Total lunar eclipse on March 9. Scientists believe that projection is a protective mechanism that helps the psyche unload. Heaven emphasizes that the Soul is now more important than ever, and it is a priority in everything. The soul and its world will represent

The total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 occurs at 18 degrees of the zodiac sign Pisces. It can be observed, at least in partial phases: in South and Southeast Asia, in the northern and eastern parts of Australia, in the east Indian Ocean, in the northern and central Pacific Ocean. The full phase is available for observation in Malaysia and the Indonesian islands: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi. In most of Russia, a solar eclipse will not be visible, this celestial phenomenon will not be visible, with the exception of regions Far East(Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorsky Krai), where particular phases are available for observation.

Maximum phase: March 9 at 01:59 UTC or 04:59 Moscow time. The total phase of the eclipse lasts 4 minutes 9 seconds.

Impact of the solar eclipse March 9, 2016

Most sensitive to influence solar eclipse There will be representatives of the sign of Pisces and other mutable signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius. If there are personal planets and important points in your natal chart natal chart(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ascendant, MC) are located from 13th to 23rd degrees of mutable signs, it will also have a great impact.

A solar eclipse heralds the arrival of the new and gives rise to change. The nature of the changes is determined for each person individually, depending on the individual horoscope.

The meaning of an eclipse from an astrological point of view

A solar eclipse is total, i.e. The Moon's shadow completely covers the Sun for an observer on Earth. Thus, it is much more influential than other eclipses, capable of bringing significant and inevitable changes. It can be a turning point, a moment of choosing new futures and letting go of the past. The time of discovery and insight comes, when the opportunity to create a new future arises.

The energy of Pisces, highlighted by the eclipse, stimulates the imagination, allowing you to see potential everywhere. Mercury, which is also in Pisces, suggests perceiving information not only rationally, but also on an intuitive level. Pisces are known for their intuition and ability to understand the hidden meaning of things, so you can trust the intuitive insights that will come under the influence of the eclipse. In some cases, you will have to take off your rose-colored glasses to see the truth.

Pisces is a sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing the collective unconscious, where personal consciousness dissolves in the ocean of existence. The vibrations of Pisces allow you to discover the Divine presence within yourself and encourage you to surrender to the flow of life. This zodiac sign represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. One fish symbolizes the delusions and illusions that the ego forms based on its own ideas and desires. The other is related to true awareness and the higher self. Two fish seem to invite us to make a choice - which path to follow? Therefore, the time has come to take responsibility for the history of your own life.

Neptune, which is the ruler of the sign of Pisces and the dispositor of the eclipse on March 9, 2016, is located precisely in Pisces, where its properties are most manifested. In astrology, this planet is responsible for spirituality, mysticism, art, intuition, dreams, fantasies, but is also associated with deception, self-deception, illusions and detachment from reality. In its positive form, Neptune's influence can inspire and inspire, but in its negative form, it dissolves reality, bringing disappointment and creating confusing circumstances.

The planetary configurations of the eclipse are intense - the conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Pisces opposes Jupiter in Virgo, and also forms a square with Saturn in Sagittarius. In addition, the eclipse activated negative aspects: the square of Saturn and Jupiter is one of the main planetary aspects of 2016, and the square of Uranus and Pluto, valid in 2013 - 2016. All this is to say that plans may be initiated that lack practicality or those that are not destined to come true due to lack of determination. It is possible that external forces intervene, actions that harm oneself or lead to results other than those expected. Remember the need to soberly assess the opportunities that come your way so as not to make mistakes.

The Eclipse of the Sun in Pisces suggests devoting time to introspection, being in silence and solitude in order to discover something very important. This eclipse contains a pronounced component of Neptune energy. The mission of the planet is to take you into fantasies and dreams in order to activate unconscious activity and bring messages of the unconscious to the surface. Receiving subconscious messages is not always easy, but you can make the process easier. Let yourself dream while getting lost in fantasy worlds. You might like the idea of ​​listening to some uplifting music, swimming, soaking in a bath, singing a song, or burning incense. All of these have a connection to Neptune and will allow you to connect to your inner wisdom.

For important matters, large purchases, important meetings and travel, the day of the solar eclipse is not suitable, as are the three days before and after the date of March 9, 2016. If possible, reschedule such events to other days.

Solar eclipses sow the seeds of future events, laying the program for the future. Use this powerful cosmic energy to set your personal agenda. A solar eclipse is essentially a new moon, so it’s good to carry out a new moon ritual on such a day to fulfill your wishes. Make a wish and it will receive a stellar boost, and results can come within six, nine or eighteen months, depending on the complexity of the goal.

View of a total solar eclipse through a telescope

Total solar eclipses are quite rare. Although they occur almost every year (there are years without total solar eclipses at all), the Sun, completely obscured by the Moon, is visible only in a narrow strip with an average width of about 200 kilometers.

Solar eclipse diagram

In the same observation location, a total solar eclipse can be seen once every 200 - 300 years, or even less often. Not many inhabitants of the Earth have the chance to see such a phenomenon throughout their lives without leaving their city or even country. For example, in the European part of our country, the nearest total solar eclipse will occur only in the spring of 2061! But it also happens that the interval between neighboring total eclipses for one locality is only a year and a half! One such pair of total eclipses is the 2037 and 2038 eclipses in Australia. By the way, Australia is a place where as many as five eclipses can be seen within a few years in the foreseeable future! In 15 years (from 2023 to 2038), the lunar shadow will visit this small continent 5 times, and the small island state of New Zealand three times! It should be noted that in six areas of Australia during this period it will be possible to observe the full phase twice in the same place! Such a combination of total eclipses on a small continental area is rare. Residents of Australia are very lucky in this regard, and all that remains is to advise astronomy lovers from other countries, if possible, to move to live in Australia within the next few years. A more realistic prospect would be to save money for traveling to these eclipses.

Partial solar eclipses occur more often than total eclipses and are visible on larger territory. Maximum amount Under favorable circumstances, there are up to five partial eclipses of the Sun per year, but such years are very rare. Suffice it to say that the last time five solar eclipses took place was in 1935, and the next time a similar combination of partial eclipses will occur in 2206. Four partial eclipses a year are certainly more common. The nearest such years are 2029 and 2047.

But let's return to this year's total solar eclipse, the total phase of which will be visible in the equatorial region of the Earth. It should be noted that it is at the equator that the longest total eclipses of the Sun are visible, the maximum duration of which can reach 7 minutes!
But for this, three conditions must be met: an eclipse at the equator, the Moon at perigee and the Sun at aphelion.

But at the eclipse of March 9, 2016, only the first two conditions will be met, and the Sun will be two months from perihelion and four months from aphelion (in early July). Therefore the duration full phase will be only a little over 4 minutes. During this eclipse, the lunar shadow will pass mainly over the water surface of two oceans: the Indian and Pacific. On land, the Moon's shadow will only run across the islands of Indonesia, where it will cover four major cities, the largest of which is Palembang with a population of one and a half million. Palankaraya, Balikpapan and Palu will alternately be covered by the lunar shadow some time after Palembang in the morning hours of March 9, 2016.

Map of the total phase of the eclipse

Approximate appearance and course of the eclipse in the total phase band for the island of Sumatra

In Russia, this eclipse will be observed in the form of partial phases for one hour (from 2 to 3 hours universal time). Of the large cities, Vladivostok with a maximum phase of 0.038, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - with a phase of 0.07, and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where the maximum phase will be 0.097, fall into the band of the partial phase of the eclipse. In the easternmost populated area of ​​the country - Uelen - the eclipse phase will reach 0.018. From the eclipse map for Russia it is clear that the maximum possible phase that can be observed from land falls on the Kuril Islands. In Severo-Kurilsk it will be possible to observe a partial eclipse with a phase of 0.124. A maximum phase of 0.17 can be seen from Kuril Islands adjacent to Japan.

During the total phase of a solar eclipse, the corona becomes visible around the Sun - an amazing sight that cannot be conveyed by any photographs! And next to the eclipsed daylight, bright planets and stars appear. Mercury and Venus will be the brightest in the eclipse sky on March 9, 2016, being 10 degrees apart. On the opposite side of the darkened sky, Mars and Saturn will be visible high above the horizon, 15 degrees apart. The brightness of these two planets will be lower than that of Mercury and Venus, but they will not be difficult to find. The main thing is to catch it while the Sun is closed, because it’s not easy to take your eyes off such a wonderful spectacle as a total eclipse! Among the bright stars, Vega, Arcturus, Antares, Spica, Deneb, Altair, Alpha Centauri and some other stars will be visible....

Map of the partial eclipse band for the eastern regions of Russia

View of the sky during a total eclipse in Palembang

Western sky during total eclipse

The described total solar eclipse is the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros and is repeated from the previous eclipse of this Saros on February 26, 1998, which could be observed by residents of northern countries South America. The length of the Moon's shadow cast into space is about 373,320 kilometers, and on the day of the eclipse, the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be 357,244 kilometers. A simple calculation shows that the apparent diameter of the Moon is 1.045 times greater than the solar diameter - this is the maximum phase of this year’s eclipse. The gamma eclipse parameter indicated on the general eclipse map is determined by the minimum distance of the axis of the lunar shadow cone to the center of the Earth, and on the day of the eclipse will be 1664 kilometers, which gives a gamma value of 0.2609.

The beginning of the eclipse for the Earth according to universal time will take place at 23 hours 19 minutes on March 8, 2016, when the lunar penumbra touches the surface of the Earth in the Indian Ocean near the coast of the island of Sumatra, and begins to move in east direction. An animation of the eclipse's progress will show you this movement in detail. Gradually covering the countries of Southeast Asia, the lunar penumbra will create the appearance of a partial solar eclipse with different phases for residents of these countries. The penumbra of the Moon will already have time to cover part of Australia and the Chinese provinces when, finally, at 00 hours 16 minutes (already on March 9) universal time, the shadow of the Moon will appear on the surface of the Earth (again in the Indian Ocean west of the coast Sumarta).

Having reached the western coast of Sumatra in a few minutes, the lunar shadow will provide the first view of a total solar eclipse in the morning sky for residents of Indonesia and tourists vacationing on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Next, the moon's shadow will cover the above-mentioned Palembang. This will happen at 0 hours 21 minutes 44 seconds Universal Time (+ 7 hours local). The full phase will last here only 1 minute 52 seconds and will be 1.011 at an altitude of the Sun above the horizon of 18 degrees. The partial eclipse in Palembang will continue for just over an hour, bringing back an unforgettable celestial show. Information about the circumstances of total eclipse in other populated areas can be found in the table below.

Next, the shadow of the Moon will cross the large islands of Kalimantan, Sulawesi and a number of small islands, and at about 1 hour universal time it will begin its journey across the expanses of the Pacific Ocean, where there will no longer be large areas of land. The eclipse will reach its maximum at about two hours universal time at a location in the Pacific Ocean with coordinates of 10 degrees north latitude and 149 degrees east longitude with a full phase band width of 155 kilometers. The end of the total eclipse for the Earth will occur at 3 hours 38 minutes Universal Time west of the coast of North America, when the shadow of the Moon slides off the Earth's surface. The partial eclipse for Earth will end at 4:35 a.m. Universal Time.

But residents of North America will not have to be upset for long that they could not see this eclipse from their territory, because... in a year and a half, the next total solar eclipse will occur, the stripe of the total phase of which will cross the North American continent. This will happen on August 21, 2017, and our readers will definitely be told about this event!

Let's wish clear skies and successful viewing to everyone who will be observing the total solar eclipse this year and next!

A detailed map from NASA will give you a complete picture of the circumstances of the March 9, 2016 eclipse anywhere in the total and partial eclipse phase!!

Interactive eclipse map from NASA

Animation of the Moon's shadow moving across the Earth's surface with selected views of the eclipse

An excellent overview of the upcoming eclipse, maps of its visibility, climate information, analysis of characteristic cloudiness and other information useful for observers.

Some theoretical information about solar eclipses,128873.0.html
How to watch a solar eclipse?,128520.0.html
Bands of other total and annular eclipses covering the period from 2001 to 2020.

At all times, even when there were no astronomers and no site yet, solar and lunar eclipses were given attention Special attention in history.

According to the site's astrologer, the days of solar and lunar eclipses are very similar to January 1st. These days you need to make plans for the year ahead, speak in a half-whisper and behave quietly and calmly, as you should after a hangover.

As for the eclipses of 2016, as writes, due to the large number of eclipses, this year, according to most astrologers, will be largely fateful. According to astrologers, solar and lunar eclipses of 2016 will be extremely influential. They will leave a karmic resonance, both in the individual destinies of people, families or groups, and will influence the destinies of entire countries and ethnic groups. This is especially true for the solar eclipses of 2016, the effects of which will not be limited to one day or month. The effects of these solar eclipses can last for many years!

But don’t immediately panic, because eclipses are new stage in life and new opportunities!

The site's astrologer, in his usual manner, speaks about the astrological significance of the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016.

Considering that the eclipse will be on March 9, more than half of the population will have normal hangover, while others have Wednesday. And if some say that March 9 is the day of the international women's hangover, then others claim that March 9 is the day of exchange for the correct size in lingerie stores. Therefore, men on March 9 should not relax; on this day, those you forgot about on March 8 will remember you. Well, on March 9, it will be much more convenient for women to blow men’s minds – after all, everything can be attributed to the Solar Eclipse. After all, many men are still confident , that if a girl is not in the mood, then she has problems... Men never understood that in fact, if a girl is not in the mood, then they have problems! Therefore, how March 9, 2016 will go, for many will depend not on the solar eclipse, but on how March 8 went.

So on March 9, collect 6 Coca-Cola bottle caps, 3 champagne bottle caps, chocolate and candy wrappers and generally... clean up your house!!!

And yet, in any case, remember that on such days you need to force yourself to think positively, and not emotionally.

As the site’s astrologer has already said, the days of solar and lunar eclipses are very similar to January 1st. These days you need to make plans for the year ahead, speak in a half-whisper and behave quietly and calmly, as you should after a hangover.

From 8th to 9th March 2016 at 01:58:19 GMT or 4:58 Moscow time we are celebrating a solar eclipse.

This eclipse will occur when the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth - called perigee, which makes the Moon appear larger, a phenomenon called supermoon.

During a total solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun from view. Although the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun every month, the celestial bodies must line up for a total eclipse to occur.

This is the only total solar eclipse this year, but it will only be visible in parts of southeast Asia. On March 9th there will be the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros.

During a total eclipse, the solar corona, stars and planets located near the Sun are visible.

Important! As they say, you can look at the Sun through a telescope without special filters only twice in your life: first with your right eye, and then with your left (you can also vice versa). Permanent visual damage can result from viewing the solar disk directly, through a camera viewfinder, binoculars or telescope, even if only the thin crescent of our luminary is visible.

The Moon casts a dark shadow across a narrow strip along the Earth's surface. This stripe will only be visible in part of the Pacific Ocean.

The phase of total eclipse, when the Sun will be completely covered, can be observed in Indonesia including Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and some parts Pacific Ocean. Observers in northern and eastern Australia and southern and eastern Asia (China, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Guam) will be able to see the partial eclipse.

In Russia, a total solar eclipse will not be visible, but a partial eclipse will be visible in some areas of the Far East.

Beginning of the eclipse on March 8 at 23:19 UTC (universal time) or March 9 2:19 Moscow time

Maximum phase of the eclipse March 9 at 01:59 UTC (universal time) or March 9 at 4:59 Moscow time

End of the eclipse March 9 at 4:34 UTC (Universal Time) or March 9 at 7:34 Moscow time

The total eclipse phase will last 4 minutes 9 seconds.

Usually events of this magnitude can change a lot and redirect the energy of humanity. In ancient times people They were afraid of these heavenly signs because they changed destinies. An eclipse suggests that various changes may occur in the environment in which you live. People you knew well may show their other faces.

Heaven emphasizes that the Soul is now more important than ever, and it is a priority in everything. The soul and its world will be of true value in society. The energy of this eclipse suggests cleaning the Soul, deepening into your inner world.

In society, in addition to increasing knowledge about the soul, there will also be a tendency towards manipulation. Many people will influence others using prohibited methods in order to achieve their results.

The sign of Pisces reminds us of a very important point - the activation of the energy of the unconscious. The energy of awareness and rational thinking will be somewhat weakened.

"Directory of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What does this mean?

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of performing rituals during any eclipse

An eclipse clears the energy-information space around a person and makes way for something new in life.

So take advantage of this opportunity!

Even those subconscious programs that are located deep in the sublunar parts of the unconscious are activated. Therefore, it is necessary to look at what is happening around a little deeper, try to understand the motives of what is deep.

The theme of self-sacrifice will also be relevant. You will have to give something voluntarily in order to receive something in return.

The concept of spirituality will be changed. It will be very difficult to highlight your own direction; you will have to make your way through the darkness and attempts.

Particular attention should be paid to projections in society. If something happened to us in past lives, then the subconscious can look for these traits in someone or try to direct your energy to something similar that it already knows.

Scientists believe that projection is a protective mechanism that helps the psyche unload.

We create projection when we mistake our own internal processes, thoughts, feelings and reactions for what is happening outside. But the reality may not be like that at all, and this should be understood more deeply.

This solar eclipse suggests that if you experience any situations within seven months, you should consider them in the context of the unconscious.

It should be noted that people generally have a desire to break everything down into parts and analyze each of them separately.

Diagnoses can be very accurate when fundamental knowledge and intuition are combined.

In society there will be a tendency towards sharp criticism and condemnation, people will be dissatisfied with what is happening around them and with themselves. They will only demonstrate outwardly own rules and therefore it will be very difficult to adapt to other people's attitudes. There is a tendency to look for those to blame around, to ignore problems within oneself, and to transfer changes to the level of the inner world.

A strict censorship of the subconscious will open, so if this is not programmed in your subconscious, it means that the filter will not allow the necessary information to pass through and the circumstance will not be formed.

Ladybug Meta Card– this symbol will characterize those programs that will be in the air in society during this period. Ladybug says that children's fears or undeveloped programs will come to the surface.

They can be used to help yourself.

Look for the source of joy in your childhood experiences and dreams. Think about what you would like to become and why this area excites you so much. Remember the good moments with your parents, their smiles, attitude, explain to yourself their actions from a different perspective.

This eclipse indicates that an important stage begins for working on your inner child. It is by working through the problems of our inner child that we can find a source of strength within ourselves. We are given time to work through internal crises. It is necessary to consider all situations from the other side.

You will have to discard what has already become irrelevant. You should also get rid of negative expectations.

A person can experience an internal crisis for six to seven years. During this period, you can change your inner child and accept a new quality. Each of us will have to think about the right choice of our role.

Internal conflicts will make themselves felt, and unresolved conflicts will not allow you to open up to love.

During the eclipse, there will be a change in male and female energies in the world. Men will become more passive, and women will become more proactive and active.

The old idea of ​​your inner world must be destroyed. The new will come out when a replacement occurs, when you agree to say goodbye to your old schemes, which have long served their purpose.

The total solar eclipse of March 9, 2016 is the 52nd eclipse of the one hundred and thirtieth Saros. The region of its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 10.1° north latitude, 148.8° east longitude, lasts a maximum of 4 minutes 9 seconds, and the width of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is 155 kilometers. At the moment and at the point of greatest eclipse, the direction to the sun (azimuth) is 162°, and the height of the sun above the horizon is 75°.

Dynamic world time at the moment of greatest eclipse: 01:58:19, dynamic time correction: 70 seconds.

The axis of the shadow runs between the center of the Earth and the north pole; the minimum distance from the center of the Earth to the axis of the lunar shadow cone is 1664 kilometers. Thus, the Gamma of the eclipse is 0.2609, and the maximum phase reaches 1.045.

Lunar month number: 200 (200 synodic months have passed since the date January 6, 2000, taken as the zero point)

Astrological indicators of the solar eclipse March 9, 2016

On March 9, 2016 at 1:56 GMT there will be a total solar eclipse at 18°56′ Pisces, at the same longitude as the star Fum al Samakah beta in the constellation Pisces.

Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis, which began with the lunar eclipse on March 20, 2015 and will end with the lunar eclipse on February 26, 2017, will try to free people and in this case politicians from unrealistic plans so that they feel the reality.

The eclipse will have an impact on people’s worldview and will test their value system. The reaction of an individual, people or country will show the state of mentality.

The eclipse will check how strong alliances, associations are and whether the terms of contracts and transactions are met.

Based on the results, it will be possible to determine who knows how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account, and who does not. Those who know how to interact, collaborate and take criticism into account will, through their own efforts, remove all barriers to success, and those who do not will destroy their wealth, image and position. And this applies to both people and countries.

I am writing simply through force, apparently, I am picking up the rather heavy Saturnian energies.

An eclipse square to Saturn is not too easy to bear. The first task is to overcome coldness and dullness. But here there is complete confidence that spring will win and there is very little left until real warmth.

Entering the solar eclipse (into its aura) is quite tense, and already on Saturday many will experience obvious irritation and a readiness to enter into arguments on almost any issue. It seems that a very gentle holiday is approaching, but somehow not for everyone. Those who start celebrating early can instead of easy festive mood fall into irritability and intransigence.

In extreme cases, it can even lead to assault. You need to be especially careful on the road, as a banal conflict can lead to a sharp showdown. Try not to exceed the speed limit and do not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

The red color enhances resonance with intense energies and can provoke sharp reactions from others, so you should try to be especially attentive and calm in red cars, and it is better not to wear red clothes.

In general, there are difficulties in transport, traffic jams. There may be a particularly high number of accidents on March 5 and 6.

Intimate conversations work out poorly.

The dialogue is ongoing, but we don’t hear the interlocutors, especially if the points of view do not coincide. People display arrogance to the point of confidence in their own absolute infallibility and transferring their own mistakes onto others.

In difficult situations, there is a search for the last resort. Some may express a desire to push others to fight among themselves. In any case, let's think about the consequences these days; rash words can cost a lot.

It is also very difficult to ask for forgiveness now. Having quarreled on the eve of Women's Day, it is difficult to back down. On the part of younger men, there may be a lot of talk and promises that are not supported by the depth of feelings and seriousness of aspirations.

It is possible that we will encounter some kind of electrifying news. The tension is brought by the military theme. Anxiety is growing among people, and the media is fueling it.

And after a completely wild weekend, we find ourselves under the cooling waves of Saturn. If we look at the position of Saturn in relation to the point of the eclipse, then there we will see the exact square of Saturn to both the Moon and the Sun.

This position of Saturn to the luminaries is called an aspect of true depression, so many will not greet these women's holidays in the most rosy mood. That's why!

If there are lonely women around you, show at least a little attention, brighten up their loneliness, give them a small gift, call them, congratulate them. The worst thing now: the chill of loneliness.

Waves of past emotions rise very easily, words are taken literally. It is difficult to build relationships with older women. During these holidays, mothers and wives especially need your warmth, try to give them some sense of stability and constancy.

In general, during this eclipse the parent topic has been updated.

Elderly fathers and grandfathers are also increasingly anxious. Young people, be more generous and don't bring up "generational" issues.

Many experience a lack of optimism and distrust of excessive enthusiasm. There is an increased need for a sense of security, which is expressed in the desire to clearly know the prospects, but now this knowledge is just not there.

People are more inclined to engage in issues where the benefits are visible in advance. Things begin to doubt these days, and only weighty justifications lead to action. There is passive sabotage of the new. People seem to be afraid of a catch, they are very careful.

It’s even better that it’s the weekend, otherwise I’m not in the mood to work at all.

Distrust in banks and securities and concerns about exchange rates are intensifying. People are afraid of financial deception - hence the anxiety. Non-payment crisis. After all, there have been a lot of unpaid payments since the New Year.

I don’t want to talk about politics, but in recent history, a similar eclipse in Pisces took place on the border between winter and spring in 1998, and it all ended with the resignation of the government, and by the fall even more “interesting” events.

Only then the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon “pressed” Pluto square (and it is associated with large impersonal masses of money), and now Saturn... and I want to believe that it presses more gently... not to death.

But still, both now and before the autumn eclipses, the lack of optimism has well-understood reasons. Total eclipse. No matter how the world is completely affected (a turbulent year ahead). Take care of your money. Invest wisely.

We should also expect a deterioration in the well-being of weakened and chronically ill people, and older people in general. Solar eclipses always occur on the New Moon, when the energy potential is already weakened, and especially these days.

The psychologically most difficult total solar eclipse on March 9 can be experienced by those born in mutable signs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini. There is a significant imbalance in the work of the second (svadhisthana) and third (manipura) energy field vortex centers in the accompanying human field.

Where is the best place to watch the eclipse? Here:

At the very moment of a solar eclipse (even if we do not observe it), it is not recommended to sleep.

It is better to spend this time in prayer and in conscious connection with your Higher Self. Solar eclipses are an excellent time for conscious liberation from personal negative programs. Light a candle.

Read prayers or mantras (or listen). Then say:

“I believe in the cleansing power of Light! I know the Sun as the Giver of Life! I am cleansed from the inside and out. Together with the Sun, I am reborn in its shining rays, renewed and pure!

My whole life will be illuminated by sunlight. I will perceive the highest sources, my Heart will open, my Soul will merge with the Highest Spirit, I will be washed and transformed by sunlight and will always feel the point of contact now.”

Let's remember that a Solar Eclipse is an artificial event for earthlings (an information tool). We must understand that the Sun ALWAYS shines.

It is uneclipsed.

It is we who are eclipsed in our illusion of separation.


Residents of the Far East will be able to see one of the phases of the total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016. It will also be possible to watch the live broadcast.

“Partial phases of the eclipse will be visible in southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania. On the Pacific coast of Russia it will be possible to see very small partial phases of the eclipse.

The largest phase accessible from the territory of Russia will be observed from the southern Kuril Islands,” Interfax reports with reference to the planetarium.

In Yuzhno-Kurilsk, the Moon will cover a little more than a tenth of the Sun. Residents of Primorye, Kamchatka and Sakhalin will also be able to see private phases.

It is noted that the total eclipse of the Sun will begin at sunrise at 3:16 Moscow time in the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, near the island of Sumatra.

The duration of the total phase of the eclipse will be one minute 31 seconds.

After which the lunar shadow will begin its movement to the east and pass across the Pacific Ocean, and will end its path north of the Hawaiian Islands at 6:38 (Moscow time).

The greatest phase of the eclipse will occur at 4:57 Moscow time, its duration will reach 4 minutes 9 seconds. This year there will be a live broadcast of the total solar eclipse, which can be viewed below: