South Africa: interesting facts and data about the country. Interesting facts about South Africa

South Africa: interesting facts about the country

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South Africa (SA) is located in the southern part of the African continent, along the coastline of the Indian and Atlantic oceans. The country ranks 24th in terms of population - almost 53 million people. It is a land of many races and religions. The majority of residents are black Africans. Want to know more? We will tell you the most interesting facts about this amazing country.

Historical reference

South Africa has a very long history, the oldest human fossil in the world was found here. Many years ago, the Dutch came to South Africa and created new language called "Afrikaans". In 1924, the first hominid fossil was discovered near Taung. The fossil is known as the Taung Child.

Land of many races and peoples

Modern humans appeared in South Africa about 170,000 years ago.

The Zulus and the Khosa were the two main ethnic groups that roamed Africa.

Bartolomeu Dias was the first Portuguese explorer to lead an expedition to explore South Africa in 1487.

Cape Town became a British colony in 1806.

There are more than 5 million illegal immigrants in the country, of which 3,000,000 are from Zimbabwe.

There are 23 public universities in South Africa.

Cricket, rugby and football are the most popular sports in South Africa.

Statistical data

Some statistics:

  1. The adult literacy rate is close to 90%.
  2. About 80% of the residents are Christians.
  3. About 70% of South Africans live in cities.

South Africa has 11 official languages, the most common of which are:

  • Zulu (22.7%);
  • Afrikaans (13.5%);
  • braid (16%).

Unusual flag

The South African flag contains many different colors:

  • gold is responsible for the wealth of the country;
  • white - for peace;
  • blue is the color of the sky;
  • green – the color of crops and plants;
  • black is the color of native African peoples;
  • red is the color of those who lost their lives on the battlefield for freedom.

State Economy

Diamonds were discovered in Africa in 1867, and gold in 1884. This discovery led to confrontation between the indigenous population and the Europeans.

In the 1970s, South Africa began a nuclear weapons program.

Almost one fifth of South Africa's economy is based on mining. Thanks to it, 514,760 people are employed in Africa.

Diversity of flora and fauna

South Africa has many different "indigenous" animals - impalas, wildebeests, white rhinos, hyenas, hippos and giraffes. The River Rabbit is under threat in South Africa.

There are 200,000 species of mushrooms here. South Africa is rich in plants, with around 20,000 of them. various types, which accounts for 10% of all plants in the world. Only a total of 1% of South Africa's land is forest.

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1. The population of South Africa is about 50 million people.

2. Whites - only about 5 million, while they occupy almost all leadership positions in the country.

3. South Africa has 11 officially registered languages ​​(and countless dialects).

4. The 2 most popular languages ​​in South Africa are English and African.

5. African is a mixture of German and Dutch.

6. The African language is very similar to Flemish. Flemish is spoken by residents of the northern part of Belgium. These 2 languages ​​are 90 percent similar. For me, as an interpreter, this was a surprise.

7. Many people think that the capital of South Africa is Johannesburg or Cape Town. Nothing like this! The capital of South Africa is Pretoria. This city is located approximately 150 km from Johannesburg and is the third most populous in South Africa (after the two mentioned above).

8. The largest city is Johannesburg. About 11 million people live there.

9. The most dangerous area of ​​Johannesburg is Alexandria (something like Harlem or the Bronx in New York). No South Africans dare to appear there... even during the day. It is noteworthy that it is located near the business center of the city.

10. Roads in South Africa are in perfect condition.

11. If I’m talking about roads, I’ll say that I saw gays in South Africa only once during the month I was there. And even then during one of the raids on the road.

12. I’ll say right away that trying to bribe a guy in South Africa is tantamount to trying to persuade a nun to have a gangbang. Only in this case they will have a group sex with you.

13. 99.9% of South Africans have driver license.

14. Most blacks (sorry, African Americans) in South Africa bought these rights “on the black market.”

15. It’s easy to get a driver’s license in South Africa - it costs about 400 rand (about 60 bucks). But at the same time, you undergo re-certification every 5 years. It's free.

16. The currency of South Africa is the rand. 7 rand = 1 US dollar.

17. Cigarettes in South Africa are quite expensive. They cost approximately by European standards. For a pack of Marlboro you will pay about 40-45 rand.

18. In South Africa there is an unreal amount of spices - for every taste.

19. Vodka in South Africa is a rare turd. Expensive and terribly vile in taste.

20. The national moonshine in South Africa is called mampur. However, most South Africans do not consume it. Its strength is about 75 degrees, and if it also contains red pepper... I don’t recommend it. Even for me, a person hardened by student life in an industrial city, this drink turned out to be too heavy... I was breathing fire for about 3 hours.

21. South Africans love meat. They eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

22. They call dry meat “biltong”. I highly recommend it - a great thing, especially with beer.

23. Beer in South Africa is normal. No worse than Ukrainian. At least I liked it.

24. People in South Africa love spicy food. Their chili sauce will make even the devil drink barrels of water.

25. Drivers in South Africa are very polite - they never break the rules. Even if he is alone on the road, he will never run a red light and will always stop at a stop sign.

26. In South Africa there are a lot of names similar to Slavic ones. I knew people with the names Andrey, Lida, Yuri, Anna, Katya, Nadya... I don’t remember them all.

27. The African language also has several words similar to Ukrainian. Pharmacy - pharmacies, paper - papir (identical to Ukrainian).

28. A person who is stupid a lot is called a “baboon” in South Africa. From the name of the monkey "baboon". I had a good laugh at this.

29. South Africa is the first country in the world to produce gasoline from... coal!

30. Coal seams in South Africa are found at a depth of about... 7-10 meters! This is amazing - the cost of coal mining has been reduced hundreds of times - there is no need to build mines and endanger people's lives.

31. In addition to coal, South Africa is also rich in gold and diamonds. Diamond mines are some of the deepest in the world. Some reach 6 (!) kilometers in depth.

32. Gasoline in South Africa is quite cheap - a dollar per liter.

33. The salary, for example, of a labor protection engineer is about $3,500. For me, for comparison, it’s about $500.

34. Loans for housing there are very profitable - about 4-5 percent.

35. A house (2-story) by the ocean in South Africa can be bought for $100,000 (if not in a large city). Now tell me, is it possible to buy a 2-story house by the sea with all the amenities for that kind of money in Ukraine or Russia?..

36. Countless nationalities live in South Africa - from Indians to Europeans and Chinese.

37. Prices in South Africa are practically no different from prices in Ukraine. I’ll keep silent about the comparison of salaries - read above.

38. The “cradle of humanity” is located in South Africa - the oldest burial place of ancient people known to modern archaeologists. I don’t remember the age of the burial.

39. The climate in South Africa is quite favorable. For them, minus 5-10 is a guard. Their summer is from December to February. Winter – from June to August.

40. There are a lot of national parks in South Africa that you can easily get to and organize a safari. It costs (by European standards) inexpensively. I won’t say how much, they did it for us for free.

41. The Big Five in Africa are the elephant, rhinoceros, lion, jaguar and buffalo.

42. It’s hard to believe, but throughout history they have killed more people than lions, jaguars and crocodiles combined... HIPPOPOTAMOS! Yes, yes, these cute and calm animals at first glance are extremely aggressive!

43. The most honorable trophy for a hunter in South Africa is a lion.

44. The most dangerous animal for hunting is the buffalo. He is hunted either by real professionals or real idiots. As a hunter with 30 years of experience told me: “You need to kill a buffalo with the first shot. Either he will become your prey, or you will become his.” This imposing animal reaches speeds of up to 50 km/h! Even a trained sprinter will not be able to escape from him. And putting a bullet in his carcass from a medium-caliber rifle is like hitting an elephant with a fly swatter.

45. The most delicious fish in South Africa is kingklip. Highly recommend for seafood lovers! It will be served to you in any more or less decent restaurant. Try it - delicious stuff!

46. ​​Fish cuisine in South Africa is very rich and varied. What is not surprising is that South Africa is surrounded by the ocean on 3 sides.

47. The most popular sports in South Africa are rugby and cricket.

48. The nickname of the rugby players of the South African national team is Springboks (plural). The Springbok is the smallest antelope in South Africa (about the size of a medium-sized sheepdog), but is very fast and agile.

49. Football (or soccer) is also quite popular in South Africa. For the uninformed, the World Cup was held there in 2010, which gave football in South Africa a good boost.

50. And finally, South Africans are very nice and open people. Their mentality is very similar to the Slavic. They are one of the few nations who laugh heartily at our jokes and jokes. Working with them is simply a pleasure.

After everything that has been written, there is only one question left to ask: which of us are the natives?!..

Despite the fact that the apartheid regime in South Africa ended in the 90s of the last century, the white minority still occupies almost all leadership positions in the country.

Most popular languages In South Africa they are English and Afrikaans. Afrikaans is very similar to the Flemish language spoken in northern Belgium.

The most big city in South Africa is Johannesburg, where about 4 million people live, and if you count all the immediate surroundings, then about 8 million. However, it is not the capital of South Africa, but Pretoria, which ranks only third in the country in terms of population (Cape Town is in second place).

Johannesburg has its own Harlem. In Alexandria (that’s the name of this area), local residents do not risk appearing even during the day.

Cigarette prices in South Africa are comparable to European prices.

It's better not to buy vodka here. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, it tastes terrible.

When it comes to food, South Africans love meat most of all. They are ready to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If there's one thing you should try in South Africa, it's beer. Its taste is quite tolerable, and sometimes even better than that of domestic producers.

Coal in the country can lie at a depth of 6-8 meters. The cost of its production is several times less than in Russia.

The republic is also rich in diamonds and gold. Diamond mines can reach a depth of 5 kilometers or more.

The cost of gasoline in South Africa is approximately the same as in Russia

if you have higher education and a good specialty, then in South Africa you will earn decent money. Even engineers here receive over 3 thousand US dollars per month. At the same time, food prices are approximately equal to Russian prices, and real estate here is cheaper.

There are many hunters here whose main trophy is a dead lion. But the most dangerous thing is to hunt a buffalo. If the hunter does not kill him with the first shot, he risks being killed himself.

After the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, which was held here in 2010, the sport received a huge boost in the country. However, the most popular sports here are still cricket and rugby.

The southernmost state on the African continent. Its coast is washed by 2 oceans, there are numerous gold deposits on the territory, and the number of climatic zones is 2 dozen. There is a lot to see here, you just need to know where to go and how to plan your trip correctly.

If you decide to go to South Africa, interesting facts about the country, its customs and attractions will be an important help in organizing the route.

National cuisine

  1. South Africa has the most delicious edible fish with the funny name king clip.
  2. Africans love meat very much. They use it in all forms - dried, dry, fried, boiled 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  3. In South Africa, dry meat is called biltong. It has an exquisite taste.
  4. For thrill-seekers, I have prepared real surprises - fried crocodile tail, stewed oryx antelope and fried porcupine skin, as well as seafood dishes - shark fin soup, caviar sea ​​urchin, smoked halibut with herbs.
  5. Also among the real exotics, it is worth noting fried caterpillars (mopane worms), fried termites (tshuku), ruddy scarab beetle larvae (the name of this dish is more than poetic - Xi Fu Fu Nu Nu).
  6. In South Africa, the local moonshine is called mampur, but none of the aborigines use it, its strength is 75°!
  7. The tap is flowing drinking water. Although it is not recommended for visiting whites to drink it, it is in third place in terms of purity; it can be used to wash vegetables/fruits and immediately eat them.

Where to stay?

There are many hotels of different price categories located on the territory. And this is not surprising. Despite the difficult security situation (racism in reverse reigns here now), the country is of great interest to tourists who take the opportunity to visit here.

Interesting fact: There are 3-5 star hotels in the country. Service in all is excellent. However, you should not leave valuables and money outside the safe.

In addition to hotels, you can also stay in cheaper places:

  • campsites (national parks);
  • hotels on wheels;
  • hostels;
  • campah (for safari lovers);
  • guesthouses (family hotels);
  • bungalows and loggias (on the coast or in nature reserves).

Rules of conduct for tourists in South Africa

The long-term oppression of blacks by whites (the Dutch especially distinguished themselves), and then open apartheid of the local population, led to quite expected consequences. With the end of apartheid and the restoration of black power, the pendulum of the scales swung in the opposite direction. Now white people cannot walk around the city whenever and wherever they want, otherwise dangerous situation can't be avoided.

Interesting fact: Black people in South Africa can move freely both in the ghetto and in the white areas where they work. At the same time, whites need a number of precautions to keep their property intact and survive themselves:

  • after 18 o'clock staying on the street is prohibited;
  • do not wear jewelry, do not provoke the local population, which is 90% poor;
  • avoid any gambling except in a casino;
  • do not buy jewelry from others;
  • keep all things with you;
  • order a taxi exclusively by phone, use the services of trusted companies;
  • do not use any form of public transport;
  • go on excursions only with a guide or have a map of the area with you;
  • if a conflict arises, do not get into an argument or go on the offensive;
  • hide all valuables and money in the safe; if you leave your hotel room, always lock the room door;
  • first study the route of your walk, only then go outside;
  • If guides or hotel employees give you advice, do not ignore them;
  • If a crime occurs, immediately report it to the police.

In addition to the variety of national parks and reserves, museums and other man-made attractions, there are many interesting, iconic places, where an inquisitive traveler simply must visit.

The area of ​​the country is 1,221,000 square kilometers. It is washed by 2 oceans, Indian and Atlantic. - the richest country in terms of the amount of minerals such as gold, diamonds, uranium. Coal here lies very close to the surface, so mines are not required to extract it. The cost of coal for locals is very low.

The Bloukrans River would not be particularly remarkable if a bridge had not been built across it in the early 1980s. This unique arched structure serves as a place for bunge jumping. The total height of the bridge is 272 meters, but only 216 are used for jumping. In fact, in free flight a person spends 160 meters, then the elastic band slows him down and throws him back.

South Africa is home to the southernmost point of the continent - Cape Agulhas, where the two oceans that wash the country meet. The immediate point of confluence is symbolized by a massive stone. It is customary for tourists to take photographs there. There is a lighthouse on the cape, which still guides sailors to safe passage past Needles Shoal.

More than 100,000 plant species grow on the territory, 5,000 of them are endemic. In is located, demonstrating in all its splendor the diversity of local flora.

South Africa has one of the largest (third largest) canyons. He surrounds. Its depth is almost one and a half kilometers (1400 meters), and its length is 26 kilometers. Here you can see two formations that are interesting for any traveler. One is called the Dragon's Tooth and is a lonely rock, the other is. This is a small hill on the edge. When the weather is particularly good, it offers incredible views of the plain, and visibility can be up to 120 kilometers.

Flora and fauna - interesting facts

The diversity of South Africa's flora and fauna is amazing.

Interesting fact: 3 of the fastest animals on the planet live here (there are 5 in total) - cheetah, wildebeest and lion. The speed of each of them is 101, 90 and 80 km/h, respectively.

South Africa has a huge number of beaches. Each of them is good in its own way, but one in particular stands out. Spectacled penguins live here. They are listed in the International Red Book and are carefully protected. Vacationers on the beach are prohibited from touching birds, although you can swim with them in the ocean if you are not afraid of freezing. Everyone approaching the beach by car is greeted by a sign - “Check if there is a penguin under your car!” The birds are very sociable and gladly steal personal belongings from tourists.

Interesting fact:(national park) has more than one and a half thousand plant specimens. To understand how much this is, imagine modern Britain. Approximately the same number of species of flora grow on its territory.

The homeland of the baobab - the plant with the longest lifespan (more than 5 thousand years) - is South Africa. Over such a long time, the plant trunk reaches a diameter of 25 meters. In the trunk of such a giant you can make... a pub. Interesting fact: the baobab tree, in which the pub has been operating for more than 20 years, is more than 6 thousand years old, its trunk circumference is 47 meters, and its height is 22 meters. The tree continues to grow and every spring pleases its owners and guests with abundant flowering.

South Africa is home to one of the most dangerous beaches in the world. It's called Fish Hoek beach. In addition to the whales that can be seen here, white sharks have chosen its waters. Therefore, you need to swim here very carefully.

Do you know that…
Probably the most famous film from South Africa is Tsotsi, directed by Gavin Hood. "Tsotsi" is a story about a street gang leader. On March 5, 2006, the film “Tsotsi” received an Academy Award “Oscar” in the category “ Best movie on foreign language».

Winner:"Tsotsi", South Africa.

"Sophie Scholl", Germany,
- “Merry Christmas” (“Joyeux Noel”), France,
- “The Beast of the Heart”, Italy,
- “Paradise Now”, Palestine.

Do you know that…
In 1992, for the first time since 1960, South Africa sent a delegation of 94 athletes to the Olympic Games. That year the Olympics took place in the Spanish city of Barcelona. Team South Africa athletes competed in 17 sports: archery, badminton, boxing, kayaking, cycling, horse riding, fencing, modern pentathlon, rowing, sailing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, athletics, weightlifting and wrestling.

Do you know that…
Nelson Mandela was one of the most famous leaders of the 20th century. He played a fundamental role in restoring state democracy. Under his leadership, South Africa adopted one of the best constitutions in the world. Mandela once said: “It so happens that today the Republic of South Africa is experiencing its renaissance, morally cleared of a terrible past and confidently looking to the future. It is our duty to never again allow the laws of our country to divide people or legalize persecution and repression.” Since 1993, South Africa has felt free. Unlike Cuba, Iran and Zimbabwe, South Africa is a democratic country where civil society has great influence and power.

Do you know that…
South Africa has a large number of amazing national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Some of the most popular tourist attractions on the African continent include National Park Kruger National Park. This is one of the most beautiful nature reserves in the world. IN national park Kruger has created ideal living conditions for animals such as elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, monkeys, zebras, cheetahs, hippopotamuses, gazelles, elands, lions and African wild dogs.

Do you know that…
IN Republic of South Africa three capitals: Cape Town - the legislative capital, Pretoria - the administrative capital and Bloemfontein - the legal capital. However, the city of Johannesburg is considered the most significant economic, industrial and cultural center of the country. It is one of the most industrialized cities in the Third World, along with Taipei in Taiwan, Mexico City in Mexico and Seoul in South Korea. In 2006, the population of Johannesburg was 2.6 million.

Do you know that…
In 2010, Africa hosted the FIFA World Cup for the first time. It was held in the Republic of South Africa. In 2000, FIFA President Joseph Blatter wanted FIFA members to vote to host the World Cup in South Africa. However, New Zealander Charles Dempsey abstained from the final vote, and Germany won. Therefore, in 2006 the World Cup was held in Germany.

In 2007, Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, said: “I have no doubt that our local organizing committee, government at all levels and every citizen will do everything necessary to guarantee even more high level organization of the 2010 Championship than at the well-prepared 2006 Championship in Germany.” It was also noticed that last years Several million dollars were spent on reforming the sports system in South Africa.

Do you know that…
About half of the world's gold is produced in South Africa.

Do you know that…
There are many in South Africa famous people: surgeon Christian Barnard, singer and AIDS activist Miriam Makeba, model, actress and singer Caron Bernstein, ex-president and AIDS activist Nelson Mandela, writer Nadine Gordimer, writer Athol Fugard, singer Mathosa, athlete Zola Budd, actress Charlize Theron, actress and model Ilene Hamann, businessman and anti-apartheid activist Harry Oppenheimer, international judge Richard Goldstone, actress and model Musetta Vander, singer Danny Koppel, actor Zakes Zakes Mokae, dancer and actress Juliet Prowse and actor Joe Mafela.

Do you know that…
South African Penny Heyns won the 100m and 200m breaststroke at the 1996 Summer Olympics. She is considered national heroine SOUTH AFRICA. Along with Anthony Nesty from Suriname, Felipe Muñoz from Mexico, Claudia Poll from Costa Rica and Kirsty Coventry from Zimbabwe, Penny Heyns is an icon of swimming in the countries Third World.

Do you know that…
In the Republic of South Africa there are many places included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: Greater Saint Lucia Wetland Park - since 1999, Robben Island - since 1999, Drakensberg Park - since 2000, Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape since 2003, Vredefort Dome since 2005 and Cape Floral Region Protected Areas since 2004.

Do you know that…
On March 26, 1998, American President Bill Clinton visited South Africa.

Do you know that…
South Africa has more Nobel laureates than Mexico (3 people), India (2), Brazil (0), Argentina (3), Cuba (0) and People's Republic China (1).

In the history of the Republic of South Africa, six people have been awarded Nobel Prize:
1960: Albert J. Luthuli - Nobel Peace Prize,
1982: Aaron Klug - Nobel Prize in Chemistry,
1984: Bishop Desmond Tutu - Nobel Peace Prize,
1991: Nadine Gordimer - Nobel Prize in Literature,
1993: Nelson Mandela and Frederik W. de Klerk – Nobel Peace Prize,
2003: John Maxwell Coetzee - Nobel Prize in Literature.

Do you know that…
South Africans are proud that their country is a multi-ethnic society. Many of them have the blood of several nationalities and races. There are about 2 million Asians living in this country. Most of them have ancestors from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Do you know that…
South African superstar Charlize Theron is an icon of Africa. This woman can delight literally everyone.

Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry worked as a model in the 1980s. Berry isn't the only Hollywood star who made a living this way before she became famous. For many actresses, such early experiences were very useful in their subsequent acting careers. South African actress Charlize Theron, who starred in more than 20 films during her 10-year film career, was also a supermodel in the 1990s.

Hollywood actress Charlize Theron was born on August 7, 1975 in the South African city of Benoni, Hauteng province. She has German and French roots. Charlize is a beautiful young woman who attracts the attention of many fans. She speaks three languages ​​- English, Afrikaans and Xhosa.

From the age of 16, Charlize worked in international modeling agencies. She started her career in Milan. At the end of 1996, Charlize became an actress. On February 29, 2004, she received the Academy Award for Best female role in the movie "Monster". She became the first actress in African history to win an Oscar in this category.

Charlize Theron is one of the the most beautiful women peace. The elegant style of clothing that she follows perfectly complements her ideal figure.
Filmography: Celebrity (1998), Reindeer Games (2000), The Yards (2000), Men of Honor ", 2000), "The Italian Job" (2003), "Monster" (2003), "The Life and Death of Peters" Sellers (2004), North Country (2005) and The Brazilian Job (2006).

Do you know that…
Nobel Prize winner Nadine Gordimer is an active participant in the struggle for human rights. Nadine Gordimer is most proud of the fact that in 1986, at her trial for treason, she testified on behalf of 22 South American anti-apartheid activists.

Do you know that…
In the last century, South Africa had such famous athletes as: Reggie Walker - 1908 Olympic champion in the 100 m race; Esther Brand - 1952 Olympic champion in high jump; Joan Harrison - swimmer, 1952 Olympic champion; and Sam Atkinson, 1928 Olympic champion in steeplechase.

Do you know that…
One of the best singers in South Africa was Mathosa. She was called the "Madonna of South Africa". In the 1990s, Matosa was recognized as one of the most talented artists.

Do you know that…
In 2003, South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He became the fourth African to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, after the Nigerian Wolle Soyinka (1986), the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz (1988) and his compatriot Nadine Gordimer (1991). John Maxwell Coetzee was born on February 9, 1940 in Cape Town, South Africa. Members of the Nobel Committee called him a writer "who, in numerous incarnations, depicts the surprising involvement of an outsider." Without a doubt, Coetzee is one of the famous authors of the 21st century.

Do you know that…
In 1999, the Pan African Games were held in South Africa.

Do you know that…
Golf is a very popular game in South Africa. Throughout its sporting history, South Africa has had many famous athletes. In the 1960s and 1970s, one of the best players in the world was Gary Player. He won many international tournaments, including the Masters Golf Tournament (1961, 1974 and 1978), United States Open (1965), PGA Championship (1962 and 1972) and British Open (1959, 1968 and 1974). His compatriot Bobby Locke won the British Open in 1949, 1950, 1952 and 1957. In addition, South Africa won the World Golf Championship twice: in 1965 (Gary Player and Harold Henning) and 1974 (Bobby Cole and Dale Hayes).