The stomach swells without pain. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen: causes, symptoms and treatment. Determination of the composition of gastric juice

Each of us at least once in our lives has been faced with the question: why is there a bloated belly? Sometimes this condition is accompanied by hardness of the peritoneum and painful sensations that make a comfortable existence impossible. And the rhythm of life modern man requires constant being in working condition.

No doctor will draw conclusions about what disease is developing inside the patient’s body based on just this single symptom; however, he will definitely send him for further examination. In this material we will try to figure out what a bloated belly signals and where to go for help.

It must be said that the feeling of a bloated belly is a phenomenon perceived by every person from the position of his subjective view. The nuances associated with this sensation may vary depending on many factors. However, a significant number of patients, when describing their own condition, reproduce the following:

  • they feel fullness inside the abdomen;
  • feel as if they are “inflated” with air;
  • experience pain or unpleasant pressure.

Sometimes this condition is not fraught with danger, and is an isolated manifestation that goes away on its own after some time, or gradually fades away after taking medications appropriate to the situation.

At the same time, bloating and hardening of the abdomen may be a signal from our digestive system, indicating the development of various pathological processes.

Sometimes a feeling of a hard and full abdomen occurs in a patient with the following problems:

  • overweight;
  • psychological problems.

Psychological factor - an unusual cause of bloating

Having gained a few more pounds, these patients imagine that their stomach is unnaturally full, but in reality it is just subcutaneous fat and a stomach full of food. In this case, a gastroenterologist (digestive system specialist) will not be able to provide the help that the person needs and will be forced to send him to:

  • nutritionist to compile proper diet and diet;
  • to a psychologist to eliminate internal states that interfere with the weight loss process.

In a word, to understand exactly what problem caused you to feel bloated, just listing the symptoms will not be enough. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a series of various laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Video - Bloating: causes and treatment

Inflated belly in healthy people

Unfortunately, even excellent health cannot protect you from walking around with a bloated belly. This happens to each of us at least several times in our lives. The reason for this is the accumulation of gases inside the intestines.

This phenomenon received the following name: flatulence. Excessively accumulated gases in the longest of our organs not only burst out randomly, but also, being produced quite intensively, put painful pressure on the walls of the container.

The reasons for the formation of flatulence can be very different. Let's look at some of them.

Rapid absorption of food or aerophagia. When a person has a small amount of time for a meal (for example, in the morning, being late for work), he tries to eat the food on his plate as quickly as possible. Simultaneously with the intense and frequent swallowing of products, it also captures air, which then descends through the esophagus into the stomach, and ultimately passes into the intestines, accumulating inside and causing an attack of flatulence.

Drinking large amounts of sparkling water– another possible reason for painful bloating. Bubbles that pleasantly tickle the cavity of our mouth while absorbing drinks help us create the illusion of more effective removal thirst. It is precisely because of this circumstance that most people prefer to drink water artificially saturated with gases. Today it is difficult to find even still mineral water on store shelves, as people prefer a more effervescent version of the drink.

The following should be noted:

  • the benefits of mineral water saturated with gases are several times lower than that of non-carbonated water;
  • All that huge amount of gases that filled the bottles, as they are absorbed, moves inside your intestines, where they create a real hurricane.

However, you don't have to worry. If the reason for your bloated belly really lies in the accumulation of excess air, you don’t have to worry, because:

  • part of it will be released along with belching through the esophagus;
  • gases will either gradually leave the intestines naturally or be absorbed into the intestinal walls;
  • An antifoam tablet quickly helps with such bloating.

Another reason for the appearance of gases inside the intestines is their release during consumption of foods that cause fermentation. These include foods consisting of coarse plant fiber, as well as other elements of our daily diet, for example:

  • vegetables (for example, cabbage);
  • greenery;
  • Rye bread;
  • potato;
  • products made from white flour;
  • legumes (beans, peas), etc.

Carbohydrate foods containing starch pose a danger associated with increased gas formation.

In addition, a favorable environment for the formation and accumulation of natural gases is created by:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sparkling water (as we said above);
  • sugar substitutes;
  • sweets;
  • other products.

The list of foods fermenting in the stomach is quite extensive. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or other gastrointestinal diseases should be especially wary of consuming them. In addition, it affects the formation of gases after eating food:

  • individual sensitivity;
  • food allergy.

If you do not suffer from diseases, are not allergic, and do not have a special relationship with any dishes or their individual components, we advise you to relax.

The next reason that can provoke the accumulation of gases inside the intestines, in a sense associated with diseases digestive system, leading to heartburn. To extinguish excess acidity and get rid of uncomfortable sensations, many people, instead of specialized medical supplies prefer to drink “cocktails” made from soda and water. This folk remedy It helps really effectively, however, it has a rather aggressive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time forms gases in the intestines.

Inflated belly due to various diseases

It happens that increased gas formation and bloating are a consequence of much more serious reasons than the banal consumption of the wrong products. In this section of the material we present to you the most frequently encountered ones.

Reason #1. If there are disturbances in the functioning of organs that secrete enzymes, bloating may develop. This phenomenon is called “enzymopathy”. If it is present, the body does not have the ability to properly process and absorb the substances entering it. For example, a very common type of enzyme deficiency occurs in which it is difficult to separate lactose into its component elements:

  • glucose;
  • fructose.

The desired digestive extract is produced by the small intestine. If its work is disrupted, all dairy products entering the human digestive system are not absorbed properly.

Most often, people who are aware of their fermentopathy associated with the processing of lactose try to avoid dairy products and dishes that contain them, because they know that they are guaranteed a bloated belly.

Reason #2. The second pathological condition in which the body produces a large number of gases – imbalance between:

  • beneficial bacteria;
  • harmful microorganisms.

It must be said that this phenomenon is temporary, arising subsequently from the influence of various factors that served as a favorable reason for the growth of pathogenic microflora, for example:

  • due to taking antibiotics;
  • other drugs that negatively affect the intestines.

However, despite the fact that the sensations you will experience are not pleasant, rest assured that the body will find the strength to recover on its own in the near future. Help him eat healthy and clean food, and you will soon forget about bloating.

Reason #3. Pancreatitis is a disease that, unfortunately, is very often diagnosed today. This term hides a very dangerous process - inflammation of the human pancreas, which produces digestive enzymes supplied to small intestine to digest food. Everything is logical here: disruption of the gland leads to a decrease in the activity of its secretion, which means there are not enough enzymes to digest incoming food. As a result, the undigested mass descends further into the large intestine where, as a result, it simply continues to rot, releasing, naturally, gases.

You can cope with this disease:

  • if you go to the hospital on time;
  • start taking medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • radically change your diet;
  • develop a diet.

Until the underlying pathology is eliminated, attempts to eliminate the annoying symptom (bloating) will have only a short-term effect.

If you have pancreatitis, it is important to eat right. Examples of daily diet can be found in

Reason #4. IBS, or irritable bowel symptom, is another factor that can cause bloating. This disease is accompanied by impaired intestinal motility, resulting in a person:

  • constantly experiences pain in the abdomen;
  • suffers from flatulence;
  • experiences frequent dyspeptic disorders;
  • feels a frequent urge to defecate.

It is impossible to eliminate the desired pathology as such, simply because the true nature of its occurrence has not yet been determined. It is believed that the reasons behind the development of IBS are related to:

  • with mental stress;
  • constant physical fatigue.

It often happens that both of these phenomena are interconnected. So, for example, a person gets tired at work, completely exhausted, and at the same time receives a small wages and gets no satisfaction. As a result, enormous stress accumulates, affecting the functioning of the longest organ of the body.

  • visiting a psychologist;
  • normalization of loads;
  • eliminating symptoms (pain, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, etc.) with the help of medications.

Reason #5. Intestinal obstruction can also affect the accumulation of gases. This pathological condition is usually caused by the following factors:

  • tumor, etc.

As a result of the accumulation of natural gas and feces in the intestines, which cannot be released, the stomach becomes noticeably distended. If the contents of the intestine are not removed in time, unpleasant consequences are possible, associated not only with further accumulation of gas, but also with:

  • the formation of tumors (or growth, if they already exist);
  • general poisoning of the body;
  • rupture of the intestine due to excessive fullness, etc.

The diseases listed above are not the entire list of reasons that can cause your stomach to swell, however, they are the ones that most often worry patients visiting medical institutions around the world.

Who to turn to for help

If bloating is a problem that bothers you quite often, you need to pull yourself together and go to the hospital to consult a doctor who treats the gastrointestinal tract of the human body - a gastroenterologist.

Based on your complaints, the doctor will make an assumption regarding the pathology developing in you and prescribe a series of examinations carried out in a laboratory and using medical equipment. Their list will include the following procedures:

  • examination of stool for microflora;
  • analysis of biological fluids (bile, stomach acid);
  • ultrasound examination of organs;
  • A colonoscopy (examination of the intestines using an endoscope) may also be needed.

Whatever the problem is identified, doctors will prescribe adequate treatment for it, and at the same time will help you:

  • adjust the daily menu;
  • set up a meal routine.

Thus, products that form gases or have harmful effects will be excluded from the diet. Negative influence on the intestines with certain pathologies. Most likely, they will also be recommended physical exercise, thanks to which the body is strengthened and saturated with the energy necessary to fight the disease.

Let's sum it up

The anxiety created by a bloated belly is not just aesthetic. Intense manifestation of bloating leads to severe discomfort: quite noticeable pain and the inability to lead a normal lifestyle. Elementary, you can’t sit in the office, every second risking spoiling the air not only for yourself, but also for your colleagues.

It is possible to eliminate bloating by treating the cause of its formation

Let's look at the main groups of reasons that cause the stomach to become bloated in the table below.

Table 1. Causes of bloating

Let's say right away: proper nutrition And healthy image life - best prevention from a bloated belly, because if you don’t have hereditary pathologies, these two components will protect the intestines from the development of pathological processes, and therefore from filling with gases.

If you notice unpleasant symptoms, or if they become more frequent, consult a doctor. By self-medicating, you risk aggravating the situation and turning innocent gas into a real problem.

The so-called “bloated belly” is a condition in which the abdomen becomes larger than normal in size. Bloating can occur for a variety of reasons. Although it causes considerable inconvenience and discomfort, you should not worry too much about your health: this phenomenon is very common.

When to consult a specialist

If you find yourself with a bloated belly, the cause of the discomfort can be easily determined by remembering what you ate during the day and how your daily activities differed from your usual activities. Nevertheless, there are a number of signs by which one can judge the potential danger of this condition. Call your doctor and make an appointment if your belly continues to get larger over time or if the problem is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as fever or nausea. Urgent need to apply for medical care in case of severe diarrhea or traces of blood in the stool. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are unable to drink or eat without discomfort for eight hours or more.

Bloated belly: reasons

The stomach can expand in width for many reasons: from overeating to pregnancy. In most cases, only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the clear cause of bloating.

The most common culprits for this discomfort are overeating and gas accumulation. Increased gas formation is caused by both the nervous habit of swallowing air with food and the consumption of foods rich in fiber. If the gases do not find a way out abdominal cavity, they can inflate it to impressive sizes. There are also mild pathological conditions that lead to increased gas formation. These are irritable bowel syndrome and lactose intolerance.

Irritable bowel syndrome

If the stomach is distended and hard, and the patient constantly suffers from pain in the form of colic, it may be irritable bowel syndrome. It also causes bloating and gas. According to the US National Institutes of Health, one in six Americans suffers from symptoms of this disorder.

Lactose intolerance

If bloating is caused by lactose intolerance, you should avoid consuming dairy products. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, try to increase your own resistance to stress, as well as the overall amount of food you eat, rich in fiber. If you have ascites ( abdominal dropsy), if possible, stay in bed and try to reduce the amount of water consumed. These measures will allow the body to quickly get rid of excess fluid.

Drug treatment

If rest and reducing the amount of water in the diet do not contribute to the disappearance of symptoms, the doctor will most likely recommend taking diuretics (Torasemide, Furosemide, Piretanide). Medicines in this group help the kidneys excrete more fluid, causing bloating. In rare cases, an infection gets into the fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity - to treat this complication, doctors prescribe antibiotics depending on the type of pathogen that caused the disease.

If your bloated belly is a result of irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance, follow the recommendations above. These conditions cannot be treated with medications.

Flatulence is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that causes discomfort and is accompanied by the following symptoms: pain, bloating, gas. What to do? How to deal with and how to prevent this problem from occurring?

Causes of flatulence

Are you worried about bloating? What to do in such a situation? Today there are a large number of different medications, which eliminate the problem in question. Most of them can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. But it is worth noting that they mostly eliminate unpleasant symptoms once. Also methods traditional medicine have a positive effect, but only if excessive gas formation is not associated with the presence of diseases of the digestive system.

Folk recipes

The most effective means alternative medicine considered dill. If you have indigestion, constipation, stomach pain, bloating, what should you do? For prevention or therapy, take dill. He has healing properties: it can be used to effectively eliminate various diseases digestive system, the plant relieves spasms of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, prevents the formation of fermentation processes, rotting and excessive gas formation, and also stimulates appetite, expels helminths and acts as a laxative.

  • Brew 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds, leave for one hour. Take in small equal portions throughout the day.
  • Grind 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds into a pulp, brew with a glass of boiling water. The broth must be infused in a thermos for forty minutes, then strained. Take the infusion one hundred milliliters half an hour before meals.
  • Dill can be used as a seasoning for food.


Do you often experience pain or severe bloating? The doctor will tell you what to do in such a situation. In this case, traditional medicine methods will not help. Before prescribing treatment, the specialist will recommend the necessary studies:

  • stool analysis for dysbacteriosis;
  • examination of gastric juice and bile;
  • bacteriological examination of stool;
  • Ultrasound of organs responsible for digestion.

Bloating. What to do? Medicines

Basic effective and safe medications for bloating:

  • "Mezim." Refers to digestive enzyme preparations. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, activates pancreatic secretion, and has an analgesic effect.
  • "Espumizan". Reduces gas formation, promotes gas removal and improves intestinal motility.
  • Probiotics. This is a group of drugs that contain lactobacilli and bifidumbacteria. These substances activate the secretory function of the stomach, improve the absorption of food and prevent the formation of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. Some probiotics: “Linex”, “Laktovit”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactobacterin”, “Hilak-forte”, “Bifi-form”, etc.
  • Enterosorbents. These are drugs that absorb toxic substances and improve the functioning of the digestive tract: “Enterosgel”, “Enzyme”.
  • Activated carbon. Prevents absorption harmful substances into the blood, normalizes digestion.

Flatulence is often accompanied by diarrhea, constipation, painful sensations. In such cases, medications are prescribed taking into account the predominant symptom.

  • Bloating, diarrhea. What to do? Take medications such as trimebutine maleate, Loperamide and antispasmodics (Otilonia
  • For constipation: Macrogol, Sorbitol.
  • At severe pain hyoscine butyl bromide and antispasmodics are prescribed.

Exercises for excess gas formation

You don’t have any medicine at hand, but you have severe bloating? What to do in this case? You can use a set of simple exercises that will relieve flatulence:

  • Bend forward. Take turns bending to one leg or the other. It is recommended to perform the exercise at least ten times.
  • "Bike". Lie on your back, raise your legs up and move them, imitating riding a bicycle.
  • Lie on your stomach on a hard surface. Try to bend your lower back as much as possible, leaning on your hands. It is recommended to perform the exercise ten times.

Ways to quickly eliminate flatulence

There are life situations, in which a person experiences great discomfort from bloating, but circumstances do not allow him to take the necessary medicine or use a proven one folk recipe. In such cases, there are ways that will help alleviate the condition and relieve the symptoms of flatulence:

  1. Quick relief. It is necessary to understand that both the formation of gases inside the intestines and their release are natural processes necessary for the body. Therefore, there is no need to keep the gas to yourself (if you are public place, then find a bathroom or toilet and stay there until the discomfort goes away; if it is difficult to release gas, then you need to change your body position, take a walk).
  2. Heating pad or compress. You can eliminate bloating in the following way: placing a heating pad or a warm compress on the problem area.

Causes of excess gas formation during pregnancy

Flatulence during pregnancy is considered normal. This is due to certain changes occurring in a woman’s body.

  • As the baby grows, the uterus constantly increases in size and begins to put pressure on the intestines. Thus, bloating becomes more pronounced as pregnancy progresses. This leads to the accumulation of gases in the intestines, which, in turn, causes constipation and is often accompanied by pain.
  • During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood increases. It relieves muscle spasm, preventing miscarriage. And at the same time, this hormone has a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles, which leads to food stagnation in it, causing gas formation.
  • Other reasons: poor diet, consumption of foods that increase gas formation, enzyme deficiency, etc.

How can an expectant mother get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as bloating? What to do? First of all, do not hesitate to share this problem with your doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications that will be safe for the fetus. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Getting rid of flatulence and pregnancy

Bloating - what to do? This question worries many expectant mothers. It is impossible to stop the natural changes that occur in a pregnant woman’s body. But make it easier expectant mother and it is quite possible to rid her of flatulence. The gynecologist should refer the pregnant woman for a consultation with a gastroenterologist in order to establish or exclude the presence of diseases of the digestive tract. And only a doctor can prescribe necessary medications, which must be taken strictly following the instructions or prescriptions. It is important to know that self-medication is dangerous for the health of the unborn child.

Otherwise, a pregnant woman must follow general rules warnings of the problem under consideration.

Prevention of excess gas formation

Observing simple rules, you can avoid the formation of excess gases in the intestines:

  • walk on fresh air, go for walks;
  • play sports;
  • drink more fluids;
  • avoid stress;
  • eat only properly prepared food: stew, cook foods;
  • eliminate all fatty foods from your diet;
  • set a rule for yourself to eat for breakfast oatmeal or coarse flakes;
  • limit your intake of foods rich in active carbohydrates;
  • do not drink carbonated drinks, do not chew gum;
  • stop smoking;
  • try to chew your food thoroughly;
  • eat small portions.

Every person has experienced a feeling of fullness in the stomach at least once in their life. As a rule, this unpleasant sensation is accompanied by symptoms such as pain and flatulence. In some cases, the cause of the feeling of fullness is banal overeating. However, if discomfort appear regularly, this may indicate the progression of gastrointestinal pathologies intestinal tract. Below are the main reasons for the feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This term includes a whole group of functional digestive disorders. In this case, pathological conditions are not associated with organic damage directly to the intestine. It is customary to speak of a syndrome when its characteristic symptoms do not disappear for 3 or more months.

The main reasons for the development of the pathological condition:

  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • changing your usual diet;
  • unbalanced diet: as a rule, people whose diet contains very few foods rich in fiber suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and the accompanying feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • lifestyle that does not involve physical activity;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • intestinal pathologies of an infectious nature suffered in the recent past;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Under the influence of any provoking factor, the degree of sensitivity of intestinal receptors decreases. The consequence of this is a disruption of its functioning.

The main symptoms of the syndrome are pain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. They occur against the background of muscle spasms and excessive stretching of the intestinal walls. In most cases, the patient's condition improves slightly after defecation and the passage of gas.

The syndrome requires an integrated approach to treatment. Therapy is aimed at normalizing the psycho-emotional state and stopping painful sensations.

Intestinal obstruction

This condition is not an independent disease. In all cases, it develops against the background of other pathologies of the digestive system. In addition, central nervous system disorders may be the cause.

The term “intestinal obstruction” means acute condition, in which it is difficult to pass feces along the final section of the digestive tract.

Reasons for the development of pathology:

  • various types of injuries;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • presence in the intestines foreign body;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • intoxication process;
  • recently transferred surgical intervention to the organs of the digestive system;
  • constriction with intestinal loops (for example, adhesions;
  • narrowing of the lumen of mesenteric vessels;
  • neoplasms of both benign and malignant nature.

For intestinal obstruction The following symptoms are typical:

  • painful sensations that are cramping in nature;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • pallor skin;
  • excessive sweating.

Treatment of pathology is carried out using both conservative and surgical methods. The choice of patient management tactics directly depends on the cause of the disease and its severity.

Chronic pancreatitis

This disease is a common cause of a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. The term “pancreatitis” refers to inflammation of the pancreas. Chronic form The disease develops when the acute phase is not stopped in a timely manner.

The main causes of pathology:

Clinical manifestations of chronic pancreatitis:

  • frequent episodes of belching;
  • diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation;
  • bloating and feeling of fullness;
  • increased degree of fatigue;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • flatulence.

The disease is often complicated by conditions that pose a danger not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient. In this regard, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the first warning signs(stool disorders, feeling of fullness in the abdomen). With timely treatment, it is possible to achieve a period of stable remission.


The course of this disease is accompanied by inflammation of the wall duodenum. Duodenitis can be either an independent pathology or combined with other ailments of the digestive system.

The main reasons for the development of the disease:

  • abnormalities of intestinal development;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, frequent use unhealthy foods;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications;

Symptoms characteristic of duodenitis:

  • pain and feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen;
  • general weakness;
  • elevated temperature bodies;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • sudden changes in body weight.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at stopping inflammatory process. Patients must strictly adhere to the diet and dosage regimen of medications prescribed by the doctor.


Inflammation of the stomach lining is also a common cause of abdominal distension. The development of pathology is triggered by regular exposure of the stomach to powerful irritants.

Main provoking factors:

  • active life of Helicobacter pylori;
  • regular consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • uncontrolled reception medicines;
  • infections of viral and fungal nature;
  • failure in work immune system;
  • lack of vitamins.

basic clinical manifestations gastritis:

  • stomach pain regularly;
  • feeling of fullness;
  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • general weakness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • drowsiness.

Treatment of pathology involves taking medications and strictly following a diet.

Pyloric stenosis

This disease is characterized by difficulty in the passage of partially digested food into the intestinal cavity. This is a consequence of the narrowing of the pyloric outlet.

Reasons for the development of the disease:

  • scars formed at the site of prolonged ulcers;
  • neoplasms located on the inner walls of the stomach and duodenum.

On initial stage development of the disease, patients complain of belching with a sour taste, as well as a feeling of fullness after vomiting general state usually improves. Over time, painful sensations appear, the person’s body weight begins to rapidly decrease. The decompensation stage is characterized by dehydration and exhaustion. In the vomit you can find remnants of food eaten several days ago.

At the initial stage of development of the disease, the use of prokinetics is indicated. These are drugs active ingredients which restore the motility of the stomach and intestines. In other cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

Stomach ulcer

This disease has a chronic course. It is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the tissues lining the walls of the stomach.

Causes peptic ulcer:

  • active activity of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • uncontrolled or prolonged use of NSAIDs;
  • violation metabolic processes;
  • atrophic gastritis;

The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain localized under xiphoid process. It can radiate to the left half of the body.

Other clinical manifestations:

  • bloating, feeling of fullness;
  • the tongue is coated;
  • bad smell from mouth;
  • nausea, often turning into vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • bowel disorders.

Treatment of peptic ulcer is carried out using both conservative and operational methods.

Feeling full after eating

Every person at least once in his life has experienced discomfort that occurs shortly after finishing a meal. Isolated cases of bloating and a feeling of fullness are associated, as a rule, with banal overeating during a holiday feast or a stressful state.

Other causes of discomfort after eating:

  • lack of diet, numerous snacks;
  • frequent consumption of foods rich in flavorings, dangerous fats and preservatives;
  • too rapid absorption of food: food that is poorly chewed and not sufficiently moistened with saliva negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constant consumption of high-calorie foods;
  • intoxication: the process of poisoning the body with harmful compounds starts when consuming low-quality products;
  • large portion sizes;
  • abuse of fast food and alcoholic beverages.

In order to stop discomfort, it is allowed to take medications. Safe medications that should be in the first aid kit in every home:

  • “No-Shpa;
  • "Spazgan";
  • "Smecta";
  • "Espumizan";
  • "Hilak-Forte";
  • "Linex";
  • "Bifiform".

If the feeling of fullness is localized in the upper area, you can take Pancreatin.

Discomfort during pregnancy

In the early stages, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be due to hormonal changes in organism. In addition, discomfort is often a consequence of an unbalanced diet.

A feeling of fullness in the abdomen during pregnancy can also be a symptom of impaired functioning of the pancreas, which cannot cope with the increased load.

Other causes of discomfort:

  • non-compliance with drinking regime;
  • wearing clothes that are too tight;
  • late-night snacks;
  • increase in size of the uterus.

If you have a feeling of fullness, you should inform your doctor. It is important to exclude development serious illnesses organs of the digestive system.

Other reasons

The feeling of fullness in the stomach is a kind of signal that should not be ignored. If it appears, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct diagnostic measures and draw up a treatment plan.

Other possible reasons discomfort:

  • bad habits;
  • frequent use of soda to relieve heartburn;
  • excess body weight;
  • natural age-related changes.

In women, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen often accompanies ovulation. When the phase of the cycle changes, it goes away on its own.

To get rid of the feeling of fullness forever, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of its occurrence.

First aid

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oak bark;
  • dill seeds;
  • fennel;
  • sage

It is allowed to prepare both mono- and multi-component decoctions. The above medicinal plants can relieve not only the feeling of fullness, but also flatulence and pain.


Every person has experienced discomfort in the abdominal area at least once in their life. Often the feeling of fullness is a consequence of banal overeating. However, ignore this symptom unacceptable. This is due to the fact that it may be a sign of the progression of pathologies that pose a danger not only to health, but also to human life.

If movement in the intestines is inhibited, food absorption processes are disrupted. Due to the prolonged presence of food in the intestines, a large amount of gases is formed. Enzyme deficiency only aggravates the patient's condition.

Some patients experience signs of cholecystitis, which is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide. This gas gives burps a rotten egg smell. dangerous because it disrupts the production of enzymes. Plant fibers entering the intestines simply do not have time to be absorbed by the body. They remain in the patient’s intestines for quite a long time.

Trying to process them without enough enzymes results in the formation of gases. To get rid of bloating, you need to know the cause of the pathology. Gas accumulates in the bends of the intestines. Thus, it prevents the movement of feces.

With regular belching, bloating is also observed.

The disease manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the patient's abdominal volume increases;
  • when palpated in a lying position, you can hear;
  • bending forward is accompanied by tension in the diaphragm;
  • a person suffers from regular;
  • a large amount of gases are released in the intestines;
  • the process of bowel movement is complicated;
  • a person loses appetite;
  • headaches begin;
  • immunity decreases as the balance in the intestines is disrupted.

Why does abdominal bloating and pain begin?

Irritable bowel syndrome causes abdominal pain.

Damage to the mucous membranes causes bloating. Pain also indicates damage to the intestinal tract by candida.

Among women fungal disease accompanied . An increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms is associated with the use of antibiotics. The patient's intestinal microflora changes.

Antibiotics destroy not only harmful ones, but also beneficial bacteria. Thus, they provoke the growth of fungi and pathogenic microflora.

To restore the microflora, you will have to go through long course treatment with probiotics. Several causes of the disease can be identified. These include pancreatitis, cholecystitis and hepatitis. Disruption of the digestion process leads to food remaining in the intestines for too long. At the same time, cadaveric poison is released and rotting begins.

Pathologies can be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. The patient is disturbed. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of gases in the digestive system. When walking, a natural massage occurs on the front abdominal wall. This stimulates the intestines and increases its efficiency. To consolidate the effect, you will have to observe 2 weeks after getting rid of the symptoms of the disease.

The reason may be a person's excessive appetite. The body simply cannot cope with such a large amount of food. Huge portions from the stomach enter the intestines. Digestion becomes more difficult high content salt and preservatives. They require additional effort when absorbed in the intestines.

Irritable bowel syndrome is another common cause of the disease. A sign of this disease is. In this case, intestinal motility is disrupted. Violation of the speed of movement of the food bolus causes indigestion.

The patient complains of constant abdominal pain. He experiences constipation, which is accompanied by increased gas formation. With intestinal obstruction, tumors are also detected in patients. Neoplasms disrupt the process of fecal movement. As a result, fermentation begins in the patient's body.

The disease makes defecation difficult, as a person begins to feel pain when bowel movements.

What to do if you have bloating?

First you need to consult with. The doctor refers the patient for examinations to confirm the diagnosis. A stool sample is taken. During the study, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is checked.

The video will tell you why your belly grows:

Determination of the composition of gastric juice

Ultrasound is prescribed to check the digestive organs.

The patient's diet is of great importance. First of all, you need to exclude from the menu foods that stimulate gas production. These are peas, beans and. To restore the functioning of the digestive system, you need to eat wholemeal bread.

Fermented milk products and vegetables will benefit the body. It is better to give up sweets, as sugar provokes the development of fermentation processes.

Provokes the formation of gases. In addition, many patients are unable to digest lactose. This may cause the development of the disease. It is better to replace milk with fermented milk products. They contain beneficial microorganisms that help restore the functioning of the digestive system. During your illness you will have to give up confectionery products.

Smoked meats and marinades irritate the intestinal walls. In addition, they put quite a lot of strain on the digestive organs. To digest such heavy foods, enzymes are needed. Pathologies disrupt the secretion of digestive enzymes. Pieces of incompletely digested food can be seen in the patient’s intestines.

How to treat bloating with medication

Karsil - stimulates the production of bile.

The patient is prescribed adsorbent drugs (Polysorb). With pancreatitis, the patient needs additional digestive enzymes.

Only eliminating the cause of the pathology will help improve the functioning of the digestive organs. During treatment, do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions.

You can cope with the symptoms of the disease by. The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone.

Espumisan is used to eliminate short-term attacks of gas.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Exercise will help get rid of bloating.

Many patients do not give of great importance charging. And in vain, because exactly physical exercise may help relieve bloating.

During training, intestinal motility increases. To speed up progress in the intestines, you can use therapeutic exercises.

To do this, you can do simple exercises at home:

  1. Lean forward towards your left leg. Return to the starting position. Repeat the bend on the other leg. This exercise will help achieve successful healing.
  2. Now you need to lie on your back. After this, try to perform movements with your legs. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle. The exercise must be repeated 15 times.
  3. In the initial position, the patient lies on his stomach. You need to rest your hands on a hard surface. After this, begin to lift your torso. While performing the exercise, try to bend in the lumbar region.
  4. To get the result, it is enough to perform 10 lifts. A therapeutic set of exercises will help you stop the formation in the intestines. After a week, the disease should subside.

Traditional methods

Dill water is an excellent folk remedy for bloating.

Increased gas formation deprives the patient of rest. Herbal infusions help with bloating:

  • Prepare a decoction of parsley. To do this, put 20 grams of raw materials in a separate container and pour 200 ml hot water. Within a week after starting treatment, your condition should improve.
  • You can get rid of it with dill water. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dill. After infusion, the resulting solution must be filtered. Dill decoction contains substances that prevent rotting in the intestines. The finished decoction should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms in the patient's intestines. To prepare the remedy, grind the leaves of wormwood. Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material.
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