Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary gland symptoms. Symptoms and methods of treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy. Video: How mastopathy manifests itself. The importance of self-examination

This disease most often occurs in women of reproductive age. Fibrous mastopathy mammary glands is a benign formation in the connective tissues of the breast lobules and milk ducts. The exact cause of its formation is unknown, but the impetus for its occurrence is hormonal disorders. The disease is dangerous because prolonged absence of treatment leads to the need surgical intervention.

How does fibrous mastopathy manifest?

The disease at the initial stage is practically asymptomatic. Or rather, there are signs, but they are very similar to the sensations that arise in the chest a few days before menstruation. This is why the disease is diagnosed late.

The first signs of mastopathy:

  • breast pain;
  • increase in breast size, feeling of heaviness;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples.

As the disease progresses, other signs appear:

Since the main cause of fibrous mastopathy is hormonal disorders, this disease is sometimes preceded by signals from the female body:

The fibrous form of mastopathy is not life-threatening for a woman, but if left untreated it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Features of the disease

The concept of “fibrous mastopathy” includes a group of breast diseases. All of them are benign in nature, but under the influence of certain factors there is a possibility of malignancy - transition to a malignant form.

It is customary to differentiate fibrous mastopathy into diffuse and nodular. With the first type of disease, changes occur in most of the chest and can change their location. In the second case, a local dense node is formed.

Several years ago, mastopathy was diagnosed mainly in women aged 30–35 years. Today it occurs in girls aged 11 and in mature women over 60.

The female mammary gland consists of several tissues:

The chest consists of 15–20 lobes. Each of them has milk ducts that pass through the glandular tissue and connect at the nipple. Connective and adipose tissue are located between the lobes; their quantity varies depending on age and hormonal conditions. So, in women of childbearing age their ratio is 1:1. During lactation, the amount of adipose tissue decreases by 2 times.

Breast tissue reacts to any fluctuations in hormones, even during the cycle. Due to changes in hormonal balance and the influence of other factors, the relationship between connective and epithelial tissue is disrupted, and small compactions occur that tend to increase.

Causes of fibrous mastopathy

Pathological changes in the mammary glands occur against the background of a sharp hormonal changes body. Risk factors include:

The female body works under the influence of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). A change in their ratio affects all systems, but primarily the mammary glands.

Hormonal imbalance is caused by irregular sex life, lack of orgasms, prolonged stress and chronic fatigue.

Such a disease can also arise as a result of external influences. This may include:

Internal diseases also contribute to the occurrence of benign neoplasms in the breast:

Don't forget about hereditary factor. According to statistics, more than half of patients with fibrous mastopathy had relatives with similar diseases or breast cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

Only a mammologist (or a gynecologist in his absence) can identify fibrous mastopathy. As a rule, women turn to him when a strong pain syndrome or seals big size. Several methods are used to diagnose the nature and location of the tumor:

If the patient seeks advice from early stages diseases, a conservative method is used for treatment. It consists of taking hormonal drugs and medications for therapy concomitant diseases. The course of treatment includes mandatory intake of vitamins, diuretics and sedatives. Under the supervision of a physician, you can use the products alternative medicine. They help remove pain symptom and have a slight sedative effect. It should be remembered that traditional methods cannot replace full treatment.

Surgical intervention is resorted to in some cases;

The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. There are 2 types of surgical interventions:

  1. Sectoral resection. Through a small incision, the seal and adjacent tissue are removed.
  2. Enucleation. The tumor is “husked” without affecting nearby tissues.

After the operation, a conservative treatment method is used.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands affects about a third of all women. Disease prevention is healthy image life and regular visits to the gynecologist. Early diagnosis disease helps to avoid dangerous consequences.

Most frequent illness in women of fertile (reproductive) age is mastopathy, which, according to WHO, occurs in almost 60% of cases and is diagnosed in every fourth woman under 30 years of age. The pathology is very diverse in its etiological, morphological and clinical manifestations. It increases the risk of malignant tumors in the mammary gland several times.

What is fibrous mastopathy

In the sexual and reproductive system women also include the mammary glands. They perform not only an aesthetic function, but also ensure milk production (lactation) in early period life of the child for feeding.

The female breast consists of adipose tissue, epithelium and glandular components, as well as lymphatic and blood vessels. The structural and functional components of the mammary gland are lobules, which after the birth of the baby begin to actively produce milk.

The weight, size and shape of a woman's breasts depend on the ratio glandular tissue and fat layer. If an abnormal ratio of the components of the mammary gland and increased growth of epithelial cells develops, then fibrous mastopathy occurs.

The disease refers to benign neoplasms, which, under the influence of certain external factors And individual characteristics degenerates into malignant.

Why mastopathy is dangerous - video

Types of disease: unilateral, bilateral, fibrous-adenomatous, fibro-fatty, glandular-fibrous and other forms of mastopathy

There are the following forms of fibrous mastopathy:

  • fibrous-adenomatous or adenosis - proliferation (growth) of glandular tissue in the mammary gland predominates;
  • diffuse fibrous - proliferation occurs connective tissue, namely its elements - collagen fibers, which leads to the formation of the most pronounced compactions;
  • cystic - occurs due to limited, local proliferation fibrous tissue and the formation of cysts with a cavity inside;
  • nodular or focal - a node develops that consists not only of collagen, but also of elastic fibers of connective tissue;
  • mixed - an increase in glandular tissue is combined with the formation of cysts. With this form of mastopathy, the risk of breast cancer increases several times;
  • glandular-fibrous mastopathy develops in the case of active proliferation of glandular tissue;
  • fibrofatty - develops in women after 40–45 years, in which the breast glands are replaced by connective and adipose tissue.

If the proliferative process occurs in one breast, then fibrous mastopathy is considered one-sided, in two - bilateral.

Disturbances in the activity of the glands internal secretion leads to the development of the following types of mastopathy:

  • thyroid - for pathology thyroid gland, which is based on iodine deficiency in the body;
  • central - occurs when regulation is disrupted in the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • endometriosis - develops due to increased levels of estrogen, which is typical for endometriosis;
  • ovarian - associated with disturbances in the phases of egg development and insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

Causes and factors for the development of mastopathy

Not a single specific factor has yet been identified that directly leads to fibrous mastopathy. All benign neoplasms have many identical causes associated with genetic predisposition, internal changes and external influence.

  1. Heredity - women whose mothers had cancer are more prone to bilateral fibrous mastopathy and its degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.
  2. Neuroendocrine dysfunction - increased level estrogen stimulates the growth of epithelial cells, and progesterone stimulates glandular components.
  3. Late first pregnancy and childbirth or lack thereof.
  4. The birth of a baby weighing more than 4 kilograms.
  5. Prolonged breastfeeding or, conversely, too short a lactation period.
  6. Woman's age - statistics show an increase in the number of cases of fibrous mastopathy in women around 40 years old, as well as a sharp increase in pathology rates after 60 years.
  7. Previously suffered mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland).
  8. High-calorie foods and animal products that stimulate the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body.
  9. Psycho-emotional overload is reduced defense mechanisms immune system, which can provoke increased proliferation of breast cells and lead to the development of tumors in it.
  10. Irregular sex life or its prolonged absence.
  11. Use of contraceptives.
  12. Tobacco smoking.

Among women reproductive age A connection has been established between the development of fibrous mastopathy and the presence of the following disorders:

  • uterine bleeding associated with dysfunction of the reproductive glands;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • infertility;
  • endometriosis.

Clinical picture, symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of fibrous mastopathy do not always manifest themselves in the early stages of the disease, so the pathology remains undiagnosed for a long time, and even more often untreated. Women who seek help from a mammologist are divided into three groups:

  1. Teenagers and girls up to twenty years of age.
  2. Women of fertile age from 25 to 40 years.
  3. Women during post- and menopause.

You can suspect the presence of disturbances in the activity of the secretory glands based on the following signs:

  • heavy discharge during menstruation;
  • severe pain and a long period of menstruation.

They indicate an increased level of estrogen in the female body and a lack of progesterone, which becomes initial stage development of fibrous mastopathy. Women with this pathology present the following complaints at the appointment:

  • an increase in size of one or both mammary glands, especially before menstruation;
  • severe pain and increased breast density, swelling, which is associated with progesterone deficiency and an increase in the number of vessels in the mammary glands due to this;
  • Some girls experience nipple discharge associated with the menstrual cycle.

An echo sign of fibrous mastopathy after ultrasound examination is a decrease in the thickness of the layer of glandular tissue, but at the same time an increase in the density of the mammary gland, which indicates fibrous replacement.

Diagnosis of the disease

Confirmation of the development of fibrous mastopathy is based on:

  • general examination;
  • palpation of the breast and adjacent tissues;
  • mammographic examination;
  • puncturing nodes in the glands;
  • cytology of the biological material taken during puncture.

Examination of the mammary glands

External research female breast should be carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. 2–3 days after the end of menstruation, since in the second phase physiological engorgement of the mammary glands occurs, which can lead to incorrect interpretation of the diagnostic method.

The doctor evaluates:

  • asymmetrical sizes;
  • contours;
  • condition of the skin and nipples.


Using his hands, the doctor evaluates not only the tissue of the glands, but also lymph nodes for the presence of additional inclusions and compactions in organs. If deviations are detected, a more detailed study is performed using instrumental methods.


With the help of ultrasound waves, the condition of the mammary glands is excellently assessed, especially in cases of cyst formation and in young women with physiological increased breast density.

This method loses its information content with fatty involution of the gland.


The most revealing diagnostic method for women over 40 years of age is mammography - X-ray examination in two projections without the use of contrast agents. It is considered reliable only in cases with reduced density of glandular tissue of the mammary glands.


If an ultrasound reveals lumps or areas dark color in the gland tissue, then a puncture (puncture) is performed and material is taken for further examination in order to confirm the presence or absence of cancer cells.

Cytological examination

Diagnosis is subject to material taken after a puncture, or a smear of breast secretions, which are subsequently examined under a microscope.

Fibrous mastopathy is differentiated from breast cancer based on the results of ultrasound examination, puncture and cytology of the material taken. IN difficult cases Magnetic resonance imaging is also used to diagnose metastases to organs and lymph nodes.

Treatment of the disease

In the treatment of fibrous mastopathy, a systematic approach is important in order to eliminate external factors, neuroendocrine and hormonal disorders, and accompanying pathologies female body. Conservative treatment can be divided into two groups:

  • hormone therapy;
  • non-hormonal methods.

General approaches to eliminating mastopathy, lifestyle and diet

Before starting to use hormonal drugs, it is important for women to follow the following recommendations:

  • stop smoking;
  • start or regulate sexual activity;
  • lead an active lifestyle (physical activity);
  • exclude from the diet harmful products food, alcohol, coffee and a large number of chocolate;
  • adhere to a daily routine, normalize sleep;
  • use vitamin therapy (vitamins A, E, B and C);
  • start reception sedatives(Sedavit, Novopassit, Adaptol);
  • apply local therapy(compresses from Dimexide and Novocaine to reduce pain).

Treatment with hormonal drugs is carried out in courses. Beginner course therapy lasts 3 months. Depending on the cyclicity of mastopathy and the state of hormonal levels, the following is used:

  • Mabustin;
  • Duphaston et al.

Doesn't exist today complex drug, which not only reduces the degree of development of fibrosis in the mammary glands, but also does not cause side effects, does not reduce the thickness of the endometrium and does not affect the synthesis of its own progesterone. Therefore, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, control of hormonal and biochemical parameters, as well as ultrasound.

Medications: Sedavit, Dimexide, Utrozhestan and others - photo gallery

Sedavit - a combined sedative drug Dimexide is used for compresses. Utrozhestan is one of the most common drugs intended for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy Diferelin is effective medicine for the treatment of hormonal-dependent diseases In the treatment of mastopathy, Dostinex can be used against the background of basic therapy Duphaston is highly effective and is used to relieve pain


Surgery is a very controversial decision for fibrous mastopathy, since this method does not eliminate the main causes of the disease. Surgery recommended for:

  • nodal forms;
  • recurrent breast cysts.

Alternative Therapies

Folk remedies are effective when used in the form of compresses for pain relief. There are many recipes for this:

  1. Chop the cabbage leaves in a blender until a paste forms. The procedure will require about 15 tablespoons. Mix the mixture with yogurt and apply these lotions to your chest throughout the day.
  2. For 1 liter boiled water add 100 g table salt(5 tablespoons). Apply a compress from this solution at night.
  3. Mix crushed leaves of coltsfoot, wormwood and celandine with rye flour in a ratio of 3:1, apply the resulting mixture to the chest before bedtime.

Traditional methods of treatment - photo gallery

Cabbage and curdled milk leaves are used for compresses Coltsfoot has an analgesic effect Table salt solution is used for compresses Wormwood leaves together with coltsfoot are used for fibrous mastopathy
Celandine is one of the ingredients in a compress recipe for the treatment of mastopathy.

Life prognosis and consequences

Even if mastopathy does not bother a woman, you should not take this disease lightly, since timely treatment and monitoring the process in the mammary gland gives every chance of recovery.

Over time, neoplasms in the female breast can lead to the development of malignant tumors.


To avoid the occurrence of fibrous mastopathy, a woman needs to remember the risk factors and try in every possible way to avoid them, as well as:

  • promptly treat gynecological diseases;
  • do not resort to abortions without medical indications;
  • breastfeed your child for no more than a year and no less than 3 months;
  • avoid stress and excessive physical activity;
  • be vigilant and regularly examine the mammary glands by specialists in case of oncological diseases at the mother's;
  • apply rational methods of contraception with their selection from a specialist.

The diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy should under no circumstances cause a woman to panic. Hormonal problems in the body can be successfully corrected with the right approach to treatment and full understanding with the doctor. Complex therapy helps to avoid breast surgery and malignant degeneration glandular tissue.

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Fibrous mastopathy is benign dysplasia of breast tissue, a disease characterized by the formation of a fibrous node. For fibrous mastopathy, treatment takes a very long time and is not always effective. Upon palpation, a woman feels a dense, rounded formation with clear boundaries in her chest, which easily moves when pressed.

Fibrous mastopathy most often affects women of reproductive age; in terms of prevalence, it occupies one of the first places among tumor pathologies. Some forms of fibrosis can degenerate into transient cancerous forms. This main reason that fibrous mastopathy must be taken very seriously and promptly undergo treatment for of this disease.

No specialist can say exactly why the disease occurred. The mammary gland is an organ sensitive to the effects of external and internal factors. The most common cause of fibrosis is an imbalance of sex hormones. During puberty, pregnancy and breastfeeding child, the woman’s body synthesizes estrogens, progesterone, prolactin and testosterone in different percentages.

Thanks to this, he quickly adapts to new living conditions. However, if under the influence of internal factors - illness or external - stress, smoking, excessive tanning, proper nutrition, an imbalance of sex hormones occurs, then the tissues of the breast and uterus begin to suffer from this first. The connective tissue located between the lobules of the mammary gland receives an impetus for growth. Its growth becomes the cause of the formation of a fibrous node.

Modern life with its stress loads, unhealthy environment and high career pressures contributes to an increase in the number of fibrosis diseases mammary gland. Every woman should learn to self-examine the condition of the mammary glands and do it regularly on days 10-12 of the menstrual cycle. In addition, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination once a year with a mammologist and have a mammogram of the mammary glands.

What symptoms are characteristic of the disease?

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands does not cause any pain, so a woman can live with it for years without noticing that there is a problem. But if you pay close attention to your body, you will notice that in the premenstrual phase of the cycle, the breasts become very distended (the knot compresses the swollen glandular epithelium and enlarged milk ducts), and painful sensations, stronger than usual. With advanced fibrosis, pain may radiate to the shoulder or shoulder blade. Quite rarely, liquid begins to come out of the nipple - clear or cloudy. As fibrous mastopathy develops, the mammary gland can visually change its shape due to a growing tumor. Because of this, the skin of the breast becomes thinner, stretch marks appear on it, and the areola and nipple darken. The disease can provoke general malaise - lethargy, fatigue, depression and insomnia.

The main symptom of the disease is the presence of a lump in the chest, although it is also characteristic of other pathologies. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, diagnostic studies will be required.

How is fibrous mastopathy diagnosed?

Most often, the disease affects one of the mammary glands, although there are cases of mastopathy in both breasts. The fibrous node can grow into the lumen milk duct or embrace it. There are also mixed forms of fibrous mastopathy. Greatest danger represents a leaf form of fibrosis, which grows very quickly and reaches gigantic forms. It is also prone to degeneration and often becomes the cause of the development of mammary gland sarcoma - very dangerous disease, which is transient and difficult to treat.

The essence of diagnosis for fibrous mastopathy comes down to determining the exact location of the tumor, its size and histology. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • Mammography of the breast in different types of projection
  • ultrasound examination, during which tissue is taken from the fibrous node for histology
  • cytological and histological examination affected tissue to detect modified and cancer cells

If the attending physician is in doubt, he can prescribe additional blood tests for hormonal status, tumor markers and biochemistry, and refer the woman for a consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Treatment tactics for fibrous mastopathy

What methods can be used to treat fibrous mastopathy? Experts believe that tumors with a predominance fibrous component that are less than 1 cm in diameter do not require treatment. Women who are diagnosed with them are registered at a dispensary, come for a consultation with a mammologist every six months and undergo diagnostic studies- mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands.

Tumors larger than 1 cm require treatment. Depending on the nature of the disease and individual characteristics, the woman is prescribed:

  1. conservative drug therapy
  2. surgery

Surgery is prescribed if conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, the tumor is prone to degeneration and when examining histological samples, modified and cancer cells.

Conservative drug treatment

How to treat the disease conservative methods? Conservative treatment is selected for a woman according to individually, depending on the nature of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

It is aimed at:

  • normalization of hormonal status
  • destruction of the tumor
  • elimination of inflammatory processes
  • normalization of metabolism
  • normalization of the thyroid gland and liver

At the same time, medications are prescribed according to symptoms, which relieve pain and discomfort in the chest, calm the nervous system, and stimulate the immune system.

Particular care must be taken when using hormonal medications. The selection of doses and course duration is solely the prerogative of the doctor. Uncontrolled use and self-medication can complicate the course of fibrous mastopathy and even provoke malignant degeneration of the tumor. As a rule, treatment is prescribed oral contraceptives small courses. Systemic treatment with hormonal drugs is effective in exceptional cases associated with complicated pathology. Depending on the nature of the problem, medications containing therapeutic doses estrogens, gestagens, testosterone, or reducing the production of prolactin.

When prescribing hormonal drugs, the woman’s age is also taken into account. After 45 years, drugs with synthetic progesterone and diuretics that relieve excessive swelling, such as Danazol or Utrozhestan, are most often prescribed. Younger women are prescribed oral contraceptives with a different ratio of sex hormones, such as Marvelon, Jastin, Duphaston. For young girls hormonal drugs are not assigned.

It should be noted that the disease can be cured only in 5% of cases. The fact is that mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component practically does not resolve.

Surgical treatment

Today two tactics are practiced surgical treatment fibrosis:

  • enucleation or enucleation of a fibrous node while preserving healthy tissue
  • resection - sectoral or entire mammary gland, if there are signs of tumor degeneration into a malignant neoplasm

The operations are considered simple and are carried out from 30 to 60 minutes under local or general anesthesia. On days 7-10, the woman's stitches are removed.

Modern enucleation technologies involve the formation of internal sutures, which become invisible over time. Reconstructive surgery is indicated for total removal of the mammary gland. Plastic surgery, during which a woman is fitted with a silicone implant and the outer skin is formed.

During the postoperative period, it is important to follow a diet - enrich the diet with high-quality proteins and unsaturated fatty acids (fish, lean meat, nuts), exclude strong tea, coffee and chocolate. It is useful to take leisurely walks fresh air, avoid stressful loads, and it is absolutely necessary to choose the right underwear, which will support the breasts well and not squeeze the skin.

Folk remedies in the fight against disease

Alternative medicine offers a lot of recipes local treatment mammary glands, which help improve tissue trophism, normalize metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and contribute to the destruction of fibrous tumors. It is important to remember that infusions, compresses, lotions, and ointments based on herbal raw materials also belong to medications and, along with their benefits, can be harmful. Therefore, before starting to use folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

In the treatment of fibrous mastopathy, the following have proven effective:

  1. Herbal teas using burdock root, red brush herb, motherwort, chamomile, fennel, hops, pine cones, strings, coltsfoot, mint, valerian.
  2. Preparations based on propolis and other bee products.
  3. Compresses made from salt, cabbage leaves, lemon juice and castor oil.
  4. Alcohol tinctures of calendula flowers.

Treatment folk remedies It is carried out in courses of 2-3 months, after which a break is taken.

Can fibrous mastopathy occur again?

Unfortunately, if a tumor process has already started in the body, then the manifestation of fibrous components may recur. To prevent this, you need to reconsider your lifestyle - establish proper nutrition, avoid severe nervous overload, exercise at least 2 times a week sports games in the fresh air. Important and psychological attitude- you need to enjoy life. Experts recommend thinking about having a child; pregnancy and childbirth change the balance of hormones and serve as a kind of prevention of tumor pathologies.

Among diseases of the female mammary glands, mastopathy is the most famous. There are numerous varieties of this pathology. They are characterized by the formation of multiple compactions. Having felt them in her chest, a woman always experiences shock, as she is afraid that she has discovered signs of cancer. However, benign and malignant pathologies have distinctive features. Most often, with fibrous mastopathy, a woman experiences chest pain, which is not typical for cancerous tumors in the early stages. It is important to diagnose pathology in a timely manner.

Mastopathy can occur in women of any age, but most often it is encountered during the period of full functioning of the reproductive organs. At this time, a woman’s health is affected by many negative factors, the main one of which is regular hormonal changes.

Depending on what changes occur in the structure of the gland, the following types of fibrous mastopathy are distinguished:

  1. Fibrous-adenomatous. Connective and glandular tissues grow, with the latter predominant. In this case, connective tissue scars are formed. On palpation, shapeless compactions are felt.
  2. Fibrous-fatty. At the same time, fewer and fewer ducts and lobes (glandular element) remain in the chest. Their place is taken by overgrown fibrous fibers and adipose tissue. This process is called mammary involution. It is natural during the aging period of the body, when reproductive function fades away, the need for production breast milk disappears.
  3. Fibrocystic. The outer membranes of the ducts and lobes, as well as the partitions separating them, are made up of connective tissue cells. Pathological growth leads to the formation of voids (cystic cavities) and a decrease in the number of elements involved in milk production.
  4. Fibrous-glandular. Lumps appear in the chest, consisting mainly of overgrown connective tissue with elements of modified ducts and lobes. At the same time, the shape of the breast changes. Such neoplasms sometimes develop into cancer.

There are nodular fibrous mastopathy and diffuse. In the nodular form, a group of small compactions are grouped into a separate focus. It may be single, or there may be several. The nodular form of mastopathy is considered precancerous, since the likelihood of malignant degeneration in in this case higher. The diffuse form is characterized by a random distribution of small compactions throughout the gland.

The disease can be unilateral (occurs in one breast) or bilateral (occurs on both sides at once). Manifestations of mastopathy are expressed in varying degrees. It is customary to distinguish 3 forms: mild, moderate and pronounced.

Causes of pathology

The main cause of fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. There are many factors that lead to hormonal imbalance.

Endocrine disorders. They are caused by pituitary tumors, cysts and ovarian tumors, diseases of the thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. Cause and effect endocrine disorders and improper metabolism are obesity, diabetes. With these diseases, the likelihood of mastopathy is increased. Fibrous mastopathy is an estrogen-dependent disease. Seals of this type appear when there is an excess content of the female sex hormones estrogen in the body.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases ovaries and uterus. They cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and disruption of the production of estrogen and progesterone.

Artificial termination of pregnancy leads to forced inhibition of the processes of hormonal changes occurring in the body after conception.

Physiological disorders. Irregular sex life, a woman's lack of pregnancy, and refusal to breastfeed after childbirth can cause a shift in the ratio of female sex hormones and the development of breast diseases.

Heredity. In some women, a predisposition to such diseases is inherent in their genes, and is observed in close relatives.

Ultraviolet irradiation. Exposure to UV rays (during topless sunbathing or staying in a solarium) provokes atypical cell development, the appearance of fibrous mastopathy, tumors, including malignant ones.

Stress and bad habits contribute to the occurrence of hormonal imbalance and the development of pathologies in the female breast.

Video: How mastopathy manifests itself. The importance of self-examination

Symptoms and signs of pathology

At an early stage, when the lumps are small, the woman does not notice their appearance and does not pay attention to the symptoms. On the eve of menstruation, breast swelling and the appearance of aching pain are not surprising. It is observed in almost all women and is explained by physiological features and the appearance of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Signs that a woman should pay attention to are:

  • gain nagging pain, the appearance of a tingling sensation in the chest, the pain becomes constant, intensifying during menstruation;
  • feeling of pressure, fullness in the chest;
  • swelling of one or both glands, change in shape due to the formation of lumps;
  • the appearance of compactions that move freely when palpating the breast.

Sometimes a clear, white, dark or pinkish liquid is released from the nipples, which indicates a violation of the structure of the ducts, the occurrence of inflammatory process, damage to blood vessels. Sometimes there is also an enlargement of the lymph nodes under the armpits and above the collarbones from fibrous mastopathy.

Addition: Such lumps can be distinguished from cancerous tumors by certain signs: they are not fused to the skin and are painful. There are no changes in skin color or appearance of irregularities on the surface of the chest above them.

Video: Causes, diagnosis and treatment of mastopathy


The primary diagnosis of mastopathy, which is carried out by a mammologist, consists of examining and palpating the mammary glands. At the same time, it is possible to notice a change in their size and shape, external difference one from the other. By squeezing the nipple, the doctor determines whether there is any discharge from it. By sequentially palpating all areas of the chest, the presence of lumps can be detected. The condition of the nearest lymph nodes, as well as the skin of the chest, is studied.

To clarify the size and location of the seals, ultrasound and x-rays (mammography) are used. Ultrasound is less informative method, but has no restrictions in use, since it is not used here harmful radiation. It is most often carried out when examining women who are under 35 years of age. It is not harmful for pregnant women either.

Mammography(x-ray of the mammary glands) allows you to detect characteristic manifestations of fibrous mastopathy, determine the degree of tissue changes and the form of pathology. For greater accuracy, photographs are taken in different projections.

Ductography- This is a mammography with a contrast agent. This method is used in the presence of discharge from the nipple; it allows you to detect changes in the milk ducts (intraductal papillomas, obstruction).

Tissue sampling from the lumps (biopsy) and a nipple smear examination are also carried out, which can detect atypical or cancerous cells. If necessary, MRI and blood tests for hormones and tumor markers are prescribed.

Examination of young women is usually carried out immediately after menstruation, when the tension in the breasts is the least. In phase 2, the breasts are denser, painful sensations stronger. Therefore, it is more difficult to obtain an accurate result.


The method of treatment for fibrous mastopathy is selected depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and its form. It is easiest to cope with the disease at an early stage. This must be kept in mind to understand how important the role of breast self-diagnosis is.

Most often, with early detection of pathology, it is possible to limit conservative treatment. If the disease develops, the lumps increase, there are more of them, the symptoms become more severe, and you have to resort to surgery.

Drug therapy

Treatment is carried out to eliminate hormonal disorders and pathologies that cause mastopathy. Means are also used to relieve painful symptoms and inflammatory processes.

Hormonal correction

If tests show that hormonal correction is required, the following type of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Increasing the content of progesterone in the body. This leads to a decrease in estrogen concentrations. Drugs such as utrozhestan, duphaston, norkolut or birth control pills(Zhanine, Yarina).
  2. Drugs that suppress the production of pituitary hormones, such as danazol. The product has androgen properties. By suppressing the production of FSH and LH, this drug reduces the production of female sex hormones, which leads to the cessation of the development of fibrous mastopathy and suppression of the process of cell division.
  3. Means for reducing prolactin (bromocriptine, cabergoline) - a hormone responsible for lactation and proliferation (division) of cells of the milk ducts and lobules.
  4. Drugs that suppress the sensitivity of estrogen receptors (tamoxifen). At the same time, the harmful effects of hyperestrogenism in the body are neutralized.
  5. Hormonal substances that accelerate cell restoration and tissue regeneration (anabolics, such as retibiol).

Warning: Hormones are prescribed only by a doctor after special analysis blood. The consequences of uncontrolled use can be metabolic disorders, obesity, as well as the development of tumors of various organs.

Eliminating symptoms

Nonsteroidal analgesic drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin) and analgesics (baralgin) are used. Antispasmodics also help relieve pain in fibrous mastopathy (they improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension).

Ascorutin or pantocrine are used. To relieve swelling in the chest, diuretics (Lasix, hypothiazide) are used. To improve the psychological state of patients, sedatives are prescribed (seduxen, novo-passit, tinctures of valerian, mint, motherwort).

Multivitamins are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, as well as hepatoprotectors to protect the liver and eliminate harmful side effects medicines. Patients are advised to reconsider their diet: reduce the consumption of animal fats, give up coffee, chocolate, strong tea, alcohol, fried meat.


The operation of sectoral resection of the area of ​​the mammary gland in which mastopathy nodes are grouped is carried out in cases where puncture of the neoplasms has shown that there is a high probability of cancer. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the size and location of the seals, as well as the condition of the patient.

Folk remedies

It is impossible to cure a woman from fibrous mastopathy with their help alone, but in combination with drug therapy they help reduce pain, relieve swelling and inflammation in the tissues of the mammary glands. For this purpose, compresses from squeezed cabbage or burdock leaves, as well as pumpkin pulp, are applied to the sore breast.

Infusions and teas are used medicinal herbs as a sedative and diuretic.

The diagnosis of mastopathy is made when pathological benign growth of mammary gland tissue occurs, accompanied by pain and sometimes secretion. Characterized by a predominance of the cystic or fibrous component. How is fibrous mastopathy treated, is it possible to reduce the symptoms and completely eliminate the disease?

Mastodinon is a non-hormonal drug for the initial stages of mastopathy

About the disease

Mastopathy is a collective diagnosis, indicating hormone-dependent changes in the female breast. Depending on the type, it is divided into forms:

  • nodular, when single nodular elements are formed in the chest;
  • diffuse, characterized by the proliferation of small connecting nodules or cysts, can affect both mammary glands at once.

The latter type is differentiated depending on the predominance of the expanding component and is classified into fibrous and cystic types. Fibrous mastopathy manifests itself in the forms:

  • Glandular-cystic. With a predominance of the glandular component, that is, compactions are formed in the glandular tissue of the breast.
  • Fibrocystic. In addition to fibroids, small hollow elements are formed - cysts filled with fluid. Their sizes sometimes change, this is due to the hormonal levels of the body during the menstrual cycle or menopause.
  • Nodular fibrous. The elements are usually large, round, and easily palpable through the skin.

Mostly the mixed form is diagnosed in young women. Nodular formations are characteristic of older age, after 35 years.

Mastopathy is a hormone-dependent disease


The main factors in the development of mastopathy include hormonal imbalance. Progesterone deficiency is usually detected against the background of increased estrogen levels, which leads to pathological growth tissues in the mammary glands. Increased production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the growth and functions of the female organ, also plays a certain role. What are the reasons for the failure? hormonal system, lead to the formation of the disease:

  • abortion is a severe stress for the female body; with a sharp interruption of the natural process, chaos ensues in the hormonal system, and the likelihood of developing pathology increases sharply;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • prolonged absence of a sexual partner;
  • reproductive diseases;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • absence of childbirth or too frequent childbirth;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • injuries;
  • bad habits that deplete female body;
  • long-term psychological stress and stress.

Active influence ultraviolet radiation, regardless of whether topless tanning on the beach or in a solarium, also lead to the growth of tissue in the mammary glands.

Bad habits affect breast health


With fibrous mastopathy, the following signs appear:

  • A feeling of fullness and heaviness appears in the mammary glands.
  • There is pain, sometimes manifested by a burning sensation or aching sensation. At first it occurs periodically, before menstruation, but later it can bother you constantly.
  • At running forms the pain radiates into armpit, in the shoulder or under the shoulder blade. The cause is compression of tissues and nerve endings in a woman's breast.
  • A secretion from the nipples is released from transparent to yellowish-cloudy color. When a green tint appears, we can talk about an inflammatory process.
  • Over time, the size and shape of the mammary gland may change, and obvious asymmetry appears.
  • Nipples become sensitive.
  • At the time of palpation, with a fibrous component, granularity is felt, cords are felt. When the cyst component predominates, the lobulation is rougher, without clear boundaries of the elements.

If the symptoms coincide completely: the chest is tense and painful, you should not make a diagnosis and treat yourself.

At the first signs, you need to contact a mammologist for an examination. A referral to a specialist can be given by a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon at a clinic.


The diagnosis of fibrous mastopathy is made based on a set of studies:

  • A visual examination is carried out at the beginning of the cycle after the end of menstruation, the doctor interviews and examines the patient, compares the symmetry of the organs and the smoothness of the skin. Palpation determines the condition of the breast tissue and the location of the formation.
  • Ultrasound allows you to clarify the nature of the tumor, its location, and additionally examines the peripheral lymph nodes. The advantage of the method is that it is safe, has no age restrictions, and is approved for pregnant and lactating women. But when the dimensions of the element do not exceed 1 cm, it does not always give accurate results.
  • Mammography - a variant of x-ray examination makes it possible to identify the problem at an early stage, even in the absence of the first signs of changes.
  • If fibrous formations are detected, a tissue biopsy is taken for a cytological examination, and the fluid released from the nipple is also examined.

An accessible and most productive option for detecting pathology in the mammary glands is a woman’s self-examination of her breasts. This procedure should be carried out monthly after the completion of the menstrual cycle.

Mammography will help identify the early stages of mastopathy


A set of therapeutic measures for the treatment of mastopathy is selected individually based on the patient’s hormonal status, the presence of gynecological and systemic pathologies, and signs of the disease. His goal:

  • reduction of painful symptoms in the mammary gland;
  • reduction of tissue fibrous formations;
  • correction of hormonal levels;
  • treatment of endocrine disorders;
  • elimination of inflammatory diseases of the genital area;
  • restoration of kidney and liver function;
  • stabilization of the central nervous system.

Depending on the degree of development pathological process hormonal and non-hormonal therapy or surgery.

Non-hormonal treatment

This type of treatment is chosen for an uncomplicated form of fibrous mastopathy and includes the following measures:

  • Widely used for mild stages homeopathic treatment, phytomedicines Mastodinon, Mammosan or Mammoleptin, Tazalok, Vitokan are prescribed. Medicines contain easily digestible components, which are similar in structure to hormones. Biological substances have a multifaceted effect on the female body: they help stimulate the production of necessary hormones, relieve inflammation, stabilize the condition, and reduce the risk of fibroids degenerating into a malignant state.
  • Since vitamins are regulators of many processes in the body, vitamin therapy is used in the treatment of mastopathy. Substances help strengthen the immune system, remove toxins, and support organ function. And also enhance the effect of the drugs, normalize the central nervous system and stop the proliferation of components. The main role is given to vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B, D.
  • Sometimes preparations based on iodine and kelp are used.
  • Immunomodulatory therapy using adaptogens is recommended to allow the body to resist negative impact of different nature.
  • The pain syndrome is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At psychogenic factor development of mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component against central nervous system excitation and stress are used sedatives, infusions of valerian or motherwort.

Usually the disease is treated for a long period: from 3 months to six months. During this time it gradually stabilizes hormonal background And nervous system, which leads to a significant reduction in symptoms or recovery.

Vitokan - homeopathic medicine

Hormone therapy

Mastopathy is also treated with the help of hormones; medications are prescribed to correct the hormonal status, carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor after a preliminary detailed examination. Before prescribing therapy during the menstrual cycle, an analysis is required to determine the production of estrogen and progesterone and prolactin. Based on its results, a drug will be selected that corresponds to the patient’s age and hormonal status:

  • The latest generation of contraceptive drugs are used, which have virtually no contraindications.
  • For diffuse forms, products based on long-acting hormones that are implanted under the skin have performed well.
  • Work productively medications with natural prolactin or its analogues.
  • Local ointments and creams are used to relieve swelling and pain. For example, Progestogel, a gel containing progesterone, is prescribed for application to the skin of the mammary glands.
  • In complex cases with large formations, treatment is carried out using steroid or testosterone injections. This type of therapeutic effect has contraindications and is not used during pregnancy, endocrine diseases or frequent miscarriages.

Hormonal drugs not only help the resorption of elements, but also prevent the development of tumors in the uterus and ovaries.

Oral contraceptives help in the treatment of mastopathy

Surgical intervention

The operation is used in rare cases; it is usually prescribed when treatment with drugs does not bring results, and there is a high risk of fibroid transformation into a malignant form. If the size of the formation is more than 3 cm, the surgeon performs a sectoral resection.

Folk remedies

It is also used for mastopathy traditional treatment, its action is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating swelling before menstruation. But before using this method, you need to consult a mammologist. Compresses on the mammary glands are widely used among people:

  • The juice of mature burdock leaves contains anti-inflammatory components. In the evening, after picking a fresh leaf, it is washed warm water and put it under underwear on the chest at night. By morning the swelling will subside and the pain will not be as severe.
  • A spoonful of honey is mixed with a small amount of castor oil and lemon juice. Add gruel from fresh burdock root to the composition, mix everything well. The mass is laid out on a cloth and applied to the chest overnight or for several hours. If the manipulations are repeated for a month, the pain will stop bothering you.
  • And also when mild stage from discomfort effective application cabbage leaf. It can be used fresh by pricking several holes with a fork to better release the juice.
  • Another option involves a compress of cabbage pulp. Apply it for 3–5 hours, periodically changing the bandage. They also apply applications of grated beets and carrots with the addition of sea buckthorn oil and honey.

You should not hope for a lasting result if the product is used once. Folk recipes work with regular long-term use, then before menstruation the mammary glands will stop swelling and hurting as before.

Cabbage leaf will relieve discomfort


Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of the disease; the diet should be balanced according to energy value And vitamin composition. It is also necessary to take into account:

  • Subcutaneous fat provokes the release of estrogen, which causes the disease to progress and degenerate into a malignant form. Therefore, it is important to reduce fat consumption; the calorie content of food should be brought to the norm of 2000 kcal.
  • You need to avoid milk, lard, fatty red meat, and hydrogenated fats.
  • Canned foods, including vegetables, are contraindicated.
  • Avoid chocolate, cocoa, Coca-Cola, coffee, and spices from the diet; these products also inhibit treatment and provoke the development of pathological processes.
  • To prevent swelling, it is important to reduce your intake of salt and foods high in salt.
  • To improve digestion, you should include foods containing fiber in your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and dairy products. Store-bought sweets are replaced with baked fruits.
  • To enrich the body with iodine, the diet must contain seaweed and seafood.
  • Omega-3 non-fatty acids have a powerful antitumor effect, so fatty fish should be on the menu at least 2 times a week.
  • Particular attention should be paid to foods containing antioxidants (vitamins PP, C, E, A), selenium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Smoking and alcohol should not be consumed categorically; their impact reduces the effect of medications.

If a woman leads correct image life, follows all the doctor’s recommendations, then with adequately selected therapy, improvement often occurs and the disease recedes.

It is important to know that initial stage It is much easier to treat pathology than when it takes on common forms. But recovery does not guarantee the presence of a relapse; therefore, if the disease was present, it is necessary to periodically undergo examination by a doctor.