Triz in kindergarten. triz-technologies in kindergarten. triz system. What is triz

In technology, there good method, which allows you to "scientifically" invent and improve items from the wheel to the computer and the aircraft. It is called TRIZ (theory of solution inventive problems). I studied TRIZ for a while at MEPhI, and then attended Alexander Kudryavtsev's courses at Baumanka.

Example in production

The initial state of the system. The enterprise operates as an experimental design production.

Influence factor. Competitors have appeared on the market that make similar products, but faster and cheaper with the same quality.

Crisis (Contradiction). To do faster and cheaper, you need to produce the most standardized products. But, releasing only standardized products, the company loses the market, as it can produce only a small number of standard items.

Crisis resolution happens according to the following scenario :

The correct formulation of the ideal end result (IFR)- the enterprise produces an infinitely large range of products at zero cost and instantly;

area of ​​conflict: docking of sales and production: for sales there should be a maximum range, for production - one type of product;

conflict resolution methods: transition from macro to micro level: at the macro level - infinite diversity, at the micro level - standardization;

decision: maximum standardization and simplification in production - several standard modules that can be assembled in large numbers combinations for the client. Ideally, the client does the configuration for himself, for example, through the site.

The new state of the system. Production of a small number of standardized modules and customized configuration by the customer himself. Examples: Toyota, Ikea, Lego.

Law No. 7 of the transition to the supersystem (mono-bi-poly)

having exhausted the possibilities of development, the system is included in the supersystem as one of the parts; wherein further development goes already at the level of the supersystem.

Phone with call function – > Phone with call and sms function -> Phone as part of an ecosystem connected to the AppStore (iphone)

Another example is the entry of an enterprise into a supply chain or a holding and development at a new level.

one company - two companies - management company.

one module - two modules - ERP system

Law No. 8 of the transition from the macro level to the micro level

the development of parts of the system goes first at the macro level, and then at the micro level.

Phone->Cell phone->Chip in the brain or in contact lenses.

First, a common value proposition is searched for and sales are made, and then the “sales funnel” and each step of the sales funnel, as well as micro-movements and user clicks, are optimized.

In factories, they start with synchronization between shops. When this optimization resource is exhausted, intrashop optimization is performed, then the transition to each workplace, up to micromotions of operators.

Law #9 Transition to More Manageable Resources

The development of systems goes in the direction of managing more and more complex and dynamic subsystems.

There is famous phrase Mark Andreessen - “Software is Eating the World” (software is eating the planet). At first, computers were controlled at the hardware level - electronic relays, transistors, etc. Then low-level programming languages ​​like Assembler appeared, then more languages high levels– Fortran, C, Python. Management is not up to par individual teams, but at the level of classes, modules and libraries. Music and books began to be digitized. Later, computers connected to the network. Further, people, televisions, refrigerators, microwave ovens, telephones were connected to the network. Intellect, living cells began to be digitized.

Law #10 self-assembly laws

Avoiding systems that need to be created, thought through and controlled in detail. Transition to "self-assembled" systems

4 self-assembly rules:

  1. External continuous source of energy (information, money, people, demand)
  2. Approximate similarity of elements (blocks of information, types of people)
  3. The presence of attraction potential (people are drawn to communicate with each other)
  4. Presence of external shaking (creating crises, cutting off funding, changing rules)

According to this scheme, cells self-assemble from DNA. We are all the results of self-assembly. Startups grow into large companies also according to the laws of self-assembly.

Small and clear rules at the micro level translate into complex organized behavior at the macro level. For example, the rules traffic for each driver are poured into an organized flow on the track.

The simple rules of ant behavior result in the complex behavior of the entire anthill.

The creation of some simple laws at the state level (increase / decrease in taxes,% on loans, sanctions, etc.), changes the configuration of many companies and industries

Law No. 11 increasing the curtailment of the system

Functions that no one uses - die off. Functions are combined

Collapse Rule 1. An element can be collapsed if there is no object for the function it performs. A startup can be closed if a client or value proposition is not found. For the same reason, when the goal is achieved, the system falls apart.

Collapse Rule 2: An element can be collapsed if the function object itself performs the function. Travel agencies may be closed, as customers themselves look for tours, book tickets, buy tours, etc.

Convolution rule 3. An element can be collapsed if the function is performed by the remaining elements of the system or supersystem.

Law No. 12 the law of the displacement of man

Over time, a person becomes an extra link in any developed system. There is no person, but the functions are performed. Robotization manual operations. Vending machines for self-issuance of goods, etc.

From this point of view, perhaps in vain Elon Musk is trying to populate Mars with people through physical transportation. It's long and expensive. Most likely, colonization will occur through information.

Sooner or later, any company finds itself in tough conditions of survival in a highly competitive market. We need a rapid increase in sales. One of the most effective ways solving such problems is the application of TRIZ methods. It is thanks to them that our partners increased the company's turnover by 500% in a short time. How to competently use TRIZ models in sales management?

Pavel Volodin,

consultant, Billion

In this article you will learn:

    Where is the TRIZ system applicable?

    Three tools for making logical decisions

TRIZ system 1 in sales are original and, if possible, budget solutions. With her help big company managed to increase sales turnover by 6 times. When there was a problem with sales, it was possible to go the usual way - to increase the pool of customers and increase the volume of delivery. However, the choice fell on TRIZ techniques and methods. Analysts have found that in this situation it is enough to stabilize cash flow. This requires that money be received 24 hours a day (the company with different suppliers had a difference in time zones, a “dead” time interval appeared in work, and there were interruptions in the transfer of money). We decided to organize several warehouses in other regions, closer to problematic suppliers. Almost all commercial directors use TRIZ, but most often they do it on a whim. Let's look at three TRIZ tools used in sales management.

1 - TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) was developed by the inventor Heinrich Altshuller. Explores the mechanisms of development of technical and other systems in order to create practical methods that allow solving problems of any level of complexity. - Ed.

TRIZ system. Tool 1. Causal chain

It is effective in creating a graphical model for solving a problem with the construction of a certain hierarchical structure. Two years ago, sales statistics of a large company (electrotechnical products) in St. Petersburg showed a sharp skew compared to sales in other regions. Expensive products were sold much better in St. Petersburg, and equipment of a lower price segment, sales of which in other offices accounted for the lion's share of turnover, went badly. Such jumps had a negative impact on annual planning and trade logistics - periodically there were problems in warehouses (deficit of products of a high price segment and overstocking of a warehouse with low-budget products).

Best Article of the Month

We have prepared an article that:

✩show how tracking programs help protect the company from theft;

✩ tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explain how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

It was necessary to understand how to increase sales in the low-budget segment. We started with the use of a marketing resource: the company held several conferences in the region together with partners, invested significant budgets in advertising. A program of additional discounts for products in this segment was developed and launched. Special attention the management also paid attention to the work of managers, but there were no blunders here. However Taken measures did not give the desired result.

  • Deferred Demand: Ways to Stimulate Seasonal Buying

The company involved specialists in the TRIZ method to solve the problem. First of all, it was necessary to answer the question why the equipment of the low price segment in St. Petersburg is sold poorly. The experts listed several possible reasons. The presented options formed a tree of mini-tasks ( picture 1). Often the branches of the tree connected and intersected - this is a completely normal phenomenon, which allowed us to group mini-tasks. For each group, the question "How to solve this mini-problem?" was formulated, which formed the basis of interviews with the company's clients. The interview helped answer two questions: “Do I need to solve this problem?” and “If necessary, how exactly?”. During the interview, additional mini-tasks were identified that are important for clients. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that great value for this segment of equipment had proximity to the "big water" - the Baltic. Most electrical products were installed outdoors. Low-budget devices had a low dust and moisture protection coefficient - condensate accumulated in them due to high air humidity, and they failed more often. Therefore, many consumers preferred to buy more expensive devices that are additionally protected from moisture penetration. A deep understanding of the cause of the problem helped the company find an inexpensive and effective solution- competently plan the saturation of the warehouse in this region, which was reflected in changes in warehouse stocks and logistics.

Techniques and methods of TRIZ. Tool 2. Nine-Screen Matrix

For some time we worked with a company that supplies road construction equipment. This is a complex and highly competitive market, which the company began to develop recently, but has already managed to take its place there. However, the work to expand the coverage of the market did not stop, on the contrary, it began to make additional efforts, which required investments. It is necessary to find such competitive advantages that could present the equipment in an undeniably more favorable light for the customer.

To solve this problem, a system operator, or a nine-screen model, was used. In order to work objectively, the life cycle of one of the units of construction equipment - a grader - was described in detail.

It was decided to conduct a detailed study of the matrix according to the TRIZ system. Vertical analysis (screens are considered vertically) allows understanding the relationship between the dynamics of changes in characteristics and operating conditions. For example, if on an object, A ( screen 4) high humidity (construction is carried out on the shore of a lake or sea), then the wear of the grader ( screen 5) can occur faster - high humidity can disable a number of mechanisms ( screen 6). We analyzed the graders of competitors, it turned out that this feature is typical for the entire class of equipment. But this fact, negative from the point of view of specifications, beat in their favor. To the logical question of customers why a Chinese grader costs 20% less, there was a quite obvious answer. The repair of the presented grader costs the client 30% cheaper than the repair of Chinese equipment, which is associated with the price of components. Plus, a simple Chinese grader at the time of repair (delivery of parts takes some time). With the help of these arguments, we managed to convince customers of the expediency of working with our products.

  • How to sell expensive goods: installment program for customers

Horizontal analysis allows you to delve into another direction - exploitation. For example, analyzing the transportation of a grader from object A to object B ( screen 5 - screen 8), we noticed an advantage in the technical characteristics of the grader (screen 2) compared to competitors. It turned out that our grader, when folded, is 0.3 m lower than any other. Thus, during transportation, it passed under bridges, being on a conventional platform, while for transporting competitors' equipment, low-profile platforms were required. Ordering low profile platforms is a waste of time and an increase in the cost of transportation. So the company got competitive advantage“out of thin air”, which brought a significant economic effect - there was no need to change logistics, as is the case with graders of competitors.

TRIZ system. Tool 3. The method of intersecting trends

One of our partners faced next situation. The company hired employees and invested in their education. Over time, the salary also increased. But at some point, the skill level of these workers reached a certain level, and their value in the labor market increased significantly. The employer did not have the opportunity to increase their salary to the average market level according to their qualifications. As a rule, such specialists left the company. Newcomers who took their place often had to start all over again. Naturally, the process was accompanied for the company by the loss of money and time spent on training and adaptation of new employees.

  • Dumping: The Hidden Dangers of Selling Under Prices

TRIZ methods came to the rescue. Two trends were built - the growth of qualifications and the expected growth wages. Where they intersect is where the problem arises. Obviously, at the beginning of the career path in the company, the employee not only does not expect a salary increase - he believes that he is overpaid. This stage is fruitful for binding to the company - as a rule, the employee understands that he must deserve the preferences provided by the employer, and the chance that he will leave this place tends to zero. Obviously, the loyalty program should also differ from similar programs (you won’t surprise anyone with a VHI policy or a subscription to a fitness club), which will make it possible to distinguish the company from the mass of employers.

To increase motivation, the program included such items as the opportunity to discuss the problem directly with a top manager and contacting a corporate lawyer on personal issues, such as registration of property, assistance in an accident (the lawyer was paid a separate bonus for the provision of services). Each employee could, bypassing the immediate supervisor, at a certain time call to CEO with a particular issue (for example, relating to relationships in the team).

Information about the author and company

Pavel Volodin Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Department of information technologies) in 2012 and the Moscow Public Institute of Technical Creativity (qualification - "TRIZ specialist of the third level"). Experience in TRIZ technology since 2010.

"Billion" specializes in conducting marketing research market, as well as on the development and conduct of trainings for companies implementing a technically complex product and solutions based on it. On the market since 2008. Partners: Ideal Solutions, Vizavi-consult, SRC Business School. Official site -

Once created in the USSR, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) almost lost its popularity in the 90s of the last century. But now TRIZ technologies are again gaining popularity in science, industry and even in the humanities. Today, Heinrich Altshuller's "Soviet theory of invention" is being studied at universities different countries world, and gradually it returns to domestic scientific and educational activities.

After passing the TRIZ classes offered in this training, you will be able to gain basic knowledge of solving inventive problems. You will learn about the constituent elements, methods, techniques, programs of Altshuller's theory, get acquainted with examples of the use of TRIZ. And most importantly, our lessons will teach you how to apply the skills of effective invention in your work.

What is TRIZ?

Theory of inventive problem solving(TRIZ) is a set of algorithms and methods created by the Soviet inventor Genrikh Altshuller and his followers to improve the creative process of scientists.

TRIZ- is not only, although it contains recommendations for improving the creative process. Altshuller's theory is aimed at solving the so-called inventive problems. Inventive task - difficult task, for the solution of which it is necessary to identify and resolve the contradictions that lie in the depths of the problem, i.e. identify the root cause (root of the problem) and eliminate this cause. This requires special skills and technologies, which will be discussed in the lessons of our online course.

Application of TRIZ

The main task of TRIZ, according to the author of this theory, is to help scientists-inventors quickly find solutions to creative problems from various fields of knowledge. TRIZ allows solving many creative problems. In accordance with the opinion of people who have studied Altshuller's theory, knowledge of TRIZ provides the following advantages (according to the book "Fundamentals of TRIZ"):

  • Ability to identify the essence of the problem;
  • The ability to correctly determine the main directions of the search, not missing many points that you usually pass by;
  • Knowledge of how to systematize the search for information on the choice of tasks and the search for directions for solutions.
  • Learn to find ways to move away from traditional solutions;
  • Ability to think logically, alogically and systematically;
  • Significantly improve the efficiency of creative work;
  • Reduce decision time
  • Look at things and phenomena in a new way;
  • TRIZ gives impetus to inventive activity;
  • TRIZ broadens one's horizons.

Some people argue that the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving can only be useful in the exact sciences. This is partly true: the theory was created and was sharpened precisely for technical application. But knowledge of TRIZ will undoubtedly help application in the humanities and in business, due to the fact that the basis of the TRIZ methodology is universal for any creative tasks.

How to learn it

If you have tried to understand TRIZ on your own, you have probably encountered a number of problems.

  • Firstly , educational materials TRIZ needs to be adapted to today's tasks, including not only technical, but also humanitarian ones.
  • Secondly , the TRIZ methods described in many textbooks are poorly structured for the process of studying this theory.

This training, which consists of several lecture notes, is aimed at presenting the basics of TRIZ and the possibilities of applying this theory to solve any creative problem.

Purpose of this course- structure the material, put all the TRIZ elements on the shelves, combine everything into single system. main idea classes and lessons in this section of the 4brain website - to make TRIZ accessible to everyone. Teaching the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving should be understandable and exciting. The key task of our classes is to provide a knowledge base, as well as links to necessary materials for deepening into various areas of TRIZ.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

TRIZ lessons

The theory of invention, created by Heinrich Altshuller, and later supplemented by his students and followers, has formed its own fairly strict structure. The classical TRIZ structure, which is given on most specialized websites and books, looks like this:

  • Laws of development of technical systems.
  • Algorithms for solving inventive problems: algorithms, techniques and methods.
  • TRIZ analysis methods: Su-field analysis, FSA, diversion analysis, system analysis other.
  • Methods creative development individuals and teams.
  • An information fund consisting of numerous tables, applications, lists that help in technical creativity.

The lessons of this online course are aimed at mastering these basic parts of the “theory of invention”. Each lesson corresponds to a certain component of TRIZ. The lesson plan looks like this:

How long will the training take?

In general, there are no special developmental exercises in TRIZ that should be used to develop the skill of successfully solving inventive problems. Although TRIZ has a separate area for the development of creative imagination and inventiveness in creative teams, a separate section “Creative Thinking” is devoted to this area on our website.

Therefore, TRIZ training is associated with the study and memorization of algorithms and techniques, as well as their improvement and practical application. You can learn TRIZ all your life, constantly polishing your own algorithms. But you can get acquainted with the basic methods in 1-2 weeks of intensive or 1 month of moderate study.

…I would like to warn against the opinion that sometimes develops that one has only to get acquainted with TRIZ and the efficiency of your work will instantly increase. It is not that simple. To master TRIZ, you need to invest a lot of work, as in the study of any other science. Bringing the use of TRIZ to automatism requires even greater efforts. But I hope this warning doesn't stop you.

We wish you success in mastering TRIZ!

"There is nothing easier than to study what is interesting," these words are attributed to the famous scientist Albert Einstein, a man who is used to thinking in an original and unconventional way. However, today very few students consider the learning process to be something exciting and exciting, and, unfortunately, such antipathy is already manifested in early age child. What should educators do to overcome depression? educational process? How to help children grow into thinking individuals from kindergarten? Many teachers have learned from their own experience that the TRIZ system - the theory of inventive problem solving - is an effective assistant in achieving these goals. What is its essence? How can this technique be applied in practice? kindergarten?

The main concept of the technique

Initially, Heinrich Altshuller developed his theory to solve technical and engineering problems. However, over time, the basic principles migrated to pedagogy, gaining more and more new fans every year. The TRIZ system in teaching children is a practical help for a child to find best solution given task or situation. The principle is this: "There is a problem - solve it yourself", but not through trial and error, but through an algorithm of reflections that lead the child to the best solution.

Difference from standard teaching approaches

Classical pedagogy assumes that the child simply copies or imitates the actions of the teacher.

According to developmental pedagogy, the child has great freedom to think independently, but still the key decision is in the hands of the teacher. We illustrate these approaches with an example.

Let's assume that all children have the same cups. How to remember yours? The classic approach: the teacher gives each individual sticker, sticks it on his cup and asks the children to repeat this action. TRIZ will look like this: to encourage the child to invent and find differences on his own cup. Does it take more time? Perhaps. However, the child's fantasy can amaze with its originality and inexplicability, and this will be his personal meaningful decision.

Practical application in kindergarten

In order to successfully apply TRIZ in kindergarten, it is important for the teacher to be well versed in such concepts as the principle of contradictions, the use of all resources, the ideal final result and so on. However, it is not necessary to describe the technical arsenal of TRIZ - let it be better to have more practice. For example, a child's toy is broken. Using the principle of contradictions, you can clarify whether this is good or bad. The answer is likely to be "bad". Then the use of all comes into force, but how can it be used now? How is the stand? Or is it a supercar that can ride on three wheels?

An example of applying the technique in kindergarten

TRIZ techniques in kindergarten do not require a specially allotted time - this is a matter of thinking and approach to children. For example, when reading a fairy tale with children, you can analyze the line of behavior of the protagonist.

Referring to the classic nursery rhyme about the steer, "The board is running out, I'm about to fall," you can encourage children to think about the following questions: How can you help the steer not fall? Let him stop. But he needs to move on, what to do? Attach another board and so on. The main thing is not to make decisions instead of the child, but to teach him to think and analyze the situation with different parties and in terms of efficiency. TRIZ technologies in kindergarten can bring pleasure to the teacher himself.

So, if you are already inspired and eager to reflect with your wards in this way, then carefully read the following tips.

Skillful use of TRIZ in kindergarten

Having already a basic understanding of what the TRIZ methodology is in kindergarten, and keeping these tips in mind, you can safely disassemble some games. Children will not only like them, but will also clothe the whole theory into reality.

Who lives in a teremochka?

Target: teach the child the elements of analysis, encourage him to notice common signs by comparing them.

Need: colorful images of various objects, for example: a pear, a pen, a house, a backpack, a saucepan, a flower, and so on. You can make these blanks yourself or make them with your children. A large box or wardrobe is ideal for a tower - the imagination of the children will tell them everything else.

Introduction: recall the fairy tale "Teremok" with the children and offer to play it the way they do in the country of Changelings.

Game progress: every child with eyes closed draws his drawing and plays for the drawn object. The host chooses the owner of the tower - the king of the Changelings, who called his friends to a feast. The characters take turns approaching the tower. The first invitee asks the question:

Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?

I am ... (calls himself, for example, a flower). And who are you?

And I - ... (calls himself, for example, a pear). Will you let me into the teremok?

I'll let you in if you tell me how you look like me.

The guest carefully compares the two drawings and names the common points found. For example, he can say that both a flower and a pear have a branch. After that, the first participant enters the tower, and the next guest is already knocking on the owner. It is important to maintain a friendly atmosphere: if someone cannot answer, then the rest of the children help.


Target: train attention, the ability to see all the necessary resources.

Before the game it is important to include TRIZ elements. In kindergarten, this is not difficult to do, since a huge number of various objects are offered to the child's attention. One might ask, pointing to an object, "What is this cup for? What is the door for? What is this pillow for?"

Introduction: tell children about absent-minded and forgetful people who confuse and forget everything (do not forget to make an educational conclusion). And then ask: who wants to help the confused monkeys? Further, the game can be played in two ways at will.

  1. The host will be Masha. Looking around in confusion, he says:

What happened?

I lost (names some object, for example, a spoon). What am I going to eat soup now (or call any other action)?

Sympathetic helpers begin to offer their own ways to solve the problem: you can take a cup and drink yushka, and then eat everything else with a fork, etc.

2. The development of the game takes place in the same way as in the first one, but the role of Masha-Confusion is played by different children, and not just the leader. For example, whoever suggested the best alternative to a lost item becomes Masha. Thus, the activity of all participants in the game is ensured.

The role of play in child development

These are just two illustrative examples that illustrate how effective TRIZ methods are, of course, they can be very diverse, for the teacher there is complete freedom of imagination. But if at first something doesn’t work out very well, this is not a reason to give up. The game for the development of a child aged 3 to 7 years is of tremendous importance, because it is in it that the child imitates the surrounding social roles, so you should try to learn how to combine TRIZ technologies with the game. In kindergarten, this is especially important, believe me, the result is worth it.

What age to start

There are no strict rules and specific restrictions in this matter. However, it is important to remember that already from the first years of his life, the child begins to face situations that require him to search for rational decision. Probably, many of us were eyewitnesses or participants in such a conversation:

Mom, light!

Olya, a chair!

Here is TRIZ. Although, of course, that mother in this case was unaware of the approach she was now taking. She simply helped the child solve the problem, prompting him to reflect and use all the resources available to him.

It is all the more important to use TRIZ technologies in kindergarten when a trained teacher works with children. Of course, everyone will have their own successes: some kid is better at sculpting, not drawing, while another is the opposite. However, both have a positive impact on its development. Similarly, TRIZ technologies in any case will have a beneficial effect on the mental and mental development of the child. So is it worth the hassle?

The influence of the technique on the type of worldview of the child

AT preschool age the child does not yet have a formed worldview. Therefore, at this stage, the role of TRIZ in kindergarten is to develop analytical and comparative thinking, the ability to find possible solutions and choose the best ones.

However, in the future, such mental training will form not just a thinking person, but someone who is always able to develop. This is not a narrow-minded who gives up and is lost in the face of difficulties. No, it is the kind of thinking that is aware of past wrong conclusions and hypotheses, but continues to move forward with confidence. It is these qualities that are so valued in modern society. A purposeful person, if he sees a dead corner in front of him, then, after analyzing, he will understand that it may be made of plasticine or paper, and will overcome it, spending additional strength.

Choice for everyone

Of course, each parent or teacher will decide for himself how to deal with children. However, it is always useful to reflect: how do I want to see my child or the wards entrusted to me? If all aspirations and efforts are directed only to satisfy physical needs and give a minimum store of knowledge, then will a thinking and versatile personality grow? In our age of fuss and intense pace, it is sometimes difficult to learn something new, but the result is worth it! In any case, climbing a mountain begins with the first step. And who knows what hidden possibilities and huge potential can be discovered in oneself using TRIZ? The main thing is not to be afraid to break teaching stereotypes and look for new approaches. Of course, no one can become a perfect teacher, but you can constantly strive for this goal!

November 3, 2016 at 20:00

The theory of solving inventive problems on the fingers

  • Algorithms,
  • Entertaining puzzles

Imagine you are faced with the problem of how to improve something, or how to make something work. How to come up with something new? For this, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving was invented. In this topic, I will try to tell on my fingers what it is about

For warm-up

Life situation: in good weather, the windows in the apartment should be open, but if it rains outside, then it will be necessary to close them. We have no desire to follow this and close them ourselves. What solution comes to mind?
An interesting fact: we always come up with things that we have already seen, or just some ready-made solutions.

The correct statement of the problem

One of the first problems that everyone faced was not understanding the condition. For a given problem, you need to build alternative questions that also solve the problem.

For example: to find an inexpensive express method for detecting air leaks in a car tire (this is a problem as given by the PKD).

Alternative questions (this is a problem as understood (PKP)):

  • How to find a leak in a tire
  • How to predict the possible location of a tire leak
  • How to find a way to fix a leak in a tire
The first option is clearer than the original one, as it is more specific. The more specific the problem is, the easier it is to solve.

Solution enumeration activation method

There are many ways to activate a variable approach to solving inventive problems (in case you need to come up with a specific new one, and not new way use of what already exists). Here are the main ones:
  1. Morphological method
    We create a table where the axes are important parameters and characteristics for us. For each axis, we describe the possible achievements of this characteristic. Thus, choosing one method from each axis, you can choose the most correct and best option solutions for the entire technical system.
  2. Rethinking the task
    The same problem can be solved in different ways depending on the goal. For example: it is necessary that the ram does not break when it collides with the door.
    You can change the material of the ram; try to make the battering ram stronger from hitting the door (like rams and their horns on impact).
  3. analogy method
    Direct analogy: any similar situation or problem solved in another field of activity, science or nature.
    Personal analogy: an attempt to look at the task, identifying oneself with the object, an attempt to enter into its image, to find personal analogies in the experience of a person.


Consider an ordinary cup. If you pour boiling water into it, then it will become hot on its own, and it will not be easy to hold it in your hands. But we want to use it!
Let's formulate the problem (a contradiction. After all, it is the contradiction that forces us to solve the problem): We need to be able to pour something hot into the cup, and not scald while picking it up.

What are we working with?

One way to keep the temperature of the poured liquid without letting the cup heat up is to make it from a thicker material. This will not lead to significant changes in production, other than additional material costs. A similar decision would be to change the material from which the cup is made.

What if there are other options? You can make sure that the cup has a non-heating place. This idea led to the creation of cup handles.

The cup remained a cup and gained almost no weight. Additional costs are minimal as the handle is made from the same material.

Why not do otherwise?

Of course, these are not the only ways to solve the problem. Except one BUT. How easier solution the easier it is to apply.

A technical object is ideal if it does not exist, and the function is executed
In other words, a solution is best if it requires nothing more than what we have in the condition.

Solutions for other areas

At times some tasks that were a big problem long time in one area have already been resolved in another.

Small example

Being in complete darkness, you need to navigate in space. If we can't see, then who can? (we immediately form a contradiction in ourselves: a person cannot see in the dark, but he needs to be able to navigate in it).

Here you can recall animals that feel good in the dark. This role is most claimed by cats and the bats. In the first option, at least a weak light source (direct or reflected) is needed. And in the case of a bat, light is not needed at all, they move with the help of reflected sound.

On the example of bats, echolocators were made, but night vision goggles were based on the ability of cats to navigate in low light.

Another interesting example

And another example from the animal world: how to get rid of lacing in clothes? One of the good solutions is to tie the clothes with an additional patch of this very clothes, which formed the basis of most dressing gowns.

The second fairly common solution is to use fasteners instead of fasteners, a variant of which are Velcro (their prototype at one time was the burdock fruit).


Brief scheme of TRIZ application in general view can be represented as:

1. Define the task and formulate it (the problem is given and the problem is understood)
2. Find a contradiction and what prevents you from solving the problem (what is the problem of the situation)
3. Allocate the resources that we have
4. Apply existing decision techniques (in space, time screen, decision from other areas, and so on)
5. Analyze the solution and see if it can be improved

I hope that despite the brevity, I was able to explain in in general terms what TRIZ is (or at least prompted them to find out more).