How to properly use Liarsin to treat a dog? Liarsine for dogs: instructions for use, release form, dosage Drops for oral use

Liarsin is a broad-spectrum homeopathic Russian remedy for dogs and many other animals. The drug contains arsenic, phosphorus and lycopodium. Also alkaloids: phytosterol, lycopodine, oil consisting of glycerides of oleic, stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, lycopodic, dihydroxystearic and tanacetic acids.

Liarsin is a broad-spectrum homeopathic Russian remedy for dogs and many other animals.

The medicine is used for diseases such as:

  • metabolic disorders in the animal's body;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract ();
  • poisoning;
  • joint pain ();
  • degenerative diseases kidneys and liver;
  • acute and chronic skin diseases;
  • prevention of age-related diseases, etc.

The medicine is designed so that it has a good effect on the entire body of the pet.

Instructions for use of the drug

The medicine is available in two formats: tablets and solutions.

Use of tablets

When dosing tablets, base your dog's weight and condition on it. If your weight is less than ten kilograms, give one tablet per day. If your weight is between ten kilograms and twenty kilograms, give two tablets a day. From twenty kilograms to thirty-five kilograms, give three tablets at a time. From thirty-five kilograms to fifty kilograms, four tablets at a time.

During treatment, Liarsin in tablet form is given for no more than a month.

IN medicinal purposes The pills are given forcibly for no longer than a month. IN severe cases During treatment, the drug is consumed about three times a day. The tablet can be taken with food.

Applications of the solution

Liarsine solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. When administering an injection, the dose is calculated as 0.1 ml per kilogram of body weight. The dose at a time is a maximum of four milliliters.

Important. The duration of treatment is a maximum of three weeks.

Three times a year, once a day, for no longer than a month, injections are administered to improve the quality of life and well-being of old pets. This therapy will really serve well as a preventive measure for the occurrence of diseases. The solution is administered to puppies after changing food to prevent diarrhea.

Methods of administration: intramuscularly back thighs or under the skin in the withers area.

Scheme of drug use

Indications Injections subcutaneously or intramuscularly Pills
At chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract One to three times a day for about two to four weeks Twice a day for about two to four weeks
Colic, constipation Once a day for about two to four weeks Once a day for about two to four weeks
Prevention Once a day for about a month. Repeat the course two to three times a year Twice a day for about a month. Repeat the course two to three times a year
Chronic skin diseases Once - twice a day fourteen - twenty-one days Two to three times a day for three to four weeks

Liarsin price for dogs

The drug Liarsin in tablets costs from 200 to 250 rubles for 50 pieces of 0.1 g each.

Liarsine solution for injection is in the same price category for 10 ml.

The cost of Liarsin in tablet form varies from 200 to 250 rubles for 50 pieces.

Side effects, shelf life, analogues, storage

If the drug is used according to the instructions, no side effects will appear. Individual intolerance to the drug is the only contraindication. But with large and long-term use, there is a risk that arsenic will accumulate in the tissues, so in order to avoid bad consequences, it is better to adhere to the drug use regimen. After consumption of liarsine there is no observed side effects in the form of diarrhea.

The drug is stored in solution for injection for three years, in tablets for five years.

Important. Analogs medicinal product No.

Store the drug at a temperature of 0 to 25˚C out of the reach of children.

Unfortunately, our pets get sick too. But treating them is much more difficult than treating people. The drugs must act more gently, and the owner must act more inventively, so that the animal takes the medicine. The article will discuss the treatment of problems with gastrointestinal system animals with the drug "Liarsin".

How the drug works

The functioning of the whole organism depends on the metabolic process. If a failure occurs in one of the areas, all organs suffer.

This is intended to regulate metabolism, control protein, fat, carbon breakdown, support during the course of the disease or after it. homeopathic remedy.

The drug consists of components that stimulate the work circulatory system, protect the liver from harmful effects and help the kidneys remove unnecessary waste from the body. But Liarsin is capable of not only regulating metabolism, but also making the body resistant to various infections. Instructions for use are quite simple. Let's consider to whom and under what conditions this medicine should be given.

To whom can and when should Liarsin be given?

The product is used for all warm-blooded domestic animals. In this case, it is possible to treat both adults and old individuals, as well as their young.

When is the drug prescribed? The doctor will prescribe you Liarsin if your animal has:

  • Metabolism is disrupted.
  • Inflammatory processes and liver dysfunction, as well as hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration.
  • Diseases such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia, and toxic shock were identified.
  • Malfunction of the kidneys and degenerative processes in them.
  • Chronic skin diseases of unknown origin, such as boils, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Consequences of poisoning.
  • Recovery postpartum period.
  • Age-related changes and their consequences.

This remedy has virtually no contraindications. If the animal does not have hypersensitivity to the components of the product, then it is suitable for regulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Composition and effect of the drug

The drug consists of three components:

  1. Lycopodine is an alkaloid. He's filming muscle pain, regulates pressure and salt metabolism, which significantly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and strokes.
  2. The next component - phytosterol - is a biostimulant. It makes the hematopoietic organs more active, has a beneficial effect on endocrine system, enhancing the production of necessary hormones.
  3. Phosphorus is necessary for better metabolism. Taken together, these components interact very harmoniously and have a positive effect on the animal’s body.

The drug is available in our pharmacies in tablets and solution for injection (10 and 100 ml). If your pet is not picky about food and eats well, you can take another form of the drug "Liarsin" - tablets. Instructions for use are posted below. Also, the tablet form of the drug is preferable for gastritis or gastroenteritis. Dosage for cats and kittens: one tablet is a single dose, large animals 3, medium 2, small animals 1 tablet. The course is at least thirty days. Details, depending on the purpose of use and the course of the disease, must be discussed with your doctor.

In case of difficulties with nutrition, injections are most often prescribed.

"Liarsin": instructions for use for cats

The idea that cats have nine lives does not apply to their health. These independent creatures are quite seriously ill. And assistance should be as prompt and effective as possible. "Liarsin" should be given to a cat in the following cases:

  • The above diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis.
  • Very severe prolonged shedding, which developed into hair loss.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Poisoning.
  • Recovery of an animal after complicated childbirth and birth injuries/illnesses.

A single dose ranges from half a milliliter to two milliliters for adults and kittens. One tablet per day is enough, but it should be given without food, an hour before or an hour after meals. "Liarsin", the instructions for use of which clearly describe the methods of use and dosage, are quite easy to use. Even inexperienced cat owners can cope with it.

"Liarsin": instructions for use for dogs

"Liarsin" is able to significantly reduce the load on the animal's body and give it the strength to overcome diseases on its own. It is indicated for both sexes and all ages of the pet. The main thing is to follow the dosage of the drug "Liarsin". Instructions for use and, of course, a doctor will help you with this.

It's safe homeopathic medicine will become a reliable assistant for treating pets. But you should always remember that any treatment options, as well as the prescription of a particular drug, will not be possible without examining the patient by a veterinarian.

You should never agree to help in this or any other matter if a personal examination of your loved one is not offered. pet, since there is nothing you can do to help online via the Internet, and in most cases such “specialists” only make things worse and you should always remember this.

Liarsin for dogs for and from what

Medicine is prescribed for the following diseases:
- metabolic disorders;
- diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- poisoning;
- joint diseases;
- degenerative diseases of the kidneys and liver, etc.

The medicine is used to prevent age-related diseases.

Liarsin for animals instructions for use, injections, tablets, dosage in ampoules, how to give and use drops, solution

The medicine is sold in the form of tablets and injection solutions. The dose of tablets depends on the dog’s body weight and its condition. If the animal weighs up to 10 kg, then give one tablet once a day. If the dog's weight is from 10 to 20 kg, give two tablets once a day. From 20 to 35 kg – 3 tablets once, from 35 to 50 kg – 4 tablets.

At feeling unwell The animal is given tablets several times a day. They effectively help to recover after surgery, severe poisoning or treatment helminthic infestations. When administering the injection form of the drug, the dose is calculated as 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Maximum single dose should not exceed 4 ml.

Liarsin for dogs where to inject for prevention

To improve the quality of life of old animals, injections of the drug are given once a day for a month, repeating the course 3 times a year. Such therapy will serve as a good preventive measure for the occurrence of diseases. In puppies, the drug is used to prevent diarrhea after changing food. Injections are given subcutaneously in the area of ​​the withers or intramuscularly in the back of the thigh.

Liarsine for dogs, instructions, price, reviews from veterinarians, where to buy

You can purchase the medicine at a veterinary pharmacy. Its price is about 200 rubles per 10 ml or 50 tablets. Reviews from veterinarians about the drug are positive. It helps improve the condition of a sick animal in short terms without causing side effects. This excellent remedy for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, joints, etc.

The drug is used in tablets for large and medium-sized dogs, 3 tablets each, for small breeds and puppies, 2 tablets each. The injection solution is used 1 or 2 times a day for two to 4 weeks according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Liarsin for dogs for allergies, piroplasmosis, diarrhea, treatment and can there be diarrhea

The medicine is administered according to the regimen prescribed by the veterinarian. This medicine cannot be the only one in the treatment of allergies and piroplasmosis. It is necessary to use antihistamines for allergies and an injection of an antiprotozoal drug for piroplasmosis.

Liarsine will serve to restore the body. In case of diarrhea, it is also necessary to find out its cause and eliminate it if it is associated with bacterial infection, poor quality food or poisoning.

After using Liarsin, side effects such as diarrhea are never observed. If the animal is in serious condition, chronic diarrhea, the medicine can be injected up to 3 times a day for a month.

Liarsine for dogs side effects, contraindications, indications, composition, expiration date

Side effects when correct use the drug does not appear. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug. The duration of treatment should not exceed three weeks.

Indications for the use of the drug are diseases of the stomach and intestines, correction of metabolic processes of the whole body. Composition of the medicine: Lycopodium D8; Phosphorus D30; Arsenicum album D12 and excipients. The shelf life of the drug in tablets is five years, in solution for injection three years.

Liarsine is a homeopathic medicine used in veterinary medicine to treat dogs, cats, livestock and other animals. Thanks to its universal composition, it is used both as a remedy for various diseases, and in the form of prevention. The drug is often used by those animal owners who prefer before use potent drugs try homeopathy treatment.

The medicine was developed and produced by the Russian company AlexAnn, the official distributor and representative is Helvet LLC.

Composition and release forms

The drug is available in three modifications:

  1. Solution for injection, packaged in glass vials of 100 or 10 ml. The bottles are closed with tight rubber stoppers and sealed aluminum caps on top. The second type of packaging of the solution is in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml.
  2. Tablets in plastic blisters, in cardboard packages of 20 or 50 tablets.
  3. Drops for oral use, packaged in plastic bottles equipped with a dispenser. The drops do not have a specific smell or taste.

Liarsin contains three main ingredients.

Club moss (Lycopodium clavatum)

Main active substance homeopathic remedy. Lycopodium is used for liver diseases. Moss moss spores cleanse the animal's body of toxins that cause allergic reactions such as skin irritation, rashes or itching. Component restores protein metabolism, normalizes blood composition.

Arsenic (Arsenicum album)

A poison, homeopathic doses of which are used to increase muscle endurance, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the blood vessels, heart, digestive organs, and urinary system.


Helps with metabolic disorders, strengthens skeletal system and joints. This component acts as a catalyst for regeneration processes, strengthens the immunity of animals, especially older ones, and helps in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In addition, the product contains auxiliary components:

  • in tablets - calcium stearate and granulated sugar;
  • in the injection solution - sodium chloride or purified water;
  • in drops - water or glycerin.

The ingredients of “Liarsin” are selected in such a way that, in addition to the therapeutic effect on the animal’s body, they also enhance the positive effects of each other.

When and what is it used for?

At “Liarsin” wide range applications. It is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases:

  • for liver lesions of various origins: viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration;
  • for pathologies of other organs digestive tract: gastritis, enteritis, chronic or acute pancreatitis, during the rehabilitation of an animal after infection with worms, with piroplasmosis;
  • for problems of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, nephrosis, kidney stones or bladder stones;
  • at skin diseases: urticaria, furunculosis, eczema, dermatitis, dermatosis, including those manifested due to food allergies;
  • for joint diseases, including in older dogs, or as a preventive measure in breeds predisposed to such diseases;
  • to activate the immune system during rehabilitation after severe long-term illnesses or surgical interventions.

Application procedure

Single dose injection solution is calculated based on the ratio of 1/10 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, and is:

  • for large and medium-sized dogs – from 2 to 4 ml;
  • for puppies and small breeds - from 0.5 to 2 ml.

IN difficult cases the drug is prescribed once or twice a day every day until the pet’s condition improves. At chronic course Liarsin disease for dogs is used one to three times a week until a positive effect appears.

Injections are administered subcutaneously, into the muscle or intravenously. Method of administration: in the thigh area hind paw or under the skin in the withers area. The maximum duration of use is no more than three weeks.

A single dose of tablets is also calculated depending on the weight of the animal and is:

  • For big dogs– 3 pieces;
  • for medium breeds – 2 pieces;
  • for small breeds and puppies – 1 piece.

For disorders of the digestive tract, Liarsin is prescribed 4 to 6 times a day until the condition improves. In cases of chronic diseases, dogs are given tablets three times a day until a positive effect appears.

The tablets are placed in the mouth at the root of the tongue as deep as possible or mixed into the food. The drug can be dissolved in drinking water, crushed to a powder state. The duration of the course is set on the recommendation of a veterinarian, but not longer than one month.

Drops are prescribed at the rate of 1 dose per 1 kg of dog weight. At acute forms for diseases, the homeopathic remedy is taken up to six times a day, if the disease is chronic - two to three times. The duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian individually for a specific case. For emergency assistance in case of acute development of the disease, drops are given to the animal every 15-20 minutes for two hours.

To improve the quality of life and to prevent characteristic age-related diseases, aging dogs are given maintenance courses of therapy with Liarsin two or three times a year. In these cases, the drug is administered by injection once a day. It is possible to use it in tablet form with the choice of dose according to the instructions, but not longer than a month.

For puppies, a homeopathic remedy is used to prevent digestive tract disorders when switching from one type of food to another.

To avoid a decrease in effectiveness, the order of administration of the drug should not be violated. If one dose is missed, the use of the medicine must be resumed as quickly as possible in the same dosage and according to the same regimen.

Side effects, contraindications

The homeopathic remedy Liarsin is used for any breed of dog in accordance with their weight, age and condition. Most pets tolerate Liarsin without any complications.

At clinical studies no negative symptoms were found. When using the drug in practice side effects and no complications are observed either. However, with prolonged use there is a risk of arsenic accumulation in body tissues.

Negative reactions occur only in cases of individual intolerance or overdose. At allergic reactions– itching, rash or diarrhea – stop taking the drug and prescribe symptomatic antihistamine therapy.

Drug interactions

The use of Liarsin allows the use of other medications. The homeopathic medicine interacts with most medications without causing negative reactions when taken simultaneously.

Conditions, shelf life, analogues

Liarsin for injection is stored in closed packaging for three years from the date of production. The storage location should be dry, protected from contact with sunlight. Liarsin must be kept separately from food products, observing temperature regime from 0 to +25 degrees. The opened bottle is stored in the refrigerator until next use.

Liarsine tablets have a longer shelf life. It can be used for five years. Once the package is opened, the shelf life does not change.

“Liarsin” has no analogues. However, in veterinary medicine there are drugs with a similar mechanism of action, for example “Gamavit” or “Veracol”. Choosing the right one for a particular case medicine carried out veterinarian. It is not recommended to replace Liarsin with another drug on your own.

Liarsin – homeopathic medicine systemic effect on the body, the components of which are selected taking into account the characteristics of dogs. It has three main components:

  1. moss spores (Lycopodium),
  2. white arsenic (Arsenicum album),
  3. phosphorus

They affect almost all systems in the body. They strengthen and complement each other. Therefore, the drug is used for a wide variety of diseases. Moss moss spores contain alkaloids and oil. They regulate salt metabolism and significantly affect the process of neuromuscular transmission and the state of the autonomic nervous system.

Liarsin: instructions for use

The drug stimulates the work of hematopoietic organs and endocrine glands, activates immune system; removes excess phosphates from the body. It normalizes liver function and protein metabolism. Promotes renal excretion harmful substances from the body.

White arsenic in homeopathic doses has a targeted effect on blood vessels abdominal cavity, which reduces effusion in abdominal cavity transudate. Phosphorus is actively involved in the metabolic process: fat metabolism, glycogen and starch synthesis.

Therefore, in homeopathic doses, phosphorus is effective for metabolic disorders. It also stops fatty degeneration and thickening of the vascular endothelium. Liarsin is recommended for normalization metabolic processes in the body, stimulation of regeneration processes, restoration of liver function in diseases such as:

  • hepatitis,
  • cirrhosis,
  • fatty degeneration, etc.

He restores functional state intestinal mucosa and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves kidney and pancreas function in the treatment of:

  • gastroenteritis,
  • dyspepsia,
  • degenerative kidney diseases,
  • pancreatitis,
  • piroplasmosis.

Liarsin is also used for poisoning, for the prevention of age-related diseases and the treatment of acute and chronic skin diseases: furunculosis, dermatosis and dermatitis. It is given in tablets of 0.1 mg per kilogram of animal weight from 0.5 ml to 4 ml three times a day until symptoms subside. At acute course diseases it is better to give injections.


50 tablets of the drug cost about 170 rubles.

Reviews of Liarsin for dogs

Review #1

Liarsin was recommended to us. It turned out to be neglected, and they even began to suspect an ulcer. First, we pierced our Labrador for five days, relieved acute attacks and switched to tablets.

They were given another 10 days. It turned out to be a very good aid to the main therapy. All treatment went well, without allergies or side effects. At the same time, the liver was also supported so that it would not suffer from the abundance of medications.

Irina, Moscow

Review #2

I don’t like stuffing my dog ​​with all sorts of chemicals. I have it and natural food and we are treated with homeopathy. The main thing is not to delay treatment. We treated metabolic disorders with Liarsine. My dog ​​is already old, and his joints hurt, and the extra weight comes from immobility.