Lyrics of the song by Lyapis Trubetskoy - and outside the window a blizzard is blowing. Lyrics of the song Lyapis Trubetskoy - and outside the window a blizzard is sweeping Translation of the lyrics Lyapis Trubetskoy - Snowstorm

We went into an expensive cafe - as always, I was at the lave.
The necklace sparkled on you. The waiter served us Olivier.

And outside the window a snowstorm is blowing - a white beauty.
It's soon midnight, but the bar doesn't close.

The musician plays a hit song, I remember the bunks, the camp.
The musician plays a hit, but my soul hurts!

Soon the morning comes, but the melancholy does not subside.
Where is the health? Where are the years? Never get them back.

And outside the window a snowstorm is blowing - a white beauty.
It's soon midnight, but the bar doesn't close.

And outside the window a snowstorm is blowing - a white beauty.
It's soon midnight, but the bar doesn't close.

And outside the window a snowstorm is blowing - a white beauty.

And outside the window a snowstorm is blowing - a white beauty.
Soon the morning comes, but the money doesn’t end.
And the money doesn’t end, and the money doesn’t end. We stopped in an expensive cafe - as always I was at lave.
Shone on your necklace. The waiter gave us Olivier.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps - white beauty.
Soon midnight comes, and the bar closes.

Musician playing a hit, remember bunks camp.
Musician playing hit and y my soul hurts !

Soon morning comes and the longing does not recede.
Where is the health? Where is the year? Do not ever get them back.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps - white beauty.
Soon midnight comes, and the bar closes.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps - white beauty.
Soon midnight comes, and the bar closes.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps - white beauty.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps - white beauty.
Soon morning comes, and grandmother did not stop there.
A grandmother is not the end and not the end of the headstock.

The romance "Blizzard" by Georgy Sviridov was used.

One winter evening, song lines appeared in my head " Don’t frown, Your Honor, don’t blow your snow-white mustache.” Images arose one after another and later, this story was continued, now as a monologue of a Russian army officer who found himself in a difficult situation in the winter when he fell behind the crew. And that’s what happened!

How painful it is for me to be far from my homeland,
Under the flag are the army and navy*.
Warriors are marching on a long march,
The border guard the stronghold.

It crept into their lives on the sly,
Russo-Japanese War.
Covered me with a clawed paw in an instant,
Oh, how much trouble she brings.

In the Liaodong direction*,
In night battles for heights.
Received leave due to injury,
As a reward to the royal cross.

And having written a message to family,
“I’m going on vacation without spending money.”
I put a piece of paper in the envelope in a box,
And good luck, this is the schedule!

With a heavy heart and sorrows,
We left Port Arthur*.
And beyond the snowy distances,
The lingering noise of the factories.

Nevsky plays with shops,
And there are a dime a dozen in shop windows.
Full of wine and oranges,
I'll take gifts along the way.

I hasten to my native estate,
I'll hire horses from the tavern.
And siver*, icy beast,
Pierces the body to the bone.

But I was indecently late,
The served dormez* left.
I was left in a simple guise,
Pass the road through the forest.

The white wanderer is raging,
Her Ladyship is a blizzard.
Frost tapping with a club
Throws stinging snow.

Alas, I’m not dressed for the weather,
I'm wearing a jacket* and a cap.
Don't frown, Your Honor,
Don't blow into your snow-white mustache.

And the pines are like evil enemies,
Squeeze into a tight ring.
It seemed like the branches and hands were in the dark,
They slap you in the face!

Winter is overpowering me,
Kisses on pale lips.
Delight in the heart and sadness...
There is such beauty all around!

In ceremonial white vestments,
A silver expanse lies.
I whisper a prayer in confusion,
And I will turn my gaze to the sky.

The night distance shines with stars,
The winds sing piercingly.
And sleep overcomes with dreams,
And I wish I could live until the morning...

I know God will help me,
Go through the vicissitudes of fate.
And the path led me,
Through the sparkling clubs.

Here the crust is cracking like a frozen crust,
Shines like thin glass.
Just an icon under a tunic,
Gives warmth.

The moon is like a milestone for the exile,
Looks silently from behind the clouds.
Will it flash for a simple wanderer,
Is hope an unquenchable ray?

I so wanted to be close to my family,
Return to your father's house again.
And my sisters and mother are waiting at home,
They are sitting at the festive table.

Little sisters singing nightingales,
Beautiful, like the color of poppies.
Their young heads are bright,
There is a naive, pure light in the eyes.

Nadezhda Gatchina* gymnasium,
Always modest and love sports.
We returned for Christmas with the opportunity,
Oh, how proud Father would be!

Everything is under the supervision of a strict mother,
Leisure, study and business.
Adhering to spiritual regulations,
And the languages ​​are getting better...

It's not quite twelve yet,
There is sadness in my mother’s eyes.
He squeezes the handkerchief nervously with his fingers,
The vein at the temple plays.

The family is in dire suspense,
A hundred times longer time.
An uneasy silence reigns
Where did their son and brother go?

Weaved with intricate patterns,
There are tiles on the Russian stove.
And in the firebox above the tie foundation,
The crimson anthracite* glowed.

A new star and toys,
The festive spruce was shining,

And outside the window there was a snowstorm...

Please don't be angry, blizzard,
Stop the heavy snow.
Circling like a mill,
I'm missing a boot.

I'm walking blindly through windbreaks,
How hard it is to not fall on your face.
My path with difficult climbs,
It has known no boundaries for a long time.

Hands froze under gloves,
Throat constricts, there are no words.
Frost changes his habits,
The ice cover is strengthening.

Before the eyes of life there are stripes,
They flash like in a silent movie.
The blizzard turned my hair silver,
And I almost don't care...

I'm not destined to reach home,
This is apparently fate.
Lying in a snowdrift, like a rootless person,
Forgive the sinful slave...

The last step, but behind the trees,
Suddenly the lights flickered.
Links burning in the darkness,
Like beacons of light.

I'm going in the right direction
I hear a dog barking nearby.
How sweet these moments are,
And there is joy in my heart overflowing!

And kneeling before the image,
I thank Christ for everything.
I'll whisper a prayer in a low voice,
And I will kiss the edge of the cross!

I'm next to my family,
He returned again to his father's house.
And together with my sisters and mother,
We are sitting at the festive table.

A new star and toys,
The festive spruce is shining,
Against the background of curtains with colored ruffles,
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing...

Under the flag of the army and navy* - Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905. - the war between the Russian and Japanese empires for control of Manchuria, Korea and the Yellow Sea.

In the Liaodong direction * - Thanks to amendments to the peace treaty with China in 1895, the Liaodong Peninsula was leased to Russia. But in May 1904 Japanese troops cut off Liaodong peninsula from the rest of the mainland and occupied the port of Dalian.

We left Port Arthur * - After the Japanese landing on the Liaondong Peninsula Russians troops were evacuated to the supposedly impregnable base at Port Arthur, but it was eventually captured Japanese.

Siver* - North wind; The siver is blowing, the sievers are gone. Siver Yes, the night owl will pull it, pull the fur coat and caftan into one place.

Dormez* - A traveling carriage adapted for sleeping on the road.

Jacket* - Double-breasted uniform jacket, home officer's suit. In 1886, the blue-gray jacket was introduced as an off-duty uniform in the Russian army.

Hopes of the Gatchina Gymnasium* - For girls from wealthy families there was the Mariinsky Gymnasium. The history of the gymnasium began in 1812, when a school was established for the daughters of “insufficient officials of the palace administration in the building of the Orphan Institute. In 1848, a women’s boarding school was opened in a private house and it was allowed to accept the daughters of “all the inhabitants of Gatchina in general, without distinction of status ... with payment of 5 rubles per month." In 1861, the current building appeared, and 6 years later the boarding house was renamed the Mariinsky Gymnasium.

Anthracite* - The best grade of coal.

We went to an expensive cafe,
As always, I was near the lava,
The necklace glittered on you,
The waiter served us Olivier.
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.

The musician plays a hit song
I remember the bunks, the camp,
The musician plays a hit
And my soul hurts.

And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.

Morning is coming soon
But the melancholy does not go away,
Where is the health, where are the years,
Never get them back.

And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Midnight is coming soon
And the bar doesn't close.

And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Morning is coming soon
And the money never ends.
And outside the window a blizzard is blowing,
White beauty,
Morning is coming soon
And the money never ends.
And the money never ends.
And the money never ends.

Translation of the lyrics of the song Lyapis Trubetskoy - Snowstorm

We stopped in an expensive cafe
As always, I was at the lava,
Shone on your necklace,
The waiter gave us Olivier.

White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.
And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.

Musician plays Hit,
Remember bunk, camp,
Musician playing hit
And my heart aches.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.
And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.

Soon the morning comes
A longing does not recede,
Where health, where year
Do not ever get them back.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.
And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon midnight comes,
A bar closes.

And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon morning comes,

And outside a snowstorm sweeps,
White beauty
Soon morning comes,
A grandmother does not end there.
A grandmother does not end there.
A grandmother does not end there.