The dog has dark urine and does not eat anything. Different color of urine in dogs (brown, yellow) - symptoms, treatment, medications, causes, Our Best Friends. Causes of blood

The color of a dog's urine is important. diagnostic sign, according to which veterinary clinic will give a conclusion about the nature of changes in the animal’s body. The straw-yellow color of urine is considered normal; it is affected by concentration, the use of medications, or the presence of coloring pigments in the diet.

The color of urine, varying from pale yellow to “dark beer” color, indicates the presence of pathologies; it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests and examine the animal. Based on the results, a verdict is made on the disease and treatment.

Factors that change color

The most harmless of them: food (beets, carrots, some dry food) and medicines (vitamins, for example riboflavin, nitrofurans). When they are excluded from the intake, the color of the urine returns to normal without consequences for the animal.

List of factors:

  • Gastrointestinal disorder. (vomiting, diarrhea). They provoke dehydration, the concentration of urine increases, the color becomes darker.
  • Polydipsia, diuretics. Makes urine clear and light yellow.
  • Activated carbon. Taking an absorbent in case of poisoning or for other indications gives a brownish color to the dog’s urine.
  • Methylene blue, which is sometimes used in the treatment of stomatitis, provokes a change in the color of urine to bluish or green color dog urine. The last shade may indicate a large accumulation of pus and the release of bilirubin.
  • Bright yellow urine “speaks” of taking riboflavin (vit. B2) and is completely harmless; the color will disappear when the drug is discontinued.

Normally, a dog’s urine is transparent, the presence of salts, mucus, bacterial microflora, cellular elements causes cloudiness and may indicate problems with the kidneys or urinary tract.

The smell rarely changes, but the presence of the aroma of “meat slop” indicates the accumulation of a large amount of pathological microflora, and a sharp, concentrated aroma indicates prolonged stagnation of urine in bladder(for stenosis, blockage of the urethra).

Doctors at DobroVet VC most often diagnose the color of urine: red, brown, brown-black. The examination reveals macrohematuria (blood in the urine) or microhematuria (hemoglobin from the breakdown of red blood cells).

It is impossible to visually distinguish these two conditions; laboratory research. If the owner notices a reddish color in the pet’s urine, contact veterinary center must be immediate. Blood indicates the presence of acute pathologies: DIC syndrome, piroplasmosis, hemolytic poisoning, kidney damage.

With polyuria, the color of urine tends to be pale yellow; dark yellow, closer to an orange hue, indicates problems with the liver (hepatitis). High content Leukocytes give urine an abnormally yellow, milky color.

The color of strong black tea “comes out” if the dog has problems with gallbladder. When the glomeruli are damaged (glomerulonephritis), the color of the urine becomes reddish. Cloudy urine indicates severe inflammatory process in the urinary system, especially in the presence of flocculent inclusions.

What should the owner do?

When walking your pet on your own, or even just walking with the owner, it is almost impossible to notice a change in the color of the dog’s urine. The exception is exercise on pristine snow cover.

But if the breeder has established for sure that the color of the urine has changed, the first thing that needs to be done is to quickly analyze the situation with taking medications that affect the color change but do not harm health (food, vitamins, medications).

If such factors are absent, then a visit veterinarian will be necessary in any case. Only he can reliably voice why the dog’s urine is dark brown or transparent yellow; ignoring the symptoms can be life-threatening for the pet.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

The color of urine is one of the most important signs indicating certain diseases and pathologies. In a healthy animal, urine is usually a light yellow (straw) color. In this case, the liquid should be transparent and without turbidity. In general, the shade of the liquid depends on its density, the frequency of urination, its volume, as well as the presence of certain “dyes” that can enter the body different ways. The problem lies mainly in the fact that the owner rarely pays attention to this factor due to inattention or the fact that the color of urine is difficult to determine during a walk. However, if you do notice any changes, you should try to determine whether it is caused this symptom a disease or is a temporary consequence of fairly harmless and fleeting factors.

Factors affecting urine color

  • Diarrhea and vomiting. These factors affect the concentration, and therefore the color of the liquid, which becomes darker.
  • Excessive thirst, taking diuretics, kidney problems. They cause the liquid to brighten, making it light yellow and more transparent.
  • Taking certain medical supplies. Ingredients in some medications can affect the color of your urine in different ways. Like by-effect must be described in the instructions for use of the drug.
  • Food, namely vegetables such as beets or carrots.
  • Reception activated carbon for prevention purposes or in case of poisoning. In such cases, the urine turns brown.
  • Taking methylene blue, a drug widely used to treat stomatitis. Urine becomes greenish or bluish.
  • Taking riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, causes urine to turn bright yellow.

Diseases and pathologies affecting the color of urine

Polyuria is a disease characterized by increased urination due to the inability of the kidneys to retain normal amounts of fluid in the body. Typically causes dogs' urine to appear pale yellow in color.

Liver diseases, for example hepatitis. causes urine to appear dark yellow or even orange in color

Elevated white blood cell count – causes milky and abnormally light-colored urine

Hematuria is a pathology caused especially dangerous diseases, For example, acute poisoning. piroplasmosis or renal bleeding, usually marked by the appearance of blood in the urine and the liquid turning reddish.

Gallbladder disease causes urine to be the color of strong black tea.

Glomerulonephritis is a kidney disease characterized by damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. Provokes the appearance of a reddish tint to the secreted liquid.

Inflammation of the urinary tract usually causes cloudy urine. Flakes may also appear in the liquid.

My dog ​​has strange urine color, what should I do?

The information described above makes it clear that a change in the color of a dog’s urine can be caused by many different factors. First of all, the pet owner should analyze the pet’s diet and behavior - this symptom may be caused by eating certain foods, taking medications or vitamins. If this is completely excluded, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Only a specialist can carry out a number of necessary diagnostic measures, determine the disease or pathology that caused this clinical sign, and prescribe appropriate treatment. Ignoring the symptom can be life-threatening for the animal.

It is impossible to cure any disease without a previously made, accurately clarified diagnosis. Diagnostics includes a whole range of measures - urine analysis is one of the most important highly informative procedures. For dogs, as for people, the composition/color of urine is the most important diagnostic indicator. He can talk about a lot of things. If your dog has bloody urine, what to do? The veterinarian can only answer after comprehensive examination. Next, we will talk in detail about the causes, methods of diagnosis and methods of treatment of diseases that cause hematuria in dogs.

What is hematuria

Hematuria is the “scientific” name for a condition when a dog has a certain (more or less) but abnormal amount of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood.

Important! Owners should understand that the presence of blood in the urine does not always turn it bright red. With an increased number of red blood cells, the color is light pink, burgundy, cherry, and often even brown.

Urine may have this color if there is an increased number of red blood cells.

There are three types of hematuria in dogs:

  • Initial - the first portion of freshly released urine is colored with blood, the rest is light.
  • Middle – bloody issues from the urethra, regardless of whether he pees.
  • The final one is the first urine without blood, the rest contains an increased number of red blood cells.

A change in color to bright red or dark burgundy usually indicates the progression of a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this symptom is observed in cases of serious poisoning or the presence of various types of neoplasms genitourinary system animal.

What can you learn about a dog from its urination?

Amount/time of appearance of bloodimportant indicator. It determines possible reason pathology. But the veterinarian makes an accurate diagnosis only after a thorough examination of the animal. If necessary, special studies may be prescribed.

In males with illnesses prostate gland, and in bitches with pathologies of the uterus/vagina, red blood cells are increased in the urine itself (in its first portion), and blood can also be released from the urethra regardless of urination. In such cases, the symptom is clearly visible to the naked eye.

Kidney diseases always cause general malaise

If the cause of hematuria is a disease of the bladder/urethra, blood in the urine is clearly visible, especially if the dog has severe inflammation of these organs or the growth of a tumor is progressing. In such cases, hematuria is also accompanied by such severe symptoms - some pain, incontinence, and frequent urges are noticeable. At the same time, the pet feels good - appetite/activity is preserved, there are no changes in behavior.

Pathologies of the kidneys/ureters, especially in early stages, does not cause a visible increase in red blood cells in the urine. Hematuria is determined only after testing, although exceptions also occur. In addition, the dog’s well-being may deteriorate significantly, manifested by the following signs of general intoxication:

  • the dog eats poorly or refuses altogether;
  • there is thirst;
  • the pet may vomit;
  • lethargy and other manifestations of general malaise are recorded.

Important! There are certain times when burgundy color urine is not pathological sign– estrus, treatment with certain medications, adding foods that stain urine to the dog’s food, for example, beets.

Causes of hematuria

If your dog likes to eat beets, his urine may turn red. But there's nothing wrong with that.

There can be many reasons for this condition. Here are the main ones:

Mating can cause genital injuries

Video: a specialist talks in detail and clearly about the reasons for the development of hematuria

The dog has bloody urine, what to do with such symptoms?

If there is noticeable blood in the dog’s urine, it is released from the urethra regardless of urination - contact the clinic immediately. Accurate diagnosis in this situation will help preserve not only the health, but often the life of the pet. Hematuria in most cases is accompanied by other symptoms - carefully monitor the dog’s condition and behavior. This will help you accurately answer all the veterinarian's questions.

It will be great if you can provide the specialist with the following information:

  • about the color of urine;
  • How much control does the dog have over the urination process?
  • at what stages does hematuria appear (initial, middle, final);
  • whether there is pain;
  • in what position and how often does the dog pee, what is the volume of urine, what is the nature of the stream;
  • after which hematuria appeared;
  • whether there are changes in behavior.

Important! At the slightest suspicion of illness urinary system It is extremely necessary to carefully observe how often the dog pees. If long time urine does not pass - immediately see a veterinarian. Never treat an animal yourself. Hematuria is the most dangerous sign, indicating serious problems with health. Self-medication in in this case can cause not only complications, but sometimes even the death of the animal.

In addition to a general examination, the veterinarian may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures - x-rays, ultrasound, blood tests. For hematuria, a urine test will be required. You will need to collect it for research. Often owners are asked to do this themselves. Sometimes urine is collected using a special catheter right in the clinic.

How to collect dog urine for analysis

Without a urine test for hematuria, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made. When complaining of blood in the urine, the veterinarian will definitely ask you to collect it for analysis. How can this be done practically? Let’s say right away that the procedure is not easy – it often looks funny and strange.

It is highly advisable to wash the outside of the genitals with warm water before the procedure.

Even better - process antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine.

If you have a male, we collect urine as follows. While walking, we carefully approach the animal from the side/back. When the dog begins to mark, place a wide-necked jar or bottle under the stream. This should be done at any “stop”. Don't be angry, don't be nervous - everything will work out. If failure occurs immediately, the process is repeated for next days– so the dog will get used to it, and you will get used to it.

To take material for analysis from the “girl,” prepare a special device. Wash and dry a regular empty plastic bottle thoroughly - its size should be adjusted to the size of your pet. Close the lid tightly and cut off the bottom from the top. While walking, quietly approach the animal while urinating and place the device under the stream. In bitches, you can try collecting urine for analysis in a flat container.

general practitioner

The owner’s duty is not only to feed and walk his pet, but also to monitor the slightest changes in his health. The process of urination, its frequency, volume and appearance of urine does not escape the eyes of an attentive owner.

The parameters of urination and the properties of urine, which you and I can evaluate with the naked eye and determine using the sense of smell, are called physical properties urine.
The study of this group of properties is an integral part of a general clinical urine analysis - one of the important diagnostic tools of a veterinarian. A general clinical examination of urine can provide a lot of diagnostic information about the functioning of the organs of the urinary system and the general condition of the body. By using this study You can dynamically track changes in the course of many diseases and evaluate the response to treatment. An important condition is the correct collection of urine for analysis.

The first thing it is important for an animal owner to pay attention to is urination pattern. Let us dwell on this section in more detail, since the doctor cannot obtain this information on his own at the first appointment (unlike assessing the appearance of the urine itself if you bring it with you), he can only draw the appropriate conclusions from your words.

Changes in urinary frequency and amount of urine may help important symptom indicating a disease. They are expressed in an increase in the amount of urine (polyuria), a decrease (oliguria), or absence (anuria) of urine. And it is important not to confuse polyuria with urinary incontinence or frequent urination(pollakiuria), and oliguria and anuria with stranguria - difficult, frequent and painful urination. All this data can be obtained by direct observation of the animal during urination.

An increase in the amount of urine (polyuria) can occur with increased thirst (polydipsia), such animals feel a frequent urge to urinate and produce more urine per day. Very often, these two symptoms are associated with each other and appear with purulent inflammation of the uterus and other intoxications, diabetes, and renal failure.

A decrease in diuresis (oliguria) occurs with insufficient fluid intake, diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature, vomiting, diarrhea and other pathologies. A sharp decline diuresis, up to the complete cessation of urine excretion (anuria), is observed in diseases that cause acute renal failure(kidney disease, impaired urine outflow, heart failure, DIC syndrome, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis, poisoning, etc.).

Frequent urination can occur with cystitis, prostate diseases, vaginitis, and in an excited state. In addition, various neurological disorders, both local (for example, herniated disc, Cauda equina syndrome) and central origin, are often accompanied by both urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating, from rare involuntary urination to a complete inability to empty the bladder independently.

Urine color- Another one important sign, which can indicate to the owner that there is a problem. Normal urine is straw-yellow in color. The color is influenced by the concentration of urine (darker with diarrhea and vomiting, slightly colored with increased fluid intake, while taking diuretics, with a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine), application medicines, changing the color of urine (see instructions for use), some products (this mainly concerns vegetables - carrots, beets), which theoretically can be eaten by animals.

At various pathologies The color of urine can change to pale yellow (with polyuria), dark yellow, yellow-orange, up to the “color of beer” (with liver diseases), milky white (with an increased content of leukocytes, for example, with urinary tract infections). With such changes, it is necessary to undergo an analysis and establish the cause of the pathology.

The most common change in urine color is red, brown, brown-black. This can be observed when blood is released in the urine (macrohematuria) or hemoglobin (microhematuria), which appears when red blood cells break down. It is possible to distinguish these two states only laboratory methods. And since the cause of hematuria can be a very dangerous, fatal, acute disease (for example, poisoning with hemolytic poison, piroplasmosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, renal bleeding), you should immediately consult a doctor and submit a urine test to the laboratory.

Normal urine transparent. Cloudiness can be caused by the presence of salts, cellular elements, mucus, bacteria, and fats. A change in urine clarity may be one of the first signs urolithiasis or urinary tract infections. The cause of the turbidity is determined by microscopic and chemical examination.

Change smell urine is a fairly rare occurrence; a foul smell (the smell of “meat slop”) can appear when large quantities bacteria, sharp - with prolonged stagnation of urine in the bladder, for example, with blockage of the urinary tract.

Seeing any changes in urination patterns, urine color, or worsening general condition Your pet must see a doctor, tell about all your observations and conduct laboratory tests.

Changes in the health of your four-legged friend can affect not only his behavior, but also his physiological indicators. One of the clearest signals can be that it is important to determine in time whether this is the norm and what to do in such cases.

Should I be worried?

The health of your four-legged friend is reflected not only in his appetite and behavior, but also in the quality and quantity of daily bowel movements. There are often situations when a dog’s urine changes color and this greatly worries its owner. Such excitement is quite justified, since in most cases a change in the color of urine indicates the presence of one or more. In this case, it will be important to pay attention not only to the color, but also to other points - the volume of liquid, possible smell.

In this case, a visit to the veterinarian will not be superfluous, but you should not worry too much - often the color of the urine changes due to the fact that you are currently giving your dog any medications that can cause such a side effect, or your four-legged friend is using eating too many coloring vegetables like carrots or beets.

Possible causes related to diseases

If your pet's urine has turned bright yellow or yellow-orange, up to almost full orange color, most often this signals problems with the liver. Also, a similar color can be caused by nearby infectious diseases, including leptospirosis. A red or brownish-red hue in urine in dogs appears when there is breakdown of red blood cells in the blood - most often it is caused by piroplasmosis. In general, a red tint indicates an admixture of blood in the urine, which is very dangerous and can be an indicator of a rapid infection, poisoning or internal trauma. Take a closer look at additional symptoms like or - this will help the veterinarian recognize the disease faster.

If the urine turns milky white, send your dog for a blood test: it is likely that the level of white blood cells has increased, and this often happens with pyelonephritis. It is also possible that urine may become almost colorless and transparent - this indicates polyuria (excessive urine production) or diabetes mellitus.

It is worth additionally noting that if, in addition to color, urine also has a sharp, foul odor, this may indicate bacterial infection V urinary tract your pet, or about stagnation of urine, which is also not very pleasant for the dog.

In any case, if the color of your dog’s urine alarms you, or this symptom is accompanied by other changes in health (for example, appeared or), you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian.