Energy vitamins. Conditions and shelf life. Vitamins "Gerimaks Energy" - negative reviews.

Many diseases are associated with the modern rhythm of life, which forces us to constantly be on the move, overexert ourselves and experience stress. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements help you get a boost of energy and increase your vitality. The most effective among them is Gerimax.

What is Gerimax?

Ingredients: spinach, nettle, alpha alpha, creceon, chamomile, pink cane 50% of the year. How to use: It is recommended to take half a spoon or mix it with any other drink two or three times a day. It is a concentrated, stimulating, tonic and nutritional supplement. Adjuvant Bladder on a visual level thanks to the presence of black cranberries. This is especially recommended for students and those facing physical and intellectual activities.

Ingredients: Black cranberry, ginseng, king pepper, honey, sugar cane. How to use: It is recommended to take one or more teaspoons as needed, loosening slowly in the mouth. The exam date is approaching. Fatigue accumulated over time school year, heat, beautiful days and anxiety that increases day by day compromises memory and concentration. Memory pretension and tension can be improved with some herbal remedies and homeopathy.

Gerimaks preparations belong to the category of dietary supplements and are used to increase vitality, obtain the necessary energy, and also to improve the quality of life. Only three products of this brand are known: Gerimax Energy, Gerimax Ginseng Extra, and Gerimax 45+. And each of them is worth talking about in detail.

An experienced pharmacist can provide useful tips by choosing the most suitable product to help the patient cope as best as possible with this particular time of year, when exams and questions are focused, taking into account both the age and emotional of each case.

Memory supplements generally contain minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which can improve concentration, manganese, which acts as a protective agent against brain aging, and vitamins, especially those from the B group, which interfere with many metabolic processes that help transform nutrients into irreplaceable energy in situations of physical and mental fatigue. IN Lately Omega-3 supplements have also been used for their positive effects on memory capacity and learning.

"Gerimaks Energy" is a dietary supplement, which is a complex of seven minerals, ten vitamins, green tea extract, as well as a standardized ginseng extract. This recovery agent is used vitality the body after illnesses, to increase both physical and mental performance, to improve concentration, as well as normalize sleep. Also, dietary supplements are recommended as a preventive and therapeutic agent for overwork and stress, and for vitamin deficiencies.

Guarana, however, useful in the treatment of physical and mental asthenia, is not recommended as it can increase anxiety and nervousness, impairing sleep quality. Pollen, rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements, is used to improve mental fatigue and during periods of convalescence. Bach flowers can also be used successfully to improve moods such as anxiety, agitation, panic attacks and typical manifestations of tachycardia in the period preceding the examination.

The Bach color guide is 4 drops to be repeated four times throughout the day. IN last years a new product, Fermented Papaya, is mentioned which has the advantage that it can be given to children, especially during times of stress.

A complex of vitamins and minerals allows you to compensate for their deficiency in the body. The composition of the drug "Gerimaks Energy" includes nicotinamide, (B9, B6, B2, B12, B1), A, E, C, pantothenic acid, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, chromium.

Ginseng root extract is a well-known natural stimulant that allows you to increase vitality and speed up the process of recovery of the body after serious stress.

Thanks to its antioxidant activity, papaya helps fight cell aging, enhance memory and concentration, reducing both physical and mental conditions of fatigue. It is important to take these substances in the morning rather than late in the evening for the possible risk of agitation, and because by improving memory when stimulating the central nervous system, you risk disrupting your sleep.

In fact, the effects of memory supplements are improved by proper nutrition: It is important to have a balanced breakfast, providing a good concentration of fruits and vegetables and low-glycemic carbohydrates. Also, to cope well with intellectual superiority, it is useful to divide the day into five balanced meals, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and ensure good vacation without sacrificing hours of sleep.

It increases stress resistance and endurance, the body's resistance, normalizes sleep, improves memory and enhances brain activity.

Green tea leaf extract has natural antioxidant properties that slow down the aging process and neutralize free radicals (their effects are known to cause oncological diseases). In addition, it helps eliminate toxins and waste, accelerates metabolism and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

However, the pharmacist is a professional who can always advise the client with the best suitable products, evaluating physical state and the age of the person to help him cope with fatigue and to have as undisturbed a period as possible, characterized by fatigue Anxiety typical in the days leading up to exams. The ginseng plant grows primarily in East Asia and North America. The most commonly used species is the Vietnamese Pandax.

Probably because of its shape, which is reminiscent of the human body, but also because this root is a powerful tonic for the entire body. Knowledge and use of ginseng for therapeutic purposes dates back thousands of years. Its effectiveness has now been demonstrated by several studies conducted in all parts of the world.

Indications and contraindications

Available the following readings for use:

  • consequences of stress, frequent overwork;
  • some sleep disorders;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • increased fatigue;
  • heavy physical, emotional and mental stress;
  • suffered serious illnesses;
  • apathy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals (vitaminosis).

There are also some contraindications. These include periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy, insomnia, some disorders of the nervous system (neuroses, increased nervous excitability), increased sensitivity to certain components of dietary supplements or intolerance to them, childhood, hypertonic disease.

Properties and benefits of ginseng

The beneficial properties of ginseng go back to the active principles present in its root. Many of these are positive effects that have been attributed to ginseng root extracts. Traditionally, it is considered a tonic with strong restorative properties.

Ginseng has the ability to strengthen the immune system, thereby preventing the appearance of various pathologies. Its regular use naturally, without exaggeration, restores strength and energy. Because it helps the immune system, ginseng is well known for the winter season. In a study on healthy subjects, its therapeutic properties were tested.

Side effects

When taken, side effects such as digestive disorders (bloating, rumbling, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea), as well as sleep problems, in particular insomnia, are likely.

Mode of application

You should take Gerimax Energy one tablet, preferably in the morning or at least in the first half of the day. The full course of treatment can last two months.

Those who took 400 mg of ginseng per day for 4 months reduced the amount colds. Even when they get sick, they regain full health in a much shorter time. It has the ability to restore the correct balance in the human body, increasing its ability to adapt to change environment. This makes the root of the most effective adapter known so far.

This property benefits those who work in particularly harsh environments. Especially if it's hard work. Several studies have shown that ginseng has a positive effect on the release of a hormone called cortisol. This, in turn, improves our body's response to stressful situations.


The first results, according to the manufacturers, are noticeable after just a week of use. And the maximum effect is achieved after about two to three weeks.

Release form

The dietary supplement is available in tablet form. One package can contain 30 or 60 pieces.

The price of one package (60 tablets) in Russia is about 800-900 rubles.

Thus, the root makes our body more resilient. Reduces damage caused by pathogenic agents or negative stress situations. It provides benefits to people suffering from chronic fatigue. This may be helpful in preventing postpartum depression.

Ginseng protects heart health by affecting heart failure. This helps maintain cholesterol levels at a standard. As for the effect on blood pressure, some studies show that ginseng increases blood pressure in small doses. It tends to lower it when consumed in high doses. Good if you have problems with blood pressure.

Experts' opinions

The opinions of experts are mostly positive. Here are some of them:

“I work in a pharmacy and often recommend Gerimax Energy to customers, since this dietary supplement is safe, and its effectiveness has been proven and I have personally tested it.”

“I am a pharmacist, so I always know which drugs are in demand and effective. They often buy Gerimax Energy, especially on the eve of autumn and winter.”

Antioxidants have been isolated in ginseng. Besides blocking harmful effects free radicals, they appear to have antitumor properties. Laboratory research colon rectal cancer show good results achieved with ginseng. Recent studies have shown that by providing root extracts to cancer patients, patients' chronic fatigue can be significantly reduced. In fact, exhaustion is one of the most common and debilitating effects of cancer and its treatment.

“The drug is actually effective and safe. There are all certificates, the effect is mild, side effects are rare.”

Customers' opinions

Reviews from ordinary customers:

“The autumn blues rarely attacked me; I was usually cheerful and fresh. But then I suddenly felt apathy and loss of strength. Gerimaks helped. Within two weeks I felt like a human again, and full of strength.”

Apparently, ginseng has the property of increasing estrogen production in women. This offers benefits in case of pain or disorders in menstrual cycle and during menopause. It is also beneficial for men, it helps in impotence and counteracts baldness.

The properties and benefits of this precious root do not end there. It increases physical endurance, improves recovery ability and improves blood circulation. It is therefore ideal for all those involved in intense sports activities.

“I noticed an effect, but not as much as the manufacturers promise. Yes, I became a little more cheerful, but I was still tired and had a long and difficult time waking up in the morning.”

“I buy this dietary supplement for my husband, because he works in the office and thinks a lot. The result: the husband actually began to get sick less often and get tired less. He is completely satisfied. But the price is not encouraging.”

"Gerimaks Ginseng Extra"

"Gerimaks Ginseng Extra" is considered a herbal medicine with a general tonic effect.

There is also growing evidence that ginseng may have neuroprotective properties. This means that it is capable of reducing the damage caused by this serious health problem. Ginseng is also recommended for students and in general for those who need to keep their minds sharp for a long time. In fact, it improves concentration, memory and learning ability.

As was written earlier, this plant is able to increase the energy flows of the body, increasing its resistance. It also increases mental performance and vitality, a property that is beneficial in cases of depression. For men suffering from erectile dysfunction, it is recommended to take ginseng tea. Its properties partially reduce the problem.

Active components and their action

Main and the only one active component is ginseng root extract. Biologically active substances, which are part of this plant, have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, thereby increasing mental performance. Ginseng also has general tonic properties that help cope with physical activity and increase the body's resilience and endurance. A the plant can also be used as an aphrodisiac.

Herbal tea based on ginseng stimulates metabolism and burns fat faster, making this root a great ally for those intending to lose weight. For those who decide to take regular ginseng, it is recommended to do so once a day. Perhaps in the morning on an empty stomach.

One of the most common contraindications of ginseng is insomnia. Often accompanied by excessive nervousness and irritability. Especially when the root is taken in combination with other stimulants such as caffeine or theine.

Combining these stimulants together actually results in overstimulation of the nervous system. The described side effects may also eventually lead to uncontrollable tremors. Improper use may also cause diarrhea, skin rashes and confusional conditions.

Indications and contraindications

List of indications for use:

  • decreased libido and potency, weakened sexual function (especially in men);
  • asthenic conditions;
  • the period of recovery after suffering serious illnesses;
  • physical or mental stress;
  • stress, overwork;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (hypotonic type, that is, accompanied by a decrease blood pressure);
  • frequent colds.


Many clinical researches have not been conducted on the interaction of ginseng with medicines. However, it is not advisable to take it with antidiabetic drugs, insulin and anti-psychotics. There are many nutritional supplements based on this root. Drink vials, capsules, tablets, powder, chewable roots and pure extract. Avoid purchasing ginseng supplements from large hypermarkets or unsupervised places, it can be dangerous due to poor quality.

Preparing ginseng cannot be done at home. It can be found in pharmacies or herbal medicine in various forms, such as tonic elixir, extract concentrate, lyophilized in a sachet. Wild ginseng is very rare and not easy to find for sale. When it comes to its price, it is very high and prohibitive.

  • epilepsy;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • insomnia;
  • excess iron in the body;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • age up to ;
  • intolerance to individual components.

Use during breastfeeding or pregnancy is only possible after consulting a doctor.

Mode of application

You should take Gerimax Ginseng Extra one tablet in the first half of the day.

It can also be found in combination with other herbs or medicines. Combined with it represents a true energy spin and good protection immune system. The larger the ginseng root, the better its old properties. The root was probably discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen, well, 000 years ago.

In Korea this root is added to chicken soup and remains to boil for a long time. This makes it softer and more attractive. In the past, ginseng collectors had to abstain from eating meat and sex for a certain period of time before harvesting.

Side effects

TO side effects may include such as digestive disorders (nausea or vomiting, diarrhea), increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches, sleep problems, and urticaria.

The price of one package of 60 tablets is about 800-850 rubles.

Experts' opinions

Experts consider the drug to be quite effective and safe. The effect has been proven in research. Absence negative influence is confirmed by numerous certificates of compliance with international quality standards.

"Gerimaks Energy" is unique vitamin complex. It contains plant extracts such as ginseng root and green tea. In addition, the drug contains vitamins A, C, E, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, as well as folic and pantothenic acids. A well-chosen combination of vitamins and minerals allows you to comprehensively solve the problem of deficiency of useful elements in the body.

Ginseng and green tea are powerful tonics that help improve performance and memory and help the body cope with physical and mental stress. Green tea neutralizes toxins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

The effect of taking Gerimax Energy appears on days 5-7.

Indications for use

The drug "Gerimaks Energy" is indicated for vitamin deficiency, stress and regular overwork, accompanied by a decrease in physical and mental performance, bad mood and sleep disorders. It is recommended to take the drug as a maintenance therapy to increase resistance to diseases and overall strengthen the body.

Instructions for use

Adults are prescribed 1 Gerimax Energy tablet per day. The drug should be taken in the morning with meals.
The course of treatment is determined individually and can last up to 2 months.


The drug is contraindicated for hypertension, epilepsy, increased nervous excitability and insomnia. Gerimax Energy should not be taken by people with individual intolerance to any components of this dietary supplement, as well as by people suffering from hypercalcemia and diseases associated with impaired absorption of iron. The drug is contraindicated