Home installation for making concentrated juice. Business plan - juice production: cost calculation, necessary equipment and SES requirements for the production of fruit and vegetable juices. Reconstituted pumpkin nectar

In our country, the opinion has already taken root that production in Russia is dead and nothing works here now. Only raw materials are mined. But that's not true. Production not only works, but is also expanding - new factories are being built. As an example of a recently opened production facility, this is a plant for the production and bottling of natural reconstituted juice LLC “Juice Empire Plant” in the city of Volsk, Saratov region, which I managed to visit the other day. Construction of the plant began in 2014; it opened quite recently and, naturally, has not yet reached full capacity, but juice production is already underway.

Let's take a look from the inside at how the juice production process occurs.
The juice here is obtained by diluting the corresponding concentrate. That is, they first process the raw materials, removing the water component from directly pressed juice. This results in a concentrate that allows you to save several times the volume for the convenience of storing and transporting raw materials to manufacturing plants. And then at the plant the delivered concentrate is diluted with water, and in the same volume in which the concentrate was deprived of it. This is what they do at the Volsk plant.
But this process requires more than just water. This is not diluted with tap water. It is cleaned here, and very efficiently.
Here are the water containers themselves

Everything is signed

Filters are needed for cleaning. There are several types of them here. There are carbon filters.

There are lightening filters. All filters are presented in several copies.

There is even an ultraviolet sterilizer. And all this is “under the control” of a special water purification station, which, by the way, was assembled in Saratov.

Everything is automated.

To produce juices, you also need steam, for which the plant has its own steam generator.

The company uses the most modern and innovative Tetra Pak technologies. Such technologies subject raw materials to gentle processing, preserving its natural taste and nutritional value.

Here, in fact, is a juice bottling machine

Since the entire process is automated, the production capacity at the plant is not small. The juice is bottled in 3 types of packaging: 0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 liters. Accordingly, this is the amount of juice produced per shift:
- filling line 0.2 l: 1200 liters per hour, 9600 liters per shift (8 hours);
- 1.0 l filling line: 8000 liters per hour, 64000 liters per shift (8 hours);
- 2.0 l filling line: 10,000 liters per hour, 80,000 liters per shift (8 hours);

Management plans to increase production volumes by expanding the staff and operating the plant in 2 shifts. In the meantime, thanks to the plant, 60 new jobs have appeared in the city with an average salary of 25 thousand rubles. A the volume of tax deductions to all types of budgets will be 20 million rubles per year.
Babina with blank

Video of the process filmed by Denis djhooligantk

The initiator of the project was a native of Volsk, and now a Moscow businessman Oleg Polishchuk, General Director "Consul Catering.

The territory of a former motor transport enterprise was chosen as the production site; the old office building was reconstructed into office space.

The workers have their own branded workwear.

After packaging, the finished products are stored in this warehouse.

There are enough blanks at the factory. In addition to juice, the plant will also produce nectar.

Of course, the plant also has its own compressor room.

Here is the compressor itself.

It must be turned on at 6 am!

Before dilution, all concentrate is tested in the factory laboratory.

It turns out that the acidity regulator - citric acid is added to the juice as an acidity regulator, and not as a preservative.

Depending on the variety and batch of fruit, they may have a different taste, differing in sweetness - more or less sweet. The amount of citric acid that will be added to bring the taste of the juice to standard depends on the sweetness.

The work in the laboratory is painstaking.

Of course, we couldn’t help but do a tasting. Concentrated orange and apple juices were provided for tasting.

The concentrate looks like jam, but tastes sweet. Very cloying and very sweet.

The juice itself was also tasted. The result is tasty juice, even very tasty. Yes, you can be sarcastic about the name, but that’s not the main thing in the juice. The main thing is the taste. And it is very good. By the way, most of the juice produced will go to the Russian Ministry of Defense. But the plant also intends to sell juice among ordinary residents of the Saratov region and neighboring regions. Yes, there are already agreements with large chain stores “Pyaterochka”, “Grozd”, “Family” and “Auchan”. It is on their shelves that we will be able to see the plant’s products.

Photo for memory. The flask on the left is orange concentrate, the one on the right is apple concentrate. You can judge their appearance yourself.

The concentrate is delivered to the plant in 200 liter barrels, which Denis photographs denisanikin . One such barrel produces 6 tons of juice.

The concentrate is available both foreign and Chinese...

and Russian - Kostroma, Krasnodar and Adyghe.

The company does not plan to establish its own gardens. But in parallel with the bottling of juices, another project is being carried out - growing tomatoes and cucumbers in closed ground. 9 hectares of land near Volsk were purchased for a greenhouse complex; the first greenhouses were commissioned at the end of last year.
In the meantime, the management at the plant is taking care of its workers. There is even a room for psychological relief. True, by a strange coincidence it is located next to the director’s room. Coincidence!

The plant is young, but they are already trying to remember their origins.

Thanks to the Ministry of Press and Information for the opportunity to visit the plant.
Original taken from miha_top V

The Multon company has been part of the Coca-Cola system since 2005. Its two factories are located in St. Petersburg and Shchelkovo near Moscow. The Moscow region plant is one of the largest factories in Eastern Europe. In total, both enterprises produce about 790 million liters per year. In addition to Dobry and Rich juices and nectars, Multon factories produce Pulpy juice drinks and My Family nectars. Lines for the production of juice products have also been installed at Coca-Cola Hellenic factories in the Moscow region, Orel, Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk.

The editors of The Village visited the Multon plant in Shchelkovo. It has 17 production lines, its own research and development center, a microbiological laboratory and a logistics complex with a capacity of about 40 thousand pallet places. The warehouse has its own railway line. We learned how Dobry and Rich juices are made at this enterprise.

Multon Company

Production of Dobry, Rich, Moya Semya juices and nectars and Pulpy juice drinks

LOCATION: Shchelkovo city, Moscow region


SQUARE: 11,000 sq. m


What are juice products

According to Multon analysts, Russia consumes 79 servings of juice products per capita per year. The company calculates the volume per serving
0.237 liters - this is exactly what the first, smallest bottle of Coca-Cola was. According to this indicator, Russia is approximately in the middle: residents of Albania, for example, drink on average one serving per year, and residents of Holland - 180–200. If we talk about tastes, Russians most often buy apple, multifruit and orange juices.

Juice products are juices, nectars, juice drinks and fruit drinks. There can be nothing in juice other than juice itself. That is why there is no composition on a pack of juice, if it is one-component. Juices can be reconstituted (those produced in factories), freshly squeezed (those just squeezed in front of you or according to your order) and directly squeezed (those that have been stored for some time).

The difference between nectar is that it usually contains from 25 to 50% juice. The required minimum for each fruit is established in the technical regulations: for apples and oranges - 50%, for peach - 40%. A juice drink is characterized by a small juice content - 10%. And 15% berry juice is added to fruit drinks.


Dobry and Rich are produced using the same technology. Depending on the recipe, the raw materials for juices may vary - each taste has its own combination of fruit varieties. There are also differences in packaging: Dobry is bottled in Tetra Pak, while Rich is bottled in Combibloc.

Both Dobry and Rich are made from concentrated juices and purees. They are purchased from hundreds of suppliers around the world. For example, orange in Brazil, pineapple in Thailand, and tomato in Spain. There are also Russian companies among the suppliers: Multon buys concentrated apple juice in the Tambov region. To produce it, fruits are sorted, separated from branches and leaves and washed. Then they are sent under a press, which squeezes the juice out of them. Then a large tank - a tank - of freshly squeezed juice must be converted into concentrated juice. This can be done by evaporating some of the water from it. This happens in a vacuum container: the juice is heated to a temperature of 60–65 degrees until the desired part of the water is separated. It is important not to let the juice boil so that it retains the vitamins. Then the concentrated juice is packaged in aseptic bags (foil sealed bags), placed in barrels and, as a rule, delivered to Russia by sea.

Why do companies use concentrated juice? Firstly, it is profitable (you don’t need to pay for water delivery), and secondly, its shelf life is much longer (freshly squeezed juice quickly deteriorates, preservatives cannot be added to it, but concentrated juice without additives can be stored for up to two years).

Then the barrels arrive at the plant and enter the raw materials warehouse. Most concentrated juices require a slight sub-zero temperature to be preserved; the only exceptions are purees, citrus fruits and berries. They are placed in a freezing chamber with a temperature of about minus 5–18 degrees.

Before the concentrated juice is put into production, the barrels are placed in a defrosting zone, where they are heated to the required temperature. Afterwards, the forklift driver picks up the barrel and places it on the conveyor, which will take it to the first stage - to the blending shop.

At the blending shop, the barrel is met by an operator who checks the integrity of the packaging and opens the package with scissors. The barrel is then moved along a conveyor to a barrel tipper, which turns it over the container and empties it. The employee removes the bag and wrings it out using a device similar to what was found on old washing machines. All raw materials are pumped out using a pump and supplied through pipes into huge blending tanks with a capacity of 1 to 10 tons. In them, using mixers installed inside, it is mixed with the required amount of water. It is mined in four artesian wells ranging from 60 to 170 meters deep, and before it gets into the juice, it goes through five stages of purification.

To remove air from the juice, prevent oxidation of the product and prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, it is pasteurized and deaerated. It happens like this: first, the juice is heated to 55–60 degrees, passing it through the first section of a tubular heat exchanger. Afterwards, the juice goes through deaeration, during which all air bubbles are completely removed from the juice. Thick juices (such as orange and peach) are then homogenized, that is, passed through narrow holes to make the consistency uniform and eliminate lumps. Clarified juices, bypassing this process, immediately enter the second stage of pasteurization. In this case, the juice in the stream is heated to 85–90 degrees for 30 seconds and then quickly cooled. As a result of this temperature treatment, according to employees, the beneficial substances and properties of the product are preserved.

Next, the juice undergoes so-called aseptic pumping: using a pump, the juice is sent through sterile and sealed pipes to the second floor to the bottling shop. Everything here is also fully automated and sterile. Before the juice enters the bag, the packaging material is subjected to temperature treatment and flows through a peroxide bath into a sterile chamber. Until the moment the packaging is filled with juice and sealed, it does not come into contact with outside air - everything happens inside the equipment. Then the finished box is marked and the lid is glued on.

At each stage of product manufacturing, plant employees take test samples, which are examined in the laboratory. New flavors are created in the research center.

Then the finished packages are put into corrugated boxes, from which a set of products is formed, ready for transportation.

If you are tired of going to a boring job every day and listening to complaints from incompetent bosses, this means that it’s time for you to change something in your life. Changes will be possible if there is not only desire, but also a certain amount of money.

Quit your previous job and start your own business. Despite the apparent saturation of the markets, in fact, there are still enough niches to launch your own commercial activities.

Sweet business

Fruit juice production provides an excellent opportunity for capital accumulation. With the right approach, an analytical mind and luck, you can make good money in this business. Natural juices can be obtained from both freshly picked fruits and dried fruits. In general, there are many different classifications of types and types of these products.

So, juices are:

  • fruit obtained as a result of direct extraction;
  • fresh squeezed juices (as a rule, they do not contain dyes or preservatives);
  • fruit with a high concentrate content;
  • reconstituted juices (they are made from concentrated nectar with the addition of drinking water).

Experts also divide natural juices into unclarified and clarified. It should be noted that this is only a small part of such products. Branded juices are considered to be the highest quality and elite. They are produced only from special selected types of raw materials. Manufacturers of natural juices, as a rule, strive to make a clarified product. Although it is inferior to nectars with pulp in nutritional value, it contains significantly more vitamin C and is more loved by consumers.

Only within the law

If you decide to start producing juices, then the sanitary and epidemiological service may become your frequent guest. SES requirements are a set of rules, the implementation of which is mandatory for every entrepreneur involved in catering.

When it comes to the sanitary and epidemiological service, for some reason many businessmen have a phrase in their heads like: “They no longer know what to complain about.” In fact, all the requirements of this service are consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation. These rules are very strict, but they must be followed in order to prevent mass poisoning of consumers. Let us bring to your attention a few of them.

For example, the SES must check how perishable products are stored at the enterprise. The standards require that raw materials be kept in appropriate specialized equipment in order to provide them with optimal temperature. There are also clear time limits for storing vegetables and fruits. All primary processing of raw materials must be carried out in specialized workshops of the enterprise in compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards. In case of violation of these rules, the entrepreneur faces administrative liability.

Don't forget about competitors

Before starting your own business, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the market. You should know how many companies currently exist, what product they supply, and what they focus on in their marketing policies. Knowing your competitors and understanding their strengths and weaknesses will make it easier for you to enter the market and fight for its share.

A business plan (juice production must be planned when drawing it up) must take into account not only favorable conditions for the development of business, but also force majeure. For example, what to do if new companies appear, where to get raw materials if the main suppliers fail, and so on. If you think through all sorts of risks in advance, then your business will be reliably protected. Do not ignore the detailed development of the business plan. Be a strategist, and then you will certainly be able to make good money in this business.

Fresh fruit juices

Let's say you've thought of everything. You have financial means or have secured the support of influential sponsors. Now it’s time to delve into how the technology for producing vegetable juices, as well as fruit and berry juices, is carried out. It consists of several operations: concluding contracts for the supply of raw materials, their inspection, delivery, washing, re-inspection, crushing process, obtaining juice, filtering it and bottling it into containers.

During the first inspection of raw materials, your specialists must sort the fruits. They should all be approximately the same size. In addition, there should not be any foreign impurities - twigs, leaves, stalks, etc. The inspection must be carried out while the raw material is on the conveyor belt. As a rule, several people are employed at this stage of production. If one employee is inattentive, others must correct his mistake.

Rinse thoroughly

Next, all the most selected fruits end up in special washing drums, where they are thoroughly washed. The berries are processed slightly differently. They require careful processing. After all, as you know, currants and raspberries are delicate berries, and they must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the thin skin and preserve all the nutrients.

Therefore, equipment for the production of juices necessarily includes special mesh baskets. They are immersed in water for a short time. After this, the fragile raw materials are additionally rinsed under a light shower. Technologists admit that it is impossible to immediately remove particles of earth and sand from fruits and berries, so immediately after the first washing it is necessary to send the raw materials for a second cycle.


When the raw materials have been carefully selected and washed, it is necessary to grind them. This is done in order to obtain juice. At the same time, it often happens that after crushing some raw materials release liquid very poorly. In this case, it is sent for additional processing, after which it is possible to achieve a technological maximum.

70 representatives in the catalog for 2020. Production and wholesale sales have been established. List of specialized industry enterprises:

  • Kubanochka Company;
  • "Juice of Crimea";
  • LLC "Plodovoye-2009";
  • "Buzdyaksky canning plant";
  • Soft drink factory "Tonus" and others.

Russian companies offer natural, environmentally friendly products. Made from fruits, vegetables, drinking water, berries. The production also produces children's products. Juice products offered: apple, pomegranate, multi-fruit, tomato, pumpkin and others. With sugar and fructose. Recommended by nutritionists for health, to strengthen the immune system. Use it daily!

New food technologies lead to an expansion of the range and the emergence of nectars of the highest quality. The fruits are collected from orchards in Russia, Ukraine, Iran, and other countries. Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region, to regions of the Russian Federation, Belarus - by transport organizations. Address, phone number, official website - in the “Contacts” tab.

To buy non-alcoholic drinks, nectars and juices in bulk, download the price list - contact the manager on the page. We invite suppliers of raw materials and food dealers to cooperate. The best quality on the market, negotiated price! Direct wholesale deliveries from the manufacturer!

Below we describe how to open a juice production plant, how to properly equip it and establish stable sales.

When choosing between registering an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, you should give preference to an LLC. This will allow you to give the company a name and establish cooperation with suppliers and distributors. Select OKVED 15.32"Production of fruit and vegetable juices."

We register a trademark with Rospatent. The company will not be able to start work without permission from Rospozhnadzor and the conclusion of the SES. It is imperative to comply with the requirements of GOST R 53137-2008.

All documents will cost approximately $2,500.


The total area of ​​the room should be at least 200 square meters. Of these, 150 is allocated for the workshop, the remaining area is for warehouses and administrative premises.

The plant must meet the requirements:

  1. Ventilation, water supply, sewerage, heating;
  2. Electrical network 380 V;
  3. Ceiling height from three meters;
  4. Compliance with fire regulations: availability of alarms, fire extinguishers, evacuation plan.

Renting a room costs about $1,500 per month, repairs and preparation for work cost $1,000-1,200.

Juice production technology

Depending on the type (natural, nectar, reconstituted, juice-containing drink), the technological process also differs.

Stages of making natural juice

  • Inspection and selection of raw materials;
  • Washing, additional inspection;
  • Grinding of raw materials;
  • Extracting juice under pressure;
  • Then comes straining;
  • Lightening;
  • Preparation (packaging).

Flavorings, various herbs, salt and sugar, seasonings, and sometimes vinegar are added to vegetable juices. There are small nuances for each.

Eg, the carrots must first be thoroughly peeled, chopped and steamed with live steam, chopped, mixed with sugar syrup and sent for processing in a homogenizer.

The tomato mass must first be heated to remove air. Making a fruit drink is a little easier.

The most common method of producing juice is from concentrate.. The resulting product is almost identical to freshly squeezed. Reconstituted juice is produced as follows:

  1. The concentrated product is heated for 30-40 seconds to 100-110 degrees, then kept in this form for 3-4 seconds;
  2. In 35-40 seconds, the juice is cooled to 23-30 degrees, clean water (as much as evaporated), minerals, and vitamins are added.

Juice production equipment

Let's consider the equipment for producing reconstituted juice as the most profitable. To organize a workshop you will need:

  • Water purification filters;
  • Homogenizer;
  • Special tanks for mixing raw materials and additives;
  • Pumps;
  • Heat exchanger;
  • Containers for sterile storage of the product;
  • Pasteurizer;
  • Washing machines;
  • Filling machine;
  • Packing machine.

A new production line costs around 40-80 thousand dollars. You can buy a used one for 25-40 thousand.

The best equipment manufacturers

  2. Bertuzzi;
  3. AGRO-T Germany.

High-quality filling and packaging machines can be purchased from AURORA PACK ENGINEERING, AVIS LLC, AKMALKO ENGINEERING.

Raw materials for juice production

For production you need concentrate, water, sugar, additional ingredients, such as vitamins.

The concentrate is often imported from abroad. When purchasing raw materials, we assume that the concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10.


It is most profitable to sell products in TetraPak packaging. Drinks are stored in it longer, and vitamins do not disintegrate under the influence of sunlight. Glass containers look more solid, but keep in mind that the weight of the product will increase.

Another option is PET, Doy Pak, Tetra Rex. Depending on the selected type of packaging, a conveyor line is selected.


A start-up company should stop at producing 8-10 flavors. For example, apple, tomato, orange, cherry, pineapple juice and several other vegetable juices.

You can offer products to neighborhood shops and kiosks, cafes and restaurants, and wholesale warehouses.

To get on the shelves of large chains and supermarkets, you need to shell out a round sum: the entry threshold is usually from 20 thousand dollars (This is a one-time fee to put your product on the shelf).

Costs and profits

Preparation of documentation, renting premises for 2 months in advance and its renovation will require an investment of $5,000.

Purchase (used), its adjustment - 40-60 thousand dollars. First, you need to purchase a barrel (about 250 kg) of concentrate of each flavor that will be produced at your plant.

For 10 flavors it will be about $10,000-$11,000. Let's add here the costs of developing packaging design and advertising - $1000-2000, wages for a staff of 10 people (4 workers, technologist, accountant, manager, mechanic, purchasing and sales manager, cleaner) - $4500-5000.

Total capital investments - 65-80 thousand dollars. Monthly expenses – approximately 10 thousand dollars.

To get a good profit, an important requirement is working in two shifts. Medium-capacity equipment is capable of producing 1000-4000 liters. juice per shift. Based on the average, we get 5000 liters per day.

Subject to 100% sales of goods, monthly income reaches 20-25 thousand dollars, and net profit – 7-12 thousand. Of course, it will not be possible to reach such indicators immediately, only after months.

You can produce juice and, by recruiting regular wholesale customers, gradually increase production volumes and expand the range. Over time, it is worth agreeing on supplies to supermarkets in order to firmly establish yourself in this business niche.

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