The best vitamin and mineral complex for women. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Side effects of sports vitamins for men

No one will deny the benefits of vitamins for the body. In our age of speed and fast food, many experience a deficiency of them, and hence health problems. If useful substances a person receives little, he often gets sick, loses vitality, and ages early. Representatives of the stronger sex especially often neglect their health. And vitamins are just as important for men as they are for women.

Vitamin A is fat soluble, which means too much vitamin A can lead to liver damage, headaches, nausea, and even death. While most multivitamins do not contain anywhere near the upper limit for vitamin A, you should avoid getting 100% of your vitamin A from a supplemental form, since you will also be getting it from your diet.

Too much vitamin C can potentially lead to stomach upset. Most fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, especially fruits such as oranges, kiwis and strawberries. A good multivitamin can help fill any gaps as needed. Less stress, eat better, exercise better, sleep more and you'll be on your way to an energetic life!

This article covers the topic of vitamins for adult men in as much detail as possible. Here is information about what elements are needed and the benefits of each of them. Advice on choosing medications is provided. Recommendations were given for different age categories of representatives strong half humanity. A review was also conducted vitamin complexes with information about their main purpose.

Vitamins from the garden

Vitamins are necessary for the human body to remain healthy and active. In the century, the importance of various vitamins was not yet known. He became a hell hunter when typical symptoms of Beri Beri occurred in chickens, patients and staff at a military hospital. Everyone ate white refined rice.

Vitamins are found in many foods. If you eat vitamins, your health is good. Since there is a large number of vitamins, it is especially important that the diet is very comprehensive, varied and balanced. But which vegetables or fruits have a high percentage of vitamins? On many vitamins you can find out which vitamins are present in fruits. Vitamins provide many benefits that they are involved in a wide variety of processes in the body. Every body needs vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

How to make the right choice

Buying the first drug you come across, hoping that it will help with everything in the world is stupid. It is important to choose the right vitamins. And for this you need to take into account many factors. For example, these:

  • features of lifestyle, diet;
  • age;
  • the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers many inexpensive and effective drugs. They can solve a wide variety of health problems or become reliable prevention. And there are imported expensive brands.

In addition, defense forces are being mobilized. Unlike animals, humans cannot produce all vitamins. This is why we must eat a vitamin-balanced diet to avoid deficiency symptoms. An increased need for the vitamin can also be very beneficial during a serious illness, during pregnancy or a specific life situation. It is then advisable that in addition to a healthy diet, sufficient vitamins are also taken. You have to be careful because too many vitamins are also harmful to the body.

Some vitamins are especially important

In order for the body to develop adequate defenses and remain healthy, many minerals, nutrients and vitamins are very important. Choosing the right vitamins can be very important. The body cannot produce all the vitamins, so many people take vitamin supplements and pay attention to a healthy diet. Vitamin A, for example, is found in carrots. This vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin, so always add a little fat, such as cream, butter, or butter, to your carrots.

It should be remembered that cost and country of origin are not always an indicator of quality. It often happens that domestic, affordable products turn out to be better than foreign ones. Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on this factor. How to buy popular, widely advertised products without looking. After all, a bright “wrapper” does not necessarily hide a quality product.

Otherwise, our body could not absorb the vitamin. Vitamin E is found in wheatgrass. Therefore, whole grains are important for healthy eating. Adults consume 12 milligrams of vitamin E daily. It is found especially strongly in Sanddoorn. Even lemons or oranges can't keep up. Citrus fruits are considered the most vitamin-rich food for many people.

Those who want to eat a balanced and healthy meal should take it once a week. Vitamin study researchers found clear words: “Widespread use food additives is in no way justified based on the available evidence,” they wrote in the article, which appeared in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The reason: proven nutritional supplements would shorten life, not lengthen it. They had to indicate which vitamins and minerals they took as dietary supplements. In the evaluation, the researchers found a link between deaths and dietary supplements: the risk of death increased by 18 percent with copper and 3 to 6 percent for other drugs.

Anyone who goes to the pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, not knowing which vitamins to choose, must approach the issue extremely responsibly. It is necessary to study the instructions, paying attention to the date of issue, shelf life; analyze the composition (it is quite possible that for this particular man some ingredient is contraindicated or not needed).

Women who did not take these supplements were considered the control group. However, the study noted a tick: individual health subjects were not discussed. While critics see the study's biggest weakness, the authors say the results are significant.

Are there any other investigations?

Only positive result could tell scientists: regular calcium intake can prolong life. Surprisingly, as the results may sound, they are not new. Subjects either received the antioxidant beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, or a matching placebo. While 10.5% of participants died in the placebo group, the vitamin group still accounted for 13.1%.

Drugs covering 100% daily norm, a man whose diet is balanced does not need to take vitamins. After all, he gets many useful elements from food. Vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable here, providing the body with 50 percent of the necessary substances.

Important! It is best to buy vitamins in consultation with a specialist. This will guarantee that the vitamin complex for men will be selected correctly.

Are vitamin supplements useful?

“We now know that in general taking vitamin supplements is not recommended,” he also says. However, there are people for whom nutritional supplements can compensate for possible deficiencies. These include pregnant women, nurses, children, vegetarians, the elderly or the sick. With them, recording may be helpful, but this should be done in consultation with a doctor. They advise against self-medication.

Here, mostly men took drugs in too high doses. Of course, vitamins are important, they are responsible for a number of important functions body. But the offer is also possible without food additives. The solution sounds very trivial: our vitamins and minerals are important to us. It is exactly in a form that is suitable for our body. Since the vitamins are isolated in tablets, they are taken in food in combination with many other, as yet unknown, substances that also contribute to the effect. Here again the recommendation applies: a varied, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables provides our body with sufficient vitamins.

Purely men's vitamins

Anyone who thinks that representatives of the stronger and weaker sexes need the same nutrients is mistaken. Experts highlight essential vitamins For men's health. Here are the top best vitamins for the male body:

Raw fruits and vegetables naturally provide most vitamins. But also on the stove. Balanced combination Contains all eight B vitamins, as well as a complex of vitamins. Loss of energy and impotence fatigue difficulty concentrating forgetfulness depressed mood irritation dizziness pallor.

  • Very good use.
  • Active vitamin compounds.
  • It's easy to take just one tablet a day.
Have you spotted one or more of these signs? Then targeted intake of B vitamins may be reasonable.

  1. E. Supports blood vessels, gives vitality, improves potency.
  2. C. Reduces cholesterol levels. Very important for men who smoke.
  3. B. Indispensable for nerves, genitourinary system, vision.
  4. A. Activates testosterone production, prevents cancer, increases potency. Must be included in a multivitamin complex for men.

Daily intake of vitamins: E - 22.5 g; C – 60 mg; B – 25 mg; A – 3 mg. These indicators should be taken into account when choosing a drug.

Because the human body is not capable of producing vitamins on its own. Alone through diet, sufficient intake of vitamin B is often difficult, since there is often simply no time to always have access to vitamins and freshly prepared food.

For example, they play a central role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and ensure adequate utilization of these macronutrients. In addition, some B vitamins contribute to normal energy metabolism and affect the nervous and immune system. Note.

Comment! Men should not buy complexes with iron (especially those with high iron content)! This element is more needed by women. Its excess in the male body harms the cardiovascular system.

Functions of B vitamins and vitaminoids

The following table shows the main functional areas for which B vitamins or complex vitamin vitamins contribute to their normal function. You would like to apply and save your additions correctly. Here are some practical tips.

Storing Nutritional Supplements

Our products are packaged in special, sealed bags. On back side The packaging states how long the product will last. Once received, the products are still durable for at least six months. Always close bags after use. Protect the sachet from direct sunlight. This prevents the contents from discoloring or sticking together.

It is also necessary to order storage boxes

Dietary supplements should always be kept out of the reach of children. Almost always keep your supplements on hand or take them to work. Remain in original packaging. Do you need additional storage? You can order additional doses for 1.95 euros each by calling our customer service. On weekdays from 9 to 17.

Taking dietary supplements

Some people wonder when is the best time best time for the day. In general, it is recommended to take food supplements. Therefore, avoid possible aftertaste. For some products you will find a special consumption note on the packaging. It provides a recommendation on the time at which consumption should occur. For some foods, it is better to take them in the morning for breakfast, others are processed in the evening or at night better in the body.

Age parameters

The effect of vitamins depends not only on the brand, composition, price.... A very important factor is the man’s age. It should also be taken into account when purchasing medications. So:

VitaForm from ALLMAX

The tablets or capsules should preferably be taken with a glass of water. It is recommended not to use it with hot drinks as the capsules may melt prematurely before they reach the stomach. However, it is not harmful if it has to happen. However, an unpleasant aftertaste may occur.

There are 8 people in total and they serve as predecessors and occupy central function in a number of metabolic processes. The main role of B vitamins is to activate specific enzymes, and they usually work together. Therefore, it is very important that a healthy balance of each B vitamin is maintained within the body. If there is a deficiency of individual vitamins or an imbalance in the levels, problems can arise: high amounts of one vitamin can cause a deficiency in another.

  1. The best vitamin complexes for men who have not yet crossed the 40-year mark are those that activate protein synthesis, strengthen muscles, regulate hormonal levels, and improve sperm quality. These include B, A, E.
  2. Among vitamins for men over 40 years old, C is the leader. But B9, A, E are also necessary. Antioxidants that slow down aging are very important.
  3. Vitamins for men after 50 years are A, B12, C, E, which preserve youth and prevent infectious diseases. They also help preserve potency. But Special attention should be given to vitamin D, which is no longer produced in the dermis as before. Its deficiency leads to problems with teeth, bones, nails, and heart. A similar set of vitamins is also necessary after 60 years.

In youth, complexes of beneficial substances are taken rather for prevention. And the better quality it is, the lower the chances of “acquiring” chronic diseases in old age. If it was not possible to preserve your health, vitamins are especially needed.

Whether this is appropriate depends on the diet. Unusually, the B vitamins are not numbered sequentially. This is because vitamins that were once considered to belong to this category have been removed. Eight vitamins that fall into this category.

IN last years Vitamin B complex supplements have received criticism because the doses are thought to be too high. On the one hand, this is a reasonable answer, since the consumption of high vitamins will affect metabolic processes that are very sensitive to these levels, since they depend on the delicate balance of various micronutrients. “The more the merrier” is not necessarily the right approach in this case, while various imbalances may arise.

Division by purpose

Most products based on minerals and vitamins are divided by “specialization”. Although there are also universal ones - general preventive action. Here the emphasis is on group B and vitamin C.

There are complexes for athletes and just people leading an active physical or mental lifestyle. The preparations contain selenium, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Complexes with high content B1 and B 12. You can drink them separately. This inexpensive vitamins. The result will be quite noticeable.

On the other hand, many researchers believe, as well as practical experience with vitamin therapy, that the proposed daily values ​​are too low. Typically, there is a difference between what is recommended for those who want to prevent a deficiency and those who are considering a pre-existing problem. In both cases, the recommended value is much higher from the point of view of vitamin researchers compared to official information about daily requirements. Doses for treatment can be a thousand times higher.

When considering a high dose, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or medical worker. Source: Uwe Graeber: Micronenhoffe. Water-soluble vitamins known to some of the safest. Apart from this, no other toxicity is known. Despite this, side effects symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and signs of liver toxicity have been observed at high doses of 3 mg. Although the vibration may be unsettling at first, it is not a cause for concern. Because of this, some critics argue that these synthetic forms do not have the same effect as natural B vitamins from fresh foods.

Anyone who suffers from reproductive diseases or is involved in their prevention should know that vitamin E for potency is a real salvation. And the drug must be selected with a high content of it. It is also important to take complexes with selenium and zinc, which improve sexual function.

There are special products for hair and skin. If there are problems with the latter, you need to drink vitamin H every day. You can also purchase general health complexes in pharmacies. They boost immunity and help fight various diseases. They contain vitamins B, C, D.

The information below will help you compare specific medications and choose those that are most needed. It describes complexes for various purposes in more detail. The main types are given.

For an active lifestyle

In addition to the four above, complexes designed for professional athletes are also widely represented on the pharmaceutical market. They help cope with the highest loads. Sports vitamins include Maxler VitaMen, Monster Multi and others.

To strengthen and maintain health

For people whose body does not function normally due to a deficiency of nutrients, or who suffer from any diseases, general strengthening vitamins are indicated. They are suitable for different age categories, but are especially relevant for the elderly. The rating of vitamins for men below shows the best options. Everyone can choose something from this:

  1. Alphabet vitamins for men are extremely popular today. Contain most substances vital necessary for a person. Includes extracts of medicinal herbs. This is a drug with amino acids. Is hypoallergenic. One of the advantages of this product over many others is its price. The vitamin-mineral complex is very cheap and accessible to everyone.
  2. Another a good option to improve health - Superum. It also has a low cost. The drug contains a standard set of minerals and vitamins. Superum is taken as a preventive measure, as well as during rehabilitation after illnesses and during them - for a speedy recovery. Superum is an excellent immune booster.
  3. This drug is especially relevant for those who live in environmentally unfavorable environments. Selmevit is also indicated for people working in hazardous industries. It is a balanced complex. These are vitamins with zinc and selenium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc. Increases the body's adaptive capabilities.
  4. Supradin. Indicated for severe vitamin deficiency. Contains rare minerals. Helps to recover after surgical operations and chemotherapy.
  5. Solgar. An internationally recognized drug with wide range actions. Has a general strengthening effect. These American vitamins contain minerals as well as herbal extracts. Maintains the overall tone of the body.
  6. Vitamins Superia. Used for seasonal weakened immunity. Treat chronic fatigue syndrome. These are well-proven zinc vitamins for men.

Most of the complexes presented on the shelves of pharmacies are drugs with a general strengthening effect. But still, each of them has its own characteristics.

Important! To achieve maximum effect, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. And it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before purchasing.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases

Among the men's vitamins for conceiving a child, one can name the Alphabet already mentioned above. The product is highly valued by specialists and is inexpensive. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable for men to drink it, since the drug improves the quality of sperm. Among other complexes, problem solvers genitourinary area:

The Celestial Empire is famous for the production of dietary supplements for solving intimate problems. Chinese drugs, as a rule, do not contain chemicals. Their effectiveness is high, and there are minimal contraindications. If you have lost your male power, you should definitely try potency enhancing drugs produced in the DPRK. These are dietary supplements Fujunbao Super, Hui Zhong Dan, Yarsagumba, Saima and others.

As for conception pills, they contain an element that is recommended for both men and women planning to become parents. Any specialist knows what we are talking about. Folic acid for conception is the number one remedy! It is used both separately and in combination with other substances.

Anti-stress drugs

Along with drugs for male strength, enhancement physical activity, general health. There are other vitamin complexes. In particular, those that improve the condition of hair and skin (Viviscal), as well as anti-stress products. The latter includes Complivit for men. Contains ten vitamins and four minerals. Accelerates metabolism, has antioxidant effect, increases the body's resistance to various irritants. Complivit is a very affordable drug.

Another sedative is Farmamed. This anti-stress complex reduces arterial pressure, normalizes sleep, increases contraction of the heart muscle. Indicated for mental stress.

Famous brands

On the list the best manufacturers vitamins - companies from Russia, USA, Germany, Great Britain and Belarus. They produce products of the highest quality. For those who want to buy the most effective drugs, you should pay attention to the following brands:

  1. Vneshtorg Pharma. Supplies Russian-made vitamins to the market. Specializes in the production of dietary supplements. Used during production Newest technologies. Russian vitamins from this company are affordable and of high quality.
  2. American company. Produces premium multivitamin complexes. Uses exclusively natural ingredients. The drugs are expensive, but this does not affect their popularity.
  3. German multivitamins are supplied to the world market by the leading German company Orthomol. It is famous for its special complexes for athletes.
  4. The British company Lifes2good produces multivitamins with microelements for hair.
  5. Maxler is a Belarusian brand. Produces drugs for active men.

Attention! It is impossible to say for sure whether vitamins are good or not just by focusing on the brand. They may be of the highest quality, but not suitable for this to a specific person. Everything here is individual.

Vitamins from the garden

The most best vitamins– obtained from food. Every man should remember this and watch his diet.

For example, fish fat for potency - a real panacea. If you have such problems and to prevent them, you need to eat more salmon, herring and other representatives of the “scaly” species. To improve the potency and quality of sperm, you should also eat potatoes, sweet fruits, parsley, onions, spinach, cilantro, buckwheat, pearl barley and millet porridge.

The most expensive source of vitamin C from the pharmacy with lemon, tangerine or currant cannot be compared. They will strengthen the immune system and cure colds. Carrot - richest source natural vitamin A. Eggs, strawberries, buckwheat, seafood, etc. – contain an abundance of B vitamins. And these are just a few examples.

Advice! It is better to take vitamins, figuratively speaking, “plucked from the garden” than those purchased at the pharmacy. Therefore, it is advisable to study the tables telling about the content of nutrients in certain products, and then create your diet based on this information.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the best vitamins are those that suit you personally. It is advisable to select them in consultation with a doctor. Neither positive reviews friends, neither the price nor the name of the manufacturer can guarantee that the purchased drug will be beneficial. In addition, it is important to purchase complexes specifically for men, since the needs of the body of representatives of different sexes are different. For example, New Chapter multivitamins are purely for women. And they can harm the male body (remember about iron).

It is advisable not to shift fortification completely to pharmaceutical drugs. How bigger body gets nutrients from food, the better. But if a deficiency occurs, it must be eliminated. This applies to everyone - both absolutely healthy men and those suffering from some kind of disease. Vitamin deficiency has never brought anything good to anyone!

Watch this helpful video:

Sports vitamins are necessary not only for professionals, but also for those who are just embarking on the path to improving their figure. The fact is that intense training consumes a huge amount of nutrients found in the human body. After just a few sessions, athletes begin to experience ailments, weakness, headache and drowsiness. In this way, the body makes it clear that it lacks certain microelements that must be constantly replenished.

Some of the required components are contained in food, but this is not enough for serious training. Before you start taking the complex sports vitamins, it is worth considering what natural substances the body needs under increased stress.

What vitamins do those who play sports need?

To prevent training from having a detrimental effect on health, it will be useful for men and women to find out which microelements have a positive effect on the athlete’s health:

  • Vitamin C. This organic composition is the most important for any athlete. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects the body's cells from destructive influences, which are precisely sports loads. In addition, this component accelerates the regeneration process and is responsible for the production of collagen (a protein compound). Thanks to vitamin C, the athlete will suffer much less from joint injuries and sprains. In addition, this organic composition improves the absorption of iron by the body.
  • AT 6. Pyridoxine is an active vitamin that accelerates the metabolism of protein compounds. Men should receive at least 2 ml of B6 per day, and women - about 1.5 ml. Most pyridoxine is found in chicken eggs, liver, rice and fish.
  • IN 1. Thiamine is necessary for rapid growth muscle tissue. In addition, B1 contains muscle proteins, which athletes often take to produce hemoglobin. Thiamine is extremely important for women and men who are actively involved in sports. In order to get B1 from food, you need to include brewer's yeast and cereals in your diet. A man should receive at least 1.5 ml of thiamine per day, and a woman - about 1.1 ml.
  • AT 3. The most active sports vitamins are supplements in this category. B3 is involved in more than 60 different metabolic processes in the body. In addition, this vitamin nourishes the athlete’s muscle tissue. To get this component from natural sources, you should include mushrooms, tuna, milk and chicken eggs. A man needs about 19 ml of B3 per day, and a woman needs 16 ml.
  • Vitamin D. This organic component allows for better absorption of calcium, which is also necessary for athletes. To get as much vitamin D as possible, you should drink large amounts of milk and stay in the sun.

Natural sports vitamins also include components of group E and A.

If we talk about specialized supplements, they differ depending on the gender of the athlete. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are recommended to take the following supplements.


This drug was developed by a domestic manufacturer. "Aevit" is a complex consisting of three groups different vitamins that must be taken into account different time days. Experts believe that this plan for taking nutritional components is the most effective. In addition, the risk of allergic reaction is reduced to a minimum.

These sports vitamins for men contain about 10 different organic compounds and 12 minerals. All these components were selected specifically for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. In addition, “Aevit” contains an extract of Siberian ginseng root, which improves the body’s endurance and charges it with the necessary energy.

When taking this vitamin complex, the risk of sexual dysfunction is eliminated.


Do not confuse the brand of this manufacturer of vitamin complexes with the slang name for anabolic steroids - “pharma”. There is nothing in common between them.

“Pharmamed” takes second place in the ranking of sports vitamins, since its composition contains a number of components useful for men. Representatives of the stronger sex should pay attention to the Men's Formula line, which was developed specifically to solve the main men's problems while playing sports:

  • “Active day” - to get a boost of energy.
  • “Anti-stress” - normalizes sleep, arterial and nervous systems. Renders on male body calming effect.
  • "Potential Forte" - enhances erection and libido. Testosterone production increases.
  • "SpermActin" - increases the fertilizing ability of sperm.
  • "Prostate Forte" is a multivitamin complex that prevents prostate diseases.

Men's Multivitamin

These sports vitamins are produced by Infinite Labs, a company that has been developing supplements for the stronger sex for many years.

This complex contains a lot of mineral elements, amino acids and other components necessary for men. One can of Men's Multivitamin lasts for 2 months. Supplements are taken 2 times a day.

Among the benefits of these vitamins, men noted:

  • improvement of the condition of the skin and hair;
  • increasing the body's resistance to various infections;
  • increasing endurance and energy;
  • beneficial effect on thyroid gland and liver;
  • strengthening muscles and ligaments;
  • increased sexual desire.

Elite Vita

Many beginners and professional athletes call this supplement the best sports vitamins. The thing is that this complex contains not only standard organic components, but also antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes.

Elite Vita contains extracts of eleutherococcus, ginseng and milk thistle. All these components increase the body’s resistance and normalize metabolic processes and provide men with the energy necessary for training.

Elite Vita also enhances brain activity and restores the functioning of the heart and liver.

The supplement was developed by Sculptor Nutrition, which has already for a long time specializes in sports nutrition.

Men should also pay attention to the following vitamin complexes:

  • Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition;
  • Opti-Men from the manufacturer sports nutrition Optimum Nutrition;
  • Active Sport from MHP.

If we talk about which sports vitamins are best for the fairer sex, then you should pay attention to the following supplements.


This complex was developed by Optimum Nutrition specifically for women. The supplement contains a huge amount of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the active components, athletes achieve excellent results.

The main advantage of Opti-Women is that nutrients are instantly absorbed into the blood rather than dissolved in gastric juice. After just a few days of taking it, women begin to feel an influx of energy.

In addition, Opti-Women:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • does not disrupt hormonal levels;
  • improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • strengthens nails.

Multivitamin for Woman

This supplement was developed by Bio Tech. Multivitamin for Woman are specialized women's sports vitamins, which contain numerous mineral and organic components.

These supplements strengthen the immune system well, making training much more effective. In addition, Multivitamin for Woman:

  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • gives energy even if the woman is on a strict diet.

Since female athletes often suffer from hormonal imbalances, the manufacturer has developed a unique formula, thanks to which the drug does not have any negative influence on the female body.

Vita-min Plus Women

These sports vitamins for women were developed by Olimp. The main advantage of the additive is its low cost and excellent characteristics. The drug helps stabilize the body's metabolism and does not disrupt hormonal levels.

Vita-min Plus takes everything into account daily needs representatives of the weaker sex. After taking vitamins, women not only improve physically, but also emotional condition, and also strengthens nails and hair.

The drug contains B vitamins that restore function nervous system. Thanks to this, athletes do not suffer from neuroses, stress and mood swings.

In addition, Vita-min Plus contains magnesium, copper, calcium and folic acid. All these components make it easier premenstrual syndrome and reduce painful sensations during menstruation. They also have a positive effect on chest pain, flatulence, insomnia, menopause and hypersensitivity.

Rating of vitamin manufacturers

Among the numerous companies offering sports nutrition courses, the following rating can be made:

  1. The first place is occupied by the American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition, which is under the auspices of such a “giant” in sales of cheeses and food products as Glanbia.
  2. In second place is the Polish company Olimp, which has been supplying sports vitamins around the world since 1990. The main advantage of this manufacturer is the high degree of process automation. Thanks to modern equipment, laboratory specialists tirelessly develop the latest vitamin complexes.
  3. Third place goes to Universal Nutrition. This American company was created in 1977. Today the manufacturer is one of the three largest suppliers of high quality sports nutrition.

How to take vitamin and mineral supplements correctly

Before starting to take sports medications, men and women should consult a specialist. All vitamins in this category are produced for different groups of people. Those drugs that are suitable for professionals are not recommended for novice athletes. The same goes for older people.

If we talk about the time of intake, then organic components must be added to the diet at the recruitment stage muscle mass and in the process of burning fat.

Before starting the course, you must carefully study the label and instructions for the vitamins. They should be taken strictly according to the instructions. As a rule, vitamin and mineral complexes are designed for 1-2 months. After this, you need to take a break for at least 4 weeks. Otherwise, the substances will accumulate in the body in large volumes, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.