Seeing a flowering tree in winter in a dream. Why do you dream about a tree?

A dream is a kind of message that can warn of a bad event from the future, or report the onset of a favorable period in life. There are a huge number of dream books in the world. They are able to help a person understand what the object of his dream means.

It is believed that flowers on tree branches serve as a symbol of wish fulfillment and rebirth. It can be argued that dreams containing flowering trees are interpreted in exactly this way. But, depending on the many details of what is seen, the decoding may differ. General interpretations of a flowering tree in a dream are as follows:

  • Fruits appearing on the tree - to prosperity and enrichment;
  • Flowering that occurs despite the time of year (winter, autumn) - to overcome difficulties;
  • The appearance of buds in spring means a good mood and joyful events;
  • Flowering of a potted tree - to the realization of what you want;
  • Blooming linden - good health and good health.

Interpretation of sleep according to various dream books

Many years and even centuries ago, many dream books were created. Anyone can choose the dream interpreter they see fit and adhere to its interpretations. We will introduce you to several dream books that allow you to decide what you are dreaming about. Blooming tree.

Lunar dream book

The lunar dream book interprets a flowering tree, or rather, parks and gardens in white flowers, as an upcoming carefree pastime that will bring benefits. If in a dream a person brought home a bouquet of twigs with snow-white flowers, this means that soon family relationships love and understanding will reign.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing flowering trees in your dreams means being confident in the success of your business. If a person organizes a rest under a tree with flowers, this means that in his soul he fears for the safety of his happiness, success and well-being.

Azar's Dream Book

Trees in flowers promise joyful events and successful completion of all tasks and responsibilities. If in a dream a person saw an apple tree in flowers, he can be sure that soon one of his loved ones will get married.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

This woman thinker stated in her dream interpreter that a flowering tree seen in a dream means nothing more than the arrival of a happy streak in a person’s life. If there is no foliage on a tree with flowers, the dream book says that some detail in an important project or matter was quietly lost. It is worth mentally going back in time and carefully thinking about what could have gone wrong in the case. It is reassuring that the medium Hasse is confident that everything will settle down and return to normal.

Female dream interpreter

This dream interpreter claims that seeing bushes or a garden in flowers means expecting early prosperity and rebirth.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream interpreter of this expert in psychology says that flowering trees in a dream mean the coming of some of the most joyful, successful and favorable moments in a person’s life. The power of this news is doubled if the tree bloomed in winter time of the year. It is worth pointing out that a cut down or mangled plant can mean difficulty in achieving what you want, reasons for grief in the future.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

The interpreter of this thinker deciphers a tree in flowers in a dream as receiving a huge and long-awaited inheritance. It will enrich a person both physically and spiritually.

Dream Interpreter of Prince Zhou-Gong

Presenting buds plucked from a flowering tree to someone means long-term separation from him, or even loss of connection. If in his dream the dreamer recognized a lifeless, withered tree with bright flowers, this phenomenon is interpreted as the health and well-being of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, peace of life and peace among young people.

Dream Interpretation Roberti

A psychoanalyst from Italy believes that seeing this object in your dreams means being confident in the strength of your ambitions. The dreamer wants to be recognized in a social environment, and may well achieve this through personal ambitions.

Interpreter of dreams of the all-seeing Vanga

This wise and all-seeing woman assured in her dream book that a tree with flowers is interpreted as the beginning of a joyful streak in life. However, the dreamer will have to work hard before the fun ahead of him. If a person saw a magnolia in his dream, he can be sure that favorable news awaits him.

A large tree, densely covered with its flowers, promises an acquaintance with a certain person who can influence the course of the dreamer’s affairs and always help. This object can also be deciphered as the upcoming meeting of all relatives together on the occasion of a happy event.

Ukrainian dream interpreter

The dream book, which was created by thinkers from Ukrainian lands, claims that seeing a flowering tree means encountering an unpredicted joyful and happy event in the future. Climbing this tree means a gain of money in the future, success in the household and home.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

This woman wrote in her dream interpreter that a tree seen in flowers promises the successful completion of all problems and problems in life. Or they have already been resolved, unexpectedly for the dreamer.

Dream book of symbols

The tree symbolizes the state of the human body or organism. Therefore, if a plant is full of beauty and health, this is the state of the human body at the moment.

Gypsy dream book

The gypsy dream interpreter has the following interpretation of this dream object: if in winter the tree blossomed bright colors- expect the arrival of a happy period in your life, an increase in all the blessings.

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You can admire the beauty of flowering trees endlessly, not only in reality, but also in your dreams. Having seen such beauty in a dream, a person has the right to hope that happiness awaits him. In esotericism, flowers on tree branches are a good symbol.

When interpreting what a flowering tree means in a dream, most dream books recommend paying attention to both the appearance of the tree and what time of year it bloomed. In addition, the color of the petals also matters, but we will talk about this a little later.

General interpretation

It is interesting that a wide variety of dream books interpret a flowering tree as good sign. Such a dream is favorable for married people. It confirms that your other half is reliable support.

Good predictions

If in a dream you are walking along an alley of flowering trees, then the long trip (business trip) ahead of you will be very successful, and you will be able to solve all the issues that interest you. Why else do you dream about a flowering tree? Dream books foretell the onset of favorable changes in the dreamer's life. Changes can affect family, career, and personal life.

Sometimes you dream of a flowering tree with ripe fruits. Why such a dream? In this case, climbing the career ladder is quite likely. A person who sees such a dream must show his most best qualities management and justify the trust placed in him. For a businessman, such a dream predicts the conclusion of a very profitable large contract, which is guaranteed to bring good profits. In addition, the fruits can symbolize an imminent addition to the family.

Well, if you remembered your childhood and climbed a flowering tree, dream books predict victory in a task that was previously beyond your power. It is a good sign if a tree with dry branches unexpectedly blooms. The dreamer will definitely win a case that he considered hopeless. Luck will be on his side, but only on condition that he acts boldly and takes reasonable risks.

If trees are blooming right under your windows, the dream predicts a pleasant surprise. If you break a flowering twig on a tree in a dream, in reality you need more than you have. Such a desire is soon motivated by your perseverance and desire to ensure a comfortable existence not only for yourself, but also for the people closest to you. Planting a flowering tree foretells that your hopes for a bright future will gradually come true.

When trees that do not bloom in reality bloom in a dream, this foretells that your original ideas will be very valuable at the most crucial moment, which will have a beneficial effect on your career.

As you can see, this dream is mostly interpreted positively. Flowering trees have only one negative sign - picking flowers from them. In this case, the sleeper complicates his life and deliberately ignores opportunities leading to success. Indeed, it is not easy to fight with oneself, but a person needs to overcome this difficult period to start life again. After such a dream, it is undesirable to take on very difficult work - there is a high risk of not meeting management’s expectations and you may expose yourself to bad results. at its best.

Petal color

If you dream that you are walking in the park and admiring young trees with white flowers, then this dream predicts you a carefree time that you will spend with benefit for yourself. And if you break branches with beautiful white flowers and bring them to your home, complete mutual understanding will reign in the family. When you see a tree blooming with white flowers in winter, you will experience unexpected but pleasant emotions.

Red flowers are a symbol harmonious relations lovers. A tree blooming with pink flowers - a dream promises unexpected meeting with an old friend who will make you happy.

What tree is blooming?

Dream interpreters consider a flowering tree to be an ambiguous symbol. Dream books recommend its detailed interpretation. In particular, you need to pay attention to the varieties of trees (or shrubs) that you can see in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Apple tree

It is interpreted as a symbol of temptation, which will be very difficult for the sleeper to avoid. If a married woman sees such a dream, then she should remember her marriage vows and not have an affair. The betrayal will definitely be discovered, and a dark streak will come in the relationship with your spouse. Think carefully - is the game worth the candle? The same interpretation applies to married man who saw a blooming apple tree.


Symbol professional success sleeping. If a person is going to open his own business, this endeavor will certainly be successful. For an office worker, such a dream foreshadows career growth and increase wages.


Unfortunately, this beautifully flowering tree in a dream promises disappointment. Your plans will not be realized, and their failure will greatly upset you. Such a dream, seen by a young girl, suggests that her relationship with her chosen one will not live up to expectations. It should be noted that in general, apricot reflects the dreaminess and ambition of the sleeper. His desires do not always coincide with his capabilities.


Seeing a blooming pear in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions and shed bright tears of joy. If you have adult children, then most likely it's time to prepare for your wedding.

Lilac blooming

Most people associate blooming lilacs with the first warmth of spring, the gentle sun, and the awakening of nature. Sometimes blooming lilacs come to us in a dream. And this is a good sign: most interpreters believe that changes for the better and happiness await the sleeper.

A torn lilac branch warns of vain hopes that are not destined to come true. Avoid strangers who intrusively offer seemingly sincere friendship. If you see blooming lilacs from your home, you will soon receive an expensive gift. For women who are not yet married, this could be a marriage proposal ring.

Picking lilac flowers is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to please a certain person. If in a dream you make tea from lilac flowers, then a beautiful relationship and courtship await you.

Flowering trees: interpretation of famous dream books

In Miller's dream book, the interpretation of such a dream is positive. The author of the collection was sure that if a person dreamed of flowering trees, then in the near future things would happen in his life. happy events. Seeing unusual, exotic trees in bloom promises that soon a person’s life will be painted with new bright colors. Sadness will recede, and the sleeper will be completely satisfied with his life.

If the flowers are covered with raindrops, then there may be minor problems in communicating with your lover. In this case, the dream book recommends looking at the situation objectively and, if possible, eliminating the cause of the conflict. Climbing to the top of a flowering tree, according to Miller, signifies the authority and strength of the sleeper.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian soothsayer believed that in the fall, seeing a flowering tree in a dream promises an acquaintance with a very influential person. If you were caught in the rain and you hid from it under a flowering tree, then the time has come to open your feelings. Your life will be filled with happiness from a declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse interprets the lush blossoming of trees as a harbinger of great happiness. The dreamer will have the opportunity to take a break from the daily routine and fully restore strength. Such an update will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the perception of life. A person will be able to learn to appreciate what he already has and sincerely enjoy every little thing.

Time of year matters

If you dreamed of flowering trees in winter, then you can rejoice - the long-awaited “white streak” is coming in your life. Flowering fruit trees in winter mean an addition to the family; snow covering the petals of ornamental shrubs promises you a passion for something that was not typical for you before.

The trees bloomed in the fall - a good sign: what you thought was long lost will be reborn. Perhaps you will receive good news.

Dream Interpretation Tree, why do you dream about seeing a Tree in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book

  • Tree – “Genealogical (family) tree”, “tree of life”, “tree of knowledge”.
  • “barking up the wrong tree” - to become disoriented, to be active in the wrong direction.
  • “to fall (descend) from a tree” - to degrade.
  • “wooden”, “oak” - stupid, stupid, stubborn, strong.
  • “look at the root” - get to the essence;
  • “slim as a birch tree”, “give oak” (to die), “a hundred-year-old club” (fool);
  • “It’s all a phony” is a lie.
  • A tree is growing, green, dry, crooked, large, low... - this or that activity, perspective; see Add. Jungle, leaf, forest.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream of a Tree:

Tree - An image denoting the individual life and individuation of the subject. The shape of the tree represents almost exactly (literally) the situation the subject or someone else has.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about a Tree according to the dream book:

Interpretations of famous dream books

In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to:

  • State of the plant.
  • Its species affiliation (both pine and apple trees are trees, but the meaning of the dream will be different in each case).
  • The parts of the plant that you focused on in the dream.
  • Manipulations that were carried out in a dream with a plant.

What was the tree like?

N. Grishina interprets the dream about trees most fully. In her noble dream book the tree itself is presented as a symbol of man, his life and health.

What do flowering trees mean in a dream? Intimate dream book

Modern dream book

Dream Flowering means

Hollow - Seeing a hollow in a dream means the collapse of your capabilities.

Climb a tree - Climb a tree or a fence - to panic.

Notches - Making notches on a tree in a dream means trying to remember something.

Cypress - Seeing this slender tree in a dream means meeting a slender girl.

Maple - Seeing this tree spreading and green is a sign of blooming youth.

Stain - Using stain in a dream means hiding some fact.

Break off a branch - Break off a branch from a tree - leads to divorce.

If in a dream you dreamed of one tree, then in reality you are sad and lonely, you are looking for a soul mate. If you dreamed of a young tree blossoming, then in reality you need to look back at your loved ones or start organizing your personal life. Dreaming of an old tree with bare or broken branches sticking out means that in old age you will face serious illnesses, loneliness, and poverty.

Dreams in which a person saw a falling tree (whether it was torn out by the wind, cut down or broken) foreshadow his death. If he cuts down a tree himself, then in reality he will take rash steps that could lead to the death of an acquaintance, work colleague, or even a loved one.

A flowering tree dreams of joyful events and success in any enterprise. If there are fruits growing on a tree, then suddenly a rain of money will fall on you.

Climbing a flowering tree means profit in life, prosperity and good luck. If the tree is dry and the branches break under the weight of the climber, then this is a hint that the road is likely to be thorny and difficult.

I beg you, please help me determine the meaning of my dream,
» the bride - she has her own son, goes to wedding dress from a handsome young man, he left her a wallet full of money, this handsome and young man stands and watches as a large, beautiful, green tree with large leaves is cut down, with this tree he has a memory of vows of love under this tree, remains a huge stump after cutting, he looks and tries to find out how old the tree is, the stump is very large, strong, light and they water it with a little water,”
PLEASE help me understand what this means, my daughter is getting ready to travel, I’m very worried, thanks for the answer

Daria 2015-10-23 11:08:56

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Good afternoon. I dreamed of my house, next to the house there are two trees, very tall, beautiful, green. One tree seemed older to me. I sat not far from the house and watched what was happening around me, how at that moment the weather changed and rose strong wind and started throwing everything away. Then I see my mother, she screams at me from the house to immediately run home. I throw all my things and run, the wind gets stronger, and suddenly a tree, which is older along with the roots, breaks out and falls on me, but I manage to move away, in the window of the house I see my mother, scared. Then together we approach the second tree, and my mother looks at the second tree with a smile and admiration, the wind still does not calm down, but nothing happens to the second tree. Please tell me what it could mean this dream. Thank you in advance.


Did you dream about thick green trees? Luck will be incredibly favorable to you in the coming months. Climbing to the very crowns of majestic giants means great luck. It is possible to win the lottery, win a lawsuit, or gain a strong patron.

Another version of the explanation of why you dream of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga’s dream book says that such a plot foreshadows a rise in the ranks, moreover, due to one’s own hard work.

If a person smells flowers on a tree in a dream, then this means a quick resolution of problems that cause inconvenience.

In general, if you combine dreams of various events against which trees bloom, the dream book describes joy and positive events. The exception is esoteric dream book, a flowering tree in which has a negative meaning.

People have long been accustomed to perceive what they see in dreams as signs of fate. Today, many objects, people and various emotions experienced in a dream have already been included in the dream book. Sometimes the same object, depending on its state, location, is interpreted completely differently and has both positive and negative values. The first person to come across flowering trees is more likely to be considered a harbinger of positive events.

Trees in a dream

Trees are a sign of life, which is why a tree seen in a dream is perceived as a certain sign from above. Based on many years of observations, it was noted that a tree at the stage of flowering or withering promises a person important changes in life.

Dreams are considered good when the tree is at the flowering stage, has a lush crown, rich green foliage or large beautiful fruits. TO bad signs dreams include dry, gnarled and diseased trees. Similar dreams can become harbingers of illness, major troubles, betrayal and other losses.

In dream books there are entire sections dedicated to trees, because there are trees various types. They differ in the width and height of the trunk, location and growth. Having seen wild spring greenery in a dream, it is worth looking into the dream book. A flowering tree can be interpreted very differently depending on the type of tree, who dreamed about it (man, woman), and the accompanying events. Each one is put into a separate category.

How dreams with flowering trees are explained in psychology

The science of psychology has made great progress in the study of dreams. Scientists observe the relationship between life events, a person’s thoughts and his dreams. People who are on the verge of life changes have a direct association with the opening of leaves, the appearance of buds and flowering.

The period in which the rebirth of all living things after the winter cold occurs is spring. Spring is characterized by the onset of warmth, sunny days and the appearance of greenery. In this way, time is consolidated on a subconscious level as the onset of positive changes. The psychological dream book interprets trees in bloom as a sign of the embodiment of expected hopes, a successful outcome of fruitful work and possible creative development.

The meaning of flowering trees in popular dream books

One of the most popular types, which are often resorted to, are ancient folk, or so-called grandmother's, dream books. Why are these dream books popular? The answer to this question is very simple: the information presented on paper is collected on the basis of popular experience, and in such publications you can find recommendations and advice.

Most publications agree that flowering in a dream is a good sign. For example, the “Self-Instruction Manual for the Interpretation of Dreams” says that each part of a tree has a separate meaning: the trunk is a person in society, the leaves are relationships with people, the roots are stability in society, the bark is protection and goodness. psychological condition. This dream book A flowering tree refers to the emergence of new feelings and love.

The English dream book refers to a flowering tree as a sign of the imminent onset of good luck, happiness, and love affairs.

The esoteric dream book, on the contrary, interprets a flowering tree and lush greenery as the possibility of health problems.

In some dream books, special importance is given to the type of flowering tree. Thus, flowers are a harbinger of family well-being, and are a harbinger of great luck and happiness.

IN modern world Astrological dream books are also gaining popularity; they show a clear relationship between an event in a dream and the zodiac sign under which a person was born.

Who dreams of flowering trees

As mentioned above, the meaning of sleep may differ among people depending on gender and age category.

If you keep track of dream books of various editions, then old dream books More often they adhere to the following data:

    A young girl’s dream of a flowering tree means an imminent wedding.

    Flowers on a tree, dreamed married woman, indicate problems in the family and possible imminent quarrels with your spouse.

    A man's dream about a flowering tree means solving problems.

If a person smells flowers on a tree in a dream, then this means a quick resolution of problems that cause inconvenience.

In general, if you combine dreams of various events against which trees bloom, the dream book describes joy and positive events. The exception is the esoteric dream book, in which a flowering tree has a negative meaning.

1. my dream.
2. Why do you dream about trees blooming with white flowers?
3. Why do you dream about trees blooming with white flowers? (interpretation by day)
4. Why do you dream of flowering trees with fruits?
5. Why do you dream about many flowering trees?

1. my dream.

My sister and I were in a trendy cafe that opened in our city not so long ago, but had already gained popularity. We drank coffee, leafed through magazines, updated social networks. The conversation was mainly about changing hair color for summer and finding the best options and masters. And then everything started spinning, like in some movie, no less. All objects rose into the air and began to dissolve, turning into white petals. And then one more moment - and she and I are already standing in a beautiful city garden, and everything around us is blooming in such spring white colors that it’s blinding to the eyes! All the trees were decorated with snow-white flowers. Their aroma was very subtle and delicate, somewhat reminiscent of the light scent of a rose. But not rich, not spicy, just barely perceptible. The wind pleasantly cooled the skin. He also picked up petals from flowers on trees and decorated everything around with them - the ground, benches, and even stuffed petals into our hair. And it was so pleasant and easy for us in this park, such joy filled us! We sat down under one of the trees, and, as in childhood, we began to look at its branches, every leaf and fragrant buds. We threw our heads up and smiled silently, looking at all this splendor. And then I woke up in my bed at 6 am. Yes, I saw such an unusual and completely incomprehensible dream.

2. Why do you dream about trees blooming with white flowers?

I no longer wanted to sleep, and despite the day off, I got up and started making coffee. While I was filling up the coffee machine, I thought - maybe I should look for an interpretation of the dream? He was very unusual. What I found: trees that bloomed with white flowers in a dream - this is the most auspicious symbol which may happen! Fresh White color petals speaks of a new and pure period, the beginning of a long journey that awaits the dreamer ahead.

Seeing trees blooming with white flowers in a dream means happiness and even the fulfillment of a person’s dreams! This is a real symbol of good luck and endless luck.

If you saw such a dream, then be calm - your difficulties will be resolved very soon, and all problems will leave you alone. for a long time. The dream speaks of a very calm and peaceful period of life, without stress, without anxiety.

3. Why do you dream about trees blooming with white flowers?

(interpretation by day)

Gee! What a wonderful dream it turns out to be! And here's another:

  • If you saw trees in white on the night from Monday to Tuesday, he will ask you for a favor best friend. Do not refuse the service, you will be returned a hundred times more later.
  • Seeing trees in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday means you will soon smile a lot. Who or what will make you rejoice and shine - remember, there were details and answers in the dream.
  • Trees blooming white on Thursday night speak of good health person. But don't abuse your well-being. Take care and strengthen your body and spirit.
  • On the night of Thursday and Friday, trees blooming with white flowers can tell about the approaching big holiday in the family. This could be a wedding or the birth of a baby.
  • The same dream, but seen on Saturday - for a trip to the sea or just on vacation. You will have a good relaxation and restoration of all your strength in the near future.
  • If you see trees blooming with snow-white flowers on Sunday night, expect a marriage proposal.
  • On Monday, snow-white flowers on the trees portend good news and joy.

And just on the weekend I had a dream! Proposal? Are you seriously? Yes, I already jumped with delight! It seems that after this dream everything in my life should turn out quite well.

4. Why do you dream of flowering trees with fruits?

By the way, while I was looking for my snow-white trees, I also found that if there were fruits on the trees along with flowers, this meant material benefits and prosperity. The tree blossomed and immediately bore fruit - you will soon gain a large number of money and you won’t need anything. Caring for a tree with fruits means growing your capital. A person will be able to earn good money and save or invest his money correctly. He will not go broke on a new project, but on the contrary, he will be able to profit from any undertaking. If a person picks an unripe fruit from a tree, he is in a hurry to spend what he has earned. It is necessary to make savings because the dreamer does not stand firmly on his feet. If in a dream you pick fruits from a tree that is blooming, know that you are wasting money too much, living beyond your means. You should write down your expenses and be careful about your spending. You could have made a good amount of money if you had not spent too much in the last six months of your life.

5. Why do you dream about many flowering trees?

And here’s another thing about my dream: if you saw in a dream a whole park of snow-white trees, then there are good and joyful changes ahead. Such a dream also means new acquaintances, pleasant meetings and calm conversations. For a young girl, such a dream could mean a wedding or a meeting with a man who will definitely propose in the future. Another garden, in which there were many white trees, can speak of the dreamer’s pure and open soul. Such a person is peaceful, non-conflict, always optimistic about life and what is happening. He is not afraid of adversity or loss - his attitude helps him and all his loved ones remain with a smile and see only positive changes everywhere.