Children with violation of the emotional-volitional sphere classification. Emotional disorders. Features of development in disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior. general characteristics

Emotional and volitional disorders can manifest themselves in different ways:

1. Hyperexcitability. Children of this type are restless, fussy, irritable, prone to displaying unmotivated aggression. They are characterized sharp drops moods: sometimes they are overly cheerful, then they suddenly begin to act up, seem tired and irritable.

Affective arousal can occur even under the influence of ordinary tactile, visual and auditory stimuli, especially intensifying in an environment that is unusual for the child.

2. Passivity, lack of initiative, excessive shyness. Any situation of choice puts them in a dead end. Their actions are characterized by lethargy, slowness. Such children with great difficulty adapt to new conditions, it is difficult to make contact with strangers. This syndrome, as well as a joyful, elated mood with a decrease in criticism (euphoria), is noted with lesions of the frontal lobes of the brain.

Phobic syndrome, or fear syndrome, is characteristic of many children with cerebral palsy. Increased impressionability, combined with emotional excitability and affective inertia, creates a favorable background for the emergence of fear neurosis. Fear can arise even under the influence of minor psychogenic factors - an unfamiliar situation, short-term separation from loved ones, the appearance of new faces and even new toys, loud sounds etc. In some children, it is manifested by motor excitation, screaming, in others - hypodynamia, general lethargy, and in both cases is accompanied by pronounced vegetative-vascular reactions - blanching or redness of the skin, hyperhidrosis, increased heart rate and respiration, sometimes chills, fever . When fear occurs in a child, salivation and motor disorders (spasticity, hyperkinesis, ataxia) increase. Possible psychogenic obsessive phobias in the form of fear of loneliness, heights, movement; in adolescence - the fear of illness and death.

Fears that arise spontaneously, without connection with any psychogenic factors, are called neurosis-like; they are caused by organic damage to the brain. These include undifferentiated night fears that appear episodically during sleep and are accompanied by screaming, crying, general arousal, autonomic disorders. They are typical for children with hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, often occur against the background of hyperthermia. If fears appear suddenly, against the background of somatic well-being, at a certain time of night sleep, at regular intervals, accompanied by motor automatisms, they should be distinguished from paroxysms of epileptic origin, which can also be observed in cerebral palsy.

3. But there are a number of qualities that are characteristic of both types of development. In particular, in children suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, sleep disorders can often be observed. They are tormented by nightmares, they sleep anxiously, fall asleep with difficulty.

4. Increased impressionability. In part, this can be explained by the compensation effect: the child's motor activity is limited, and against this background, the sense organs, on the contrary, are highly developed. Because of this, they are sensitive to the behavior of others and are able to catch even slight changes in their mood. However, this impressionability is often painful; completely neutral situations, innocent statements can cause a negative reaction in them.

5. Fatigue is another distinguishing feature characteristic of almost all children with cerebral palsy. In the process of corrective academic work, even with a high interest in the task, the child quickly gets tired, becomes whiny, irritable, refuses to work. Some children become restless as a result of fatigue: the pace of speech accelerates, while it becomes less legible; there is an increase in hyperkinesis; appears aggressive behavior- the child can scatter nearby objects, toys.

6. Another area in which parents can face serious problems is the child's volitional activity. Any activity that requires composure, organization and purposefulness causes difficulties for him. Mental infantilism, characteristic of most children with cerebral palsy, leaves a significant imprint on the child's behavior. For example, if the proposed task has lost its appeal for him, it is very difficult for him to make an effort on himself and finish the work he has begun.

Children with cerebral palsy are more likely to experience negative emotions such as fear, anger, shame, suffering, etc. than children without this disease. The dominance of negative emotions over positive ones leads to frequent experiences of states of sadness, sadness with frequent overstrain of all body systems.

Increased excitability or, conversely, passivity indicates a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere. Along with this, general hyperesthesia occurs, as well.

It is very difficult for babies to fall asleep during this period. They become restless at night, often waking up. A child can react violently to any stimuli, especially if he is in an unfamiliar environment for him.

Adults also largely depend on their mood, which can change for seemingly unknown reasons. Why is this happening and what is important to know about it?

Definition of the emotional-volitional sphere

For the corresponding development in society, as well as normal life, the emotional-volitional sphere is important. A lot depends on her. And this applies not only family relations but also professional activities.

The process itself is very complex. Its origin is influenced by various factors. It can be both the social conditions of a person and his heredity. This area begins to develop at an early age and continues to form until adolescence.

A person from birth overcomes the following types of development:

  • somato-vegetative;
  • psychomotor;
  • affective;
  • dominance;
  • stabilization.

Emotions are different...

As well as their manifestations in life

What are the reasons for the failure?

There are a number of reasons that can affect the development of this process and cause emotional-volitional disorders. To the main factors should include:

  • lagging behind in terms of intellectual development;
  • lack of emotional contact with relatives;
  • social problems.

Along with this, you can name any other reasons that can cause internal discomfort and a feeling of inferiority. At the same time, the child will be able to develop harmoniously and correctly only if he has a trusting relationship with his family.

Spectrum of disturbances of will and emotions

Emotional disorders include:

  • hyperbulia;
  • hypobulia;

With a general increase in will, hyperbulia develops, which can affect all the main drives. This manifestation is considered characteristic of. So, for example, a person's appetite will increase, if he is in the department, he will immediately eat the food that is brought to him.

Decreased as the will, and drives with hypobulia. In this case, a person does not need to communicate, he is burdened by strangers who are nearby. It's easier for him to be alone. Such patients prefer to plunge into their own world of suffering. They don't want to take care of their families.

When there is a decrease in will, this indicates abulia. Such a disorder is considered persistent, and together with apathy, an apathetic-abulic syndrome is formed, which, as a rule, manifests itself during the period of the final state of schizophrenia.

With obsessive attraction, the patient has desires that he is able to control. But when he begins to give up his desires, this gives rise to a serious experience in him. He is haunted by thoughts of a need that has not been satisfied. For example, if a person has a fear of pollution, then he will try not to wash his hands as often as he wants, but this will make him painfully think about his own need. And when no one will look at him, he will wash them thoroughly.

Stronger feelings include compulsive attraction. It is so strong that it is compared with instincts. The need becomes pathological. Her position is dominant, so the internal struggle stops very quickly and the person immediately satisfies his desire. This can be a gross antisocial act, followed by punishment.

Volitional disorders

Will is the mental activity of the individual, which is aimed at a specific goal or overcoming obstacles. Without this, a person will not be able to realize his intentions or solve life problems. Volitional disorders include hypobulia and abulia. In the first case, volitional activity will be weakened, and in the second case, it will be completely absent.

If a person is faced with hyperbulia, which is combined with distractibility, then this can talk about or.

The craving for food and self-preservation are violated in the case of parabulia, that is, with a perversion of the volitional act. The patient, refusing normal foods, begins to eat inedible. In some cases, pathological voracity is observed. When the sense of self-preservation is violated, the patient can inflict severe injury on himself. This includes sexual perversions, in particular, masochism, exhibitionism.

The spectrum of volitional qualities

Emotional Disorders

Emotions are different. They characterize the relationship of people to the world around them and to themselves. There are many emotional disturbances, but some of them are considered an urgent reason to visit a specialist. Among them:

  • depressed, dreary mood, repetitive, lingering;
  • constant change of emotions, without serious reasons;
  • uncontrollable emotional states,;
  • chronic;
  • stiffness, uncertainty, timidity;
  • high emotional susceptibility;
  • phobias.

To violations emotional sphere include the following pathological abnormalities:

When a child is overly aggressive or withdrawn

Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, which are most pronounced in children:

  1. Aggressiveness. Almost every child can show aggression, but here it is worth paying attention to the degree of reaction, its duration and the nature of the reasons.
  2. Emotional disinhibition. IN this case there is an overreaction to everything. Such children, if they cry, do it loudly and defiantly.
  3. Anxiety. With such a violation, the child will be embarrassed to clearly express his emotions, he does not talk about his problems, he feels discomfort when they pay attention to him.

In addition, the violation can be with increased emotionality and reduced. In the first case, this applies to euphoria, depression, anxiety, dysphoria, fears. When reduced, apathy develops.

Violation of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavioral disorder is observed in a hyperactive child who experiences restlessness, suffers from restlessness, impulsiveness. He cannot concentrate.

Such failures can be quite dangerous, since they can lead to a serious nervous disease, which Lately often found in children under 16 years of age. It is important to remember that a psycho-emotional failure can be corrected if it was detected at an early stage.

A modern take on correction

It is singled out as one of the main methods of soft correction. It involves communication with horses. Such a procedure suitable not only for children, but also adults.

It can be used for the whole family, which will help to unite it, improve trusting relationships. This treatment will allow you to say goodbye to depressive mood, negative experiences, and reduce anxiety.

If we are talking about the correction of violations in a child, then various methods can be used for this. psychological methods. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • game therapy, which involves the use of the game (this method is considered especially effective for preschoolers);
  • body-oriented therapy, dance;
  • fairy tale therapy;
  • , which is divided into two types: the perception of the finished material or independent drawing;
  • music therapy, in which music is involved in any form.

It is better to try to prevent any disease or deviation. To prevent disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, you should listen to these simple tips:

  • if an adult or a child is emotionally traumatized, then those nearby should be calm, show their goodwill;
  • people need to share their experiences, feelings as often as possible;
  • you need to do physical labor or draw;
  • follow the daily routine;
  • try to avoid excessive worry.

It is important to understand that a lot depends on those who are nearby. You do not need to share your experiences with everyone around you, but you need to have such a person who will help in difficult situation support and listen. In turn, parents should show patience, care and boundless love. This will keep mental health baby.

Few adults think about the role of emotions in life. But when a married couple has children and it suddenly turns out that the baby cannot control his feelings, then the parents begin to panic. In fact, the violation of the emotional-volitional sphere is not such serious problem if found immediately. You can treat such a disorder both on your own and with the help of a qualified doctor.


What influences the formation of the will and emotions of a person? There are two main reasons that can cause a violation. One of them is heredity, and the other is the social circle. In more detail, the reasons for the violation of the emotional-volitional sphere are discussed below.

  • Impression. If the child does not receive enough impressions and most lives at home, his development is very slow. In order for the psyche to form normally, parents should walk with the child in the yard, show him other children, study trees, and give him the opportunity to play with sand. Impressions form a normal nervous system and help the child learn to experience and then control their emotions.
  • Another reason for the violation of the emotional volitional sphere is the lack of movement. A child whose parents do not bother themselves with the development of the child may begin to walk late. Similar inhibition of normal physical development leads to inhibited emotional reactions. And some parents tend to understand over time that their child does not walk, but the neighbor's children are already running. Parents begin to catch up, and the child suffers not only physically, but also psychologically.
  • A child can suffer greatly due to the lack of motherly love. If a woman does not take her child in her arms, stroke the baby, rock him and sing lullabies to him, the baby will quickly lose touch with his mother. Such a child will grow up inferior, as the people say - unloved.

act of will

Spheres occurs at an early age. To understand where the failure occurred, you need to know how the will functions in normal person. The sequence of decision making for all people is as follows:

  • The emergence of an impulse. A person is motivated to do something.
  • Motivation. The person considers what she will get when the action is completed. Most often, a person receives emotional satisfaction from his act.
  • Activity tool. Not always invented action can be done without additional equipment. Before starting work, you have to find everything necessary equipment.
  • Decision-making. The person once again thinks about whether he should carry out his plan or not.
  • Performing an action. The person carries out his idea.

Such a process takes place in the head of every person before he performs any action. You should not think that children, due to their undeveloped intellect, do not carry out such work in their heads. Even our primitive ancestors - monkeys, make strong-willed efforts in order to commit this or that act.

How is an emotional-volitional disorder diagnosed? The spheres of application of the human will are varied. A person must move to take something or to eat. If the child is apathetic and does not want anything, then he has some kind of deviation. The same goes for overly active children who take action without having time to consider the consequences of their decisions.

Main problems

Depending on the degree of violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, the child becomes irritable, lethargic or generative. Parents should notice their child's problems as soon as they appear. Any disease, before settling in the body, manifests itself in symptoms. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the degree of the child's problems and prescribe treatment for him. What is the classification of persons with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere?

  • Aggressiveness. Personas behave inappropriately, bully others and enjoy tears and humiliation of a weaker opponent. Even children who behave aggressively will never bully someone who is stronger than them. They will logically reason that a harmless creature cannot fight back, and therefore, it can be humiliated.
  • Inhibited reaction. Children may not immediately understand what the problem is. For example, they may feel hungry, but will not make any effort to ask for food or to get their own food.
  • Disinhibited reaction. The second point in the classification of persons with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere are people who cannot control their emotions. If they cry, then too loudly, if they laugh, then they do it for an unnaturally long time.
  • Excessive anxiety. Downtrodden children of too active parents become quiet. They are afraid to talk about their desires and problems. They fail to draw attention to themselves due to the weakness of character.

Groups of violations

Classification of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere is needed in order to correctly prescribe medical measures. All children are different, and their problems cannot be the same either. Even children who grow up in the same family can suffer from various ailments. The main groups of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere:

  • Mood disorder. Violation of the emotional-volitional sphere in children often manifests itself in uncontrolled emotions. The child cannot control himself, and therefore his feelings are always on edge. If the baby is happy about something, then soon his state reaches euphoria. If the child is sad, it can easily become depressed. And often one state in an hour passes into another, polar to the original.
  • Non-standard behavior. Considering in children, it is impossible not to mention the deviation from the norm of behavior. Guys can be either too calm or overly active. The first case is dangerous due to the fact that the child is lack of initiative, and the second situation threatens that the child has problems with attention.
  • Psychomotor problems. The child suffers from strange tides of feelings that overwhelm him for no reason. For example, a child may complain that he is too scared, although in reality the child is not in danger. Anxiety, impressionability and imaginary are well known to children with a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior that differs from the generally accepted norm.

External manifestation

Violations can be determined by the behavior of the baby.

  • Strong dependence on parents. A child who, at the age of five, cannot trust the people around him, causes a strange reaction. The kid hides behind his mother's skirt all the time and tries to close himself from the world. It's one thing - normal childish embarrassment. And quite another - distrust, lack of sociability and intractability.
  • A child who is neglected in the family will feel lonely. The baby will not be able to form relationships normally, as the parents will inspire the child that he is stupid, crooked and unworthy of love. The loneliness that such a child will exude will be strongly felt.
  • Aggression. Toddlers who lack attention or who want to relieve tension may not withdraw into themselves, but, on the contrary, behave too liberated. Such children will not restrain their emotions and will try their best to draw attention to their person.


Emotional-volitional disorders in the sphere of personality can be subject to correction. What methods do specialists resort to to correct what parents incorrectly laid in their child?

  • Game therapy. With the help of the game, the rules of adequate behavior in the group are explained to the baby. The child develops new neural connections, which help to transform what was seen in the game and shift the examples to life situations.
  • Art therapy. With the help of a picture, you can learn a lot about the personality of a child. A creative work will show the specialist how the baby feels in the garden, in the family and in this world. Drawing helps to relax and feel self-confidence. Other types of art work in the same way: modeling, embroidery, designing.
  • Psychoanalysis. An experienced psychotherapist can help a child reconsider their views on familiar things. The doctor will tell the baby what is good and what is bad. The specialist will act in two ways: suggestion and persuasion.
  • Trainings. This method of influence involves working with a group of children with common problem. The guys will jointly revise their habits and form new ones based on the old ones.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Correction of violations of the emotional-volitional sphere occurs various methods. One of them is psychoanalytic therapy. Such therapy can be carried out both individually and in a group. If the kid is engaged in loneliness, the psychotherapist in the form of a game talks to the child about feelings. He asks to portray in turn anger, joy, love, etc. This is done so that the baby learns to distinguish between his feelings and understand at what moment and what exactly he should feel. Also, individual consultations help the child understand his significance and importance, and what is very necessary in most cases - to feel like a loved and welcome guest in the doctor's office.

In group therapy, the therapist does not have time to play with each child. Therefore, the procedure for restoring the emotional-volitional sphere goes through the drawing. Children splash out their emotions, and then tell why they feel anger, joy, etc. Telling themselves and listening to others, the children begin to realize in what cases what to feel and how to correctly express their emotions.

Behavioral Therapy

Such therapy takes place in the form of a game. The child is offered a simulated situation, and he must show how he will behave in it. The game is aimed at developing in the baby those feelings that any normal individual in this situation should experience. After conducting a game situation, in order to consolidate the material, the facilitator should once again explain what exactly was being modeled and how the patient should behave in such a situation. Be sure to get feedback from the child. The child must explain the learned material. Moreover, it is necessary to get the child not only to tell him how to behave in a situation, but also to explain why such behavior would be considered acceptable.

Such therapy should be carried out once a week. And for the remaining 7 days, the child must consolidate the material received in the lesson. Since the child will have little interest in his own development, parents should observe the behavior of the baby. And if the child does something differently than in the training, mom or dad should repeat the recently completed lesson with their child.

Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy

Persons with a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, who have reached the age of majority, also need help, like children. But it will be difficult to change a teenager with the help of a game. Therefore, you should use What is its essence?

A person is given a situation and several ways of its development. The teenager must tell what awaits a person who has passed each of the fictional paths. In this way, the person will better master the situation and understand the essence of the consequences of this or that behavior. In a similar way, you can instill responsibility in teenagers and explain the price with your promise. The formation of new habits of behavior will not happen immediately. It is one thing to theoretically lose the situation, and quite another to change the character.

The older a person is, the less likely he is to make an internal restructuring. Therefore, the specialist who conducts classes with an adolescent should positively reinforce the patient's success and concentrate on any positive changes. People who suffer from a disorder of the emotional-volitional sphere are prone to self-criticism and it is very important for them to hear words of approval from adults and respected people.

Gestalt therapy

Such therapy allows the child to expand their feelings, or rather develop them. The specialist's task is to transform the baby's inadequate reactions to those that will be acceptable to society. How is the transformation process going? The specialist raises a problem, such as excessive aggression, which the child expresses by beating his opponent. The doctor should tell the kid that his way of solving the problem is ineffective, and in return offer more civilized methods of expressing emotions. For example, a verbal form of expressing one's dissatisfaction. Then you need to play the situation with the child. After the baby loses his temper, you should remind him of a recent conversation and ask him to express his feelings in words.

The child's anger should decrease over time, as the task will seem too difficult at first. Over time, the baby should get used to the new strategy for expressing aggression. And in order for the learned material to fit better, the child needs to be constantly reminded of the lesson passed. And it is desirable that the kid saw similar ways in adults. For example, when dad and mom swear, they should not yell at each other, but calmly and measuredly express dissatisfaction with one or another misconduct of the spouse.

Emotions are one of the most important mechanisms of mental activity. It is emotions that produce a sensually colored total assessment of incoming information from inside and outside. In other words, we evaluate the external situation and our own internal state. Emotions should be assessed along two axes: strong-weak and negative-positive.

Emotion is a feeling, an internally subjective experience, inaccessible to direct observation. But even this deeply subjective form of manifestation can have disorders called emotional-volitional disorders.

Emotional-volitional disorders

The peculiarity of these disorders is that they combine two psychological mechanism: emotions and will.

Emotions have an external expression: facial expressions, gestures, intonation, etc. By outward manifestation doctors judge emotions internal state person. Continuous emotional condition characterized by the term "mood". The mood of a person is quite mobile and depends on several factors:

  • external: luck, defeat, obstacle, conflicts, etc.;
  • internal: health, manifestation of activity.

Will is a mechanism for regulating behavior, which allows you to plan activities, satisfy needs, and overcome difficulties. Needs that promote adaptation are called "drive". Attraction is a special state of human need in certain conditions. Conscious desires are called desires. A person always has several urgent and competing needs. If a person does not have the opportunity to realize his needs, then an unpleasant state occurs, called frustration.

Directly, emotional disorders are an excessive manifestation of natural emotions:

Disorders of the will and desires

IN clinical practice Disorders of will and drives are manifested by behavioral disorders:

Emotional-volitional disorders need treatment. Drug therapy in combination with psychotherapy is often effective. For effective treatment, the choice of a specialist plays a decisive role. Trust only real professionals.

For normal life and development in society great importance It has emotional-volitional sphere personality. Emotions and feelings play an important role in human life.

Will a person is responsible for the ability that manifests itself during the regulation of its activities. From birth, a person does not possess it, since, basically, all his actions are based on intuition. As you accumulate life experience volitional actions begin to appear, which become more and more difficult. The important thing is that a person not only learns the world, but also tries to somehow adjust it for himself. This is precisely what volitional actions are, which are very important indicators in life.

The volitional sphere of the personality most often manifests itself when various difficulties and trials are encountered on the path of life. The last stage in the formation of the will is the actions that must be taken to overcome external and internal obstacles. If we talk about history, then strong-willed decisions in different time formed as a result of certain labor activity.

What diseases occurs violation of the emotional-volitional sphere:


    manic syndrome

    depressive syndrome

    obsessive phobic syndrome




Certain social conditions can be attributed to external stimuli, and heredity can be attributed to internal stimuli. Development takes place from early age and up to adolescence.

Characteristics of the volitional sphere of personality

Volitional actions can be divided into two groups:

    Simple actions (do not require the expenditure of certain forces and additional organization).

    Complex actions (imply a certain concentration, perseverance and skill).

In order to understand the essence of such actions, it is necessary to understand the structure. A volitional act consists of the following elements:

  • method and means of activity;


    implementation of the decision.

Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere

Hyperbulia, general increase will and inclinations, affecting all the basic inclinations of a person. For example, an increase in appetite leads to the fact that patients, while in the department, immediately eat the food brought to them. Hyperbulia is a characteristic manic syndrome.

Hypobulia characterized by a general decrease in the will and inclinations. Patients do not feel the need for communication, they are burdened by the presence of strangers and the need to maintain a conversation, they ask to be left alone. Patients are immersed in the world of their own suffering and cannot take care of their loved ones.

Abulia this disorder is limited sharp decline will. Abulia is a persistent negative disorder, together with apathy it constitutes a single apathetic-abulic syndrome, characteristic of the end states in schizophrenia.

Obsessive (compulsive) attraction involves the emergence of desires that the patient can control in accordance with the situation. Refusal to satisfy the desire gives rise to strong feelings in the patient, thoughts about an unsatisfied need are constantly stored. Thus, a person with an obsessive fear of pollution will restrain the urge to wash his hands for a short time, but he will definitely wash them thoroughly when strangers are not looking at him, because all the time he suffers, he constantly thinks painfully about his need. Obsessional drives are included in the structure of the obsessive-phobic syndrome.

Compulsive attraction a very powerful feeling, since it is comparable in strength to instincts. The pathological need occupies such a dominant position that a person quickly stops the internal struggle and satisfies his desire, even if this is associated with rude antisocial acts and the possibility of subsequent punishment.