What vitamins are best for children 10 months old. Vitamins for children, which ones are better?

Multivitamins are pharmacological form chemical substances: vitamins, minerals and organic formations. Poly vitamin complexes used for preventive purposes and for the treatment of vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis, used in complex therapy some nutritional disorders (hypotrophy, paratrophy), as well as to improve the protective properties of the body and strengthen general condition health. They are especially relevant in the off-season, during colds, during the active phases of the child’s growth and during the child’s adaptation to the children’s team.

It is known that some vitamins are incompatible with each other - when simultaneously entering the human body through food, they are either not absorbed at all, or accumulate and then result in intoxication of the body. That is why everyday nutrition is not able to provide the child’s body with all the necessary microelements, let alone in cases where the family’s diet is limited. Multivitamins are developed and produced, focusing on chemical composition and properties of all components, as well as based on age characteristics consumer. Therefore, the use of children's vitamin complexes is the most effective basis for the full growth and development of children, rather than getting vitamins from the daily diet.

Vitamins for children, which ones are better?

Today, the range of vitamins in pharmacies and supermarkets is quite wide and varied. In order to answer the question: which vitamins are best for children, we will consider the currently most popular brands of multivitamins and try to find the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Multi-tabs (Denmark).

Multi-tabs Baby. (From birth to one year). This drug contains only those necessary for newborns who are on artificial feeding, vitamins “A”, “C” and “D” - nothing extra. To increase the child’s body’s resistance to infections, as a measure to prevent rickets and insufficiency of the listed vitamins, it is necessary to give the baby only 1 drop of syrup: it can be added to food or liquid. This is, of course, very convenient. In addition, the syrup is in a dark glass bottle of 30 ml, and on the lid of the bottle there is a dosing device in the form of a pipette, which facilitates the process of dosing the drug - of course, this is its advantage over other similar drugs.

Multi-tabs Baby. (1-4 years). The number of vitamins in it is increased to 8, pantothenic and folic acids, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, chromium and iodine are added. This complex is no longer made in the form of syrup, but in the form of chewable tasty tablets. Children love everything tasty and sweet, so they will certainly love these vitamins. On the one hand, this is an advantage, but on the other hand, it is a disadvantage, since you need to be careful and hide this drug from those with a sweet tooth, because you cannot take more than 1 tablet per day.

Baby. Calcium +. (2-7 years). In addition to the main vitamins, it also includes calcium. Made in tablets that need to be chewed. The tablets have 2 different flavors: the taste of banana or orange with vanilla - you can choose, of course, this is an advantage.

Junior. (4-11). It is a balanced formula that includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. This complex has a full daily dosage of iodine. This, of course, is a plus, because iodine is necessary, especially for schoolchildren. The tablet has a raspberry-strawberry or fruit flavor. Used only once a day.

Immuno Kids. (7 - 14 years old). This form already contains 13 vitamins and 6 minerals necessary for a teenager. A special feature is that it also includes probiotics necessary for intestinal microflora - lactobacilli.

Teenager (13-18 years old). The same vitamins, but with a higher dosage, designed for teenagers. Accordingly, the flavors of the tablets are aimed at this age category: cola-lemon or orange-vanilla.

Multi-tabs D3. A formula designed specifically to supply only vitamin D. Designed for children over 3 years old.

Vitrum (USA).

The entire line of this brand is designed for children from 3 years old - of course, this is a minus. On the plus side: you only need to eat 1 chewable tablet per day; it does not need to be washed down with water; it has a fruity or chocolate flavor. The presence of “TRIO ROSTA” is a signature feature of this brand - a unique combination of 3 minerals necessary for children: calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These microelements are found in absolutely all vitamins of this brand, regardless of age category.

Vitrum Baby (from 3 to 5 years). Unusual tablets in the form of hippos with fruity taste. A coloring book is included inside the package - you must agree, this will delight any kid.

Vitrum Kids (4-7). The tablets are made in the shape of bears, and there is also a coloring page.

Vitrum Junior (7-14). The tablets are ordinary round with a fruity taste, a cheat sheet is included as an attachment.

Vitrum Teen (13-18). The tablets also have a regular shape, but the taste is chocolate.

Pikovit (Slovenia).

This brand probably has the most diverse line of vitamins for children aged 1 year and older. On the one hand, this is an advantage. After all, you can choose what you like best. But on the other hand, the disadvantage is that the way of taking vitamins sometimes seems illogical and very confusing. For example, to get essential vitamins and minerals, a 4-year-old child needs to dissolve 5 tablets every day, a 5-year-old needs to chew one, and a 7-year-old needs to chew one, dissolve again - no comment, this is a minus.

Pikovit 1+. A syrup containing only vitamins necessary for this age: “A”, “C” and micronutrients of group “B”, as well as vitamin “PP” and D-panthenol.

Pikovit 3+ Omega-3. A syrup that contains 10 vitamins, as well as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) necessary for a child over 3 years old, i.e. fish fat, - of course, this is a plus.

Pikovit 3+ Prebiotic. The difference between this drug is the presence of oligofructose in the syrup, a prebiotic that has a beneficial effect on the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the intestines.

Pikovit 3+ Unique. Chewable tablets in the shape of cute bears. Contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins. The required dose is 2 tablets per day.

Pikovit 4+. Multi-colored (pink, yellow, orange and green) citrus-flavored tablets that need to be dissolved. Of the minuses: Small child he may choke or simply be too lazy to suck the pill and chew it; inconvenience of consumption - 4-5 such tablets are needed per day and, of course, the presence of dyes in the composition.

Pikovit D. The same multi-colored absorbable tablets with citrus flavor. Contains the same vitamins and a higher daily percentage of vitamin D. The disadvantages are the same. One of the advantages is the absence of sugar (replacement with maltitol and mannitol). This allows you not to worry about your children’s teeth and to drink vitamins even for those who have diabetes(different dose).

Pikovit 5+. Chewable tablets. Contains 11 vitamins and 4 minerals. The advantages are undeniable: only 1 chewable tablet per day and the possibility of using the same drug for older children (7-14 years old) - 2 tablets per day.

Pikovit 7+. Dissolving tablets. The advantages are the absence of sugar and the need to take only 1 tablet per day.

Alphabet (Russia).

The manufacturer, as you can see, is Russia - for some this is an advantage, but for others it is a disadvantage. The main feature of this brand of multivitamins is that all useful substances are divided into different sachets and tablets, taking into account scientific medical recommendations if necessary, take them separately or together. On the one hand, this is a plus - vitamins divided according to the method of interaction are better absorbed by the body. But on the other hand, this is a minus - if you forget to give one of the 3 required daily tablets, the child will be left without certain vitamins and minerals. In addition, you need to take the tablets at intervals of 4 hours. The instructions indicate that failure to observe intervals between taking vitamins reduces their effectiveness. However, it also notes that you can take all 3 tablets at once - it will be the same as if you bought a multivitamin from another brand that consists of 1 tablet. Another advantage is that these are chewable tablets that do not need to be washed down with water. And one more thing - the packages contain coloring pages or stickers of emoticons (not all of them - it’s not clear what it depends on, apparently, on the production date - in general, depending on your luck).

Alphabet Our baby (from one to 3 years old). This drug comes in 3 sachet packages, each of which contains different vitamins. In total, all 3 sachets contain 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. The powder for preparing a tasty drink is quite convenient for small children - this is definitely a plus.

Alphabet Kindergarten (3-7). 3 multi-colored chewable tablets with different flavors: pink - with raspberry, green - with pear and yellow - with apricot. IN daily norm(3 tablets) contains 9 minerals and 13 vitamins.

Alphabet Schoolchild (7-14). All 3 multi-colored chewable tablets (pink cherry, yellow pineapple, green melon) contain 13 vitamins and 10 minerals.

Alphabet Teen (14-18). Green pill has a pear taste, yellow - orange, brown - cherry. All together they contain the same set as “Schoolboy”, but in larger doses.

Sana-sol (Norway).

Sold under this brand a large number of vitamin complexes: in the form of syrup for babies from one year old and for adults, in the form of chewable and effervescent tablets for schoolchildren and adolescents, as well as in the form of regular tablets for adults and the elderly. But which of these vitamins for children are better and at what age are they allowed?

Sana-sol. Syrup (from one year). The most common and known form. The composition includes vitamins “A”, “E”, “B”, “C”, “PP”, pantothenic and folic acid, as well as vitamin D, to which manufacturers pay great attention. Sana-sol syrup is produced in plastic bottles of 250 and 500 ml. It can be used by children from one year of age - 5 ml. (1 tsp). For those over 4 years old - 10 ml. (2 tsp). In fact, this drug is universal: for both children and adults. This is an advantage! This complex is especially convenient if there are several children of different ages in a family. Disadvantages: plastic bottle and the need to shake before use. The disadvantages include storage conditions - after opening the bottle, the drug must be stored in the refrigerator.

Complex for children (from 4 to 10 years old). These are chewable tablets. The required dose is 1 tablet per day, taken with meals.

Complex for teenagers (11-17). Also tablets that need to be chewed. Great importance In this complex, attention is paid to B vitamins, since they are very necessary for the growing child’s body, as well as for the formation of his skeleton and the prevention of rashes on the face (teenage acne).

Sana-sol. Effervescent tablets. (from 12 years old). The package contains 20 pieces in a tin tube. The drug is based on vitamin “B” - it has a positive effect on the child’s body’s resistance, nervous system and, of course, mental abilities. Per day - 1 tablet, which must first be dissolved in a glass of water and then drunk with meals.

Sana-sol Extravit. Released in the form of chewable tablets and designed for use during cold weather. In addition to vitamins, zinc and iron, it contains extract of rose hips, currant leaves and strawberries.

Vitamins (USA, Canada).

Important! Any drug registered in Russian Federation, as a vitamin-mineral complex is a medicine! That is, the content of vitamins and microelements in this preparation has a therapeutic dose! A product registered as a biocomplex is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement that contains preventive doses of vitamins!

Vitamins can be used for prevention, not for treatment! Keep this in mind! And this is undoubtedly a minus. Another disadvantage of this biocomplex is that it is designed for children over 3 years old. This is explained by the fact that marmalade is contraindicated for small children, and they can choke on these bears, and the PharmaMed company (manufacturer of Vitamishki) does not produce drugs in the form of a gel or syrup and does not intend to produce them.

The biocomplex is not divided by age category - the same vitamins can be given to children, both 3-year-old and 7-year-old. The only difference is in the dose: for 3-year-old children, 1 tablet is enough for preventive purposes, for 7-year-olds and older - 2. It’s convenient, so it’s a plus. Another advantage: this drug is gummy tablets in the form of small multi-colored and very tasty bears. However, these bears are so tasty and children associate them with candies (by the way, there are exactly the same marmalade candies) that it is sometimes difficult to refuse a child a supplement - rather a minus than a plus, because vitamins should still be vitamins, and not dessert. According to the manufacturers of this vitamin complex, instead of dyes and flavoring additives, natural juices from fruits and vegetables are used to prepare the bears. Of course that's a plus. In addition, in addition to vitamins (“A”, “D”, “E”, “C”, “B6”, “B12”) and minerals (magnesium, zinc, biotin), they also contain useful plants: sea buckthorn, inulin, fennel and blueberries, the presence of which all complexes of this brand differ in.

Immuno+. Sea ​​buckthorn. Thanks to the presence of sea buckthorn, the complex positions itself as immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and general strengthening.

Bio+. Prebiotic. Improves appetite and normalizes intestinal function.

Focus+. Blueberry. Due to the presence of blueberries, it is used to maintain visual acuity and reduce sensitivity, fatigue and eye strain in a child. Particularly relevant for younger schoolchildren.

Multi+. Iodine + choline. The only complex that is designed for children not from 3, but from 5 years old. Contains 13 vitamins, iodine, choline and inositol. Iodine and choline are indispensable for schoolchildren. These microelements have a positive effect on the child’s memory, attention and mental abilities.

In fact, the number of multivitamins on sale today is much larger and more varied, but we have considered only some of the most popular brands. We hope that the information provided will be useful to you and you will be able to answer the question: which vitamins are best for children?

  • What vitamins does a teenager need?

    During the transition period, a person experiences an increased need for nutrients to maintain health nervous system, skin, strengthening the immune system, bones, teeth, maintaining the full process of puberty.

    • - necessary for all processes in the body. Impossible without him strong immunity, healthy teeth and skin.
    • - strengthen the nervous system, promote normal metabolism.
    • - responsible for health bone tissue and teeth.
    • - needed for clear skin and normal operation immune system.
    • - is an important antioxidant, ensures the health of the cardiovascular and immune systems. Its deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in the absorption of iron, which, in turn, can lead to anemia.
    • N- in combination with retinol normalizes the condition skin, which is especially important by the age of twelve.
    • and - participate in hematopoiesis.

    Vital for physical and mental development teenagers are microelements (iron, calcium, magnesium. Phosphorus) and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Reasons for taking vitamin complexes

    There are several signs that your baby is not getting enough nutrients. Parents should think about balancing their child’s diet if the teenager gets tired quickly, often gets colds, or eats poorly.

    The reasons for introducing vitamin complexes into the diet may be:

    • increased physical activity (intense sports activities);
    • intellectual loads At school;
    • insufficient content of useful elements in food products in winter and spring (in vegetables and fruits);
    • rehabilitation period after a serious illness.

    Parents should not prescribe vitamins for a teenager at their own discretion. Such additives are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance. Taking them unjustifiably can harm your health. Therefore, if a mother has doubts about the adequacy of her child’s diet, she should consult a pediatrician. He will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe the most appropriate vitamin and mineral complex.

    Rules for taking vitamin supplements

    Rule 1. Artificial complexes are just an additive to useful substances contained in food products. They can't replace natural vitamins and are inferior to them in their properties. Therefore, along with their intake, it is necessary to balance the teenager’s diet.

    Rule 2. For a 12-year-old child, you need to buy those drugs that are created specifically for this period of life. Nutrient requirements for children of different ages very different.

    Rule 3. When purchasing a supplement, you need to focus on:

    • problem(for growth, to maintain immunity, to maintain dental health, etc.);
    • compound complex;
    • reputation manufacturers - products of well-known brands inspire more trust and less doubt about quality.

    Rule 4. The drugs must be taken in courses. Between doses, you must observe the interval specified in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. An overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous than their deficiency.

    The most suitable vitamins for a 12 year old teenager

    Today, pharmacists offer various vitamins for children 12 years old, and it is not easy to decide which ones are best. Let's consider the most well-known and trusted drugs by pediatricians and patients.

    For growth

    For bone growth in young people under 20 years of age, retinol, calciferol, vitamins B, E, K, ascorbic acid, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements are needed. After twenty years of age, the combination of these substances does not ensure growth, but strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone tissue, reducing its fragility and fragility.

    The most famous complex vitamins for children's growth:

    • (from 6 years old) - a complex drug that strengthens muscle, cartilage and bone tissue, fast growth teenager The daily dosage of the product is 1 capsule per day.
    • "Multitabs Teen" (from 11 to 17 years) - includes all the elements necessary for normal growth, supports the health of the immune system, proper metabolism, and helps the body recover from illness. You need to take 1 tablet per day.
    • « » (from 7 to 12 years) - contains a growth trio formula that promotes the formation of strong molars and a healthy skeleton, supports the immune system, and restores strength after illness. The dosage of vitamins for this age is 1 chewable tablet per day.
    • "Sanasol" for adolescents is presented in the form of chewable tablets Teenager (11-17 years old) and effervescent tablets for schoolchildren (12-17 years old). Both drugs promote the health of the musculoskeletal system, have a preventive effect against acne and rashes, increase the body's resistance to infections, and strengthen the nervous system.

    For immunity

    Any modern vitamin complex is aimed at maintaining the functioning of the immune system. The components of these drugs normalize the functioning of organs, accelerate the processes occurring in cells, and help the body cope with diseases. Universal drug no for immunity. Any will do complex remedy a well-established manufacturer in the pharmaceutical market.

    You can opt for the drugs Pikovit, Centrum, Supradin, Vitrum, Alphabet, suitable for the transition period.

    For eye health

    Increased workload at school, modern gadgets, computers lead to an increase in eye diseases among teenagers. Vitamin complexes combined with eye exercises, healthy eating And in the right way life will help maintain visual acuity.

    The most reliable and common eye vitamins for children over 12 years of age:

    • - characterized by a fairly simple and balanced composition. The complex is not overloaded with components, therefore it is approved for use by teenagers. During the transitional period, a child’s eyes are subject to increased stress. A lack of substances necessary to nourish the eye will increase the likelihood of vision loss. “Vitrum Vision” acts preventively, and as part of complex therapy helps to improve eye condition;
    • "Super Optic"- a well-proven additive. Recommended for use during periods increased load on the eyes. Contains Omega-3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid, retinol, carotenoids, B vitamins. The main advantage of the drug is the ability to improve the nutrition of retinal vessels and visual acuity. The supplement is approved for use by children over 12 years of age.
    • "Mirtilene forte" - a preparation based on dry blueberries, approved for use from 12 years of age. Available in capsule form. Recommended for moderate and severe myopia, retinal pathologies, and other visual impairments.

    The choice of drug to maintain the health of a teenager’s eyes should be discussed with the attending physician.

    For sports

    Sports activities lead to increased needs in adolescents in vitamins and microelements. A course of taking medications containing them helps increase the body's endurance and exercise tolerance.

    The most well-known drugs for teenagers involved in sports:

    • « » (7-18 years old). To provide the body with the necessary beneficial elements, it is enough to take 1 capsule per day in the morning after breakfast.
    • "Biovital gel" - a drug in the form of a gel, recommended for adolescents with vitamin deficiency, stunted growth, recovery from illnesses, and increased endurance.

    Vitamin and mineral complexes, provided that the rules for taking them are followed, will support the teenager’s body during the period of hormonal changes, the formation of the nervous system, and active growth. But it is necessary to understand that these drugs belong to the category medicines. Therefore, the attending physician must choose after examining and identifying the problem. Uncontrolled use of supplements can be harmful to a child's health.

    The most useful vitamins At the age of ten, natural vitamins from food should become more fully and actively absorbed by the body. Therefore, at any time of the year, children’s diet should include a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, and fortified foods. For an additional subsidy of vitamins, you can pick up a complex from the pharmacy.

    Most often, pharmaceutical complexes are required during the off-season (especially at the end of winter and spring), when the amount of natural vitamins in food decreases. Additional subsidies of vitamins will be useful for weakened, often ill and asthenic children who rarely go to school. fresh air. It is worth remembering that at the age of 10 years, growth accelerates and the child enters puberty, and therefore his energy expenditure and various substances, necessary for the functioning of the body (vitamins, minerals). Additional subsidies of vitamins for children 10 years of age will be useful at this age to support immunity, active skeletal growth in length and building muscle mass, to strengthen bone tissue. Needs during this period can almost double, and often there are simply not enough vitamins in food for such active growth, especially with the current quality of food and children’s eating style.

    Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to select multivitamin preparations at the pharmacy, however, it is important to know the rules of choice. So, pharmacy vitamins for children 10 years old, which ones are better and how to choose them?

    It is necessary that the composition of vitamins covers all the children’s needs (daily requirements) for all main components. It is also good if the complex also contains basic minerals - calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium.

    However, multicomponent vitamin complexes are not always ideal. The more components they contain, the higher the risk of allergies to synthetic substances. In addition, many vitamins have a competitive interaction and are not very well absorbed together. Therefore, it is difficult to say which ones to choose best vitamins for children 10 years old, there are no ideal medications, and you should make a choice after consulting with your doctor. For allergy sufferers, you should avoid medications in the form of syrups, effervescent tablets with dyes and flavors. For children who are often and long-term ill, vitamins with increased doses of vitamin C and B vitamins will be useful.

    Remember that vitamins are also medications, they have their own dosage and course of treatment, therefore, a child should not be allowed to use vitamins independently. An overdose situation may occur, which is dangerous to health.

    It is necessary to strictly monitor the tolerability of the drugs; vitamins are usually taken once a day for a course of 2-4 weeks. Then a break of at least 4 weeks is taken and the course of treatment can be repeated. It is forbidden to use vitamin preparations for children constantly, without breaks or supervision by a doctor. This can lead to an overdose of certain substances, especially fat-soluble vitamins.