Character traits and other personal properties of a person. Positive character traits in men and women

Each person has his own character. And the characters of men and women are generally different. What positive human qualities are inherent in women and men? How do the same qualities manifest themselves in representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity?

Man, as a creature of nature, is represented as a special, multifaceted creature. He is able to think, analyze, feel, perform actions and various actions that bring benefit and harm to both himself and the world around him.

His behavior is influenced by concepts such as morality and ethics. All this creates the character of homo sapiens, makes a person human.

What is character

A person’s character is a set of stable mental processes (properties) that influence his behavior and are manifested in his actions. Each of us has our own set of qualities that drive different actions.

Some character traits depend on the type nervous system, others are formed under the influence of the environment.

Each person has his own set of qualities, the list of which includes positive and negative traits. They are formed under the influence of surrounding people and life circumstances.

Depending on the state of the environment, society and the degree of its influence on the individual, good and bad character traits may prevail in people.

Presence and superiority in human character certain qualities depend on many indicators: temperament, family, faith, geography of residence and, of course, gender.

A man and a woman are different not only in their external appearance, but also in their behavior patterns, which are influenced by their internal motivation. The description of the “correct” qualities of both sexes shows the similarities and differences in their characters.

Positive human qualities

The division into negative and positive qualities of a person occurs under the influence of public assessment. People themselves determine: “what is good and what is bad.”

That which brings benefit, material and spiritual benefits, pleasure and joy, pleasant emotions, considers it good.

A person whose character contains many positive qualities, is a role model. However, it is known that " bad people can not be". This means that the division into “+” and “-” qualities is conditional. Everything depends on the system of relations between the individual and society.

In accordance with these indicators, 4 groups of character traits can be distinguished(since we are talking about positive qualities, only they will be indicated in each group and the list can be continued) :

  1. Attitude to society, to the team: sociability, collectivism, sensitivity, responsiveness, respect for people, kindness, goodwill.
  2. Attitude to activity: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, discipline, responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals.
  3. Attitude towards yourself: self-esteem, modesty, pride, self-criticism, honesty.
  4. Attitude to things: thrift, accuracy, generosity, selflessness.

Each person has certain traits that predominate, which makes him different from others. The personal merits of some people make others admire them and follow their example.

Manifestation of character traits in men and women

Women Men
  • · by nature more sociable;
  • · can talk for a long time, about anything and with anyone;
  • · make verbal contact easily and quickly. The topic of conversation doesn't matter.
  • talk more to the point and to the point with people they know;
  • narrow range of topics;
  • They have a harder time starting a conversation and quickly stop it if they are not interested in it.
easily agree to a request for help and provide it to the best of their ability and ability responsiveness combines with rationalism: how to help with maximum benefit for the one receiving help.
  • · manifests itself to everyone: animals, children, old people, men;
  • · borders on sacrifice.
selective, well thought out, rational;
Caring for others
is present in everyone without exception and finds manifestation in children, men, parents, and in housework sincere empathy and care for relatives and strangers; manifested in earning money and providing for the family.
often commit aimless actions, but they always know what they want, but more on an intuitive level The ability to clearly imagine and formulate goals, determine ways to achieve them and achieve implementation
are distinguished by good performance and discipline at any age a quality characteristic of most adult men, but not boys
Hard work
“bee”, “spinning like a squirrel in a wheel”, can simultaneously perform various tasks (especially around the house) most are hardworking, but focused on solving one practical problem
An important quality that everyone has the majority are not careful in dressing or eating, as they consider this to be of secondary importance: “tanks are not afraid of dirt”
Thrift - Generosity
spenders with money, but thrifty with things; generosity manifests itself in emotions and feelings they know the value of the money they earn, so they try to be thrifty; generosity is balanced and rational. A generous man is always adored by women
Typical for most loving ladies. In women, fidelity is correlated with devotion men are polygamous, so being faithful to one woman is nonsense for some of them. However, many of them are monogamous

Thus, the same character traits can manifest themselves differently in men and women. But among the set of qualities there are those that relate only to the weaker half and those that courageous people possess.

The main features of women

  • Female intuition. A woman’s feelings, her understanding and analysis pass through her heart, which reverently perceives the surroundings and evaluates them. She often avoids doing certain things without thinking about anything. Something just stops her, as if she is saving her for her children, her husband, her parents, for whom she is support and support.
  • Patience. A woman is able to withstand any pain, physical and moral, moral humiliation and the whims of a man. IN family life women's patience and wisdom are especially important, as they save a marriage.

  • Tenderness, softness, sensuality, love are mandatory feminine qualities. They are inherent in every representative of the fairer sex. They force men to do things and support them in difficult times.
  • Empathy- a quality that does not allow a woman to pass by and not support someone in need of help, which leads to sincere compassion.
  • Romance. Every woman who dreams of a “prince on a white horse” and “has her head in the clouds” with “rose-colored glasses” has this trait.
  • Meekness, the ability to remain silent when there is “thunder and lightning” overhead, the ability to endure the anger and indignation of a man.
  • Mysteriousness. Every woman must have a secret that cannot be comprehended by a man. If a woman is “ open book", she loses interest in the stronger sex.

  • Feminine weakness. The powerlessness of the fairer sex is manifested not in what she does, but in what she is capable of. Many women, having a strong character, keep it secret and do not show it to anyone. But at the right moment, perseverance and will manifest themselves, which come as a surprise to others.

The main features of men

  • Masculinity, strength, courage, the ability to perform actions - these are purely masculine qualities that make him attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  • Perseverance and determination, pragmatism and the ability to achieve one’s own are character traits of a strong-willed person capable of creating. It is a man’s creativity that allows him to create new cities and establish connections.
  • Dedication- a quality that moves the stronger sex to exploits and achievements at the cost of their lives.

  • Responsibility. Most men do not think about themselves, but about their children, wives, and loved ones. This makes them reliable and able to protect what is truly dear to them.
  • Liberty- one of the traits that allows a man to realize himself in life and for which they stand to the last. For each of them, internal and external freedom is important, which gives him many opportunities.
  • Bigness of thinking and independence in decision making make a man strong and self-confident, capable of making discoveries and making progress.
  • A sharp mind and a special sense of humor- qualities that help others in good time and in difficult times.

Here are the basic qualities characteristic of representatives of different sexes, but there are much more differences.

Video: Exercises to develop good qualities

Every person is endowed with a unique, personal character from birth. A child can inherit certain traits from his parents, some show them to a greater extent, while others are completely different from any of the family members. But character is not the behavior of parents projected onto the child; it is a more complex mental phenomenon. The list of positive ones is very long. In this article we will try to highlight the main character traits.


Translated from Greek language the word "character" means " distinguishing feature, sign". Depending on the type of their psychological organization, people find their soul mates, establish relationships, and build their entire lives. A person's character is a unique set mental characteristics, personality traits that play a decisive role in various aspects of a person’s life and are manifested through his activities.

To understand the character of an individual, it is necessary to analyze his actions en masse. Judgments about morality can be very subjective, because not every person acts as his heart tells him. However, individual stable character traits can be identified by studying behavior for a long time. If a person is in different situations makes the same decision, draws similar conclusions and demonstrates a similar reaction, then this indicates that he has one or another trait. For example, if someone is responsible, then his behavior both at work and at home will meet this criterion. If a person is cheerful by nature, a one-time manifestation of sadness against the background of general positive behavior will not become a separate character trait.

Character Formation

The process of character formation begins in early childhood, in the first social contacts child with parents. For example, excessive love and care can later become the key to a stable characteristic of a person’s psyche and make him dependent or spoiled. That is why many parents are especially attentive to instilling positive character traits in their children. They get pets so that the baby can feel what responsibility is, assign him to do small chores around the house, teach him to put away his toys and explain that not all desires and whims can be fulfilled.

The next stage is kindergarten and school. The child already has the basic character traits, but at this stage they can still be corrected: you can wean the little personality off greed and help get rid of excessive shyness. In the future, as a rule, the formation and change of character traits are possible only when working with a psychologist.

Character or temperament?

Very often these two concepts are confused with each other. Indeed, both character and temperament shape human behavior. But they have a fundamentally different nature. Character is a list of acquired mental properties, while temperament is of biological origin. Possessing the same temperament, people can have completely different characters.

There are 4 types of temperament: impetuous and unbalanced choleric, unhurried and imperturbable phlegmatic, easy and optimistic sanguine and emotionally vulnerable melancholic. At the same time, temperament can restrain certain character traits, and vice versa, character can compensate for temperament.

For example, a phlegmatic person with a good sense of humor will still be stingy in showing emotions, but this will not prevent him from demonstrating a sense of humor, laughing and having fun in the appropriate society.

List of positive human qualities

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person is huge. Initially, all definitions regarding the nature and essence of a person, his behavior are subjective. Society has established certain norms that allow us to determine how positive or negative a particular personality trait or action is. However, there are the highest qualities of a person that demonstrate his virtue and good intentions. Their list looks like this:

  • altruism;
  • reverence for elders;
  • kindness;
  • fulfillment of promises;
  • moral;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • perseverance;
  • moderation;
  • responsiveness;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity;
  • selflessness and others.

These qualities, along with their derivatives, constitute the nature of the true beauty of a person's character. They are laid down in the family; in the process of upbringing, children copy the behavior of their parents, and therefore a well-educated person will have all these highest qualities.

List of negative human qualities

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person can take a long time to form, since there are a lot of them. Attributing to a person the presence of a negative character quality based solely on his action or behavior will be completely wrong. You can't put labels on anyone, even the most well-mannered may actually believe that they are endowed with, say, greed or arrogance. However, if this behavior is a pattern, then the conclusion will be obvious.

The list of negative traits, as well as positive ones, is huge. The most basic and common ones look like this:

  • lack of will;
  • irresponsibility;
  • harmfulness;
  • greed;
  • malice;
  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • hatred;
  • selfishness;
  • intolerance;
  • greed and others.

The presence of such character traits in a person is not a diagnosis; they can and should be dealt with even in adult, conscious age, and correct behavior.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people

We have compiled a list of positive and negative human qualities. Now we will talk about character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people. The fact is that depending on in relation to whom or what a person performs an action or deed, a specific individual feature of him is revealed. In society, he can demonstrate the following qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • responsiveness;
  • sensitivity to other people's moods;
  • respect;
  • arrogance;
  • egocentrism;
  • coarseness;
  • isolation and others.

Of course, a lot depends on the conditions in which a person finds himself: even the most open and sociable personality may have problems communicating with a strict, closed and heartless person. But, as a rule, polite people endowed with positive qualities easily adapt to society and suppress their negative traits.

Character traits manifested in work

Building a person’s career directly depends on the qualities of his character. Even the most talented and gifted people can fail because they are not responsible enough for their work and their talent. By doing so, they only harm themselves and do not give themselves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Or, on the contrary, there are cases where the lack of talent was more than compensated for by special diligence in work. A responsible and careful person will always achieve success. Here is a list of the main character traits:

  • hard work;
  • responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • accuracy;
  • sloppiness;
  • laziness;
  • negligence;
  • passivity and others.

These two groups of character traits actively overlap with each other, since work activity and communication between people are inseparably linked.

Character traits manifested in relation to oneself

These are the traits that characterize his self-perception in relation to himself. They look like this:

  • feelings of self-worth or superiority;
  • honor;
  • arrogance;
  • self-criticism;
  • egocentrism;
  • self-adoration and others.

Character traits manifested in relation to things

Attitude to things does not affect the building of a person’s social connections, but demonstrates and reveals the best or unsightly qualities of his nature. These are traits such as:

  • accuracy;
  • thrift;
  • scrupulousness;
  • sloppiness and others.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain traits are inherent in one or another nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, and cheerful disposition. The Russian soul throughout the world is considered mysterious and incomprehensible, since Russians are not distinguished by the rationality and logic of their actions, and are often influenced by mood.

Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly adopts the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him and lend a helping hand. One cannot help but mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia has helped its neighbors at all borders of the country, and today only a heartless person will ignore the misfortune of another.

Every person has different qualities- both positive and negative. Did you come here searching for "positive and negative qualities for a person for a resume?", or do you just want a list of positive and negative qualities? Then just scroll down a little - there is a big and detailed list.

But the article will be a little about something else - about what our qualities actually are, what advantages and disadvantages each of us has, and whether any qualities can be called unambiguously good or bad.

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List of positive and negative human qualities

Many qualities have back side, and an excessive bias towards a positive quality can also become a negative quality for a person. Therefore, in the list below I list pairs of both characteristics. And below I will analyze in more detail why skew can be a very bad option.

There are also options when a person’s presence of a positive quality can be dangerous for his character and lead to undesirable consequences (for example, if a person is very beautiful from childhood, this can lead him to excessive narcissism).

Mind, intelligence / Physical underdevelopment
Confidence / Self-confidence, arrogance
Emotional Stability / Coldness
Honesty, openness / Straightforwardness, rudeness
Energy, proactivity / Restlessness, impatience
Selflessness / A person forgets about himself, and eventually “burns out”
Self-control / Lack of improvisation skills

Curiosity / “The curious Varavara had her nose torn off at the market”, inability to see personal boundaries, interference in someone else’s personal life
Justice / Misunderstanding that everyone has their own truth
Education, well-read / Inability to think independently
Reaction speed / Haste, fussiness
Beauty / Narcissism, inner emptiness
Accuracy / Excessive pedantry, stiffness

Cleanliness / Cleanliness, disgust
Determination / Inability to enjoy life here and now
Willpower, inner core / Inability to rely on others, mistrust
Kindness / Gentleness, not understanding the principle “goodness must come with fists”
Adequacy / Inability to go beyond the usual boundaries
Responsiveness, empathy / Weakness, inability to defend one’s interests
Desire to learn and develop / Inability to take action, desire instead
action all the time learning and learning again

Sense of tact / Deceit, closedness, insincerity
Intuition / Desire to rely on chance and feelings in everything
Giftedness in any matter / Laziness, unwillingness to develop and work on oneself
Courage / Carelessness, gambling and riskiness
Persistence / Annoyance, importunity

List of positive qualities for a resume and interview

In addition to the general list, you may be interested in qualities that can be listed in a description of your work experience (resume), or those qualities that you can mention when you are asked about them at an interview for a new job.

So, here is a list of qualities that can be mentioned as positive during an interview:

1. The desire to develop and learn in one’s profession, love for one’s work;
2. The ability to get along with people, while achieving the desired results from them;
3. Attention to detail, the desire to ensure that any task is done as well as possible;
4. Professionalism, and great knowledge and experience;
5. Ability to work in stressful situations, emergency mode, and at the same time manage a lot;
6. Diligence and perseverance, the ability to do a task exactly as asked, and not as I myself came up with;

and so on. You can spend half an hour or an hour of your time and come up with own list of similar qualities. Just ask yourself a question: what are you strong at? What are your best qualities and benefits? What was your experience and what did you learn?

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Here you need to clarify that sometimes they ask not only about your good things, but also about your shortcomings. It is important at this moment, on the one hand, to honestly admit your weaknesses, so that the one who is interviewing you understands that you are not being cunning or deceiving; on the other hand, there is no need to talk really badly about yourself, because this can negatively affect the results interviews.

What qualities and situations can be listed so as not to evade the answer and not show yourself from the negative side, and how to answer HR’s question “list your shortcomings”:

1. Sometimes I can get very bogged down in details and lose the big picture and goal;
2. Sometimes I am soft towards people when I need to be tough and direct;
3. From time to time I may have problems with discipline, but I compensate for this by working harder at other times;

In any case, it must be said that you know your negative qualities well and are trying to fight them.

Every quality has a downside

I'll start a little from afar. Have you watched the cartoon “Angry Birds at the Movies”?

There was a main character - a bird named Red. And this same Red was an outcast in his society. Because everything infuriated him, he never hid his emotions, and told everyone everything to their face and directly. Such an angry bird.

And the community of birds was so “highly cultured”, everyone was polite, polite, good-natured, and treated each other very well. Straight mi-mi-mi.

But one day the pigs arrived and began to behave rudely towards the bird community. And everyone was so kind and good, diplomatic - and they began to please them. And of course, they weren’t up to anything good, but were planning to steal all the eggs.

And the only one who said directly and openly to his face - “hey, look what they are doing!” — it turned out to be Red.

But he was rejected again until eventually the whole truth was revealed and he became a hero. What am I talking about? :)

Which qualities are positive and which are negative?

Let's say there is straightforwardness and truthfulness. If they are more prevalent in a person, and he is very straightforward, then in certain situations this will be perceived negatively.

For example, my wife didn’t get her hair cut very well, and she doesn’t look very good. Or you didn’t get enough sleep and you look tired. And the straightforward husband declares (absolutely sincerely and openly): “Darling, you look terrible, you’re scary today!” And what will such truthfulness lead to?

And now the situation is different. On the street, some rude person disrespectfully addresses his wife and says: “Hey, you’re such a creature.” And the husband turns on politeness and diplomacy, declaring: “Young man, please be kind, be more polite.”

How will the wife react to this? Well, if she is even a little bit sane, she will simply leave such a weakling who did not defend her honor in a critical situation and did not attack the offender with his fists.

Every quality, positive or negative, has a downside. This is akin to a slider, a regulator - which is moved either to one side or the other to a greater extent. And there is no clear answer that this quality is definitely positive or negative.

It all depends on the specific situation and case.

Harmony of positive and negative qualities

Is it possible to maintain harmony and be good in everything? That is, in some situations, show some qualities, and in others, others?

Theoretically this is possible. And for good reason it should be so. A person must be brave, and strong, and kind, and sympathetic, and smart, and so on and so on. A real superman in the flesh.

The question here is different - how deeply do you need to develop your weak sides, and pay attention to this? After all, developing any quality requires spending your time, and time is a resource that each of us has very limited. And it needs to be spent wisely.

Do you need to develop your weaknesses? Or focus on the strong?

My opinion is this (by the way, I don’t think it’s the only correct one): you need to focus on your strengths and strengths, and devote maximum time and attention to developing them even more.

After all, what do we do with great desire: what we do well, or what we fail over and over again, and we fail?

Character traits

Character is an inextricable whole. But it is impossible to study and understand such a complex whole as character without identifying individual aspects or typical manifestations (character traits) in it. Common features character are manifested in the individual’s relationship to social responsibilities and duty, to people, to himself. The attitude towards social responsibilities and duty is primarily manifested in the individual’s attitude towards social work. In this regard, such character traits as hard work, conscientiousness, perseverance, frugality, and their opposites - laziness, negligence, passivity, wastefulness are revealed. A person’s attitude towards work has a decisive influence on the formation of his other personal qualities. D.I. Pisarev wrote: “Character is tempered by work, and whoever has never earned his daily living by his own labor, for the most part remains forever a weak, lethargic and spineless person.” Attitude towards people is clearly reflected in such character traits as sociability, politeness, goodwill, etc. The antipodes of these traits are isolation, tactlessness, and hostility. As V. Hugo argued, “every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one that he ascribes to himself; and, finally, the one that actually exists.” In order to find out the essence of his character, it is useful for a person to know the opinion of the team in which he works and spends a significant part of his life. And first of all, how orderly his relationships with people are, how much people need him, how authoritative he is among them. Attitude towards oneself is manifested in self-assessment of one’s actions. Sober self-esteem is one of the conditions for personal improvement, helping to develop such character traits as modesty, integrity, and self-discipline. Negative traits character are increased conceit, arrogance and boasting. A person possessing these traits is usually difficult to get along with in a team and unwittingly creates pre-conflict and conflict situations. The other extreme in a person’s character is also undesirable: underestimation of one’s merits, timidity in expressing one’s positions, in defending one’s views. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with a heightened sense of self-esteem, based on the awareness of the real significance of one’s personality, on the presence of certain successes in work for the common benefit. Integrity is one of the valuable personal qualities that gives character an active orientation. Strong-willed character traits. By will is meant complex mental process, which causes human activity and awakens him to act purposefully. Will is a person’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal. Specifically, it appears in such character traits as determination, determination, perseverance, and courage. These character traits can contribute to the achievement of both socially useful and antisocial goals. To do this, it is important to determine what the motive is strong-willed behavior person. “A brave act, the motive of which is to enslave another person, to seize someone else’s goods, to advance in one’s career, and a brave act, the motive of which is to help the common cause, have, of course, completely different psychological qualities.” Based on their volitional activity, characters are divided into strong and weak. People strong character have sustainable goals, are proactive, boldly make decisions and implement them, have great endurance, are courageous and courageous. People in whom these qualities are weakly expressed or some of them are absent are classified as weak-willed. They tend to passively demonstrate their business and personal qualities. Often such people, having the best intentions, do not achieve significant results in work or study. Many of them sincerely worry about their inability to act independently, persistently and decisively.

Volitional qualities can be cultivated in a person. I.P. Pavlov emphasized that man is the only system capable of regulating itself within wide limits, that is, it can improve itself. Weak-willed people, with thoughtful pedagogical work with them, can become actively active. In this case, one must take into account individual characteristics a person, for example his temperament. Thus, it is easier for a choleric person to develop activity and determination than for a melancholic person. A person himself must train his will from a young age, develop qualities such as self-control, activity, and courage.

The most objective and irrefutable data about a person’s character is provided not by his passport data, not by his external appearance, not by his involuntary actions, but by his conscious behavior. Precisely because possible actions a person chooses in a given situation, his character is assessed. Human character is quite multifaceted. This can be seen already in the process of activity: one does everything quickly, the other slowly and thoroughly, thinks carefully, acting for sure, and the third immediately grabs onto the work without thinking, and only after a certain period of time, without solving the problem at once, looks around and coordinates its actions taking into account the circumstances. These features identified in human behavior are called traits, or aspects, of character. Any trait is some stable stereotype of behavior.

However, character traits cannot be taken out of the typical situations in which they appear; in some situations, even a polite person can be rude. Therefore any A character trait is a stable form of behavior in connection with specific situations typical for a given type of behavior.

According to Yu.M. Orlova, along with situations in which a certain human trait is revealed, its essential characteristic is the probability that this type of behavior will take place in a given situation. A trait can be spoken of as a stable characteristic of a person if the probability of its manifestation in a certain situation is quite high. However, probability means that this trait does not always appear, otherwise it would simply be a matter of mechanical behavior. This understanding of character traits is very similar to the manifestation of a person’s habit: under certain conditions, to act in a certain way. A character trait includes a certain way of thinking and understanding. When committing a characteristic act, volitional mechanisms are activated and feelings are involved. By conditioning a person’s behavior, a character trait in behavior is formed. The formation of character traits cannot be separated from the formation of behavioral motives. Motives of behavior, realized in action, consolidated in it, are fixed in character. Each effective motive that acquires stability, according to S.L. Rubinstein, is potentially a future character trait in its origin and development; in motives, character traits appear for the first time in the form of tendencies, action then leads them to stable properties. The path to the formation of character traits therefore lies through the formation of appropriate motives of behavior and the organization of actions aimed at consolidating them.

The most common character properties are located along the axes: strength - weakness; hardness - softness; integrity - inconsistency; breadth - narrowness. If strength of character is understood as the energy with which a person pursues his goals, his ability to become passionately carried away and develop great tension when encountering difficulties, the ability to overcome them, then weakness of character is associated with the manifestation of cowardice, indecisiveness, “asthenicity” in achieving goals, instability of views, etc. Strength of character means strict consistency, perseverance in achieving goals, defending views, etc., while softness of character is manifested in flexible adaptation to changing conditions, achieving goals through some concessions, and finding reasonable compromises. The integrity or inconsistency of character is determined by the degree of combination of leading and secondary character traits. If the leading and secondary ones are in harmony, if there are no contradictions in aspirations and interests, then such a character is called integral, but if they sharply contrast, then it is contradictory.

At the same time, unity and versatility of character do not exclude the fact that in different situations The same person exhibits different and even opposite properties. A person can be at the same time very gentle and very demanding, soft, compliant and at the same time firm to the point of inflexibility. And the unity of his character can not only be preserved, despite this, but it is precisely in this that it is manifested.

The relationship between intellectual personality traits is of great importance for characterological manifestations. Depth and sharpness of thought, unusual formulation of the question and its solution. Intellectual initiative, confidence and independent thinking - all this constitutes originality of mind as one of the aspects of character. However, how a person uses his mental abilities will depend significantly on character. It is not uncommon to encounter people who have highly intellectual abilities, but who do not provide anything valuable precisely because of their characterological characteristics.

A person’s real achievements depend not on abstract mental capabilities alone, but on a specific combination of his characteristics and characterological properties.

However, most of the individual manifestations that make up a person’s character are complex and practically cannot be classified into individual properties and states (for example, rancor, suspicion, generosity, etc.). At the same time, individual qualities of the volitional (decisiveness, independence, etc.) and intellectual (depth of mind, criticality, etc.) spheres can be considered as components of a person’s character traits and used for its analysis. All character traits have a natural relationship with each other.

In the very general view character traits can be divided into basic, leading, setting the general direction for the development of the entire complex of its manifestations, and secondary, determined by the main ones.

Knowledge of the leading traits allows you to reflect the basic essence of character and show its main manifestations.

Although every character trait reflects one of the manifestations of a person’s attitude to reality, this does not mean that every attitude will be a character trait. Only some attitudes, depending on the conditions, become character traits.

From the entire set of relationships of a person to the surrounding reality, it is necessary to highlight the character-forming forms of relationships - the decisive, primary and general vital significance of those objects to which a person belongs. These relationships simultaneously serve as the basis for the classification of the most important character traits. A person’s character is manifested in a system of relationships:

1. In relation to other people (in this case, one can highlight such character traits as sociability - isolation, truthfulness - deceit, tactfulness - rudeness, etc.)

2. In relation to business (responsibility - dishonesty, hard work - laziness, etc.).

3. In relation to oneself (modesty - narcissism, self-criticism - self-confidence, etc.)

4. In relation to property (generosity - greed, frugality - wastefulness, neatness - sloppiness, etc.). It should be noted that this classification is somewhat conventional and there is a close relationship and interpenetration of these aspects of the relationship.

5. Despite the fact that these relationships are the most important from the point of view of character formation, they do not simultaneously and immediately become character traits. There is a certain sequence in the transition of these relationships into character properties, and in this sense it is impossible to put, for example, the attitude towards other people and the attitude towards property on the same level, because their very content plays a different role in the real existence of a person. A person’s attitude towards society and people plays a decisive role in the formation of character. The character of a person cannot be revealed and understood outside the team, without taking into account his attachments in the form of camaraderie, friendship, love, etc.

A person’s relationships with other people are decisive in relation to activity, generating increased activity, tension, rationalization or, on the contrary, complacency and lack of initiative. The attitude towards other people and towards activity, in turn, determines the person’s attitude towards his own personality, towards himself. A correct, evaluative attitude towards another person is the main condition for self-esteem.

The attitude towards other people is not only an important part of character, but also forms the basis for the formation of the individual’s consciousness, necessarily including the attitude towards oneself as an actor, which depends primarily on the very form of activity. When an activity changes, not only the subject, methods and operations of this activity change, but at the same time a restructuring of the attitude towards oneself as an actor occurs.

A painful condition accompanied by motivational deficiency syndrome, hypochondria, and periodically occurring acute worries about one’s laziness. A character trait that reflects the ease of generating emotions of anger, which often turn into verbal and other types of aggression. Particularly brutal methods of committing crimes, to indicate certain properties of the nature of the crime. Cruelty can be intentional and involuntary, realized in certain actions, verbal behavior (inflicting torture with words) or in the imagination - fantasizing, operating with images of torture, torment of people or animals.

For those who don't like their own " psychological picture“, there is consolation: deficiencies in temperament can be compensated for by positive character traits.

It is the understanding that one can change oneself in better side, is the most attractive feature of science.

So, if temperament is an innate personality trait, then a person develops character himself. Every time we perform an action, we strengthen or weaken some of its features.

In this way, even the worst disposition can be corrected.

Regarding temperament, we can only recall that Hippocrates divided it into four types, which are still used today:

  1. Phlegmatic people are unhurried and unperturbed;
  2. Cholerics are hot-tempered and unbalanced;
  3. Melancholic people are impressionable and vulnerable;
  4. Sanguine people are lively, active and cheerful.
  1. Recording the results

It is better to write down the results of your struggle. You can make a table and record successes and failures there every day. Or do this: mark on geographical map two cities. One will conditionally indicate your current state, the second will indicate your goal.

Every time you do something to improve your character, put a new point on the path between these cities. And if you miss something, go back to the point.

It seems very interesting in terms of plan. Be sure to read about this great man, whose experience can be of invaluable help to you.

Surely the reader may have a question: do the formation of personality and its individual traits influence?

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Definite connection in the inclinations and characteristics of behavior between children and parents, of course, can be traced.

However, to claim that “I am like this and I can’t be different, because this is my mom or dad”, for an adult, at least not serious.

It is believed that it is impossible to change temperament, but character traits are within the power of anyone. You just need to have the determination to do this.

Accentuation of character

Accentuation of character is a character trait that is within the clinical norm, in which individual character traits are excessively enhanced, as a result of which selective vulnerability to certain psychogenic influences is revealed while maintaining good resistance to others.

The definition of accentuation may seem a little complicated to you, but in fact it is quite simple.

The word “accentuation” itself (from the Latin accentus - emphasis) means a pronounced emphasis on something.

In other words, this feature consists in the fact that some character traits are unusually developed, which causes the inferiority of other, less developed traits.

Probably everyone has seen how small children, at the sight of strangers, warm up to some and begin to smile, but at the sight of others they frown and run away.

This is due to the fact that facial features are very closely related to our character traits. Children intuitively sense this when they “scan” a stranger’s face.

Yes, and adults, on a deeply subconscious level, can “feel” whether a person in front of them is good or bad. This also happens because our brain can “read” information from characteristic features person's face.

It is important to understand that a person’s character largely determines how his life will turn out and whether he will achieve success.

The 19th century English writer William Thackeray wrote:

“Sow an action and you will reap a habit; sow a habit and you will reap a character; sow a character and you will reap a destiny.”

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