Useful properties of vegetables and fruits. The healthiest fruits and vegetables in winter

February 9, 2013No Comments

Health science, which was based on natural remedies, has existed for millennia. Plants were the only treatment then. Everyone knows that ordinary vegetables and fruits that grow in our garden are rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances and have healing properties. Therefore, they are considered not only food, but also medicinal plants.

Everyone knows the significant words that were once uttered by the patriarch of medicine Hippocrates: "Your food should be medicine, and your medicine should be food."

They have been studied since ancient times and many studies have proven that with their beneficial qualities they can affect our health - help in the treatment of many diseases.

Paracelsus, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen, and other great doctors of antiquity did not forget to pay tribute to ordinary beets as a great remedy against anemia, fever, diseases of the digestive organs and lymphatic vessels and also used it to treat malignant ulcers.

Vegetables are healers.

Useful properties of vegetables, fruits and other products.

At first glance, an ordinary beet turns out to be an extraordinary vegetable that has truly healing properties. Beets can be classified as very healthy vegetables... Drink plenty of it fresh, drink juice, and you can insure yourself against many serious diseases.

Everyone knows that beets have a mild laxative effect, as well as a mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Many researchers claim that beet juice can lower blood pressure and has been used since ancient times for cancer.

The healing properties of red beets have been confirmed Scientific research... It was found that the substances contained in beets are actively involved in the formation of choline, which increases the vital activity of liver cells. Regular beets have a high content of magnesium and iodine, which makes them an essential product in the diet of elderly people and for those who have disrupted work. thyroid gland.

Also, red beets remove poisons and heavy metals (mercury, lead, etc.) from our body.

The same ordinary beet helps out in the case of radiation injuries - it has an excellent ability to remove radio from our body active substances(these properties are preserved in boiled beets).


By the way, gooseberries have the same ability to remove radioactive substances from the body. We sometimes greatly underestimate the healing properties of this magnificent berry!

This list in the section will continue to grow.

In it you will find information on the topic beneficial features of all vegetablesand fruit.

As well as information on the role of vitamins in the human body and a table of contents nutrients in vegetables and fruits.

Useful properties of berries, vegetables, fruits

Proper nutrition

Vegetables and fruits play a huge role in human nutrition. They cannot be replaced with other products. However, not everyone knows the beneficial properties of berries, vegetables, fruits. In addition, the use of certain berries, vegetables and fruits have their own contraindications. The importance of berries, vegetables and fruits in health food children and the elderly. In addition, they are simply delicious and loved by many of us. Unfortunately, some fruits and vegetables may not be good for everyone.


Apples are rich in pectin substances. Pectins normalize the digestion process, promote the elimination of cholesterol from the body and therefore have an anti-sclerotic effect. Apples are famous for their general strengthening effect, therefore they are recommended for those who are weakened and who have suffered serious illnesses. People with atherosclerosis, hypertension, metabolic diseases should also constantly eat apples. Apples and apple juice are useful for liver diseases, check, Bladder, with urolithiasis, arthritis.

If you feel discomfort in your stomach when you ate an apple, then baked apples are better for you.


Pears are prized as a source of folic acid necessary for hematopoiesis. They are rich in zinc, contain iron, fluorine, iodine. Pears are considered useful for urolithiasis, they have anti-sclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects.

But with an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive organs, pears should not be eaten. The fact is that a large number of fiber irritates the intestinal mucosa and enhances their peristalsis. Do not overuse pears on an empty stomach or right after eating. And after eating a pear, do not drink raw water!


The beneficial properties of plums are well known. Plums strengthen capillaries and counteract sclerosis. The yellow-colored fruits of this fruit are rich in carotene. Plums contain vita min E, iron, copper, iodine, zinc. Black plum well removes cholesterol from the body. Plums are also recommended to use for hypertension and kidney diseases. Potassium compounds contained in fruits can have a diuretic effect, remove excess from the body table salt and liquid.

But do not get carried away with plums when diabetes mellitus, obesity, increased acidity of gastric juice.


Even children know the benefits of lemons and oranges. They are high in vitamins, especially C. In addition, green tea with lemon has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

But it is worth remembering that orange juice is categorically contraindicated in case of ulcerative exacerbations. duodenum and stomach, in case of diseases small intestine and the pancreas. Lemon can cause heartburn in these people. Therefore, it is consumed in small quantities only after meals - 1 or 2 wedges with green tea.


Strawberries, especially wild strawberries, are a good source of vitamin C. Roots, leaves and fruits are used for medicinal purposes. Strawberry berries enhance metabolism, improve digestion, increase appetite. Strawberries are useful for colds, gout, cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease). Green leaves are widely used in folk medicine. They have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diaphoretic effect and lower blood pressure. Infusions of dried and fresh strawberry leaves are a valuable vitamin remedy. Decoctions of roots are very effective for hemorrhoids and colitis.

Black currant

Black currant berries are exceptionally rich in vitamins C, E, potassium and iron compounds. For medicinal purposes, fruits and leaves are used. Berries are recommended for weakened people, children, the elderly. The juice is very good for fever, gastritis with low acidity.


This healthy berry it is customary to use it as a diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-cold remedy. This fragrant berry-da is able to improve digestion and increase appetite. Raspberries are useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

However, it should be noted that raspberries are contraindicated in patients with gout and nephritis.


Cabbage traditionally provides us with vitamin C all winter and the first half of spring. Brine is no less useful sauerkraut... It promotes the separation of bile, improves digestion, has a mild laxative effect (especially with hemorrhoids). Cauliflower is recommended to be consumed more often by patients with diabetes mellitus.

But with all the usefulness in most people with pancreatic disease and high acidity of gastric juice, cabbage causes colic and bloating. Also not recommended cauliflower patients with gout.


This vegetable has many health benefits. Carrots are a valuable source of carotene and vitamin A. These useful elements are necessary for pregnant and lactating women, children and in general everyone, since they have a beneficial effect on the function of vision. Carrots are often recommended for diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, and constipation. Carrot juice is very useful, especially for children. It promotes the development and growth of the child, increases resistance to colds the child's body.

However, the use of carrots is contraindicated in inflammatory processes large and small intestinal ot-business (enteritis, colitis), with exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease.


Red beets are rich in compounds of potassium and magnesium. This vegetable lowers blood pressure, is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for atherosclerosis, and is useful for constipation.

But freshly prepared beet juice cannot be consumed! You need to let it stand for 2-3 hours. After that, it is ready to eat.

Bell pepper

Pepper is rich in vitamin C and iron. Sweet pepper is used as a vitamin and bile-secreting agent.

But sweet peppers should not be included in the menu for patients with a severe form. ischemic disease heart (angina pectoris), with cardiac arrhythmias, peptic ulcer intestines and stomach, hypertension. Pepper is contraindicated for suffering from colitis, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, with exacerbation chronic diseases kidney and liver, increased excitability of the nervous system, hemorrhoids, insomnia.

Melons and gourds

Watermelons and melons are not only tasty, but also useful for diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract, cardiovascular system, with atherosclerosis. Melon also contains a considerable amount of iron.

But keep in mind that melon is contraindicated for stomach ulcers and diabetes mellitus. Melon is absolutely not compatible with cold water and any alcoholic beverages.

Onions are a valuable vegetable crop. Bitter vegetable is rich in essential oils, carbohydrates, vitamins, compounds of potassium, calcium, iron, zinc. And today onions are used in folk medicine. It enhances the separation of digestive juices, slightly lowers blood sugar, has a mild laxative effect. Onions are useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis, as they can lower cholesterol levels.

But onions are contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gall bladder and liver, acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as kidney.


Garlic suppresses many pathogenic microorganisms and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It reduces the incidence of caries, strengthens the gums, and reduces their bleeding. Garlic can moderately lower blood pressure, activate cardiac activity, and accelerate the elimination of cholesterol from the body.

However, remember - garlic is contraindicated in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of berries, vegetables, fruits, our body becomes healthy and strong. However, be sure to consider the contraindications that most vegetables and fruits have.

How do foods affect a person?

Parsley is the herb of courage. Parsley makes a person more courageous. Parsley contains a lot of vitamin C, and in addition, the multivitamin substance apiol, which actively affects our condition.

Bananas are a delicious remedy for depression. These yellow fruits contain the alkaloid harman, which is based on the drug mescaline. After eating bananas state of mind a person noticeably improves, he begins to feel much better, and if he was previously in a state of depression, it disappears.

Cinnamon gives pleasure. The aroma of cinnamon has a strong erotic effect. Add cinnamon to every dessert you make!

Onions are a pain reliever from the garden. The essential oil alikin, which is part of the onion, has an analgesic and antipyretic effect, like aspirin. An old remedy for headaches and body aches is hot onion juice.

Beer contains female sex hormones. Yeast also contains estrogen, which is produced only in the ovaries in women. The action of these substances promotes the growth of the "beer belly". Hops also contain sedatives, since one of its constituents is methylbutinol, on the basis of which sleeping pills are made.

The oil strengthens the nerves. By eating oil, a person becomes more balanced and calm. Accordingly, if you do not eat oil at all, the mood worsens, the person becomes more nervous and aggressive.

Pepper gives a feeling of happiness. The main constituent of chili peppers is capsacin, in pepper it is piperine. The pungent component of pepper is able to neutralize pain... Thanks to the pseudo-pain caused by chili and pepper, the brain produces opiate. And this gives an unforgettable feeling of happiness a little later.

Tomatoes give us courage. Due to the content in a sufficiently large amount of 5-hydro-xytryptamine in tomatoes, whose action resembles that of serotonin. We relax, we lose our brakes. It is not without reason that tomatoes are sometimes called "apples of love".

Cheese has the ability to amuse. The amino acids tyramine, trintamine and phenylethylamine, which are contained in the cheese, increase the mood.

Pain Relief Products

Everyone knows how harmful pills are, but sometimes it is unbearable to endure the pain and hands themselves reach for a box of medicines. However, there are products that can cope with pain as well as any pill. Yes, you heard right, they exist, moreover, they act on the same principle as pain relievers: that is, they drown out the pain, and do not eliminate its causes. They are recommended to be used as a substitute for medicine, for pain of an understandable origin: traumatic, toothache, muscle pain, joint diseases and many others.

The leading place among pain relieving products is occupied by spicy products. Everything is simpler than it seems: garlic, mustard, horseradish, pepper, and similar vegetables cause irritation of taste buds when eating, the sensations from these products, especially in large quantities, are unpleasant, and the body protects itself by throwing out huge amounts of "happiness hormones" - endorphins. Endorphins are the most important neurotransmitters in the brain. They have a morphine-like effect, regulate vascular permeability. Endorphins are formed in the brain, and have an analgesic and calming effect, which, in fact, is necessary in the case of severe pain... Endorphins will help relieve not only the pain caused by the pungent taste of foods, but also the pain for the sake of soothing which these foods were eaten.

Another type of pain reliever is spices such as tarragon, parsley, and saffron. They contain a network of essential oils that activate blood flow and promote rapid healing of wounds and injuries. But the action of spices is not as fast as the action of spicy foods. However, spices are an option for people who should not eat spicy foods. Chamomile is another pain reliever that has anti-inflammatory effects.

However, there are also foods that will only aggravate the pain. And this: cheese, pork, coffee, chocolate, smoked meats, beer, legumes, canned food, and generally fried foods. Most of these products contain biogenic amines (primarily tyramine), which periodically cause vasospasm.

Mood Uplifting Products

1. Milk. Your brain needs the amino acid tryptophan, which is needed for the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect and lifts your mood.

2. Chocolate. Contains many substances to lift your mood, including anadamide, which acts on the same part of the brain as tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in cannabis. Plus, sweetness increases the level of endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

3. Whole grain rice or pasta. They are rich in carbohydrates that increase serotonin levels. The complex carbohydrates in rice help keep you in a good mood for longer.

4. Mackerel. A Finnish study found that people who eat 31% more fish than others are less likely to suffer from depression. Fatty fish like mackerel are the best source of omega-3 acids. They increase serotonin levels and also increase the sensitivity to neurotransmitters. High doses of omega-3s can help even clinically depressed patients. Also contains vitamin B12, needed for the formation of serotonin.

5. Broccoli. Contains folic acid, which is also part of the B vitamin group. B9 (folic acid) is actively involved in raising your mood.

Secrets of familiar vegetables and fruits. Do you know that…

February 18th, 2014 Lena

Fruits and vegetables are healthy, everyone knows that. But, for example, which type of cabbage contains the most nutrients? Is it better to eat tomatoes raw or after culinary processing? Does heat affect the healing properties of garlic? What is the healthiest apple variety?

From Jo Robinson's recently published book, Eating on the Wild Side - The Missing Link to Optimum Health, I gleaned many interesting facts and useful tips about the use different types vegetables and fruits - how to choose, prepare and store them correctly.

Everyone knows about vitamins and fiber in vegetables and fruits. But Robinson's book talks not only about this, but about the biological activity of various fruits and vegetables: about the content of bio-nutrients in their composition. More precisely, since we are talking about plants, in this case they are phytonutrients - according to Wikipedia, “chemical constituents that occur naturally in plants. .. Scientists estimate that there may be as many as 10,000 phytonutrients that can be effective in treating disease. " Lycopene, bioflavonoids, resveratrol - you may have heard such names - you can read about all of them in more detail in the same Wikipedia.

The book begins by comparing the current cultivated plants and their wild ancestors. Thousands of years of human selection have produced an interesting result. By its taste, appearance and ease of use, many of our vegetables and fruits are far ahead of their wild relatives, but at the same time they have lost most its nutritional value. “One type of wild tomato, for example, contains 15 times more lycopene than a typical supermarket tomato. One kind wild apples growing in Nepal contains surprisingly 100 times more bio-nutrients than our most common apples. "

What to do? In addition to planting your own garden in the country and at the same time taking a closer look at the "weeds" growing on the site? Speaking of weeds. Robinson says that, for example, ordinary dandelion leaves contain far more phytonutrients than the well-known spinach. On my own behalf, I will add that at the dacha and on the hike we actively use wild plants for food - but I will talk about this later in a separate article. And, of course, farm products from trusted suppliers are better than store products. And if, after all, you mostly take vegetables and fruits in the supermarket? Much depends on which ones, and what to do with them later.

Onion and garlic.

Garlic, according to the results of some of the studies mentioned by Joe Robinson, has not only antibacterial, but also anti-cancer properties - this is generally one of the most useful foods that can thin the blood, help lower cholesterol, protect you from infection ... But a lot depends on how you use it. Allicin, the most biologically active and beneficial ingredient in garlic, is formed by combining two different components naturally present in garlic. Allicin production occurs when the garlic is chopped, pressed, or chewed. Important: If you cook the garlic immediately after chopping, most of it healing properties will be lost. To preserve them to their fullest, simply wait 10 minutes after chopping the garlic before tossing it into the hot skillet. Then heating will no longer interfere with the production of allicin. Of course, it's easiest to eat it raw to make sure it retains the health benefits of garlic.

With regard to onions, you do not have to worry by sending them to the pan. Quercetin, one of the most useful components in onions (I used to think that it is only found in red grapes and wine), does not break down when heated; on the contrary, its amount even increases. True, the outer layers of the onion and especially the husk contain more active substances than the inner ones. Alternatively, you can put the husk in the soup while boiling it and then pull it out.

Interestingly, green onion feathers contain more phytonutrients than regular white onions. Robinson even talks about a study showing that men who ate 10 grams of green onions daily had a 50% lower risk of prostate cancer than those who did not eat onions. Green onions are very easy to grow at home - about how we do it, on the blog there is our story about a vegetable garden in an apartment.


If you are going to bake potatoes in the oven, which is better - to peel off the peel or not? The peel contains a lot of pesticides, so peeling it off will remove most of it. On the other hand, it contains half of all antioxidants contained in potatoes, as well as a lot of fiber. Potatoes are probably one of those vegetables worth buying from farmers or grandmothers who use a minimum of pesticides to be able to eat them with their skins. As a rule, I clean the store one.

It is known that potatoes have a fairly high glycemic index, that is, they have a lot of quickly digestible carbohydrates that cause an undesirable rise in blood sugar. When I write an article about fast food, I will dwell on the problem of these carbohydrates in more detail - potatoes are not the most harmful product in this regard ... However, Robinson advises how this problem can be circumvented. If already cooked potatoes are kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours, their glycemic index will significantly decrease (even if you reheat them later, you do not need to eat cold potatoes!)


The nutrients in carrots are best absorbed after being cooked and with some fat. That is, it turns out that stewed or boiled carrots are healthier than raw. By the way, you probably know that when vegetables are cooked, most of their nutrients pass into the water. Therefore, if you boiled vegetables, say, for "Olivier", then it makes sense not to pour this water out, but to cook soup on it.

It was from Robinson's book that I first heard about purple carrots. Moreover, vegetables such as purple carrots, blue corn and even blue potatoes are not the fruits of genetic research, but rather, on the contrary, older varieties that have been ousted from the market by those varieties that are familiar to us now. Purple carrots are high in bioactives and can be very beneficial to your health. In the experiment described by Robinson, this carrot was able to neutralize and even reverse Negative influence the so-called "American diet" in experimental rats. I'm going to plant such a carrot on the site this year! Let's see what happens.


Common beets are second only to artichokes, kale, red cabbage and bell peppers in their antioxidant properties. Moreover, green "tops" contain more antioxidants than the root crop itself, so if you grow beets yourself, you should eat them too. And if you see beets with tops on sale, they will most likely be fresher than ordinary beets without leaves, because the leaves wither before it will be possible to understand from the root vegetable that it is not the first freshness.

There is evidence that beets have anti-cancer properties as well as increased physical endurance. British athletes at the 2012 Summer Olympics even drank beet juice before the competition (and yes, one of them won the gold medal!)

Tinned beets retain their beneficial properties, so this is also a good option.

If you do not plan to use water for soup when boiling beets, it is better to put the root vegetables in the pot unpeeled, then the nutrients will remain in them. In addition, I will add on my own: I noticed that beets cook faster this way, especially if you pour cold water over them immediately after cooking.


Joe Robinson says that the tomatoes that were grown in America a hundred years ago were not at all as smooth, the same in shape and color as they are now. They became attractive in appearance in the process of selection, but at the same time, as it turned out only in the next, our century, they significantly lost their nutritional value, since the content of lycopene in them decreased. Moreover, for modern technology growing, for ease of transportation, tomatoes ripen less time in the sun, in natural conditions. Sun rays- one of the most important factors in the formation of biologically active components of the plant. Therefore, artificially bringing tomatoes to maturity affects both their benefits and taste.

If you buy tomatoes from the store, Robinson advises choosing the smallest and most intensely colored varieties. (I now take cherry tomatoes more often, and it seems to me that they really have a more pronounced taste). It is best not to peel or remove seeds from tomatoes, as suggested in some recipes. After all, it is these parts of the tomato that contain half of all lycopene and antioxidants.

My daughter does not like slices of boiled tomatoes in vegetable soup, so I adapted to do this: chop the chopped pieces into a homogeneous mass in a blender, and then send them to the pan. By the way, tomatoes are even healthier after cooking. After 30 minutes of cooking, their lycopene content doubles!

Also a very useful thing is tomato paste. The book Eating Wild explains that its production does not require long storage and transportation of tomatoes, so they are picked more ripe - accordingly, they spend more time in the sun. Tomato paste can be added to soups and main courses - it enriches their taste.

I try to buy tomato paste more often in glass jars after I learned that the inner surface of the tin can contain BPA. (In this article, in more detail about bisphenol and where else in everyday life it is found.)


Any cabbage is healthy, but according to Joe Robinson, red cabbage is the "queen of antioxidants." It contains 6 times more of them than white cabbage. I try to buy this cabbage more often and make salads from it, as well as cabbage soup - they turn out to be a fantastic purple color.


The history of the appearance on our shelves of well-known varieties is quite indicative. The author of Eating Wild says that at the beginning of the 20th century, more than 15 thousand varieties of apples were grown in America. Now, there are mainly about 12 varieties left on the shelves - they are familiar to us from our stores. In appearance, these apples cannot be compared with their wild relatives - small, tough and not so sweet. However, in terms of their useful properties, our cultivated apples are inferior to wild ones many times over. “Throughout our long history cultivating apples, we have wasted all their nutrient richness, ”says Joe Robinson. Now specialists are returning to detailed study known species wild apples. Perhaps they will begin the process of domestication - only by paying attention to the nutritional value of the result, and not just to the color and shape.

In the meantime, the book proposes to choose from the varieties available in the supermarket - Gala, Granny Smith, Idared and Red Delicious - they are named as the most useful. With store-bought apples, however, the problem is the same as with potatoes. Their main benefit is in the peel, and most of the pesticides remain there. We again remember about the farmers and about the grandmother's garden ...


Here is something to be happy about! All berries, and store ones too, are very healthy. For example, blueberries - in addition to the often talked about benefits for the eyes, they can also slow down the aging process in the brain, as well as reduce the risk of obesity, tumors and diabetes.

Humanity has long figured out the secret: if a fresh fruit or vegetable is thoroughly dried, then a maximum of useful elements will remain in it.

That is why many housewives strive to preserve the gifts of summer by drying them in ovens, on gas and electric stoves, or even near specially made fires. After all, a dried product remains as useful as a fresh one, and it can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.
1. Apricots(dried apricots) is a healer for the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots contain a lot of potassium and antioxidants. Dried apricots remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Dried apricots are good for people with thyroid disease and diabetes.
2. Pineapple. Dried pineapples are a source of potassium and magnesium, iron and zinc, B vitamins, and fiber that are beneficial for digestion. Also, dried pineapples help get rid of swelling, give strength and improve mood. Helping to quit smoking - The experience of many smokers suggests that such sugary snacks reduce the urge to smoke.
3. Eggplant. The most valuable property of this product is the ability to quickly rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and generally reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Eggplant contains a lot of copper, cobalt and manganese. These are quite rare elements that improve blood composition and help the spleen to function. Enough in eggplant and iron, so they are beneficial for anemia. Eggplants are high in potassium and therefore help remove excess fluid from the cells. Eggplant is used to lower blood sugar levels.
4. Bananas- a source of potassium, which is necessary for the heart, liver, brain, bones, teeth, but most of all - for the muscles. Each of us needs to get at least 1 g of potassium per day, and the optimal daily requirement for adults is 3-4 g. Children also need potassium daily, in an amount of 16 - 30 mg per kg of weight. A lack of potassium in the body can cause degeneration even with normal protein intake. Dried bananas are rich in natural sugar, which, when digested, is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. At the same mass, dried bananas contain 5 times more calories than fresh ones. used for medicinal purposes. Banana contains a protein called tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin. Serotonin improves mood, helps you relax and just feel happy.
5. Grapes(raisins) is useful to everyone, without exception, especially light - it contains maximum amount potassium, a lot of phosphorus - this helps during intense intellectual work, during exams. Eating raisins - good prevention periodontal disease.
6. Cherries dried increases concentration and especially helps those who have decided to quit smoking: substances contained in cherries weaken nicotine addiction.
7. Mushrooms. Any dried mushrooms can help you lose weight. In addition, the valuable protein contained in all dried mushrooms, without exception, is practically not inferior to beef protein in its nutritional properties, but does not leave behind toxic substances. Dried porcini mushrooms are a powerful antidepressant, intellectual stimulant and migraine remedy.
Dry boletus and boletus boletus help to fight anemia, atherosclerosis, as well as lazy bowel syndrome. To prepare them, you need to soak them for 4 hours in cold water, then squeeze and boil for 30 minutes.
Dried chanterelles are an excellent sorbent, they have the ability to absorb harmful substances that accumulate in our intestines, and at the same time remove radionuclides no worse than red wine. Without exception, dried mushrooms are rich in potassium, which is good for the heart. The main thing is not to "spoil" dishes made from them with an excessive amount of butter or heavy cream.
With the help of electric dryers, which you can buy in our store, you can dry up to 10 kg of fresh mushrooms in 6 hours.
8. Pear. Pear fruits contain unique essential oils, biologically active substances that can increase the body's defenses, resist infectious diseases, have anti-inflammatory effects and even fight depression. In diet food with preventive and therapeutic purposes the pear is turned on in case of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, violation of capillary permeability.
Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances.
Dried pear compote is able to get rid of chronic colitis, as well as increase sexual activity.
9 melon dried has a good tonic effect, as well as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, laxative, cleansing properties (externally cleanses the skin, when ingested - the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system), improves hematopoiesis, enhances intestinal motility, promotes excretion from the body cholesterol, normalizing effect on metabolism. V folk medicine melon is prescribed for emaciated and anemic patients, with anemia and atherosclerosis. Melon is considered especially useful for people who have had liver disease and are suffering from constipation.
10. Zucchini contains a small amount of calories, it contains many different trace elements - iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sodium. High in vitamins C and B.
The benefits of zucchini could not be called obvious if it were not for its easy absorption by the body. This vegetable is suitable for baby food because it is low-allergenic. Usually it is given to children in the form of mashed potatoes.
It is known that the benefits of zucchini are also manifested in the fact that it contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Stimulates the immune system. Zucchini is recommended for people with anemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension. 11. Kiwi. First of all, kiwi is very rich in vitamin C. The berry contains even more of it than citrus fruits. Kiwi promotes the assimilation of meat by the body due to the content of such a substance as acttidin in it. Due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in considerable quantities in the kiwi berry, it helps to reduce blood pressure... The use of kiwi helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots in them.
12. Dried kiwi perfect for those who follow their figure - a great snack, which is convenient to take with you on the road, to work, to school. Drying kiwi is very simple. It is enough to peel, cut, put in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits in the evening and get ready-made snacks in the morning.
13. Strawberries dried retains all its useful properties for two years of storage. Dried berries are especially valuable for the content of pectin acids, which contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body. It is useful to use during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases, namely late autumn and early spring... Also, dried strawberries are famous as a powerful antidepressant.
14. Tomatoes dried. The most valuable substance in dried tomatoes is lycopene. This carotenoid was discovered relatively recently and it turned out that lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with pronounced antitumor properties. At the moment, oncologists have been able to prove that this substance is capable of destroying dangerous cells much more effectively than polyphenols (anticancer substances found in green tea and red wine). Chlorogenic and coumaric acids contained in tomatoes significantly reduce the harm caused to the body by carcinogens found in cigarette smoke.
15. Pumpkin. Its pulp contains sugars, carotenoids, pectin substances, fiber, macro- and microelements of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin C, vitamins of group B, E, PP. Pumpkin strengthens memory, gives strength to a physically weak body. Pumpkin porridge is useful for children, adolescents and overly thin people. It promotes the health of the stomach and duodenum. It is useful for those suffering from gastritis, enteritis, colitis. With diabetes mellitus, increased blood fat, pumpkin gives a miraculous effect to remove excess bile and mucus from the body.
16. Dates, especially Egyptian, are able to defeat a cold, accompanied by high temperature: they contain compounds similar in structure to acetylsalicylic acid. By the way, this is one of the few dried fruits that contains a lot of provitamin B5 - it is he who provides us with healthy hair and nails.
17. Blueberries- the absolute leader in the content of vitamin A, capable of preserving vision. In addition, it lowers blood sugar levels and is therefore beneficial for those with diabetes.
18. Prunes. Since it contains a lot of plant fiber, prunes are prescribed for people with digestive tract problems. Prunes are useful for vitamin deficiency and anemia.
19. Apples will make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, along the way improving the digestion process. Apples are the lowest calorie dried fruits. Fresh apples are not recommended for people with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as for people with high acidity of the stomach. Many of these people are offered baked and dried apples instead of fresh ones; they are considered much safer.
Dried apples are also good substitutes for crisps and croutons. After all, everything is natural in them, there are much fewer calories, and many times more benefits and vitamins.
Dried vegetables and fruits retain all their taste and almost all vitamins:
Vitamin C is almost completely retained in whole fruits. And if the product is cut before drying, then the loss is slightly greater.
Carotene is completely preserved in products. Therefore, the most carotene-rich carrots and bell peppers should be stored in a dark place to avoid degradation of carotene (provitamin A).
The nutritional value of dried products is also preserved. In addition, due to the evaporation of moisture, the concentration of sugar increases, which makes fruits and vegetables containing sugar sweet. That is why the calorie content of dried apricots is four times higher.
Dried foods take up significantly less space than fresh. The weight of the products is also much lower. After all, most of the moisture has been removed from them. Dried foods are very easy to store, as a 0.5 liter jar can hold 40 dried tomatoes or 50 dried peppers.

Recovery of dried products.

Foods that are properly dried are easy to rehydrate (reconstitute with water). They practically regain their original size, shape and appearance. After reconstitution, they usually have almost the same aroma and taste and retain most of the vitamins and minerals. There are several methods for recovering dried foods. One of the most effective ways recovery of dried products is the use of an electric steamer. Place food in a large bowl and pour water into it. The circulation of steam will help moisture to penetrate the food and return it to its original fresh mind... For the most successful rehydration, follow your steamer's instructions for use.
You can resort to soaking dried foods in shallow dishes. It is necessary to pour water so that it only covers the food, wait 1-2 hours for the food to recover. If you are doing soaking overnight, then put the container in the refrigerator.

Nature has endowed vegetables and fruits with a considerable amount of vitamins, micro-, macroelements that are so necessary for the body. Please note that those fruits that are colored in Orange color rich in vitamin A, which has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart. If you want to improve their performance, then eat enough healthy apricots, oranges, peaches. C is a cholesterol fighter, a vitamin that can strengthen the immune system. You will find it in black currants, kiwi and, of course, citrus fruits. Cucumbers will rid the body of toxins. It is important to know exactly how fruits and vegetables affect the body in order to properly adjust the diet.

Vegetables and fruits for health


This vegetable consists almost entirely of water, it cleanses the body, removing toxins, as well as dangerous toxic compounds. Cucumbers are those vegetables that are great for cleansing the stomach, intestines and kidneys. In addition, they contain tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Therefore, you can consider these vegetables a means for losing weight, unless of course you use it in the form of a salad, generously seasoned with mayonnaise. Those looking to rejuvenate their skin will love cucumber masks. Cut the vegetable into thin plastics and wipe the skin, this "tonic" gives a lifting and whitening effect. If you make a gruel from a vegetable and add a couple of drops of oil (olive), lemon juice to it and apply for a few minutes on your face, then you can refuse an unnecessary trip to a beauty salon, the skin after such a home procedure will become much better.

A tomato

Tomatoes improve digestion, contain lycopene, which prevents formation cancerous tumors... Take note that this substance is better absorbed when combined with vegetable oil... Tomato juice has a beneficial effect on the heart - vascular system... Also, these vegetables have anti-inflammatory effects. By consuming tomatoes regularly, you will preserve your eyesight, improve brain activity, give the body protection from sun radiation, and prevent cancer.


This vegetable is rich in phosphorus, potassium and iron. It has a positive effect on metabolism, due to the fact that it removes salts and fluid from the body. However, the calorie content of potatoes is quite high, and they should not be overused, especially for those who save the figure. Potatoes, unlike many other vegetables, are one of our favorites. It's important to cook your vegetables the right way to maximize your health benefits. To do this, bake the potatoes in the oven, or stew them in a little water with other vegetables, such as carrots, garlic, beans and onions, these foods are also healthy.


This delicious cabbage increases immunity, enhances resistance to various pathogens of ailments. Since the strength immune system dependent on the lymphatic, two-thirds of the tissues of which are located in the intestines, then the fiber that is part of this vegetable frees the intestines from the load in the form of toxins and toxins, strengthens the body from the inside.

The healing properties of broccoli make it useful product for those who suffer from gastric ulcer. Broccoli, due to its chromium content, has a positive effect on the pancreas, stabilizing the production of insulin and regulating the amount of sugar in the blood. Broccoli is one of those vegetables that tastes just as healthy.


Contains a unique set of useful items. Unlike many other vegetables, beets practically do not part with their beneficial properties after heat treatment. Salads made from it are foods containing a lot of folic acid, which is so necessary for pregnant women. Beets have gained popularity among other vegetables due to their ability to regulate fat metabolism, which is very important for those who suffer from liver disease, as well as obesity.

Beets cope with chronic constipation, they are often given to children. It is able to enhance intestinal peristalsis, to establish the metabolic process. It also contains iodine, therefore it is indicated for ailments associated with the work of the thyroid gland. It is also indispensable in the diet of those who are of advanced age and suffer from atherosclerosis or hypertension.


Popular dietary vegetable that has beneficial effects on health skin and digestive system... The composition includes phosphorus, potassium, magnesium necessary for the body. Also contains C, B1,2. These vegetables are able to normalize water, salt metabolism, have a diuretic effect. Eliminate the accumulation of fat, excess water and salt. Zucchini - those products that are recommended for hepatitis, gallstone disease, hypertension, chronic colitis, pyelonephritis, atherosclerosis, as well as chronic nephritis. Caviar prepared from zucchini, in compliance with the "dietary" technology, is shown when urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, with gout, problems with excess weight. The consumption of food, which contains a considerable amount of these vegetables, is recommended as part of comprehensive recovery measures after poisoning.


It turns out that the eggplants originally came to us from India itself. In this country, the usefulness of vegetables has been known for four thousand years. Eggplant - low-calorie foods, in which, in addition to the necessary fiber, there are very important minerals (potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and others). In addition, eggplants are a storehouse of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which is essential for the productive work of the brain. According to scientists, eating enough of these vegetables will reduce the risk of dementia and stroke.


This citrus is rich in C vitamins and minerals, necessary topics who suffers from anemia. The beneficial fruits quench thirst in case of fever. Orange has antioxidant properties. It has a rejuvenating effect. It removes metabolic products, as well as toxins from the body, prevents aging of the body.


They differ from other fruits in their high starch content. At the same time, they are useful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Bananas have been shown to improve heart function. Contains fiber and pectin.


The beneficial properties of these fruits have been celebrated since ancient times. Fruit juice is diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. The pomegranate fruit has a positive effect on coughs, colds, malaria. It is a tonic for exhaustion, improves blood quality.


The beneficial properties of the fruit are explained by the presence of vital elements B2, P, C, carotene, potassium, calcium, organic acids. Freshly squeezed juice strengthens the central nervous system, it is useful during periods of physical and mental overload. It is also believed that grapefruit can help you lose weight.


Figs are rich in sugars, vitamins and proteins, as well as pectin, fiber, trace elements. There is no less iron in it than in apples. Since it is rich in salts and potassium, it has a miraculous effect on heart diseases, venous insufficiency as a prophylactic agent against hypertension. These fruits stimulate metabolic processes, improve digestion.


The beneficial properties of the fetus are the presence of a large amount of vitamin C, the ability to release blood vessels from blood clots, thereby prolonging life. According to experts, the body will be especially grateful if you pamper it by eating one kiwi fruit a day in the spring.


Scientists have found that the pomelo increases vitality, gives endurance and performance, and improves mood. If you are looking to lose weight, these fruits are for you, they will accelerate the breakdown of fat and give you a feeling of fullness.


The beneficial properties of these fruits work due to the large amount dietary fiber contained in persimmons, as well as a wealth of trace elements. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, contains tannins and organic acids, potassium and magnesium. Thanks to the presence of pectin, it helps to cope with indigestion.


One of the most affordable and popular fruits. Useful properties consist in the presence of a whole complex of vitamins in apples: C, B1.2, E, P, carotene, iron, manganese, calcium, pectin, potassium, sugar, organic acids. These fruits normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat them twenty minutes before the main meal, because apples stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Nutrient Content of Fruits

Products Protein Water Glucose Fats Starch Sucrose Carbohydrates Fructose
cucumbers 0.65gr 95.23gr 0.76gr 0.11gr 0.83gr 0.03gr 3.63gr 0.87gr
tomatoes 0.88gr 94.52gr 1.25gr 0.2gr 3.89gr 1.37gr
potato 1.68gr 81.58gr 0.53gr 0.1gr 13.49gr 0.28g 15.71gr 0.34gr
broccoli 2.82gr 89.3gr 0.49gr 0.37gr 0.1gr 6.64gr 0.68gr
beet 1.61gr 87.58gr 9.56gr
zucchini 1.21gr 94.79gr 1.07gr 0.32gr 0.05gr 3.11gr 1.38gr
eggplant 0.98gr 92.3gr 1.58gr 0.18gr 0.26gr 5.88gr 1.54gr
Orange 0.94gr 86.75gr 0.12gr 11.75gr
bananas 1.09gr 74.91gr 4.98g 0.33gr 5.38gr 2.39g 22.84gr 4.85gr
Garnet 1.67gr 77.93gr 1.17gr 18.7gr
grapefruit 0.77gr 88.06gr 1.61gr 0.14gr 3.51gr 10.66gr 1.77gr
figs 0.75gr 79.11gr 0.3gr 19.18gr
kiwi 1.14gr 83.07gr 4.11gr 0.52gr 0.15gr 14.66gr 4.35gr
pomelo 0.76gr 89.1gr 0.04gr 9.62gr
persimmon 0.58gr 80.32gr 5.44gr 0.19gr 1.54gr 18.59gr 5.56gr
Apple 0.26gr 85.56gr 2.43gr 0.17gr 0.05gr 2.07gr 13.81gr 5.9gr

Vitamins (per 100gr)

Products Aretinol B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B9 C E K1 carotene-β (provitamin A)
cucumbers 31.5 μg 0.027 mg 0.033 mg 0.098 mg 6 mg 0.259 mg 0.04 mg 7 μg 2.8 mg 0.03 mg 16.4 μg 45 mcg
tomatoes 249.9 μg 0.037 mg 0.019 mg 0.594 mg 6.7 mg 0.089 mg 0.08 mg 15 mcg 13.7 mg 0.54 mg 7.9 μg 449 μg
potato 2.4 μg 0.071 mg 0.034 mg 1.066 mg 11 mg 0.281 mg 0.203 mg 18 mcg 9.1 mg 0.01 mg 1.6 μg 5 mcg
broccoli 186.9 μg 0.071 mg 0.117 mg 0.639 mg 18.7 mg 0.573 mg 0.175 mg 63 μg 89.2 mg 0.78 mg 101.6 μg 361 μg
beet 9.9 μg 031 mg 0.04 mg 0.334 mg 6 mg 0.155 mg 0.067 mg 109 μg 4.9 mg 0.04 mg 0.2 μg 20 mcg
zucchini 60 mcg 0.045 mg 0.094 mg 0.451 mg 9.5 mg 0.204 mg 0.163 mg 24 μg 17.9 mg 0.12 mg 4.3 μg 120 mcg
eggplant 6.9 μg 0.039 mg 0.037 mg 0.649 mg 6.9 mg 0.281 mg 0.084 mg 22 mcg 2.2 mg 0.3 mg 3.5 μg 14 mcg
Orange 67.5 μg 0.087 mg 0.04 mg 0.282 mg 8.4 mg 0.25m 0.06 mg 30 mcg 53.2 mg 0.18 mg 71 μg
bananas 19.2 μg 0.031 mg 0.073 mg 0.665 mg 9.8 mg 0.334 mg 0.367 mg 20 mcg 8.7 mg 0.1 mg 0.5 μg 26 μg
Garnet 0.067 mg 0.053 mg 0.293 mg 7.6 mg 0.377 mg 0.075 mg 38 mcg 10.2 mg 0.6 mg 16.4 μg
grapefruit 345 mcg 0.043 mg 0.031 mg 0.204 mg 7.7 mg 0.262 mg 0.053 mg 13 mcg 31.2 mg 0.13 mg 686 μg
figs 42.6 μg 0.06 mg 0.05 mg 0.4 mg 4.7 mg 0.3 mg 0.113 mg 6 μg 2 mg 0.11 mg 4.7 μg 85 mcg
kiwi 26.1 μg 0.027 mg 0.025 mg 0.341 mg 7.8 mg 0.183 mg 0.063 mg 25 mcg 92.7 mg 1.46 mg 40.3 μg 0.5 mg
pomelo 2.4 μg 0.034 mg 0.027 mg 0.22 mg 0.036 mg 61 mg
persimmon 488.1 μg 0.03 mg 0.02 mg 0.1 mg 7.6 mg 0.1 mg 8 mcg 7.5 mg 0.73 mg 2.6 μg 253 mcg
Apple 16.2 μg 0.017 mg 0.026 mg 0.091 mg 3.4 mg 0.061 mg 0.041 mg 3 μg 4.6 mg 0.18 mg 2.2 μg 27 mcg

To maximize the beneficial properties that are endowed with foods, eat fruits and vegetables correctly, try not to heat them.

A large number of fruits and vegetables in the diet is a great way to cover the body's need for vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In this article, you will read about the healthiest vegetables and fruits.

The healthiest vegetables

1. Cabbage

The hit parade of the healthiest vegetables is opened by cabbage. All known vitamins and many minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, etc.) are found in cabbage.

In ancient times, it was believed that people who often use cabbage were not threatened with any disease. Doctors prepared drugs from cabbage for the treatment of the liver, joints, healing wounds and ulcers.

2. Beets

One of the healthiest vegetables. Everything you need is concentrated in it: vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, carotene, salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, etc. Therefore, medicine has shown great interest in beets. It is especially useful for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diseases gastrointestinal tract.

3. Carrots

Leader in the amount of carotene (provitamin A). Especially useful for young children, helping rapid growth... One eaten carrot will provide a person with carotene for 2-3 days. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, carrots protect against cancer and improve vision. Even in the old days, carrot juice was used to treat diseases of the heart, liver, cough and jaundice.

It is known that root crops contain a large amount of phytoncides. If you chew on a piece of vegetable, then the microbes in your mouth will be much less.

4. Tomatoes

Useful for disorders of water-salt and fat metabolism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and of cardio-vascular system... They are tasty, contain carotene, vitamins groups B, C, PP, K, biotin, inositol, pantothenic and folic acids, mineral salts.

In a glass of fresh tomato juice - 1 mg of carotene, and daily rate- 3.5 mg. In our body, carotene is converted into vitamin A, and carotene can also be stored in reserve for a period of at least a year. This is why it is very beneficial to eat tomatoes during the harvest season.

5. Cucumbers

They are considered the most useless of vegetables, because they are 95% water, and in terms of vitamins they are far from tomatoes, cabbage or peppers. But in their composition there is so much potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other substances that cucumbers occupy the same level with carrots, onions, cabbage, tomatoes and even citrus fruits.

Cucumbers are especially recommended for patients with cardiovascular and kidney disease... They remove excess fluid and salts from the body, improve appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juice, and improve the digestion process.

The healthiest fruits and berries

1. Strawberries

It is extremely rich in antioxidants that fight general aging of the body. Take at least vitamin C, which increases resistance to various diseases and energizing. There is so much vitamin C in 250 g of strawberries that this dose is 30% higher daily rate! This berry is especially useful for anemia, vitamin deficiency, after serious illness. Strawberries contain folic acid, which is absent in other berries, salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus.

2. Grapefruit

They improve heart function, lower cholesterol levels, and decrease the amount of insulin in the bloodstream, allowing the body to get more energy from food, and thereby contribute to weight loss. On this, the unique properties of grapefruits are not exhausted: as it turned out, they are able to restore damaged DNA in cells, preventing the development of several forms of cancer.

3. Pineapples

They have a wonderful sweet and sour taste, which suggests a rich content of vitamin C. However, fruits contain many other useful substances and vitamins. Potassium and fiber will energize and protect against disease. Bromelain paired with vitamin C will prevent colds, soothe sore throat, reduce coughing and help loosen mucus. Manganese is essential for the development and maintenance of the skeletal system in good condition.

4. Apples

As the old English saying goes, an apple a day - you won't know doctors. These fruits are a symbol of healthy food and contain active anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-allergenic substances. All these positive properties apples are really capable of shortening visits to doctors. In addition, apples are rich in flavonoids - powerful antioxidants that ward off free radicals, prolong youth and improve health, and also reduce the risk of cancer.

5. Avocado

Many people mistakenly think that avocado is a vegetable, in fact it is a fruit. It is essential for helping the heart to keep it strong, healthy, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Fruits contain monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol levels, as well as high amounts of potassium, which regulates blood pressure, folate (a B vitamin) needed to strengthen the heart, carotenoids and tocopherols, which together can prevent breast and prostate cancer.

It is in the spring that we think about our figure and are ready to lose overweight ... Summer is ahead, and along with summer comes the holiday season and beach holiday- which excludes the presence of folds of fat on the abdomen and cellulite in the thighs. To make the process of fighting cellulite not only effective, but also enjoyable, we recommend consuming at least five servings of vegetables and fruits daily. What vegetables and fruits are the most useful and will most help you lose excess weight and not harm your health, find out right here and now!

The most useful vegetables and fruits for the body: making a rating

"Healers" from the garden and vegetable garden help to improve health and get rid of a variety of ailments. Vegetables, fruits and berries have long been included in most health and general strengthening diets. It is believed that fiber is very useful for obesity, diabetes mellitus, because it stimulates intestinal motility. And vegetables and fruits are also good for diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and many other ailments. And therefore it is only natural that we decided to make a rating of the healthiest vegetables and the healthiest fruits.

Top 4 healthiest vegetables

1. Red beetroot

Red beets are recognized as the number one "cleaner" of the body. First, it contains fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids that improve the "movement" of food and destroy bad bacteria in the intestines. Secondly, it contains a lipotropic substance - betaine - which makes the liver more efficiently get rid of toxins. And thirdly, beets contribute to the rejuvenation of the body due to the folic acid contained in it (more new cells are created) and quartz (the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves).

How to use: boiled, with borscht, in a salad, in the form of a decoction or juice.

2. White cabbage

It contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps to bind heavy metals and toxins, and then remove them from the intestines. In addition, it is rich in organic acids that improve digestion and normalize the microflora of the digestive system. also in white cabbage contains a very rare vitamin U. It neutralizes dangerous chemical substances, participates in the synthesis of vitamins and even heals ulcers.

How to use: fresh, fermented, in the form of juice.

3. Garlic

One clove of garlic contains more than four hundred useful components. They lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and unclog blood vessels, kill the cells of glioblastoma multiforme (often becoming the main reason diseases of brain cancer), destroy the diphtheria, tuberculosis bacillus and Helicobacter (the latter causes stomach ulcers), remove worms, etc.

How to use: fresh, ground.

4. Onion

His main value- phytoncides, which are found in essential oils. These substances kill many bacteria and fungi in just a few seconds. In addition, onions improve digestion, nutrient absorption, and even appetite. And a large amount of sulfur allows you to effectively neutralize and remove all harmful substances from the body.

How to use: fresh, in a salad, in the form of alcohol tincture and a cosmetic mask for acne and acne.

Top 9 healthiest fruits

1. Apples

Thanks to high content pectin and fiber, apples normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system - they bind toxins and toxins, improve appetite, stimulate the production of gastric juice, relieve constipation, etc. In addition, apples kill the causative agents of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, proteus, influenza A.

2. Avocado

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of this southern visitor are almost unknown to our compatriots. However, avocado contains unique substance- glutathione, which blocks about 40 different carcinogens, relieving stress on the liver. In addition, it normalizes blood cholesterol levels, improves digestion, supplies oxygen to tissues, etc.

3. Banana

This fruit helps to reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. It normalizes the stomach, reducing acidity and eliminating heartburn, and improves mood. In addition, banana is quite filling, so it can be easily used as a breakfast or snack.

4. Grapefruit

This fruit improves digestion and aids in better absorption of food. Also, grapefruit has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, accelerating them. With a moderate diet, if you regularly eat grapefruit, you can lose 5-7 kilograms in a few months.

5. Apricot

If the season does not allow you to feast on fresh natural apricots, then you can replace them with dried apricots (the same apricots, only dried). Apricots contain beta-carotene, which is essential in the fight against skin aging and is also beneficial for eyesight. Dried apricots are rich in iron and magnesium - sources of energy for the body, which also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

6. Mango

This fruit is exotic for our country, but more and more often it begins to appear on store shelves. One mango contains the daily requirement of vitamin C, and in addition, mango helps prevent arthritis, heal wounds and strengthen immunity.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is called a real storehouse of vitamins for a reason. This fruit helps cleanse the intestines and has a mild laxative effect. It is especially useful to eat kiwi while losing weight - it strengthens the immune system while losing weight and cleanses the body.

8. Lemon

Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of lemon - it is the number one fruit for colds and strengthening the immune system. In addition, lemon is an excellent fat burner that can also help reduce appetite. With strict control of body weight, a glass of water with a lemon wedge is the most necessary remedy.

9. Papaya

This fruit is not often found in stores. Some nutritionists recommend replacing it with an orange, but one papaya contains 15 times more vitamin C and beta-carotene than an orange. Papaya reduces the risk of polyarthritis and helps lower cholesterol levels in the body.