How to drink urological preparation in bags. Urological (diuretic) collection: instructions for use. Administration during pregnancy and lactation

Urological collection - combination medicinal herbs, which is often used in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. Herbal preparations have a wide spectrum of action, duration and effectiveness of treatment. Currently, such products can be purchased at any pharmacy chain.

There are also a number of advantages:

  1. The ability to collect herbs yourself at a certain time and in an environmentally friendly area, dry them and prepare decoctions or infusions from them.
  2. Herbs are gentle and have less side effects, unlike medications.

Release form

The product is a dry and crushed mixture of herbs and fruits. The color of the collection varies from yellow-green to dark green with yellow-orange splashes with an aromatic odor. The herbal tea is available in paper packs of 30, 40, 50 or 75 g or in filter bags of two grams, in a package of 10 or 20 brewing bags.

Composition and effects of urological collection

The collection includes the following medicinal herbs:

  1. Calendula flowers– relieve inflammation, relieve pain and prevent the proliferation of microbes, promote wound healing. Healing properties Calendula is rich chemical composition: flavonoids, carotenoids, essential oils, minerals.
  2. Peppermint leaves– have a slight calming effect, relieve painful sensations and relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting. Contains: menthol, essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, bitterness.
  3. Bearberry leaves– have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect and protect against the proliferation of microbes. Contains: arbutin, organic acids and flavonoids.
  4. Dill fruits– have an antispasmodic effect, have bacteriostatic activity. The composition is rich in proteins, linoleic, palmitic, petroselinic and oleic acids, as well as flavonoids and essential oils.
  5. Rhizomes with Eleutherococcus roots– contain substances that have a positive effect on the immune system. Increases mental and physical performance, relieves fatigue and irritation. The composition is rich in glycosides, essential oils, lipids, vegetable wax, pectin and tannin compounds.

Indications and contraindications

The product is recommended to be used in the composition complex treatment for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (urolithiasis, inflammation Bladder, kidney). Urological collection is used for prostatitis as complex therapy.

The herbs included in the collection have various effects:

  • Eliminate spasms.
  • Stop inflammation.
  • Kill germs.
  • They have a diuretic effect.
  • They have a general strengthening effect.

Thanks to the effective composition, the effect occurs on the fifth day of treatment.

There are a number of contraindications:

  1. Allergic reactions may occur with hypersensitivity to the components.
  2. The herbal collection is not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation.
  3. The medicinal collection is contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age.
  4. During the treatment period you should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.
  5. Persons suffering from renal failure and having problems with cardiovascular diseases, due to the diuretic effect of the collection, should take it with caution.
  6. Despite the fact that urological collection is a means plant origin, you should strictly follow the instructions.
  7. With prolonged use of the herbal collection, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, as well as a change in the color of urine to a dark green color, are possible. In this case, it is advisable to carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  8. It is not advisable to take herbal medicine for the purpose of losing weight, since the diuretic effect of the drug helps to get rid of not only extra pounds, but also remove body fluids. This does not affect the amount of fat deposits in any way, but it threatens to dehydrate the body and can lead to serious health problems.

Directions for use and dosage

Application of crushed dry raw materials:

  • It is important to brew and take this mixture correctly. Pour 2 tbsp into an enamel bowl. l. raw materials and pour one glass of hot boiled water. Place in a water bath for half an hour. Leave for 10 minutes, filter, squeeze and bring the volume of the decoction to 200 ml.

Take a warm decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals, 70 ml for two weeks.

Application of collection in filter bags:

  • To prepare a water infusion, place two filter bags in a glass container and pour half a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and allow to brew for at least 15 minutes. Squeeze out the bag and bring the resulting infusion to 100 ml. Take a warm infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals, 100 ml for two weeks.

Side effect

The urological collection is well tolerated by patients. In extreme cases, in case of overdose or individual intolerance, allergic reactions are possible, which are manifested by rashes on the body or an allergic runny nose.

Storage conditions

The urological collection is stored in a dry, cool and dark place. The prepared infusion or decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Available without a prescription.

Drug analogues

Among the analogues of urological collection, the following can be distinguished:

  • Diuretic collection.
  • Phytonephrol.
  • Phytocystol.
  • Cyst collection.
  • Brusniver.
  • Treatment and prophylactic collection N3.

Despite the fact that herbal remedies are drugs of natural origin and are available without a prescription, it is important to consult a specialist before use.

Urological diseases are often associated with the development of an inflammatory reaction in the organs of the genitourinary system and urinary ducts. Cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, infectious prostatitis in men - all these types of diseases are characterized by the presence of a pathogen and occur with typical symptoms of urination disorders, the appearance of pain and signs of general intoxication of the body. Peculiarities anatomical structure and physiological functions performed by the urinary system create favorable conditions for the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that are a source of inflammation. Main means conservative treatment is the application antibacterial drugs targeted action, effective against a specific type of bacteria, viruses or fungi. As auxiliary methods of therapy, medications are used to relieve symptoms, as well as prescriptions. traditional medicine. Preparing herbal mixtures yourself can be difficult for modern man, who is new to the peculiarities of choosing and preparing herbs, so there is a ready-made natural remedy on sale that is effective, safe and easy to use. The urological collection is a herbal medicine; it contains dried parts of plants that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic and detoxifying properties.

Indications for use

Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system affect men and women of all ages with equal frequency and are formed as a result of infections, hypothermia, poor hygiene and promiscuity. The main symptoms that occur with diseases of the urinary tract, inflammation of the prostate gland, damage to the renal structures are associated with the appearance of pain, dysfunction of urination, the development of symptoms of intoxication, increased blood pressure and pronounced edema. Increasing the functional activity of the kidneys when taking a urological collection is one of the ways to mechanically cleanse the excretory ducts by increasing the volume of fluid passed through, and by changing acid indicators urine is created unfavourable conditions for bacterial growth:

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  • Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, male urological diseases often occur in a latent form and often develop into chronic inflammation. Prostatitis, which is considered the most common disease among men of all ages, after a short acute period quickly goes into a latent stage and worsens under the influence of unfavorable factors.
  • Women are more susceptible to acute inflammatory reactions, which can be triggered by the most minor negative external conditions, pregnancy, childbirth, neglect of hygiene rules, and gynecological manipulations. Urological diseases are characterized by rapid development and easily spread to the organs of the genitourinary system, leading to complex generalized infections.
  • Pediatric urology is a separate category in medicine. The child’s urinary system continues to develop until the age of 13-15; imperfections in its development become the cause of urological problems in early and teenage years.

Treatment of diseases of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system must be carried out by a doctor with mandatory laboratory and instrumental examinations before starting to use drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed necessarily, since the only condition for successful therapy is suppression of the source of inflammation. Choice symptomatic remedies Treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, the use of synthetic drugs can cause more harm than good, so doctors decide to take advantage of the medicinal properties of the plants that form the basis of the urological collection. The pharmacological industry produces several types of herbal medicines, the composition of herbs in which differs, thereby determining the basic principle of action of the finished product.


Scope of application of medicinal plants in official medicine is quite extensive, natural raw materials and a variety of ready-made formulations sold in pharmacies allow you to choose the appropriate composition for everyone individual case. The main contraindications to the use of urological collection are the presence of an allergic reaction to one or more types of plants, early childhood and severe renal or heart failure. Individual intolerance to plant raw materials leaves the doctor the opportunity to choose an analogue, by replacing one urological collection with another or by drawing up a recipe for independent preparation.

The herbs included in the composition may cause sharp drop blood pressure, stimulate work gastrointestinal tract and influence muscle tissue. Therefore, urological collection is used with caution by people with diseases of the stomach, intestines, hypotensive syndrome and during pregnancy. The use of herbal herbal medicine is undesirable for chronic forms of cirrhosis, thrombophlebitis and severe alcohol dependence. A contraindication to the prescription is also the presence of severe disorders of mineral and water metabolism, a lack of potassium and calcium in the body.

If it is necessary to use a urological collection for prostatitis in the conservative treatment regimen, the doctor takes into account the form of the disease, as well as the compatibility of all types of drugs. Application of herbal medicine during pregnancy and lactation it is allowed if the benefit to the mother is obvious and the risk to the child is minimized.

If the components of the urological collection are incorrectly selected, the dosage is exceeded and the dosage regimen is violated, side effects may occur. The most common symptoms are the development of symptoms of dehydration, a tendency to seizures, changes in blood pressure and allergic manifestations as skin itching, rashes, redness. In case of any undesirable reactions during treatment with natural or synthetic drugs, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the side effects and select a suitable analogue for replacement.


Ready-made urological collections are available in several versions. The herbs included in the composition are selected in such a way as to mutually enhance the positive effects and reduce the risk of side effects. Having the appropriate skills in drafting folk recipes For home treatment or under the guidance of an experienced herbalist, you can buy individual dried plants and make your own unique collection with the desired properties:

  • Brusniver. One of the most popular and safest compounds. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, contains antiseptic components, and is enriched with vitamins and mineral supplements. Contains string, rose hips, and lingonberries. Suitable for the treatment of urological diseases in men, women and children.
  • Gerbafol. Strong collection with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic properties. The composition contains several types of herbs, including bearberry, nettle, yarrow and other plants.
  • Urological collection. A standard product of the pharmacological industry, known since the times of the USSR. It is made on the basis of string, bearberry, chamomile, dill, marigold, eleutherococcus, peppermint in various proportions and ratios.
  • Leros. A very good natural remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and urolithiasis. The composition includes birch leaves, knotweed grass, calendula leaves, chamomile, nettle, bearberry, horsetail and other plants.
  • Phytonephrol. Today, urologists most often prescribe this composition to their patients, since it optimally combines strong antiseptic, moderate diuretic and antispasmodic properties, as well as immunomodulatory effects due to the content of biologically active stimulants. Urological collection Fitonephrol contains bear ears, lingonberry and birch leaves, dill seeds and herbs, mint, calendula, eleutherococcus.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the doctor selects a suitable urological preparation with a stronger diuretic, analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect. During conservative therapy urolithiasis or in the presence of calcifications in prostate gland, with the help of herbal medicine it is possible to crush small stones and remove them naturally.

How are urological fees used?

Herbal infusions for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system are produced in the form of tea bags or loose plant materials for preparing infusions. Ready-made decoctions and teas are used externally or drunk according to the doctor’s instructions and the recommendations indicated in the instructions for use:

  • External use of the prepared solution is intended for water procedures. Baths with healing urological preparations, lotions, and douching reduce the sensitivity of mucous membranes, reduce pain, relieve local swelling, and eliminate the symptoms of itching and burning characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. At this method treatment, the risk of developing common side effects is eliminated, so the use of urological collection is available even in the presence of systemic types of pathology.
  • Internal use of a herbal decoction prepared from a ready-made herbal medicine allows you to achieve a diuretic and detoxifying effect. You can drink the urological collection instead of regular tea or coffee with the addition of a spoonful of honey or not large quantity Sahara.

The choice of treatment method is made by a doctor. Most often, an integrated approach is used; a urological collection is prescribed for internal and external use according to a specific scheme. Typically, the course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, after which it is recommended to take a break or replace the herbal medicine with a product with a different composition.

For what diseases does it help?

Indications for the use of urological collection are diseases of the genitourinary system, including:

  1. Urethritis, vaginitis, salpingitis. Urological collection is prescribed in the form of tea, baths and douches.
  2. Cystitis. Due to its pronounced diuretic effect, the urological collection ensures disinfection of the urinary ducts and creates unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Prostatitis. For inflammation of the prostate gland good effect gives local application solution and use the herbal mixture internally.
  4. Pyelonephritis. In case of kidney inflammation, the urological collection helps to reduce the manifestations of edema syndrome, relieve intoxication and restore the functional activity of the urinary organs.
  5. Adenoma. Urological collection helps restore urinary function when used internally.
  6. Urolithiasis disease. With the help of a specially selected composition of herbs, it is possible to reduce the size of stones and eliminate them in the urine.

With these types of pathology, there is an inflammatory reaction affecting the mucous membranes of the urinary tract and internal organs. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic properties of urological herbs help to quickly get rid of symptoms and increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy. For various poisonings, a pronounced diuretic effect will help eliminate the manifestations of intoxication, and is also used to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid from the body. The choice of the type of urological collection depends on the diagnosis and accompanying symptoms, and is also determined taking into account individual sensitivity to the herbal components of the product.

Administration during pregnancy and lactation

During gestation and during breastfeeding Internal use of a urological collection in the form of a decoction or tea for brewing is undesirable, but for most diseases of the genitourinary system in women, the herbal medicine can be used externally. Baths, douching, compresses, and rinses can reduce the severity of local manifestations of inflammation and have astringent and antiseptic properties. When using the urological collection externally, there is no risk negative influence herbal components for the child during pregnancy and lactation, and there is no diuretic effect and no increased load on the kidney filtration system. It is better to learn the methods of external use of the collection and the frequency of procedures from your attending physician or carefully read the instructions for use of the herbal medicine.


To treat diseases of the urinary and reproductive system, herbs are used that have effective medicinal properties. A striking example– urological collection Fitonephrol, which I received a lot positive feedback after use by patients. All components of the medicine are gifts from nature and do not pose a threat to human health. You can buy ready-made mixtures at a pharmacy or online store or make them yourself at home.

What is a urological collection

This is a special herbal remedy that is used to treat a large number of pathologies of the genitourinary system. The most popular pharmacy options now include:

  • Phytonephrol;
  • Urowal;
  • Urotransit;
  • Collection-F;
  • Collection "Ant";
  • Brusniver;
  • Leros.

Indications for use

Herbal medicines have a very mild effect on the human body, so most people prefer to start treatment with such remedies. If necessary, you can order urological fees or “Fitonephrol” from the Internet, which are indicated for:

  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • nephritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • exacerbation of chronic prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis.

The well-known urological drug Leros is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic drug with a general (complex) effect, often prescribed for herbal medicine:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis.

Composition of herbs

The components used in the assemblies may differ, but they are often based on the same components. Urological tea or infusion is prepared on the principle of maximum effectiveness for treating the genitourinary system and minimal side effects. The basis of most urological-type preparations are the following herbal ingredients:

  1. Peppermint leaves. They have a calming effect and help relieve pain.
  2. Calendula flowers. They have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. They have a stimulating effect on urination.
  3. Bearberry. The leaves of this herb contain arbutin, which has a bactericidal effect after splitting. The elements kill pathogenic microorganisms and stimulate the function of the urinary system.
  4. The fruits of dill. This component helps relieve spasms of smooth muscles, which helps to have a positive effect on the urinary tract. Dill fruits have a diuretic effect.
  5. Eleutherococcus root. It has a general strengthening, tonic effect on the human body. At normal operation immune system it will be much easier to cope with infectious pathogens. This component helps stimulate defense mechanisms body.


All herbal preparations have one general prohibition on use - intolerance or increased sensitivity to one of the collection components. It is not recommended to give urological teas and infusions to a child under 14 years of age or if the following pathologies are present:

A complete ban on the use of urological teas is imposed during pregnancy (in all trimesters); they are also contraindicated during lactation. This is due to a possible disturbance in the electrolyte and water-salt balance, which will provoke the removal of K+ from the body, which will have an extremely negative impact on the course of pregnancy. Dill seed parsley root contains the ester myristicin, which causes increased heart rate, vomiting, nausea, anxiety and dizziness. Knotweed, which has many medicinal properties, provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Instructions for use of urological collection

All types of such fees have internal method applications. According to the instructions, you need to prepare an infusion or tea by grinding the dry raw materials and pouring boiling water in a thermos or under a lid. It’s easier to do this if you buy ready-made portions in bags at the pharmacy; they should be brewed for no more than 15 minutes. Each instruction for the medication indicates the dosage; as a rule, the following rules are used:

  • crushed urological herbs – 3 times a day, 100 ml;
  • packaged herbal teas - 3 times a day, half a glass.

For cystitis

This is extremely unpleasant disease which requires timely treatment. Urological preparations for cystitis help treat the disease painlessly and without side effects. Below are some of the ready-made pharmaceuticals which are used in urology:

  1. Phytonephrol. Available in the form of filter bags, 2 pieces required. per 100 ml of liquid. In 30 minutes the infusion will be ready, drink 3 times a day before meals 20 minutes. The duration of treatment with this urological herbal mixture depends on the severity of the disease, the period ranges from 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. Leros urological. Drink a glass of the mixture 3-5 times a day. You need to prepare the tea right before drinking, 1 bag per 250 ml of water. The product contains: nettle, bearberry leaves, yarrow, parsley root, birch leaf, elderberry flowers, birch leaf, bull grass (root part).
  3. Altai collection No. 28. I drink one glass of the urological remedy during meals in the morning, afternoon and evening, the duration of therapy is 4 weeks. If the disease cannot be treated during this period, the course is extended. Brew 1 tea bag per 200 ml of liquid; the tea will be ready in 15 minutes.

During pregnancy

While pregnant, doctors strongly discourage the use of herbal remedies. Most products have properties that can negatively affect the condition. expectant mother or a child. Some diuretics can cause increased uterine tone and disrupt electrolyte balance, which is very bad during pregnancy. A woman can take any urological medications or infusions only after consultation with a doctor and his approval.

For prostatitis

Phytonephrol has a complex effect, therefore it is used in many cases of urological pathologies. The method of application is the same as that described in the section on cystitis. You can prepare the collection yourself using one of the recipes described below:

  1. Mix red rose petals, pepper juice, hawthorn berries in equal proportions and brew with boiling water. Drink three times a day, like tea, you should always use a freshly brewed product.
  2. Mix and chop lingonberry leaves, yarrow, birch buds, nettle and motherwort. Pour the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

For urolithiasis

According to the instructions, phytonephrol is effectively used for the treatment of this pathology. Find a collection on sale packaged in bags; one bag per 1 bowl is brewed like tea. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then add another 200 ml warm water. Drink 100 ml before meals for 2-4 weeks (depending on how your condition improves). You can use other homemade urological preparations for urolithiasis:

  1. Collection according to Jordanov. This urological remedy is prepared from equal proportions of peppermint, juniper, rose hips, horsetail and nettle. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture and pour boiling water in a glass. Keep the infusion covered for 1 hour, then drink the liquid before meals (be sure to be fresh). You need to drink the product 3 times a day for a month.
  2. This collection is prepared from peppermint, heather and knotweed, take 20 grams of each component. Brew the ingredients and drink 1 glass every day, after a week of the course, take a urine test. This will help determine the need for further treatment.

For pyelonephritis

Kidney inflammation is a very painful and unpleasant disease. It can manifest itself in acute or chronic form in men and women. The urological collection Phytonephrol has proven its effectiveness in the fight against this disease; the method of administration does not differ from the cases described above. The following fees can also be used:

  1. Mix hernia glaucoma, field steelhead, parsley and bearberry leaves. The components are mixed in equal proportions, then you need to pour boiling water over them and leave for 2 hours. You should drink no more than 1 glass per day, which should be divided into several servings.
  2. Mix lingonberry leaves, celandine, parsley, bearberry. One spoon of the mixture is poured with 400 ml of boiling water for 40 minutes. Drink urological infusion 100 ml 3 times a day.
  3. To collect you will need nettle, horsetail, lingonberry leaves, motherwort, hops, violet flowers, string. Pour in the herbs hot water, place in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink the urological remedy in small portions (about 100 ml) three times a day.

Price for urological collection

You can find all the properties described above in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, or order it for delivery by mail from online stores. If you want to buy a product cheaply, it is better to make a purchase in regions far from large cities. The price of uroseptic medications may vary, so be guided by the following prices for popular medications.

Phytonephrol is a medicinal product made from natural ingredients, used for the treatment of urological diseases, prostatitis as therapy or prophylactic. The medicinal product is very popular among patients with chronic illnesses urinary system, the herbal medicine helps to stop discomfort, prevents relapse.

It is important to follow the dosage and consult a doctor before starting therapy. The absence of such actions leads to side effects and a deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Phytonephrol is classified as a urological preparation aimed at treating diseases. urinary system, prostatitis. The product is quickly absorbed. The medicinal collection has antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic, and diuretic effects.

Composition and release form

Phytonephrol is herbal tea(a combination of crushed herbs and fruits). The mixture has a yellow-green color, with bright yellow/green inclusions. The medicinal product is sold in special paper bags, which include different quantities drug (from 25 to 100 grams). Each package is packed in a cardboard box. The product is also produced in filter bags, each containing 2 grams; cardboard packaging can contain 10 or 20 bags.

The urological medicinal product has a pronounced antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic effect. Fitonephrol also has an antimicrobial and general strengthening effect.

Reach positive result in a short period of time it is possible thanks to the rich composition of the herbal collection:

  • bearberry leaves. Include special enzymes, various organic acids, tannins. All components have a pronounced antiseptic effect on the patient’s body, killing pathogens in the urinary system. Also, bearberry leaves have a diuretic, antispasmodic effect, which promotes the removal of stones (for urolithiasis);
  • marigold flowers (calendula). They contain flavonoids, carotenoids, substances that have antimicrobial, diuretic effects, and quickly cope with inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Flavonoids relieve spasms, reducing pain, and promote the passage of stones to the exit;
  • dill. Includes essential oils, has a pronounced antispasmodic effect;
  • rhizomes of eleutherococcus include substances that have an immunomodulatory effect, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole;
  • peppermint. Anesthetizes, relieves spasms, disinfects urinary tract. Peppermint also helps dissolve oxalate stones.

The herbal mixture does not have a toxic effect on the human body and does not accumulate.

Indications for use

Phytonephrol is used to treat the following ailments:

  • the drug is used as adjuvant therapy for diseases of the excretory system (,). The drug is effective against diseases occurring in chronic or acute form, for the prevention of relapse;
  • urological collection is indicated for prostatitis of any severity. As a primary remedy, Fitonephrol is prescribed for treatment chronic form prostatitis or prevention of relapse.

Note! Many ladies prefer to use Fitonephrol as a means of losing weight. The diuretic effect helps remove excess liquid from the body, reduce weight. The effect of the drug ends after its discontinuation, because Fitonephrol does not affect the fat layer in any way. This is prohibited! Constant, uncontrolled use of medication can lead to dehydration and serious health consequences.

Avoid any negative consequences You can adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.


  • the patient is allergic to certain components of the medication;
  • take special care when taking medication if you have a medical condition of cardio-vascular system, serious kidney pathologies;
  • It is not recommended to take Fitonephrol for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding;
  • the medicinal product is prohibited for use by children under twelve years of age;
  • urolithiasis should be treated with Fitonephrol only under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, the strong diuretic effect can harm the patient.

Side effects

Phytonephrol is in most cases well tolerated by patients. In case of individual intolerance, overdose may occur side effects: allergic reaction, which manifests itself as rashes on the body, allergic rhinitis. Due to the diuretic effect, the water-salt balance may be disturbed, manifested by hypokalemia.

If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, stop taking the product immediately and visit a doctor. Avoid self-medication and consult your doctor about using analogues.

Dosage and instructions for use

Collection from natural raw materials

  • a urological collection for the treatment of cystitis and other ailments of the excretory system is brewed as follows: place two tablespoons of the raw material in an enamel container, pour a glass of boiling water. Close the container with a lid, wait half an hour;
  • Before using the medicinal collection, strain the medicine, squeeze out the remainder, add another 200 ml. Shake the product before taking it.

The average duration of therapy for diseases of the urinary system is two weeks. Take a third of the jar before meals three times a day.

Finonephrol in filter bags

Admission rules:

  • Place two sachets in a jar, add 100 ml, wait half an hour;
  • then take out the bags and add the same amount of liquid.

The course of therapy in this case lasts no more than one month. Take 100 ml of decoction three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The dosage is indicated by the physician, taking into account the patient’s condition and the course of the disease.

Learn about the causes and treatments for increased urination.

A page is written about the symptoms of bladder inflammation in men and the treatment of the pathology.

Cost and storage conditions

Phytonephrol has a reasonable price. Urological collection costs about 95 rubles per pack, with a nominal value of 50 grams. A package with 20 sachets of the product costs approximately 135 rubles. Price policy varies in different cities of the country, the pharmacy chain where the purchase was made also matters.

Store the urological collection for no more than two years in the original packaging, the room should also be well ventilated. Protect the herbal collection from children and ultraviolet radiation. Store the finished broth in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Best option- Prepare a fresh decoction every day, this way you will avoid spoilage.


The medicinal product may not be suitable for some reason. You can cope with ailments with the help of other similar medications.

Phytonephrol analogs:

  • Vitaprost. It is recommended for use in chronic and acute prostatitis;
  • . Used if there is an allergic reaction to the main components of Phytonephrol;
  • Lespefril. Used to treat acute;
  • Urovit. Effective against diseases of the genitourinary system.

The selection of an analogue is carried out only by an experienced specialist, Taking any medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

Phytonephrol is popular due to its high efficiency and accessibility for different segments of the population. Main: Use the urological preparation correctly and adhere to the dosage prescribed by the physician.