Cervical erosion: what does it look like? Cervical erosion - a diagnosis that needs to be treated Medium cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a benign process that leads to changes in epithelial structures. This disease ranks first among gynecological pathologies and is detected in 1/3 of patients. Is this disease dangerous, what are the symptoms and what should be done to confirm the diagnosis? Experts will talk about all this.

In order to understand what cervical erosion is, this disease should be characterized in more detail. Small sores (erosion) appear on the mucous membrane of the female reproductive organ. The appearance of the occurring disorders depends on the degree of progression of the disease.

What is uterine erosion? This is damage to the mucous membrane adjacent to the vagina, which, if not treated in time, can provoke penetration pathological process to deeper layers.

There are several forms of ectopia, each of which differs in the course of the pathological process.

  1. Ectropion. It is characterized by free eversion of the cervical mucosa. It develops against the background of abortion or after the birth process.
  2. Endometriosis. Accompanied by transplantation to the surface of the reproductive organ of the endometrium, located in the internal cavity.
  3. Leukoplakia. A condition characterized by keratinization of stratified squamous epithelium.

Erosion may be accompanied by the appearance of polyps in the cervix and cervical canal. It is not excluded the development of genital warts. The defect can lead to malignant transformation.

In addition, the cervix is ​​an obstacle to the penetration of pathogens into the uterine cavity. It is here that the mucous membrane produces mucus, which has such an acidity that is detrimental to pathogens.

As a result of erosion, damage occurs to the glands that are responsible for the synthesis essential substances. With violations occurring in the body, infectious agents easily penetrate inside, which is fraught with the development of inflammation of the endometrium and ovaries. The result is infertility.

For a long time, cervical erosion does not reveal itself. The insidiousness of the disease is that it can develop at any age. This is due to the fact that the cylindrical epithelium covering the uterus does not have protective functions, therefore it is subject to the action of bacteria and viruses.

After 1-2 weeks, the damaged areas of the mucous membrane begin to heal on their own. In most cases, incorrect epithelialization occurs. In place of true erosions, pseudo-erosions appear - modified areas without signs of obvious damage.

Consider the main types of the disease.

A pathological process that is formed against the background of exposure to adverse factors (inflammation, trauma, etc.). As a result, the epithelium is exfoliated, and in its place, an area of ​​inflammation begins to progress. True erosion develops below. When examined, it has a bright red color, damaged areas may bleed.


Epithelial cells are replaced by cylindrical ones. A false type of the disease develops against the background of displacement of cells from the cervical canal beyond its limits. False ectopia develops in 35-40% of cases and has no characteristic symptoms.

congenital erosion

The displacement of the internal uterine epithelium beyond the boundaries of the cervical canal can be formed even in the process prenatal development. Experts have not fully studied the factors that contribute to this.

A congenital type of the disease is detected in childhood or adolescence during a routine gynecological examination.


With a disease such as cervical erosion, symptoms and treatment are closely related. The sooner action is taken, the less likely complications will develop. The disease rarely manifests itself clinically, so the diagnosis is made mainly in advanced cases.

What cervical erosion looks like, the photo shows clearly. It is not easy to imagine that in the absence of pain, there may be an extensive ulcer inside. Such cases are not uncommon nowadays.

Progressive cervical erosion symptoms are quite characteristic.

  1. Bloody discharge between menstruation and after intercourse.
  2. Unreasonable pulling pains in the lower abdomen and discomfort at the time of intercourse.
  3. Profuse discharge of leucorrhoea without thrush.

The general well-being of the woman does not suffer. But often an inflammatory process joins erosion, which is characterized by an increase in pain and the amount of discharge. "Beli" have the appearance of a thick white liquid that does not have a pungent odor. When changing underwear, you can find peculiar traces that can be an alarming "bell", as they often accompany infectious diseases.

The appearance of complaints is due to the presence of concomitant diseases of the cervical canal (endocervicitis) or vagina (colpitis).

The listed symptoms are nonspecific for erosion, as they can occur against the background of other

pathological processes. If at least one symptom occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This approach eliminates the likelihood of complications, which are characterized by the appearance of mucous or mucopurulent discharge, accompanied by severe discomfort.

It has not yet been fully studied which predisposing factors contribute to the appearance of wounds on the mucous membrane of the female reproductive organ. Before treating cervical erosion, a comprehensive examination is mandatory to determine the presumptive cause of the development of the pathological process.

Among the main prerequisites are vaginitis and endocervicitis. In girls under 18 years of age, the congenital type of the disease is most often observed. In adolescents, violations are possible against the background of the onset of sexual relations and due to hormonal changes in the body. In pregnant women, mucosal damage occurs for the same reason.

With a disease such as cervical erosion, the causes of pathological changes may be as follows.

  • Mechanical damage. Among the provoking factors, prolonged and rough sexual intercourse, abortion, and childbirth should be distinguished. physical impact on the squamous epithelium leads to the fact that its layers begin to thicken. This provokes the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Infectious diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual contact (genital herpes, human papillomavirus, etc.).
  • Inflammation in the area of ​​organs located in the small pelvis (endometritis, salpingitis, oophoritis, etc.).
  • Late or not competent treatment gynecological diseases.
  • Early or late onset of sexual activity.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners or prolonged absence of sexual contacts.
  • Violations of the menstrual cycle and hormonal status of the body.
  • Violation of the protective functions of the body.

It should also highlight the erosion of the physiological type, which occurs before the age of 25 years. AT this case there is no need for treatment as the lesions heal on their own.


Already at the first visit, the gynecologist makes a preliminary diagnosis. Before treating cervical erosion, a number of laboratory tests are mandatory:

  • smear from the vagina for flora and colposcopy;
  • cytological examination and PCR to determine herpes, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis;
  • blood test for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • biopsy and bacteriological culture.

The tactics of therapy depends on the characteristics of the patient and the degree of progression of erosion. The congenital form of the disease requires monitoring in dynamics. In this case, self-healing is possible.

With erosion, medical or surgical therapy can be prescribed. Without fail, the specialist determines the cause of the development of the disease and takes measures to eliminate it.

Conservative treatment is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and combating sexually transmitted infections. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics that have a wide spectrum of action. As aids it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agents

Locally, the cervix is ​​​​treated with drugs that are designed for chemical coagulation in the area that was affected. They do not leave scars, so they are widely prescribed for nulliparous girls. Among their shortcomings, the risks of relapse should be highlighted.


Operational techniques are used only if there is no pronounced effect from the medicines. With a neglected degree of erosion, the doctor immediately directs the patient for surgical treatment.

Erosion is treated surgically using the following methods.

  1. Cryodestruction. Treatment of the damaged area with liquid nitrogen over low temperatures. The damaged area is point-wise frozen until healthy tissue is exposed.
  2. Laser coagulation. With the help of a powerful beam of light, which is produced by means of special expensive equipment, the eroded area of ​​the mucosa is affected.
  3. Radio wave cauterization. For the procedure, the Surgitron apparatus is used, which is recognized by most specialists in the field of gynecology as the best method for combating erosion.
  4. Diathermoconization. Removal of cervical erosion with a special loop. In the place where the eroded surface was located, a scab is formed, which disappears on its own 7 days after excision of the overgrown tissues. Stratified epithelium is restored only after 1-1.5 months.

Folk remedies

To alternative medicine should be treated in order to increase the effectiveness of drug recovery or to increase the recovery period after surgical intervention.

Among the most effective traditional medicine are:

  • and sea buckthorn oil. Dissolve 2 tablets. in 1 tsp. and mix with 2-10 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Soak a sanitary tampon in this solution and use as directed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days;
  • bergenia root. Grind the plant on a grater, take 3 tbsp. l. and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes and drink 30 drops 2 times a day directly half an hour before meals for 5 days.

How to cure cervical erosion with folk remedies? Without consulting a doctor medicinal herbs use is not allowed. The lack of timely drug therapy can lead to the progression of the pathological process, which entails serious complications.

Forecast and prevention

In advanced cases, erosion can cause the development of cervical cancer. It is better to prevent the disease or start treatment on time.

The most effective preventive measures include:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist - at least 2 times a year;
  • personal hygiene;
  • the desire for regular sexual activity and monogamy.


Cervical erosion - serious illness, which can lead to the development of malignant transformation. Prevention of this disease is great value. With timely access to a gynecologist, you can avoid the development of complications and be cured with the help of medications.

Unfortunately, in advanced cases, surgical intervention is indispensable.

According to the medical literature, cervical erosion is detected during a gynecological examination in 15% of all women. Some varieties of this pathology are diagnosed in about half of all patients. This widespread prevalence explains the important medical and social significance Problems.

Definition and types of erosion

The term erosion is commonly understood as damage or degeneration of the structure of the mucous membrane of the cervix. First of all, the part of the cervix that goes into the vagina suffers. In this place, the neck is covered special kind cells that form the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. These cells are called stratified squamous epithelium. The internal or cervical canal of the cervix is ​​normally covered with cylindrical epithelium (cells have the appropriate shape).

The cervix is ​​covered by stratified squamous epithelium

Erosion classification

Depending on the location of the defect and the nature of the changes in the mucosa, it is customary to distinguish the following types of cervical erosion:

  1. True erosion is a pathological condition in which the stratified squamous epithelium is damaged, the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated and a defect is formed in the form of a wound.
  2. False, or pseudo-erosion, is a change in which cylindrical cells appear on the cervix instead of stratified squamous epithelium.
  3. Congenital erosion is a condition when elements of the cylindrical epithelium grow beyond the boundaries of the cervical canal. Such erosion develops in girls at the earliest stages of development.

Erosion looks like a bright red spot on the cervix

True erosion is divided into several types depending on the cause:

  • inflammatory - caused by infectious pathogens - viruses, chlamydia, etc .;
  • traumatic - resulting from damage by gynecological instruments, with rough intimate contact or careless introduction of local contraceptives;
  • chemical - developing when exposed to aggressive chemicals, for example, acidic solutions with improper douching;
  • burn - arising after surgical treatment (diathermoelectrocoagulation);
  • trophic - caused by poor blood circulation in the vessels of the cervix;
  • specific - developing with tuberculosis or syphilis;
  • cancer - malignant degeneration epithelial cells in the cervix.

True erosion - damage to the cells of the epithelium of the cervix

Pseudo-erosion, in turn, is divided into several forms according to its structure. The following forms of pseudo-erosion are described:

  1. Glandular - characterized by a large number of special formations - erosive glands. With this form, cylindrical cells not only line the neck from above, but also grow into the thickness of the tissues.
  2. Papillary - a form in which the entire surface of the cervix is ​​​​covered with growths in the form of papillae.
  3. Cystic - develops when the layers of the epithelium grow on top of each other.
  4. The glandular-cystic form, characterized by an increase in erosive glands and the formation of cysts between them (cavities filled with mucus).
  5. Epidermis or healing - a variety that occurs at the site of successfully treated diseases of the cervix - true erosion, polyp, etc.
  6. Papillary - characterized by the growth of connective tissue formations (the so-called papillary stroma).

With congenital erosion, the columnar epithelium grows beyond the boundaries of the cervical canal

Why does the disease occur

Doctors have not yet been able to fully figure out the exact cause of the development of this pathology. In practical gynecology, it is customary to distinguish several possible causes such a high prevalence

  1. Chronic inflammation of the gynecological organs.
  2. Early onset of sexual activity.
  3. Mechanical injuries of the mucous membrane - transferred curettage, ruptures during childbirth, gross mechanical damage during sexual intercourse.
  4. Violations of the normal microflora in the vagina (dysbiosis) - develops with a frequent change of sexual partners, taking antibacterial drugs.
  5. Hormonal disorders while taking corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.), chronic diseases, age-related changes(decrease in estrogen levels at).
  6. Decreased immunity due to past diseases, etc.
  7. Peculiarities anatomical structure female genital organs - ectropion (pathological eversion of the uterine mucosa).

Infection with chlamydia can provoke the development of erosion

The factors provoking the development of erosion include:

  • frequent douching that disrupts the normal microflora in the vagina;
  • violations of the technique of setting the intrauterine device;
  • excess body weight;
  • transferred surgical operations on the uterus - removal of polyps, etc .;
  • the use of various artificial devices during sexual intercourse.

Main symptoms

In the first days and weeks of the disease, the woman does not feel pain or discomfort and is unaware of the pathology that has arisen. Over time, the following complaints appear:

  • discomfort and blood smearing during intimacy or when lifting weights;
  • lack of connection of such secretions with menstruation;
  • when a secondary infection is attached, the discharge from the genital tract turns greenish-yellow and acquires an unpleasant odor;
  • drawing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • high body temperature;
  • discomfort in the vagina when going to the toilet or having sexual contact;
  • when the inflammatory process passes to the uterus and fallopian tubes, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the discharge becomes abundant and becomes brown.

A woman can independently suspect the appearance of erosion in herself only when the process becomes neglected and is accompanied by severe discomfort.

The nature of the secretions also gradually changes. They can be:

  1. Brown or bloody. Such discharge indicates an inflammatory process in the uterus or mechanical damage mucous membrane.
  2. curdled, white color with a sour smell - characteristic of the defeat of the genus Candida ().
  3. Yellow - when affected by staphylococcus aureus or ureaplasma.
  4. Green and thick - with gonorrhea or trichomoniasis.

Thrush is characterized by white cheesy discharge

With postpartum erosion, the patient feels a pulling pain in the vagina, but may not pay attention to it, attributing discomfort recovery period after childbirth.

In nulliparous discharges from the genital tract during erosion are meager, the main symptom is pain in the lower abdomen. Discharges are reddish or Brown color and occur between menstrual bleeding.

If the pathology develops after cauterization of the cervix, the leading sign will be the appearance of scanty, light, transparent discharge.

Erosion after cauterization accompanied by clear secretions

Erosion and pregnancy

According to most experts, uncomplicated erosion on the cervix does not affect the process of conception and the development of the fetus.

A woman may well become pregnant, but at the same time she will have to be more carefully observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The situation is different in those cases when it is accompanied by an infectious inflammation of the genital organs. Such complications can cause intrauterine growth retardation and even fetal death.

If the erosion was cured by cauterization, doctors advise postponing conception for at least a year. During this time, the scars on the cervix will dissolve, and it will regain elasticity. During pregnancy, this pathology most often develops in young women who are about to give birth for the first time. Its appearance is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Uncomplicated erosion does not affect the course of pregnancy

Symptoms that make it possible to suspect cervical erosion in a pregnant woman can be:

  • sensation of itching or burning in the area of ​​​​the external genital tract;
  • pain in the lower abdomen of a aching or pulling character;
  • copious discharge mixed with mucus, blood or pus;
  • bleeding from the genital tract, which appear soon after sexual contact.

Diagnostic methods

For diagnostic purposes, the doctor examines the cervix using a special tool - a gynecological mirror. Examination reveals a red spot. If the erosion is of an inflammatory or traumatic origin, an elevation consisting of squamous epithelium is visible along the edges of the spot.

Speculum is used to examine the cervix

To determine the consistency of tissues in the focus of erosion, its bottom is examined with a metal probe (Krobak's test). If the probe easily enters the tissues, the sample is considered positive. This test can be used to identify some certain types erosion.

Table: characteristic features of some specific erosions

Type of erosionCharacteristic diagnostic signs
Syphilitic (hard chancre)
  • diameter up to 1 cm;
  • saucer shape;
  • raised flat edges;
  • shiny surface;
  • red color;
  • compaction at the base;
  • no pain and bleeding when touched;
  • Krobak's test is negative.
  • the edges are uneven, as if undermined;
  • multiple formations.
  • edges in the form of uneven rollers;
  • the bottom has the shape of a funnel;
  • at the bottom of a plaque of dead tissue;
  • bleeds easily when touched;
  • Krobak's test is positive;
  • the adjacent tissues of the neck are deformed, have a wooden density.

To diagnose erosion, smears are taken from the cervical canal and from the surface of the ulcer. The material is sent to the laboratory, where the cellular structure of the tissues at the site of the lesion is determined (cytological examination). If the infectious nature of the pathology is suspected, a bacteriological examination is carried out - the type of pathogen and sensitivity to antibacterial agents.

Smears from the cervical canal allow you to determine the nature of the tissues and the possible causative agent of infections

An accurate diagnosis can be established using instrumental and additional research methods. These include:

  1. Colposcopy - examination of the cervix using a sophisticated optical instrument. The method allows you to identify a defect in the epithelial tissue and the connective tissue base under it (stroma). The erosion bottom has a granular bright red surface. In true erosion, it is always below the level of the epithelial cover and has clear contours.
  2. Samples with chemical reagents. If the damaged area is treated 3% acetic acid, the bottom of the ulcer becomes pale, and when treated with 5% silver nitrate, it turns black.
  3. Biopsy of the cervix - scraping of the mucosa in the damaged area with sending for the study of the cellular structure (histology). Such a study is carried out if cancer is suspected or if altered (atypical) cells are found in a smear. Examination can reveal an area of ​​ulcerated surface, proliferation connective tissue, a large number of leukocytes and plethora of vessels in the lesion. With pseudo-erosion, altered cells of the cylindrical epithelium are found.

Colposcopy - allows you to assess the condition of the cervix

Based on the results of the examinations, the attending obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe a consultation of narrow specialists:

  • oncologist - upon detection of atypical cells;
  • dermatovenereologist - in the detection of sexually transmitted infections;
  • phthisiatrician - if a tuberculosis infection is suspected.

Principles and methods of treatment

It is necessary to develop a treatment regimen individually, taking into account the following indicators:

  • forms of the disease;
  • stages of development;
  • the size of the lesion;
  • the intensity of the inflammatory process;
  • the age of the patient;
  • obstetric anamnesis (information about pregnancies and childbirth).

Congenital erosion, according to obstetrician-gynecologists, does not need special active treatment, since it usually heals on its own. The woman in this case should be under dispensary supervision. Therapeutic measures are carried out when infectious and inflammatory complications are detected.

Women who do not yet have children and who plan to become pregnant are usually prescribed local and systemic medications. Active therapy true and false erosion during pregnancy is carried out only in cases where there are concomitant infectious and inflammatory processes. In this case, assigned local funds.

Do not confuse cervical erosion and the so-called ectopia. The latter is often found in nulliparous women (up to 23–25) years old and looks like erosion (it is what many gynecologists mistakenly try to treat both conservatively and surgically). However, ectopia - a congenital condition in which part of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal goes beyond its position - is not a pathology and, as a rule, goes away on its own. The doctor needs to conduct a cytological examination, which will confirm that this is not an erosion, and simply observe until the patient is 25 years old. If the ectopia increases, it will be necessary to do a biopsy and use the most sparing surgical treatment (for example, radio wave). If it disappears or remains the same size, interventions on the cervix are not recommended.

Professor K. Bakhtiyarov, obstetrician-gynecologist, MD


Drug therapy

Drug therapy is carried out for nulliparous women, as well as as part of complex treatment along with cauterization procedures or surgical interventions.

Table: medications for the treatment of erosion

Release form and method of applicationGroupTitlesOperating principle
Tablets and capsules for oral administrationAntibacterial
  • Levomycetin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Metronidazole.
Destroy pathogenic microflora and stop its further growth
  • Flucostat;
  • Diflucan;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Terbenafine;
  • Pimafucin.
Destroy pathogenic fungi, eliminate inflammatory processes, help restore the microflora of the vagina.
  • Acyclovir;
  • Valtrex.
Suppresses the activity of viruses that cause inflammation
  • Immunal;
  • Polyoxidonium.
Restore systemic immunity
Medicines to speed up healing
  • Methyluracil;
  • Apilak;
  • Actovegin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitrum.
Improve metabolic processes in tissues, accelerate regeneration, promote rapid healing of erosion
Candles for topical useAntibacterial
  • Betadine;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Depantol.
Destroy the pathogenic microflora of the genital tract, eliminate inflammation.
  • Livarol;
Destroy pathogenic fungi in the vagina, including Candida.
Stimulating healing
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • Depantol;
  • Suporon;
  • Fitorovye;
  • Erotex.
Accelerate healing, promote the restoration of epithelial tissue.
Ointments and creamsAntibacterial and anti-inflammatory
  • Levomekol;
  • Vulnuzan;
  • Vishnevsky.
Eliminate pathogenic flora, have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate regeneration
  • Pimafucin.
Suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi, eliminate inflammation

Photo gallery: preparations for erosion control

Amoxicillin helps cure genital infections Clotrimazole cream effectively fights pathogenic fungi Candles Hexicon - a remedy for local treatment gynecological infections


Surgical treatment involves surgical excision of the affected area or its cauterization. The indications for surgical excision are:

  • large area and fast growth defeat;
  • erosion in women giving birth;
  • the appearance of pain and bleeding;
  • malignant degeneration (cancerous erosion).

Such an operation is performed by the conization method - in this case, a cone-shaped tissue section is removed, the top of which goes into the depth of the cervical canal, and the base is located outside. Removal is possible in several ways:

  • classical surgical (using a scalpel);
  • laser;
  • radio wave.

The most effective and least traumatic experts consider radio wave conization of the cervix using a device called "Surgitron". The operation is performed outside the hospital, for its implementation it is enough to use local anesthetics (anesthetics). With this method, it is easy to control the depth of intervention and the amount of tissue removed. At the same time, pathological areas are not destroyed and it is possible to send them to histological examination. Due to the coagulating effect of radio waves, bleeding is minimal.

Radio wave surgical treatment of erosions is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus.

Conventional knife conization is performed in the operating room. Such an intervention is performed under general or local anesthesia in an operating room in a hospital. The operation is highly traumatic and the risk of bleeding.

Conization with laser beam is reduced to tissue burning. With this method of treatment, it is not possible to conduct a study of the removed tissues. In addition, this method does not allow to determine the exact depth of excision. Laser conization can only be performed with true erosions without the slightest sign of cell degeneration or malignant growth.

The most effective and modern are the methods of cauterization of the affected area. Them comparative characteristics are given in the table.

Table: methods of cauterization of erosions

NameHow is it carried outIndicationsAdvantagesFlaws
diathermocoagulationCauterization of affected areas with electric current.
  • large area of ​​damage;
  • pain and discharge mixed with blood;
  • frequent inflammation;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • immunodeficiency.
safety and high efficiency of the procedure;
  • soreness;
  • long healing;
  • the formation of cicatricial changes at the site of cauterization;
  • can only be performed on those who have given birth.
Laser coagulationCauterization of tissues with a laser beam
  • large affected area;
  • associated pain and bleeding.
  • high accuracy;
  • the possibility of use in nulliparous;
  • there are no scars and scars;
  • painlessness.
  • requires a lot of practical experience and qualifications of a surgeon or gynecologist;
  • large erosions require several treatments.
CryodestructionFreezing the affected area with liquid nitrogenSuperficial defects in the epithelial lining of the cervix
  • painlessness;
  • affordability;
  • gentle effect;
  • no scars remain.
Very accurate exposure is important, there is a high risk of damaging healthy tissues.
Radio wave treatmentEvaporation of tissues with the help of the thinnest electrode that creates energy waves.
  • true erosion with inflammation;
  • pseudo-erosion.
  • fast healing;
  • painlessness;
  • lack of scars;
  • the ability to treat nulliparous.
Do not use in pregnant women and patients with pacemakers.
Chemical coagulationMucosal treatment with a special chemical solution
(Solkagin, Vagotil)
Erosions of small diameter, especially with signs of inflammationIn parallel with cauterization of erosion eliminates signs of inflammation.The ability to apply only with a small area of ​​​​damage (no more than 1 cm)

Video: laser treatment of erosion

The recovery period after surgical removal can last about 10 days. At this time, a woman may notice the appearance of reddish or brownish discharge from the genital tract. During this period, it is extremely important to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

After the surgical treatment received, the patient is strictly prohibited from:

  • douche;
  • visit a bath, sauna, solarium, swimming pools, take a hot bath;
  • sunbathe on the beaches and swim in open water;
  • play sports or hard physical work;
  • live sexually until the first menstruation;
  • use sanitary tampons (pads are allowed).

Folk methods of treatment

Folk remedies for getting rid of cervical erosion are most effective after the end of menstruation, when the recovery processes are faster and easier.

Tampons with therapeutic compounds are considered a popular home recipe:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is applied to a tampon and inserted into the vagina for 12-15 hours, placing a pad. The full course of treatment is 2 months, although noticeable improvements occur in 2-3 weeks. The oil accelerates the healing of erosion, reduces bleeding, eliminates pain and discomfort.
  2. A tablespoon of linden honey is wrapped in a bandage or a piece of gauze and injected deep into the vagina. It is best to do this before bed. The procedure should be done for 10-15 days. Honey stimulates regeneration processes, increases local immunity.
  3. Fresh aloe leaf juice can be used on its own or mixed with an equal amount of honey. Soak a swab in the liquid and inject overnight. According to patients, recovery occurs after a month of regular use.

Sea buckthorn oil has a wound healing effect

Douching is an effective method:

  1. A teaspoon (about 5 ml) of a pharmacy tincture of calendula (marigold) is dissolved in 300 ml of heated water and douching is done. The procedure is carried out once a day, preferably at night. The douching course lasts 21 days. Calendula relieves inflammatory manifestations well and fights pathogenic microbes.
  2. You can make an infusion of marigold flowers at home. To do this, take a tablespoon of flowers and pour half a glass of boiling water, after which they insist for 10 minutes. Douche with this remedy should be daily for 7 days.
  3. Pharmaceutical chamomile flowers (2 tablespoons) are poured with 1 liter of fresh boiling water and left on low heat for 15 minutes, after which they insist for half an hour. This product should be used within 2 weeks. Chamomile has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the healing of erosion.
  4. There are also recipes folk remedies for oral administration:
    1. Pour 7 yarrow flowers with 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. The decoction is drunk throughout the day instead of regular tea, the course of treatment is 2 weeks. The tool has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
    2. Grind fresh pumpkin seeds in a meat grinder and pour boiling water over them. Take 2 parts of water for 1 part of seeds. Infuse the mixture for 10 hours and take half a glass in the morning. Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of biologically active substances accelerate tissue regeneration.

    Pumpkin seeds accelerate the healing of erosions

    Treatment prognosis, possible consequences

    If cervical erosion was detected in a timely manner and the patient received the correct treatment, there is a high probability of a complete recovery. If appropriate assistance has not been provided and the disease progresses, the following complications are possible:

  • further growth of the lesion;
  • accession of a secondary bacterial or fungal infection and the development of an inflammatory process;
  • development of bleeding from the genital tract;
  • the rebirth of erosion in cancerous tumor cervix;
  • miscarriages at short terms of pregnancy;
  • development of female infertility.

Cervical cancer can become a formidable complication of untreated erosion

It is also possible the development of some complications after surgery on the cervix (knife conization or diathermoelectrocoagulation). As a result of such interventions, the following complications are possible:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the cervical canal;
  • difficulties in pregnancy;
  • scarring on the neck;
  • rupture of the cervix in pregnant women or during childbirth;
  • development of endometriosis - a chronic gynecological disease.

Prevention of erosion development

To prevent the formation of an erosive defect of the mucous membrane of the cervix, doctors recommend:

  • avoid casual sexual contact;
  • use the funds personal protection from genital infections;
  • carefully observe the rules of hygiene;
  • regularly undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist;
  • timely treat the arisen diseases of the genital organs.

Almost every woman has heard of cervical erosion. This is a common occurrence that occurs in almost 70% of women (in some researchers, this figure is lower). About what cervical erosion is, how to determine, diagnose and treat it, is described in this material.


What is cervical erosion? This is a condition in which damage occurs to the epithelium of the uterine cervix from the outside. On early stages it affects only its first third, but as it develops, the lesion grows both in depth, capturing the entire epithelium, and in width. It has its own ICD 10 code - N86.

In fact, such a lesion most of all resembles an abrasion on the skin. True erosion is quite rare. Often doctors mistakenly make such a diagnosis with pseudo-erosion.

This is not of fundamental importance, since the treatment regimens are the same. Some difference lies in the nature of the damage to the epithelium. With pseudo-erosion, its cells are not destroyed or changed, but, as it were, exfoliate.

In some cases, at an early stage, the pathology can even go away on its own. But often takes chronic form. And in this case, treatment is necessary.

It can be congenital or acquired. Most often, it is congenital erosion that passes on its own. It is this type that is usually found in nulliparous and non-sexual girls.

What such a pathology of the uterus looks like, photos before and after it, can be seen below.

The result of laser cauterization


There are several types of erosion. They differ in frequency of occurrence, the nature of damage to the epithelium, and some other indicators. It is customary to distinguish three main types (which may also have subtypes):

Although there are different types, there is almost no difference in their appearance. What does cervical erosion look like? This can be seen in the photo in the material.

All of these conditions produce similar symptoms, can lead to the same consequences, and are treated in the same way. Therefore, the type of erosion does not play a big role. Unless, congenital does not cause discomfort and very rarely progresses. Most often, in adolescence, it degrades and heals.


Signs of erosion on the uterus usually do not appear. This disease is almost asymptomatic. Especially in the early and middle stages. For this reason, it is often diagnosed by accident. Or only at a fairly advanced stage. At a later stage of development, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Bloody discharge during and after intercourse, sometimes, without connection with this, as well as with the menstrual cycle;
  2. Pain during intercourse (from discomfort to severe acute pain);
  3. Ordinary discharge during erosion may have bloody impurities;
  4. An indirect indication is frequent occurrence candidiasis, inflammatory processes etc., since erosion reduces the protective properties of the mucosa.

Since the symptoms are nonspecific, they may indicate the presence of other pathologies. Therefore, in any case, when they appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Why does it occur?

Causes this disease varied. However, most often the phenomenon is caused by the following factors:

  1. Congenital female erosion, which is present in many girls from birth;
  2. Chronic and acute undertreated or frequently occurring inflammatory and infectious processes in the reproductive system;
  3. Mechanical damage during operations, examinations, as well as household (during sexual intercourse, using a tampon, douching, etc.);
  4. Frequent change of sexual partners;
  5. Too early or too late onset of sexual activity;
  6. Frequent childbirth and pregnancy;
  7. Frequent abortions, both surgical and medical;
  8. Hormonal disorders, both as a result of taking drugs, and for other reasons;
  9. Usage oral contraceptives.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of several studies. The most informative are the following:

  • . All types of cervical erosion can be diagnosed by means of a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix. Such a study also allows you to check for infections and tumor markers;
  • - a procedure in which a piece of cervical tissue is taken for examination to make a diagnosis. This method in gynecology allows you to get more wide range data;
  • helps to determine the state of the uterus and its cervix;
  • – Inspection with special equipment. This method shows what cervical erosion looks like.

These methods in combination help to accurately diagnose the disease and the presence of changes in the uterus. They also help to establish whether it proceeds in parallel with cysts, polyps, inflammatory diseases, etc.


Gynecology is a field of medicine in which surgical and medical methods are equally actively used. In the treatment of cervical erosion, surgical methods are used more often, as they are more effective.


For drug treatment, drugs of the following groups are used:

  1. Antibiotics to relieve inflammation;
  2. Antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed for inflammation of the erosion zone;
  3. Immunostimulants to increase the body's own protective functions;
  4. Vitamins for the same purpose;
  5. Creams such as Solkavagin and Vagotil to renew the affected epithelium;
  6. Preparations such as Solcoseryl and Methyluracil ointment help activate tissue renewal.

It's not the best effective method treatment that can only help in the early stages.


The most commonly used cauterization of cervical erosion. It is done in several ways:

  1. - in fact, this is also cauterization, but it is performed with liquid nitrogen, under the influence of very low temperatures;
  2. performed using very high frequency currents;
  3. carried out by a beam of unguided radio waves that stimulate healing and the formation of scar tissue on the cervix;
  4. There are several ways to treat with a laser: coagulation (cauterization), destruction (healing), vaporization (also cauterization, but with a different type of exposure) - see;
  5. - cauterization using chemically active agents;
  6. Electroexcision is a method of removing a tissue area using a wire heated by current (an indication for carrying out is neglected erosion).

Erosion of the cervix after such treatment degrades and eventually disappears completely. But relapses are possible. However, more often relapses occur after drug treatment than after surgery.


Launched erosion is dangerous, first of all, by a significant decrease in local tissue immunity. This leads to the fact that fungi (for example, candida), infections, viruses (including human papillomavirus) easily settle on the mucosa. For this reason, cervicitis and erosion often co-occur, and HPV can lead to dysplasia, and potentially cancer.

More information about what complications erosion can cause is described in the material -.



There are several ways to reduce the likelihood of erosion:

  1. Strengthening immunity;
  2. Balanced diet;
  3. Adequate mode of work and rest, sufficient amount of sleep;
  4. Avoidance of stress, sudden fluctuations in weight;
  5. Cancellation of oral contraceptives;
  6. Use of barrier contraception;
  7. Careful hygiene;
  8. Timely treatment of endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  9. Timely treatment of infectious, inflammatory and fungal diseases of the reproductive system;
  10. Careful control of reproductive processes: reducing the number of pregnancies, abortions, childbirth.

These measures, although they cannot completely protect against erosion, can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.


Damage to the mucous tissue of the cervix during erosion is common, and requires mandatory treatment. The disease is diagnosed in women who plan or do not plan pregnancy. What contraceptives for cervical erosion, and ...

A disease that affects the lining of the cervix (erosion) occurs in most women. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease are necessary. A neglected state of erosion can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. Various methods are used to eliminate erosion ...

Erosive lesions of the cervix are widespread among women. They are sores on the surface of the mucosa. In moderate and severe conditions, when local remedies do not help, hardware methods of treatment are used ....

Cervical erosion is a pathology that is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers on the mucous surface of the cervix. The opinion that erosion is considered the initial form of cancer manifestation is erroneous, although, indeed, its presence in the female body increases the likelihood of its development.

Erosion refers to those female diseases that occur inside the body and it is almost impossible to see it. clinical picture and manifestation. This explains the fact that most often erosion of the cervix is ​​detected during the next routine examination by a gynecologist, since usually this disease is asymptomatic and hidden from outer eyes. Probably, most women who have been diagnosed with such a disease would like to have information about what cervical erosion looks like in order to have an idea about their pathology.

Clinical picture of the disease

Cervical erosion is often asymptomatic and can only be detected when examined by a gynecologist.

The cervix in a woman's body connects the vagina and uterus, and is a kind of cylindrical cavity, which is filled with mucus inside. In the event that the mucous membrane is in a normal state, then it is painted in a pale pink color.

With the development of a pathological process on the cervix, a healthy epithelium is replaced with a cylindrical one and this is done under the influence of various factors. Pathological areas appear on the surface of the normal mucosa, which are bright red spots.

The red color of the affected surface is due to the absence of epithelium, as a result of which the capillaries are not covered by anything and are clearly visible.

The lesion can only affect a small part cervix, and cover most of it.

The photo shows a light and average degree erosion of the cervix.

Almost always there is a lesion of the central part of the cervix, which surrounds the exit from the cervical canal. Despite the unpleasant appearance such changes in the genitals, they are benign and are unlikely to lead to serious consequences when the process is under the supervision of a doctor. However, if the disease is allowed to take its course, this will lead to a gradual increase in the lesion and erosion will go into the category of oncology.

Varieties of pathology

Such a disease of the cervix does not necessarily appear in women who have given birth, it is a fairly common pathology in young girls.

The disease can occur:

  • in the lungs;
  • in the middle;
  • to a severe degree.

AT medical practice the following manifestations of pathology occur:

  • Congenital erosion forms an inflamed area of ​​the red surface and mainly develops in adolescence under the influence of a genetic factor and rarely transforms into oncology.
  • True erosion of the cervix is ​​a small wound that occurs in the vagina. Its appearance resembles a bright red spot, which stands out sharply against the background of a healthy pinkish shell.
  • Pseudo-erosion - observed in young women and manifests itself in the exit of the prismatic epithelium beyond the boundaries of the cervical canal. The main method of treating such a pathological condition is the cauterization procedure. In the photo you can see what cervical erosion looks like, which is often called ectopia.

After a gynecological examination, an inflamed bright red area of ​​the epithelium is found, the location of which becomes the external pharynx of the posterior lip.

The simultaneous combination of pseudo-erosion and human papillomavirus increases the risk of developing malignant tumors in a woman's body.

Treatment Methods

The cauterization method is the leading method of treating an eroded cervix, which is calmly tolerated by most women.

Methods of cauterization

To date, there are several ways to cauterize erosion, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser therapy
  • chemical coagulation.

Features of the procedure

After performing the procedure for cauterizing erosion, a small wound forms in its place, for the successful healing of which it is necessary to create special conditions.

It is important to ensure a state of functional rest and help restore the microflora of the cervix, while you must follow all the advice of a specialist. After cauterization, it is important:

  • completely exclude sexual intercourse, which will help prevent the possibility of infection of the resulting wound;
  • avoid heavy lifting and strong physical activity;
  • it is forbidden to take a bath and swim in the pool, only a shower is allowed.

The main complication that occurs after cauterization of erosion is the formation of scars, which can create problems during the onset of labor.

Consequences of the procedure

Despite the effectiveness of cauterization of erosion, there are cases when unpleasant consequences appear after it.

The main side effects of this type of treatment are pain pulling character and bleeding.

After cauterization of the eroded areas of the cervix, regardless of which method was used in this procedure, the woman has a discharge of white or transparent color. In the event that a premature rejection of the scab occurs, discharge with an admixture of blood may occur. After the cauterization procedure, such discharges are the norm, and they can continue for several weeks.

Cauterization is possible not only to eliminate cervical erosion, but also for many other serious female diseases reproductive system.

Before planning a pregnancy after the treatment of the disease, you must visit your doctor, who will determine optimal timing for conception. Cauterization of erosion is not an obstacle to the birth of a child, but requires serious preparation for this event. Periodic visits to the gynecologist will identify the disease in the early stages of its development and prevent its transition to more severe forms.


A visit to the gynecologist should be periodic, and not on a case-by-case basis. A scheduled inspection should be carried out on average once a year (six months). An appointment with a gynecologist is recorded when complaints appear, before a planned pregnancy or when pregnancy occurs.

Often this happens due to the fact that a woman cannot find “her own” doctor, at whose appointment she experiences a minimum of discomfort and receives competent advice and treatment.

Periodic examinations by a gynecologist are very important. Many diseases proceed without pronounced clinical manifestations Therefore, only a specialist can identify them.

Diseases of the cervix are diseases that are hidden: there is no failure of the menstrual cycle, unpleasant heavy discharge, pain.

Important! Erosion of the cervix is ​​most often asymptomatic.

Every second woman hears such a diagnosis at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, but it needs immediate clarification. Calling two types of erosion at once (true and background) with one phrase, the gynecologist usually means background erosion (ectopia).

True erosion of the cervix is ​​rare and does not last long, because, like a wound, it either heals quickly or turns into a background wound, which is a wound on the cervix that can be seen without difficulty when viewed with mirrors. Erosion looks like a bright red spot on the intact pink mucous membrane of the cervix. Such erosion of the cervix usually exists for no more than two weeks.

True erosion is a violation of the integrity of the integument of the epithelium of the cervix, which can bleed during and after sexual contact. With true erosion, a defect in the cervical epithelium is accompanied by rejection and desquamation of epithelial cells, which leads to damage to blood vessels.

In most cases, cervical erosion is asymptomatic and can only be reminded of itself by pathological secretion, spotting, and leucorrhoea after intercourse.

Background erosion of the cervix, ectopia, is caused by the growth of velvety epithelium lining the cavity of the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity. The velvety epithelium is not adapted to the acidic environment of the vagina, so it begins to self-heal and over time a protective squamous epithelium appears, which can lead to the development of tumors.

How to clarify the diagnosis

To find out what is actually hidden behind the change in the cover of the epithelium of the cervix, the specialist has various methods. The main one is colposcopy, which is used to diagnose the general condition of the cervix and is an examination of the mucous membrane with a colposcope under conditions of optical magnification with additional lighting.

The procedure is painless and allows you to detail the changes in the area of ​​the cervix, which seem the same when viewed with the naked eye.

During an extended colposcopy, the obstetrician-gynecologist stains the area of ​​the cervix, which allows you to highlight pathological changes tissue against a healthy background.

To determine the degree of change in the cover of the epithelium that lines the cervix, during colposcopy (before staining the cervical area), the doctor takes a smear to conduct a cytological examination (oncocytological smear) - the study of cells desquamated from the surface of the cervix.

The study is carried out in order to detect malignant diseases at an early stage. If necessary, the doctor may also do a biopsy (taking for analysis from suspicious areas).

The full range of examinations includes tests for sexually transmitted infections, examination of the condition of the ovaries, work immune system female patients. Only an integrated approach to examination can ensure success in the treatment of cervical erosion.

Causes of cervical erosion

The main predisposing factors are:

  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Beginning sexual activity at an early age.
  • first pregnancy and early first childbirth (up to 16 years).
  • bad intimate hygiene, frequent change of sexual partners (leads to a change in the microflora of the vagina).
  • Traumatization during abortion, difficult childbirth, medical manipulations or due to improper use of intravaginal contraceptives, due to inept douching.
  • Viral, bacterial, inflammatory diseases cervix.
  • Organ diseases genitourinary system.
  • Sexual infections (chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, candida), a special role belongs to the human papillomavirus.
  • Unfavorable heredity. Congenital erosions are the most common. It is important for such women to be regularly observed by a gynecologist.
  • Impaired function thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries.

Cervical erosion: symptoms

The disease does not have pronounced symptoms, so women most often find out that they have cervical erosion at an appointment with a specialist.

Sometimes patients complain of white or yellowish discharge from the genital tract, which is accompanied by pain. Such symptoms are associated with an infection present in the body.

Other symptoms of ectopia include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bleeding during intercourse or after physical exertion;
  • discomfort during intercourse;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen.

The appearance of obvious symptoms is late in relation to the development of the underlying disease, therefore, it is impossible to rely on the absence of complaints from the patient and refuse to treat cervical erosion. Changes occurring in the epithelium of the cervix are a favorable background for the development of malignant processes.

The results of numerous annual studies have shown that malignant neoplasms on the cervix rarely occur against the background of unchanged tissues, and timely, competent treatment of background processes reduces the risk of developing malignant diseases.

With pseudo-erosion (ectopia), there may not be any symptoms, so experts recommend doing a colposcopy twice a year to check. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

If the process has been running for a long time, purulent or bloody issues, which are accompanied painful sensations. Particularly menacing symptoms are spotting during or after intercourse.

Treatment of cervical erosion

Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out by conservative and surgical methods.

Medical therapy is carried out with the help of:

  • nonspecific anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • antifungal and antiviral drugs;
  • physiotherapeutic methods - therapeutic mud, iontophoresis, microcurrent and ozone therapy.

According to the indications, cauterization of erosion by Solkovagin is carried out, which penetrates into damaged tissues by 2.5 mm and gives a positive effect after 1-2 repeated applications.

Surgical methods include:

  • laser removal- efficient and modern method, which provides high accuracy of the cut and allows you to save healthy tissue, which contributes to rapid healing without scarring. Gynecologists recommend this method to nulliparous women, although experts differ on this issue. Healing time is 4-6 weeks.
  • Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of cervical erosion electric shock. It is the most common treatment in women's consultations. Electric burning is a painful method that leaves scars, therefore it is recommended only for women who no longer plan to give birth. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Cryodestruction - freezing of the cervix with liquid nitrogen. When interacting, cold nitrogen crystallizes the water contained in the cells, and as a result destroys the affected area of ​​the cervix cell structure. This method requires mandatory follow-up, as complications are possible due to the destruction of the surface layer of cells. Healing time is 8-10 weeks.
  • Chemical coagulation - cervical erosion is treated with drugs whose action is aimed at corroding atypical cells. This method does not leave scars and is therefore recommended for nulliparous women. Healing time is 6-10 weeks.
  • Electroexcision - cutting out the affected area on the cervix.
  • Radio wave treatment is the use of high energy radio waves. Without pressure on the tissue, the area with erosion is treated, which minimizes damage to the cervix. An electric burn is also completely excluded, due to the fact that the method is based not on thermal action, but on the process of “evaporation” of water molecules from damaged epithelial cells. The applied technique is non-traumatic, does not leave scabs (crusts covering the surface of the wound; burns; abrasions formed by clotted blood, pus and dead tissues) and scars, which allows to halve the healing time, and also saves, thanks to the shape of the conizer (a surgical instrument used in gynecology), the structure of the cervix). Patients do not experience discomfort, neighboring tissues are not damaged. Healing time is 3-5 weeks.

Treatment of cervical erosion is necessary. The lack of therapy will cause the development of neoplasms of not only benign, but also malignant nature, glandular cystic erosion of the cervix may develop.

It is necessary to take responsibility for the mandatory preventive visits gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and appointed complex treatment positively affect health and relieve problems.

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous

Background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) of small size can also be observed in young nulliparous women as a physiological norm. The disease requires observation and in most cases passes without additional intervention with hormonal changes in the body (taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy).

But the background erosion of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bthe “entrance gate” and a place for infection to join, and can also serve, if not a direct, then an indirect cause of the development of diseases of the reproductive system. Sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the cervical mucosa (cervicitis) and background erosion of the cervix (ectopia) act as concomitant diseases.

Previously existing methods treatment of ectopia led to cervical stiffness (the cervix became not so elastic in order to give birth on its own in the future without caesarean section).

Now there are methods of treating cervical erosion in nulliparous women without serious consequences. Lack of timely treatment of erosion can lead to dangerous complications. First of all, this is a malignant degeneration of the cells of the damaged area of ​​the cervix.

Specialists periodically encounter patients who put off the examination for a long time due to the lack of complaints, and when they came, it turned out that time had already been lost. When signs of malignancy appear, more radical methods of treatment have to be applied, such patients are referred to oncologists.