Causes and treatment of wound suppuration after surgery. Causes and treatment of wound suppuration after surgery Why pimples appeared around the operating suture

Hello, my name is Svetlana. I really need your help. My situation is as follows: 7 weeks ago in Russia I had a laparoscopy. Redness in the form of pimples appeared around one almost healed suture, and since after the operation I was in another country (I flew to the USA immediately after discharge), I decided to buy rubbing alcohol (70%) and dry these places. Now I understand that there was no way to do this with a 70% alcohol solution. In general, I turned one of the healed stitches into a burn in this way. I treat the burn with MIRAMISTIN once a day, and pimples with brilliant green (3%). Is this true? But what worries me now are the itchy pimples around and in the navel (there was also an incision near it during the operation), and these pimples also appeared on the second stitch, which has completely healed and healed. I don’t know how to fight them..? What could it be? These redness itches terribly (I tolerate it and don’t touch it), how to treat it, doctor? Do I need to take antibiotics? Do they need to be treated with brilliant green (3%)? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Svetlana, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on complaints alone. And treatment without a diagnosis is not prescribed. Pimples can be a manifestation of a herpes infection or an allergic reaction. In both cases, prescribing antibiotics will only cause harm. Pimples can also be caused by many other reasons. "Zelenka" is used only in Russia; it is not used in the USA. Its use is not advisable, since it has a drying effect due to its alcohol content. It is worth contacting the doctor who operated on you or the doctor at your place of stay in person.

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Any surgical intervention, for whatever reason, causes a wound to the patient, which subsequently requires care until healing.

Unfortunately, quite often, in the process of restoring damaged tissues, various complications arise, the most common of which is suppuration. This happens no matter how carefully and correctly the operation was performed; even after all actions have been performed perfectly, the postoperative wound may begin to fester.

Causes of suppuration of a postoperative wound

Most often, the appearance of suppuration of postoperative wounds occurs due to:

Seam processing and dressing

Sutures are treated after each operation using antiseptic solutions and special preparations.

Before starting the dressing procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.(it is recommended to do this up to the elbows), dry them with a paper towel and put on gloves. After this, you need to remove the dirty bandage that was applied. If the gauze has dried in some places to the incision site, you should not tear it off, you just need to moisten the bandage with hydrogen peroxide in these places and wait a little.

After removing the bandage, the gloves must be changed or thoroughly washed and treated with a disinfectant solution. The seams and tissue incision line should be spilled with a solution, blotted with a sterile cloth and allowed to dry. If there is no suppuration and blood does not ooze anywhere, then you can treat the wound and the surface of the skin around it, as well as the sutures, with regular treatment, applying it in a thin layer once a day when changing the dressing.

If the postoperative injury has not yet healed, after treatment it is necessary to apply brilliant green only to the area of ​​the skin around the incision line, and an ointment should be applied to the wound itself to prevent suppuration or eliminate it if inflammation has already begun.

An important point is that when treating wounds after operations and changing dressings, under no circumstances should you peel off the scabs that have formed and the existing whitish coating.

Scabs and plaque formation indicate that the process of formation of new tissues and epithelium has already begun at the site of damage. An attempt to remove scabs and such plaque will lead to the formation of serious scars in the future.

Removal of applied sutures is carried out, as a rule, from the 7th to the 14th day after the operation, which depends on the scale of the section and its complexity. The procedure is performed without any pain relief, as it only rarely causes pain to patients. Before removing sutures and after this procedure, the skin and incision site are treated with antiseptics.

Treatment of inflammation

If signs of suppuration of a postoperative wound appear, it is necessary to begin its treatment as soon as possible. Treatment of such a wound is carried out according to the same scheme as any other purulent wound and consists of frequent changes of dressings with proper treatment with antiseptics, disinfectants and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The action of modern ointments is long-lasting, and the effects are pronounced, which allows postoperative wounds to heal much faster and eliminate inflammatory processes, with virtually no side effects. Such indicators of many drugs allow them to be used for the treatment of wounds and for a long time, if necessary.

Application has many advantages. In particular, the ointment has a fairly thick but soft structure, which allows it to be applied to any part of the body without fear of it dripping (unlike liquid preparations). The special formula of such products allows them to quickly penetrate deep into damaged tissues, while creating a protective film on the surface of the wound.

The use of ointments is safer than injections or oral antibiotics, since ointments have only a local effect without creating a systemic effect.

An ointment for eliminating suppuration of postoperative wounds and treating other purulent wounds should solve certain problems:

  • Fight infection inside the wound.
  • Help remove dead tissue and cleanse purulent formations.
  • Eliminate the inflammatory process, stopping its development.
  • Do not create obstacles for the release of pus.
  • Protect the wound from penetration of harmful microorganisms.

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The first stage of wound healing after surgery usually begins on the third day. During this period, you can use ointments that have a water base, promoting faster healing of the injury, eliminating inflammation, preventing the penetration of infection or suppressing its development. These drugs include ointments: Sulfamekol, Ichthyol, Dioxin, Zinc.

For faster restoration of injured tissue, ointments that activate regeneration processes and also eliminate bacterial infections should be applied to the cleaned surface of postoperative injuries.

For the treatment of postoperative sutures, they are used because they contribute to the formation of higher quality granulation. Most often in this group of products, ointments based on Tetracycline and Gentamicin are used.

You can also use universal ointments that have a combined composition. Such agents are highly effective in eliminating the inflammatory process and accelerating wound healing. Drugs in this group include Vishnevsky ointment, Oxycyclosol, Solcoseryl, Levomethoxin.

Folk remedies

Treatment of sutures after operations using traditional medicine can significantly speed up the process of restoration of injured tissues and avoid many complications. Traditional medicine has many different recipes.

The most effective folk remedies for treating wounds after surgery:

Complications and consequences

The main complication after surgery is wound suppuration, which must be combated by all means.

Often, after the sutures are removed and the patient is discharged home, the inflammatory process begins again and repeated suppuration occurs. This happens with secondary infection of a protracted wound, for example, in cases when a person begins to peel off the crusts that have formed along the cut line, thereby injuring new tissue. With such actions, harmful microorganisms can enter small wounds and cause a new inflammatory process.

Secondary infection or the spread of an existing one often occurs due to improper and insufficient treatment of sutures, when the patient neglects to change dressings in a timely manner and does not use prescribed products.

After discharge home, special attention should be paid to the condition of the sutures and the resulting scar. If severe redness of the skin, swelling, swelling of the tissues, or new purulent formations appear around it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hello! Two weeks ago I had surgery to remove my gallbladder using laparoscopy. Everything was fine, I treated the seams with brilliant green, but then a rash appeared and irritation around the seams, especially around the navel, began to itch. Why could this be: irritation with brilliant green? The dermatologist said it was just irritation and prescribed zinc ointment and some antibiotic ointment. I’ve been applying it for the 3rd day now, but there is no relief yet. What should I do? And what is this?

Tsurikova Svetlana, Yelnya

ANSWERED: 11/11/2013

Dear Svetlana! What you are describing is allergic dermatitis, which developed, in this case, due to “green stuff”. In this case, any hormonal ointment will help you well: “Ftorcort”, “Oxycort”, “Lorinden”, etc. And in the future, if necessary, replace the brilliant green with solutions of Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or other semi-alcoholic solutions. Be healthy!

Clarification question

QUESTION FOR CLARIFICATION 21.10.2014 Zapaschikova Olga, With. Perelub Saratov region

Hello. 2 weeks ago I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. All stitches are healing normally. But one is very bad, red and itchy. At the clinic, the doctor told me to apply zinc ointment and treat it with vodka. Tell me something please.

ANSWERED: 10/21/2014 Prutyan Grigory Valerievich Saint Petersburg 0.0 Dermatovenerologist

You may have allergic contact dermatitis: But paratraumatic eczema cannot be ruled out. Post a photo of the rash here or on the VK group page:

Clarification question

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Hello! Three weeks ago I had surgery to remove my gallbladder using laparoscopy. Everything was fine, I treated the seams with alcohol, then brilliant green and sealed them with a cosmopor plaster. I took off the patch and in the places where it was stuck, a rash appeared and irritation appeared around the seams, especially around the navel, it began to itch very much around all the seams, even those where I had not glued them. In addition, the seam near the navel began to get wet. I sprinkle it with baneocin and apply acriderm to the irritation. Am I doing the right thing? ...


After the operation everything was fine, the stitches were removed and after two days they were told to remove the bandages. After this, irritation began in the form of a rash from the navel with an expansion of the territory to the chest to the second seam. Two and a half weeks have passed now, and there is no improvement. I smeared it generously with brilliant green and zinc ointment, and drank Suprastin for three days. You probably need professional help. You can’t get through to our surgeon - there’s a waiting list for a month in advance. Help me please.


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Two weeks ago I had palas surgery to remove the gallbladder, a week ago a rash appeared around the suture and itched, what should I do?


Hello! During the year, 3 operations were performed: an obstruction in the intestines, removal of the gallbladder, and a hernia operation using a mesh. After the last operation, there is a hematoma in the abdominal cavity. The surgeon recommended applying Trombless and Indovazin ointments around the suture. I've been using it for 5 months now. Isn't this harmful? Will this dissolve the mesh or something else that is not what is needed? With respect to you.

After surgery, patients often complain about the condition of the suture. Complications arise for various reasons. A hard lump on the stitch after surgery is the most common one. It is not always dangerous to health, and special treatment is usually not required. In order to identify the cause of the lump, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication leads to the development of complications and the need for repeated surgery.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of a lump on the suture, accompanied by the discharge of pus. This is a common occurrence and can be noticed upon self-examination of the area where the intervention was performed. Problems can arise for various reasons, including: improper suturing, bacterial infection, rejection of threads by the human body, use of low-quality materials. You should remember the importance of proper treatment of the surgical area, and if any bumps, pain or suppuration occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of postoperative complications

A lump or lump on the suture after a cesarean section may represent a ligature fistula. This is the most common complication of abdominal surgery. Upon completion of the surgical intervention, the incision is stitched with special threads - ligatures. They are either absorbable or regular. The healing time of the suture depends on the quality of the material. With the correct use of high-quality material, the risk of complications is minimized. If an expired thread was used, or in the incision
pathogenic microorganisms enter, an inflammatory process develops, as a result of which a fistula is formed after a few weeks.

It is not difficult to detect this complication. It is a non-healing, dense wound from which purulent contents are constantly released. The wound may become overgrown with a crust, but after a while it opens again and the discharge appears again. The formation of a fistula is accompanied by fever, general weakness, and headaches. If a lump or suppuration appears, you should consult a doctor.

Only he will be able to detect and remove the infected thread. If this procedure is not carried out, the compaction will constantly grow. External agents in this case are ineffective. After removing the ligature, some care for the suture will be required, the rules of which will be told to you by the surgeon. If the inflammatory process has been present for a long time and is accompanied by the appearance of several fistulas, it is necessary to remove scar tissue with repeated suturing.

Spontaneous seroma

Seroma is an equally common complication that occurs after surgery. Unlike a fistula, it can disappear spontaneously. Specific treatment is usually not required.

A seroma is a lump filled with fluid. It appears in places where lymphatic vessels lie, the integrity of which cannot be restored after dissection. At the intersection of the vessels, a cavity is formed, which is filled with lymph.

Seroma, which has no signs of suppuration, is not dangerous to health and does not require treatment. If it is detected, you need to visit a surgeon who will make an accurate diagnosis and rule out the presence of infection.

Keloid scar

Keloid scar is an equally common complication of abdominal surgery. It's not difficult to recognize him. The seam becomes rougher and hardens, its surface becomes lumpy, which is normal! There is no pain, redness or suppuration. A keloid scar is not dangerous to health; it is only a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated if desired. The reasons for its appearance are considered to be the structural features of the skin.

How to get rid of a bump on a seam?

There are several ways to eliminate such a defect, it all depends on its type. Laser resurfacing is used to get rid of keloid scars. Several treatments make the scar less noticeable. Hormonal therapy is based on the use of external and general agents. Creams help soften scar tissue and make the seam lighter. Surgical treatment consists of removing the scar and then applying a new suture. This method does not guarantee that the keloid scar will not recur after surgery.

In order to avoid the appearance of seals at the incision site and some other complications, it is necessary to properly care for the suture in the postoperative period. If a lump or suppuration appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Preventing any complication is easier than treating it. The wound healing process lasts about a month. During your stay in the hospital, all necessary measures will be carried out by health workers. After discharge, the patient must learn to perform all procedures independently. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The first thing to remember is to prevent infection. Timely dressing and proper treatment of the skin will speed up the healing process. If a lump does appear, you should not try to get rid of it yourself. Seromas usually resolve spontaneously. Keloid scars are not easy to get rid of.

Antiseptic solutions should be used to disinfect the skin in the incision area. When using soap, allergic reactions may occur, making the healing process longer. Some patients try to get rid of the seal using compresses and lotions. It is strictly forbidden to wet the seam, as high humidity prevents its healing. Such procedures contribute to skin irritation and wound infection.

A shower in the first weeks after surgery should take no more than 10 minutes. The water should not be too hot or too cold; temperature changes slow down the skin restoration process. It is recommended to take a bath no earlier than a month after surgery.

Any treatment represents a kind of stress for the body. However, it is acne after surgery often cause a lot of inconvenience. They can arise for several reasons at once. Most often, the postoperative period is a recovery period, when the doctor prescribes antibiotics. This is necessary in order to prevent all kinds of inflammatory processes from leading to complications during the patient’s rehabilitation. However, it is antibiotics that become provocateurs for the occurrence of so-called medicinal and other areas of the skin.

Acne after surgery due to antibiotics

This adverse reaction occurs with most varieties of this drug. The body’s unusual reaction in the form of acne occurs because the sebaceous hair formations on the human body respond violently to the use of the drug.

The situation with the occurrence of such often painful formations is aggravated by the prolonged duration of the course of treatment. The more days the drug is used by the patient and the higher its dose, the more severe the skin rash. Sometimes acne appears on the skin as a symptom of intolerance to a particular antibiotic, but after surgery such drugs are required.

Those people who were already familiar with such rashes before the surgical procedure may experience an exacerbation due to taking medications belonging to the penicillin category. Acne after surgery is often caused by doxycycline, ampicillin, cacampiox and other drugs from this group.

Who is at risk for drug-induced acne?

Moreover, allergy sufferers can observe the occurrence literally immediately after taking the medicine. Those who develop leukemia are also at risk of acquiring such a dubious piece of jewelry. In addition, taking antibiotics disrupts the balance of intestinal bacteria and can lead to dysbiosis. This disease itself often causes profuse rashes on the human body. As a rule, such a rash remains for quite a long time, but not forever. After 2-3 weeks, acne disappears. And if a person is not inclined to form them, then they will arise again.

The redness that appears on the skin around the suture should attract more serious attention. In addition to the fact that the body is weakened due to illness, microbes could get into the wound. It is they that can cause the formation of acne in a given place. They are generously lubricated with standard brilliant green, which is often quite enough to get rid of such an ailment.