the bottle;
  3. activate the sprayer by clicking on it 2 times.

Adverse reactions

IN in some cases a burning sensation may be felt at the site of application of the solution, which disappears after 15-20 seconds. Local allergic reactions may develop.

Soap solutions inactivate the effect of the ointment.


No data available.

Drug interactions

In combination with antibiotics, their antibacterial properties are enhanced.


The drug has no analogues in composition. Conditional analogue according to pharmacological action and Chlorhexidine can be considered indications, but Miramistin is more modern drug, has a wider spectrum of action and fewer contraindications.

Miramistin solution is one of the domestic antiseptics. Development of this effective remedy was carried out back in the 70s of the last century by Professor Krivoshein and a group of researchers from Russia and Ukraine.

Due to various political events in the USSR scientific work often stopped due to lack of funding.

Therefore, the drug was registered as medicine only in 1991.

Composition with description of components

Miramistin in the form of a solution is a clear liquid without a distinct odor. Main

Active ingredient formula

component medication is benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate, purified water is also present.

The antiseptic is produced in opaque bottles of 150 ml. There are also bottles equipped with various spray nozzles depending on the area of ​​application of the medicinal composition.

Pharmacological effect

The drug has a powerful antiseptic effect and effectively fights various pathogenic organisms. It is able to neutralize streptococci and staphylococci, and also destroys the following types of pathogenic bacteria:

  • spore-forming;
  • gram-positive and gram-negative;
  • asporogenous;
  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

This antiseptic also affects a number of microorganisms that provoke sexually transmitted diseases, namely, it destroys the following types of bacteria:

  • chlamydia;
  • Treponema;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gonococci.

In addition, the composition is widely used for fungal diseases and for wound healing.

Indications for use in dentistry and ENT practice

Miramistin solution is used in many branches of medicine, including dentistry (for topical use and rinsing) and in otorhinolaryngology (for ENT diseases) for gargling.

Indications for use in dental practice are the following diseases:

  • other infectious origin.

The solution is also widely used for antibacterial treatment.

In otorhinolaryngology, Miramistin solution is used to gargle the throat, nasal cavity and oral mucosa for the following diseases:

  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • angina.

The dosage and regimen depends on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

The drug should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredients of the drug.

Application in other areas of medicine

Miramistin solution has found application in other areas of medicine:

  1. Venereology and dermatology. The product is effective against dermatomycosis, pyoderma, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as for thrush of the genital organs.
  2. obstetrics and gynecology. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs of an infectious and inflammatory nature, as well as for the treatment of injuries received during childbirth.
  3. Urology. Prescribed for urethritis and urethroprostatitis in acute and chronic form.
  4. Traumatology and surgery. Indicated as a preventive and therapeutic agent against wound suppuration, as well as for diseases of the musculoskeletal system of purulent-inflammatory origin.

In addition, the drug is used as a means for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and in the treatment of burns.

Application and dosage regimen

Features of the use of Miramistin will depend on the field of medicine and the specific disease.

Dental field

In dental practice, the antiseptic Miramistin in the form of a solution is used in accordance with the following recommendations and instructions:

  • at And treatment with the composition is advisable only after the enamel has been cleaned of and;
  • during treatment, the product is used for rinsing in combination with immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, the procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 1 minute;
  • after or autopsy“baths” with an antiseptic are shown: you need to take a tablespoon of solution into your mouth and hold for at least 1 minute;
  • at fungal diseases of the oral cavity Miramistin is used both for rinsing the mouth and throat, and for topical use to treat the mucous membrane with a cotton swab;
  • in order to disinfect, you need to first clean them and then apply an antiseptic.

For ENT diseases, the drug is used for rinsing and local treatment, as well as for rinsing the nose. It is necessary to use an antiseptic 3-4 times a day, 10-15 ml of the product per 1 procedure. Dosages and dosage regimens may vary depending on the nature of the disease and the age of the patient.

In other branches of medicine, the product is used for external treatment or as a liquid for douching (for example, in the treatment gynecological diseases or prevention of sexually transmitted infections).

Use in childhood

Prescribing the drug to children under 3 years of age is prohibited. In other cases, for dental and otorhinolaryngological diseases, the drug is used 3-4 times a day in the following dosages:

  • age from 3 to 6 years– 4–5 ml of the substance per procedure;
  • age from 7 to 14 years– 5–7 ml per application;
  • age from 14 years– 10–15 ml at a time.

The course of treatment is 4–10 days, depending on the nature of the disease and the condition of the child.

Application by women - goals and methods

The drug has found wide use in obstetrics and gynecology. Miramistin solution is used in a number of cases, including:

  • as a solution for douching for fungal and bacterial infections (in some cases best effect achieved from the use of tampons with a solution);
  • How prophylactic against the development of infections after childbirth (tampons are placed in the vagina for 1.5–2 hours daily, the course of therapy is 7 days, douching is also possible);
  • for processing the incision during caesarean section;
  • for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (the solution should be inserted into the vagina no later than 1.5–2 hours after sexual intercourse).

Some patients noted a slight burning sensation in the vagina after using the drug, but in most cases the composition was well tolerated.

Side effects and special instructions

When used in dental, otorhinolaryngological and gynecological practice, the drug may cause a slight short-term burning sensation.

When treating the skin, in some cases redness and itching occurs, but there is no need to discontinue the drug.

If the medication is applied to a large area of ​​skin, it can penetrate into the blood, which increases bleeding. In such situations, it is better to discontinue the drug.

When using an antiseptic, it is important to prevent it from getting into your eyes. If such a nuisance occurs, the solution is washed off with plenty of water, and to avoid possible problems, you should visit a doctor.

We asked - we answer

The most popular questions on the topic of using Miramistin in certain cases.

Can Miramistin be used during pregnancy?

This drug is indicated for use during pregnancy and lactation only as prescribed by a doctor. It is most often used as a rinse or for nasal drops.

How to properly gargle with an antiseptic?

Most often, the volume of rinsing product does not exceed 20 ml at a time. You need to keep the solution in your mouth for at least 1 minute and carry out the procedure 3 to 4 times a day. More detailed instructions can be obtained from your doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the disease.

What to do if you accidentally swallowed the composition?

If during the procedure part of the drug was swallowed, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition and seek medical help if the condition worsens at the slightest.

How to treat your nose with Miramistin?

Most often, the nasal mucosa is treated with a small amount of the drug (a spray nozzle can be used). The frequency of procedures and the permitted dosage are determined by the attending physician.

Is antiseptic dangerous for infants?

The drug is prohibited for use in children under 3 years of age. But in some cases, doctors recommend using Miramistin for external treatment of areas of the baby’s body that need disinfection. You cannot use the drug without the permission of a specialist.

I have an opinion

Doctor's opinion and patient reviews about the effectiveness and safety of Miramistin in the form of a solution.

I am a pediatrician and recommend Miramistin for treatment oral cavity for sore throats and ARVI. This composition copes well with pathogenic bacteria, does not cause allergies and is practically tasteless and odorless. This is very important for young patients.

Pediatrician, 21 years of practice

I often get a sore throat and in such cases this solution is a first aid remedy for me. In addition to a weak throat, I also have allergies; before I tried Miramistin, I was exhausted with by different means. And this antiseptic suited me perfectly, I am satisfied.

Alina, 34

The dentist prescribed this composition to me, but I didn’t want to use it, I only tried it once. To be honest, I was confused low price, only 150 rubles. Can good and safe remedy is it so cheap?

Nina, 41

Purchase and analogues

The price of the solution depends on the volume of packaging and the manufacturing company; on average, Miramistin costs from 140–270 rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription.

The shelf life of the composition is 3 years.

It must be stored out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

Analogues of the drug include the following antiseptics:

  • Dekasan;
  • Octenisept.

Their cost may vary both up and down.

However, what drug can be used to replace Miramistin in a given situation must be decided by the attending physician.