How many prunes should you eat per day to ensure that there are benefits and no harm? The power of prunes: benefits and harm to the body, use in folk medicine Pour boiling water over prunes for constipation for adults

It is no secret that problems with the intestines, which are always accompanied by a lack of stool, pain and bloating, have appeared at least once in every person.

Everyone knows that these symptoms most often indicate such a common “disease” as. Both adults and children are equally susceptible to this unpleasant and harmful disease.

In this case, folk remedies will come to the aid of our intestines, which sometimes give a head start to many medications. Today, the most common remedy for countering constipation is prunes.

Prunes are an incredibly healthy dried fruit that has been widely used by people for many years. Thanks to its unique beneficial properties, prunes not only help relieve constipation, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

What does dried prune contain?

Prunes are plum fruits dried in various ways. The main way to obtain prunes is to dry the fruits of suitable varieties of plums, pre-treated in boiling water or steamed. Regardless of the method of preparing prunes, they retain all the beneficial properties of the natural product.

Vitamins and microelements in prunes

The following substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Pectin (a natural anti-inflammatory and colon cleanser)
  • Plant fiber (stimulates intestinal function and is a preventative against constipation)
  • Organic acids (destroy excess cholesterol and dilate blood vessels)
  • Vitamins: A (very good for vision)
  • B1 (vital vitamin for the nervous system)
  • B2 (vitamin that stabilizes fat and protein metabolism)
  • B3 (niacin, improves gastric juice secretion)
  • B5 (necessary for the absorption of other vitamins in the body)
  • B6 (important for metabolism)
  • B9 (folic acid, which promotes the production of the happiness hormone)
  • C (vitamin tonic, important for the immune system)
  • E (ensures normal functioning of the reproductive system)
  • K (normalizes the process of blood clotting)
  • PP (important for skin)
  • Sodium, potassium, iron, as well as phosphorus, magnesium and zinc
  • Phenols
  • Sorbitol
  • Disaccharides

Prunes - benefits for the intestines:

It has an antibacterial effect, reducing the growth of staphylococcus, salmonella and even E. coli.
It is a choleretic and diuretic.
Normalizes metabolism.
Stimulates digestion and, being a mild laxative, removes from the body numerous wastes and toxins that interfere with its normal functioning.

Prunes for constipation - how to eat them

Treating constipation with prunes begins with choosing the right product. This is a very important factor that should not be neglected. A high-quality prune is considered to be a fruit that is dried together with the pit.

It should be dark, black in color, have some shine, be soft and elastic to the touch, and should not leave any marks on the fingers.

The product should taste sweet, but with a slight sourness. A great way to determine the quality of prunes is to soak them in boiled water for 30 minutes. A good and fresh product will turn white in places after soaking; otherwise, if the fruit does not change color, it has been subjected to chemical or heat treatment. Also, the low quality of the product is indicated by its brownish tint.

The best quality prunes will be from varieties of plums with small stones. The most common type is the plum variety - Hungarian. A common feature of the variety is the ovoid shape of the fruit with a dark coating, very dense pulp and a freely removable stone. There are several types of Hungarian.

1. Hungarian Italian. A very heat-loving variety. The fruits of this variety are very large, weighing up to 50 grams, the flesh is orange, very juicy.
2. Hungarian domestic or ordinary. Late ripening variety. The fruits ripen late and are small in size. A characteristic feature of the variety is the sour taste of the fruit.
3. Hungarian Wangenheim. The most common type of all listed. It is early ripening and frost-resistant. A distinctive feature is the spotting of the fruit with a sickly sweet taste.

Which is better, dried or smoked prunes?

There are special points on the market where they sell dried fruits. The selection of these products there is huge. I always buy dried prunes, and that’s what I advise you to buy. It does not have a strong smoky taste or smell and is most suitable for treating constipation.

You can look for it at home, it is available at the market, in the store, and even in the supermarket. Be sure to pay attention to its appearance. If possible, you can taste one dried fruit.

How many prunes can you eat per day for constipation?

You can eat from 5 to 10 pieces per day. Or use prunes in other recipes. But watch your condition, the dose is individual for everyone. At first you can eat from 3 to 5 pieces, see how you feel, then you can gradually increase the norm.

And now we will talk about how to eat prunes for constipation, and what can be cooked from them.

Compote, decoction, infusion of prunes for constipation

There are many ways to treat constipation using prunes. All of them are effective and easy to prepare. It can be consumed both in dry form and in the form of various decoctions, tinctures and mixtures. Let's look at some of them:

Prune compote

Recipe No. 1. A very healthy recipe for dried fruit compote. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • prunes 90 grams
  • raisins 90 grams
  • dried apricots 90 grams
  • green apples 80 grams
  • figs - 50-70 grams
  • sugar - 150-160 grams
  • half a lemon
  • 1.5 liters of water

The dosage of ingredients may be slightly changed.

Place the dried fruit mixture in a container and pour boiling water over it for 1-2 minutes, drain the water and rinse well. Place dried fruits in a saucepan and cut the lemon into cubes. Add sugar. Cook over low heat for about half an hour with the lid closed. After the drink, let it brew for about 12 hours.

Drink 1 glass 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

Recipe No. 2. You need to take 110 grams of prunes and 1 liter of water. Boil for 1.5-2 hours. The cooled product should be taken on an empty stomach, 1 glass.

Prune decoction

For the decoction you will need 100 grams of prunes and 2 glasses of water. It is necessary to fill the prunes with water and simmer on the stove for 20-30 minutes. Accept the received product
should be 30 minutes before breakfast, drinking 1 glass and eating 3-4 berries.

There is another very effective recipe for a decoction of prunes and oats. You will need 5 prunes, 220 grams of oats and 2 glasses of water. You need to mix oats with prunes, add boiling water to it, simmer on the stove for thirty minutes, then strain the resulting mixture and take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

A wonderful, and most importantly effective, decoction using prunes and adding honey. To do this, you will need 300-400 grams of prunes, prematurely washed with boiling water and rubbed through a sieve. Add 100-150 grams of honey to this puree, mix thoroughly and place on the stove. To prevent the mixture from burning, add some boiled water. Cook this mixture (in a water bath) over low heat for 10 minutes and cool. Take 2 tablespoons of the finished product on an empty stomach.

Prune infusion

For a high-quality infusion we need 100 grams of prunes and 2 glasses of water. The prunes must be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 12 hours in a warm place, for example, wrapped in a towel. Should be taken 30 minutes before breakfast, drinking 1 glass of decoction and eating 2-3 berries.

Prunes with kefir for constipation - a healthy combination

For those who love sour milk products, I suggest mixing kefir and prunes. But remember that fresh kefir has a laxative effect. You can buy kefir in the store, choosing the % fat content, or you can make it from village milk.

You can prepare a mixture from prunes and kefir. You need to take: 7 or 8 carefully washed prunes, pour boiling water over them and use a kitchen blender to chop and mix them with 1 glass of low-fat kefir. You need to drink this mixture 2 hours before bedtime.

A simple and, at the same time, highly effective recipe, including a dietary one. 1.5-2 hours before your expected bedtime, use a blender to blend 3 prunes with a glass of fresh low-fat kefir. You can drink it 2-3 times a week.

Constipation mixture: dried apricots, prunes, figs

To prepare the mixture, we will need not only prunes, but also other dried fruits, such as figs and dried apricots, and by adding additional ingredients you can boost your immunity.

Recipe No. 1. We take 400-450 grams of dried prunes and, using a meat grinder, make a homogeneous mass, to which we need to add bee honey and mix thoroughly.

It is best to take 1 teaspoon of this remedy during dinner, washed down with boiled water. You can also eat 5-10 berries with yogurt on an empty stomach.

Recipe No. 2. Also a very effective recipe is a mixture of prunes, dried apricots and figs. The cooking recipe is very simple: take 100 grams of each product, grind it in a meat grinder or grind it using a blender, add 100 grams of honey, mix everything thoroughly and put the prepared mixture in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Take 1 teaspoon during dinner. In the morning the result will be noticeable.

Prunes for constipation during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and changes in hormonal levels, prunes affect the functioning of the entire woman’s body, in particular the intestines, which are under pressure from the enlarged uterus on one side, after which problems with stool appear.

Due to the fact that widely used medications for the treatment of constipation are prohibited for use during pregnancy, we separately note that all of the above recipes are applicable and relevant for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, when the child receives all the beneficial ingredients with mother’s milk. But, you should also understand that, as with any other product, and especially during pregnancy, moderation should be observed.

Prunes are rich in fructose, so when consuming large amounts of prunes, symptoms such as allergic skin rashes, increased sugar in the urine, and weight gain may appear. It is necessary to consult a doctor if these signs appear to determine the necessary dosage and prevent negative consequences, especially when breastfeeding.

The most common infusion recipe that will be very useful for pregnant women:


  • 100 grams of prunes
  • 2 teaspoons of senna herb (thanks to the main active ingredient, anthraglycoside, it has a strong laxative effect)
  • 650 milliliters hot water

Cooking method:

Pour 100 grams of prunes and 2 teaspoons of senna herb into two glasses of very boiling water, close the lid, you can use cling film or a towel.

Leave to infuse for 10-12 hours, then strain. In the morning, before breakfast, drink 200 milliliters (this is about one glass, a little less) on an empty stomach and after 45-60 minutes start breakfast.

At breakfast you should definitely eat 3-4 steamed prunes. You can also boil steamed berries for 20 minutes and take them in the same way.

How to give prunes to a baby for constipation

Now let’s look at common recipes for treating constipation for infants. Before moving on to the recipes, it should be noted that there are a number of contraindications for the consumption of prunes by infants.

Under 3 months of age.
With a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.
With the presence of various chronic diseases.

Most often, infants begin to be given prunes when they reach 3-4 months, due to the fact that it is at this age that babies begin to have problems with stool. For this reason, many doctors recommend prunes in the consistency of purees and decoctions.

If the child is not yet 3 months old and has problems with the intestines, then the nursing mother can eat several prunes and the child will receive all the valuable substances along with mother’s milk.

We should not forget that eating prunes in large quantities by your baby can disrupt his sleep.

Prune puree for children

Consider a recipe for making baby prune puree. To do this, you need to take a small amount of prunes, about 4-5 pieces, pour a glass of boiled water over them in the evening and leave until the morning.

In the morning, you should remove the fruits from the water and peel them, then rub them on a sieve and put the resulting mixture to cook on the stove, diluting it with a small amount of water so that the mixture does not burn (it is best to do this in a water bath). Bring to a boil and turn off the stove, wait until the puree cools down.

A few words about the dosage: you need to start introducing puree into your child’s diet with small doses, no more than half a teaspoon before lunch.

You should not store puree in the refrigerator or other places; it is better to prepare it daily and eat it only fresh.

Recipe for prune compote for babies

You will need:

  • 100 grams of well-washed prunes
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • glass of water

Berries and sugar are poured into the container, boiling water is poured in and mixed thoroughly, after which it is placed on the stove and cooked for 20 minutes. The finished compote should be cooled and given to the baby in small quantities before meals.

To briefly summarize all the above recipes and tips, it should be said that eating prunes for the treatment and prevention of constipation is a very effective way.

Along with treating constipation, you will also significantly increase the overall tone of the body, thanks to the high content of antioxidants and other beneficial substances in prunes, which have already been described in this article.

Despite all the benefits, you should know the contraindications. You already know how to use prunes for constipation, but now let’s talk about who should use prunes with caution.

Precautionary measures

But we should also not forget that excessive consumption of prunes can lead to the opposite effect. Many girls, given the effect, use.

But if you overdo it, you can provoke negative aspects such as diarrhea and intestinal disorders or an allergic reaction. So, if signs of an allergy appear, such as the appearance of a bright rash on the skin, eczema, etc., you should stop using it.

People suffering from diabetes and those who are overweight should take prunes with caution. It is very important to remember that prevention is the best way to stay healthy.

Once you manage to get rid of constipation, you should not stop taking prunes in any of the forms that you liked most or were effective. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to put a lot of effort into treating it. Be healthy.

The benefits of dried fruits have been known for a very long time. They are recommended to be enjoyed instead of sweets, and then a few extra kilograms may “go away”. However, this is not all of their advantages. Today we have to deal with the question: what are the benefits of prunes for weight loss?

General information about prunes

Composition of prunes

The beneficial properties of this dried fruit are due to its rich composition. It contains vitamins PP, A, C, group B, minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, some acids, in particular malic acid, pectin substances, proteins, fiber, sugar, water. The calorie content of prunes is 264 kcal. All these substances together give prunes beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

  • First of all, prunes are good for the gastrointestinal tract. It helps the body cope with constipation and improves digestion. It acts as a mild laxative. Doctors often recommend its use to nursing mothers whose children suffer from constipation. In addition, it helps cope with some gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, specialist advice is required.
  • In addition, prunes lower cholesterol levels to normal levels, thereby preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques and reducing the risk of heart attack. Eating it also helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Prunes also kill a lot of bacteria. This quality allows the dried fruit to be used as a means to prevent various diseases of teeth and gums.
  • Since this product contains vitamin A, therefore, its consumption helps improve vision.
  • Prunes also improve liver and kidney function, improve the condition of blood vessels and help cope with swelling. In addition, this dried fruit helps normalize high blood pressure and prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  • If we talk about cosmetology, then prunes are useful here too. It improves skin condition and even promotes rejuvenation.
  • Another beneficial property of prunes should be noted - it improves mood. This is important for those who are on a diet. Dietary restriction is a real stress for the body, and this product helps to cope with it.

If we consider the question of how prunes are useful for weight loss, then it must be said that they help you get full faster and dull the feeling of hunger for quite a long time. It is this quality of dried fruit that we will talk about in more detail.

Prunes: It is imperative to include this healthy product in your diet; with its constant use, the body receives a powerful supply of useful substances and naturally gets rid of extra pounds

Prunes for weight loss

How to eat prunes correctly?

Here are a few rules to follow to cope with excess weight:

  1. Replace cakes, cookies and sweets with prunes. It will be no less tasty, but more beneficial both for the body as a whole and for the figure.
  2. When you feel hungry, eat a few prunes. This will help you feel full and curb your appetite until your next meal.
  3. To lose weight, you need to eat 6 prunes before or after meals. This will allow food to be digested more thoroughly and prevent it from being deposited in fatty layers.
  4. Once a week you can arrange a fasting day, which involves only eating this dried fruit. First you need to pour boiling water over it and leave it to swell. You need to eat 100 grams of prunes every 3 hours. Please note that if you suffer from diabetes, then this method is contraindicated for you.

In addition, there are several special recipes with prunes that help you lose weight.

Recipes with prunes for weight loss

If you decide to lose a few kilograms, then the following recipes can help you achieve this.

Recipe 1


  1. Prunes - 300 gr.
  2. Buckthorn bark - 50 gr.
  3. Rosehip syrup - 250 ml.
  4. Cold water - 8 glasses.

To begin, combine prunes with buckthorn bark and fill them with the specified amount of water. After this, put the composition on the fire, boil and keep for another 15 minutes on low heat. Next, add rosehip syrup to the broth and keep for another 40 minutes. When the specified time has elapsed, it should be removed from the heat and left to infuse overnight. Now the composition is ready for use. It should be used 100 ml daily at 21:00. This recipe will help burn fat, and you can get rid of several kilograms, subject to dietary restrictions.

Recipe 2

You will need:

  1. Prunes - 400 gr.
  2. Raisins - 100 gr.
  3. Dried apricots - 100 gr.
  4. Dried rose hips - 200 gr.
  5. Figs - 200 gr.
  6. Senna grass - 50 gr.
  7. Honey - 200 gr.

Take all the ingredients except honey and grind them. It is best to use a meat grinder for this, but other methods are also acceptable if you do not have this device. Next, combine these ingredients with liquid honey and stir thoroughly. Note that the amount of honey can be changed if you feel that the mass is too thick or, conversely, too thin. Please note that the consistency should be medium thick. The resulting mixture should be taken 2 times a day: morning and evening. The recipe will improve digestion and promote fat burning. In addition, it will strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the entire body.

Recipe 3


  1. Prunes - 400g.
  2. Dried apricots - 400 gr.
  3. Alexandria leaf - 1 pack.
  4. Honey - 200 gr.

Combine all ingredients except honey and chop. Just like in the previous recipe, it is recommended to pass them through a meat grinder. Add honey and stir. This mass should be taken in the evening after the last meal, washed down with warm water. This recipe will promote good food absorption and fat burning.

Note that all these recipes have main contraindications - pregnancy, lactation and diabetes. If you have other chronic diseases, you should consult a specialist.

Now you know how prunes are useful for weight loss. However, not a single recipe will help you if you do not limit your diet. The ideal option in this case would be diet and exercise. Then you will very quickly forget about what excess weight is.

Prunes have long been recognized for their nutritional value and pleasant taste. But not everyone knows what its benefits are for the body. Even in dried form, its composition does not lose its uniqueness and healing properties.

And this fact is not the only plus! In folk medicine, this natural product is used as a cure for many diseases.

Useful properties and contraindications of prunes

Prunes called dried plum. Varieties may be different. For dried fruits, only the highest quality and ripe fruits are selected. Before steam drying, they are subjected to a blanching process in boiling water. This is the only way to preserve all the beneficial properties.

Good quality berries should be black. When there is a glossy sheen, it means the berry has been coated with glycerin or fat. It's best to choose dried fruits with pits. They contain the maximum number of healing components.

Composition of prunes

For drying, the Hungarian Italian variety is used. These berries are large, fleshy and sweet in taste. If upon purchase you notice a brown color and not black, then this is a defect. This product was processed incorrectly and lost all its beneficial properties.

The calorie content of prunes is sufficient high due to the large amount of sugar and carbohydrates. In addition to them, the composition includes the following substances:

  • water and fiber;
  • vitamins and mineral components;
  • acid: malic, salicylic, oxalic, citric.
  • glucose.

This set has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole and individually. There are about 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of prunes

For people who choose a healthy lifestyle and take care of themselves, this product is simply vital. His impact multifaceted:

  • brings the whole body back to normal;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves fatigue and drowsiness, increases vitality;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • Potassium in the composition serves as a mild diuretic;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, minimizing the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • magnesium promotes good heart function, relaxes vascular walls, calms the nervous system;
  • prevents the occurrence of intestinal cancer, which is due to the rich plant composition;
  • improves vision and hearing;
  • restores water-salt balance.

Taking dried fruit daily in small quantities will put you in order. nails and hair. The skin will become smooth and silky. The positive effect on the musculoskeletal system cannot be ignored.

Prunes for the intestines

As before, prunes are used in medicinal purposes. By eating 3-5 pieces of dried berries every day, you can get rid of intestinal problems. And the entire gastrointestinal tract begins to function more harmoniously. It could be excellent prevention of ulcers and gastritis.

Here is the recipe for its preparation:

  1. Dried fruits in the amount of 300 grams are filled with 1.5 liters of cold water.
  2. The mixture is placed on the fire, and after boiling, cook for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Cool and drink three times a day before meals.

With this unique product, you can get rid of slagging body. This procedure is not only useful, but also pleasant to the taste. Cleaning normalizes blood glucose levels.

Despite the high sugar content in the fruit, it has short glycemic index. The level of cholesterol in the blood also decreases and breakdown products are removed. Due to the small amount of salt and fat, bad cholesterol is no longer produced.

Its high nutritional value can satiate a person for a long time. Can be used for snacks throughout the day, without harm to the body.

The fiber content, soluble and insoluble fiber, is especially good for the lower intestine. Organic acids normalize general metabolism.

Prunes during pregnancy

Dried fruit is especially indicated for consumption during pregnancy. During such a crucial period, the composition and norms of nutrition are more carefully selected. Products are selected that are extremely healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Similar criteria perfectly match prunes:

  • Potassium promotes stable urinary excretion and relieves swelling.
  • Has a mild laxative effect. Constipation is common during pregnancy.
  • Iron, in large quantities, helps pregnant women fight vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • Regular use improves the skin.
  • Prunes act as an antidepressant, normalize sleep, and add energy.

During pregnancy, protection from harmful external factors is especially important. The free radicals present in dried fruits act as excellent antioxidants.

Prunes for the male and female body

This natural source of health for men. Without the use of chemically harmful drugs, it is quite possible to maintain male sexuality at the proper level. The beneficial substances in dried fruit stabilize ejaculation processes and prevent premature ejaculation.

Quantities magnesium and potassium in dry plums there are several times more than in bananas.

May be useful for older people mixture from honey, nuts and dried fruits. This renews nerve fibers and returns sexual activity.

For women, such a dietary supplement will be invaluable contribution to health. This is especially true for older people, during menopause and the period preceding it. During menstrual periods, women have an increased need for magnesium, which is abundant in prunes. There is a proven fact that dried plums can be a source of eternal youth.

Prunes for weight loss

When choosing a healthy lifestyle, first of all, select an appropriate diet. It should include products, rich in vitamins, minerals and with minimal contraindications. Dried fruit is one of these.

When losing weight, it will not only help you lose weight, but also replenish the body with all the missing elements.

Acting as an excellent antidepressant, it will relieve mood swings and dull the constant feeling of hunger.

Here are a couple of the most popular diets with prunes:

  • Diet for 3 days. Every 3 hours you need to eat five berries, drinking as much water as possible. This is necessary for the swelling of fiber in the stomach. In this way you can lose up to 4–5 kg.
  • Decoction diet. A handful of prunes is poured into 2 liters of water, two tablespoons of buckthorn are added and the whole thing is cooked for about 40–45 minutes. Then add the rose hips and continue to boil for another thirty minutes. After settling, the compote is ready for use. Every day, before bed, drink a third of a glass. So, for one month.

Prunes in combination with kefir are also effective for weight loss. Prunes, dried apricots and cinnamon infused in boiling water can be consumed every morning instead of tea.

Prunes: contraindications for use

In any case, it is necessary to comply measure and reasonableness. This also applies to eating prunes. Despite all the benefits, it can also harm the body. It is not recommended to use it if you have dysbiosis or kidney problems.

Women who are breastfeeding should be extremely careful when using this product. This can affect the functioning of the baby's gastrointestinal tract.

For patients with diabetes, it is better to consult a doctor first.

To preserve all the healing qualities of the product, it must be stored in dry and cool place. The container selected is plastic, metal or glass. A plastic bag causes rot. Before placing the fruits in the container, they are ventilated and sorted.

Dried fruits are widely used in cooking. During heat treatment, their beneficial qualities are not reduced. You can cook compotes, add them to salads, porridges, make cocktails, etc.

With this product it is possible to cook a large range dishes that will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body. It all depends on your desire and imagination!

When dried, fruits and berries retain their unique healing properties, including prunes. The fruit contains useful substances and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of every person. In addition, dried fruits also have a laxative effect. That is why it is recommended to take prunes in moderation for constipation.

Prunes contain substances that have a positive effect on intestinal function. That is why after eating a few berries, there is an improvement in the functioning of the digestive system. Fiber, which is part of the plum, stimulates the smooth muscles of the intestines, dilutes stool and removes them naturally. Regular consumption of dried fruits allows you to speed up the natural processes of bowel movements. Both children and adults can regularly consume prunes as a laxative in moderation. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended dose to avoid side effects such as diarrhea.

Beneficial features

Among the main features and benefits of prunes, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • Vitamins A and B have a positive effect on the body's protective functions. Immunity and vision improve, hair and skin are restored, and brain activity is stimulated. The body is filled with vitality and energy, which allows it to better fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Iron helps prevent the development of anemia and improve blood circulation.
  • Potassium, which is part of dried fruits, helps normalize stools and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • The high amount of fiber makes prunes effective against constipation. Fiber speeds up the natural processes of bowel movements.
  • Overweight people are advised to eat prunes, which have a laxative effect. Regular consumption of dried fruits allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins and burn excess fat deposits.
  • There is a decrease in the level of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, which leads to various problems.
  • Dried fruits have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system due to their high potassium and sodium content.
  • Regular consumption of plums helps normalize blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • The fruit fills the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal human functioning.

This raises the question: how long does dried fruit last in the human body? The laxative effect is observed within a few hours after eating prunes. At the same time, it is recommended to eat several berries daily to prevent constipation and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

How to check the quality of prunes

It is very important to choose a quality anti-constipation remedy to get maximum benefits for the body. You can check dried fruit for quality at home. To do this, simply soak the prunes in water for a few minutes. If the product is of high quality, then the water should have a dark tint. Otherwise, if the water remains clear, then the dried fruits have been treated with chemical solutions.

How to choose prunes

To choose the right quality and fresh prunes for constipation, we adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First of all, the berries must have a beautiful black tint without visible defects. If the dried fruits are brown, this indicates that they were washed with hot water.
  • Next, pay attention to the surface of the plum, which should be matte. If there is shine, then the dried fruits were treated with glycerin. In this case, before eating, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water.
  • The berries should be soft and elastic to the touch. Prunes should be juicy, not dry.
  • The taste of a quality fruit is sweet and sour without bitterness.
  • It is best to choose dried fruits with seeds, which have more benefits for the body.

Signs of quality prunes

So, the signs of a quality product are a beautiful matte surface, a uniform black tint of the berries, elasticity and juiciness to the touch. After soaking, the prunes should turn the water black. The taste is delicate, sweet with sourness.

Which prunes are better: dried or smoked?

It all depends on what the dried fruits are needed for. For the treatment and prevention of constipation, it is best to choose dried prunes, which are characterized by a pronounced laxative effect. Smoked prunes will have a characteristic bitter taste and smell. Therefore, it is better to taste and smell one berry before buying.


  • If allergic reactions to dried fruits occur. This happens very rarely, but can occur in children.
  • When breastfeeding, prunes should be consumed carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Side effects may include indigestion and diarrhea.
  • The fruits have a high sugar content and are therefore not suitable for diabetics.
  • People prone to high blood pressure should also not eat dried fruits.

If in any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid health problems in the future.

How much to use

To prevent constipation, you can eat four prunes daily. To speed up the natural processes of defecation, you can double the daily dose. If a laxative effect occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose or discontinue treatment. In addition, you can prepare compotes, decoctions, yoghurts, salads and other delicious dishes based on dried fruits.

For children

Children can also prepare puree based on prunes. To do this, steam several berries and grind them using a blender. Give one small spoon per day. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the child’s body. At the first negative symptoms, it is recommended to immediately stop treatment.

Vitamin salads based on various dried fruits and honey are also useful for children, if there are no allergic reactions. You can make natural yoghurts with the addition of berries at home, cook jelly and decoction. The main thing is to start with small doses, for example, one berry per day, and monitor the child’s health.

For adults

Compared to children, adults can increase their daily dose of prunes. Of course, don't forget about the side effects. To prevent digestive disorders, five berries a day are enough, based on which you can prepare desserts, salads and main courses. The berry should be fresh and juicy, with a rich, matte black hue.

For a better effect, prunes can be washed down with yogurt or kefir. You can double the recommended dose if it is not possible to speed up the natural processes of bowel movements. Regular consumption of dried fruits in moderation will help avoid constipation in the future.

Prunes for constipation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful about your health. You should not use any medications without your doctor's permission. It is better to use proven and safe methods to restore normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of prunes during pregnancy is recommended in the following cases:

  • When there is a decrease in intestinal tone due to changes in a woman’s hormonal background.
  • Failure to follow the rules of a balanced diet.
  • In case of intestinal displacement through fetal development.
  • When there are problems with natural bowel movements.

Before using prunes for constipation in pregnant women, you should definitely consult your doctor. After this, you can eat several berries during the day, cook compotes and prepare salads to prevent constipation.


Most people who care about their health have a question: how to eat prunes for constipation in order to get maximum benefits for the body. Today, prunes can be used to prepare various dishes for every taste. Next, we’ll look in more detail at how to effectively take prunes for constipation.

So, the recipe:

  • To prepare a vitamin salad, you need to boil two eggs, beets and carrots until ready. All this needs to be grated on a coarse grater. During this time, you need to steam a small amount of prunes and dried apricots and chop them in the usual way. Next, take a large dish and lay out a layer of beets with prunes, grease it all with sour cream on top. Next, add the next layer of carrots and dried apricots. Grease with sour cream again. At the end, sprinkle it all with grated eggs and cheese. For taste, you can use fresh dill or parsley.
  • How to take prunes if you have problems with natural bowel movements? You can prepare delicious and healthy porridge. To do this, steam the dried fruits in hot water. Next, chop and add to the finished buckwheat porridge with butter. You can add nuts and honey if you are not allergic.
  • It is recommended to give prunes to babies with constipation in the form of puree or compote. For adults, you can cook soup based on dried fruits. To do this, you need to boil water and throw in diced potatoes, steamed and chopped prunes. At the end, add finely chopped dill to the soup. Add spices to taste. You can cook the soup using meat broth.
  • For children, you can prepare semolina porridge with milk in the usual way and add a few chopped prunes. Not only is it delicious, but it also helps prevent constipation.


It is very easy to prepare dried fruit compote for infants and adults. To do this, pour a liter of water into several prunes and put on fire. Cook for a few minutes and leave. Don't forget about a small amount of sugar when cooking. This compote can be drunk by nursing mothers and given to babies after six months of age.

In addition to prunes, you can add dried apricots and compote to compote. Prunes with honey are very tasty and healthy if you are not allergic to honey.

Prune decoction

To prepare the decoction, you need to put half a glass of prunes and the same amount of oatmeal in a container. Pour half a liter of boiling water over all this. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. We distribute it into several doses throughout the day.


It is very easy and simple to prepare prune dishes at home. It is recommended to prepare purees for children. To do this, simply steam the dried fruits and grind them to a paste. You can add sugar or honey. Children after six months are given one spoon of puree per day. The most important thing is to observe the reaction of the child’s body in order to identify side effects in time.


Every day you can prepare vitamin-rich and healthy salads for the stomach. So, below we offer several simple salads:

  • To prepare the salad, you need to take prunes, feijoa and dried apricots in equal quantities. Grind all this and pour olive oil over it.
  • Grate the beets on a coarse grater, add chopped nuts and prunes. Mix all this and season with oil.
  • Before breakfast, chop prunes and figs, mix and add coriander for taste. Store the finished mixture in the refrigerator and take it on an empty stomach.
  • Take a few berries and pour boiling water over them. Grate fresh apple and boiled beets. Add chopped prunes and nuts. Mix all this, season with sour cream and honey.


Children will definitely enjoy delicious and healthy desserts. Below are some simple recipes:

  • Chop a small amount of prunes and add honey. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed one spoon before breakfast.
  • We take prunes, dried apricots and figs in equal quantities. Grind it all and fill it with honey. One spoon a day on an empty stomach is enough to get rid of constipation.

Dried plum fruit is a dried fruit that has many beneficial properties for the human body, in addition, a prune diet is very effective for weight loss. This product can be consumed in small quantities daily. In this case, the need for sweets is satisfied and extra pounds are lost. It goes well with a variety of foods.

What are the benefits of prunes for weight loss?

This dried fruit has a low glycemic index; it does not provoke a sharp release of insulin, thereby normalizing blood sugar levels. The acids contained in it break down fats and reduce cholesterol levels. It has been proven that this indicator decreases with weight loss. The dried fruit is low-fat and does not lead to obesity or insulin resistance.

Prunes are considered a good antidepressant; they improve mental and emotional well-being and normalize sleep. In addition, it satisfies the feeling of hunger well, which prevents stress during weight loss and satisfies the need for sweets. The high content of antioxidants relieves the body from the destructive effects of free radicals. The benefits of dried plum fruit for the intestines cannot be ignored.

The benefits of prunes for the intestines

Dried plum fruit contains a large amount of fiber. It is represented in equal proportions by soluble and insoluble fibers. The former reduce cholesterol levels and regulate glucose levels. Insoluble fiber binds water and increases the volume of stool. This helps make bowel movements easier. A lack of insoluble fiber can lead to constipation and cause bowel cancer. A prune diet prevents the development of this disease.

What vitamins are contained in prunes?

The calorie content of dried plum fruit is considerable - 239 kcal, but compared to other dried fruits, it has a low glycemic index (GI) - only 29 (GI of sugar - 70). Moreover, the composition of such a product is very rich in nutrients that have a beneficial effect on human health. Among them are many microelements, for example, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, as well as a complex of vitamins:

Diet with prunes for weight loss

There are many variations of unloadings, which are based on dried plum fruit. The prune diet is a multi-component diet that will help you get rid of a couple of extra pounds, waste, toxins and other harmful substances in a few days. It will give you a boost of vigor and energy. When on a diet, prunes naturally cleanse the intestines, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and generally tone the body.

To achieve better weight loss results during the diet, it is advisable to exclude high-calorie foods and foods high in sugar from the diet. When losing weight, it is important to tighten your body and skin through exercise.. An important point is the level of oxygen in the body. If there is a lack of it, fats are broken down more slowly, so do not forget about walks in the fresh air, ventilate your living and working areas. Maintaining water balance (approximately 40 ml per 1 kg of current weight) will contribute to rapid and high-quality weight loss.

Mono-diet on kefir and prunes

During the mono-diet period, you will not have to radically change your diet. All you need for natural and comfortable weight loss is to drink a cocktail of dried fruit and kefir instead of dinner. To prepare you will need a blender. For one glass of low-fat kefir, prepare about 8 pieces of dried fruit. This drink has a good laxative and diuretic effect, so nutritionists do not recommend drinking it for breakfast or lunch. Kefir with prunes for weight loss is very effective. It will cleanse the intestines with fiber and restore microflora with the help of bifidobacteria.

Diet with prunes and eggs

This type of diet does not involve eating only eggs and dried plums throughout the day. The menu for this unloading can be very diverse. Dried plums can also be combined with other protein products, for example, dairy products, poultry and lean meats, fish, and ham. Recipes for dishes with dried fruit and chicken fillet are popular on the Internet and culinary literature. Such dishes can be combined with salads from fresh vegetables, cereals, for example, brown rice, rye bread or crispbread.

Prunes and dried apricots for weight loss

The combination of prunes and dried apricots is a storehouse of nutrients. This combination will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also strengthen your cardiovascular system. Eat 5-6 dried fruits throughout the day or prepare a mixture using a blender for several days. To make it easier to beat, you can add a little clean water or lemon juice. Do not get carried away with this product, as it has a strong laxative effect.

Fasting day on prunes

During the entire fasting day you cannot eat anything other than this dried fruit. You will need about 20 dried plums, but no more. It is advisable not to drink coffee, tea, compote and other drinks for a day. Be sure to maintain a water regime: drink at least 1.5 liters of pure mineral water. Eat 3-4 dried fruits every 2-2.5 hours. One such fasting day will save you from 1-2 kilograms, while preventing your metabolism from slowing down. Deload no more than once a week.

How to eat prunes correctly

You should not overuse prunes during your diet or in everyday life, because... it has a strong laxative effect. Eat 40-50 grams of dried fruit during the day. This amount of dried plums can be a snack on its own, or divide it into several meals and combine it with other foods from your diet.

People addicted to sweets, who find it difficult to limit themselves to this need, are advised to use dried fruit as a sweetener. Often, extra pounds are deposited due to excess white sugar in the body. If you cannot completely eliminate it from your diet, then you can add dried fruit paste instead. Blend several fruits in a blender and store in the refrigerator. Add the mixture to tea, oatmeal, cottage cheese and other foods as needed.

At night with kefir

A cocktail based on kefir or homemade yogurt with dried plums is a natural laxative.Drink a cocktail with dinner or 2-3 hours before bed. In this case, the calories that you consumed with the drink will have time to be used up. A diet based on dried fruit is often recommended for people suffering from constipation.

With oatmeal

For breakfast, steam oatmeal with a handful of chopped dried plums. This mix will charge you with energy, replenish nutrients after sleep and ensure you feel full until lunch. You can add some raisins or nuts, such as walnuts, to the oatmeal. Breakfast should be the highest carbohydrate and one of the highest calorie meals of the day. This will prevent hunger during the day and help avoid breakdowns.

With cottage cheese

Protein food combined with dried fruit is a complete, balanced dinner. It is advisable to choose low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese. For one serving of cottage cheese (approximately 200-300 grams), 3-4 dried plums are enough. You can add chopped dried fruit to the cottage cheese or beat both ingredients into the curd mass. Using a diet based on prunes and fermented milk products for weight loss, you will not only solve the problem of excess weight, but also provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein, which serves as a building material for cells.


Doctors contraindicate a diet based on prunes for people with individual intolerance to the product, the presence of an allergic reaction to plums, and with varying degrees of obesity. It is not advisable for women to consume this dried fruit during breastfeeding, because... components that are found in dried plum fruit can cause an eating disorder in a child.
